Round do-it-yourself bird feeder. Ideas for creating bird feeders from improvised materials

With the advent of cold weather, snow and frost, conscious nature lovers hang bird feeders near the tree house (or near the window of the apartment). These simple devices will not only delight children and the elderly, they will help many birds to overwinter. How to make feeders and from what improvised means, we will tell in this article.

Variety of feeders

Human imagination is limitless. And having looked at what and from what people come up with bird feeders, this fact is beyond doubt. After analyzing the basic materials, we can divide the devices for feeding birds into the following groups:

  • from glass containers;
  • from grids;
  • from iron cans;
  • from old dishes;
  • from plastic containers;
  • wooden;
  • from fruits;
  • all kinds of garlands.

After examining each group in detail, you can definitely find exactly the one, the feeder, which will go in all respects. And most importantly - you want to make it and hang it near your home.

Glass container feeders

For this, jars with a volume of 1l to 2l are suitable. Put a plastic cap on the neck and cut a hole in it. Pour food inside. Hang in a horizontal position. Advantages of this feeder:

  • snow does not fall;
  • does not blow the wind;
  • large birds (ravens, magpies) will not be able to take food from small birds.
  • Long service life.

There are more original feeders from cans. They can be seen in the photo.

There are also glass bottle feeders. They need to be fixed upside down, substituting a saucer below, into which the food will be poured.

Alternatively, you can drill or cut a hole in the bottle into which the bird will fly for food. In this case, you must not forget about the footboard for the bird.

Mesh devices

You can also feed the birds in a more primitive way, the main thing is that the birds are full. Grids from polymer material, with small holes, you need to fasten it so that you get a bag into which food is poured and hung on a string near a window or on a tree. The advantage is the simplicity and speed of production.

For those for whom this method is too simple, there are more original and beautiful feeders from nets, but their production will be longer:

  • You need to take a garden plastic mesh with small holes.
  • Twist the cylinder out of it and fix it in this position.
  • Take two pallets from flower pots and fasten them to the top and bottom of the cylinder.
  • After attaching the lower saucer, pour the food inside.
  • In the upper saucer (or along the edges of the net) make fasteners to hang the feeder on a branch.

Iron can feeders

In this case, there are two product options:

  • Vertical feeder: small incisions are made in the walls of the jar so that the birds can peck at the food. Be sure to make steps at the bottom base. The top must be closed.

  • Horizontal feeder. To the hole into which the birds will fly for food, you need to attach a footboard. Decorating the jar itself is at your own discretion.

The advantage of such feeders: the relative speed of manufacture, long service life, not afraid of shock.

Old crockery as a bird feeder

Old ceramic dishes will fit to create an original feeder, which will not only saturate the birds, but also decorate the gloomy cold landscape. This is the main plus of these feeders. After all, the process of their manufacture will require some skill: to make holes for fasteners without destroying the product.

Plastic feeders

Suitable for feeders:

  • eggplants from 3 l to 6 l;
  • bottles from 1l to 2l;
  • canisters from 1 to 35 l;
  • containers with lids;
  • not big buckets.

How to adapt them to feeders is already a matter of fantasy. The main models of such canteens for birds are shown in the photo.

The advantages of feeders made of plastic products are:

  • ease of manufacture;
  • long service life;
  • not afraid of shock and temperature changes;
  • low cost of raw materials.

The main thing to consider is that thin plastic from bottles and eggplants, when cut, becomes sharp. And it can damage the thin paws of birds. Therefore, that part of the cut where the birds will land must either be melted on fire, or rubber tubes must be put on.

Wooden feeders

  • a solid cut of the trunk (chocks);
  • from boards;
  • from branches or sticks;
  • plywood or other wood sheet.

It is recommended to make feeders with a roof so that there is protection from direct snow and rain into the feed. Wood products always attract the eye, as they show the skill and dexterity of the master. Therefore, the advantage of this type of feeders is not only the environmental friendliness of raw materials, but also an attractive appearance.

Plant fruit feeders

Original feeders are made from:

  • pumpkins;
  • coconut shells;
  • orange peel.

Having cut the fruit and stretched out the pulp, you can safely pour food, cling to a rope or wire, and hang it on a branch. Original, beautiful and simple.

In the cold season, it is difficult for our feathered friends to find food for themselves, especially in winter, when the trees have shed their leaves, and the grass and bushes are covered with snow. It is in our power to help winged creatures survive in terrible times for them. You need to make bird feeders from improvised materials with your own hands.

Dining room for birds

A feeder is not a birdhouse in which a family of birds can live. This is, so to speak, a bird's canteen in which any flying guest can eat. If it is quite simple, then this is a table suspended on ropes from a tree branch.

From plywood you can make the most a simple feeder. Make holes in the corners of the plywood sheet with a nail or drill them with a drill. Thread the twine and hang it on a branch. The birds will not be offended by the unpresentable appearance, but such a feeder is also inconvenient for them, because the birds love to rummage through the feed, throwing it in all directions. Very quickly, nothing will remain on the impromptu table, all the food will fall into the mud or snow. To prevent this from happening, bumpers are needed. In addition, a dinner for the birds can wet the rain or cover the snow. So you need a roof. So, with the form and functionality, everything became clear, it remains only to put your hands on it, because you can make a feeder out of anything.

Waste boxes

In every house, there are probably a couple of empty boxes that are lying around idle. They can make a wonderful bird feeder. Cake boxes are especially good in this regard: you can easily cut windows in them, you can see everything through the transparent walls, and the birds are not afraid of any rustle, and the plastic cap also protects from rain.

For hanging, you can use the same twine with which the cake was tied.

Together with the child, you can make a feeder from a juice box.

To do this, you need to cut a window in one of the walls, insert a cocktail stick from below and attach a rope or cord from above. When the baby on a walk shows the place where you need to hang the feeder, he will consider it his own and begin to make sure that there is always food for the birds in it.

In the same way, feeders are made from milk cartons.

From gift paper bags:

You just need to remember to glue the top edges of the bag so that the roof does not leak.

Veranda for bird dining

From large boxes you can arrange a real dining room for your feathered friends.

It can be made from a shoe box.

Or from candy.

Or from a mailbox.

If all the boxes suddenly run out, and you feel sorry for the birds, you can make a paper feeder, but it will not last long. Better to make it out of cardboard.

House for a long time

All feeders made of cardboard, tetra bags and paper, although they are made quickly enough, do not last long. A couple of rains will pass, and the birds will again have to look for their own food. Plywood will undoubtedly last longer, but it will also become unusable. It is best to make a feeder out of wood or boards.

Winter is on the way, it is harder for poor birds to get their own food every day. Let's help them, at the same time teach our children kindness and mercy, care for our smaller brothers. Grateful birds in return will delight you with unpretentious but cheerful songs, as well as sketches from their bird life. If you put a video camera next to the feeder, you can eventually get an exclusive story in the style of "In the Animal World" and show it at school in the lesson of the world or biology. In general, in this article we decided to talk about what should be a bird feeder that you make with your own hands. We will offer a description and a photo.

Making a simple do-it-yourself feeder

First of all, inspect the intended material, from which you plan to make a feeder, and estimate your capabilities. Also consider some design requirements:

  • Remember, it should be comfortable for the birds, as well as for pouring and removing food.
  • She should have protection from wind and precipitation, the wind can simply bring food out, and precipitation can cause food to freeze or mold, which is also inconvenient for the birds.
  • The material from which the feeder is made must be moisture resistant, so that it would not have to be repaired or remade several times during the winter.
  • It should not have sharp edges and corners, so as not to injure the birds.
  • If it is supposed to feed small birds, then the feeder should also be made small so that large and aggressive birds do not rob it and scare away small birds.
  • It is better to place your feeder on tree branches or fix it on the walls of a house or household. buildings, not lower than one and a half meters from the ground, so that the cats do not get there, and it is convenient for you to replenish food supplies.

plywood option.

Of course, you can buy it ready-made in the hypermarket. But to make it yourself, and even together with the children - what could be better if the sons help you, and the daughters look with different eyes at such a handmade father! Moreover, there are no difficulties here. It can be made closed, open, with a gable roof. On the Internet, you can easily find any drawings with ready-made sizes and patterns. Choose any!

For small birds, it is necessary to take into account the dimensions of the structure, so that it would not even occur to the big voracious crows to poke their heads there, they will simply be very uncomfortable there.

  1. So, prepare a jigsaw, a hammer, suitable cloves, sandpaper, water-based glue, plywood, a 20X20 cm bar for work. Let's start with the simplest option.
  2. We make the bottom 25X25 cm, and the roof is larger so that the water flows past without getting inside. We mark the rest of the details according to the patterns on plywood.
  3. With sandpaper, be sure to sand the sawn edges properly so that there is no burr left.
  4. We cut the bar into 4 racks 25 - 30 cm long.
  5. If you plan to make the roof flat under a slope, then make 2 bars out of 4 shorter by a couple of cm, and under a slope.
  6. We first glue all the connecting places with glue, and then we fasten them with carnations. We attach racks to the bottom, and sides to them.
  7. We fix the roof with self-tapping screws on top of the racks.
  8. Now it remains to fix the feeder in the chosen place, and fill the treat there.

Variants of a wooden feeder.

This is a more durable material. If you have the skills to work with wood and tools for its processing, feel free to get down to business. A board for work will need a thickness of 18 - 20 cm, in addition, prepare a bar 4.5X2 cm, a square piece of plywood 25X25 cm (bottom of the feeder), and for the roof 2 pieces of 35X22 cm each, as well as self-tapping screws, glue and cloves.

Homemade - a feeder from a milk bag / box.

Here we are talking about how to make a bird feeder. The next option is the most elementary. He is tough even for a child. We take:

  • Clean package / box of juice or milk.
  • Wire or rope made of nylon for hanging.
  • Marker.
  • Adhesive plaster.
  • Stationery knife or scissors.

First, we outline and cut holes for birds on opposite sides. We protect the cut edges with adhesive tape so that the birds do not cripple. We pierce holes under the holes and insert the trimmings rolled up from the bird holes there, and above the holes we make holes for wire or rope for hanging. We fasten our feeder to a branch.

It can also be attached to a tree, but then it is necessary to make holes not from opposite sides, but from close ones, to facilitate the approach of birds.

There is a variant of the feeder of two packages, it turns out to be triangular in shape. We cut off the first package by 2/3 and cut out the front side at the bottom, this will be the bottom. And we cut the second package from the bottom along the narrow sides, but do not touch the top. Now we combine both parts and fix them with glue or tape.

Feeders are also obtained from 1.5 - 2 liter bottles.

Option 1. On opposite sides of the bottle, cut out holes of arbitrary shape. When cutting holes in the shape of the letter P, you can bend up the unfinished part, you get a canopy from the rain. Be sure to glue an adhesive plaster or tape from below to the cuts from damage to the bird's paws. You can make holes in the bottom and insert sticks, this will be a perch.

It can be attached to a tree, and hung on branches, if you tie a rope in knots in the lid on the inside in the holes, so that you get a loop that must be thrown over the branches.

Option 2. The feeder is a bunker. The most summer option if you visit there only on weekends. Then it will not be necessary to monitor the replenishment of food every day, he himself will fall asleep gradually as he eats.

To do this, take a couple of identical bottles. We make holes near the bottom of one bottle. Remove the top part. At the top we cut a symmetrical pair of holes for further hanging. At the second bottle, we make several holes at the neck, a supply of food will pour in there. You should not make large holes right away, then expand them as needed. Now we fall asleep actually, feed, insert into the first cut bottle.

Option 3. Feeder with spoons. We make holes in the lid and insert a rope in the form of a loop there. Next, we make symmetrical holes for spoons. On the side of the cup, we make a larger hole, so that there would be the possibility of spilling the food. It remains to fill the feeder and hang.

In the bottom of any bottle feeder, it is advisable to make several small holes in size with a red-hot needle or nail to remove moisture.

Bird feeder from a five-liter bottle.

Bird feeders can be created not only from wood. For you, we offer products that were created from other available materials. The feeder looks very interesting. for birds from a plastic bottle. Spending one evening and feeding birds all winter is not a useful activity for a rainy autumn evening! There is a five-litre bottle in every house, and a considerable number of birds can easily get enough of such a container. The main thing is to make more holes.

The whole family can take part in the manufacturing process, you need to prepare a pruner, bottle, knife, wire or rope to attach to a tree.

First, we decide how the feeder will be attached to the tree, after that we mark the future holes.

If it is placed vertically, then we retreat 5-7 cm from the bottom and make several square or triangular holes.

If it is horizontal, then we cut wide holes in the neck and in the bottom of the bottle.

Wire or twine will perfectly secure the feeder to the tree. In order to prevent the wind from swaying it, you can put a quarter of a brick on the bottom, and already pour food on top.

Such a large bottle can also be adapted as a bunker option. Then, in addition to the 5-liter, you will need 2 1.5-liter bottles, a marker, a knife and a rope.

  • We mark holes for birds on a 5-liter bottle, a couple, and one more for a one and a half liter bottle.
  • We make the hole for the bottle P - shaped, bend the visor up, and seal the cuts with adhesive tape.
  • At a one and a half liter bottles, we make holes at the points of contact with the bottom of five liters and a little higher, for spilling food to the bottom as needed.
  • We cut a hole in the lid of a five-liter bottle so that the neck of a one and a half liter bottle would peek out from there.
  • From the second one and a half liters we cut off the neck in the form of a funnel, and put it in the protruding neck of the first 1.5 liters.
  • Everything is ready, it remains to fix the bird's dining room on the tree.

An excellent feeder will turn out from a shoe box.

A shoe box or similar in size, can be laminated, made of thick cardboard, suitable for making a feeder. Everything is already there - the roof, the bottom, the walls, the minimum work remains - to cut the necessary holes and attach to the tree. Here you need a clerical knife, a marker and tape with a cord. In the absence of lamination, tape will help protect the feeder from the weather. The bottom must be weighted with sand or pebbles, so that it does not sway with the wind, and after pouring food, hang it on a tree.

There is another option - we fix the lid with adhesive tape perpendicular to the inside of the box, the lid will actually be a table with food, and the box will be both a roof and a side. We make a hook from the wire, and piercing the top of the feeder, we hang it to the chosen place. It remains to pour food and arm yourself with a camera or video camera!

We offer you a selection of various options for making bird feeders with your own hands. Here we have collected the best master classes and step-by-step lessons, as well as dozens of original ideas and photos for inspiration. In this article you will find crafts of varying degrees of complexity: from those that take no more than 5 minutes to create, to those that you have to tinker with.

Creating feeders is one of better ways organize excellent leisure and at the same time help feathered creatures survive the cold. This is a really useful and very good deed - by hanging a feeder, you will not let the birds die of hunger (in urban conditions, this, unfortunately, is quite possible).

What do you need to pay attention to?

Earlier, we already told you about how to choose the right wood for creating birdhouses. If you are planning to make a tree feeder, check out our tips. However, feeders can be made from other materials. Here are some general important tips before starting the creative process.

  1. If you want to make the feeder look bright, only paint the outside of the feeder to prevent the birds from accidentally pecking and ingesting harmful chemicals.
  2. When creating feeders, make sure that the hole into which the bird flies is smooth on all sides (this is especially true for bottle feeders, the edges of which can be scratched if not carefully cut). This will help protect the birds from accidental injury.
  3. If you use glue or varnish in your work, carefully study their composition. They should not contain toxic elements.
  4. Do not make paper feeders too large - if a bird sits in it, the craft may tear and harm the bird.
  5. Remember that wooden feeders can get dangerous mold, and metal ones can rust. Therefore, it is better to protect them with a special coating (without harmful chemicals).
  6. It is important to check the cleanliness of the feeder from time to time and examine it for damage.

from wood

Let's move on to the manufacturing process. A standard wooden feeder is made in the form of a birdhouse or a house. They can also be made in several variations. We offer you the most popular of them.

House with uprights

Use this drawing with dimensions. The picture is clickable, and it has step-by-step instruction on assembling a feeder with your own hands.

Please note that vertical posts can be replaced with thick branches.

The hut can be made of plywood, but it will need to be varnished.

Vary the size and height of the sides.

House with side walls

An approximate assembly scheme for this hut looks like this. Please note that the dimensions can be proportionally changed and adjusted.

The side walls can be made solid. Interesting decor will add attractiveness to the house.

You can cut neat round holes in the side faces. Remember to sand them so that the birds do not pick up a splinter.

If the design turned out to be small, it is better to fill it with cereals and seeds glued together into a special treat. More on this below.

edible feeder

To feed the birds, you can do without the feeder in the usual form. We will prepare special “cookies” for birds and simply hang them on branches.

We will need:

  • 2 packs of gelatin;
  • 2/3 cup of water;
  • 2 cups of food (seeds, cereals);
  • skewers;
  • cookie cutters.

Pour gelatin with hot water and wait for it to swell. Then we mix it with cereals and seeds. Mix the mass well and fill its molds for cookies or muffins. Insert a skewer to make a hole.

When the mass has cooled and “grabbed”, carefully remove it from the mold and pull out the skewer. Insert thread into the hole.

If you don't have molds, spread the gelatin mixture on a toilet paper roll and roll it over the stern to make it stick. Let dry, then attach to a branch.

You can also roll the mixture into lumps and place them in bags in a large mesh.

Such a treat is very popular with birds.


Didn't find a suitable option? This video features 50 more original ideas and the most different ways make a bird feeder out of wood or bottles.

Choose any of the presented feeders, decorate it, fill it with seeds and cereals. So you will have a wonderful opportunity to observe the life of birds and do a good deed!

Views: 7 067

Wild animals and birds that live in nature cannot count on the fact that in winter someone will help them in the same way as their domesticated "brothers". However, many people understand this and try to provide all possible assistance during the winter cold.

Benefits for you and the birds

Caring people are well aware of how difficult this time is for our smaller brothers, since starting from late autumn, it is becoming increasingly difficult for many of them to find food. Of course, with all the desire, it is not so easy to help those of them who live in the forest or in a remote area. However, if you live in a city, town or village, then everything is in your power. Today we will talk about bird feeders. It is quite possible to make them, and we are talking about using improvised means, old packaging and containers, as well as other materials that, in any case, would most likely be thrown into a landfill.

By the way, having “trained” the birds in your feeder located on the site, in addition to the feeling that you are helping them, saving them from hunger in the difficult season, you get some kind of additional “bonuses”:

  • Birds will get used to your site and will begin to live on it and next to it more often. Thus, they will constantly delight you with their games, fuss and chirping, filling the surrounding space with vital energy.
  • Quite often it happens that in the summer the birds return a kind of debt to you, destroying the numerous insects and pests that live in almost every garden or vegetable garden.

Wood is a reliable material!

In today's article, we have provided photos of many options that will help with ideas on how to make a bird feeder with your own hands. As a rule, in order to implement the project of such a feeder, you do not need complex projects and drawings.

Attention! You can feed birds not only in winter, but also in summer, especially if you live in a country house or in a private house.

Before considering the basic ideas for making feeders, let's talk about some of the features of the choice of material, as well as about the places where you can hang or attach such a homemade structure.

Choice of material and installation location

Before choosing a place for a feeder, it will be very useful to learn the most common types of birds that live in our latitudes.

1. Nuthatch; 2. pika; 3. small spotted woodpecker; 4. crossbill; 5. jay; 6. nutcracker or walnut; 7. bullfinch; 8. waxwing; 9. common grosbeak; 10. goldfinch; 11. siskin; 12. common oatmeal; 13. greenfinch; 14. great tit; 15. titmouse; 16. crested tit; 17. Muscovite tit; 18. long-tailed tit; 19. titmouse.

Traditionally, it is considered that the bird feeder should be in the form of a kind of house, which would be somewhat similar to a birdhouse. And in fact, such a configuration is optimal in order to organize a place for feeding birds there. Consider the advantages of this form:

  • The roof allows you to create protection from rain and snow.
  • Such a construction, made of plywood or wood, is strong, durable and reliable.
  • She will not look alien, since we are talking about landscape design and external attractiveness of the entire site.

However, you should not be limited only to this form, as well as the fact that only wood can be used as a material. In fact, both the configuration and the material can be completely different.

The main thing is that the feeder meets the basic requirements:

  1. The material from which the feeder is made must be stable and not deform over time. In other words, a birdhouse made of cardboard or similar improvised means is not good. It simply will not withstand difficult weather conditions: rain, sleet, etc.
  2. At the same time, you can, in extreme cases, make a small feeder from a container of juice or dairy products (kefir, milk, etc.). Tetra pak and similar carton packages are much more resistant to moisture than ordinary carton. However, such structures cannot be classified as durable. On the other hand, they are quite suitable as a temporary solution, which, under favorable circumstances, can serve you for a whole season. At the same time, it is necessary to understand that the feeder from the milk bag will fit only for small birds, since large ones simply will not fit in it.
  3. By the way, the following conclusion follows from the previous paragraph: the material must be durable and stable, since it must withstand not only the autumn-winter bad weather, but also the weight of the birds themselves, some of which are quite massive. In addition, keep in mind that wear and tear will also occur due to the constant impact of their claws, since they will usually sit down in a carved opening (“window”).
  4. By the way, since we are talking about a window, an entrance (this technological hole can be called, in fact, whatever you like), then you need to understand that its edges should not be sharp, because, otherwise, birds can injure their paws about them.


In addition to the material, as well as manufacturing technology, you need to understand that the place where you install or hang the bird feeder is also important point. So, if possible, it is necessary to avoid installation in places where birds will have difficulty accessing. We are talking about thick branches and other similar places.

In addition, pay attention to the fact that the feeder is located in a place that is hard to reach for cats, which, as you know, are excellent hunters, living in large numbers in villages, cottages, as well as in cottages and private housing estates.

Advice! Place the feeder in an open space, in places that are easily visible to birds.

Popular Ideas

Let's look at the main ideas of how best to make a bird feeder with your own hands, looking at "live" examples of how many people have implemented their projects. There can be many feeders, and the options for their manufacture are countless. However, they are all made for the same purpose. So, here are the main types of structures of this kind.

The dispenser is a very useful device for feeding birds. In addition, the bottle can be hung vertically "upside down"

Wooden house

To make such a design is quite realistic and independently. There is no need to have any specific skills or knowledge. As a rule, improvised or unnecessary boards, pieces of logs and many other wooden elements are used in such work. Taking planks or veneer as a basis, main task is their strong connection.

By the way, wooden bird feeders can be used not only for feeding yard birds. Similar designs are also used in chicken coops, when feeding chickens and other poultry. However, this is, as they say, a completely different story.

Plywood feeder

Such a design can be made with your own hands right at home. For this you do not need any special tools or conditions. In this case, of course, you will have to find drawings of feeders. On the other hand, you can make a drawing with dimensions yourself, since there is nothing particularly difficult in its development. For more ideas, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the photos and examples of finished work.

Bunker feeder

This type of construction, so to speak, "migrated" from Agriculture. One of its main advantages is that it allows you to exclude the "discrimination" of some bird species by others. You yourself have probably noticed that often a flock of birds alone, for example, sparrows or tits, takes an advantageous position in the immediate vicinity of the food (seeds, bread crumbs, grains, cereals, loaves, etc.) or even in the feeder itself and tends to prevent other birds from reaching such a valuable resource.

Therefore, it becomes an important task to limit the area on which feathered friends can feed. Therefore, in such cases, homemade bunker feeders, also known as anti-sparrow feeders, can come in handy.

Plastic bottle feeders

A canister feeder is also a great option.

This type of design is extremely simple, so everyone, including children, can make it on their own. In order to make it, you only need to cut one or two holes in the bottle in order to pour bird food inside, and in fact, so that the birds have the opportunity to get inside. Of course, you need to be careful, because the holes should be, if possible, as even and symmetrical as possible.

Interesting! If you have time and desire, you can additionally decorate the feeder with natural materials, or apply inscriptions.

Let's take a closer look at the features of the work in the presence of bottles of different sizes. The fact is that the most common source materials in such cases are:

So, if you use the first option, then you can choose between two types of designs. In the first case, it is about making holes in both sides of the bottle. They may have different shape: round, rectangular or square.

In the second case, you can make a special visor that would cover the hole, protecting it from snow. In order to make it, you just need to cut a U-shaped hole, leaving one side (upper). After that, this section of the bottle is bent up, thus forming a kind of visor. By the way, this can also be done on both sides.

For more convenience for the birds, you can make two small holes under the main openings and insert a long stick into them, on which they can perch before getting inside. As for the lower edge of the main holes, for greater security, it is advisable to glue it with tape or tape in several layers. Also suitable and fabric adhesive tape. Thus, a do-it-yourself feeder is made from plastic containers of a relatively small volume.

Even easier, you can make a feeder from a 5-liter bottle. The fact is that the walls are often straight, which allows you to cut a more even hole. Plus, more seeds and crumbled loaf are placed in such a container, and it is more convenient for birds to fly inside. For crafting, you will need a knife or strong scissors.

If the plastic bottle is mounted horizontally, then holes can be cut in place of the bottom and neck. If you plan to fix it vertically, then you can cut 2, 3 or even 4 holes from different sides if you are working with a bottle that has a square or rectangular section. This, by the way, will allow several birds to fly in and feed at once. For round bottles, 2-3 holes can be cut. By the way, on the basis of a large bottle of 5 liters and above, you can also make a bunker feeder.

On a note! It is advisable to cut the holes at a height of at least 5 centimeters from the bottom, maybe a little more.

Such a feeder is attached quite simply: you can tie it either by the neck or by the handle, which is integral part covers using twine or thin wire. This is if we talk about vertical options. With horizontal fixation, it is best to make 2 parallel small holes (they can be made with a knife or other sharp object), passing through them the wire or rope that is needed for fastening.

In any case, this option is very affordable, since almost everyone has at their disposal unnecessary 5-liter water bottles. Sample photos show various options for how this can be done.

Bird feeder from a milk or juice bag

5 minutes - and a new feeder from a juice bag - ready

Everyone has boxes of juice or milk. We usually throw them away. The manufacturing technology is extremely simple, and in some way resembles the previous one (with plastic bottles). So, if you want to make a bird feeder from a juice or milk bag, the sequence of your actions may be as follows:

  • We outline future holes using a pen, marker or felt-tip pen.
  • Carefully cut them out using scissors or a sharp knife.
  • We glue the underside of the opening with tape or adhesive tape.
  • We make small holes for the rope or wire at the top of the package.
  • We hang the resulting feeder from a tree branch, lilac or other places.

The easiest and fastest option from a milk bag

By the way, in some cases you can put a weight on the bottom or attach to it in the form of a brick fragment or something similar. This will minimize swaying in case of strong winds. This applies not only to paper boxes, but also to plastic bottles.

Remember! In some cases, you can attach the feeder to the wall.

Using a shoe box

By the way, a bird feeder from a shoe box is made in the same way. Of course, the fact that it is made of cardboard does not allow making such a feeder durable. On the other hand, some of the boxes are made of fairly durable and moisture-resistant cardboard. Moreover, you can additionally cover the cardboard with tape, which will further increase its protection from the effects of bad weather conditions. This will somewhat increase the life of the feeder, although, in any case, it will not be as durable as its counterparts made of wood, cardboard and even plastic.

The manufacturing technology itself is extremely simple and does not require any special instructions. You just need to make the necessary cuts on the sides of the box and also fix the lid. This can also be done with tape.

Other options

Of course, all these types of feeders are the most common and popular. However, it makes sense to talk about alternative options. The first of these is a feeder made from tableware.

By the way! You can also make a drinker out of dishes, which is also very important for birds.

Such original products are made from a cup and saucer. If you add a deep plate, you can make both a feeder and a drinker at the same time. Some craftsmen make feeders from old buckets, usually plastic ones. They turn out to be large, which somewhat limits the possibilities for their installation, which, of course, is a certain disadvantage. The advantage is the same: the size of such a product is quite large. This allows you to pour more feed. In addition, several birds can feed at the same time. We must not forget about the strength of such a design.