Creative games and competitions for children's summer holidays. Games, competitions, quizzes in the summer camp Quizzes in the camp for elementary school

Firsova Nadezhda Borisovna,

geography teacher, Ph.D.

Annotation for the quiz on ecology

Environmental issues are of concern to each of us today. What are we eating? What do we breathe? Why is the climate changing? To answer these questions, it is necessary to know the laws of nature and understand nature itself, both for adults and children. In this regard, it is necessary to revise the age-old consumer tradition from “environmental accumulation” to harmonious coexistence with nature, to psychological readiness protect our common natural values ​​everywhere and at all times. This is the basis of environmental education and upbringing aimed at the formation of a responsible attitude towards the natural environment. It is quite obvious that the closer communication with nature, the more effective environmental education. Being in the summer in a country camp, counselors and educators need to use the entire environment to the maximum. With this approach, a country camp can become an invaluable, faithful assistant in the formation of a new culture of attitude to nature, it is here that educational problems are also solved: the horizons of students are unobtrusively expanding, the development of children's cognitive abilities in the study of nature and its laws continues. One of the forms of work to expand the ecological horizons is a quiz.

The quiz is a game of questions and answers. The value of the quiz is that it helps to reveal children's knowledge of questions on a specific topic, and if children do not know the answers, then they can get the necessary information about nature with the help of a leading teacher. In addition to knowledge, a favorable atmosphere is created during the quiz, joint emotional experiences strengthen the relationship between the game participants. Each participant can prove himself, show his knowledge, skills, character. The result depends on each player, his abilities, speed of reaction, endurance, discipline. The satisfaction gained from the game creates a comfortable mood and enhances the desire to explore nature.

The organization of the quiz includes several stages:

Stage 1. Team preparation. The guys get acquainted with the surroundings of the camp. In the library and the Internet, they look through sources of information about the flora and fauna.

Stage 2. The teacher writes questions and develops tasks.

Stage 3. Jury formation.

Stage 4. Conducting a quiz.

Stage 5 Summarizing. Rewarding.

Rules of the game. Teams answer questions in turn, and each team member answers the question without discussion, independently. If there is no answer, then the team consults and gives the correct answer. If the answer is incorrect or turned out to be difficult, then the opportunity to get the score of the correct answer is transferred to the participant next command. That is, each student has the opportunity to large quantity points for correct answers (the maximum number of points for a correct answer is 3). If the team does not give the correct answer, then the question goes to the other team.

Game results. As a result of the game, the team is determined - the winner, which scored more points and the players - winners (3 people), who scored the maximum number of points for the correct answers. The team is awarded with a certificate and a sweet prize, the players are winners (3 people), with valuable prizes and certificates.

Thus, the environmental quiz in the camp contributes to the development of cognitive interests and the activation of environmental activities of students, the formation of an ecological culture of behavior in nature.

Ecological quiz "Connoisseurs of nature"

The purpose of the quiz:

1. To expand the knowledge of schoolchildren about the nature of their native land.

2. To develop students' interest in studying the nature around them.

3. To promote the formation of an ecological culture of behavior in nature, the education of a patriot of a small homeland who knows and loves his land.

Equipment: computer, screen, nature photo.

  1. Introductory speech of the presenter

Us at any time of the year

Wise nature teaches:

Birds learn to sing.

A bag of patience.

Bees in the field and in the garden

They teach us how to work.

And besides, in their work

All in fairness.

Reflection in water

Teaches us truth.

Snow teaches us purity.

The sun teaches kindness:

Every day, winter and summer,

Gives us warmth and light.

And no one in return

Don't ask for anything!

Nature all year round

Need to be trained.

Us trees of all kinds,

All the big forest people

They teach strong friendship.

(V. Orlov)

Good afternoon, today in our camp an ecology quiz is being held, we will find out the best experts on the nature of our camp and our region. Recall the rules of the game. There are 5 people in a team. Teams answer questions in turn, and each team member answers the question without discussion, independently. If there is no answer, then the team consults and gives the correct answer. If the team does not give the correct answer, then the question goes to the other team. Each participant has the opportunity to score more points for correct answers.

2. Presentation of commands andjury

3. Quiz

Quiz questions

Questions for the 1st team

Questions for the 2nd team

1 round. Warm up. Guess the riddles, for each -1 point. Teams take turns guessing riddles.

Russian beauty

We all really like

She is white, slim

Clothes are green (birch)

Rushing straight into the sky, up

You take a close look

Not birch, not aspen

There are no leaves, there are needles (spruces, pines)

The grass that grows on the slopes

The smell is strong and fragrant

And her flower and leaf are for tea with you

then guess the weed. (oregano)

And dear mother

And the stepmother is evil

Live side by side

Through the wall. (coltsfoot)

I saw such a flower

Golden bezel

For a long time he sat in the grass

He became gray and flew away. (dandelion)

These lovely flowers are friends with the blue of the sky

Small, tender, right by the water

You will see them, you will not forget

Well, do you know them? (forget-me-nots)

Not birch, not pine

She stands in silence

But only the wind will run

All the foliage on it trembles. (aspen)

What kind of tree is

Treats snowmen?

Snow lies, frosts crack

Well, the berries are delicious. (Rowan)

In the sultry summer it blooms -

Immediately calls the bees to him

Light flowers delicious nectar

Who knows this tree? (Linden)

Quiet autumn will come

The tree will become marvelous

Leaves - bright stars

Golden, hot. (maple)

Round 2 Do you know these animals?

What animals sleep with their eyes open? (fish, snakes)

What fish is named after a person? (carp)

Who has ears on their feet? (grasshopper)

How many legs does a spider have? (8 paws)

Village alarm clock (rooster)

Where do hedgehogs live and what do they eat? (in the forest, building nests, mice, insects, mushrooms, apples ....)

Why is an ant called a strong man? (lifts a load 11 times its own weight)

What animals are called clubfoot, elk, gray? (bear, elk, wolf)

What are the benefits of ladybugs?

(An adult beetle eats 100 - 200 aphids per day, the larvae are ten times more voracious than ticks)

I catch bugs all day, eat insects, worms,

I don’t fly away for the winter, I live under the eaves. (sparrow)

3 round. Do you know these plants? Teams take turns answering questions. 2 points for a correct answer

What is the most bitter herb? (sagebrush)

What sweets does the forest give us? (strawberries, blueberries, lingonberries, raspberries, currants…)

Which tree in Russia blooms the latest? (Linden)

Which tree provides the best wood for crafting musical instruments? (spruce)

What plants stop bleeding? (plantain…)

What wood are matches made from? (aspen)

What kind wild plants Do you know vegetable substitutes? (dandelion, nettle, sorrel, clover heads, burdock roots, common sorrel…)

Which wood is very durable and resistant to rot? (larch)

Name the trees and shrubs growing in the vicinity of the camp (the team that says last wins)

Round 4Competition "What, where, when?" Teams take turns answering questions. 3 marks for a correct answer

Do lilacs bloom in spring or summer? (In the spring. Phenologists consider the mass flowering of the common lilac a sign of the onset of summer)

Which forest is noisy, and which rustles? What causes these sounds? (In a deciduous forest, a rustling is heard. It is caused by the friction of individual leaves from each other. And in a coniferous forest, air jets in the wind bend around the branches and needles of the needles, while small whirlwinds form behind them, making a faint hissing sound. Merging together, these sounds create noise forests)

Why do we see a lot of dead branches in a pine forest, and only the tops of the trees turn green? (Pine is a light-loving plant. If its branches receive little light, they die off. The top turns green because it receives more light)

Why can you see young Christmas trees under the pine trees in the forest, but you can’t see a pine tree under the fir trees? (Pine cannot grow under a shady spruce, because it is a light-loving plant)

Is it possible to cut down all the hollow trees in the forest? (No: insectivorous birds and bats nest in the hollows of trees, destroying insects - pests of the forest)

Why are leaves from the tops of trees the last to fall? (Because they are younger.)

Why is it difficult to cut a log across and relatively easily split along? (When we cut a log across, we have to cut through the walls of the vessels, and when we cut it along, we separate one group of vessels from another)

What tree species is largest area in the forests of our country? ( conifers- 78%, the area of ​​deciduous forests is about 22% of the forest area of ​​our country)

Which strawberries will have sweeter fruits: those growing under trees or in an open meadow? (The formation of starch and sugar occurs only in the light. With a lack of light, there is less sugar in the fruits. Therefore, strawberries in an open meadow will have sweeter fruits)

The composition of the bouquet included plants plucked in a damp and dry place. Which plants will wither faster and why? (Plants will quickly wither from a damp place, since with a wide leaf plate and thin skin they will quickly lose a lot of moisture during evaporation)

Round 5Competition "Who is more?" Write in one minute as many answers as possible to the question: “What if you are in nature, but you do not have a first aid kit and washing supplies?

2 points for each answer

What to do, ifyou are in nature, and you do not have a first aid kit and washing supplies?

1. White sphagnum peat moss can replace cotton wool, and partly iodine. It is called "bog wool".

2. To remove a tick that has stuck into the skin, you can use a regular thread or fishing line. Make a loop out of it and "throw" it over the insect. The loop is tightened at the site of the introduction of the tick and pulled out along with it.

3. To eliminate pain from rubbed corns, it is necessary to apply several plantain leaves folded together on the sore spot.

4. In the field, instead of soap, you can use the rhizome of the bracken fern. It contains a lot of potassium and lathers well. Instead of soap, you can use the inside of the tinder fungus.

5. Brushing your teeth without using a toothbrush is also possible. It is necessary to take thick birch chips, one end of which is processed so that it accepts flat shape became flexible and resilient. The birch brush cleans the teeth well, massages them and leaves a pleasant taste of wood in the mouth.

4. Summing up, rewarding teams.


  1. Biology. 6th - 7th grades: non-standard lessons and extracurricular activities(KVN, oral magazine, holidays, quizzes, riddles, crossword puzzles, intellectual game tasks) / comp. N.A.Kasatkina. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2005. - 154 p.
  2. Dobretsova N.V. Ecological education in the pioneer camp / N.V. Dobretsova. - M.: Agropromizdat, 1988. - 239 p.
  3. Selishchev E.N. Geography for the Curious, or What You Don’t Learn About in the Lesson / E.N. Selishchev. - Yaroslavl: Development Academy: Holding Academy, 2002. - 240s.

Internet resources:

The scenario of the quiz "Journey to a fairy tale" is addressed to the children of the summer camp, the category of primary school age. The quiz can be done by dividing the children into teams. With a small number of children in the detachment, the work is carried out individually and the winner and two prize-winners are determined (proposed option). If desired, the quiz tasks are presented in the form of puzzles, filled cards, crossword puzzles, etc. It all depends on the time for preparing the quiz, the venue and the desire of the teacher to make the child's leisure time informative and interesting.



Scenario of the quiz "Journey to a fairy tale"

for summer camp children

The tasks of the quiz: the study of literary and folk art, the development of a sense of collectivism, the development of conjecture and ingenuity.

Host: Hello guys! Raise your hand: how many of you love fairy tales? Yes, everyone loves fairy tales! After all, these are the very first works that a child hears from his mother. Under the fairy tale we fell asleep and dreamed. It is thanks to the fairy tale that we become more sensitive to beauty, learn to empathize, condemn evil, admire kindness.

The purpose of our quiz is to remember as many favorite fairy tales and their heroes as possible. For each correct answer you will receive a token. Whoever collects the most tokens will win our quiz. We will find out the name of the winner at the end of our game. So, let's begin! I wish everyone success!

"Magic Words"

Host: Remember what magic words helped fairy-tale heroes. What are the names of these heroes? Name!

Crex - Fex - Pex!(Pinocchio, "The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio")

Fly - fly, petal, through the west to the east, through the north, through the south, return, making a circle, as soon as you touch the ground, be in my opinion.(Zhenya, "Flower - seven-flower")

Mutabor! (Kalif, "Kalif - stork")

Sivka is a cloak, a prophetic kaurka! Stand before me like a leaf before grass.(Ivanushka - the fool "Sivka - Burka")

Sim-sim, open the door!(Ali is a woman, "Ali is a woman and 40 thieves")

"Amazing Transformations"

Host: Guys! Your task is to remember who the heroes of fairy tales turned into or were bewitched.

The ugly duckling (into a swan).

GUIDON (into a mosquito, into a fly, into a bumblebee).

Brother Ivanushka (as a kid).

The handsome boy Jacob, the hero of the fairy tale by V. Gauf from the fairy tale "Dwarf - Nose" (into a dwarf).

The monster from Aksakov's fairy tale "The Scarlet Flower" (into the prince).

Eleven brothers - princes from Anderson's fairy tale "Wild Swans" (into swans)

"Magic Remedy"

Host: What magical means or objects did the listed fairy-tale characters use?

Baba Yaga (stupa and broom)

Pinocchio (golden key)

Cinderella (glass slipper)

Little Muk (shoes and cane)

Little Red Riding Hood (basket with pies and a pot of butter)

Koschey the Immortal (egg with a needle)

Cat (boots-walkers)

"Best friends"

Host: Did the following fairy-tale characters have friends. Name them!

Pinocchio (Malvina and Pierrot)

Kolobok (grandfather and woman)

Bremen Town Musician (donkey, dog, rooster, cat)

Mowgli (Bagheera, Baloo, Kaa)

Winnie the Pooh (Piglet, Rabbit, Eeyore - Eeyore)

Kid (Carlson)

Chippolino (Cherry and Radish)

Cheburashka (Crocodile Gena)

Host: And now, guys, I present to your attention riddles. Your task is to guess the heroes of fairy tales. Whoever raises their hand first gets a token, which means a point. Listen to the riddles carefully!

"Say the name of the fairy-tale hero"

The red girl is sad

She doesn't like spring

She's hard on the sun

Tears shed, poor thing!(Snow Maiden)

Evening would soon come

And the long-awaited hour has come,

To me in a gilded carriage

Go to a fabulous ball.

No one in the palace will know

Where am I from and what is my name, but as soon as midnight comes,

I'll go back to my attic.(Cinderella)

The horse galloping is not simple,

Miracle golden mane,

He carries a boy over the mountains,

But it won't drop him.

The horse has a son

amazing horse,

Nicknamed ... (The Hunchback)

My father had a strange boy

Not ordinary - wooden,

On land and underwater

Looking for a golden key.

His girl Malvina called ...(Pinocchio)

All according to an interesting fairy tale

The boy is an onion sign.

Very simple, albeit long,

He is called ... (Chippolino)

There was a girl

In a flower cup

And there was that girl

A little more than a nail.

Who read this book

Do you know this little girl? (Thumbelina)

He is a friend to animals and children,

He is a living being

Not a kitten, not a puppy

Not a wolf cub, not a groundhog.

But filmed for film

And known to all for a long time

This cute face

He is called ... (Cheburashka)

Someone for someone

Grabbed tight:

Will win the stubborn

Friendly common work.

Who sat down so tight

Maybe this is ... (Turnip)

Host: So our quiz is over. Thank you for your knowledge and active participation, your ingenuity. Let's count the tokens and congratulate the winner of the fairy tale quiz. See you soon!

Fun educational questions for summer camp. Add a presentation to them, it will be fun.

1. Pig, dog, crow, hare. These animals are known to all kids. Can you name at least one of them? In the pictures Khryusha, Karkusha, Stepashka, Nyusha, Krosh

2. In the old days in Siberia there was such a custom - every pound of mined metal was marked with a shot from a cannon. What metal had such an honor? (gold)

3. Definition from the dictionary of Vladimir Ivanovich Dal: “A fabulous face like an eternal Jew” Who is this? (Kashchey the Immortal)

4. Invented in the 3rd century AD in China, a device called “chinan” replaced birds for sailors. What kind of device was it? (compass)

5. In 312, in Rome, instead of the old silver coin, a new, gold one was issued - "solidus". Further, the name of the Italian "soldo" came from the name of this coin. And from the latter arose the name of a military man. What is this name? (soldier)

6. Red, yellow, green, orange, blue, cyan. What color is missing from this list? (Violet)

7. You undoubtedly love action-packed works. Here is the plot of one of them: During a walk, a treasure was unexpectedly found. On the occasion of the find, a holiday will be held, which is overshadowed by the appearance of an insidious villain. The heroine's life is in danger, but at the last moment the hero appears and kills the villain. Everything ends with a wedding. What is the name of the heroine of the story? (Fly-Tsokatuha)

8. The design of five letters "X" and four letters "O" in English is called "tic-tac-toe". What is it called in Russian? (tic-tac-toe)

9. Children are usually brought by a stork, or they are found in cabbages. And who can be found in oranges? (cheburashka)

10. The film "The Feat of Hercules" in 1956 was such a success that millions of boys began to do in the morning ... What? (exercise)

11. In 1991, they killed 67 children in America and injured about 160,000. Sociologists have calculated that every sixth of them is fraught with danger to the child. But almost all parents ignore this warning. What are these dangers? (toys)

12. In ancient China, soaked mulberry bark was split into thin strips and boiled in a lime solution for two hours. Then the resulting mass was broken with hammers, glue was added, poured with water and all this was sifted through a fine sieve. The mass that settled in the sieve was tipped onto a board and pressed. What do we call the product obtained in this way? (paper)

13. At the end of July, a rally was held in The Hague. All its participants called themselves Nicholas. One of the questions from the meeting was about the difficulty of getting into the house through the chimneys. How would the representative of Russia call himself at this rally? (Father Frost)

14. In the novel by the English writer Thomas Hardley, it is said that when a girl from a poor family was going to visit, her mother hung the window of her room from the outside with a black cloak. Why did she do it? (to look out the window as in a mirror)

15. In 1965, a royal purchase was carried to Nepal from India through three mountain ranges on bamboo stretchers, for which 1.5 km of asphalt road around the palace was specially built. What was this purchase? (automobile)

16. One was named Phillip, the other Rufold. Twice they tried to rob a certain apartment, and the second time they stole things out of habit, and their goal was a person, by the way, who prevented them from committing both thefts. Name this person. (Carlson)

17. The holiday of Ivan Kupala in Russia has always been celebrated with fun and nightly festivities. One of the fun was jumping over the fire. However, sometimes the Kupala bonfire was replaced with a bunch of stems of a certain plant. What? (nettle)

Quiz on the topic: Summer for younger students

Quiz with answers for children 8-11 years old "Red Summer"

A quiz on a summer theme is intended for teachers, educators working in summer camps. The event is designed for children of primary school age.

Target: development of cognitive activity of schoolchildren

Tasks: create a joyful mood, develop attention, speed of reaction, be able to work in a group, develop communication skills.

Requisites: badges for teams, an audio recording of a song, a set of pipe items, strawberries, petals of different colors, a pea, a pillow, an onion), colored pencils, felt-tip pens, drawing paper, tokens.
Event progress
1. The song “Song of Summer” sounds (music by E. Krylatov, lyrics by Y. Etin)
This is what our summer is like
Summer is dressed in bright greenery,
Summer is warmed by the bright sun,
breathes summer breeze.

Leading: Guys, did you guess what our quiz is about today? Yes, of course about the summer! Why do you love summer? (children's answers).
Today, two teams "Daisies" and "Strawberry" participate in the competition. The teams will be asked different questions, for each correct answer the team will receive a token (sun). And so we begin!

1.Competition "Flowers". Guess the name of the flowers.
What is my name, tell me?
I often hide in the rye.
humble wild flower,
Blue-eyed ... .. (Cornflower)

Oh, bells, blue color.
With a tongue, but no ringing. (bell)

On a green string
white bells. (lily of the valley)

Who lives in the spring
With a yellow head?
The sun warms brighter
The head turns white.
The wind is flying
rips off the fluff. (dandelion)

2. Competition "Proverbs about summer."
Leading: Guys, you got a set of words from which you need to make proverbs.

What you collect in the summer, you will find on the table in the winter.
Summer for a peasant is mother and father.
Summer day - feeds the year.

3.Competition "Mysteries"
1) Sea jelly (jellyfish)
2) Forest touchy (hedgehog)
3) Mosquito trap (frog)
4) Live notes (swallows sitting on wires)
5) Touchy tree (willow)
4 .Warm up
Leading: Now let's play. I will clap my hands. 1 cotton means lilac (you need to raise your hands up), 2 cottons - a frog (you need to jump), 3 cottons - a seagull (you need to raise your hands to the sides). Be careful.

5. Competition "Guess the story"
Leading: On the table are objects covered with a napkin. One member of the team comes up to the table, lifts the napkin and names the fairy tale and its author based on the set of items.

1) A pipe, strawberry ("A pipe and a jug." V. Kataev)
2) Several petals of different colors ("Flower - seven-flower" V. Kataev)
3) Pea, pillow ("The Princess and the Pea G.H. Andersen)
4) Bulb (The Adventure of Chippollino by G. Rodari)

6.Team competition. Each team receives questions that must be answered within 3 minutes.
Questions for the first team:
1) Medicinal plant heals wounds, usually grows along the edge of the road. (plantain)
2) How many wings does a beetle have. (two pairs)
3) Continue: “and wriggled, and soaped, and bit like (a wasp)
4) What is the thinnest thread in nature? (web)
5) Where is the grasshopper's ear? (on the foot)
6) How many legs does a spider have? (eight)

Questions for the second team:
1) What kind of grass. Which even the blind can recognize? (nettle)
2) The nose is like a knitting needle, sharp, thin, and the voice is sonorous. (mosquito)
3) How many legs do insects have? (six)
4) How many eyes does a dragonfly have? (two)
5) What insect carried Thumbelina to the tree? (Chafer)
6) He flies all day, everyone gets bored. (fly)

7.Competition. Creative.
Presenter: Guys, do you know many colors? Then let's paint! The first team draws 3 garden flowers, and the second 3 meadow ones.

Summing up the quiz. Rewarding.