Presentation on the theme of our fellow countrymen pride of the country. Class hour "My countrymen are my pride"

The introduction of ICT in the educational process allows you to activate the learning process, implement the ideas of developmental learning, increase the pace of the lesson, increase the volume independent work students. Today it is necessary that every teacher could prepare and conduct a lesson, an extracurricular activity using presentations. Such activities lead to an increase in the efficiency of assimilation, intensification of the mental activity of students, and make learning more exciting and interesting.

I bring to your attention the presentation and summary extracurricular activities on the topic "Compatriots - our pride."

Purpose of the presentation:

To acquaint with the laureates of the Republican Prize named after M. Jalil, people from the Buinsky district, to instill a sense of love for the great poet, for works of Tatar literature and art, a sense of pride for the Tatar people, for fellow countrymen - laureates.

Event objectives:

1) educational: to give students information about the life of M. Jalil, to introduce them to the laureates of the Republican Prize named after M. Jalil, who live in the Buinsky district;

2) developing: to develop students' interest in the work of the great Tatar poet, to interest students in fellow countrymen - laureates of the Republican Prize named after M. Jalil, to develop oral speech students;

3) educational: to instill a sense of love for the great poet, for the works of Tatar literature and art, a sense of pride for the Tatar people, for fellow laureates .

Location of the presentation:

Literary and musical evening dedicated to fellow countrymen - laureates of the Republican Prize named after M. Jalil.

Within the framework of the school scientific society of students, I developed a passport for research activities in history. A 10th grade student worked on a research project "Our countrymen are our pride", material was collected about our countryman, Hero of Russia - Sergey Kostin and other countrymen who died in the line of duty in various hot spots.

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"Research project "Our countrymen are our pride""

Research project on the topic: "Our countrymen are our pride"

Done by a 10th grade student

Gorbunova Marina


  • - Collect the necessary information on the topic - study and analyze this information;
  • “Our countrymen are our pride;
  • - to study the valiant path of the Hero of Russia Kostin S. V., as well as V. Yu. Timashkov, Pokhomov and Pozdnyakov;
  • - Using these examples to show the courage and heroism of our countrymen, participants in modern military conflicts;
  • - set up a stand in the history room "Our countrymen are our pride"


  • - Formation of an active citizenship in the process of research activities;
  • - preservation of the memory of our countrymen;
  • - education of patriotism and respect for the history of their region, region, country.

Sergei Kostin

  • was born 10th of November 1969 in the village Krasnaya Polyana Khotinetsky district Oryol region. January to July 1995 fought heroically in battle First Chechen War. The company under his command distinguished itself in battles for Grozny , Shatoy, Chechen-Yurt. Kostin was awarded an order and a medal for participation in these battles.
  • Decree of the President Russian Federation from 10 September 1999 for courage and heroism shown in the counter-terrorist operation in the North Caucasus, Major Sergey Vyacheslavovich Kostin was posthumously awarded the title Hero of the Russian Federation. Sergei Kostin was buried in the village of Zakharkovo, Konyshevsky district Kursk region.

Vladimir Timashkov

  • Vladimir Yurievich Timashkov was born on October 20, 1974 in the village of Konyshevka, Kursk Region. For the first time, Lieutenant Vladimir Timashkov came to fight against Chechen terrorists as part of the Kursk SOBR in the fall of 1999. While on a business trip in Chechnya, on March 6, 2000, police lieutenant V.Yu. Timashkov joined the SOBR group of the Organized Crime Control Department under the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Kursk Region, involved in carrying out special measures to “clean up” the village of Komsomolskoye, Urus-Martan District. By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 9, 2000 No. 1632, Vladimir Yuryevich Timashkov was awarded the Order of Courage (posthumously).

O. V. Pakhomov

  • In Chechnya, during the counter-terrorist operation, Konyshevites were killed: Private O. V. Pakhomov, Private V. A. Pozdnyakov. Lieutenant V. Yu. Timashkov was posthumously awarded the order.

V. A. Pozdnyakov

V. A. Chunikhin

  • In 1984, a native of the Konyshevsky region, Sergeant V.A. Chunikhin, died in Afghanistan. He was posthumously awarded the Medal for Courage.

Research results:

I managed to find the necessary information about our countrymen and set up a stand in the history room

The country that could be paradise Became a lair of fire We are entering the fourth day We haven't eaten for four days... I scream and my voice is wild It's copper hitting copper I, the bearer of a great thought, I can't, I can't die. Like thunder hammers Or the waters of angry seas, Golden heart of Russia Beating rhythmically in my chest ... Nikolai Gumilyov.

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Altai region

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Goals and objectives of the lesson:
To study the main features of the geographical position of the Altai Territory. Introduce the concept of geographical local history as an integral part of geography. Develop skills and abilities to characterize the geographical location. Develop skills and abilities to work with a map, table. To consolidate the skills of schoolchildren to calculate geographical coordinates. To promote the formation of skills to independently apply previously acquired theoretical knowledge. Raise feelings of love for the native land and pride in it.

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Altai - birch groves with cuckoo tears in the vicinity of his native village, mysterious tracts with wolf tracks, pegs with thickets of bird cherry and viburnum, strawberry glades, winding rivers, beaver huts along their banks, the smells of taiga and meadow grasses.

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"A huge, beautiful land with the sunny name Altai, where the experience and wisdom of many peoples and cultures are combined. This is a land of courageous people and fantastic opportunities, which means that it is simply doomed to prosperity"
A.A. Surikov.

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This country is unspeakable - the Altai Mountains. Primordial and untouched nature, harsh climate and places where Almaty apples grow and bear fruit, majestic mountains and clear lakes, turbulent mountain rivers and alpine meadows. And blue - blue in dozens of shades. The amazing beauty of the nature of the Altai Mountains. Probably, for this surprise, tourists go to the mountains, sail along stormy rivers on rafts and catamarans, climb steep cliffs and descend into the narrow mountains of caves.

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There are many picturesque places in Altai - Lake Teletskoye and Karakol lakes, Chuysky tract and the wayward Katun river, mountain gorges and Belukha covered with glaciers:

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"Are we in Siberia? One can hardly believe this charm. The most beautiful climate, the most pleasant location, irrigated by the majestic, proud, calm Ob. This region is one of the most blessed not only in Siberia, but in all of Russia." So he wrote in a letter to his daughter M.M. Speransky - Governor-General of Siberia, while in Barnaul in August 1820
"I love and know. I know and love. And the more I love, the better I know." Yuri Konstantinovich Efremov. "Our nature is a pantry of riches and beauty. Altai is a special expensive box in this pantry." V. Peskov.

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The Altai Territory was formed on September 28, 1937. In 1991, the Gorno-Altai Republic (since 1992 - the Republic of Altai) separated from its composition. Our region - the Altai Territory - is located in the center of the largest continent of the Earth - Eurasia. The very name "Altai" comes from the Turkic-Mongolian dialect and means "Golden Mountains". The Altai land is beautiful, its landscapes, vegetation, fauna are diverse, the region is rich in minerals, monuments of nature and the history of mankind.

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Altai region
Flag of the Altai Territory Coat of arms of the Altai Territory
The administrative center of Barnaul
Area - Total - % aq. pov. 22nd 167,850 km² 1.6
Population - Total - Density 20th approx. 2 508 500 (2008) approx. 15.3 people/km²
Federal District Siberian
Economic region West Siberian
Governor Alexander Karlin
Car code 22
Time zone MSK+3 (UTC+6, summer UTC+7)

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But there is a wonderful corner in the very south of the Altai Territory, where, as if surprisingly, unique beauties are collected in a multitude. Altai Krai is located in the center of the largest continent of the Earth - Eurasia. Within its borders, the southeastern outskirts of the West Siberian Plain and the highest and most significant part of the Altai mountain region were located.

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Altai Krai on the map of Russia

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Neighbors of the Altai Territory

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Assessment of the EGP of the Altai Territory
positive traits negative traits

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Relief of the Altai Territory

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Large reserves of natural resources, the Altai grain field, a developed economy are the basis of the well-deserved fame and fame of the region. Astronauts and writers, noble landowners and gardeners, artists, doctors, teachers came out of the vastness of Altai into a big life. During the difficult years of the war, our fellow countrymen stood shoulder to shoulder in combat formation and bravely defended their homeland from enemy hordes.

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Altai is also famous for its ancient history, its revolutionary, military and labor traditions. Here partisans heroically fought against Kolchak during the civil war, the first communes were created on the Altai land. During the great Patriotic War thousands of inhabitants of Altai fought on the fronts, and in the rear, its wonderful workers brought victory closer.

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Altai is an important economic region of Russia with a diverse agriculture and a large variety of industries.

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The place of the Altai Territory in the Russian Federation and the Siberian region

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Output of agricultural products

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Industrial production index

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Now Altai is a major tourist area, which annually attracts thousands of travelers. Many people come from abroad to see with their own eyes all this beauty, which cannot be described in words, conveyed by gestures, or captured in photographs. It needs to be seen, it needs to be felt and experienced. Interest in Altai is growing every year. The region has a great tourism future.

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Administrative division of the region (60 districts)

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Cities of the Altai Territory (12)

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Administrative-territorial division of the region (work with the political and administrative map of the Altai Territory).
Determine how many districts are included in the region? Locate the area where you live on the map. What districts of the Altai Territory borders Pavlovsky district? What natural and economic district of the Altai Territory includes the Pavlovsky district? Name and show on the map the cities of the Altai Territory?

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Find the Altai Territory on the map of Russia; name and show on the map with which subjects of the Russian Federation the Altai Territory borders; determine the distance to the nearest sea; length from north to south, from west to east, length of the border, types of borders (work with the atlas of the Altai Territory, notes in a notebook); border territories (work with the atlas) determination of geographical coordinates extreme points the edges.

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1. What does the word "Altai" mean? (The word "Altai" of Mongolian origin means "gold-bearing"). 2. What is the area of ​​the Altai Territory? (167.85 thousand square kilometers). 3. Name the capital of the Altai Territory. (Barnaul). 4. How many cities are there in the Altai Territory? (12 - Barnaul, Biysk, Novoaltaysk, Rubtsovsk, Belokurikha, Slavgorod, Kamen-on-Obi, Zarinsk, Aleysk, Yarovoe, Zmeinogorsk, Gornyak). 5. How many administrative districts are there in the Altai Territory? (60). 6. What is the population of the Altai Territory. (2562 thousand people - 2003). 7. Name the border areas. (Novosibirsk, Kemerovo regions; Kazakhstan: Pavlodar, Semipalatinsk, East Kazakhstan regions, Altai Republic). 8. What states can be located on the territory of the Altai Territory taken together? (Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Portugal). 9. What are the health resorts of the Altai Territory that are of national importance? (Belokurikha, Yarovoe). 10. What is the approximate length of the city of Biysk along the rivers Biya and Ob? (40 km). 11. What is the confluence of the three major rivers of the Altai Territory? (c. Odintsovka). 12. What are the rivers of the Altai Territory that do not have a runoff into the ocean? (R. Kulunda, R. Burla). 13. What are the major lakes of our region? (Kulunda, Kuchukskoe, Gorkoe). 14. Which rivers of the Altai Territory are used for water tourism? (R. Peschanka, R. Biya, R. Katun). 15. An All-Russian tourist and entertainment complex will be created in the Altai Territory. In what region and in what village will it be built? (c. Solonovka - Smolensk region).

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The greatest length: from north to south about 500 km. from west to east about 560 km

SURIKOV Vasily Ivanovich was born in 1848 in Krasnoyarsk. A strong desire to learn painting made him first move to St. Petersburg, where in the years he studied at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts with the famous teacher Chistyakov, who already in those years spoke of Surikov as the best student of the school. Since 1877, Surikov has been living and working in Moscow, later joining the Association of Traveling Art Exhibitions. Here, in Moscow, Surikov created his most significant works - the monumental historical paintings "Morning of the Streltsy Execution" (1881), "Menshikov in Berezov" (1883), "Boyar Morozova" (1887). With the depth and insight of a true historian and visionary, the artist revealed in them the origins of the tragic contradictions of history, the extraterrestrial logic of its movement, showed the struggle of historical forces in the time of Peter the Great, during the period of the split. The main character in these paintings is the mass of the people, represented by various types, revealing the national Russian character.

Vasily Surikov. Painting gallery. Stepan Razin, 1906 Surikov is attracted by strong bright personalities, concentrating in himself the rebellious spirit of the people - the red-bearded archer full of fierce determination and indomitable spirit of resistance in the painting "Morning of the Streltsy Execution", the boyar Morozova, imbued with passion and fanatical conviction of asceticism in the painting of the same name. In his paintings, monumental in form, Surikov created an innovative type of composition in which the movement of the human mass, embraced by a complex range of experiences, expresses the deep inner meaning of the event. In his works, the general coloring based on the harmony of full-sounding pure colors, the rhythm of color spots, the texture and manner of applying colorful strokes serve as an important means of conveying the general mood, the atmosphere of the depicted event, and the psychological characteristics of the characters.

Karatanov Dmitry Innokentievich - Russian, Soviet artist, Honored Artist of the RSFSR Karatanov Dmitry Innokentievich was born on February 26, 1874 in the village of Askiz, Minusinsk district, Yenisei province of the Russian Empire. Father Innokenty Ivanovich, a tradesman of the city of Krasnoyarsk, worked for the gold miner P. I. Kuznetsov. Maternal grandmother was a participant in the Polish uprising. He studied drawing with the artist, Academician Mikhail Alexandrovich Rutchenko, who came from Little Russia to Krasnoyarsk (together with L. A. Chernyshev). On the advice of V. Surikov, in 1892 Karatanov entered the Imperial Academy of Arts, where he studied with A. I. Kuindzhi. He studied at the Karatanov Academy for three years.

The collection of works by Dmitry Karatanov, the result of a trip to the North in 1906, is stored in the funds of the Leningrad State Museum of Ethnography of the Peoples of the USSR. Of the works in this series, two oil-painted portraits “Ostyak in the Plague” and “Shaman Woman” stand out in particular. January 27, 1910 in Krasnoyarsk opened the first drawing school in Siberia with a four-year term of study. On March 10, 1910, the Yenisei governor Ya. D. Bologovsky appointed Karatanov a teacher at the Krasnoyarsk city drawing school. D. I. Karatanov was the first Siberian artist to receive the title of Honored Art Worker of the RSFSR in 1948. In 1896, Dmitry Karatanov returned to Krasnoyarsk, traveled extensively in the Yenisei province. Favorite place of work Krasnoyarsk Pillars. In 1900 Karatanov left for St. Petersburg. Works in the art studio-workshop of M. K. Tenisheva, performs the scenery of one of the scenes of the opera by A. N. Serov "Enemy Force". In 1901 Karatanov again returned to Krasnoyarsk. Living in Krasnoyarsk, Karatanov makes more than ten long trips with expeditions for various purposes, mainly in the northern regions of the Yenisei province. Ostyak in the plague. Oil Mr.

POZDEEV Andrei Gennadievich Born on September 27, 1926 in the village. Nizhny Ingash of the Krasnoyarsk Territory in the family of a postal employee Gennady Danilovich Pozdeev and his wife Evdokia Ivanovna. He worked as a fireman's assistant. During the Great Patriotic War he served in the Far Eastern Fleet. He began to comprehend painting on his own: he visited exhibitions, museums and galleries, studied the work of the great masters of the past, read books, painted from life. Subsequently, he graduated from the Krasnoyarsk art school named after V. I. Surikov. Personal exhibitions of the artist were held in the museums of Tallinn and Riga, in the State Museum, in the State Tretyakov Gallery, in the Central House of Artists in Moscow. Paintings by Andrei Pozdeev are in many museums around the world, including the Tretyakov Gallery and the Russian Museum. A significant collection of paintings by the artist is in the collection of the Krasnoyarsk State Art Museum. V. I. Surikov.

Bringing. 1954Ready for flight Creativity of Andrey Pozdeev Autumn table. 1963

Monument to A. G. Pozdeev in historical center Krasnoyarsk on Mira Avenue next to the Pedagogical University. The opening of the monument took place on September 27, 2000. The authors are architect Mikhail Merkulov and sculptor Yuri Zlotya. During the existence of the monument, a part of the townspeople and many visitors have developed a tradition: when passing by the monument, you should definitely rub its nose.

LADYNINA Marina Alekseevna, village of Nazarovo, Krasnoyarsk Territory -, Moscow People's Artist of the USSR (1950) Cavalier of the Order of Lenin (1938) Laureate of the State (Stalin) Prize of the USSR (1941, for the film "Tractor Drivers"; 1942, for the film "The Pig and the Shepherd"; 1946, for the film "At six o'clock in the evening after the war"; 1948, for the film "The Legend of the Siberian Land"; 1951, for the film "Kuban Cossacks") Winner of the Nika Prize in the nomination "For Honor and Dignity" (1998)

Over time, Marina began to give roles in performances. She played her first serious role - Natasha in the play "Mermaid" in the seventh grade at the Pushkin anniversary evening. She played so great that she even received approval from her mother. But her mother, a domineering and strict woman, was firmly convinced that working on stage was a completely worthless business. In Achinsk, where Marina studied, there was a local drama theater. Marina was often invited there to replace sick actors. On the stage of this theater, she met the provincial actress Baratova (they played together in the play "Iudushka Golovlev"). Baratova finally convinced Marina of the need to learn the real art of the theater. At Marina Alekseevna's early years showed interest in books and the stage. She learned to read early and with great pleasure retold all this to her friends. This is probably why at school they decided to take Marina to an amateur theater as a prompter. That's just the prompter from it was unimportant. The girl was so captivated by the performances that she, carried away, began to prompt the text too loudly. For this, she was already then called an artist.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky. Biography. Dmitry Hvorostovsky was born on October 16, 1962 in the city of Krasnoyarsk. As Hvorostovsky's relatives note, for the first time he decided to sing at the age of four. Soon, together with his father, little Dima began to master the piano, and therefore very soon he entered the music school. It is noteworthy that all of his then teachers saw in him rather than an opera singer, but a professional pianist. Many of them advised him to enter the Krasnoyarsk School of Arts. However, unexpectedly for everyone, Dmitry chose the local Pedagogical School. Gorky, which was considered less prestigious and was much further from his home. Here, the future singer received the specialty of a music teacher, and also began to actively get involved in newfangled musical directions, among which was even hard rock. For some time, Dmitry Hvorostovsky performed with one semi-amateur musical group, and then he nevertheless decided to apply to the Krasnoyarsk College of Arts (which at that time already had the status of an institute). In the class of Ekaterina Konstantinovna Iofel, the future singer has been studying the features of operatic vocals for several years. As the musician himself admits, he carried the advice and instructions of his institute teacher through his whole life.

Professional career as a singer. My professional career Dmitry Hvorostovsky began in his native Krasnoyarsk. He performed at the local opera and ballet theater from 1985 to 1990. It is noteworthy that the artist began performing on the stage of the largest theater in the city, while still in his third year at the institute. Soon he became a real star of the Krasnoyarsk stage, and therefore he consistently performed in almost all major performances of the State Opera and Ballet Theater. So in his track record appeared productions of The Queen of Spades, Iolanthe, La Traviata by Giuseppe Verdi, Eugene Onegin, Faust, Pagliacci. Soon Hvorostovsky's talent was noted outside of Krasnoyarsk. In 1987, he became the winner of the All-Russian Vocal Competition, and a few months later - the All-Union Vocal Competition. M. Glinka, which took place in Baku. During this period, the formation of the singer took place, which became for the eminent Russian the beginning of a long journey on the opera stage. But this was all just the beginning. In 1989, Dmitry Hvorostovsky received the "Grand Prix" international competition"Voices of Cardiff". From that moment on, the whole of Europe started talking about the young opera singer. Dmitry Hvorostovsky became the first opera singer to give a solo concert on Red Square. This performance was broadcast live in 25 countries of the world and marked the beginning of a large tour of the cities of Russia.

Medals and titles of Dmitry Hvorostovsky. Dmitry Alexandrovich Hvorostovsky has earned more than 9 medals and titles: In honor of D. A. Khvorostovsky, the asteroid (7995) Khvorostovsky, discovered by astronomer Lyudmila Karachkina at the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory on August 4, 1983, was named. Winner of the international singing competition in Cardiff (Great Britain) (1989) Honored artist of the RSFSR (1990) State Prize of the RSFSR in the field of musical art (1991) for the performance of the leading roles of the classical opera repertoire in the Krasnoyarsk State Opera Theater () People's Artist of the Russian Federation (1995) Awarded the Opera News Award for his contribution to the development of opera art (2012)

Svetlana Masterkova Born: January 17, 1968, Achinsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory, USSR (Russia) Russian athlete, two-time Olympic champion and world champion in athletics. Her records in running one mile and one thousand meters have not yet been broken.

Maxim Feller is a master of sports of Russia, a graduate of the Achinsk Youth Sports School. Multiple winner and prize-winner of the championships and championships of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, for ten years was one of the leaders in the national team of the region, was a member of the national team of the country

Ekaterina BATURINA Kind of sport - luge She was born on July 28, 1992 in Krasnoyarsk. Sports achievements: winner of the World Cup among juniors of the 2010/2011 season, silver medalist of the world championship (2012), silver medalist of the European championship and the junior stage of the World Cup (2012), silver medalist of two stages of the World Cup among juniors (2012).

Nikolai OLYUNIN Kind of sport - snowboarding (board-cross) Born on October 23, 1991 in Krasnoyarsk. Sports achievements: world champion among juniors (2010), silver medalist of the World Cup stage of the 2011/2012 season, silver medalist of the World Winter Universiade (2013).

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Prepared by the team of the 4th grade "Pochemuchki" MAOU secondary school No. 10, Balakovo, Saratov region Head Salohovich T.V. Viktor Vasilyevich Talalikhin Hero Soviet Union We are proud of our countrymen

Viktor Talalikhin. Summer 1941 The title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the award of the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal was awarded to Viktor Vasilievich Talalikhin by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of August 8, 1941 for the first night ramming of an enemy bomber in the history of aviation Viktor Vasilyevich Talalikhin 1918-1941

Life before the war Born on September 18, 1918 in the village of Teplovka, Saratov Region, into a peasant family. Russian. He lived with his family in the city of Volsk, then moved to Moscow. He graduated from the 7th grade and the FZU school at the Moscow Meat Processing Plant. Then he worked at a meat-packing plant and at the same time studied at the flying club. In the Red Army since 1938. He graduated from the 2nd Borisoglebsk Military Aviation School named after V.P. Chkalov in 1938.

On October 27, 1941, he flew at the head of six fighters to cover ground troops in the area of ​​​​the city of Podolsk, Moscow Region. Near the village of Kamenki, Talalikhin led a group to attack enemy positions. At this time, because of the clouds, 6 enemy Me-109 fighters fell on our planes. An air battle ensued. Talalikhin was the first to attack and shot down one Messerschmitt, but was immediately attacked by three enemy fighters. Leading an unequal battle, he knocked out another enemy, but at that time an enemy shell exploded nearby. Talalikhin's plane shuddered and went down like a corkscrew. The feat of Viktor Talalikhin

Viktor Talalikhin was buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery as a Hero of the Soviet Union.

Streets in Atkarsk, Bataysk, Vinnitsa, Vladivostok, Vladikavkaz, Volsk, Gomel, Domodedovo, Dnepropetrovsk, Donetsk, Zaporozhye, Zolotonosha, Irkutsk, Kaliningrad, Krasnodar, Mariupol, Moscow, Omsk, Orenburg, Podolsk, St. Petersburg, Chelyabinsk, Lodeynoye Pole, Enakievo, Lipetsk, Tambov, Podtyosovo, Yaroslavl.

Sources http:// http:// http:/ / games for kids.rf / upload/ iblock /64c/64c8ce0b35a7dfab4ef0b3de38cb04c6.jpeg http:// https:// commons.wikimedia .org/wiki/File:Victor_Talalihkin.jpg?uselang=ru %D1%85%D0%B8%D0%BD,_%D0%92%D0%B8%D0%BA%D1%82%D0%BE%D1%80_% D0%92%D0%B0%D1%81 %D0%B8%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%B5%D0%B2%D0%B8%D1%87 http:// https:/ / http :// gTexOurFMA.jpg

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