The company's product line. Product line development

graduate work

2.1 Analysis of the product line for individuals based on plastic cards

VTB 24 Bank is one of the largest participants Russian market banking services. It is part of the international financial group VTB and specializes in servicing individuals, individual entrepreneurs and small businesses.

The bank's network is formed by 1023 offices in 72 regions of the country. The Bank offers its clients the main banking products accepted in international financial practice.

Among the services provided: issuance bank cards, mortgage and consumer lending, car loans, remote account management services, credit cards with a grace period, term deposits, safe deposit box rental, money transfers. Part of the services is available to customers around the clock, for which modern telecommunication technologies are used.

The sole shareholder of VTB 24 (CJSC) is JSC VTB Bank (100% of shares). The authorized capital of VTB 24 is 74,394,400,589 (Seventy-four billion three hundred ninety-four million four hundred thousand five hundred eighty-nine) rubles.

The activities of VTB 24 are carried out in accordance with the general license of the Bank of Russia No. 1623 dated October 15, 2012.

The Bank's team adheres to the values ​​and principles of the international financial group VTB. One of the main tasks of the group is to maintain and improve the developed financial system Russia.

On November 16, 2007, a branch of the Bank was opened in the city of Chita - OO "Chitinsky" of branch No. 5440 of VTB 24 Bank (CJSC) in Novosibirsk. The management of the Regional Operational Office in the city of Chita is carried out by the manager. NGO "Chitinsky" is administratively subordinate to the Head Office, therefore a number of the most important management decisions accepted there.

In NGO "Chitinsky" there is a division of functionality for servicing, carrying out certain operations related to bank cards. For example, the Sales and Service Department accepts a package of documents from customers for issuing/closing a bank card and an account for a customer, as well as documents confirming changes to customer documents, also conducts non-cash transactions with payment cards, accepts applications from customers for issuing/ reissue/replenishment/termination of the validity of the payment card/cards of the Bank, issuance of bank cards and PIN envelopes to the client, activation (unblocking) of credit payment cards upon issuance to the client.

The direct sales department concludes acquiring and payroll service agreements, organizes the installation of POS-terminals, cash points, ATMs and other devices for accepting / dispensing cash using plastic cards, and also organizes the work of accepting employees' documents corporate clients Bank by product: consumer credit, credit and debit cards, advise and train clients on the use of banking equipment (self-service kiosks, ATMs).

The active-passive operations support group issues debit plastic cards, credits salaries to plastic cards for corporate clients.

Bank VTB 24 (CJSC) operates on the basis of Regulation No. 266-P dated December 24, 2004 “On the Issuance of Bank Cards by Credit Institutions and Settlements for Operations Made with Their Use”.

VTB 24 bank cards are modern facility calculations, which allows:

pay for goods and services without commission, without having cash with you;

· use a wide network of cash points around the world;

· keep own funds on the card account;

do not declare cash on the bank card account when traveling abroad.

VTB 24 Bank (CJSC) is a member of the VISA International and MasterCard payment systems.

VTB 24 Bank offers a wide range of banking products. The client can choose, at his own discretion, the most suitable option for himself, taking into account his income and needs (see tables A, B). Table B also presents the premium programs "Priority" and "Privilege", each of which is unique set services and services, including concierge service, discount program for premium cards, special conditions on bank deposits, Telebank and Teleinfo systems - free of charge.

The Bank has remote services that allow you to carry out a wide range of transactions without going to a bank branch, which will significantly save the client's time. These include the aforementioned Telebank, Teleinfo, mobile bank.

"Telebank" is a remote banking system that allows you to manage bank accounts and cards using the Internet, mobile or regular phone.

This system provides the ability to perform the following actions:

· Receive information on bank cards and accounts;

· Make transfers and payments;

· Make payments utility bills and mobile communications;

· Set up a recurring payment schedule;

· Receive alerts about certain events related to the card and account movements.

Teleinfo is a free information service that allows you to receive up-to-date information on your accounts, cards, loans, namely:

· Track the movement of funds on the accounts;

· Receive information about transactions performed with the card;

· Control the execution of payment orders;

· Control access to the Telebank system;

· Receive alerts ( Email, SMS) - messages about completed transactions on the card (crediting / debiting funds, etc.).

VTB 24 Bank customers have the opportunity to protect themselves and the funds on their card using additional insurance programs:

1. "Credit protection". In the event of an insured event (disability of the 1st and 2nd group or death of the insured person as a result of an accident or illness), the program allows you to fully repay the debt on the card, or make the minimum loan payments at the expense of the insurance payment;

2. "Protection of the card." The program provides protection of funds on the client's card in case of their fraudulent debiting in case of loss or theft of the card, in case of robbery when withdrawing cash from an ATM. In addition, compensation is provided for the costs of restoring keys and documents lost or stolen along with the card. The client independently determines the amount of the sum insured - 20,000 rubles, 75,000 rubles. or 150,000 rubles. in year;

3. "Protection of the budget." In the event of an insured event (disability of the 1st and 2nd group or death as a result of an accident), the Bank's client or his relatives will receive a fixed amount - 100,000 rubles, 500,000 rubles. or 1,500,000 rubles. (the sum insured is determined by the client when joining the program);

4. "Purchase protection" - designed for those who actively use the card to make purchases. Any purchase of durable goods made with the card is insured for 30 days from the date of purchase, including accidental damage. In addition, if, after purchasing an item with a card, the customer finds a similar item at a lower price, Insurance Company refund the price difference.

Also, VTB24 Bank customers have the opportunity to participate in the Collection program. The "Collection" program is a reward program for VTB24 Bank customers that allows you to accumulate bonuses for using the bank's card products and then exchange them for rewards from the program catalog. The catalog contains more than 5,000 rewards: Appliances, fashion gadgets, toys, books, magazines, gift certificates largest stores Russia and other gifts. And for travelers, a unique service is organized on the site: for bonuses you can buy tickets of any airlines, book a hotel or rent a car around the world. If a client has several VTB24 cards, bonuses for all cards will be credited to a single bonus account.

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I was looking through the program of our new stream at school in the evening and one of the blocks gave me the idea to write this blog post.

You know that you can’t go far with a single product and everything has life cycle. I already wrote about the life cycle, and today, my dear readers, let's talk about the product line. There are many approaches to the formation of a product portfolio: classic and modern, for huge product matrices and for small companies. I will describe one of the options that is suitable for most firms. Both for services and goods.

The essence of the approach is that the assortment of the company should include different goods (services) for different purposes.

You've probably already heard about Lead magnet. It's not really a product because you're offering it for free. This is some benefit for a potential client in exchange for which he leaves his contacts with you. This is how you pull it into your sales funnel.

For example, electronic book about "33 ways to apply morning makeup in 5 minutes" will be a good magnet for girls of all ages. For the opportunity to download this book, they will leave you their contacts in the form of e-mail.

After the lead magnet has pulled another potential client into your funnel, you need to make an offer to him. But not everyone is ready to immediately buy everything that you have in the price list.

Here comes to the rescue Tripwire- a "penny" product (service), the purpose of which is to break through the wall of distrust and provide an opportunity potential client become real. And do it for little money, which is not afraid to take risks. After all, the first time is always scary.

Tripwire is a trap product. If the buyer understands that the product is really valuable, then he will easily part with a small amount to get it. After that, the client will understand that the purchase exceeded his expectations and received a more valuable product than he expected.

A potential client becomes real and at the same time imbued with confidence in you. Now he is ready to make a more expensive purchase. It happens that Tripwire they generally sell at a loss, but this can only be done when you know how much profit the client brings in the entire history of working with you. After the lead fell into the trap and became a client, you can start selling main product- the main product that gives the main turnover and gross income.

main product- this is what forms the basis of your proposal. Like Apple - Iphone, Microsoft - Windows, Russian Railways - transportation, a business coach - his main training. I think you understand what the main product is. We sold our product to the client and calmed down. Think you've reached your peak?

Do not stop! Suggest profit maximizer- a product (service) additional to the main one and allowing you to increase the check and profit.

Would you like a cherry pie? Have you heard this phrase at McDonald's? This is the profit maximizer. The client is already yours, the order has already been placed, add a small product with a large margin to the check and double the profit.

If everything has been done correctly up to this point, then you are already downloading almost the maximum from the product line.

Why almost? Because there is not enough return path- Return trip. This is a product that allows you to earn constantly through subscription fees or recurring payments.

A striking example is the monthly subscription fee for cellular communication. More options - online services by a paid subscription, refilling of cartridges for printers… Is it possible to introduce recurring payments in your business? Then you can be congratulated.

This approach to the assortment and not only about it will be discussed at the next training stream from December 2. There we will analyze your projects in detail and bring them to a new level of profit already in the learning process! Join quickly, there is a week left before the start. It will be useful and informative - I guarantee.

Hello! In this article we will talk about the analysis of the company's sales volume.

Today you will learn:

  • Why is it necessary to analyze the sales volume of an organization;
  • How to conduct sales research;
  • What methods of analysis of sales volume exist.

Purpose of sales analysis

Volume of sales is one of the most important performance indicators of a company. A change in this indicator in one direction or another may indicate changes in market development trends, shortcomings in the work of the organization, which, in the absence of a timely response, can lead to serious problems. In order to avoid “unpleasant surprises”, it is necessary to regularly monitor the sales of your company.

Beyond the warning possible problems, sales volume analysis solves the following tasks:

  • Allows you to get information on the basis of which the manager can make an effective management decision (both tactical and strategic);
  • Identifies "profitable" and "unprofitable" goods in product portfolio companies. Allows you to make the right decision about the development or withdrawal of the product from the range;
  • Allows you to evaluate the performance of your company's departments, for example, department or sales;
  • In many respects determines the marketing policy of the company;
  • Helps.

If you face at least one of the listed tasks, you should monitor sales.

The market today is developing very quickly. New brands are emerging, old products are being replaced by new ones, and the consumer is becoming more and more demanding. It is these factors that determine the frequency of analysis of product sales. Experts recommend monitoring changes in your company's sales at least once a month.

The main stages of analyzing the company's sales

Before we start learning how to analyze a company's sales volume, it is necessary to consider the main stages of this process.

Sales volume analysis- one of the types. Unlike market analysis, when studying sales volume, only secondary intra-company information is used. Gathering this information constitutes the first step in the sales analysis process.

The second stage is the definition of indicators for analyzing the effectiveness of the company's activities. We will analyze them in more detail when considering specific analysis methods.

The third stage is the analysis of the collected information and the evaluation of the result.

The fourth stage is the identification of influencing factors.

Types of sales volume analysis

Depending on the purpose, the analysis of sales volume can take the following forms:

  • Analysis of the dynamics of sales volume. In this case, our task is to determine the change in the company's sales compared to the previous period. This type of analysis is necessary for the timely detection of changes in market trends, as well as the search for problem areas in the work of the organization;
  • Structural sales study is carried out to justify management decisions regarding the product range of the company. If you sell only one type of product, then there is no need to carry it out;
  • Control analysis of sales volume. It is carried out to compare the planned indicators with the actual ones. Needed to take corrective action in a timely manner. It is carried out more often than others.
  • Factor analysis implemented after any type of analysis of sales volume. Allows you to determine the factors of internal and external environment organizations that influenced the assessment indicator.

Each of the presented types of monitoring has its own toolkit. Let's get to know him.

Sales analysis methods

Before you start learning how to analyze sales, you need to get acquainted with such a concept as KPI, since the same method can be based on different KPIs.

KPI - performance indicators of the company.

When evaluating a company's sales volume, we will analyze various indicators, depending on the type of analysis.

Methods for analyzing the dynamics of sales volume

This type of analysis will allow you to assess development trends. You can conduct both complex research and research on individual product categories.

As a result of the analysis, you will receive an increase, decrease or stagnation of the indicator for which the assessment was made, compared with the previous period.

As part of the assessment of the dynamics of sales volume, it is necessary to carry out the following types of work:

  • Analysis of the dynamics of the company's profit - compare revenues for the current and previous periods. Sales volume may increase and revenue fall. This is possible, for example, when the price of a product decreases;
  • Sales Uniformity Assessment. There are seasonal goods, the demand for which needs to be stimulated during unfavorable periods. To identify seasonality will allow the analysis of the uniformity of sales. To do this, plot sales volume over several seasons (you can take a year, but do not forget to take into account the impact of changes in product prices, discounts and other incentives) and see in which periods there was a significant increase and decrease in sales (several times). If such fluctuations are observed, then you need to think about sales promotion during unfavorable periods.

Methods of structural analysis of sales

Based on the results of structural analysis, the manager makes a decision to develop or eliminate the product, to expand or expand the range. Let's look at the most effective methods of structural sales analysis.

ABC analysis.

This type of research is aimed at assessing the value of each product in the company's product portfolio. The value of a product is determined by the amount of profit that the product brings to the common piggy bank.

According to ABC-analysis, the entire range of the company can be divided into three groups:

  • Group “A”- products that bring the greatest amount of profit;
  • Group “B”- “middle peasants”, they are not so valuable for the company, but still in aggregate they bring a fairly large amount of profit;
  • Group “C”- a heavy burden of the company, these products bring a very modest income.

With the help of ABC-analysis, it is possible to determine the value of product categories not only by the amount of profit, but also by the share of categories in the product portfolio.

The numerical boundaries of each group are presented in the table.

Please note that this table displays the Pareto principle. The Pareto principle says that 20% of the products bring the company 80% of the profits.

At the same time, with the help of ABC analysis, it is possible to evaluate the contribution of not only individual products to the company's profit, but also the value of suppliers, buyers, distribution channels, and analyze production.

Stages of ABC analysis:

  1. Definition of the object of analysis: product, suppliers, buyers, distribution channels or other;
  2. We determine the KPIs by which the object will be evaluated. It doesn't have to be revenue or share. commodity group in the product portfolio (or the share of deliveries, purchases, sales, depending on what you analyze), you can take the volume of sales, sales or any other financial results as an indicator for evaluation. It all depends on your goal;
  3. We collect information for each KPI, determine the share of each object, calculate the indicator on an accrual basis and rank the objects;
  4. We fill the groups, draw conclusions.

At the same time, if any products of your assortment fell into the “C” group, this does not mean that you definitely need to get rid of them. This can lead to the loss of an entire segment of consumers.

Particular attention should be paid to products that fell into category “A”, since if consumers are dissatisfied with the quality of products in this category, the company will lose a large number of arrived.

Let's see how ABC analysis works using the example of a McDonald's restaurant product line analysis.

Nomenclature groups or product names

Sales volume, mln. pieces Share in sales volume, cumulative total, % Profit volume, million rubles Cumulative revenue



5,184 20 522,08 24,8


3,856 35 306,216 39,4
3,791 49 305,216 53,9
3,452 62 236,16 65,2
3,279 75 229,53 76,1
2,532 84 221,76 86,6


2,356 93 200,26 96,2
1,722 100 80,564 100

As we can see, the most profitable products of the company are sandwiches, potatoes, sauces and drinks. These product lines should be expanded.

Desserts and sets fell into group “B”. If desired, these products can be transferred to the “A” category through active promotion and product quality improvement.

Breakeven point.

Needed to determine minimum volume a product that a company needs to sell at a certain unit price in order for the sales revenue to cover the full cost of the business. This method of analyzing sales volume is indispensable when introducing a new product to the market.

In order to build a break-even point, the following data is required:

  • Product cost (average check);
  • Sales volume for the period;
  • fixed costs;
  • Variable costs;
  • Complete sales;

Stages of building a break-even point:

  1. Draw a coordinate system. The “x” axis is called the “number of purchases”, and the “y” axis is called “revenue”.
  2. We build two straight lines: product turnover (y=cost*x) and total costs (y=volume variable costs*fixed costs).

The intersection point of these two lines is the breakeven point. On the x-axis, you will see the minimum amount of production that you need to sell in order not to work at a loss.

Profitability analysis.

For the company's existing products, cost-benefit analysis should be carried out. This will allow you to timely calculate products that are no longer profitable.

And if you compare the profitability of your products with the profitability of identical products of competitors, you can identify weaknesses and strengths product range your company.

Control analysis of sales volume

Control is carried out by comparing the planned sales volume with the actual one. If a deviation is detected, it is necessary to carry out factor analysis and start corrective action.

Factor analysis

You have analyzed the volume of sales and identified a variance. What to do next? It is necessary to identify the factors that affect the indicator, and reduce or eliminate their influence.

To do this, use two formulas that will allow you to evaluate the impact of price and sales volume on the company's revenue:

  • Volume deviation = (Actual volume - Planned volume) * Planned price. The resulting number is the change in profit (in monetary terms), which occurred under the influence of changes in the sales volume of the analyzed product;
  • Price Variance = (Actual Cost - Planned Cost)*Actual Quantity. The resulting number is the change in profit (in monetary terms), which occurred under the influence of a change in the price of the analyzed product.

Excel as a tool for analyzing sales volume

Any the financial analysis is a rather time-consuming process, rich in mathematical calculations. In the age of development high technology it would be strange to keep records and analysis on paper. We will not offer you this, because there is an excellent electronic substitute for a paper sheet - good old Excel.

Excel is the ideal tool for sales analysis because:

  • Provides quick search information, just enter the data in tables;
  • Automatically calculates complex formulas;
  • Simplifies the process of analyzing the results by visualizing them in the form of charts (especially useful when conducting control analysis and analyzing the dynamics of sales volume);
  • Able to build charts (indispensable when building a break-even point);
  • You know how to work with him;
  • Even buying a licensed version of the program will not hurt your wallet.

Analysis of the product line of PJSC VTB24

Bank characteristics

public joint-stock company(PJSC) VTB 24 is a universal commercial bank, one of the largest participants in the Russian banking services market. PJSC VTB 24 is part of the international financial group VTB and specializes in servicing individuals, individual entrepreneurs and small businesses.

August 1, 2005 is considered to be the official date of creation of PJSC VTB 24. PJSC VTB 24 was formed on the basis of Guta-Bank, which could not withstand the interbank crisis of 2004 and was bought out by Vneshtorgbank (VTB) with the active participation of the Bank of Russia. In 2005, Guta-Bank was renamed into CJSC Vneshtorgbank Retail Services, and in November 2006 - into CJSC VTB 24, in October 2014 the bank changed its legal form to a public joint stock company and became known as PJSC VTB 24".

The shareholders of VTB 24 (PJSC) are VTB Bank (public joint stock company) -- share in authorized capital 99,9269%, minority shareholders-- total share in the authorized capital -- 0.0731%.

Main strategic goals bank: increase in market share, growth of the client base, improvement of the quality of services provided to clients.

PJSC VTB 24 has a general license issued by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 1623 dated November 17, 2006 for conducting banking operations in rubles and in foreign currency with legal entities and individuals, a license for attracting deposits, placing precious metals and carrying out operations with precious metals.

PJSC VTB 24 also has other licenses issued Federal Service on financial markets:

- No. 077-03219-100000 dated November 29, 2000 for brokerage activities;

- No. 077-03311-010000 dated November 29, 2000 for dealer activities;

- No. 077-03752-000100 dated 07.12.2000 for depository activities;

- No. 077-03391-001100 dated November 29, 2000 for the implementation of management activities securities other.

- No. 22-000-1-00041 dated October 30, 2001 - a license for the implementation of a specialized depository of investment funds, mutual investment funds and non-state funds;

- No. 1409 dated July 21, 2009 - a license for an exchange intermediary performing commodity futures and options transactions in exchange trading.

PJSC VTB 24 offers a wide range of products and services for individuals and small businesses: bank card issuance, consumer and mortgage lending, remote account management services, time deposits, money transfers, lending programs and cash management services for small businesses.

Today PJSC VTB 24 is the second largest retail bank in Russia both in terms of the volume of loans provided to the population and in terms of the volume of deposits, more than three times ahead of other banks.

PJSC VTB 24 has a wide branch network. The bank's network includes: 220 additional offices, 361 operating offices, 8 operating cash desks in 203 cities of the country. PJSC "VTB 24" has 8 branches: in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sverdlovsk, Samara, Novosibirsk, Voronezh regions, in the Khabarovsk and Krasnodar regions, as well as branches in Azerbaijan, Georgia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine.

As of January 1, 2016, the authorized capital of PJSC VTB 24 is 103,973,260,251 (one hundred three billion nine hundred seventy three million two hundred sixty thousand two hundred fifty one) rubles. The Bank ranks 4th in the Russian banking system in terms of assets and 6th in terms of capital.

sustainable financial position PJSC VTB 24 and a dynamic increase in the main financial indicators its activities are highly rated by well-known rating agencies:

Fitch Ratings: according to the international scale, the long-term rating is BBB, the outlook is Stable, the short-term rating is F3. National long-term rating - ААА (rus), outlook Stable.

Moody's Investors Service: long-term foreign currency deposit rating - Baa1, Stable outlook; short-term issuer rating - Prime - 2; financial strength rating - D-, Stable outlook; national scale rating -, outlook "Stable".

Among the main operations of PJSC VTB 24, which form financial results, relate:

1) lending to clients - individuals, including consumer and mortgage lending, as well as the provision of loans to individual entrepreneurs;

2) lending legal entities, including small and medium-sized businesses;

3) operations in the stock and money markets, including brokerage services, purchase and sale of shares and bills on the over-the-counter market at the request of clients;

4) operations in the international currency market;

5) settlement and cash services for legal entities and individuals, money transfers.

In 2015, 125 divisions of the bank were engaged in lending to small businesses. Among the leaders in terms of portfolio volume are the regional divisions of the Central, Volga and Siberian federal districts.

Significant results are also demonstrated by Private Banking. In 2013, VTB 24 PJSC became the winner of the Spear's Wealth Management Russia Awards and was recognized as the best Russian bank providing private banking and wealth management services.

PJSC VTB 24 is one of the leaders in the segment of investment services for retail investors, ranking fifth in the rating of the largest brokers in Russia (according to RBC) and leading positions in customer service on the international Forex currency market.

PJSC VTB 24 is also one of the leaders in the term deposits market. The share of term deposits is more than 80% of the total amount of funds raised from clients.

Thus, today PJSC VTB 24 is the leader in almost all segments of the retail market, strengthening its position through modernization and expansion of the product range. Main competitive advantages bank are not only the number retail products and attractive conditions for them, but also the quality of customer service, the range of service channels and a segmented approach to different categories clients. All this allows PJSC VTB 24 to achieve significant profit growth and strengthen its market position.