Business project for breeding rabbits. Breeding rabbits as a business: a detailed description of the process of creating a rabbit farm, a business plan, profitability and payback

Attention! The free business plan provided for download below is an example. Business plan, the best way corresponding to the conditions of your business, you need to create with the help of specialists.

Rabbits, business plan, and its creation

This story was told by an entrepreneur who lives in the Moscow region Andrei Kalashnik, the owner of a large rabbit farm. Andrei built his rabbit farm on the purchased territory of a former collective farm. His rabbit business is located on the outskirts of the village and makes a good profit. Its staff includes: a veterinarian, an accountant, a driver, a tractor driver and three rabbit care workers.

Rabbit farming business plan

How did the idea to breed rabbits come about?

I was born and raised in the village. Rabbits were bred by my parents. I adored these cute animals, fiddled with them, and as a result, my passion for them grew into a business. So, having collected a small capital, I built a farm.

I had no experience in running a business, but I was well aware that I needed some kind of plan according to which I could work and raise my business.

Business plan - my path to prosperity

After thinking and looking through a lot of information on the Internet, I realized that I needed a valid business plan. But where can I get it, just such that it works in my conditions and helps me to realize my project.

I understood that it was the business plan that would help me deal with the most important issues, such as:

  • purchase of breeding rabbits and purchase of grain;
  • animal care;
  • sale of finished products.

My friends advised me to apply to RBC to purchase a business plan, but after learning the price, and it was 50 thousand rubles, I refused their services.

My next step was the idea of ​​downloading a business plan on the Internet, which I tried to do, but again failed. All the bullshit that was teeming with free internet sites didn't fit with a really working business plan.

I had to do something, because I did not want to go bankrupt and therefore I was intensively looking for a way out. My first attempts at starting a business without a business plan were like a small child trying to walk, stumbling, falling, getting up and falling again.

I started to panic, and I was afraid of losing all my investments.

The solution was suggested to me by my friend, who purchased a ready-made business plan template for ridiculous money, and adjusted it with the help of specialists to the conditions of his business.

I did just that, bought a business plan for 550 rubles, reviewed it, wrote down all the necessary and changing figures, such as exchange rates, fuel costs, feed prices, etc.

After that, I turned to an economist I knew, and with his help, using the acquired template, we developed a real, valid business plan that led me to success, and my business to prosperity.

So, summing up, I got the following result. I bought a template for a future business plan for ridiculous money - 550 rubles.

A familiar economist with my help corrected and adjusted it to my conditions for 5 thousand rubles.

As a result, I spent 5550 rubles on a real and most importantly working business plan for a rabbit farm.

It's much cheaper if I applied to RBC or consulting company and they started designing everything from scratch.

Now my business is thriving, I plan to buy thoroughbred rabbits and build another farm, and all thanks to the acquired business plan template, which I bought literally for a penny.

Rabbit breeding business

Some useful information and a brief presentation of the rabbit farm business plan:

Rabbit farm business plan

The proposed business plan has been drawn up in relation to one of the most effective areas of agricultural production. This is an opportunity to work in small areas.

Rabbit has an exceptionally low cost. No farm animal has such a growth rate.

The document itself is an indispensable tool for creating a stable enterprise. It contains information about what initial capital is required, how to make calculations, what is the sequence of the first steps. The project is relevant, its implementation can be started immediately.

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The business plan contains sections:

1. Privacy

Along with the usual warnings about the order of non-participation of third parties, in the information about the goal. He emphasizes economic efficiency project. This is essentially a commercial offer for negotiations.

2. Resume

The section formulates the general direction, for example, "the creation of a rabbit farm with a turnover of 3 years, a director such and such, with a commercial loan in the amount of so many millions of rubles."

There are basic parameters - payback period, investor income, interest rate on the loan, the procedure for paying interest on the loan and return borrowed money. Other key indicators, including the economic effect of the implementation. Namely, the overall effect on the conditional life cycle.

Table number 1. Potential for creating rabbit farms in Russia

3. Terms and stages of implementation

A table has been prepared for this information. Separately, only the start dates (after receiving the loan) and end dates are noted.

4. Characteristics of the object

Here is concentrated information on rabbit breeding, necessary for a novice farmer. These are the characteristics of rabbit meat in terms of protein content, amino acids, and other nutrients. The properties of skins, types and sizes of wool are described.

The breeds proposed for breeding are described. Advice is given on maintenance, feeding, care, diseases, and methods of treatment.

5. Marketing plan

The principles of decision-making taking into account the competitive environment and the market are considered. The main question is to supply only meat, or both meat and furs.

The section also introduces the complex management of this industry based on the individual number of each individual. There is information about the hardware of such a system for both animal engineers and accountants.

An example of the positive experience of a mini-farm with marketing of this type is given.

Table number 2. Competitive environment of new rabbit farms in Russia

6. Equipment and technologies

With the help of drawings and drawings, the content of the enterprise is revealed. This is the truss frame and filling. The quantity and its list include cages and cells, hay nurseries, drinkers, feeders, ventilation systems, manure removal, and other equipment.

Explanations are given on the assembly of racks, devices for supplying water, heat and other practical recommendations.

Technological instructions contain guidelines for reproduction, work with young animals, slaughter techniques, taking into account the preservation of the quality of the skins.

7. Financial plan

All tax rates are listed and sales forecasts are given in tables real numbers. Forecast for the coming years, based on the declared economic effect and market conditions.

Animal husbandry is considered one of the most complex, resource-intensive and at the same time profitable directions Agriculture. However, this type of business is not necessarily characterized by multimillion-dollar investments in the purchase or construction of huge farms. For example, you can start rabbit breeding practically from scratch - it is enough to build several cages and purchase young animals of a suitable breed.

Breeding rabbits as a business - profitable or not? If the entrepreneur has a free plot, a personal subsidiary farm and access to a forage base, the answer will definitely be positive - even taking into account the fact that in this case only private clients, acquaintances and buyers in the agricultural market can sell products. If we are talking about creating a large rabbit farm and keeping a herd of several thousand heads, then such a project requires careful calculations, an analysis of the market capacity and the development of a full-fledged business plan.

Business Features

in general, and rabbit breeding in particular, is a fairly promising area for entrepreneurs for the following reasons:
  • The rabbit meat market is only half full;
  • The product is superior in dietary and taste qualities to beef and pork;
  • The farm owner can count on tax holidays and various government subsidies;
  • Due to low costs, the cost of a kilogram of production is much lower than that of other types of meat, and the selling price is high due to limited supply.

Rabbit meat is used not only for cooking in restaurants or at home, but also in the production of canned food, sausages, semi-finished products, as well as for catering for recovering patients. Therefore, the clients of the rabbit farm can be:

  1. Meat processing enterprises;
  2. Individuals with any level of income;
  3. Public catering establishments;
  4. Medical institutions, hospitals, dispensaries;
  5. Enterprises and educational establishments with canteens.

Rabbits breed and grow very quickly. After birth, the female is immediately ready for a new mating and, thanks to the possibility of combining periods of pregnancy and lactation, can bring offspring up to six times a year. By the age of four months, representatives of meat breeds reach a marketable weight of 4–5 kg sufficient for slaughter, as a result of which meat production becomes almost continuous.

The choice of breed for breeding

When considering where to start raising rabbits, you should first determine priority livestock activities:

  • Meat production;
  • Breeding of combined breeds (production of meat and skins);
  • Content of fur and fur breeds;
  • Cultivation of decorative breeds.

As a business, breeding rabbits for meat due to its high profitability is the most popular among entrepreneurs. The most common meat breeds include:

  • New Zealand White;
  • French ram;
  • Californian.
Raising rabbits for meat and skins involves the purchase of young animals of combined breeds with thick beautiful fur and a good meat yield:
  • Gray and White giants;
  • Risen (German giant);
  • Soviet chinchilla;
  • European and Poltava (Soviet) silver;
  • Viennese blue.

To obtain rabbit fur or down, breeds with beautiful thick wool of the original color are chosen. Despite the fact that fur rabbits have a lower body weight, their meat tastes in no way inferior to other varieties. Suitable for industrial breeding:

  • Russian ermine;
  • Rex white, blue, Russian, fiery, black;
  • Angora English or French rabbit.

In the business plan for breeding rabbits with calculations, the costs of forming a breeding herd must be taken into account. You should buy young animals only in nurseries or at special exhibitions after mandatory inspection veterinarian: the probability of acquiring sick animals with an unknown pedigree on the "bird" market is quite high. The cost of each copy is determined by its age: meat and meat-and-skin breeds are estimated at 420-450 rubles for each month of keeping on the farm.

Drawing up a business plan

Despite the apparent simplicity of the technology, the rabbit breeding business has many subtleties that are sometimes unknown even to an experienced farmer. To assess the prospects for this type of activity, any entrepreneur can download a rabbit breeding business plan template for free and make their own calculation of the main economic indicators: a project presented in numbers is more visual than an abstract concept.

The rabbit farm business plan consists of standard sections (overview, production and economic), however, such initial data as the cost of feed, breeding herd, land, market prices for products are purely individual and depend on specific regional conditions.

In general, the project should consider the following issues:

  1. Description of the product, its advantages and benefits, justification of demand;
  2. Description of the enterprise, the size of the breeding herd and the expected increase in livestock;
  3. Capacity Analysis regional market, the presence of large customers and competitors on it, the proposed mechanisms for the sale of meat, skins and other products;
  4. Production plan - the number and design of cages, the desired location of the site, the mechanisms for the supply of young animals and forage preparation;
  5. Financial plan taking into account expenses and expected income;
  6. Strategy for finding new markets and developing the enterprise.

It should be noted that downloading a rabbit breeding business plan and adapting it for your own purposes is much easier and cheaper than ordering project development from third-party organizations for 50–60 thousand rubles. An additional advantage in this case will be the acquisition by the entrepreneur of some experience in conducting economic calculations, without which even the most profitable business becomes risky and unpredictable.

Activity registration options

Ways to legalize the activities of the farm also require consideration in the finished business plan for breeding rabbits. The simplest organizational form a personal subsidiary farm is presented - in this case, the entrepreneur may not pay taxes, but has the right to sell products only to acquaintances or private buyers on collective farm markets.

For LPH it is necessary to issue:

  • Farmer's health book;
  • A veterinary certificate on the state of health of animals and whether they have been vaccinated;
  • Certificate of laboratory analysis of meat and permission to sell;
  • Sanitary certificate of the vehicle used to transport products.

In addition, in some regions, the size of the breeding herd is regulated for private household plots. To get rid of such restrictions and be able to supply meat to Retail Stores, in the business plan for breeding rabbits at home, it is necessary to provide for registration with the tax authorities as individual entrepreneur or peasant farming. At the same time, it is necessary to choose a suitable taxation system: for a rabbit farm, the best option is the UAT at a rate of 6%.

In general, individual entrepreneurs and peasant farms in terms of taxation and maintenance accounting are identical - the main differences are that a peasant farm can have several owners, and the entrepreneur who created it has the right to receive a state grant under the program for the development of the agricultural industry.

Organizational matters

A significant disadvantage when raising rabbits at home is the limitation of the total number of adults on the farm, depending on the distance to the living quarters. So, in 20 meters from the house it is allowed to keep no more than 20 animals. Therefore, in accordance with sanitary standards, for the construction of a large rabbit farm, a site protected from the wind is used, located at a distance of more than 300 m from the nearest houses, other farms, wetlands and landfills.

The area required to implement the business idea of ​​rabbit breeding depends on the scale of the enterprise: all the facilities necessary to maintain a herd of 1000 heads will be located on a plot of 10–12 acres. However, if a few hectares are purchased or rented, the remaining area can be used to grow fodder crops - alfalfa, corn, beets or barley, which will ultimately lead to significant savings in the purchase of feed.

Raising rabbits at home from scratch involves the use of one of four common technologies:

  • Animal breeding in closed premises with controlled microclimate. In this case, the farm is one or more hangars equipped with artificial lighting, heating and ventilation systems. With a small scale of production, a barn, garage or other outbuilding is used as such a room;
  • The use of Mikhailov's mini-farms. This design allows you to fully automate the process of keeping animals - it is enough to fill the feeders once a week, pour water into the drinkers and clean the waste bin. Mikhailov's cages are also equipped with heating, which is especially convenient for beginners - raising rabbits at home is practically independent of seasonal fluctuations in the breeding cycle;
  • The content of rabbits in multi-tiered cages according to the Zolotukhin method. The cages are placed along the walls in special long buildings (sheds) and covered with a common roof, which greatly simplifies the process of feeding and cleaning using motor vehicles. The shed system is especially popular among summer residents and novice farmers due to the possibility of arranging aviaries from improvised materials.

The technology of growing rabbits in a pit. At the same time, there is no need to build a farm - it is enough to choose a dry, elevated place and equip a brick-lined pit 1.6–2 m deep with several holes there. In addition to the advantages in the form of the simplicity of rabbitry equipment and the minimum requirements for start-up capital, breeding rabbits in pits as a business also has significant drawbacks: under such conditions, animals of fur and meat-and-skin breeds cannot be kept, and close contacts of individuals provoke an instant spread of diseases among them. In addition, when grown in a pit, rabbits become smaller and run wild due to the impossibility of carrying out selection work with them.

farm equipment

The territory of the future farm needs to be landscaped: to clear the site for construction, to ensure connection to electrical networks and an uninterrupted supply of water from a well, well or water supply. In addition, according to sanitary requirements, the area with cages must be fenced with a solid or mesh fence 1.5 m high. In general, rabbit breeding as a business requires the construction of several structures, including:

  • Rabbits. In accordance with the chosen conditions for growing rabbits, sheds with cages made of wood, OSB sheets and galvanized mesh are erected on the site, or rows of ready-made Mikhailov mini-farms are installed: each such block is designed to keep 20–25 rabbits and takes 1.4–1.5 m² area;
  • feed shop. For storage of feed, a barn of suitable size is used, and in its absence, a hangar capable of accommodating a supply of hay, compound feed and root crops. With a low cost of grain, it is advisable to purchase and install a granulator and crusher in the workshop in order to be able to prepare the feed yourself. A plot of 10–15 m² is also being equipped here for storing tools and motor vehicles;
  • Domestic premises. A small insulated house is needed for an overnight stay for a watchman and a veterinarian who monitors newborn rabbits around the clock. In the house, you can equip a room for eating and relaxing for staff, allocate space for storing skins. In the absence of a suitable building, a panel structure is erected on the site or a 3x6 m block container is installed;
  • Massacre. As a business, raising rabbits for meat involves arranging a separate building for slaughtering animals: finishing such a room with tiles and metal should allow regular cleaning and disinfection.

The list of slaughterhouse equipment includes:

  1. Devices with hooks for hanging carcasses;
  2. Tables and sinks made of stainless steel;
  3. Knives and cutting boards;
  4. Refrigerators for meat;
  5. Offal and waste disposer (diesel or gas cremator).

Manure collector. A manure pit equipped with an open canopy with a depth of at least 3 m with concrete walls is located at the maximum distance from the slaughterhouse and rabbitries (according to sanitary standards - at a distance of at least 100 m).

Farm building costs

Name Amount, rub.
Land plot 5 hectares with registration 110000
Drilling and well construction 130000
Electrical connection 5000
Device mesh fencing farm 50x50 m 62000
Purchase of 40 Mikhailov cages 480000
Feed shop hangar 12x12 m 160000
Arrangement of a manure collector 25000
Service room 3x6 m 80000
Slaughterhouse 125000
Cutting room equipment 50000
Low Temperature Meat Cabinet 48000
Gas waste cremator for 50 kg 115000
Mini tractor Belarus 287000
Hand tools (shovels, pitchforks, rakes, wheelbarrows) 25000
Cell Repair Tool 15000
Buckets, forage shovels, drinkers 10000
Total: 1727000

Animal feeding

IN home business breeding rabbits involves the inclusion in the diet of animal food waste, cabbage, various cereals and self-harvested hay. However, with industrial maintenance, the entrepreneur will not be able to afford such a variety of feed, and therefore will be forced to purchase or procure:

  • Green fodder - meadow grasses, potato and beet tops, corn, alfalfa;
  • Dry food - silage, grass hay and branches of fruit trees, about which animals like to sharpen their teeth;
  • Juicy food - carrots, potatoes, beets;
  • Grain feed - compound feed, wheat, barley, oats, beans, corn;
  • Mineral additives - chalk, salt, bone meal.

The cost of a ton of hay is 5,000 rubles, root crops - 12,000 rubles, grain - 6,000 rubles, complete feed - from 8,000 to 12,000 rubles. Taking into account the daily feeding rate given below, in the business plan for breeding rabbits for a farm of 1000 heads, at least 500 thousand rubles a year must be allocated for the purchase of feed.

Daily feeding rate, g

Rabbits can be fed with ordinary water from a well or well, provided that it is odorless and free of impurities. Drinking water is changed every day.

Meat and meat-and-skin breeds usually comfortably withstand changes in air temperature over a wide range, so they can be kept outdoors throughout the year. However, there are some factors to consider when breeding and raising rabbits:

  1. Animals do not tolerate high humidity and drafts;
  2. The temperature in the cells should not rise above 30°C and fall below -20°C;
  3. The female cage with rabbits needs to be additionally insulated and heated;
  4. Cages should be dry, ventilated and well lit;
  5. In cold climates, raising rabbits as a business involves building a separate wintering facility.

In a breeding herd, there are four to eight females per male, which reach reproductive age at five to six months. The rabbit is kept separately and during mating they are alternately planted next to the rabbits. After 28–30 days, offspring of 6–8 rabbits can be expected from each.

The female is ready for a new mating immediately after birth, however, given that she must feed the offspring with milk for 5-7 weeks, it is recommended to mate once every three to four months. When kept outdoors, the first mating is carried out in early April, and when breeding rabbits in heated cages, throughout the year. Thus, after 12 months, the offspring of one rabbit will have 40–70 goals.

Financial investments and expenses

Any involves the maximum involvement of all the resources available to the entrepreneur. When considering, one should study the available material base and think over options for its use: for example, in a personal subsidiary plot, a slaughterhouse is set up in a summer kitchen, a feed workshop in a barn, sheds are built from improvised materials, and hay is harvested on a pasture on their own. In general, the cost of setting up a farm is determined by the location of the available land, the presence of buildings, water and power lines on it, the size and cost of the breeding herd.

Initial investment

A business such as raising rabbits at home also comes with ongoing costs, which can be calculated in terms of the year of operation of the farm, taking into account constant fluctuations in livestock sizes:

Current annual expenses

Profit and profitability

The income from rabbit breeding can only be calculated approximately, within the bounds, since neither the number of rabbits in litters, nor the percentage of survival of young animals, nor the final cost of meat on the market can be predicted in advance. The following minimum values ​​can be used as initial data:

  • The size of the breeding herd is 100 heads, of which 80 are females;
  • The average number of rabbits in litters is 6;
  • The number of rounds in the first year of work - 2, in the second and subsequent - 3;
  • The maximum number of animals on the farm is 1060;
  • Commodity weight of a rabbit of meat breed - 5 kg;
  • The output of meat from the carcass - 60%;
  • The cost of a kilogram of rabbit meat is 425 rubles.

Thus, in the first year it is quite realistic to sell 960 carcasses weighing 3 kg each. The total income from their implementation will be 1,224,000 rubles. Considering, we should also not forget about the sale of rabbit skins at 350 rubles apiece and manure at 1000 rubles per ton.

Therefore, the total annual income of the farm can be estimated at 1,580,000 rubles, which, after deduction of taxes and operating expenses, is equivalent to 495,640 rubles of net profit. The profitability of the rabbit breeding business in this case will be 45% with a payback period of 3.5 years.

Business Advantages and Disadvantages

Building your own rabbit farm is a rather responsible step that requires a balanced approach. Most of the pros and cons of the rabbit breeding business are well known to farmers and owners of subsidiary farms, however, a novice entrepreneur should definitely familiarize himself with them in order to clearly understand the specifics of agriculture. economic activity. Among the main advantages of rabbit breeding are the following factors:

  1. Animals are characterized by high fecundity and growth rate;
  2. There is a demand on the market not only for meat, but also for rabbit liver, skins, dung, and even for rabbits;
  3. Rabbit breeding is one of the least expensive livestock industries;
  4. You can start a business with small investment at home - it is enough to buy a herd of 20–30 heads and build several cages;
  5. The level of competition in the market is low, and demand is 50% higher than supply;
  6. You can work at a preferential tax rate of the Unified Agricultural Tax, or completely avoid taxation when organizing private household plots;
  7. In the presence of insulated rooms for wintering or heated cages, rabbit breeding is not subject to seasonal fluctuations.

The disadvantages of the rabbit breeding business are as follows:

  • Rabbits are demanding on the conditions of detention, they do not perceive tightness, high humidity and drafts;
  • Animals need vaccinations and regular check-ups by a veterinarian;
  • The percentage of mortality among young animals can be quite high;
  • Breeding rabbits requires cleanliness, dryness, hygiene;
  • Obtaining sanitary documentation is accompanied by a loss of time and money.


The attractiveness of the rabbit breeding business is fully due to low competition, the availability of technology and the ability to scale quickly. At the same time, working with animals requires some preparation - without practical experience it is difficult to create optimal conditions for animals, choose the most efficient mode of operation of the enterprise, and even just butcher a rabbit carcass. In the following video, raising rabbits in terms of keeping and breeding technology is shown more clearly:

We must not forget that the efficiency and profitability of an enterprise is determined primarily by the presence of distribution channels. As such, you can use not only agricultural markets, but also wholesale companies, supermarkets, butcher shops. Of course, by concluding cooperation agreements with them, the entrepreneur assumes some obligations regarding the volume and timing of deliveries, however, there are other ways to create successful business just doesn't exist.
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» Rabbits

Many people living in rural areas are engaged in rabbit breeding. Mostly to provide his family with fresh, tasty meat. In addition, rabbit meat is dietary and it is indicated for use in many diseases, as well as for baby food. Breeding rabbits as a business does not find its wide distribution.

But this is the only business that you can start with minimal cost. Fertility of animals, high cost of meat and low competition are important components of a constant, high income from this type of activity. With a skillful approach and organization, this business can become exactly what will bring you a stable and high income.

In this article, we will look at rabbit breeding as a business, find out where to start and how to succeed.

Any entrepreneurial activity has its pros and cons. Rabbit breeding is no exception. The advantages of a mini farm include:

  1. Small financial costs to start a business.
  2. High fecundity, at which it is not required to purchase young animals.
  3. Minimum documents for the organization.
  4. Small maintenance costs.
  5. The high cost of meat.
  6. Wide sales opportunity.
  7. Low competition.
  8. Obtaining additional income from the sale of skins and manure.


  1. The downside in rabbit breeding is susceptibility to infectious diseases and, at the same time, high mortality.
  2. Strict sanitary requirements for care and breeding.
  3. Preparation of relevant documents.

Organizational and legal aspects

What is better to arrange - a personal subsidiary plot, individual entrepreneurship or farming?

Any type of activity must be registered and taxes paid. It is clear that if there are 20-30 rabbits on the farm, then this is not necessary for own consumption and registration. The choice of form depends on the number of animals and how many employees are on the farm. Let's take a closer look at the registration forms:

  1. LPH (personal subsidiary plot).
  2. IP (individual entrepreneurship).
  3. KFH (peasant farming).

private household plot

Ideal for a beginner businessman. Starting with a personal farm on your own land, you have many opportunities for development. When conducting this form of production, taxes are not paid, but in order to conduct economic activities, you must provide a certificate of the availability of a land plot. Selling meat through the markets and to your friends.

What does IP registration give?

With this form, it will be possible to open your own retail outlet for the sale of meat. As well as supply them to other outlets. The entrepreneur must pay tax. On this issue, you should contact your local tax office for clarification, because the legislation in this matter is constantly changing.

This will include:

  1. Farm certificate.
  2. Obtain a GOST-R declaration.
  3. Issue a phytosanitary certificate.

If there is no accounting knowledge, then you will need to hire a specialist to keep records. Therefore, it is better to formalize entrepreneurship with large volumes of production.

Peasant farming

Carries out any kind of agricultural activity. It is similar to entrepreneurship, with a few exceptions:

  • may have several farm managers with equal rights;
  • the statutory and constituent document is not required.

In theory, this form of activity is practiced to obtain various subsidies and benefits from the state, which, I dare say, are difficult to obtain.

Be prepared to solve problems on your own.

Hence the conclusion, if you do not have production on an industrial scale, then at first it is better to dwell on the design of private household plots.

Form of taxation

For the agricultural sector, there are two forms of taxation. This is a Simplified view, where income minus expenses and Uniform Agricultural. Which one is more convenient for you, you can ask for advice from a person involved in accounting activities. Because it depends on the form of activity, on the number of employees and on the volume of production.

Upon registration, you will be assigned an OKVED code with an encoding - A.01.25.2. This means: breeding rabbits and fur-bearing animals on a farm. This code does not include meat and skins of animals obtained by hunting or trapping.

How to start breeding livestock from scratch?

Consider in which cages the animals will be kept. What forage base they will be able to receive. On what land plot will the complex be located? Also read about all the breeds of rabbits and think about which one will be more convenient for you to work with. Study the market.

Leave couples for divorce from those parents who have the best performance.

The best breeds for breeding

It is best to choose breeds for breeding that can tolerate our Russian climate and are not particularly demanding on the conditions of detention. In this case, rabbit breeding will be profitable.

Breeds of rabbits for breeding are divided into:

  • meat;
  • meat-skin;
  • downy.

Is there some more decorative rabbits but they are kept as pets.

  1. Meat breed.

Fast growing rabbits. They gain maximum mass by six months. With sufficient care, by 4 months, the carcass is from 2 to 3 kg.

  1. The meat is skin.

Rabbits from which you can get both the skin and meat.

  1. Downy.

Rabbits with beautiful soft down, which many people use to make clothes.


They belong to the meat breed. These rabbits are the largest. The body length reaches 70 cm. The mass of an adult individual reaches 10 kg. Flanders were used to breed other large meat breeds.

Rabbits have large, wide ears. Strong, muscular body. Tender, soft meat. The color of the fur is similar to a kangaroo or beaver. Flanders are popular with breeders due to their balanced and calm nature.

Flanders rabbits

But this breed has its drawbacks. They need large cages, but are best kept in aviaries. They eat a lot of food. Rabbits are late. They often have difficulty in childbirth. But if you create decent conditions for them, then it is quite possible to breed for income.

Lead Accounts. Record the weight, skin color, and surviving rabbits. How many babies each rabbit brings

New Zealand

Relate to meat. The average weight of these animals is up to 5 kg. Purely white color. Compact body with well developed muscles. Small head with erect ears. Developed skeleton. The carcass is dense without excess fat.

Rabbits of this breed are fertile and milky. They are ways to feed up to 12 babies. Rabbits grow quickly and at 3 months can weigh up to 3 kg. Since there is dense wool on the soles of the feet, it is possible to keep it on the net. Calm and balanced.


Relate to meat. The breed got its name from its long, lop-eared ears. Large breed. Body length up to 70 cm. Weight 7-8 kg. Velvet skin in different shades. Broken, strong body. Excellent taste of meat. Rabbits are late. They bring 9 rabbits. Calm. Regular ear care is required.

Meat also includes:

  • - white giant
  • - gray giant;
  • — Californian.


A popular representative of the downy breed. Various colors: white, black and blue. The average weight is 4 kg. Body length 55 cm. 7 rabbits are brought. Fluff is combed out from 700 gr to 1000 gr.


Body weight 3 kg. The rabbit brings up to 6 rabbits. They grow slowly. Mostly kept at home. They require maximum skin care. Cheerful, playful character.


They belong to the meat-skin breed. They have a beautiful skin and tasty, tender meat. Hardy rabbits. The female rabbit brings up to 8 young rabbits, which are actively growing.

Do not allow closely related cases. The offspring in such cases is smaller, born with defects and weak.


They have interesting colors. On a white background, specks like butterfly wings. Spots of various shades: blue, yellow, black and gray. Highly fertile rabbits. Great for keeping in the Russian climate. Beautiful skin and tasty meat.

First of all, they have a beautiful gray-blue skin. Grow fast. They bring 8 rabbits. Weight of adults from 5-8 kg.

Arrangement of the place of detention

In rabbit breeding, there are several ways to keep:

  1. Pit.
  2. Cellular.
  3. Shedovy.
  4. According to the Mikhailov system.

And now about each method in more detail.
The pit method of keeping is the most ancient. This method is closer to natural conditions, which has its pros and cons. The advantages of this method are:

  • arranging a pit from available materials;
  • when several families are launched into it, we get a large, healthy offspring;
  • precocity increases;
  • rare cleaning of the pit;
  • obtaining healthy animals due to their active lifestyle;
  • there are no animal health problems;
  • space saving, up to 200 individuals can be kept in a 2 * 2 pit.

For all its merits, pit content has its drawbacks:

  • infections spread to all animals;
  • cleaning a pit is a complex process;
  • it is better not to breed large breeds with valuable fur in the pits;
  • closely related relationships, animals become smaller over time;
  • catching the animal is difficult.

However, with the right approach to arranging the pit, this method can be used to breed pets.

Mating at an early age is harmful to the health of animals.

Standard pit:
We choose a dry place without a close occurrence of groundwater. A pit 2 * 2 m is suitable for 200 animals. We dig at least 1.5 m deep. This is due to the fact that the animals dig horizontal minks and can dig a passage to the surface. To prevent this from happening, reinforce the walls with mesh, brick or slate. One wall remains open. It will contain nests. To start minks from the bottom of 20 cm, make a recess.

Pour a 20 cm layer of sand at the bottom, and equip a grid or slatted floor on top. Cover with straw or sawdust and clean once a week.

It is desirable to make a roof over the pit. So that it does not overheat, it should not be covered with metal sheets. Be sure to make a pipe for air circulation.

In winter, organize artificial lighting. Equip drinkers and feeders in such a way that the animals have enough space for everyone. And finally enclose the place with a fence.

The cell method is the most popular among rabbit breeders. The side and back walls are made of wooden boards. The ceiling, floor and doors are covered with mesh. In cold climates, cages are made portable. During cold weather, they are transferred to sheds or any insulated room.

It is possible to install in several rows on top of each other. There are single and double sections. Two-section are used for rabbits, where one compartment is nesting, the second is fodder.

Standard sizes of single-section cages:

  • length - 110 cm;
  • width - 60 cm;
  • height - 60 cm.


  • length - 150 cm;
  • width - 60 cm;
  • height - 60 cm.

Young animals for fattening are kept in cages, the length of which is up to 3 m. Dense plantings are not recommended. The fewer animals in the cage, the higher the weight gain.

Equip retractable trays for quick cleaning of cages. Along the aisle, manure is transported on trolleys or removed mechanically. Autodrinkers are being set up. Feeders with gradual feeding.

Thus contains from several tens to several thousand animals. Shed content in most cases is used by farmers and large farms. Depending on the climate, sheds are arranged under awnings or in enclosed spaces with ventilation.

According to the Mikhailov system. The system was developed by Academician Mikhailov. This method allows you to raise rabbits in special mini-farms. It is intended for raising rabbits on an industrial scale. They may contain large livestock. At the same time, they are served by three to four people.

According to this method, animals are kept in outdoor conditions on rabbit farms. Everything you need is present in the mini farm. It is warm in cold weather, cool in hot weather. The animals are provided with water and food around the clock.

Rabbits do not like to be disturbed once again, and the developed mini-farm for rabbits by Mikhailov allows you to feed and water them without worry.

Animals gain weight quickly and are absolutely healthy. They are also called Mikhailov's accelerators. Do not confuse - accellerat is not a breed, but a rabbit grown by a special method. Expensive system, because the cost of the cells is high, but if you make them yourself, then the costs are reduced. Using the system allows you to increase the turnover three times. Next, let's see how to make do-it-yourself rabbit cages drawings according to Mikhailov.

How to make a cell according to the Mikhailov method with your own hands according to a drawing with dimensions?

The farm consists of several compartments. It includes:

  • - nesting department;
  • - for youngsters;
  • - extract;
  • - heating for the nest;
  • - feeders;
  • - drinkers.

The cell is built in several tiers:

The first tier is the stand. It rests on four pillars. Racks are made of strong bars. The supports of the upper tiers consist of the beams.

A stand frame is adapted to support the structure. It has compartments for electrical equipment and tool storage. It also has a ladder and a feces barrel. It is better to collect it from a material that does not rust. Below are drawings of a cage for rabbits with dimensions according to the Mikhailov method.

On the stand is the middle tier. It is intended for walking animals and the generic department. With the help of racks, the tier rests on a stand. The dimensions of the racks are 2 * 10 cm. On the eastern side, the hole is covered with a net. There is a 250*250 mm window in the grid. On this tier is a trap for control and jigging, as well as shelter.

The farm is divided into several sections. The bunker feeder and automatic drinker are located in the walking area. The gap 20 * 30 cm is made from below. It leads to the sloping mines. Deviated 100 mm to the right. By this it is combined with the lower compartment on the first floor. The flooring is at an inclination of 45°. From rats there is protection from metal strips.

At the bottom, slats 2 * 45 cm are stuffed. Poop falls into the gaps and the cage is always clean.

The design provides a pipe for ventilation. Due to this, gases do not accumulate inside.

In the nesting compartment, a door is made that leans back. When it is open, it turns out a table for working with kids. This section has a solid floor. It is a little lower in level. External walls are insulated. The hole is closed with a view on the south side.

Since the mother liquor is made removable, gaps remain on the sides. To prevent animals from entering this hole, they are covered with planks. The damper that blocks the nest is better to make metal. The door is made of wood.

On the upper tier are the growing rabbits. A separate section has been made for the male. She stands for the frame.

The water tank is located between the compartments on the front wall. Moisture enters it automatically from other containers, which are located outside on the wall of the walking compartment. To keep the water warm in cold weather, heating is provided by a boiler.

Next to the drinker is a bunker feeder. Added a utility. When the rabbits rake out the hay, crumbs fall into it. The crumbs can be reused. The top of the feeder is folding. When you need to put the next portion of food, it opens.

For hay and root crops, the feeders are located between the floors. The heavy lid pushes the food down.

A complex design, but having built one with your own hands, the rest will be easy to do. After you try it in work, transfer the rest of the animals to such cages. Indeed, in such cages it is easy to work with animals, and they, in turn, feel great.

Let's talk more about organizing a rabbit farm.

Farm organization

No special permission is required for its construction. The main thing is the availability of land and ready business calculation plan. It is important that this site is located at some distance from residential buildings, ask the local authorities about this. Moreover, this concerns farms, and not a household for 10-20 heads.

Choose a place for a farm on some hill or with a slope. After clearing the entire area, it must be asphalted or concreted. Also make a drainage system.

By the way, it is worth remembering that rabbits can get sick. And you need to know , and .

In order to receive about 1000 carcasses of meat per year, the farm area will be approximately 1000 square meters of land. What to place on the site:

  1. Shed - 3 pieces (360 sq.m).
  2. Feed shop obligatory car access to it (200 sq.m).
  3. Sheds where inventory and building materials are stored (50 sq.m).
  4. Room for slaughterhouse and refrigerators (50 sq.m).
  5. Manure collector (30 sq.m).
  6. Passages for the passage of minitractors.


The use of sheds saves time on maintenance and building materials. We install two tiers of cages. On the back walls make windows 20 * 100 cm.

  • length 20 m;
  • height 2 m 40 cm;
  • passage width 1 m 40 cm.


Cells according to the sizes below are then divided for males, females and young animals.

  • length 1m 30 cm;
  • width 70 cm;
  • front wall height 55 cm;
  • rear wall height 40 cm.

The slope of the roof is made for the convenience of cleaning manure. Such pallets to do for all tiers.

In the manufacture of cages, use a galvanized mesh with a mesh size of 18*18, 20*20, 16*48 mm.

Between the cells, a mesh nursery for hay is installed. Drinking bowls and feeders are installed under the manger. For females, the cells are divided into nesting and feeding compartments.

There are 60 cells in such a shed. During the year it is possible to grow 400 and more goals young.

feed shop

On the farm, you will need a feed shop. Compound feed, grain and a grain crusher are stored in this room. You can also put a granulator and.

Separately put a shed for storing equipment and building materials.

Slaughterhouse and refrigerators

Mass slaughter is more convenient to do in special rooms. Therefore, put a slaughterhouse at the farm. It is better if you attach it to a room with refrigerators. The slaughterhouse must be equipped with a blood drawer and a furnace. The oven will be required to burn waste (paws, heads, entrails and unnecessary skins). Thus, there is a continuous process: slaughter, cutting, packaging and freezing. read in a separate article.

manure collector

We should not forget about manure. Equip a pit on the farm to collect manure. It should be in the farthest corner. As far away from rabbits and slaughter as possible. The walls of the pit should be concreted. The depth of the pit is not less than 3 m. The length is arbitrary.

Flandra and Soviet chinchilla were crossed. With sufficient care of the female, rabbits at the age of one month had a mass of 1-1.2 kg of live weight.

And now consider the full business - the process of breeding rabbits.

Since we breed rabbits for meat, we also choose breeds of meat direction. Not bad, and even successfully bred and paid off are such breeds: white giant, gray giant, silver or black-brown, flanders, Soviet chinchilla, Californian, butterfly, ram and there are several other breeds.

With proper care, by 3-4 months, the weight of the carcass is from 2-3 kg. Early maturing and prolific breeds. Soviet chinchillas are excellent mothers. The character is calm and able to accept other people's rabbits.

Two female Soviet chinchillas once fed 40 rabbits, by the way they were different ages. It was in winter.

When buying young animals, they must be vaccinated against infectious diseases. Since rabbits are stressful animals, in order for their transportation to go smoothly, they need to be given antidepressants or drip vitamin B6 when drinking, which acts as an antidepressant.

Newly bred young should be planted separately from the rest. They must be quarantined for a month. If everything is fine with the animals, you can connect with the rest.

How to organize feeding on the farm?

If someone thinks that it is possible to feed rabbits with hay and grass alone, they are deeply mistaken. To be successful in business, they need a complete feed, and without feeding with grain-meal feed, nothing will work.

Rabbit diet, daily dose in grams:

Main livestock:

  1. Meadow grass - 1500;
  2. Legumes - 1200;
  3. Branches - 600;
  4. Beet tops 200;
  5. Cabbage leaves (should be given with caution) 600;
  6. Carrot 600;
  7. Fodder beet 200;
  8. Sugar beet 600;
  9. Turnip 400;
  10. Boiled potatoes 400;
  11. Raw potatoes 150;
  12. Silo 300;
  13. Hay 300;
  14. Cereal grain 150;
  15. Bean grain 50;
  16. Oilseed grain 20;
  17. Bran 100;
  18. Cakes 100;
  19. Meat and bone meal 15;
  20. Salt 2.5;
  21. Chalk 2.

Try to follow these rules. Animals should not be overfed.

To make it easier to navigate how much feed is needed per year, see the following figures, kg.

For females and males during the dormant period:

  1. concentrates 3.50;
  2. hay 1.20;
  3. root crops 3.25;
  4. green fodder 4.50.

For females and males in the breeding season:

  1. concentrates 4.20;
  2. hay 1.50;
  3. root crops 3.8;
  4. green fodder 5.6.

Female motherfucker:

  1. concentrates 17;
  2. hay 6;
  3. root crops 16;
  4. green fodder 23.

Lactating female:

  1. concentrates 62;
  2. hay 21;
  3. root crops 57;
  4. green fodder 83.

Young growth 45-120:

  1. concentrates 10;
  2. hay 3.20;
  3. root vegetables 12.

In the morning, the animals are given juicy and green food. In the afternoon and evening - concentrates. Drinking, fresh water should be constantly.

Reproduction of rabbits is an important process in rabbit breeding. Run it through the diagram. In sheds, the upper tier is occupied by females and one male. Young growth is seated in the rest of the cells.

Each rabbit gives about 3: in spring, summer and autumn. It turns out about 25 babies. The rabbits sit under the female until the age of two months. In total, 300 goals are planted for fattening. Keep in mind that waste is inevitable for one reason or another. They are freely placed on the rest of the cells.

3 sheds of 60 cells result in 3*300=900 heads per year.

Feed savings

Fattening rabbits with purchased food, as you know, is expensive. It is impossible to grow grain. It is impossible to reduce the feeding rate. Therefore, it is better to produce compound feed on your own.

To do this, you will need a grain crusher and a granulator. Granules are eaten by rabbits willingly.

Several pellet recipes. Option for everyone:

  • oats, wheat 30;
  • barley, corn 45;
  • wheat bran 12;
  • cake 12;
  • chalk 0.5;
  • salt 0.5.

Option for youngsters:

  • oats, wheat 40;
  • barley, corn 45;
  • cake 8;
  • meat and bone meal 6;
  • fishmeal 6;
  • chalk 0.5;
  • salt 0.5.

Option for everyone:

  • oats, wheat 31;
  • barley, corn 32;
  • wheat bran 15;
  • cake 15;
  • meat and bone meal 3;
  • fishmeal 3;
  • hydrolysis yeast 2;
  • bone meal 1;
  • salt 1.

Hay harvesting also brings great savings. But silage and growing root crops is unrealistic. Therefore, it is better to buy them.

Try to mechanize manual labor. Buying a mini tractor will greatly facilitate manual labor. On it you can bring food to the Swedes, as well as take out manure. Set up automatic water supply.

Rabbit conditions and vaccination

To avoid various diseases, rabbits need to provide good conditions content.

Cages must be clean and dry. If the cells are wooden, whitewashing with lime every six months is desirable. Before entering the shed, make a square depression and pour lime into it too, so that those who come in pass through this lime. Thus, the disinfection of shoes will take place.

To avoid mass extinction of livestock from infectious diseases, vaccination is required. At present, a complex vaccination against VGBK and myxomatosis has been developed. Such a vaccination is given in the spring to adults, and young animals are vaccinated every three months.

Implementation of homemade rabbit meat

Of course, everyone is interested in the sale of meat. To begin with, treat and offer rabbit meat to your friends, acquaintances and relatives. If they like it, be sure some of the rabbit meat will go with a bang. Delicious shish kebab from rabbit meat and baked rabbit with champignons are delicious. This creates its own client base.

Selling meat from the yard does not require permits. But if you hand over to resellers, then you need a veterinary certificate.

You can try to offer restaurants. But since rabbit meat is not cooked in Russian restaurants, they will most likely refuse you. Then you can do this, offer the chef to cook a rabbit dish and give him a couple of pieces. If it works, then you will have an established distribution channel. But, then you need a few permits.

You can open your own outlet or offer your product to shops, wholesalers or supermarkets. But the fact is that 1000 heads a year or 2000 kg of meat is a small amount. Annual issuance of documents will eat up most of the profits.

To resolve this issue, contact the point of sale directly and solve it on an individual basis. Large suppliers in such points sell their products at extremely low prices . But they are huge. And you can end up broke.

New foods should be introduced in small portions and gradually. When acquiring rabbits, be sure to ask what they were fed. A sudden change in feed adversely affects the health of animals.

Business profitability with a business plan

The amount of the initial investment will be different for everyone. Because the cost of building materials in all regions is different. And then, perhaps you already have, say, a tractor, or some kind of equipment. And someone will start from scratch.

The list of necessary for breeding rabbits:

  1. Building materials:

- galvanized profile;

- galvanized mesh;

- roofing materials;

- lumber.

  1. Land plot:

It's better to rent, it's cheaper.

  1. Improvement:

- storm sewer;

- water drainage;

- asphalt or concrete;

  1. Construction cost:

- construction team;

  1. Necessary equipment:

- mini tractor;

- grain crusher;

- granulator;

- refrigerators.

  1. Rabbits:

- at least 50 goals.

  1. Inventory:

- feeders;

- drinkers.

The annual cost of raising a rabbit on a mini-farm

Multiply the amount of compound feed consumed per year by one production unit by the cost of the compound feed. To this amount, add the amount of other expenses: paperwork, fuel, etc. We get the annual cost per unit of production.

There are 42 production units on a farm of 3 sheds. That is, 14 females in each shed. Now multiply 42 by the amount of the annual expense (let's say 2000 rubles). The annual expense in this way will be 84,000 rubles. But as you know, there is no such thing as no additional costs, so let's add a little to this amount. We will receive 100,000 rubles.

little rabbit

Income calculation

The production unit is 50 kg of meat (25 grown rabbits * 2 kg). For most people, it is not the taste of the product that is important, but its cost, so we will put it for about 200 rubles. Now 200 * 50 = 10,000 rubles. This is from one production unit.

Now 10,000 needs to be subtracted from 2000 and we get a net profit. That is, 8,000 rubles. This amount must be multiplied by 42 and you get 336,000 rubles of net profit per year. We divide by 12 months and we get that every month for 30,000 rubles. Judge for yourself - a good salary.

You can receive such a salary by devoting only 4-5 hours of time to a mini-farm. Agree to profitably keep rabbits and create a farm from scratch is not so difficult. Moreover, if you want more, you just need to increase the livestock. When the system gets up to speed, you can think about industrial production.

As you can see, the rabbit breeding business is quite profitable. Raising rabbits is fast and all costs pay off in a year.

Many copies have been broken on this subject. However, there was no clarity on this issue, and no. Opinions were divided. Optimistic theorists draw beautiful business plans and prove on paper that honor, fame and huge money await the rabbit breeder. Pessimistic practitioners laugh at the former and cite real (and, alas, common) cases from practice when the entire livestock of a rabbit farm died from myxomatosis or other diseases in two days. Many, full of enthusiasm, after a year or two, swore, give up this business. A group of realist practitioners, purposefully and professionally engaged in breeding rabbits, is in no hurry to share information about the size of their profits. Rather, they even modestly complain about low incomes, but they are building nice houses and buy new cars. Let's try to figure out whether it is profitable to breed rabbits in our time.

Reasons why it is profitable to breed rabbits

Rabbits are the fastest maturing pets. A three-month-old rabbit can weigh three kilos, a five-month-old - four. No pet is able to give such a weight gain. For flanders or rizens, even ten kilograms is by no means the limit, however, they need to be raised longer. If we recalculate the cost of feed for rabbits (grass, hay, vegetables, compound feed) by the average purchase cost of meat, it turns out that it is more profitable to breed eared than pigs and, especially, horned cattle. In addition, rabbits of many breeds are ready for mating as early as 3.5 months, they breed under favorable conditions. all year round. One female can give 50-60 rabbits per year. Each will grow up to 3 kg. Total comes out 150-180 kg. You will not get such efficiency from a sow. And then there are the skins.

Today, only a quarter of the rabbit meat consumed is grown in Russia. Three quarters are frozen carcass exports, mainly from China and Hungary. Rabbit breeders have the best prospects in terms of import substitution. Moreover, domestic rabbit meat is better and better bought. The competition in this industry is still low, the prospects are very high.

Reasons why it is unprofitable to breed rabbits

Rabbits are subject to epidemics of infectious diseases with a very high mortality rate. A couple of bad days can cross out the many months of efforts of the rabbit breeder.

Despite the lack of dietary rabbit meat in the country, it is not always easy to sell. Today in the Russian Federation there are no structures that would be engaged in the procurement and systematic supply of rabbit meat. Many regions practically do not consume this type of meat. It is by no means always possible to attach skins.

What to do?

  • First, to make compulsory vaccination, which is neglected by many. These costs should immediately be included in the budget and protective measures should not be neglected. The money spent will be returned a hundredfold.
  • Secondly, to assess the prospects of the region in terms of product sales. Where and for what money it can be sold.
  • Thirdly, to apply progressive systems for keeping animals and to engage in purebred breeding. Determine the breeds most suitable for a given type of economy and climate. Buy producers in the breeding farm. In the future, at least, supplement the herd with replacement individuals from other nests.

Breeding rabbits on a personal plot on a small scale

10-20 individuals in several cages cannot be considered a business. You can provide yourself and your relatives with tasty and healthy meat. Dressing skins is more difficult: there are no procurement offices, as in Soviet times. Rare fur processing companies today give a little money for a rabbit. On the other hand, many breeders breed breeds with valuable fur properties, find ways to make the skin and sell it profitably. It is problematic to hand over excess meat to the store to a private trader, the real way is the market. Going there to sell one, two, even five carcasses does not always make sense. However, fresh dietary meat and fur coats all family members will be happy. Rabbit breeders who find mutual understanding with eared ones move to a higher scale of animal husbandry.

Breeding rabbits on a farm on a medium scale

In this case, we are talking about medium-sized farms. It can be a private household plot or a farm aimed at making a profit. With proper organization, it can pay for itself in a year and bring owners good income. The livestock can be several hundred individuals. For such an enterprise, it is important to determine the sales market, to arrange the supply of products. Much depends on the breed that is successfully selected for local conditions and the market. An important factor is the provision of feed and its cost. By having a market for skins or even down, additional profits can be made. You can develop such an economy gradually, investing as much as possible.

Do you want to start some interesting business that does not require large investments? Do you live in a small town or village where there are no well-paid jobs and prospects? Consider an option raising rabbits as a business. This is quite a promising business, since rabbit meat is tasty and dietary, and the fecundity of animals is very high. By devoting enough time to this business, you can reach a good permanent income with very little investment.

Advantages of rabbit breeding

Like any other animal husbandry, this business has its own merits and demerits.

Rabbit breeding as a business is profitable and without serious investments

We list the main advantages:

  1. High fertility of animals.
  2. The minimum level of initial investment.
  3. Ease of documentation.
  4. Low cost for food and maintenance.
  5. Constant high demand for meat and skins.
  6. Relatively high price for meat.
  7. In fact, the complete absence of competitors.

One of the main disadvantages in breeding rabbits is the high mortality rate. It is necessary to monitor them and vaccinate regularly to prevent the spread of the epidemic among the population.

How to set up a business?

If you are going to breed rabbits “for yourself”, then you do not need any registration. But if you plan to reach serious sales volumes, then it is best to register and pay taxes to the state. There are three ways to go here:

  1. Personal farm.
  2. Individual entrepreneurship.
  3. Peasant farming.

What exactly to choose depends on the volume of sales and production. If you keep up to a hundred rabbits, then you can do nothing at all.

A standard rabbit cage can be assembled from board scraps

Personal subsidiary plot

This is the most suitable option for a beginner rabbit breeder. You do not have to pay taxes - you just need to present a certificate stating that your property (lease) has a plot suitable for breeding animals. The main drawback is that it will be possible to sell meat only in the markets, without access to supermarkets and serious stores.

Individual entrepreneurship

This form of activity is suitable for those who have already established the process and are ready to engage in regular deliveries to stores or open their own outlets. It will be necessary to go through the full cycle of registration and regularly pay taxes. However, this is not a problem - the amount of tax on agricultural activities does not exceed 6% of the profits received.

Note:before opening an individual entrepreneur, contact the local branch of the Rosselkhoznadzor and clarify various nuances, since the legislation changes quite often.

In addition to obtaining a patent, you will need to obtain a farm certificate, a phytosanitary certificate and a GOST-R declaration. You will most likely also need an accountant. Therefore, you should draw up an IP only when you can already afford additional expenses or want to immediately reach a serious level.

Peasant farming

Is breeding rabbits profitable or not as a business? It all depends on how you will do it. In order to receive a permanent serious income, you need land and an initial fee. Or time - first you will buy a small batch of rabbits, and then you will constantly increase the number. When you reach the level that without auxiliary workers it will no longer be possible to manage livestock, we recommend that you register a peasant farm. In fact, this is a small collective farm that can be engaged in agricultural activities, while having two or more managers. The main advantage of such work is the possibility of obtaining subsidies and benefits from the state.

What do you need to get started

Let's look at what is generally needed in order to start rabbit breeding. It all depends on the size of your business. If you are at the initial stage and are not ready to invest a lot of money in business, then an ordinary cottage will be enough for you. A mini-farm can be arranged on 50-60 square meters. If you decide to do this seriously, then you will need at least 800-1000 squares of land.

Correct sheds on concrete slabs

The farm site must be level, dry and clean. Ideally, it should be concreted, but in the initial stages this is too serious a waste. Learn the experience of other rabbit breeders - a storm drain or drainage from crushed stone should be equipped on the site to prevent waterlogging of the site during cage washings. Also think about where you will store manure and feed.

Housing for rabbits

There are four types of housing for rabbits:

  1. Cellular.
  2. Pit.
  3. Shedovy.
  4. Mikhailov system.


Cages are the most popular way to keep rabbits in your backyard. In order to purchase cages, you will need some start-up capital. You can save money and assemble the cells yourself - there is nothing complicated about it. For manufacturing, you will need a board - shalevka, metal mesh and self-tapping screws.

There should be several cells - in one they contain adult males, in another females, in the third - pregnant or already giving birth to queens with offspring. Leaving a male and a mother with offspring in the same cage is not recommended - it can crush the babies.


This method does not require you to make major investments. Instead of cages, several holes are dug in the area so deep that the rabbits cannot escape from them. In them, they live and reproduce quite fully, while simultaneously digging small minks for themselves in the ground. This method is ideal for starting - no extra capital investment. Just feed your pets and clean up the manure a couple of times a week to avoid stink and dirt. The pit method is suitable for those who raise rabbits for meat - the skin usually does not tolerate such a regimen.


Shed is a full-fledged complex consisting of several cells located one above the other. The width of the shed is about three meters, but the length can be anything. The cells in it are located with their backs to each other - so it is convenient to clean them and take care of the wards. A similar method is suitable for real farms - sheds are compact, comfortable and roomy. For example, in a standard three-meter shed of two floors 10 meters long, there are about 80 cells. In one year, about 500 rabbits can be grown in them.

Mikhailov's scheme

This scheme was developed by a Russian scientist who figured out how to automate the process of caring for animals. The farm consists of 4 large cages with feeders, drinkers, ventilation and special places to collect manure. The main advantage of the scheme is that rabbits gain weight as quickly as possible. In just 120 days, you can achieve that the individual gained about 5 kilograms. In other content options, it will take about 7 months to gain the same weight. By inscribing the Mikhailov scheme in rabbit breeding business plan you will significantly improve your profitability. But for this you need serious investments. The recommended area for a farm is about 2,000 square meters, which will accommodate at least 300 complexes for 600-700 rabbits.

Good cages are the key to the health and rapid growth of rabbits

How to start?

Consider the least expensive way to start your business. The easiest way to start is at your dacha, having equipped a dozen or two cells. In fact, they can be assembled from old boards and scraps. metal mesh. But it’s better to spend money on a normal tree, treating it with environmentally friendly antiseptics that are safe for animals. In total, you are unlikely to spend more than 3 thousand rubles on cells.

In parallel, consider the issue of feed. Buying one bucket of grain in the market will definitely be unprofitable. You need to look for friends who receive grain for shares or work on farms - there you can buy it at serious discounts.

Be sure to study several books on rabbit science. The food of the animal must be balanced. He eats a variety of greens, vegetables, root vegetables, hay, twigs, silage, grains, and bran. The reference book says that for a rabbit to gain 4 kilograms of weight, he needs to eat about 10 kg of hay and 15 feed. Also, animals are given seasonal feed: freshly cut grass, apples, beets.

Choosing rabbits

So, all the pros and cons of a rabbit breeding business studied, you have a plot, cages and feed. It's time to buy wards. We recommend that you decide in advance what exactly you want to receive. Most often grown meat rabbits of the breed:

  • white giant;
  • Belgian giant;
  • gray giant;
  • Belgian ram;
  • soviet chinchilla.

It is profitable to grow them, because at 4 months they are already gaining 4 kilograms of live weight and are ready for sale.

Note:rabbits need to be bought only from breeders. Do not rush to "great deals" in newspapers and markets, choose pure breeding animals.

When buying adult animals, keep in mind that one male is enough for a dozen females. But there should be two males in total for reinsurance.

Choose only thoroughbred rabbits - they grow quickly and give a lot of meat


Rabbits are quite hardy to most diseases, but they suffer greatly from infections. If vaccination is not carried out on time, then the entire population may die. VGBK, eimeriosis and myxomatosis viruses are considered fatal for animals. Also make sure that the animal cages are protected from drafts and wind. Rabbits should have special boxes in which they will hide in the winter. Additionally, the cells are covered with old rags during severe frosts.

Sample business plan

You have already learned the basic information about rabbit breeding as a business: where to start, how to succeed. Now let's look at the prospects of this whole event. Calculate rough plan farms for 60 rabbits, 50 of which are females and 10 males. They will live in sheds. This is the minimum number of heads that can be considered as a business.

1 female per year gives an average of 20 units of young. This means that in a year 50 females will bring 1,000 rabbits. You will spend about 30 thousand on the purchase of sheds, another 50 - on thoroughbreds. For the treatment of this “herd”, it will be necessary to purchase medicines in the amount of 20-30 thousand, feed - for 100,000 (excluding seasonal green fodder). These are all possible costs. In total, for a successful start, you will need to spend about 200 thousand rubles.

Now let's calculate the income. Meat from one rabbit comes out about 2 kilograms, its price is 250-300 rubles. Additionally, you can sell skins for 50 rubles (you will need to learn how to take them off). In total, when selling 1000 carcasses, you will receive 550 thousand rubles. That is, the net profit for the year will be about 300 thousand minus all expenses, or 25,000 rubles per month. This is a fairly good salary for the region.

Rabbits breed and grow quickly - this is a great way to make money

The second cycle will cost much less - you do not have to spend money on the purchase of rabbits and sheds, which will increase profitability. However, you will quickly realize that you need to expand. Having invested after the sale of the first rabbits in the purchase of new sheds, you will immediately increase your profit at least twice. Practice shows that with proper planning, the profitability of a business is 90% per year, which is an excellent indicator.

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