Why does a decorative rabbit have loose stools. Causes of diarrhea in rabbits: treatment with antibiotics and folk remedies

Many rabbit breeders consider the appearance of diarrhea in animals to be a common occurrence, citing the fact that the eared animals ate low-quality food, but such a statement is erroneous. According to experts, diarrhea is considered a symptom of more complex diseases, so in our article we will describe the causes of diarrhea in rabbits and its treatment.

In fact, there can be many causes of diarrhea in young rabbits and adult rabbits. The main ones are considered to be the supply of poor-quality feed, as well as the appearance of harmful microorganisms and pathogenic bacteria in the cells. The main reasons are:

  • The appearance of worms in rabbits;
  • Leftover moldy food in the feeder, supply of sour or spoiled food;
  • Poisoning an animal with harmful plants;
  • Failure to comply with sanitary standards;
  • coccidiosis;
  • Various infections and viruses that affect the intestines.

At the first sign of diarrhea in your pet, contact your veterinarian. Send animal feces to the laboratory to diagnose the disease.

Diarrhea in little rabbits

According to experts, most often vilifies young individuals. One of the options for the appearance of the described disease is the early weaning of young animals from their mother. In such cases, the digestive system of the animal does not adapt well to the natural food of adult animals. Diarrhea can also occur after adding a new product to the diet of rabbits.

The onset of a disease in young animals is most often observed before 2 months of age, therefore, when buying eared animals, it is necessary to choose individuals whose age exceeds the specified period.

Mother's milk, consumed by small rabbits, enables babies to maintain the necessary acidity in the intestines, which makes it possible to quickly switch to new, complex foods.

Another phenomenon that can lead to diarrhea in rabbits is coccidiosis. When the described disease appears, the animal is treated with antibiotics. If this is not done on time, then the eared one will die from dehydration.

Causes of diarrhea in adult rabbits

Diarrhea occurs not only in small rabbits, adults often suffer from this disease.

Among the main reasons should be called a violation of the diet, and especially if ingredients with a high content get into the food. mass fraction starch and protein. Some eared owners give their ornamental pets foods such as bread or sweet biscuits. In such cases, you should also prepare for the occurrence of diarrhea.

If we talk about starchy food, then such food most often leads to diarrhea, and not only in decorative rabbits, but also in ordinary rabbits that have better immunity. Among other reasons, it is worth paying attention to stress in animals or dental diseases, which are accompanied by rapid breathing and frequent urination.

How and how to treat diarrhea in a rabbit

And now we will find out what to do with diarrhea in rabbits. If your pet has diarrhea, the first thing a good owner should do is to make a diagnosis. The cage where the animal is kept is thoroughly cleaned of feces and food residues, only clean water and good quality hay should be left here.

How to treat diarrhea in rabbits? Of the official medicine for the treatment of diarrhea in rabbits, such a popular medicine as activated charcoal is used. ¼ of the tablet is dissolved in a small amount of boiled water and given to the animal inside. After that, the animals are soldered with infusion of chamomile.

In a severe form of the disease, more effective drugs are used. One of these is Baytril, which is injected into the animal through a needle in the withers area. For a two-kilogram rabbit, 0.2 milliliters of the active substance is enough, previously diluted with a physical solution in a volume of 1 milliliter. Note that this remedy is administered three times a day.

Use of antibiotics to treat diarrhea in rabbits.

Do not relax if your pet is on the mend. After the illness, the body of the animal will be weakened for a long time. To prevent the recurrence of diarrhea, the animal is given a drug against worms Baykoks. In this case, 1 teaspoon of the active substance is diluted in a liter of boiled water.. This solution should be changed every two days.

one more a good remedy Linex is considered to treat diarrhea. The medicine is given to pets twice a day in the morning and evening, 0.5 tablets at a time. The active substances (beneficial bacteria) contained in the tablets allow you to normalize the intestinal microflora of the animal.

Folk methods of treatment

Folk remedies for the treatment of diarrhea in rabbits use a decoction of Potentilla. To prepare such a solution, a teaspoon of the indicated herb is brewed in a glass of boiling water. When the liquid has cooled, it is filled into a syringe without a needle and poured into the animal's mouth. An approximate dose is a teaspoon of solution per adult.

In case of diarrhea, as well as with bloating, the animals are given a decoction based on pharmacy chamomile.

This herb is brewed in such a way that the color of the broth is yellow. The course of treatment with this remedy is 10 days, while the liquid is soldered to the rabbit three times a day, a teaspoon per dose.

Special diet for sick rabbits

After your pet gets sick with diarrhea, you need to clean the cage, disinfect the feeders and drinkers. After that, the animal is put on a special diet. During this period, rabbits are given high-quality hay, drinkers are installed with clean boiled water, to which anthelmintic drugs are added.

From concentrated food, feed enriched with vitamins and minerals, as well as oats, should be used.

Prevention of diarrhea

Treatment and post-prevention of diarrhea in rabbits is very important. When taking preventive measures to prevent diarrhea in domestic rabbits, a veterinarian should be consulted. It is necessary to treat the described disease at the initial stages of development.

When caring for pets, you need to carefully select a diet, carefully add new, unusual food in small doses. Particular attention should be paid to keeping the cage clean. In the daily diet of the eared, there should be juicy food (vegetables and fruits), but such ingredients should be introduced into the food in a minimal amount.

Despite the fact that diarrhea in rabbits is considered a rather dangerous disease, every pet owner must take preventive measures to prevent this disease. In the event of an illness, you should immediately contact your veterinarian, who will determine the symptoms and prescribe treatment.
Finally, we suggest watching a short video with subtitles on the topic of diarrhea in rabbits, how to find out that a rabbit has diarrhea:

Diarrhea is loose, loose stools. This is a serious symptom of the disease, which should not be ignored.

In rabbits, loose stools are deformed, soft, and watery. Those. feces lose their usual, classic shape in the form of peas. The animal begins to defecate even outside its toilet, as it loses the ability to control itself.

What is a normal chair?

Normally, rabbits distinguish between 2 types of excrement: hard and soft stools. The hard one is dense brown peas, and the soft one is the feces of the caecum (caecotrophs), it is also called "night feces". He contains a large number of beneficial vitamins and minerals. Caecotrophs resemble bunches of grapes, they smell very unpleasant and are easily smeared. Rabbits eat them, as a complex of vitamins is necessary to maintain normal life. In the context of diarrhea, it is important not to confuse really liquid stools and nocturnal feces - caecatrophs.

Causes of Diarrhea

There can be many reasons for loose stools. But most often diarrhea occurs as a result of stress, bacterial infections, poor nutrition, lack of hay. It can also be a reaction to the early weaning of rabbits from the mother, or an allergic reaction to medication.

Problems with the gastrointestinal tract occur as a result of food poisoning, as well as after the consumption of stale fruits or vegetables, poor-quality water, old or dirty hay. Also, the cause of diarrhea can be an improper, disordered diet. For example, you should avoid eating foods rich in proteins and fats, with a low fiber content (for example, cereals - wheat, oats). Unbalanced or excessive consumption of fresh vegetables also provokes loose stools. An unlimited amount of fruits (sugar) leads to an imbalance, worsening the well-being of animals. It should be remembered that the development of diarrhea is affected by a rapid change in diet (for example, the rejection of ready-made food) or a change in regimen, so any changes should be introduced gradually.

There are also situations when diarrhea in a rabbit is caused by a viral infection (rotavirus, hemorrhagic fever, coronavirus, etc.) or bacterial infections (E. coli, coccidiosis). As a result of such infections, an imbalance is formed between beneficial and harmful bacteria. That is why, in order to maintain normal life, it is very important to follow the right diet, to prevent dysbacteriosis, which can be very difficult to correct later.

First aid for diarrhea

The rabbit has diarrhea. What to do?

At the first suspicion of diarrhea it is necessary to pay attention to the type of feces. Unformed liquid feces or watery discharge indicate that the rabbit is unwell. He can become lethargic, inactive. Sometimes animals begin to refuse food, water, in severe cases, they lose weight.

Due to frequent bowel movements, the undertail of the rabbit gets dirty. Dirty wool is cleaned to prevent further self-infection through licking.

First of all, you need to identify what causes diarrhea, because. loose stools in itself are only a symptom, you always need to look for the root cause. If these are errors in nutrition, then you need to correct the diet. A balanced diet is the key to the health and good functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract.

If the cause of the diarrhea is food poisoning, the rabbit is immediately given ¼ tablet of activated charcoal. Probiotic Linex at the rate of ½ capsule in the morning and evening will help normalize the intestinal flora, saturate it with beneficial bacteria. It is best if this drug is always in your home first aid kit. Chamomile or mint tea helps with diarrhea, but not packaged, but bought at a pharmacy. The tea is cooled and served immediately. For the duration of treatment, fruits and vegetables are excluded, the rabbit is fed only hay and special granulated grain-free feeds in large quantities.

Dehydration during diarrhea is very dangerous, so animals are provided with plenty of drinking water. At the first sign of diarrhea, immediately seek help from a veterinarian who specializes in rabbits. Only he will make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the right treatment.

Unfortunately, rabbits very often die from the consequences caused by untimely treatment.

It is better to prevent a disease than to treat it. Prevention consists in observing the rules of nutrition. The main prohibitions concern fruits and grains: they are either not given at all or are strictly limited. Provide the rabbit with enough hay, fresh herbs and a timely cleaned tray, then your pet will always be healthy and cheerful!

Rabbit feces are an important indicator of animal health. Depending on how you feel, his feces also change. Any deviations from the norm can tell the rabbit breeder what is happening with his ward.

Types of rabbit feces: a) healthy rabbit feces; b) stool in the form of straw peas; c) cecotrophs; d) peas in a chain of grass; e) feces in a chain with wool; e) small peas; g) bowel movements with constipation; h) faeces with mucus; i) diarrhea.

A healthy rabbit's stool is tear-shaped or pea-shaped, hard in texture, and contains remnants of digested food. The color of the feces is dark, the size is small. Rabbits sometimes eat it and this is not considered a deviation. Soft balls covered with mucus contain a lot of digested substances. The repeated use of waste products normalizes digestion. A healthy animal leaves up to 300 peas per day.

Straw pea stools are larger in appearance, light in color and contain a lot of undigested hay. Its appearance indicates the scarcity of animal feed. In order to save money, farmers often purchase cheaper grains or mixed fodder. The content of indigestible substances in their composition has a large proportion. The consequences of such a diet can be constipation and damage to the intestines.

Cecotrophs are shaped like a bunch of grapes. They smell unpleasant, have a shiny shell called mucin. They are not a deviation. On the contrary, the rabbit should eat such feces. If he is forbidden to do this, vitamin deficiency may develop. Usually rabbits eat the caecotroph immediately after it has come out. If a grape-bunch-shaped bowel movement is nevertheless found by a farmer, this indicates that the pet’s diet is sufficiently saturated with essential vitamins.

Peas in a chain of grass are considered a sign of a problem with the teeth. When a rabbit is unable to chew grass, it swallows it whole. In the stomach, the food is not digested to the end and comes out together with the fecal mass in the form of beads.

Feces in a chain with wool is formed during molting. After licking your skin or the skin of a neighbor, the wool enters the stomach. In the rectum, where feces are formed, undigested hair remains in the form of gaps between the peas. The appearance of such feces of this form is not hazardous to health. But if during the shedding of feces there is no more than 8 hours, this means that the intestines could become clogged with wool.

Constipated stools are very small. The balls are hard, dry, with pointed ends. Such feces indicate a lack of fluid in the pet's diet. If constipation is not prevented in time, feces of this form can damage the colon and anus of the animal.

The types of feces described are most often found in breeding rabbits. Along with them, more rarely occurring discharges can be distinguished:

Porridge-like peas are a sign of impending diarrhea. Do not worry if the pet's diet was changed the day before. This can lead to addiction to a new food.

Worms in the stool are visible to the naked eye. Most often, they leave the body already dead. You can drive them out with the help of anthelmintics without the participation of a veterinarian.

Faeces of an unnatural color are not dangerous. Their shade can vary from white to pitch black, depending on the foods eaten by the animal. For example, after beets, rabbit feces acquire a reddish tint.

Why does a rabbit eat its own feces

The rabbit does not eat all of its feces. He eats only caecotrophs - feces in the form of a bunch of grapes, which contains a large amount of useful substances. Healthy individuals eat feces unnoticed by their owners, so inexperienced rabbit breeders may not notice this process or even be aware of it.

If the rabbit looks healthy, does not experience problems with the absorption of food and does not lose interest in it, stress, the introduction of new food into the diet, or a lack of fiber are considered to be the cause of the remaining caecotrophs.

Loose stools: diagnosis of diseases

Particular attention should be paid to liquid feces. Diarrhea can not only be a symptom of a complex disease, but also cause the death of an animal. This is due to the fact that during diarrhea the body loses a lot of fluid. This leads to dehydration. Most often, diarrhea is observed in adults. Rabbits do not suffer from this disorder, since mother's milk normalizes the functioning of the stomach and intestines. But when young animals are transferred to "adult" food, intestinal problems often appear. High-quality food will help the offspring to switch to a new diet without health consequences.

Causes of diarrhea in a rabbit can be as follows:

  • stress due to problems with teeth, urination, lung infection or head tremors;
  • poor-quality food leads to the processes of decay and gas formation in the intestines, which entail the appearance of excess weight;
  • bacterial enteritis. After constipation, the alkaline environment of the intestinal tract changes. The microflora weakens and E. coli begin to multiply in the body.

First aid for loose stools

  1. Eliminate berries, vegetables and fruits from food.
  2. Add a decoction of oak bark to the drinker. If this does not help, give 0.5 tablets of activated charcoal.
  3. Eliminate dehydration by injecting 10 ml of saline per 1 kg of live weight. Repeat the procedure up to 4 times a day.
  4. If gas formation is observed, use 1 ml of Espumizan per 1 kg of pet's live weight.
  5. If the condition does not improve within a day, contact your veterinarian.

The best treatment for diarrhea is prevention. Do not feed the mammals poor quality foods or rotten vegetables, wash them before feeding and keep the cages clean. Vaccinate your flock against common diseases and avoid creating stressful situations. The calmness of the rabbit is a sign of his health.

Worms in a rabbit

Signs of the presence of worms are as follows:

A blood test will help determine the presence of worms in the body as accurately as possible.

How to expel worms

Medicines for worms are most often in the form of a suspension. Their dosage is determined based on the concentration of the drug and the weight of the animal. The suspension is administered orally. To reduce the chance of your rabbit getting stressed, keep the process tidy. Take a syringe without a needle and draw the drug into it. Take the patient firmly in your arms and open his mouth with a syringe. Through the edge of the mouth, start the introduction of the drug. Once the medicine is inside, do not rush to close the patient's mouth. Stroke the rabbit's throat to make sure the medicine doesn't get stuck in the mouth. Only then release the animal.

Video - Treatment of helminths in rabbits

How to check rabbit feces

In the process of monitoring the health of a rabbit, it is necessary to pay attention to its feces daily. In order not to miss important indicators, pay attention to:

  • size and color of peas;
  • do peas crumble easily;
  • whether the animal's diet was changed on the eve of the test;
  • how long the stool remains changed.

If the food has not been changed for a long time, and the peas are of the usual size, crumble easily and do not smell strange, the rabbit is healthy. In all other cases, it is worth observing the behavior of the animal for about three days. If the feces are liquid, or contain helminths, this is a reason to contact a veterinarian for help.

Handbook of rabbit urine

Like feces, urine can tell you a lot about your health. With its help, you can diagnose some diseases of the animal without the involvement of a veterinarian.

cloudy discharge a sign of healthy urine. The rabbit's body excretes calcium through the urine and not through the feces like a human. This means that his stool may have sediment. When dried, the shade of urine becomes more saturated, acquires a milky or white color. Healthy urine has an orange or straw color. During lactation, the feces of a rabbit may have a transparent appearance. This is not a pathology and means that her body needs more calcium to feed the young.

Red urine is the result of certain foods in the diet. Most often, it acquires this color in winter, when farmers, due to the lack of fresh grass, increase the amount of feed and vitamin supplements. The red color can be caused by an increased amount of beta-carotene. Sometimes this color appears after eating spruce branches. This feature is not inherent in all pets on the farm. Most often it is one or two individuals for the whole herd. If red urine comes in combination with other symptoms, it is most likely an indicator of poor health and requires veterinary intervention. In all other cases, red urine is not dangerous.

Blood in the urine can mean the presence of kidney stones, infection of the genitourinary system, the presence of polyps on the walls of the bladder. On examination, the urine is usually homogeneous. The blood in it does not mix with the total mass and most often remains in the form of separate drops or clots. Such symptoms should be an urgent reason to visit the veterinarian.

Dark urine with a sediment in the form of sand indicates urolithiasis of the animal. This phenomenon is common due to the fact that in rabbits the process of calcium accumulation in muscles and tissues is quite active. They consume little liquid, which means that the mineral is quite difficult to excrete. It settles in the kidneys, turns to stone and, when trying to leave the body, clogs the ducts. If the sediment in the rabbit's feces is visible for several days in a row, contact your veterinarian to prevent the consequences of the disease.

The rabbit's genitals (perineal pockets) should also be examined. They highlight the secret by which the herd members determine the sex of the rabbit, its belonging to the group and the desire to mate. These secretions are yellow in color and have a sweet smell. Their excess can lead to inflammation of the mucous membrane around the genitals. Thickened secretions should be removed with an ear stick soaked in baby care oil.

Thus we see that feces and urine are important indicators of a mammal's health. They can be used to diagnose performance problems. internal organs and determine the general condition of the animal. Stools can indicate poor quality food and unfavorable conditions. Using a simple method for diagnosing rabbit feces and urine, you can save the entire herd from possible problems and disease in the future.

Diarrhea in rabbits is a dangerous condition. With severe diarrhea, the water-electrolyte balance in the body is disturbed, which can lead to death. Diarrhea treatment should be started as soon as possible. From this article, readers will learn why diarrhea develops in rabbits and adults, what medicines and folk remedies will help improve bowel function.

Causes of Diarrhea

Just like in humans, intestinal upset in rabbits can occur for a variety of reasons. Often this condition leads to intoxication of the body during infection, as well as malnutrition. Let's consider everything in detail possible reasons diarrhea in pets

Juveniles are more prone to digestive disorders than adults. Diarrhea in rabbits can begin due to early weaning from the mother. When babies feed on mother's milk, their intestines form a normal level of acidity. If you wean them early from the rabbit, the pH balance is disturbed, and digestive problems arise.

Young animals are prone to various infections, which provoke a disorder of the stool, for example:

The hasty introduction of complementary foods also provokes diarrhea. The digestive system of rabbits is imperfect and too sensitive, it reacts sharply to new foods, so they must be introduced gradually.

Attention! If the rabbit has diarrhea, you can not hesitate. From severe dehydration, the baby can die within 2 days. The owner of the animal must urgently show it to the veterinarian.

In adults

Diarrhea in adult rabbits most often occurs due to violations of feeding rules. The presence in the diet of foods high in protein or starch usually leads to diarrhea. Diarrhea in a decorative rabbit can provoke such products:

  • biscuit;
  • muffin;
  • bread;
  • sweets.

The absence or abundance of fiber in the diet of pets also leads to disruption of the digestive tract. Severe fright or stress in rabbits is almost always accompanied by relaxation of the smooth muscles of the intestine, which entails a disorder.

What and how to treat diarrhea in rabbits?

Treatment of diarrhea in a rabbit should be started as early as possible. Otherwise, the risk of pet death from dehydration and intoxication is high. The medicine for diarrhea should be prescribed by a veterinarian, having determined the cause of the disorder. Self-medication may not be effective.

It is better to change the litter to a clean cloth, and wash the back of the pet's body. After each act of defecation, it is necessary to change the bedding in the cage so that the rabbit remains clean. Diarrhea is treated:

  • medicines (including antibiotics);
  • folk remedies.


Medications help to quickly remove toxins from the rabbit's body, improve the condition of the intestinal microflora and cope with the infection. Antibiotics for diarrhea should only be given on the recommendation of a veterinarian. The course of treatment cannot be interrupted.

For diarrhea, the following drugs are used:

  1. Baytril. The drug is injected subcutaneously into the withers three times a day for 3-5 days. Dosage - 0.1 ml / kg. Together with Baytril, 1 ml of saline is drawn into the syringe.
  2. Oxytetracycline is used for enteritis, colitis and intestinal infections once by intramuscular injection. The dosage for a rabbit is 0.25 ml / kg of body weight.

Other drugs

Other medications are also used to treat diarrhea, such as Activated carbon. It helps to relieve the symptoms of intoxication. The pet is given a quarter of the tablet in the morning and evening, dissolved in water. You can give this medicine to animals through a pipette or syringe without a needle. Sorbent Enterosgel can also be used. A quarter of a teaspoon of the product is dissolved in water and given to the rabbit to drink 1-2 times a day.

Probiotics are used to normalize the microflora. Dissolve half of the Linex capsule in 5 ml of water, inject it into the cheek through a syringe without a needle. With increased gas formation, veterinarians recommend giving pets Espumizan 2 drops twice a day.

Folk remedies

Herbal decoctions and other folk remedies will help get rid of diarrhea if infections are not involved in it. They are used only in the case when diarrhea is caused by stress, as well as errors in nutrition.

Among folk remedies for diarrhea in rabbits, the following are especially effective:

  • chamomile decoction;
  • decoction of cinquefoil;
  • decoction of oak bark.

Brew vegetable raw materials should be, following the instructions. The decoction is given 10 ml three times a day, diluted with a small amount of water.

Attention! If the rabbit refuses water, Ringer's solution is injected under the skin at the withers at 10 ml / kg of body weight 3 times a day. This will help replenish the lack of fluid and minerals in the body.

special diet

Having discovered the symptoms of diarrhea in a pet, it is necessary to immediately organize dietary nutrition for it. In the first day or two, it is better not to give the rabbit anything but clean drinking water and good quality hay. All juicy food should be removed from the cage:

  • vegetables;
  • fresh greens;
  • fruits;

Attention! Cereals are also removed from the diet.

A day or a little later, you can offer your pet a small amount of root vegetables in boiled form. You can give compound feed, because it contains all the substances the body needs. Gradually, when the rabbit gets better, the usual diet is returned. For some time, the pet's digestive system will remain weak and sensitive, so it is important to strictly control what he eats and how much. Hay and grain should be checked for mold.

Attention! During treatment, the rabbit is kept warm and protected from noise.


To avoid diarrhea, the owner of the animals should carefully monitor their nutrition and living conditions. What measures to take:

  1. Regularly clean the cage. Dirty and unsanitary conditions main reason occurrence of diarrhea.
  2. Once a week, disinfect cells, drinkers.
  3. Before distributing feed, check it for rot and mold.
  4. Thoroughly wash root vegetables and vegetables before giving them to pets.
  5. Do not feed rabbits foods that are contraindicated for them.
  6. Do not give wet grass. Before the distribution of green fodder, the grass is dried.
  7. Timely carry out vaccination and deworming.
  8. Protect animals from stressful situations.
  9. Take care of their teeth.
  10. Do not wean the babies from the mother rabbit too soon.
  11. Introduce complementary foods to rabbits gradually.

If a rabbit has diarrhea, you should not treat it yourself, without understanding the reasons for the deterioration of the condition. Trust your pet to the veterinarian. He will find out why the work of the intestines has been disturbed, and will tell you which medicines or folk remedies are better to use. With diarrhea, it is important to prevent dehydration. Offer your pet a clean drinking water in unlimited quantities.

What if your rabbits - common or decorative - had diarrhea? Should I immediately call the veterinarian or is there something I can do on my own? Diarrhea is a problem that should not be underestimated, since indigestion is not always associated with poor-quality food. Often, diarrhea in a rabbit indicates serious problems. About what to do in such a situation, how to properly treat diarrhea in rabbits, we are going to tell in this article.

With diarrhea, things can take a bad turn - up to death from dehydration

For some reason, people do not perceive diarrhea as a serious disease, considering such disorders to be quite an ordinary thing - they say, you just need to wait, and the disease will go away by itself. But if you are breeding rabbits, and your wards have had diarrhea, things sometimes take a bad turn. Your pets can simply die from basic dehydration. In addition, diarrhea is most often just a symptom of another, more serious disease.

For those who are going to breed furry creatures, it is useful to know that these creatures are very sensitive. Rabbits react nervously to any change in their environment. Even changing the usual feed in the diet can knock the animal out of the rhythm of life. Diarrhea can be a reaction to such stress, although not necessarily.

We list the situations that can cause diarrhea in these cute little animals.

  1. Poisoning. Often, the owners, without knowing it, add any products that the rabbit stomachs are not able to digest in the diet of rabbits. A common mistake is to feed wet grass:
  • washed, but not dried, as it should;
  • freshly cut, on which the morning dew still remained;
  • rotten and moldy greens.

Fresh grass must first wilt and dry.

  1. Overfeeding with seasonal products. Although vegetables and fruits should be introduced into the diet of animals, they should not become their main food. If you give the same apples or zucchini in large quantities, it can cause diarrhea.
  2. Too high-calorie food. This is food rich in protein and starch. Since the ventricles of animals are configured to process plant foods, you can not feed them with muffins and sweets. Store-bought fruits can also be damaged, as they are often coated with special formulations to preserve their presentation.
  3. A small amount of fiber (indigestible fiber) in food. From this, the walls of the intestines of the animals weaken, the feces are worse excreted from the body. As a result, dysbacteriosis of the caecum develops.
  4. Obesity and joint disease. In such cases, the rabbit's body is not able to effectively cleanse, and if not properly cared for, feces can simply remain on the rabbit's coat. As a result, foci of infection appear.
  5. Stress. Animals get nervous for a variety of reasons. Remember if you changed the usual food for a sick rabbit, if you transferred it to another cage or to other individuals.
  6. Worms. To test this, send rabbit feces for analysis.
  7. Deformation of the teeth. If the rabbit's teeth do not grow properly, this can cause diarrhea, as the animal does not manage to chew food properly, and its intestines begin to work intermittently.
  8. recent treatment. If the animal was recently treated with antibiotics, such a reaction of the body is quite real.

Everything is excluded from the diet of the animal, except for hay and compound feed.

diarrhea in rabbits

When breeding rabbits, all the main stages must be carried out in due time. Taking the sucklings away from the rabbit too soon and starting to give them adult food will cause disturbances in the digestive system. Indeed, in the stomach of rabbits there is not yet the required number of bacteria, until a certain age it is generally sterile.

mother's milk:

  • helps babies cope with infections;
  • regulates the acidity of the stomach;
  • provides the body with the necessary antibodies.

With a lack of mother's milk, enteritis begins in sucklings - an inflammatory process that captures the entire intestine. Diarrhea occurs as one of the side effects.

It is the young that often swear when changing the diet or if the food lacks fiber. In this case, diarrhea is caused by the usual dysbacteriosis.


Of all the diseases that can cause diarrhea in rabbits, infection is one of the most common. Infections are of different types.

  1. . External manifestations: bloating, disheveled hair. Animals refuse food, their eyelids turn yellow. For treatment, "Sulfadimetoksin" or "Norsulfazol" is used.
  2. Stomatitis. Ulcers appear on the tongue of the animal, there is an active secretion of saliva. For treatment, a 2% solution of copper sulfate is used, which is used to lubricate the oral cavity of a rabbit.
  3. Paratyphoid. With this infection, the animal also loses interest in food, its activity decreases sharply, and the coat becomes disheveled. For treatment, "Furazolidone" is used, which is given within a week at the rate of 30 milligrams per kilogram of the live weight of the animal.

First aid

Experts recommend making a herbal decoction for sick rabbits on the first day, which needs to be fed to the animals for the whole day. If the rabbit has diarrhea in a day, you should definitely seek help from a specialist.

Only by identifying the main cause of the appearance of diarrhea in an animal, one can count on successful treatment.

A sick animal must be transplanted into a separate cage. Then it is washed away, then given, as we have already mentioned, chamomile infusion or fresh water. By the way, by the composition of the stool, you can guess the causes of the disease, therefore, when asking for help from a veterinarian, be sure to take his samples with you.

A pet with malaise is placed in a separate cage and already there they improve the work of the intestines

Remove all fresh herbs, vegetables and fruits from the animal's diet, leaving only hay and dry feed. For treatment, either medications are used, or they resort to traditional medicine.

Medical drugs

The sooner you start treatment, the better. We remind you that diarrhea is usually accompanied by a strong loss of water from the body, and therefore the animal may die from dehydration. The use of veterinary drugs is the best solution.

The following drugs are considered the most effective.

  1. The drug "Linex". Recommended for diarrhea effective remedy. The animal should be given half a capsule in the morning and in the evening for several days. "Linex" normalizes the intestinal flora, increasing the number of necessary bacteria.
  2. Activated carbon. It is prescribed in extreme cases. The rabbit should be given ¼ crushed tablet dissolved in boiled water.
  3. Baytril drug. Used in acute form of the disease. It is administered in the form of injections in the withers. One dose is determined at the rate of 0.1 ml of the drug for each kilogram of live weight. The drug is diluted in one milliliter of saline. Insulin syringes are used for injections. The number of injections is three times a day.

After the course of treatment works, the animal will need increased care for some time. The rabbit's body is weakened after diarrhea, so acceptance is required. preventive measures. Veterinarians recommend using the Baycox preparation for this purpose in the proportion of 1 teaspoon per liter of water. Such a solution is made daily, and a convalescent rabbit is fed with it.

Folk remedies

These include all kinds of decoctions of medicinal herbs. The most effective are:

  • decoction of cinquefoil. In a glass of boiling water, brew one tablespoon of dry grass. An animal is given a decoction from a teaspoon or through a syringe without a needle;
  • decoction of chamomile. It is brewed in the traditional way, resulting in a light yellow remedy. A sick rabbit should take orally one tablespoon of the drug three times a day for 10 days;
  • decoction of oak bark. It is added to drinking water;
  • decoctions based on wormwood, burdock root and yarrow. These herbs contain iodine, which enhances the immunity of the animal.

A sick rabbit must be given water in order to save him from dehydration. If necessary, the animal is forcibly watered. To enhance the effect, it is desirable to combine the intake of herbal decoctions with medications.

It is necessary to provide the animal with free access to water so that it does not suffer from dehydration.

Proper Care

If the causes of diarrhea in rabbits are the result of poor care, you will have to radically reconsider the conditions for keeping your furry pets. Work to improve them is reduced to the following measures.

  1. The room in which your wards live must be washed and disinfected. The floor must be covered with a soft bedding - preferably a cotton cloth, which is periodically changed to a clean one. All rabbit feces must be removed in time, animals should not come into contact with them.
  2. The anus of a sick rabbit should be kept clean and dry. The animal begins to lick the wet hole, as a result, it will again infect itself with an infection.
  3. Although rabbits tolerate low temperatures well, it is desirable for sick wards to make it more comfortable. Install a lamp in the cage, use a heating pad or a bottle of warm water.
  4. Make sure that the cell of the sick “patient” is clean, remove everything superfluous, leave only drinking water and food.

All of the above applies to any breed of rabbits. It doesn't matter if the rabbit has had diarrhea or the lop-eared breed has had diarrhea, all the recommended treatment and care measures will be the same. After all, the difference between these individuals is only in the size or shape of the ears.


To prevent this common ailment, experts advise carefully monitoring the nutrition of animals. In particular, it is highly recommended:

  • do not give low-quality food;
  • select fruits and greens without defects, rot, only fresh;
  • limit berries and exotic vegetables in the diet.

In addition, take the following steps:

  • cleanliness in the cells, since dirt and impurities can provoke an infection;
  • do all the necessary vaccinations in a timely manner, immediately quarantine sick animals from the rest;
  • do not create stressful situations for the animals.


We tried to explain how to treat diarrhea in rabbits, which drugs are considered the most effective. Remember the main thing - you need to treat diarrhea as soon as you find it, delay will either greatly delay the moment of recovery, or lead to death.