Autumn leaves presentation for children with riddles. Presentation “Autumn is a very beautiful time

Savenkova Galina Vladimirovna
Presentation “Autumn is a very beautiful time. Autumn riddles for children»

« Autumn is a very beautiful time

(Autumn puzzles for children)

Prepared by the educator of the "SCEI LO" Pavlovsk Center for Psychological and Pedagogical Rehabilitation and Correction "Logos"» Savenkova Galina Vladimirovna.

Autumn is a great time

Slide 3. Summer is gone, and fall has come. Autumn It's a time of the year that you can't help but love. Autumn will fly by so fast to enjoy every moment of it. Autumn is a golden time!

Here she calls the first assistant - September and gives work.

From the arrival of September, all the birds scattered, only doves, crows and sparrows remained. The leaves turned yellow blushed.

rejoiced autumn, began to call the second assistant - October.

October came and it started to rain. Too autumn rejoiced.

November came, the rain became snow, and at the end autumn snow fell.

Autumn will be golden.

May it always be like this!

I have collected for you the most interesting riddles about autumn. In today's collection riddles You will find riddles about autumn and autumn months, riddles about autumn clothes and autumn signs. Don't forget to also solve riddles about fruits and vegetables. Do not rush to look into the answers, train your brain and solve these puzzles.

The days got shorter

The nights have become longer

Who's to say, who knows

When does it happen? (autumn)

There is no sun, there are clouds in the sky,

The wind is harmful and prickly,

It blows like that, there is no salvation!

What? Give an answer! (Late autumn)

Slide 9-10.

August comes after

Dances with leaf fall

And he is rich in harvest,

Of course we know him! (September)

Slide 11-12.

Our queen Autumn,

We will ask you together:

Tell your children your secret

Who is your second servant? (October)

Slide 13-14.

The field is black and white:

It rains, then it snows.

And it got colder

Ice bound the waters of the rivers.

The winter rye freezes in the field.

What a month, tell me! (November)

Slide 15-16.

Tears drip from the clouds -

The unlucky master is crying.

frowning autumn artist -

Squishing through the puddles... (rain)

Slide 17-18.

Spread out, spread out

In the middle of the road

Worried about the kids:

Don't get your feet wet! (Puddle)

Slide 19-20.

What is this invisible

Slams the gate in the garden,

Leafing through a book on the table

The rustle scares the mouse,

I tore off my grandmother's scarf,

He rocked Dimka in the stroller,

Played with foliage, believe me!

Well, of course it is... (wind)

Slide 21-22.

imperceptibly autumn entered the forest,

Paints I brought wonderful things with me,

Started to paint the leaves

It's like sewing your own shirt.

The leaf that colorize,

I'm freezing the earth decorate.

Evil winds will blow

And it will start... (Leaf fall)

Slide 23-24.

Pity the cold poor thing:

To all winds and breezes

He's the last shirt

Ripped to shreds. (Autumn forest)

Slide 25-26.

The cold scares them so much

Fly to warm countries

Can't sing, have fun

Who gathered in flocks? (Birds)

Slide 27-28.

Field got wet in autumn,

But the beets are ripe.

And in September gardens

Lots of apples on the branches. .

What do we collect for the winter?

What do we call it? (Harvest)

Slide 29-30.

Redhead Egorka

Fell on the lake

Didn't drown myself

And he didn't stir up the water. (Autumn leaf)

Slide 31-32.

Who has a hat without a head,

And the foot without the boot? (Mushroom)

Slide 33-34.

With a knapsack on his back, the boy runs.

It carries notebooks and books.

He goes to school for the first time.

We are all familiar with this number. (First of September)

Slide 35-36.

The berries ripened on it,

We will collect and make beads.

What kind of tree is

Berries hang in winter. (Rowan)

Slide 37-38.

Grow on fruit trees

solid bases,

Cores hide inside

And they call them... (Walnuts).

Slide 39-40.

In forest natural corners,

stock up: fruits, mushrooms, berries and roots.

These are wild animals... (Hedgehogs, squirrels).

Slide 41-42.

The inhabitant of the forests is preparing for sleep,

Lies in a den

Until the best warm days.

They call him… (Bear).

Slide 43-44.

We measure the depth of puddles in them.

All bright, different in pattern and coloration.

These are rubber... (Boots).

Slide 45-46.

The sun no longer warms us

Cold wind blows!

The breeze blew into the puddle

And bound her. (Ice)

Slide 47-48.

Rain and slush

Mud and wind

Autumn you are responsible for everything!

Freezing, freezing man

The first white came out. (Snow)

Slide 49-50.

The gray-haired grandfather at the gate

Shut everyone's eyes. (Fog)

Slide 51-52.

On a hillock - a hillock stands a girl in a headscarf.

will come autumn She will throw off her scarf. (Birch)

Slide 53-54.

In a golden ball

the oak tree hid.

Who is it anyway? (acorn)

Slide 55-56.

Itself in the ground - a spit on the street. (Carrot.)

Slide 57-58.

Round, not the moon

With a tail, not a mouse. (Turnip.)

Slide 59-60.

golden head

Big, heavy.

golden head

Lie down to rest.

The head is big

Only the neck is thin. (pumpkin)

Slide 61-62.

Grew up in the field house -

The house is full of grain.

Walls gilded,

shutters boarded up.

And there is a new house

On a golden pillar (spikelet)

Slide 63-64.

seventy clothes

and all without zippers. (cabbage)

Slide 65-66.

Though Alena is hiding

Behind the green branch

But red cheek

Visible from afar (Apple)

Slide 67-68.

Two sisters are green in summer

To autumn one blushes, the other turns black. (Red and black currant)

Slide 69-70.

I'm like an umbrella - I don't get wet,

I protect you from the rain

And I'll shelter you from the wind

Well, so what am I? (cloak)

Slide 71-72.

I walk in the rain and in the heat,

My character is like this. (umbrella)

Literature used on the Internet resource:

1. The illustrations were found using search engine Google.

2. "From autumn to summer. Children about nature and seasons in verse, riddles, proverbs, stories about Orthodox holidays, folk customs and beliefs ": L. A. Vladimirovskaya, Volgograd, ed." Teacher", 2004

Guidelines Bank of riddles is intended for a wide range of users: professionals, teachers, educators, librarians, parents. This presentation contains rich lexical and pictorial material that can be used selectively or in its entirety, taking into account the chosen goal and objectives, and is designed for creative use. Illustrations and guesses do not always appear synchronously, which makes it possible in difficult cases to have a conversation with students, to update their knowledge. The use of presentation materials will greatly facilitate the preparation extracurricular activities, speech therapy classes, various lessons and will enrich vocabulary students and expand knowledge on the topic "Autumn".

slide 3

Used literature and Internet resource 1. “From autumn to summer. Children about nature and seasons in poems, riddles, proverbs, stories about Orthodox holidays, folk customs and beliefs” Compiled by: L.A. Vladimirskaya, Volgograd, publishing house "Teacher", 2004. 2. "Poems about the seasons and games." Didactic materials for the development of speech of children 5-6 years old. Authors-compilers: O.E. Gromova, G.N. Solomatina, N.P. Savinova, Moscow, Creative Center "Sphere", 2005. Illustrations were found using the Google search engine.

slide 4

Purpose and objectives Purpose: to instill interest in speech therapy classes, in various school disciplines, to assist in the preparation of lessons, speech therapy classes and extracurricular activities. Tasks: updating students' knowledge on the topic "Autumn"; activation of the passive vocabulary and expansion of the active vocabulary of students on this topic; creating a positive emotional atmosphere; cohesion of the children's team.

slide 5

slide 6

Guess the riddle I bring the crops, I clean the fields, I send the birds to the south, I undress the trees, But I don’t touch the Christmas trees and pines. I …. Autumn

Slide 7

Guess the riddle The collective-farm garden is empty, Cobwebs are flying into the distance, And cranes have reached out to the southern edge of the earth. School doors opened. What month has come to us? September

Slide 8

Guess the riddle All the darker face of nature Gardens have turned black, Forests are bare, Birds' voices will be silent. The bear went into hibernation. What month has come to us? October

The bank of riddles is intended for a wide range of users: specialists, teachers, educators, librarians, parents.

This presentation contains rich lexical and pictorial material that can be used selectively or in its entirety, taking into account the chosen goal and objectives, and is designed for creative use. Illustrations and guesses do not always appear synchronously, which makes it possible in difficult cases to have a conversation with students, to update their knowledge.

The use of presentation materials will greatly facilitate the preparation of extracurricular activities, speech therapy classes, various lessons and will enrich the vocabulary of students and expand their knowledge on the topic "Autumn".



Slides captions:

Guidelines Bank of riddles is intended for a wide range of users: professionals, teachers, educators, librarians, parents. This presentation contains rich lexical and pictorial material that can be used selectively or in its entirety, taking into account the chosen goal and objectives, and is designed for creative use. Illustrations and guesses do not always appear synchronously, which makes it possible in difficult cases to have a conversation with students, to update their knowledge. The use of presentation materials will greatly facilitate the preparation of extracurricular activities, speech therapy classes, various lessons and will enrich the vocabulary of students and expand knowledge on the topic "Autumn".

Used literature and Internet resource 1. “From autumn to summer. Children about nature and seasons in poems, riddles, proverbs, stories about Orthodox holidays, folk customs and beliefs” Compiled by: L.A. Vladimirskaya, Volgograd, publishing house "Teacher", 2004. 2. "Poems about the seasons and games." Didactic materials for the development of speech of children 5-6 years old. Authors-compilers: O.E. Gromova, G.N. Solomatina, N.P. Savinova, Moscow, Creative center "Sphere", 2005. Illustrations were found using the Google search engine.

Purpose and objectives Purpose: to instill interest in speech therapy classes, in various school disciplines, to assist in the preparation of lessons, speech therapy classes and extracurricular activities. Tasks: updating students' knowledge on the topic "Autumn"; activation of the passive vocabulary and expansion of the active vocabulary of students on this topic; creating a positive emotional atmosphere; cohesion of the children's team.

Guess the riddle She came without paints and without a brush And repainted all the leaves. Autumn

Guess the riddle I bring the crops, I clean the fields, I send the birds to the south, I undress the trees, But I don’t touch the Christmas trees and pines. I …. Autumn

Guess the riddle The collective-farm garden is empty, Cobwebs are flying into the distance, And cranes have reached out to the southern edge of the earth. School doors opened. What month has come to us? September

Guess the riddle All the darker face of nature Gardens have turned black, Forests are bare, Birds' voices will be silent. The bear went into hibernation. What month has come to us? October

Guess the riddle The field became black and white, It rains, then snow falls. And it got colder - Ice bound the waters of the rivers. The winter rye freezes in the field. What month, please? November

Guess the riddle The rooks have flown away, the forests have turned yellow, Some pines and spruces are turning green. The days have become shorter, longer than the nights... Who can say, who knows when it happens? autumn


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Slides captions:

Guess the riddle In the spring it makes you happy, in the summer it cools, in the autumn it nourishes, in the winter it warms. Wood

Guess the riddle In the summer they grow, And in the fall they fall. Leaves

Guess the riddle We saw him dressed in spring and summer. And in the fall, all the shirts were torn off the poor thing. Wood

Guess the riddle She was lanky - stuck in the ground. Rain

Guess the riddle Without arms, without legs, Knocking under the window - Asking for a hut. Wind


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