How to start a gardening business? Growing microgreens at home. Differences from ordinary greens from the garden

“30 grams of microgreens will replace 1.5 kilograms of fruit, and a small green bunch of radishes will taste like you’ve eaten root vegetables, but more saturated,” say manufacturers of vitamin products unique to the region. Now they also grow tiny greens of watercress, arugula, cilantro, mustard, Chinese cabbage and wheat. Three young people from Blagoveshchensk have rented a room at the All-Russian Research Institute of Soybean and hope to teach Amur residents to a new culinary trend that has become widespread in the west. Soon, their city microgreen farm will also have edible flowers, which Amur coffee houses and restaurants are now buying in Moscow.


Until recently, Alexey Kolesnik worked as a cook in a Korean cuisine cafe, where there were dishes from Chinese soybean sprouts, and today he cuts his own green crop with scissors for advanced Amur restaurateurs. None of the employees of the enterprise has an agricultural education, two partners are engineers who still combine business with their main job. The co-owners are not even adherents of proper nutrition, although they say they eat the products with pleasure. Initially, the guys wanted to bet on soybeans.

My brother grows it in the Tambov region, and a Chinese businessman friend advised me to start soy. From the seeds of my brother, I began to germinate, - says Aleksey, the self-taught chief technologist. - We cooperated with the guys, removed the box, but the conditions did not fit - there was a lot of iron in the water from the well, even the filters did not help. The seed knee (the place where the sprout hatches) of soybean and mung bean turned red, we went here to the soybean research institute, found out from the head of the laboratory what was wrong, we were tested. They also gave me “Kitorossa” soybeans, which the institute bred by crossing Chinese and Russian varieties. At the same time, they asked if there were any free rooms.

We have calculated: we will not earn millions on mung bean and soybean seedlings, we need an assortment, - Alexander Garin joins the conversation. - We thought about growing lettuce, but it is more costly and longer, and there is competition - the Teplichny plant. On the Internet, they got the idea - greenery in a new format. We studied all the information. We germinate soybeans, but under the order.

80-100 rubles in stores a container of microgreens

In the All-Russian Research Institute, it turned out to be more convenient for pioneer manufacturers. The guys bought seeds, pallets, a substrate, an air-drop irrigation system, and lamps. “Here in Soviet times, they say, there was a laboratory,” says Alexei. - Basement with central heating and water supply, so given that we have a lot of water running out and we need to maintain +24 degrees, the conditions are good. In addition, you can consult with professors.

Microgreens are a cross between germinated seeds and mature plants. It grows up to 10 centimeters - two leaves, then it retains the maximum amount of useful substances.

Green production

Clean water, light and heat - nothing more is needed for microgreens. Radishes were grown first. The technology is quite simple. Seeds are laid on a special substrate, covered and kept in a greenhouse. Then the seedlings are heated under white light, grown under ultraviolet light. The room is quartz so that there are no insects.

No chemicals are used to grow microgreens. The water temperature is maintained automatically, this is very important. During the day, we spray manually, but we water the root part three times a day. If you grow it on an industrial scale, then it slightly missed, the part dried up or became waterlogged - after all, the crop will be lost, - Alexey explains. - In fact, we have more experiments. In the near future we want to try to grow broccoli.

Microgreens go on sale on a substrate, which extends the shelf life to seven days.

The company plans to produce microgreens all year round. Now vitamin products can be bought in two large retail chains in Blagoveshchensk and in a health food store. Restaurants are also happy to take all kinds of young plants to decorate dishes. Some establishments still use the products of the nearest large producer of microgreens, which is located in Khabarovsk, so Amur residents plan to introduce them to their product.

Many Annunciation residents still don’t know what microgreens are and what they generally eat with, - admits one of the co-owners Sergey Yulin. - But we already have regular customers who lead a healthy lifestyle, and through Instagram we sell to individuals cheaper than in supermarkets. Girls, for example, are actively buying wheatgrass - the fresh juice of young shoots of wheat. At the moment we sell everything that we grow.

Cultures have a different coefficient of germination difficulty - if a radish has a one, then with a basil, which has a six, they suffered. Radishes grow the fastest, in 5 days, the longest to wait for the harvest from cilantro.

The next step is edible nasturtium flowers, which advanced local restaurateurs and coffee shops buy in Moscow and use for design. Ordinary seeds are also not suitable for growing the product. Entrepreneurs purchased a hydroponic installation.

"There is enough market for everyone"

The agrarian from the village of Sergeevka, Blagoveshchensk district, Ludmila Suzun, also began to grow young greens. She plans to ship products to retail chains and European restaurants. “Most of all I liked the sunflower - a very rich taste of young seeds! We are experimenting, the problem is that ordinary seeds are not suitable for microgreens - they are treated with chemicals that will go into the ground. Therefore, they ordered "clean" ones from the Kuban, where we get pumpkin seeds. They tried to germinate the pumpkin, it didn’t work out - bitterly. The plans are to grow 5-7 types of microgreens, including cabbage, mustard, carrots and beets, - said Lyudmila. - This is such a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients, while the purest organic product. Therefore, if Amur residents learn about the usefulness of microgreens, there will be enough market for everyone.”

Blagoveshchenka sprouted popcorn corn, peanuts and hemp

It is quite possible to grow microgreens of some crops in an ordinary apartment, Yulia Kuvshinova, a resident of the regional center, who has arranged an exclusive garden on the windowsill, is sure. She developed a sprout mania a few months ago when she decided to add sprouts to homemade bread she's been baking for a year now. An accountant from one of the companies began to search for information on the Internet, communicate in the community of Russian microgreeners and experiment in her free time.

Scientists have confirmed that microgreens contain 10 times more vitamins than adult plants. And up to 40 times more vitamins, macro- and microelements, antioxidants than fruits. A pregnant woman gives her child all the nutrients. Grain is exactly the same: a lot of vitamins and minerals accumulate in the sprouts, - the mother of two children shares.

Having made her debut with radish, Julia was so inspired that she began to germinate everything - even corn from ... popcorn hatched. “I bought a package in the store for its self-cooking in the microwave. Very sweet sprouts. But the germination rate is small, expensive,” Yulia Kuvshinova shares.

Whoever wants to, will be able to provide himself with microgreens - some cultures are not difficult to care for. Unpretentious crops - wheat, barley, rye, oats. However, there are many secrets in the case. Julia, for example, conjured over flax for a long time. Amurchanka willingly shares her experience on Instagram. Seeds for microgreens are in short supply in Blagoveshchensk, but chia, wheat, rye, and flax can be found in the health food sections of some supermarkets in the city. Your crop will be scorched even on handy material.

She grew wheat on a flannel diaper, - the lover of green products is taken aback. - Microgreens grow well on an old terry bathrobe. The roots need to catch on to something, it is better to take fabrics such as jute, burlap. People also use toilet paper - flax grows well on it.

Recently, the plantations of the microfarm have replenished with chia seed sprouts (a trendy product among fans of healthy eating) and vanilla. “Peanuts are delicious! Children are delighted! I spied on our neighbors for Amur. It doesn’t look like a nut - sweetish, crunchy and refreshing, vaguely reminded of fresh green peas, - compares Blagoveshchenka. - She also sprouted food hemp, this is the record holder for the most useful polyunsaturated fatty acids - there are more Omega-3 and Omega-6 in sprouts than in nuts and flax. There is a nutty flavor in the sprouts, you bite into the grain, you feel a little fishy taste.

As the townswoman says, she loves all microgreens. “I really liked the peas - like young, sweet shoots. Much is bitter, for example, flax, but this is not felt in the salad. I don’t eat grass in boxes just like that, I add it to dishes, to bread, to smoothies. And there is no beriberi in our family!” - the hostess of the microfarm laughs.

Microgreens or migrogreen (Microgreen) today belongs to the category of trends in healthy cooking. Saturating the market with this product can become quite a profitable business. At the same time, as practice shows, the initial investment is minimal, and you can develop your own business at home. You can be convinced of this based on the experience of entrepreneurs and enterprises that have already declared themselves and even created their own brand.

Briefly about someone else's experience

The company "Amaranth of Ukraine" is well-known on the market, where the production of certified amaranth seeds has been established for the first time. The company is engaged in the cultivation, processing and sale of purely ecological, organic products from amaranth. In addition, the company is engaged in the cultivation of microgreens - miniature greens of several varieties. This product can be used to prepare various dishes (meat, fish, vegetables), supplying the body with a huge amount of vitamins, micro and macro elements, strengthening the immune system and helping to fight diseases. Today "Amaranth of Ukraine" offers microgreen, obtained from the seeds of several varieties of amaranth - "Helios", "Lera", "Student", "Sem", "Kharkovskiy".

All this can serve as information for those who dream of starting their own business. Entrepreneurs who are already growing amaranth microgreens note several beneficial aspects at once. This is:
significant savings on the rental of special premises;
you can organize the whole process and directly carry out activities without even leaving your home;
good level income.

According to the simplest calculations, the initial investment in a microgreen business in Ukraine can be about 2.5 thousand hryvnias. At the same time, market saturation is considered low, and the complexity of starting a business is defined as a ratio of 1/10.

Advantages in the production of amaranth microgreens

Entrepreneurs who grow and sell amaranth microgreens wholesale and retail focus on the following benefits:
high palatability finished products;
the content of useful substances, micro- and macroelements in quantities several times higher than those of adult plants;
the possibility of marketing, as in the usual outlets, networks, and in cafes, restaurants;
there are no large expenses and no special equipment is required;
the opportunity to establish production at home and, if necessary, expand the business by renting additional space;
the ability to grow sprouts with little or no land, since a small amount of moisture and several top dressings are quite enough to obtain the necessary two or three leaves;
no special knowledge of germination technology is required, and the whole process can be done by yourself, only by correcting the technology in accordance with the information received;
the opportunity to occupy your niche and become a worthy competitor to existing individual enterprises and LLCs of a similar orientation.

The direct production of microgreens consists in growing plants until they reach the stage of the appearance of the first two leaves, since it is in this form that microgreens are used for food. The growing interest in amaranth microgreens is due to the fact that the first leaves of plants contain the highest concentration of nutrients that make up the green mass. According to some indicators, most microgreens contain 30 times more substances useful for the human body than already formed plants.

Choosing a way to produce microgreens

There are two ways to grow microgreens.
1. Traditional. Microgreens are grown in containers filled with a special peat-based substrate, sometimes diluted with compost.
2. Growing microgreens in hydroponics. In this case, not soil is used, but special nutrient solutions, and as a substrate - vermiculite, perlite, sometimes paper towels, coconut fibers.
The first option does not involve the use of special technologies or special chemical substances. Ordinary black soil is used as soil, but you can also take an additional mixture of sand with the addition of peat and compost.

Containers are needed as equipment, and these can be ordinary flowerpots with low sides and small watering cans for watering.

Fertilizers and top dressing are used to obtain a better crop of greenery.

After the amaranth seeds are purchased, we sow them in the prepared soil to a depth of 1 cm. It is necessary to distribute the seeds over the surface so that, on average, 10 pieces fall for every 3 square centimeters. The crops should not be heavily watered. It is enough just to moisten the soil. Before germination, containers should be covered with a transparent film.

It is also necessary to monitor the seeds and the temperature in the container - it should be approximately 20-22 degrees.

If additional lighting is needed, it is better to use special lamps with a light distributor.

As soon as you notice that the seeds begin to germinate, remove the film / lid of the container. It usually takes 2-3 days for germination. If it didn't, then something went wrong. The reason may be in poor quality seeds, too wet soil, the wrong temperature. But if everything is done correctly, then after 10 days we will get the perfect harvest.

More separately about harvesting: it can also be produced in two ways. At the first, it is necessary to cut off all the green mass planted in one container and immediately plant new seeds in its place. In the second method, the most active shoots should be gradually thinned out. Thus, space will be freed up, providing access to light for lower plants. The first method is considered more practical and applicable on a large scale and is used by businessmen who have already reached a significant level of microgreen production. In the event that the opening of a business is only planned or is at the initial stage, at first the most acceptable way would be to gradually thin out the sprouts. This way you can ensure a more uniform crop flow.

Microgreens should be harvested as soon as the first pair of true leaves appear. Plants should be cut with sharply sharpened scissors, cut greens should be immediately washed with running water, and placed in a package as soon as possible. When cutting greens, it is better to hold scissors or a sharp knife slightly above the soil. This will allow you not to pull the greens from the ground, to avoid getting soil and seed husks into the final product. You can store microgreens for up to 5-6 days in a cold place. If you place the greens in an airtight container in the refrigerator, they will keep for at least 7-8 days, if not longer.

What you need to know more about growing microgreens
Amaranth microgreen does not need in large numbers sun. If you place the containers in direct sun, then you need to take care of regular moistening of the soil so that it does not dry out.

It happens that amaranth sprouts, but then, as it were, is fried and white mucus appears on the leaves. This can be caused either by the waterlogging of the soil, or by its rapid drying. Sometimes the appearance of white mucus is due to the mold that was on the seeds, and most often this happens if the seed was purchased from unscrupulous sellers. To prevent possible problems, the seeds can be pre-soaked in a solution of borax (boric acid) - an excellent antiseptic, often used to combat fungal diseases.

The question often arises as to whether the soil can be reused after harvest. Experienced growers answer in the affirmative, but warn of a possible danger in the form of mold. In addition, it is recommended to use the soil with fresh.

Where to sell the grown microgreens?

We admit that the main question of a businessman, especially a beginner, is how and where it will be possible to sell their products. Here, much depends on how large volumes of microgreens are to be sold.

The main customers for microgreens are restaurants and cafes - they are the most actively acquiring this type of greenery. Currently, microgreens are included in vitamin salads and smoothies, and the demand for this product is increasing both from restaurants and cafes, and from ordinary consumers.

In addition, it makes sense to think in advance of high-quality and attention-grabbing packaging, and you can try to go with your products to some supermarket chain located in a certain area. As you know, consumers actively pay attention to new products in good packaging, to natural products, and if there is an acceptable price, they are willing to purchase them. So, starting to sell your microgreens for restaurants, other food establishments, and then, reaching a new level of sales - shops, supermarkets and hypermarkets, it is quite possible to reach a very good level of income.

Provided that minimum investment in such a business can start literally with 2.5 thousand hryvnias, anyone can organize it. According to entrepreneurs who have established their own business in the field of growing amaranth microgreens, with proper business management, it is quite possible to secure a stable level of income.

A microgreen growing business is exactly what aspiring entrepreneurs who are thinking about where to direct their efforts need. The production of microgreens is an idea that can not only "blow up" the market, but also bring tangible profits. Its advantage is significant cost savings - at least on rent: after all, you can do this on your own, right from the comfort of your home, and all you need to implement it is a microgreen sprout - and a little patience. And the high level of income provided by this idea will bring a lot of satisfaction to the aspiring entrepreneur.

What is microgreen - and what is it eaten with?

Before implementing any business idea, you should perfectly understand what exactly you have to deal with.

Unfortunately, this useful product has not yet received sufficient distribution in our country: industrial production greenery is not yet so popular, and there is not much information about it. But we can fix it all!

Microgreen is a young plant sprout (tiny and completely edible) in the form of real greens, containing an increased amount of both nutrients and minerals.

The size of such sprouts is from 2 to 7 cm - and, in fact, they are not ordinary sprouts.

And the germination of microgreens is simple and accessible to every method, thanks to which m

You can successfully start your own business.

Types of microgreens you can grow yourself

If your goal is to grow microgreens for restaurants, or just use this product at home, don't assume that your range will be limited.

So, for home production, you can use:

  • greens and salad varieties of herbs (regular dill, parsley, celery, coriander, spinach, etc.),
  • cereal varieties of plants (wheat, rye, buckwheat, oats), characterized by high germination and sufficient unpretentiousness,
  • legumes (peas, chickpeas),
  • wild plants(nettle, clover, and, of course, sunflower).

The choice is wide enough - but you should remember that starting to organize similar business best of all in the summer, warm period of the year - so that the sale of the first batch can be carried out already in the autumn.

This state of affairs is directly related to the profitability of the business: after all, the price of microgreens per 1 kilogram during cold weather rises to sky-high heights - at a time when summer time you will not surprise anyone with the presence of greenery both on the shelves and in the beds.

This does not mean that sales stop in the summer - but the turnover will be an order of magnitude lower - and the income, accordingly, is a little more modest.

Principles of growing microgreen

Most people, thinking about the question of where to start and how to grow microgreens at home with their own hands, immediately imagine a lot of problems: the purchase of seeds, special equipment, special conditions are needed for plants - and the like.

In fact, in most cases, such a business does not require special efforts: special seeds are not needed (regular crops are used - adjusted for special conditions cultivation), and any costly maintenance. You can do everything yourself and quite simply.

All this is due to the fact that microgreen is just an intermediate state of a plant between seedlings and a mature culture, and the production itself consists in growing greens in the usual way - but before the appearance of the first few leaves: it is these leaves that are used in the future.

Such leaves and bores are distinguished by the highest degree of concentration of nutrients that make up the green mass. And according to some reports, most of such greens contain dozens of times (up to 30!) More substances useful for people than large and mature crops.

Benefits of microgreens

Having settled on such an application of your own strengths and skills as growing microgreens, you can expect the following benefits:

  1. the process does not require special investments and conditions - you can use those that are at hand (up to the windowsill). It does not matter and your climate zone - greens will grow in any;
  2. lack of reference to the season - as is the case in ordinary farming. On the contrary, the process will go more actively precisely in winter period;
  3. no need for large spaces - microgreen equipment does not take up much space, i.e. productivity is absolutely independent of the volume of the area.
  4. the possibility of obtaining up to 30 crops throughout the year. And this is not taking into account the use of vertical beds - the yield on them is even higher, which will directly affect the profitability of the business.

So, in one growing cycle (up to two weeks), you can get about 20 kg of greenery - and all this on an area of ​​\u200b\u200bless than four meters.

  1. initial costs are reduced to a minimum amount - on average, a little more than a hundred dollars will be enough to start a small production;
  2. lack of competition with a high level of profitability;
  3. increasing the level of popularity of the product, and, accordingly, the demand for it.

Such advantages prove once again that the process of growing such a product can become stable and highly profitable - of course, with its correct organization.

Ways to grow microgreens

The process of growing and preparing for it is not particularly difficult.

First of all, about seeds: understanding that microgreens are not a special type of greens, but just a certain phase of plant development, it becomes clear that the question of where to buy microgreens seeds is not even discussed - regular greens will do.

The technology for growing microgreens does not depend on the conditions and volumes of production (microgreens factory, or several trays at home) and consists of several methods:

  • The traditional way of growing.

It does not differ from the cultivation of ordinary greens, which uses separate containers filled with a special substrate, which is based on peat, sometimes using compost.

  • Use of hydroponics (i.e. without soil).

Hydroponics is the cultivation of plants, which does not use soil, but special solutions rich in nutrients (vermiculite, paper towels, and even coconut fibers).

controversial issue is the possibility of secondary use of the substrate - but everyone decides for himself, based on personal understanding.

Fertilizers and various top dressings, including the method of watering and other points - they all do not differ from the usual processes when growing greens.

The order of the process organization

Of course, like any production, obtaining microgreens has certain nuances and features, but, in general, there are a number of common points:

  • Prepare a microgreen grower (container) and fill with moistened substrate. One caveat - it is better to mark each container with a marking.
  • Using the information on the seed package, take the required number of seeds and place in a container.

Don't plant the seeds too deep - and don't over-water. Simply moisturizing will be enough.

  • Sprouters should be covered - and carefully monitor the temperature inside: it should not greatly exceed the mark of 22 degrees.
  • The lid of the container should be removed as soon as you see that the seeds germinate.

Pay special attention to the fact that the crop should be harvested immediately after the appearance of several leaves. It is necessary to cut the plants with scissors, rinse and send to the package. Shelf life in a cold place should not exceed six days.

The process itself is extremely simple - and does not require special skills or expensive equipment. Therefore, it is quite accessible even to a novice entrepreneur.

Sales of products

It is clear that one of the main issues in any business is the moment of realization of everything produced, and, consequently, making a profit in end result.

Naturally, if we are talking about selling microgreens in bulk, and not using them for personal purposes, then the volume future implementation will directly depend on the volume of products produced, which is understandable.

And there are several options for solving the problem:

  • sale to restaurants and catering outlets - now vitamin salads and even "green" cocktails are just at the peak of popularity,
  • the possibility of cooperation with a network of nearby supermarkets - but in this case, you should take care of the necessary and competitive packaging for your greens in advance and carefully consider the pricing policy.

It is worth starting with the sale of products specifically to food establishments, and after that you can safely enter a new, higher level of sales using retail outlets, which will allow you to reach a good level of income.

Given the pleasant condition that starting a business requires minimal investment, anyone can organize it - and provide not only desired level but also systematic profit.

Fatigue, apathy, overwork - all this, sadly, is life companions for most modern business people. The rhythm of life in a big city is tiring, but what to do about it? Reconomica found the answer for you! Today you will learn about plants with extremely useful properties, about how they will help you cope with the problems listed, how to grow them, and even how to make a business out of all this. Our today's expert grows microgreens and makes money on it.

Growing micro greens. My experience

Hello. My name is Victor, eight months ago I decided to try growing micro greens, exclusively for personal use. The idea was to improve nutrition through the consumption of plant growth hormones and biostimulants. This task has risen along with athletics, in particular, running 5 km every day, except Sunday. I accidentally learned about microgreens as a newfangled nutrition, studied history, figured out the technology. As a result of the experiments, experience came and, of course, all the nuances of cultivation were revealed. In this article, I will share with you how to grow microgreens, how to use them and how much you can sell them for.

What does micro green give?

Micro Green is Space Food, and this is not a joke, not even an aphorism. This is a statement of fact.

Please do not confuse with greens in pots. Greens are good, but micro greens are another branch of the development of growing well-known plant products by absolutely new technology. It would be useful to mention the fact that the maximum vegetation (growing time) is 10 days from the moment of grain germination. Seed material is a wide range of plant crops.

This is what a microgreen looks like.

Even those crops that are not eaten for a variety of reasons - from taste characteristics to poisonous ones - can be used as food in micro greens. This is explained by the fact that the accumulation of substances that are poisonous or unpleasant in taste occurs as a result of vegetation and takes a certain period of time. And micro Green, as mentioned above, is 10 days of vegetation. In such a short time, substances do not have time to be synthesized, and only those that are embedded in the potential of the seed remain.

Food for astronauts, or how it all began

The history of microgreen technology goes back to the 70s of the last century, when, with the increase in the duration of the astronauts' stay in the Earth's orbit, the question of nutrition arose.

It is clear that microgreen was positioned not as a staple food, but as an additional food with the maximum set of micro and macro elements, vitamins, stimulants and growth hormones. At the same time, the volume and mass had to be minimal. Putting cargo into orbit is an expensive pleasure. But later, like everyone else high tech, micro green has found its place in everyday life.

Raised at home.

What is microgreen. Technical details

As a food, the plant began to be massively used in the United States in the 80s of the 20th century. Originally used in the English version as spelling micro green, and micro green, therefore, in Russian writing, both continuous and separate versions are acceptable. We still know little about this topic, I'm practically a pioneer!

So what is micro green? This is a sprout with a vegetation of no more than 10 days, two embryonic leaves and, depending on the culture, there may be two more leaves for growth.

Differences from ordinary greens from the garden

These are sunflower sprouts.

Microgrin is not green, as we imagine it to be. . The difference is that growing microgreens does not require nutrient media with root nitrogen, phosphorus, or potassium nutrition and trace element nutrition through leaf processing.

Microgreen growth is provided by water and carbon dioxide from the air. Everything else is in the seed. In fact, the seeds are a kind of analogue of the energy accumulator, which was laid in the process of growth and maturation. Imagine a ball of plutonium 15 cm in diameter with enough energy to destroy a city. It's the same with seeds.

Nature has laid down the maximum amount of necessary elements so that under favorable conditions there is germination, even if the soil is not very rich in nutrients. And greenery is already a product of a long growing season with the ensuing consequences, namely: the absorption of nutrients from the outside, the absorption solar energy, which leads to the synthesis of substances as a result of photosynthesis. Microgrin does not need these factors.

Plant features

Also, microgreens are not sprouted grains. The difference lies in the fact that microgreen synthesizes cytokinins, which belong to the class of plant growth hormones and stimulate cell division. Auxin is also produced - a natural growth stimulant. Germinated seeds do not have time to accumulate these substances in sufficient quantities.

When eaten, this class of substances stimulates the growth of human cells with the ensuing consequences. Namely: restoration of the body, rejuvenation, strengthening the immune system. In addition, the diet contains fiber necessary for humans, which is absorbed by 98%, in contrast to the hard fiber of plants grown using classical technology. And, as a result, the body does not slag.

How to grow microgreens - detailed instructions

It took eight months of experiments, but in the end the result is positive.

Growing methods

There are three main ways to grow micro greens:

  • On the grid. A frame with a stretched mesh is placed in the container, at the bottom of the container there are holes for air to enter the root system.
  • On batting. Batting is placed in any tray - mineral wool (necessarily basalt).
  • on compost(lowland and upper peat or any decayed organic matter). In a plastic box for fruit or mushrooms (necessarily perforated), an anti-mosquito net is placed on the bottom, peat or rotten organic matter is poured over it. Layer thickness 3 - 4 cm.

The cultivation method is chosen based on the culture.

Types of microgreens

This is Amaranth.

Types of microgreen culture that is grown:

  • Alfalfa,
  • peas,
  • sunflower,
  • radish and radish varietal,
  • mustard,
  • linen,
  • onion,
  • arugula,
  • beet,
  • broccoli,
  • basil,
  • cilantro,
  • clover,
  • purslane,
  • nasturtium,
  • buckwheat,
  • begonia,
  • dijon mustard,
  • fenugreek,
  • leek,
  • wheat,
  • barley,
  • oats,
  • quinoa,
  • amaranth (amaranth).

These are running positions for growing.

Taste characteristics

Mesh for growing microgreens.

Micro Green is divided into three categories:

  • Useful.
  • Beautiful.
  • Tasty.

If the first category is inherent in all types of microgreens, then the other two - depending on the variety. For example, one of the richest microgreens in terms of vitamins and minerals is barley. But its flavor characteristics are 2 points out of 100. Therefore, you have to choose what you want to get from micro green - beauty, flavor characteristics, or health.

Which growing method to choose, depending on the culture of microgreens

The following crops are grown on the grid:

  • watercress,
  • linen,
  • arugula,
  • radish,
  • sunflower,
  • oats,
  • wheat,
  • barley,
  • mash.

Batting can be used for the above, as well as for growing cilantro, dill, clover.

Compost is also suitable for most crops, except watercress, as it contaminates the product and cannot be washed off, the sprouts will be damaged. Its most basic use is for mustard. On other materials, the seeds begin to quickly become moldy. Chickpeas and peas also require compost.

My home mini-farm for growing microgreens.


It makes no sense to buy expensive seeds with newfangled prefixes eco, bio-organic or eco-clean. For seeds that are used to grow micro greens, there is two criteria:

  1. Seeds should not be treated with plant protection products(fungicides, pesticides, insecticides). The fact is that all seed before planting (sowing), as well as for storage, is treated with pesticides. This is necessary so that the crop is disease-free (they use a pesticide), so that pests do not eat it while it is still in the germination stage (they use an insecticide), and accordingly, so that it does not rot as a result of storage (there is a fungicide for this). If you grow a plant to the final stage, then this processing will not cause any harm to human health, but when growing microgreens, all the chemistry will remain and, as a result, will be eaten. Important!!! Seeds must be untreated.
  2. The second criterion is germination. The more unsprouted seeds left, the more likely it is to rot. If this factor is leveled when growing on compost, then the batting and mesh are very sensitive. Well, it's a matter of time. Vegetation has passed, and instead of 500 g of micro Green you received 100 g. This is a question of the economics of the process.

Therefore, the best option for buying seed material is a bazaar where agricultural products are sold.

Building a greenhouse - everything you need to know

Now let's talk about how to start the production of microgreens at home.

Requirements for the premises and its characteristics

The room in which microgreens are grown must be well ventilated: about five volumes of air per hour. But some lighting is required. Microgreens have been observed to become bitter due to photosynthesis in bright light.

Ventilation is the main technological procedure. With poor ventilation, mold fungi begin to develop, which spoil the taste of Micro Green and lead to its death.

Fungicides should not be used, as the criterion for the quality of microgreens and its very essence is healthy food. You can grow at home, in the basement.

Temperature regime

Temperature from 10 to 25 degrees Celsius. The lower the temperature, the slower the growth will be. The optimum temperature is 18 -20 degrees Celsius with a humidity of 66%. You also need to understand that each culture germinates differently. If, say, watercress germinates in 12 hours, then dill takes four days.

Requirements for the landing site and watering

When growing on a mesh, the mesh size should be slightly smaller than the grain, stainless steel mesh. When growing on compost, after the microgreens have been cut, the contents should be thrown into the compost pit and can be used for cultivation again after six months.

Micro and macro fertilizers are not used for growth - only water, preferably rainwater, tap water makes microgreens more bitter.

Water twice a day by spraying. If the growing process takes place on a grid, then control that water does not accumulate near the root system. If this happens, it is necessary to drain, otherwise there will be decay and, as a result, the death of the plant.


If micro green is used to decorate culinary dishes, it must be illuminated with a phytolamp for 12 hours a day two days before cutting. A phytolamp can be energy-saving, but an LED lamp with red, blue, UV and IR LEDs is optimal. The wavelength is 430-480 nm for the blue spectrum, and 620-700 nm for the red spectrum. The ratio of red LED to blue is 3:1. For every 15 red LEDs, one UV and IR.

Arugula and dill are two-day-old sprouts.

Ultraviolet, although it is an unfavorable radiation for plants, but in minimal doses does not allow mold fungi to develop. For 1 square meter of grown micro greens, 150 W of LED phytolamp power is required. The distance of the lamp from the plants ranges from 15 to 80 cm, depending on the power and, accordingly, the illuminated area. The greater the power, the greater the distance and the greater the area of ​​microgreens grown. Phyto lamps up to 10 W are placed at a distance of 15 cm. Power of 150 W and above at a distance of 80 cm.

Collection and consumption

Cut micro Green is stored for no more than three days at a temperature of 5-8 degrees Celsius. For longer storage - up to 2 weeks - a fungicide treatment is required, although this is contrary to the concept of growing and consuming micro greens.

Moral of the story: Microgreens should be consumed freshly cut.

What benefits will our body receive?

When eating micro greens (not required daily) twice a week in the form of salads, the human body develops resistance to diseases such as flu, colds. Physical activity (sports, hard work) daily consumption of microgreen in the amount of 20-30 g contributes to the rapid recovery of strength - as mentioned above, due to the content of natural growth hormone cytokinin.

Microg rin as a business idea. Business of a new format

Over time, I realized that you can make good money selling microgreens. Such a decision did not come immediately, since the original task was different - a healthy diet with an emphasis on the physical recovery of the body in a shorter period.

Sell ​​microgreens? Easily!

Source of demand

But the idea of ​​a business, as it turned out, is not something supernatural and came with the accumulation of growing experience and an in-depth understanding of the very scope of microgreens. This direction as a business is very developed in Western countries, - bad.

The demand of restaurants and cafes for microgreens as a decoration of dishes is very high.

As a product for a healthy diet, the indicators are not very high, but people have not yet understood the significance of this product as a powerful stimulant and plant growth hormone with a huge amount of vitamins and minerals in an easily digestible natural form.

Microgreen prices

The cost of a kilo of microgreens in wholesale is from $20 to $50, depending on the crop.

I grow microgreens practically at home. I have a basement right in my house with an area of ​​​​100 square meters. The rent is $20 per month.

Mini farm equipment

The main costs are equipment:

  • water spray pumps,
  • ventilation,
  • indoor temperature and humidity monitors,
  • plus the purchase of seed material, the purchase of phyto lamps

All this cost $25 per square of cultivated products. It took the organization of the process, since the vegetation takes 10 days from the moment of germination, and in general, maybe 15 days. And for restaurants and catering establishments, the product is required every day.

Therefore, it is necessary to plant micro Green in two-day increments in order to always have fresh, and not cut and stale in stock.

Calculations and numbers

From one square meter, depending on the crop, from 500 to 1500 grams of microgreens are obtained. Accordingly, the average price is $25 per kilogram. Every ten days, 80 kg of product is obtained!

Monthly costs are about $500 for seed, $150 for electricity, lighting and ventilation, $300 for transportation to restaurants, and $800 for two assistants. Therefore, it is easy to calculate the profit per month - $ 4250 per month, but so much comes out only under the most correct combination of circumstances, without production losses or crop death due to any other reasons.

But I almost always have a stable $2,000 a month.

Even if you can't make a business out of it, growing microgreens at home will always ensure you have the right nutrition!

The business of growing greenery is one of the most promising and quickly payback areas. Agriculture. But this format of entrepreneurship will require responsibility and patience.

Growing greenery as a business is attractive because of the opportunity to start your own business with almost no Money. Even just a few tens of thousands of rubles can provide a profit in the near future.

Entrepreneurs in this idea are attracted by simplicity and high profitability - growing greenery can get up to 500% of the investment per season. A pleasant moment is the fact that the demand for such products is very high, and not only in the summer.

No special knowledge, and even more so education, is not required to start such a business - it will be enough to study the features of growing selected crops.

Investments in the cultivation of greenery can vary from several thousand to tens and hundreds of thousands of rubles - everything will depend on the scale of production and the size of the desired profit. The greatest income can be obtained during the cold season, since the people themselves at this time grow greens much less often, and the price increases significantly due to the low supply of products.

An entrepreneur, opening a greenery growing business from scratch, must clearly understand the benefits of working in this industry. The advantages include:

  • low cost of seeds;
  • ease of growing and caring for herbs;
  • high demand for greens;
  • high profitability (can reach 200-500%);
  • low starting capital;
  • quick payback (for the first month of trading in greenery, you can return the invested funds).

The more seedlings an entrepreneur plants, the more profit he will receive with proper care of the plants. For example, from a plot of 1,000 m 2 sown with greenery, you can earn an income of 30-90 thousand rubles per month. This makes it clear whether or not growing greens is profitable.

Choice of direction

Any aspiring businessman who decides to grow greens wonders where to start his business? The first step is to identify one or more areas of work. The most profitable today are the following forms:

What to grow?



Dill, parsley

Ease of care, unpretentiousness to external conditions. Constant demand for products, as both types of greens belong to the traditional cuisine. Fast payback due to rapid growth.

High level of competition.

lettuce leaves

The ability to grow not only on the ground, but also on a nutrient solution (hydroponics). Good palatability, regardless of the method of cultivation and care. High demand for products throughout the calendar year.

Higher costs for setting up a place to grow lettuce. The need to use modern methods cultivation.


High yields, ease of care, rapid growth (you can harvest a month after planting radishes), relatively low competition in the industry.

Seasonal demand for goods (the greatest interest is observed in the summer season). Sufficiently large areas for sowing are needed (when compared with previously described crops). The need to build a greenhouse.

Onion (for selling feathers)

High demand for goods, high profit from sales.

Careful care is required (for example, from an excess of light, onion feathers may turn yellow and become unsuitable for subsequent marketing). High chance of morbidity.

Basil, spinach, sorrel, celery

High level of demand and cost.

Whimsical, the need for strict and careful care.

It is better for novice entrepreneurs to choose simpler options - dill, parsley, lettuce or onion. Radish is more profitable to use as an auxiliary crop. But such specific plants as basil and spinach require certain skills and knowledge. For inexperienced businessmen, this format can bring losses.

Having decided on what exactly to grow, the entrepreneur must choose the appropriate method of cultivation for himself. Much will depend on the scale of the business and the chosen culture. It is customary to distinguish the following methods:

  1. In my own apartment. This format is suitable for small entrepreneurs who do not have a large start-up capital. But for growing will have to allocate a separate room. There are many different options for growing greenery - it can be placed in ordinary plastic bottles, pots or boxes. You will have to take care of regular watering, getting light into the room and humidity mode.
  2. At the dacha (on the beds). This format will allow you to organize a seasonal business, since the plants will die in the cold season. This format is most attractive for people living in the southern regions, since there temperature regime higher than in the north. To establish continuous work, you can combine this growing method with the first. The amount of profit will directly depend on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe plot, the quality of care and watering.
  3. in greenhouses. This format will allow you to grow greens all year round, regardless of weather conditions. Most often, this method is used by residents of the southern regions. In the northern regions, the profit will be much lower due to the high cost of electricity. It makes sense to use greenhouses only in the case of a large-scale business. To get started you will need serious investments for the construction of greenhouses and their equipment (lighting, watering).

People who value their health include greens in their diet due to the presence of many useful substances (vitamins, minerals, trace elements) in it. Therefore, you can sell products on your own, without supplying them to stores. But this will require additional costs and time. The following establishments are in the greatest demand among wholesale buyers:

  • shops and supermarkets;
  • cafes and restaurants;
  • markets;
  • vegetable warehouses.

All of them are ready to buy greens in large quantities, but at a wholesale (lower) cost than retail sales.

You can work in several directions at once:

  1. Sell ​​products at retail. This is especially true during the summer season. It makes sense to sell in the region of cultivation. In this case, you can grow all of the above crops in equal quantities.
  2. Sell ​​greens in bulk. This business format will be more preferable if you grow any one crop, and not all at once. Aspiring entrepreneurs should consider growing and selling parsley with dill. Due to their rapid growth, it is possible to ensure a continuous supply of goods to stores. Then you won't have to look for a new buyer every time.

Organizational and legal aspects

Large sales volumes and serious entrepreneurial activity necessitate registration own business. This is necessary for the full sale of goods through shops, restaurants, vegetable bases. Such a serious approach will allow you to maximize profits by refusing to work with resellers and building work with wholesale buyers directly.

You can open an LLC or sole proprietorship. But the second format is easier in terms of registration and submission of subsequent reports. The state will have to pay taxes. The most profitable format is the ESHN. It causes a low interest rate - you will need to pay 6% of the amount of profit received. This will eliminate the need for accurate cost estimates.

Products must have certificates of conformity and quality. Without them, wholesalers are not ready to buy products.

Calculation of financial results

Growing greens brings high profits. We will make calculations for a business in your own apartment. Suppose an entrepreneur decides to grow onions for later sale. In a room with an area of ​​25 m 2, the area suitable for planting is about 35 m 2 (if the boxes are arranged in several tiers). From here you can calculate the costs:

  • 1 kilogram of onion for sowing will cost 15 rubles for bulk purchases;
  • 35 m 2 will require 350 kilograms of onions;
  • total costs for the purchase of onions - 5,250 rubles;
  • it is not necessary to buy boxes and boxes - they can be found at large supermarkets, and sawdust - at the sawmill;
  • fertilizers will require 2,400 rubles a month;
  • the installation of artificial lighting will have to spend about 12,500 rubles;
  • monthly electricity costs - 2,000 rubles;
  • the cost of transporting onions to wholesale buyers - 4,500 rubles.

The total cost will be: 26,650 rubles - this is the initial investment required to start your own onion growing business.

Income will be as follows:

  • from 1 m 2 of the sown area it is quite possible to get 15 kilograms of onions (but you need to properly care for the onions, purchase high-quality soil and the necessary additives);
  • from 35 m 2 of sown area, you can get 525 kilograms per crop;
  • 2 onion crops can be harvested per month, that is, the monthly onion volume will be 1,050 kilograms;
  • wholesale price for 1 kilogram of onion - 80 rubles;
  • for a month you can get 84,000 rubles.

Already the first month of fruitful work will allow not only to recoup initial investment, but also bring a fairly high level of profit. From this we can conclude that growing greenery is a highly profitable and affordable business, even for novice entrepreneurs who are responsible for their business.