Characteristics of the enterprise for breeding rabbits. Own rabbit farm: we develop business

- the idea is not new, but, despite this, it is not very popular. Farmers prefer to raise other animals such as pigs or cows, whose meat is in high demand. It is very rare to find a rabbit on store shelves or in the market. Although its meat is considered dietary and is highly valued among consumers.

Business on rabbits - underdeveloped niche and this is its main advantage. The low level of competition and the demand for fresh homemade meat will make it easy for farmers to start their own business and achieve high results in it.

People who own a large farm have the opportunity to breed several types of animals for themselves. For example, when engaged in pig breeding, they keep several cows for their own consumption. Rabbits are usually kept in small numbers in order to enjoy the delicious meat themselves and treat the neighbors. Is it profitable to breed rabbits for sale? Let's consider several aspects.

  1. rabbit meat- a rather rare product that can not always be found in pavilions or supermarkets. Chicken, beef, pork and even turkey - this is the list of the most common meat products. It can be concluded that rabbit breeding as a business is in its infancy, and this is a great chance to become someone who can take this business to a new level.
  2. The rabbit has proven itself well as precocious animal. On average, one female is capable of producing 55-60 cubs per year. The age at which rabbits can be sold is 3 months. During this time, small rabbits turn into individuals weighing up to 4-5 kg. There are also relatives of a larger size, which is not always good. Since selling a carcass weighing more than 5 kg is a little problematic.
  3. In order to start a rabbit business, no large required start-up capital . As the saying goes, "Moscow was not built immediately." It is enough to first organize a mini-farm, which is quite simple to do. The cages do not take up much space, they can be kept in a shed or other utility room. As for the feed, the main part (grass and hay) can be made independently.

And yet, breeding rabbits as a business: is it profitable or not? If there is any doubt, we will give a powerful argument: not only meat brings income, but also the skin of an animal. Rabbit breeding is quite promising business , which does not require huge investments and can be developed at home. To start doing this, you need to know the basics of creating a farm.

First of all, you need to decide on the organizational and legal component of your activities. There are two options here: an individual entrepreneur or a personal subsidiary plot. Each of them has its pros and cons. In the first case, you will have to pay taxes, but there will be more opportunities for development. So, what is required for breeding rabbits?

The profitability of rabbit breeding in our time is quite high. Many farmers know the secret of successful rabbit breeding, understand the specifics of the business, profit safely and have been doing this for many years. The question of whether rabbit breeding as a business is profitable or not is relevant only for inexperienced farmers.

Breeding rabbits: positive and negative points

Many are repelled at the initial stage by the difficulties associated with the sensitivity of rabbits to certain diseases, which often lead to the total death of the entire herd.

And the third frightening moment in breeding rabbits as a business is a large initial investment.

In fact, rabbit breeding is a fairly quick payback enterprise that does not require any extra knowledge and effort to achieve a stable profit. Many rabbit breeders easily cope with the task, and there are much more positive factors here.

At the initial stage, it is important to choose a good breed of animals that give high growth, quickly gain weight, and are resistant to diseases.

Why you should not be afraid of negative moments:

  • timely vaccination of the entire livestock will eliminate the death of animals;
  • many butcher shops, shops, market storehouses accept and make orders for dietary rabbit meat;
  • neighbors and relatives are always provided with rabbit meat and are happy to purchase a useful product (it has been proven by more than one rabbit breeder);
  • rabbit fur is valued as a natural, warm and beautiful material, making it easy to find regular buyers for the skins by advertising;
  • the ability to frequent fertilization, year-round offspring (one female brings about 60 rabbits per year), allows you to expand production without the cost of purchasing individuals;
  • the rapid growth of rabbits contributes to uninterrupted production and stable incomes.

In addition, rabbits love green fodder, which is plentiful during the summer-autumn period in every rural area, which also saves costs.

Secrets and Basics of Successful Rabbit Breeding

Positive moments will be visible from the very beginning, if you correctly draw up and apply a business plan for breeding rabbits. You will have to build on the possible and intended scale for which the enterprise is designed.

Where to begin:

  • determine the method of raising livestock;
  • decide on the allocated territory for paddocks, sheds (special buildings), cages, aviaries;
  • prepare the place of "residence" of rabbits;
  • think and prepare workplace slaughter, freezing and storage of the product;
  • purchase specialized feed;
  • choose the breed of rabbits;
  • buy young.

You can start your own rabbit mini-farm business with one pair of animals, choosing a purebred mating method or crossing.

It is best to purchase young animals from experienced farmers. Rabbits for sale are guaranteed to be vaccinated and adapted to similar conditions.

On the market, you can buy unhealthy and unvaccinated individuals. And also make a mistake with the breed, especially if there are no skills. There are meat and fur rabbits.

Recommendations for the care and maintenance of rabbits are not so complicated. The main thing is to provide them with a comfortable place where there will be enough light and space. Observe the feeding regime, monitor the cleanliness of the cells and a sufficient amount of clean water.

Exist different ways keeping animals, having studied which you can find out - breeding rabbits as a business is profitable or not.

Methods and principles of breeding rabbits for business

The main ways to successfully breed rabbits is to keep animals in cages, aviaries or pits. Each method has its justified pluses and small minuses.

This version of the rabbit farm is most suitable for crossing and breeding special breeds.

More free maintenance of rabbits, first of all, allows you to save space, equipment material.

most accessible and in a simple way is breeding rabbits in a pit. But it is necessary to choose the right place where groundwater will not reach. The floor is equipped with small metal mesh and covered with sawdust or sand for better drainage and easy manure removal.

Just in case, a good roof should always be prepared, which will be the main protection from the weather.

Rabbits kept in the pit are happy to dig minks, where they then hide their offspring. They move freely, actively breed and do not require frequent feeding, as the area allows you to set food and drink for the whole day in sufficient quantities.

A rabbit aviary is probably the most convenient option for both the farmer and the animals themselves. But first, enclosures must be equipped with protective fences from bad weather and possible enemies. Enclosures can be located under sheds or attached to the utility room.

Rabbits in aviaries receive food and water at the same time thanks to long trays and drinkers along the walls. They feel great “free”, grow and develop better.

The aviary or pit should contain rabbits of approximately the same age. Introducing a new batch should be done carefully, as adult males tend to be aggressive towards unfamiliar or younger individuals. Spreading (scattering) fresh, fragrant grass on the bottom or floor, you can kill the smell of newly minted male residents.

All ways will be a successful start profitable business with proper observance of sanitary and hygienic standards.

In addition, rabbits are afraid of drafts, frost and moisture. A dry, warm room in winter and a clean, ventilated room in summer is the main condition for keeping animals.

By calculating the total cost of the future enterprise and calculating the approximate annual profit, we can conclude whether rabbit breeding as a business is profitable or not.

Rabbits have practically waste-free production: meat, fur, entrails, manure - all this makes a profit. Individuals quickly reach sexual age. In addition, live thoroughbred rabbits can be sold in the future.

Rabbit breeding business technology - video

IN Lately having your own business is not just a whim, but an urgent need. Well-paid work is becoming a rarity, business leaders are trying to squeeze everything possible out of their subordinate personnel, 10 and 12-hour working days (naturally, unofficially) are no longer a rarity. In this regard, it makes sense to think about opening own enterprise, in this case, a properly drawn up business plan for breeding rabbits will be of great help.

From a small farm with the right approach, you can grow a solid enterprise

Novice businessmen should pay attention to this agricultural industry. If it is not possible to achieve special success, there will still not be a big loss. Dealing with farm animals, the entrepreneur provides himself with 100% of the products necessary for life, the surplus of which he can sell on the market. An ideal option for beginner businessmen is to organize their own rabbit farm.

Rabbits are considered the most unpretentious to the conditions of keeping and feeding animals. In addition, they grow rapidly, slaughter is carried out when the young growth reaches 3-4 months of age. For breeding large livestock no significant space required. Rabbits numbering 1000 heads occupy a room located on 3-4 acres of land. Cages, feeders and drinkers can be made independently. Animal meat is tasty and healthy.

Do not forget that the relevance of organizing a farm is also determined by the cheapness of feed and the possibility of their independent production. So, the price of 1 kilogram of compound feed does not exceed 9-10 rubles. To feed a family of one adult rabbit and 8-10 rabbits for 1 year, 400-450 kilograms of feed is enough. In addition, dry hay, silage, corn cobs and root crops prepared in advance can be used as feed. For the organization of business in the majority do not require permits.

The cost of animal nutrition is small, in addition, feed can not only be bought, but also produced

The technical side of the issue

Making a business plan rabbit farm, one should take into account a number of its features, the knowledge of which will help not only to preserve, but also to increase the livestock.

Choosing a place for a farm, organizing a rabbitry

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of location for the farm. It is better to start a business with a small livestock, 100-120 heads will be enough to try yourself as a businessman. A rabbit farm for 100 heads can be rented or built independently on a pre-purchased site. If we are talking about buying land, then you should choose a place located on a hill. Rabbits do not tolerate drafts and humidity, they will start to get sick and most of the available funds will have to be spent on a veterinarian.

If on the farm, in addition to the livestock complex, it is planned to place residential buildings, then it is necessary to contact the local administration in advance to obtain information about the distance between the premises of different purposes.

Each district and region has its own scale of distances. Knowing it will help to avoid situations in which the rabbit house and manure pit will be located closer to residential buildings than is permitted by law. If a violation is detected, the owner of the farm may be punished administratively or required to demolish all buildings.

Rabbits should be kept in spacious, dry and well ventilated areas, preferably placed on a hill. The territory of the farm should be asphalted, drainage of waste and rainwater should be organized. With proper planning in a room up to 30 square meters can accommodate from 100 to 150 rabbits. At the same time, a room with an area of ​​​​100 squares will allow growing up to 1000 heads.

Building cages and sheds

In order to save money, cages for keeping animals can be built independently. Netting, iron corners and metal plates for the floor are usually used as the material. Wooden structures for the production of cages are not recommended, they will quickly become unusable.

Sheds provide everything you may need for successful breeding

The best option for such an enterprise as a rabbit breeding farm would be to place the livestock in special sheds - two- and three-story structures that have cells (houses) of the same size. Each house contains from 2 to 3 rabbits. Cell size is determined by the sex and age of the individual. So, young rabbits weaned from the uterus are kept in the amount of 5-7 pieces in large sheds ranging in size from 1.3 to 2 meters in length and width. Pregnant rabbits and rabbits for mating are kept separately, in houses ranging in size from 0.8 to 1 meter in length and 0.5 meters in width. The rabbit cage should be slightly larger.

Sheds can be built on your own, but it is better to buy on the market. IN summer time they can be on the street, for the winter it is better to transfer houses with rabbits indoors. In this case, it is undesirable to place sheds directly on the ground or on the floor. A distance of at least 1 meter must be maintained between the floor and the bottom shed.

To grow a livestock of rabbits, with a total number of up to 1 thousand heads per year, 2-3 sheds sized 2.8 and 2.4 meters each are enough. The length of the shed can be from 10 to 20 meters. 1 standard shed is designed for 60 cells, so a novice farmer can limit himself to purchasing only 1 such device.

Most shads have a special line for supplying food and water, as well as cleaning cells from waste products and other waste. When planning to keep rabbits outdoors, care should be taken to place the shed under a canopy.

Functional high-rise rabbitries save space on the farm and the time of the owners - they feed and water the pets automatically

Place for food storage

A prerequisite for arranging a rabbit farm is the availability of a room for storing feed. Its size is directly related to the size of the livestock. So, for the storage of feed, designed for 100 heads of rabbits, a barn with an area of ​​​​up to 30-40 square meters is required. In order to maintain sanitary safety, a separate entrance must be organized to this barn. The room must be dry, well ventilated, free of foreign odors and protected from rodents. Mice and rats are just as partial to grain, feed and root crops as rabbits, so you should take care of buying a special poison or organizing traps in advance. It should be noted that no matter what convenient and safe premises the farmer chooses, the feed will still deteriorate over time. The ideal option is to purchase them on short term so that the feeding process is not interrupted for 2-3 months.

In the grain storage room, a grain crusher and a granulator for self-production of compound feed can be installed. In this case, the cost of buying feed will be significantly reduced.

Downhole and refrigeration shops

Even a small rabbitry needs a place to slaughter and butcher carcasses. For this purpose, you can use a tightly knocked together cool barn. The makeshift downhole shop does not need any special equipment. It is enough to have several metal tables, hooks for hanging butchered carcasses, knives and axes for driving. Care should also be taken to dispose of blood and skins. Proper use of them can bring additional income, so the downhole shop should have a compartment for storing them.

The fresh meat of a freshly slaughtered rabbit cools down, after which it is transferred to storage in the refrigerator. To store meat obtained from a population of rabbits of 100 - 130 pieces, 1-2 freezers. In the process of production growth, it will be necessary to create our own refrigeration workshop. The shelf life of meat is determined by the quality of the slaughter, but usually does not exceed 18 months.

If you breed rabbits in a large way, you will need a place for cutting and storage

After slaughter on a rabbit farm, heads, entrails, paws and spoiled skins remain unclaimed, therefore the slaughter shop must also include a small oven for their elimination. A possible option would be to conclude an agreement with a company for the creation of dog and cat canned food.

The legal side of the issue

If you plan to breed rabbits for yourself, then no permits will be required, but if we are talking about the periodic sale of meat and other products, the question of documenting the business will arise.

LPH and IP

Most start-up entrepreneurs have no idea where, how and in what capacity they can register their own business. To begin with, it is worth noting that a rabbit breeding business can be formalized as a personal subsidiary plot or be registered as an individual entrepreneur.

In the first case, the entrepreneur will only need:

  • confirm land ownership rights;
  • have a sanitary book, including a sanitary book for a car, with the help of which the delivery of meat to the market is organized;
  • a certificate from a veterinarian;
  • a certificate from a veterinary laboratory confirming the safety of the products.

There is no personal income tax.

At the same time, presenting oneself as a person leading a personal subsidiary plot makes it impossible to conclude contracts with large firms and further business development. The possibility of obtaining the status of the head of a personal subsidiary plot should be agreed with the administration of the village or city.

In this regard, IP is much more profitable. To register an individual entrepreneur, you will need to pay a fee of 800 rubles, get a seal and OKVED codes. In addition, you will need to invite employees of the sanitary service to the production, fire safety and veterinary supervision, conclude contracts for the removal of waste, manure, disposal of disinfectants used for disinfection. The entrepreneur will have to fill out a declaration of conformity state standards. Documents are drawn up with the participation of Rosselkhoznadzor. A.01.25.2 is selected as the OKVED code.

Despite the profitability and prospects, this business is easier in terms of organization and taxation.

Choosing a taxation system

As mentioned above, private household plots are not taxed, but individual entrepreneurs are required to pay taxes. UST or UPSN can be chosen as the main taxation system. Both systems are quite suitable for organizing a profitable business.

Planned expenses

Any business is, first of all, the costs of running it, and only then making a profit. The expense items for running a rabbit farm include temporary and fixed expenses.

Temporary costs:

  • shed for rabbits - 5 - 10 thousand rubles a piece;
  • purchase of a grain crusher - 3 - 5 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of a granulator - 40 - 350 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of rabbits - 350 - 500 rubles a piece;
  • purchase of refrigeration equipment - 10 - 15 thousand rubles.

In total, for the arrangement of a simple farm, designed for one hundred heads, it is necessary from 70 to 350 thousand rubles. The final amount depends on the price of the selected equipment and the size of production. This article also needs to include the cost of equipping the refrigeration and slaughter shops, installing a furnace and providing rabbits with heated floors.

Fixed costs:

  • farm rental - 4 - 10 thousand rubles per month;
  • purchase of feed - 130 - 140 thousand rubles a year;
  • delivery of meat (gasoline, rent of a place for sale) - 1-2 thousand rubles;
  • veterinarian - 400 rubles per head;
  • utility bills - 2 thousand rubles a month.

In general, you will have to spend up to 20 thousand rubles a month on the farm, provided that you keep no more than 100 - 130 heads.

So in order to start own business from scratch, you need to have at least 100 thousand rubles.

Business profitability (sales markets)

The profitability of a business is directly related to the ability to present your products to customers. You can start a business by selling meat to friends and those of the customers who are attracted by the purchase. natural product. Rabbit meat is considered a delicacy, many people love it and therefore buy it with great pleasure. The cost of 1 kilogram of rabbit meat ranges between 400 and 600 rubles. At the same time, one medium-sized rabbit carcass weighs 2-3 kilograms. Thus, the cost of one adult rabbit will be at least 1200 - 1500 rubles.

Having several income items, the farm can sell products in different directions

If there are 100 heads for sale, the minimum income will be 12-15 thousand rubles. If we take into account that rabbits breed extremely quickly and bring up to 25 rabbits a year, then the indicated amount will increase significantly. In addition, you can sell not only meat, but also the insides and skins. Internal organs and parts of the body that are unattractive to buyers, such as the head and legs, are used to make various canned animals.

One raw rabbit skin costs from 40 rubles, the price of a processed one increases to 100-150 rubles. The annual cost of selling meat and skins will be 350-400 thousand rubles, of which net income is 150 thousand.

Food markets, restaurants, shops can be used as points of sale for goods. For starters, it’s a good idea to rent your own place in the market for regular sales of products. In this case, the entrepreneur himself can be the seller, which will save him from spending on payment wages hired worker. With the further development of the business, an auxiliary worker will not hurt.

The rabbit breeding business is focused on obtaining meat, therefore, exclusively meat breeds of animals are purchased, such as:

  • New Zealand red - weighs up to 5 kilograms;
  • New Zealand white - the weight of a three-month-old rabbit exceeds 3.5 kilograms;
  • California rabbit - weight up to 4.5 kilograms by 3-4 months.

Rabbits often get sick, it is extremely important to make timely vaccinations and, at the slightest suspicion of developing a disease, call a veterinarian. It is possible to schedule doctor visits in advance.

In general, the farm can be a very profitable enterprise and become the only source of income in the future.

Rabbit breeding is an attractive business. Rabbit meat has dietary properties and is in high demand, while this niche has not yet been filled. This business plan provides the information you need to start a mini rabbit farm.

Objective of the project: making a profit by breeding and selling rabbits.

The main benefits of rabbit breeding are:

  1. Good fertility of rabbits;
  2. High profit;
  3. Low investment;
  4. Low maintenance costs, especially in summer;
  5. Low tax, or none.

The amount of initial investment is 450 000 rubles.

The break-even point is reached for 6 month of work.

The payback period is 12 months.

Medium monthly profit 1st year of project implementation - 49 000 rub.

2. Description of the business, product or service

Creating your own rabbit mini-farm is profitable direction. This type of business will provide you with a constant source of income. all year round. Raising rabbits is the kind entrepreneurial activity, which you can start with a small investment and then scale up as you go.

Starting a mini rabbit farm is a business that does not require a lot of investment. If the land and facilities are owned, the launch of the project can become even more profitable.

For keeping rabbits, the most optimal is the use of a shed system. Shed is two cell batteries united under one roof. Due to the fact that cages in sheds are located in one place, this significantly saves building materials and time for their maintenance. Cages in sheds are set in two tiers, on both sides of the covered passage. In order to get more light and fresh air into the cages with rabbits, windows of 20 × 100 cm in size are made on their back walls, with removable hinged planks. The length of the shed can be arbitrary, height - 240 cm, width of the passage - 120-140 cm. The floor in the passage is concreted or asphalted with a slope towards the cages.

Standard cage dimensions:

  • length - 1 m.,
  • width - 50 cm,
  • the size of the walking compartment - 50x70 cm,
  • the size of the nest compartment is 30X50 cm.

The main commodity for sale is rabbit meat. Thus, one of the most important points is the choice of the breed of the young. We recommend considering the main breeds:

  • New Zealand red. Adult rabbits reach a live weight of 4.5-5 kg, are characterized by high growth energy, especially at an early age.
  • New Zealand White. These rabbits are also distinguished by high growth vigor, fleshiness and precocity. The live weight of young animals already at the age of three months is 2.7-3.5 kg.
  • California. The average daily growth of young animals of this breed is 40-45 gr. per day until the age of two months, as a result of which these broiler rabbits reach a weight of 4.5 kg by 5 months.

To maximize profits, you can use additional sources of income:

  • Sale of rabbit skins;
  • Sale of manure as a fertilizer (vermicompost);
  • Sale of rabbits as breeding material.

3. Description of the market

According to Rosstat, over the past 10 years overall volume The number of rabbits has more than doubled. The average annual growth rate is 8%. The growth dynamics of the rabbit population is presented below.

Dynamics of the number of rabbits in the Russian Federation, thous.

Livestock of rabbits, thous.

Agricultural organizations

Households of the population

Peasant (farming) households and individual entrepreneurs

These indicators indicate the growth of the rabbit breeding niche. Even during the crisis years, there is a positive trend. For the best entry into this market you need to understand your target audience and develop the most effective ways to promote products.

The target audience

Take care of the sales market in advance, conclude an agreement with shops, individual entrepreneurs who sell meat products.
In order not to be left with surpluses, a marketing plan must be thought out and calculated even before starting a business. The main buyers of rabbit meat are markets, supermarkets, private traders. Skins are often bought by fur ateliers and private fashion designers. An important factor in the success of sales is the proximity of megacities.

4. Sales and Marketing

At the first stage, friends and acquaintances can become your customers. Word of mouth will have an important effect here. If product quality and prices are competitive, then the number of customers will increase exponentially.

To ensure uninterrupted sales, it is necessary to establish relationships with wholesale depots, shops, and restaurants.

To conclude a mutually beneficial long-term cooperation agreement, you need to deliver a trial batch of products, and then, if everything suits both parties, it is worth discussing further actions. Establish yourself as a reliable supplier by providing products on time under the contract with all the necessary sanitary documents.

Rabbit skins are more profitable to sell to fur factories and ateliers. However, you may also have acquaintances who can make rabbit fur products and sell them in clothing stores.

As for manure, natural organic fertilizers have always been and will be in price, but you won’t earn much money on manure due to small volumes. Biohumus is another matter. Biohumus is a liquid, highly concentrated fertilizer obtained as a result of manure fermentation in special, biogas plants. A similar fertilizer, poured into plastic bottles, is sold in shops and markets for summer residents.

The sale of rabbits as breeding material is possible after reaching their own optimal volume. To sell young animals, you can participate in exhibitions and also use word of mouth.

5. Production plan

The main goal of the project is to create a mini-farm and maximize its profits.

Overview of the real estate market for the selection of the optimal suburban area.

Site requirements:

  • According to the law, a rabbit breeding site should be located at a decent distance from residential buildings, for example, in a suburban area;
  • Plot area - 700-800 m2;
  • The place for the farm should be on a hill or on a piece of land with a slight slope;
  • Ensuring uninterrupted power supply.

Construction of the necessary structures:

  • Shed system construction (rabbit cages);
  • Construction of a utility room;
  • Construction of a slaughterhouse and refrigeration equipment.

Legal registration of business:

  • IP is the most acceptable form of business organization for a rabbit mini-farm.
  • As a taxation system for this type of activity, it is recommended to choose a simplified taxation regime (revenues minus expenses).
  • Appropriate view code economic activity(OKVED) with encoding - A.01.25.2. What does it mean: breeding rabbits and fur-bearing animals on a farm.

6. Organizational structure

Staffing schedule:

  • farmer - 1,

The total number of employees is 1 person.

The key link in this type of entrepreneurial activity is the owner of the business. You yourself will need to learn and constantly be interested in the intricacies of this matter.

However, for permanent employment, it will be necessary to hire a farmer. Better if it was the person who lives next door. He must have minimal knowledge of rabbit breeding and be responsible for his work.

Main responsibilities of a farmer:

  • Feeding rabbits;
  • Cleaning of premises and territory;
  • Observation of the general condition of rabbits;
  • Feed availability control;
  • Slaughter and cutting of rabbits.

The salary is fixed depending on the region. In our business plan, we will consider an amount equal to 20,000 rubles.

7. Financial plan

Sales plan for the 1st year of the project, rub.

It is important to note that in the first 2 months after the launch of the project, incomes are at a minimum level, since in order to start selling meat, it is necessary for a new generation to be born and grow up. However, from the 3rd month, the sale of products begins and there is a steady intensive growth in income over the next 8-9 months. By the end of the first year, profit reaches its optimal value. To maintain performance at this level, you just need to maintain the already configured production process. If desired, you can scale the business and use part of the profits to expand production.



1 month

2 month

3 month

4 month

5 month

6 month

Rabbit meat

Average unit price, rub.

Total quantity, kg

Total, rub.

rabbit skins

Average unit price, rub.

Total quantity, pcs.

Total, rub.


Average unit price, rub.

Total quantity, l

Total, rub.

young growth

Average unit price, rub.

Total quantity, pcs.

Total, rub.




7 month

8 month

9 month

10 month

11 month

12 month

Rabbit meat

Average unit price, rub.

Total quantity, kg

Total, rub.

rabbit skins

Average unit price, rub.

Total quantity, pcs.

Total, rub.


Average unit price, rub.

Total quantity, l

Total, rub.

young growth

Average unit price, rub.

Total quantity, pcs.

Total, rub.


Average monthly expenses of the 1st year of project implementation, rub.


Land lease

Public Utilities

Purchase of feed

Veterinarian services

Farmer's salary

Accounting (remote)

Insurance premiums (30% payroll)


The financial result for the first year of operation is presented in the table. The average net profit for the first year of operation is 49,181 rubles.

1 month

Look for profitable idea for business in the countryside? You found her! This is rabbit farming!

Rabbits are animals that breed well, give tasty dietary meat and fur. They do not require special technologies to grow them. Home cultivation differs from industrial cultivation only in scale, so if you are a little familiar with the keeping of these animals, you can easily increase production to the size of a farm.

What is the relevance of the rabbit breeding business

Sanctions and the crisis situation in the economy affected the domestic meat market. This, as well as the program of state support for small and medium-sized businesses, contribute to an increase in the volume of domestic meat production, cattle breeding, pig breeding and rabbit breeding.

Rabbit meat is a dietary, easily digestible meat, the taste of which will satisfy the needs of the most sophisticated gourmet. Most rabbit farms are small private farms oriented to small wholesale buyers and retail.

Having opened your own business in this segment, you will quickly find your buyer, subject to well-established management and active advertising.

Benefits of a business idea:

  • quick payback;
  • high profitability;
  • diversity of business (sale of meat, fur, young offspring);
  • stable demand for products.


  • labor-intensive production;
  • the need for regular cleaning of cages, animal care;
  • susceptibility of animals to stress, disease.

Market prospects and level of competition

In a year, one rabbit reproduces a mass 50 times greater than her own. Using meat hybrid breeds, farmers increase this figure several times more. Rabbit breeding is a promising industry in which production volumes can be quickly increased.

Its weaknesses are dependence on temperature fluctuations and morbidity of livestock, but they are overcome by the right approach to the production and organization of the farm, as well as timely disease prevention.

The level of competition varies by region. In some (for example, in the Urals), the majority of rabbit farms are concentrated. In the Central, Volga, North-West regions, the breeding of these animals occupies only 5-10% of the market.

Bearing offspring in females lasts only 1 month. At one time, she gives 5-7 individuals of a young offspring. After 4-5 months, the rabbit reaches adulthood and can be slaughtered for meat.

Marketing plan

The success of any business is the well-established sales of products. Look for ways to sell meat and fur even at the stage of building a rabbit farm. Start active advertising a month before you are ready to sell the first batch of meat.

Most buyers consider rabbit meat to be an expensive dietary product that you can treat yourself to during the holidays. When advertising products, focus on useful properties meat.

Do not forget about the possibilities of advertising on the Internet. Create your own website dedicated to your farm, tell about yourself in in social networks, involve acquaintances and friends in spreading the word about your business. Post photos and videos about your pets and their conditions.

When selling meat at the market, decorate a showcase, offer customers not only raw meat, but also rabbit stew, spices and seasonings for meat dishes. Do a bright sign, stickers on the car.

Production plan

To open your own rabbit farm, you need to choose a suitable land plot, purchase cages for animals, hire staff, and buy young livestock.

Stop at every step production plan more.

Selection of land

For a rabbit farm, you need a dry, flat piece of land. For convenience and cleanliness of the territory, concrete the space between the cells. To create a mini-farm, a plot of 16-20 acres is enough. In the first couple, use your own personal plot. Shed system of building cages in two or three tiers will allow you to increase volumes over time.

If you are renting a site, make sure it is not damp and not flooded with water during floods, as these animals do not like dampness. For a large-scale farm, you need a plot outside locality.

The leased area must include:

  1. Cages for animals.
  2. Utility room for storage of feed, inventory.
  3. Equipped pit for storing manure.
  4. Slaughterhouse.
  5. Storage room for skins.
  6. Refrigerator for storing fresh meat.
  7. Staff quarters or lodge where you can spend the night.

Purchase of cages for animals

Shed cage system - safe and convenient keeping of rabbits

Cells at the initial stage of production can be made independently. To make them, you will need wood, brick, fine mesh netting, slate. If you order the production of cages to order in a carpentry workshop, it will cost more than purchasing ready-made sheds.

For a large farm, purchase prefabricated stationary tiered cages, as well as carriers for moving animals to the slaughterhouse, selling live, transferring individuals from one shed (tiered cage system) to another.


If you organize a mini-farm in your own backyard, you can easily manage on your own and with the forces of your family members.

For the farm large scale staff will be required. 6 people are enough to perform the duties of maintaining cleanliness in the production area, feeding animals, cleaning cages. We also need one slaughterer and one driver to deliver the carcasses to the place of sale.

Buying rabbits

For maximum farm productivity, choose several breeds for breeding.

Be careful, not all breeds are suitable for growing for meat

The optimal ratio of livestock breeds presented in the table will provide you with meat, skins and down:

When buying young animals from farms, make sure that there is a veterinary certificate confirming their health.

Additional information on the topic of rabbit breeding you will find in the articles Breeding rabbits as a business And .

Sales plan - to whom to sell finished products

The main areas of product sales are retail and small wholesale.

Sales ways:

  • sale to small wholesalers;
  • local market;
  • delivery to restaurants and other establishments Catering, supermarkets;
  • ads on the Internet (Avito, other sites), own website.

For free trade, register your farm with the tax authorities, receive a veterinary certificate on compliance with animal welfare standards and a certificate from the laboratory confirming the quality and safety of products.

The ideal sales option is the search for stable wholesale buyers.

Offering cooperation to restaurants and supermarkets, demonstrate the quality of meat, documentation confirming its safety, leave a small trial batch. You should have a certificate from the SES, a phytosanitary certificate, as well as a GOST-R declaration on hand.

Possible forms of organization

Breeding rabbits as a business requires mandatory registration with the state and tax control authorities.

There are several forms to choose from: personal subsidiary farming, individual entrepreneurship or peasant farming. farming. Let's dwell on each legal forms more.

Individual entrepreneur

Registering an individual entrepreneur will provide you with more opportunities in the rabbit meat trade, finding customers, wholesale buyers. For registration you need a passport, ID, payment state duty, an application for registration, certified by a notary.

When you become a self-employed person, you are obligated to pay taxes. Choose a simplified system or a single agricultural tax, as a representative of a small business in the agricultural industry.

OKVED code 01.25.2 is the same for all forms of management: "Breeding rabbits and fur-bearing animals on a farm."

Peasant farming

This is a simplified form of IP without statutory documents, names, contracts. Having issued a KFH, you can apply for state support in the form of grants, subsidies, loans on preferential terms. You also have the right to associate with other peasant farms for mutual benefit. Your farm is eligible for preferential taxation.

Personal subsidiary plot

Personal subsidiary farming is the best form of farming if you manage with the help of your family members without involving wage labor, and also if you intend to breed rabbits on the territory of your personal plot. LPH claims to receive state support. Selling products grown on a personal farmstead, you have the right not to pay taxes.

For a novice entrepreneur, it is preferable to use private household plots or peasant farms. You will be able to issue an IP when the volumes of production and sales become steadily large.

How much money is needed to start the project - financial plan

The costs of opening a rabbit farm must be calculated at the project launch stage. To do this, find out the cost of cages, breeds of rabbits, feed, renting a plot of the area you are interested in.

An approximate list of costs for opening a farm is presented in the table. It displays the mandatory costs that you will face regardless of the scale of your production and the chosen business legal form:

Nature of costs Amount in rubles
1. Plot rental 30,000 (average)
2. Buying cells 50 000
3. Purchase of 100 young animals 30 000
4. Primary feed purchase 70 000
5. Veterinarian services + utility costs 20 000
6. Purchase of equipment (drinkers, feeders, small inventory) 20 000
Total: 220 000

For regions with a harsh climate, add the cost of building a facility for keeping animals to the list.

Risk factors

Difficulties await the novice rabbit breeder. However, having a good business plan and sufficient theoretical background, he can easily overcome them.

Risk factors include:

  • difficulties in caring for livestock;
  • sensitivity of rabbits to the conditions of detention, diet;
  • infectious diseases, from which many individuals die;
  • weak demand for products;
  • high competition in the region.

To overcome the difficulties associated with raising animals, regularly consult veterinarians for preventive measures incidence infectious diseases. Keep livestock indoors without drafts and dampness.

Carefully inspect breeding individuals so as not to bring new diseases with them. Monitor the quality of the feed so that there is no mold or rot in it.

Download business plan

Development detailed business plan with a summary of the project and calculations of income and expenditure - your insurance against unnecessary expenses and failures. The more you develop it and prepare a presentation of your project, the more chances you have to receive state support for the peasant farm.

Download a free sample business plan. Take one or more of the examples as a basis for writing your own document.

Any ready-made sample from the Internet is just a typical project that does not reflect the features of your idea. Do not use a project identical to yours without modification. Develop your own. During its preparation, you will deal with many aspects, get necessary knowledge about animal breeding and marketing.

To help novice farmers, a video from the famous rabbit breeder E. Maklyakov:


Interest in healthy, dietary food is growing, which means that the demand for rabbit meat will be consistently high. Rabbit breeding is a legal and predictable type of business. By gradually increasing the scale of production, you will come to the fact that the cost of production will become lower, and the size of the net profit will be higher.

According to experts, the profitability of rabbit breeding at the initial stage ranges from 60-65%. For the next year of keeping a rabbit farm, you will increase profitability to 80-87%.

The most costly and difficult part of your journey is the start. Overcome difficulties and you will have an asset that gives a stable increase and good profit.

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