Professions in the chemical industry. In search of a vocation: professions related to chemistry

Chemistry is one of the fundamental sciences. She unites a large number of professions.

Requirements for specialists

Whatever area the profession related to chemistry belongs to, it dictates its own conditions, which a specialist must meet:

  • developed analytical and logical thinking;
  • good memory;
  • mathematical ability;
  • attentiveness;
  • thoroughness;
  • accuracy;
  • the ability to focus on a task.

Do you meet these requirements? to understand your strengths and weak sides and choose the best direction professional activity.

Professions related to chemistry: a list of the most popular specialties

Chemistry penetrates into all areas of our life and is used in the professional activities of many specialists. Some professions are rare, others are in demand and popular in the labor market. Consider professions that are well known.

Chemistry teacher

The first profession that comes to mind when you hear the word "chemistry" is a teacher of chemistry. A specialist who combines a thorough knowledge of the subject with mastery of teaching methods and pedagogical skills can find a job in a school, college or university.


For a long time teaching work in Russia was not paid properly. Now the situation is changing, and teachers have the opportunity to earn decent money, as well as receive benefits from the state, for example, a mortgage at a low rate, social package. Since there was a significant outflow of teaching staff from schools in the 1990s and 00s, there is now a shortage of teachers. Entering the Faculty of Chemistry with the aim of becoming a chemistry teacher, you choose a profession with which you can easily find a job and be socially protected.


This is an extensive group of professions that are involved in a variety of industries:

  • heavy industry;
  • textile industry;
  • food production;
  • mining industry;
  • chemical and cosmetic industries.

Job Responsibilities of Chemical Technologist:

  • researching;
  • development of recipes and technologies;
  • introduction of new technologies;
  • development of documentation;
  • production and product control.

This profession is in high demand, and wages depend on the industry in which the specialist is employed. In Russia, the highest salaries are in the extractive industry, and in the countries of Western Europe - in medicine and scientific activities.


Biochemistry is at the intersection of two sciences - biology and chemistry. This is a young science that appeared in the 19th century.

A biochemist studies the composition and properties of living organisms - plants, animals, microorganisms and humans and their cells; the processes that take place in them; the laws of their life.

Research conducted by biochemists makes it possible to study the mechanisms of the occurrence of diseases and develop methods to combat them, create new effective drugs or breed new plant varieties. This is painstaking work that requires extensive knowledge, high concentration, and endless patience.

The work of biochemists is highly demanded and well paid.

Technical analysis laboratory assistant

These specialists are engaged in chemical and chemical-physical analysis of substances, which is necessary to control the compliance of production products with standards. The activity of laboratory assistants is very important, because the quality of products of all industries depends on their work.


The profession of a laboratory assistant belongs to the types of "man-sign" and "man-technique", therefore it is suitable for introverts.

To work as a laboratory chemist, a higher education is required.

Environmental chemist

Relatively new trend.


Ecology as a science and field of activity is relatively young, but now, due to pollution environment, gain popularity. This process is especially pronounced in European countries, in the USA and Australia, but in Russia the environmental direction is becoming more and more important. Therefore, those who now choose specialties related to ecology will have no problems with employment after graduation.

An environmental chemist is engaged in:

  • the study of processes leading to changes in the environment;
  • monitoring of environmental control on industrial enterprises;
  • development of standards for permissible environmental impact;
  • chemical expertise;
  • control of chemical processes in production.

A specialist can work in a research institute, research center, environmental control service, sanitary-epidemiological or certification laboratory.


For a doctor, knowledge of biology and chemistry is a must.

Medical professions are in high demand all over the world and at all times. Unfortunately, people are getting sick, and the demand for doctors is not decreasing. The doctor also deals with the prevention of diseases.

In Russia, the work of a doctor is now paid better than it was 10-20 years ago, but specialists employed in state clinics do not earn very much. In the US and Europe, a doctor is one of the highest paid professions.


To practice in Germany, you need to have a German diploma.


A pharmaceutical specialist knows everything about medicines. He is also required to know the rules for providing first aid, the basics of pharmaceutical business, and economics.

The place of work of a pharmacist is research institutes, research centers, laboratories, as well as pharmacies.


Russia is among the ten countries with the most large quantity pharmacies per capita, along with the US, China and Japan. We have one pharmacy for every 2,500 people. It is not surprising that the work of pharmacists is in demand.


A pharmacist is a kind of pharmacist profession. In Russia, a pharmacist with increased competence is called a pharmacist, and in European countries, a pharmacist is an assistant to a pharmacist.


If you are planning to work as a pharmacist or pharmacist abroad, you need to get an education there, since the Russian diploma will have to be confirmed.

Beautician Chemist

Knowledge in the field of cosmetology will be useful to a chemist engaged in cosmetic production. A cosmetic chemist is essentially a chemical technologist who is involved in the development, production and control of cosmetics. Such specialists work in laboratories of cosmetic production.

medical examiner

The medical examiner must have medical education, but it is impossible without knowledge of chemistry.

The work of a medical examiner is quite specific; the specialist is engaged in finding out the circumstances and causes of death of people, collects data, providing indispensable assistance in solving crimes.

Medical examiners have many benefits, short hours, and are well paid.

A look into the future: career and earnings

When thinking about professions related to chemistry, it is necessary to take into account the following fact: chemistry is around us. This means that it is so necessary in modern society that it is absolutely impossible to do without representatives of the chemical professions. For those choosing professions related to chemistry, this is a sign that they will be in demand in the labor market at any time.

The salaries of specialists are generally decent, but in Europe they are much higher than in Russia.

Therefore, it makes sense to consider getting an education abroad.

The best choice for Russian applicants is German universities that offer:

  • admission without the exam;
  • free education;
  • a large number of training programs, including professions that are not yet taught in Russia;
  • an extensive base for research activities;
  • flexible study schedule;
  • the possibility of obtaining a scholarship;
  • accommodation in hostels;
  • opportunity to work legally;
  • extension of a study visa after graduation to look for a job.

For admission to free education in German universities, you do not need to worry about USE results. Learn at school, get good marks, and after graduation, apply to several German universities at once. A diploma obtained at a German university will allow you to work both in Germany and in Russia. Of great importance for admission is the correct execution of the package of documents. Without experience, it is not so easy to deal with this matter. It’s good that you don’t have to worry about this, but that will help you do everything right.

Highly paid jobs that do not need to wag your nerves do exist. Business Insider compared Labor Department data on wages workers of various professions and a database called the Occupational Information Network about the stressfulness of hundreds of specialties. The degree of stress is measured on a scale from 0 to 100.

Here is a list of the 32 most peaceful professions:

1. Chemical engineer

Stress tolerance: 71

Annual income:$103 960

Responsibilities: Design of chemical plant equipment and development of processes for production chemical substances and products such as gasoline, synthetic rubber, plastic, detergents, cement, paper and pulp. The principles and technologies of chemistry, physics and engineering are applied.

Required education: bachelor

2. Civil engineer

Stress tolerance: 71

Annual income:$87 940

Responsibilities: Fulfillment of engineering duties in the field of planning, design, construction supervision and operation of building structures, as well as various construction projects.

Required education: bachelor

3. Dental hygienist (dental hygienist)

Stress tolerance: 71

Annual income:$72 720

Responsibilities: Brushing teeth and examining the mouth, head and neck for signs of illness. Advice to patients on oral hygiene, work with x-rays.

Required education: Junior Specialist

4. Medical Scientist (medical scientist)

Stress tolerance: 71

Annual income:$79 370

Responsibilities: Conducting research related to human disease and improving human health through participation in clinical trials, research and development.

Required education: doctoral or professional degree

5. Microbiologist (microbiologist)

Stress tolerance: 71

Annual income:$79 230

Responsibilities: Examination of microscopic organisms such as bacteria, algae or fungi; studying the relationships between organisms and the effects of antibiotics on them.

Required education: minimum - bachelor, sometimes - master or PhD (Doctor of Philosophy)

6. College psychology teacher (Postsecondary psychology teacher)

Stress tolerance: 71

Annual income:$79 370

Responsibilities: Teaching courses in psychology of various types. Can only be engaged in teaching or teaching and research

Required education: doctoral or professional degree

7. Audiologist

Stress tolerance: 70

Annual income:$77 420

Responsibilities: Evaluate and treat people with hearing loss and related conditions. They can fit hearing aids and sometimes do research related to hearing problems.

Required education: doctorate and license

8. Ophthalmologist (optometrist)

Stress tolerance: 70

Annual income:$115 750

Responsibilities: Eye examination for vision problems and diseases. Assign points as needed.

Required education: bachelor, 4 years ophthalmology program and license

9. Art director (art-director)

Stress tolerance: 69

Annual income:$101 990

Responsibilities: Responsible for the visual style and images in magazines, newspapers, packaging, and film and television productions.

Required education: bachelor or work experience

10. Developer technical documentation(technical writer)

Stress tolerance: 69

Annual income:$73 350

Responsibilities: Writing technical materials such as equipment or application manuals and operation and maintenance instructions.

Required education: usually - bachelor (it is important to have experience with engineering or technology, such as computer science, web design or engineering)

11. Engineer computer equipment (computer hardware engineer)

Stress tolerance: 67

Annual income:$114 970

Responsibilities: Research, design, development, or testing of a computer and computer equipment for commercial, industrial, military, or scientific purposes.

Required education: Bachelor of Accredited Program

12. Orthodontist

Stress tolerance: 67

Annual income:$221 390

Responsibilities: Checking, diagnosing and treating dental problems and abnormalities in the cavity, the design of devices for the reconstruction of teeth and jaws.

Required education: bachelor, 4 years of dental school and 2-3 years of residency

13. Hydrologist (hydrologist)

Stress tolerance: 66

Annual income:$83 440

Responsibilities: Investigation of water movements, solving problems of water availability and quality.

Required education: master

14. Application software developer

Stress tolerance: 65

Annual income:$102 160

Responsibilities: Creation, development and modification of applications.

Required education: bachelor's degree or strong computer skills

15. Manager of computer and information systems(Computer and information systems manager)

Stress tolerance: 64

Annual income:$141 000

Responsibilities: Determination of goals information technology organizations; implementation of appropriate computer systems to achieve these goals.

Required education: bachelor

16. Insurance company statistician

Stress tolerance: 64

Annual income:$110 000

Responsibilities: Analysis of the financial costs of risk and uncertainty.

Required education: bachelor and certification exams

17. Operations Research Analyst

Stress tolerance: 63

Annual income:$84 180

Responsibilities: Using mathematical and analytical methods to help organizations identify and solve problems and make informed decisions.

Required education: mostly - bachelor, sometimes - master or PhD

18. College law teacher (postsecondarylaw teacher)

Stress tolerance: 63

Annual income:$126 230

Responsibilities: Teaching legal courses

Required education: Bachelor and Degree in Jurisprudence

19. Geologist (Geoscientist)

Stress tolerance: 63

Annual income:$105 720

Responsibilities: The study of the composition, structure and other physical aspects of the soil.

Required education: bachelor, sometimes - license

20. Astronomer (astronomer)

Stress tolerance: 62

Annual income:$110 220

Responsibilities: Viewing, research and analysis of astronomical phenomena, application of information to practical problems.

Required education

21. College economics teacher (postsecondaryeconomics teacher)

Stress tolerance: 62

Annual income:$106 980

Responsibilities: Teaching courses in economics

Required education: PhD for most jobs, but a master's may suffice

22. Physicist (physicist)

Stress tolerance: 61

Annual income:$118 500

Responsibilities: The study of physical phenomena, the development of theories based on observations and experiments, and the development of methods for the application of physical laws and theories.

Required education: PhD for most jobs

23. Biomedical engineer

Stress tolerance: 61

Annual income:$93 230

Responsibilities: Analyzing and solving problems in the field of biology and medicine in order to improve the quality and efficiency of patient care

Required education: bachelor's degree in an accredited major or bachelor's degree in a related major who has completed preparatory courses

24. Material engineer

Stress tolerance: 61

Annual income:$94 690

Responsibilities: Evaluation and development of materials, machines and processes in production

Required education: Bachelor of Logistics or related specialty

25. Political scientist

Stress tolerance: 61

Annual income:$103 210

Responsibilities: The study of the origin, development and functioning of political systems

Required education: bachelor, later - master or PhD in political science or related sciences

26. Agronomist- machine operator(agricultural engineer)

Stress tolerance: 61

Annual income:$78 490

Responsibilities: Application of knowledge of engineering technology and biology to agricultural problems related to power and technology, soil, water conservation and processing of agricultural products.

Required education: Bachelor in Agronomy or Biology

27. Statistician

Stress tolerance: 59

Annual income:$84 440

Responsibilities: Application of statistical methods in data collection and analysis to solve problems in business, science, engineering and other fields.

Required education: higher education

28. Economist (economist)

Stress tolerance: 59

Annual income:$109 230

Responsibilities: The study of the production and distribution of resources, goods and services.

Required education: bachelor

29. Geographer (geographer)

Stress tolerance: 58

Annual income:$74 920

Responsibilities: Studying the nature and use of the earth's surface areas, conducting studies on the physical aspects of the region, conducting studies on the consequences human activity in this area.

Required education: usually - master, in rare cases - bachelor

30. Mathematician (mathematical)

Stress tolerance: 57

Annual income:$112 560

Responsibilities: Conducting research in the field of fundamental mathematics, the application of mathematical methods in science, management and other areas;

Required education: usually - bachelor or master, sometimes - doctor

31. Materials scientist

Stress tolerance: 53

Annual income:$94 940

Responsibilities: The study of substances at the atomic and molecular levels, the study of their reaction with each other, the development of new and improved products.

Required education: minimum - bachelor, more often - master or PhD

32. Fuel cell engineer

Stress tolerance: 50

Annual income:$88 190

Responsibilities: Design, evaluation, modification or construction of fuel cell components or systems for transportation, fixed or portable applications.

Required education: minimum - bachelor, often - master or PhD

If you think that chemistry is magic outside of Hogwarts, you are happy to build chains of transformation of substances and you are not afraid of schemes organic matter, think about the profession associated with this natural science discipline. selected for you 13 options from different professional fields.

The science

In this area, you will be engaged in theoretical chemistry, conduct research and make discoveries. This may not sound like much fun. But for those people who love and know how to analyze, find non-standard solutions and are extremely purposeful, this direction is the best fit.

Research chemist

Based on the theory, the research chemist finds new uses for various substances, and also tries to create new types of materials using a combination of various properties of substances. This specialist is in demand at chemical, oil refining, and pharmaceutical enterprises. Plus, he can work in research institutes.

Chemical analysis laboratory assistant

If you choose this profession, you will work in a laboratory and analyze various chemicals. Such laboratories are available at any enterprises that are engaged in agriculture, production of fabrics, cosmetics, medicines. Chemical analysis labs test the product and determine if it matches the original idea, is it safe, etc. A specialist in this area is also needed in the field of forensic science.


This specialty is on the border of chemistry and biology. Biochemists in laboratories study the chemical processes that occur in living organisms. With the help of this knowledge, other specialists () improve the production process of medicines, cosmetics, chemicals, etc. It is in this field of science that high-profile discoveries have been made in the last ten years: genetic engineering, genetics, agricultural chemistry and more.


Below are examples of more practice-oriented professions that are related to chemistry. This group of specialties is suitable for people who care about seeing the result of their work, who like to invent new products based on research by scientists, improve what has already been created and improve the production process.

Chemist-technologist and biotechnologist

Using knowledge from the field of chemistry and understanding the processes that occur in nature, chemists-technologists process raw materials and create products useful for humans from them. This is not only food, cosmetics, medicines, but also the processing of minerals. Biotechnologists can work in research institutes and scientific and practical centers, at enterprises of microbiological, pharmaceutical, perfumery and cosmetic, Food Industry. By the nature of their activity, chemists-technologists are close to biopharmaceutical chemists and bioengineers.

Among the "chemical" professions there are professions of the future. For example, bioinformatics. He is engaged in the analysis of biomedical data using algorithms and calculations.

Environmental chemist

Chemical ecology studies the effects of chemicals on the environment and possible ways to reduce their negative impact. Ecologists monitor problem areas, develop methods to combat pollution and carry out activities to clean up the environment. Environmental chemists also monitor the quality of raw materials, products, water and conduct an audit of chemical equipment.

The medicine

Any doctor (from a therapist to a neurosurgeon) should be well versed in chemistry. If you enjoy interacting with people, this might be right for you.


Chemistry is the foundation for the study of theoretical and clinical medical disciplines. Any doctor should be well versed in chemistry in order to understand the processes that occur in the human body and correctly prescribe treatment. Knowledge from the field of chemistry is more important than other doctors for pathologists, pharmacologists, anesthesiologists, laboratory diagnostics doctors, dermatologists, nutritionists.

Pharmacist and pharmacist

Specialists who manufacture, sell and recommend drugs need to understand the chemistry of drugs and drugs and how they act on the body. you do not need to thoroughly delve into the technical process of drug production, but knowledge of marketing and economics is a must. Pharmacists work in pharmacies and research institutes, pharmaceutical factories, pharmacy warehouses and analytical laboratories.


If you want to pass on your knowledge and instill a love for chemistry in schoolchildren and students, you are fond of chemistry. In addition to chemistry, you will need to understand the humanities: pedagogy and psychology. You can also get into pedagogy through science. Many scientists devote part of their time to the more complex branches of chemistry. But in any case, the teacher needs to have iron nerves, patience and a high level of empathy.

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  • Pros and cons of the profession

There are a lot of professions related to chemistry. This is due to the high demand for competent specialists in food and industrial enterprises, chemical analysis laboratories, etc. Today, more and more young people after school are interested in the specialty "chemical technology". Having received a diploma of a specialist, prospects open up for a graduate in any city.

Specialty "chemical technology"

Schoolchildren dreaming of this profession in high school should pay a lot of attention Russian , chemistry and the queen of sciences - mathematics . It is they that will have to be taken in most universities where chemists are trained.

The training lasts 4 years. At the moment, there are more than 70 universities in the country that train specialists in this field.

A feature of chemical technology is that it has many branches. This area is similar to medicine, where the student first receives basic knowledge about anatomy and diseases, then goes to residency, where he already studies some direction in depth (psychiatry, cardiology, etc.).

FROM chemical technology about the same. The student in the first years studies in detail the basic block of chemistry (general, organic, etc.) and then thinks about choosing a specific profile. For example, working with pharmaceuticals.

Despite the name of the specialty, few of the graduates go into "pure" science, where it is required to create new types of medicines, fertilizers and substances for the needs of industry. The easiest way for a young chemist is.

Students note that after a year of study, teachers begin to pay serious attention to practice. That is, future specialists will devote a lot of time to working with reagents under conditions close to a real laboratory.

Without practical skills on "naked" theory, it is difficult to become a good chemist. Sometimes a student will spend an hour or more to reproduce the desired reaction.

After defending their diploma, many go to work as analytical chemists. They are in demand in all areas, from medicine to cosmetology. If there are large factories in the city, then graduates get jobs there as electrochemists. In regions where the metallurgical industry is flourishing, metallurgists are always needed.

Necessary personal qualities for mastering the profession

The required chemical technologist must possess the following qualities:

  • Passion for the profession. Often the work of a chemist is associated with monotonous actions, when you have to select suitable substances for hours and wait for the necessary reaction. At the same time, there will be practically no opportunity in the workplace to even be distracted by conversations with colleagues. Therefore, the student must be completely passionate about what he is doing. Otherwise, the laboratory will become for him not a place of entertaining research, but a torture one;
  • Analytical mentality;
  • industriousness. Painstaking work is often combined with the fact that a specialist has to stand in front of reagents or a microscope for a long time. To this should be added the need to constantly record various data, enter information into tables, etc.;
  • Committed to self-improvement. Chemistry is a field of knowledge that is rapidly developing. New devices and methods for the synthesis of substances appear. Therefore, at a solid enterprise or in a large laboratory, that chemical technologist who is always up to date with news from the world of science will be in demand;
  • Good memory.

Chemical technology of materials for modern energy: who to work with?

Chemists in this area are well versed engineering graphics, understand the principles of modern mechanics and are able to model complex chemical and technological phenomena. The most extensively studied nuclear industry, since it is on it that great expectations in terms of providing residential and industrial facilities with energy.

Taking into account the growing need of mankind in energy, a specialist in its field will be especially in demand in large cities. He can easily find work in scientific center, energy corporation, power plant.

Prospects open up for talented graduates who were able to get a job nuclear power plants where required radiation chemist.

There are more rare professions, like a specialist in working with nanomaterials.

The level of earnings of a chemist-technologist

The salary of a specialist with a diploma in chemical engineering depends on the place of his work. If he got a job in a small division of a pharmaceutical company as a laboratory assistant, then his salary at the initial stage will be about 20 thousand. In the capital, even in a small laboratory, a chemical technologist will receive 30 thousand or more.

After working for several years and becoming a highly qualified specialist, you can apply for more respectable places. In the region, this may be a large chemical enterprise. There, the salary of a chemical technologist will already be at least 40 thousand rubles.

If a person builds a career in Moscow and was able to eventually take the post of a process engineer, then his salary will be more than 60 thousand rubles.

Pros and cons of the profession

People who have mastered modern profession chemist-technologist, note her important Benefits:

  1. Opportunity to constantly learn something new. For people with an analytical mind and passionate about chemistry, this allows them not to get bored at work and develop as a specialist. Even at the start of their career, many young employees go to their favorite laboratory with enthusiasm, and not as hard labor;
  2. Manifold labor activity. Basically, chemists-technologists go into industry, but all opportunities are also open to them in pharmaceutical companies, food factories, research institutes, refineries industries, metallurgy etc.;
  3. Good wage. Although at the initial stage it cannot be called impressive, but after a few years a responsible chemical technologist will be able to provide himself with a decent standard of living.

The specialty has negative sides:

  • High responsibility. Chemical technologists monitor the quality of manufactured products and medicines, not to mention work at high-risk facilities, such as nuclear power plants;
  • Working with harmful substances. If you neglect personal protective equipment, you can get damage to the respiratory tract, eyesight or skin.

A school graduate who is interested in chemistry will definitely not lose if he decides to become a chemist-technologist. He is waiting not only good wage, but also an interesting activity and the opportunity to find work even in a small industrial city.

Video: how to enter the "Chemical Technology"?

In this video, Mikhail Derbenev will tell you which universities and how they train specialists of this faculty:

Chemistry spreads its hands wide in human affairs... Wherever we look, wherever we look, the successes of its diligence turn before our eyes.

M.V. Lomonosov

Chemistry is one of the most important sciences that gives us the opportunity to understand the world. If you do not know about the chemical processes that are constantly taking place around us, then the world will be completely unknowable.

Studying the secrets of modern chemistry will allow you to master many relevant and sought-after professions. Knowledge of chemistry makes it possible to work in the field of medicine, pharmacology, biochemistry and biophysics, molecular biology, geology ... Chemistry is the key to a successful future: the knowledge gained in chemistry will help you master a worthy profession and find your place in life.


A specialist who studies various substances, their connection with each other, their properties and features of chemical reactions, is called a chemist.

Chemist carries out chemical analysis and study of the composition of substances, products, raw materials. Engaged in the study of the properties of various substances; forecasting the use of substances in the national economy; receipt, production of various substances on an industrial scale (mineral fertilizers, insecticides, growth additives, etc.).

Conducts chemical research: analysis and synthesis of new products, testing of their properties, chemical synthesis (obtaining a specific product with a given chemical composition and structure).

The profession requires a high level of concentration and stability of attention (the ability to keep attention on one subject or type of activity for a long time); ability to analyze and systematize a large amount of information; ability to engage long time painstaking work. Important are personal qualities as organization, accuracy, clarity, composure, perseverance.

hinder effective work there will be absent-mindedness, inattention, disorganization, lack of inclination for research activities.

Areas of use professional knowledge chemistry: branch and academic research institutes; chemical enterprises and combines (for the production of plastics, synthetic fibers and fabrics, fertilizers, etc.); educational institutions; pulp and paper industry enterprises; mining and processing plants; medical institutions(pharmaceutical industry); food industry enterprises; perfume industry.

Chemist - this is common name professions, combining various specialties. The chemical professions include: chemist-technologist, chemist-engineer, environmental chemist, analytical chemist, research chemist, pharmaceutical chemist, biopharmachemist, radiochemist, etc.


Chemist-technologist - development specialist optimal projects manufacture of products for its production in industrial conditions.

Specialists of this profession carry out the development of new technological processes in the production of products and improve existing ones. Carry out control of samples of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products and finished products in production.

The result of the activity of a specialist is an economical and technically accessible project for obtaining on an industrial scale required product, object or type of energy. The project calculates the consumption of raw materials, materials and energy, takes into account the quality and quantity of waste, as well as the method of their disposal.

Chemical technologists are in great demand at enterprises for the production and processing of plastics, at factories producing paints and varnishes, fertilizers, and in the petrochemical industry. The essence of the work of a chemist-technologist is to develop new compositions with desired properties; in conducting research on the selection of optimal raw materials, the introduction of technologies for the production of new products and control over these processes; in studying the properties of the obtained substances and adjusting the formulations in order to improve their quality.

Today, not just chemical technologists are especially in demand, but specialists who are able to work with suppliers of raw materials, are well versed in the chemical market, and can develop and lead projects for the introduction of a new type of product. Successful activity requires initiative, the ability to work with people, additional knowledge in economics and management. All these qualities will help you make a career and take leadership positions in a chemical enterprise.

Chemical analysis laboratory assistant

Chemical analysis laboratory assistant - a specialist who conducts chemical and physico-chemical analysis of substances in the laboratory.

The work of a chemical analysis laboratory assistant is the basis for the quality of products in any sector of the national economy. Chemical analysis of raw materials is necessary to control the compliance of the products of the technological process and finished products with existing standards. A chemical analysis laboratory assistant provides control of the industrial process and obtains products with desired properties. It is safe to say that the well-being of many people who use the results of their work in everyday life and at work depends on the work of these specialists.

A chemical analysis laboratory assistant conducts chemical and physico-chemical analysis of various substances: ores, oil and oil products, steels of various grades, metal alloys, acids, salts, etc. Prepares reagents and equipment for work. Analyzes substances: establishes chemical composition substances, the quantitative ratio of the elements and compounds contained in it, determines the physicochemical properties of the substance (viscosity, solubility, etc.).

For successful work as a chemical analysis laboratory assistant, the following professionally important qualities are required: a propensity to work with information, developed logical abilities, an ability to concentrate, a propensity to work with objects of nature, developed mathematical abilities, and emotional stability.


Biochemistry (biological chemistry) is a field of science that studies the molecular foundations of life: the chemical composition, structure, properties and localization of substances that make up organisms, the ways and patterns of their formation, the sequence and mechanisms of transformations, as well as the functional role of biomolecules. The last few decades have been marked by a number of outstanding discoveries in biochemistry, which promoted it to the category of fundamental scientific disciplines and made biochemistry a powerful tool for solving many important problems in biology, medicine, pharmacology, and biotechnology.

Biochemists study the chemical processes that take place in living organisms. Biochemists are very important for research in the field of stem cells and genetics, the response of organisms to various drugs and allergens, agrochemistry and increasing crop yields.


The activity of a biotechnologist is difficult to describe in two words. This work covers medicine, pharmaceuticals, and genetic engineering.

Biotechnology - a scientific discipline and a field of practice bordering between biology and technology, studying ways and methods of changing the natural environment surrounding a person in accordance with his needs. This is a direction of scientific and technological progress that uses biological processes and agents to purposefully influence nature, as well as in the interests of industrial production of products useful to humans. The scope of biotechnologies is constantly expanding: in addition to the production of pharmaceutical and food products, biotechnological methods are used to develop minerals, solve the problem of energy resources, combat environmental imbalances, etc.

Professional activity b iotechnologist covers such areas as the production of biologically active substances and the processing of raw materials using microorganisms, enzymes, cell cultures of plants and animals; research activities in the main areas of modern biotechnology (genetic and cellular engineering, agricultural, industrial and medical biotechnology); protection of the environment from pollution (biological treatment Wastewater and contaminated areas, disposal of industrial, domestic and agricultural waste).

Biotechnologists can work in research institutes and scientific and practical centers, at enterprises of the microbiological, pharmaceutical, perfumery and cosmetic, biochemical, food industries (bakeries, milk and meat processing plants, confectionery factories, etc.).

Environmental chemist

Chemical ecology - a branch of ecology that studies the consequences of direct and side effects of chemicals on the environment and possible ways to reduce their negative impact.

Environmental chemist is engaged in the organization and implementation of local monitoring, industrial environmental control at enterprises. Develops standards for permissible environmental impact, limits on nature use, and calculates environmental payments. Conducts an inventory of sources of air pollution, wastewater, waste, testing and compiling passports for dust and gas treatment plants, etc. Performs chemical examination of the quality of raw materials, intermediate products and food products, water. Control the chemical processes in production.

The objects of professional activity of an environmental chemist are sources of pollutants, energy and other environmental impact factors; streams of pollutants removed with wastewater, off-gases, liquid and solid wastes; waste processing, placement (burial) systems; equipment and technologies for cleaning emissions into the atmosphere and wastewater, etc.

Environmental chemists work in research institutes, analytical laboratories, research centers of enterprises and firms in the chemical, metallurgical, biochemical, pharmaceutical, medical, veterinary, food, electronic, perfumery and cosmetic profile; institutions and services of environmental control, examination and monitoring of the environment, in sanitary and epidemiological, certification, expert and analytical laboratories.


M.V. Lomonosov said: “A physician cannot be perfect without a satisfied knowledge of chemistry.” These words are relevant to this day. Chemistry is the foundation for the study of theoretical and clinical medical disciplines. For medicine and public health, the role of chemistry is especially significant in the synthesis of drugs, medical materials, devices, as well as in diagnostics and treatment.

Doctor - a specialist who uses his skills, knowledge and experience in the prevention and treatment of diseases, maintaining the normal functioning of the human body.

A doctor is a person who has received a higher medical education in the relevant specialty and undertakes to devote his knowledge and skills to the prevention and treatment of diseases, the preservation and strengthening of human health.

A medical practitioner deals with the prevention (prevention), recognition (diagnosis) and treatment (therapy) of diseases and injuries. This is achieved through the continuous improvement of medical knowledge and medical skills (the study of a number of interrelated fundamental, general medical and special clinical disciplines, the experience of direct contact with the patient, his needs and suffering).

Advantages of the profession: a variety of specialization options, from which you can choose the area closest to your interests; independence in decision-making, the social significance of the profession.

Limitations of the profession: a high level of responsibility for the life and health of patients (which depend on the decisions made by the doctor); the need to constantly develop their skills and abilities, to master all new means of labor (drugs, medical equipment), new techniques and methods of work.

For successful activity as a doctor, the following qualities are necessary: ​​observation, a tendency to work with people, empathy (sensitivity to the emotional state of another person), organization, developed logical abilities, responsibility, high emotional stability.


Pharmacy is a complex of scientific and practical disciplines engaged in the development medicines, search for natural sources of medicinal substances, research of these substances, issues of storage, manufacture, dispensing and marketing.

The uniqueness of pharmaceutical education lies in the fact that it combines the knowledge of chemical, biomedical and special pharmaceutical disciplines with knowledge of the organization of the pharmaceutical business, the work of pharmacies, management and marketing, the management of the pharmaceutical service and pharmaceutical production, psychology and pedagogy, pharmaceutical ethics and deontology.

Pharmacist - a specialist with a secondary special education, graduated from a medical college.

Participates in the acceptance of goods, their distribution to storage places, ensures the conditions for the storage of medicines. Determines the correctness of prescriptions, dispenses medicines and medical products. Can manage a pharmacy in the absence of a specialist with a higher education.

The work of a pharmacist is related to people's health, so the first and most important quality is responsibility, literacy and attentiveness. If a pharmacist works in trading floor pharmacy, he has to communicate with customers. It requires patience, kindness, a culture of communication.


Pharmacist - is a pharmacist highest qualification who has the right to independent pharmaceutical work (production of medicines) and to manage a pharmacy.

The pharmacist must have a higher pharmaceutical education. After graduating from a medical school, a pharmacist must complete a six-month internship and pass an exam to obtain a special permit (license) for the right to carry out pharmaceutical activities.

The title of a pharmacist in terms of qualification corresponds to a doctor. The pharmacist has the right to hold leadership positions, for example, to be the head of a pharmacy.

The pharmacist accepts prescriptions, dispenses medicines and medical devices in accordance with the current rules, stores medicines in accordance with their physical and chemical properties and established storage rules. It manufactures medicinal products, carries out quality control of incoming and manufactured medicinal products in the pharmacy. Forms applications for the receipt and distribution of medicines and medical products.

The work of a pharmacist requires, first of all, an ideal memory, a high intellectual level, high responsibility, a tendency to research work. The pharmacist must know the physical and chemical properties of medicines, preparation technologies, and storage rules. He should be free to navigate in their types and groups, composition, rules of use, dosage. Good understanding of raw materials. Knowledge of Latin is required. When working in the pharmaceutical industry, knowledge of modern pharmaceutical equipment, principles of work " clean zones”, world GMP standards and the basics of biotechnological production.

organization wholesale trade medicines, the work of pharmacies is controlled by a pharmacist specializing in management and economics. To organize a pharmacy business, production, wholesale trade in medicines, a pharmacist does not need to know all the intricacies technological process, but you need to know the market conditions for medical products, have knowledge of marketing, understand the legal laws governing the trade and production of drugs. When working with foreign partners, knowledge of a foreign language is required.

Pharmacists work in pharmacies and research institutes (development of new drugs), in pharmaceutical factories, in the procurement departments of factories (collection and processing medicinal plants), in pharmacy warehouses and in analytical laboratories of regulatory authorities. As well as in organizations engaged in the wholesale of medical products.

Chemistry teacher

Chemistry teacher provides training and education of students, taking into account the specifics of teaching subject"chemistry". Conducts lessons, additional elective classes, leads subject circles. Introduces students to modern chemical industries, the main directions of chemicalization of the leading sectors of the national economy, the labor of workers in the chemical and related industries.

Draws up a thematic plan of work on the subject, ensures the implementation curriculum. Participates in methodological work, uses the most effective forms, methods and means of teaching. Analyzes the progress of students, ensures compliance with academic discipline. Builds skills and abilities independent work schoolchildren, stimulates their cognitive activity and learning motivation. Achieves a solid and deep assimilation of knowledge on the subject, the ability to apply knowledge in practice.

Perhaps right now you are deciding whether to link your fate with chemistry, whether you have the abilities that would allow you to make a brilliant career in this area. Academician D. A. Epshtein argued that these abilities are made up of two main components: “chemical head” and “chemical hands”.

What does it mean? We can say that a person has a “chemical head”, if he is characterized by good logical, associative and figurative thinking, the ability to abstract and generalize, and terminological memory.

But the most important thing in a real chemist is a keen interest in substances and the processes of their transformations, the desire to work with them. The peculiarity of chemical thinking lies in figurative and model ideas about matter and its transformations at the level of the microworld. And when a person with such thinking has "chemical hands" - accurate, sensitive - this is a born synthetic chemist or analyst.