Presentation on social science on the topic "legal ethics". Presentation on the topic "code of honor of a judge" Legal ethics presentation

Professional ethics is a set of rules for the behavior of a particular social group, providing the moral nature of relationships caused or associated with professional activities, as well as a branch of science that studies the specifics of the manifestations of morality in various types of activity. In turn, one of the types of professional ethics is lawyer ethics.

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In his book “About the lawyer (paradox)”, E. Picard points out that the lawyer's environment is not such that it willingly talks about lawyer morality. This is primarily due to the fact that there is no other profession in which the contrast between the problems of reality and the ideal would manifest itself so clearly as in the legal profession. Wishing to highlight the problem, the author says: “How well founded is the sinister joke that neither a widow nor an orphan would ever need a lawyer to defend them if there were no other lawyer to attack them! ... I harbor horror for my profession” .

Slide 4: Lawyer ethics is a type of professional ethics, which is a set of rules for employees of the lawyer profession that ensure the moral nature of their activities and off-duty behavior, as well as a scientific discipline that studies the specifics of the implementation of moral requirements in this area

Slide 5: The subject of lawyer ethics is the proper behavior of a member of a bar association prescribed by corporate rules in cases where legal norms do not establish specific rules of conduct for him

Slide 6: The task of lawyer ethics is “... not to give ready recipes for all occasions, but to teach a culture of moral thinking, to give reliable guidelines for solving specific situations, to influence the formation of moral attitudes in a specialist in accordance with the specific requirements of the profession, to explain and evaluate stereotypes of behavior developed by lawyer practice in areas not regulated by law "

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In an effort to streamline the developed ethical rules professional activity, many Russian lawyers and legal communities have adopted codes of ethics, which laid down the general, fundamental rules and principles of the professional conduct of lawyers. Thus, in particular, the codes of lawyer ethics have been adopted by the International Union (Commonwealth) of Lawyers, the Guild of Russian Lawyers, the Interregional College of Lawyers for Assistance to Entrepreneurs and Citizens. The existence and activities of the legal profession are impossible without observing corporate discipline and professional ethics, lawyers taking care of their honor and dignity, as well as the authority of the bar.

Slide 8: Principles and norms of professional conduct of a lawyer

In cases where the issues of professional ethics of a lawyer are not regulated by the legislation on advocacy and advocacy or this Code, the lawyer is obliged to observe the customs and traditions that have developed in the advocacy, corresponding to the general principles of morality in society. The lawyer must avoid actions aimed at undermining confidence. In order to preserve professional secrecy, a lawyer must conduct office work separately from materials and documents belonging to the principal. The materials included in the lawyer's proceedings on the case, as well as the lawyer's correspondence with the principal, must be clearly and unambiguously marked as belonging to the lawyer or emanating from him.

Slide 9: Ethical rules of conduct for a lawyer when communicating with colleagues

The relationship of a lawyer with colleagues in the profession should be based on the norms of decency and respect. A lawyer should not refuse to consult a colleague if he asked for help. a lawyer should not, in conversations with a client, public speaking, in documents, during negotiations, make tactless statements regarding the business or personal qualities of another lawyer, he is obliged to treat him with respect. A lawyer has no right, referring to his business reputation, to belittle the dignity, authority and business reputation of other lawyers.


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One of the most important ethical rules, of course, one should recognize the conscientious attitude of the lawyer to the court. It applies to both the conduct of a lawyer in criminal and civil proceedings. “With due respect for the court, the lawyer is obliged to protect the interests of the client in good faith and with the maximum benefit for him, but without going beyond the limits provided for by law.” A lawyer cannot and must not influence the course of justice by giving falsified testimony, falsifying facts, deliberately presenting false documents, giving (advising) false testimony or evidence, knowingly for a lawyer an incorrect, inaccurate interpretation of the provisions of the law or regulations or judicial practice consciously assert something for which there is no reasonable basis in the evidence at the disposal of the court and / or submitted to it, or assert something that has only to be proved and / or motivated.


Slide 11: A lawyer cannot:

act contrary to the legitimate interests of the principal, provide him with legal assistance, guided by considerations of his own benefit, immoral interests or being under the influence of pressure from outside; take a position on the case that is opposite to the position of the principal, and act against his will, except in cases where the defense attorney is convinced that his client has self-incriminated; impose their assistance on persons and attract them as trustees by using personal connections with employees of the judiciary and law enforcement, the promise of a successful resolution of the case and other unworthy ways; disclose, without the consent of the principal, the information communicated by him to the lawyer in connection with the provision of legal assistance to him;


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Law and morality in the profession of a lawyer are above the will of the principal. Any wishes, requests or instructions of the principal, aimed at non-compliance with the law or violation of the rules provided for by this Code, can not be executed by a lawyer. The lawyer is not entitled to give the person who applied for legal assistance or the principal promises of a positive result in the performance of the assignment, which may directly or indirectly indicate that the lawyer intends to use other means to achieve this goal, except conscientious performance their duties.


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The existence of a free society and a free person is practically impossible without competent and independent lawyers-attorneys. In view of the special importance of the mission performed by lawyers, the professional and ethical requirements imposed on them go beyond the requirements to be fulfilled by a mere law-abiding citizen. A lawyer is obliged to perform his duty with dignity, honestly, independently, at the proper professional level and with the necessary thoroughness, and is also obliged to maintain professional secrecy. Morality, competence and independence are the essence of the profession of a lawyer. Reaching those high but vital necessary requirements to the personality of the lawyer should be the core of the activity of every community of lawyers.


Ethics is a philosophical discipline
the subject of which is
In many languages, morality is associated
concepts such as:

Professional ethics

Specifies and details requirements
morality in relation to conditions
one profession or another.
Due to the characteristics of this type
Plato in his dialogue "The State" noted:
"Those who directly influence
the souls of the rising generation should not
indulge in portrayal of the immoral
and ugly, but to focus attention
young people in positive images,
examples." Codes of conduct prescribing
certain type of moral
relationships between people who
seem to be optimal from the point
view of their fulfillment

Ways to justify these codes,
socio-philosophical interpretation
cultural and humanistic purpose
this profession.

Professional ethics studies

The relationship of labor collectives and each
individual specialist to society;
The moral qualities of a specialist,
ensuring the implementation of professional
The nature of the moral relationship between
specialists and people (citizens),
being the direct object of their
Relationships within professional
collectives and the norms defining these relations;
Professional activity as a moral
personality quality.

Professional specifics

To some types of professional
activities society presents
high moral standards.
Particular attention is paid to
moral qualities of those professions,
related to law
manage people's lives
some professions in the service sector,
healthcare, education, etc.

Professional specifics

Professional activity in such
spheres are not amenable to 100% regulation,
does not fit within official
instructions, templates.
Features of these professions
is an "invasion" of the inner world
person, which enhances the degree
professional responsibility.
Often these professions are creative
character, imply spontaneity
behavior for all

Basic concepts of professional ethics

Professional duty is the original concept.
It is clear and detailed enough.
duties are fixed
specialists in a certain way
professional activity.
Awareness of one's professional duty
encourages you to do your best
responsibility, navigate
as much for personal as for
public and national interests.

professional debt

Prescribes specialist
the need to behave in different
situations in a certain way
(attributive-imperative character).
Attached to the relevant
profession codes.

Professional Responsibility

Special social and moral attitude
specialist to other people, to society.
Assumes the need to
specialist of his moral duty.
Defines the ability to consciously:
- fulfill certain moral
- Solve the challenges ahead
-make the right moral choice
- to achieve a certain result.

professional conscience

ethical category, the purpose of which
carry out self-analysis of the content and
results of their activities from the standpoint
universal moral values.
For example, professional conscience
allows the specialist to use his
client as an object of manipulation, implementing
own needs, including

Professional Justice

Especially important in those types
professional activity, where
The level depends on the specialist.
material well-being of people
as well as their ability to implement
their rights.

professional honor

Expresses a significant assessment of significance
one profession or another in life
society, position, role
representatives of a certain
professions in a complex system
public relations.
In the modern sense, it includes
the following components:

professional honor

Awareness by the specialist of the content of his
professional debt required by him
fulfillment, conscious attitude to one's own
debt and obligations.
Recognition and evaluation by society, collective
real merits of the individual that finds
expression in approval, encouragement, authority,
moral regulation
The presence of a specialist of constant readiness and
strong-willed attitude in any conditions and at any time
fulfill your professional duty to the end,
save and not tarnish your honor. Expressed in
fidelity to the word, a high sense of citizenship,
internal commitment to constructive
social traditions of society

professional dignity

It is a recognition of one's human and
professional value, authority to
Includes two aspects:
- moral category reflecting the fact
social significance of the individual
(objective assessment of significance)
-internal awareness of one's personality
significance and value (subjective assessment

legal ethics

Due to the specifics
professional activity
The features of his moral and
social position;
It is formed in the relationship of legal
and moral principles and norms;
Operates with the concepts of legal and
moral consciousness

legal ethics

Every decision made
organs of the state, "should be
legal and fair; Furthermore,
fair can be legal
judgment, injustice cannot
be legal "(M.S. Strogovich,
Soviet jurist)

Moral culture of the individual

Implies the presence and development of
personalities of the totality of social
qualities and spiritual and moral
Professional Competence
involves the synthesis of the spiritual and moral qualities of the individual
Relies on broad knowledge and general
personality culture

Principles of professional ethics

principle of humanism. starting principle,
means recognition of the value
the uniqueness of each individual,
affirmation of her right to life,
health, honor, dignity, freedom.
In modern humanism, there are
three main ideas (meanings):

The principle of humanism

1. Guaranteeing fundamental human rights as
condition for the preservation of the humane grounds for its
2. Support for the weak, going beyond
the usual ideas of this society about
3. Formation of social and
moral qualities that
personality to carry out self-realization on
basis of social values.

The principle of humanism

Assumes recognition for each
person (citizen, client,
patient) rights to their point of view,
on their beliefs and relevant
habits, manners, behavior
within a reasonable, non-infringing
other people's interests).
Assumes the preservation
non-disclosure of personal information
human life (confidentiality).

Principle of Optimism

Expressed in confidence
friendly attitude
specialist to colleagues at work,
other people.
Pessimism as the opposite
state breeds nihilism,
distrust, indifference to people,
destroys the spiritual world of the individual.

The principle of patriotism

A complex complex, the spiritual quality of a person,
expressing in a generalized form the deep,
stable, meaningful feeling of love for the Motherland,
concern for its interests, readiness to work in
the name of the prosperity of their country.
Spiritual, moral meaning of patriotism in
reconciliation of personal and public interests.
Manifested in respect for the historical past
Motherland, in a careful attitude to memory,
national and cultural traditions of the people, in
pride in the achievements of the country, in bitterness and feeling
blame for her troubles.
It is expressed in propaganda by a social specialist
the importance of their profession.

Labor as a moral principle

Labor is considered by philosophers of all times not
only as an economic, but also as a moral
Plato considered labor to be morally good and
wonderful activity.
F. Bacon believed that labor should be directed
to alleviate human distress
existence and achievement of good goals, consent
between people.
Hegel considered labor to be self-sacrifice, and practice
above theoretical knowledge.
Marxism interpreted labor as the highest manifestation of
conscious human activity, way
positive self-realization of a person, a tool
creation of material and spiritual values.

Labor as a moral principle

Individual and collective
work activity stimulates
development in society of such significant
values ​​like solidarity,
mutual assistance, mutual protection from
hostile forces.
From the very beginning of the labor society
became a source of spiritual and
moral development of man
elevated its importance.

Attitude towards work

From how a person relates to work,
moral assessment depends
activities by other entities
public relations.
The attitude to work can be seen as
the main indicator of the maturity of consciousness
The implementation of ideas, goals and
human values.
In the process of labor, a person satisfies
their needs, receives moral

Ethics of profession, work, business communication

Efficiency of business communication
due to:
The attitude of a person to work;
professional level
Understanding personal responsibility;
The ability to keep your word.

Business conversation

Regulated by agreed and
internally balanced system
moral and ethical principles, norms,
However, in case of priority
material values ​​over
moral, possibly destruction
this holistic system of principles.

Karl Marx "Capital"

When there is sufficient
profit, capital becomes bold.
Provide 10% and the capital agrees to
any application.
At 20% off, it becomes animated.
At 50% positively ready to break myself
At 100%, it tramples all human
At 300% there is no such crime, on
which he would not risk, at least under
fear of the gallows...


Etiquette is a system of rules and regulations
regulating external forms
people's behavior and
relationships during communication.
Etiquette has its origin in
early 17th century in France (at the court
Louis XIV.
Denotes l "etiquette - label, inscription,
label, set of rules.


The idea of ​​etiquette unites the inner
moral content and its external
manifestation in specialized forms.
The presence of ready-made stereotypes
behavior eliminates the need
re-design the circuits every time
The ancient Greeks denoted coincidence
"beautiful" behavior with its moral
the meaning of the concept of kalosagathos. Kalos-
beautiful, agathos - kind.


In modern business etiquette
the function of etiquette is emphasized as
"social game according to certain
rules to be followed
For violation of the rules of the "game" follow
sanctions, up to exclusion of the player from
the number of players.
In case of violation of etiquette norms, a
negative public opinion
sanctions) and communication with
a person who breaks the rules
(final sanctions).

Moral Regulators

Moral norms of prohibition and
incentive character.
Moral ideals can be worn as
generalized (the sum of qualities), and
personified (ideal self)
Moral values ​​are universal,
ethnic, family, professional
give rise to a moral orientation
of people.

Moral Regulators

Moral deeds are a model of moral
or immoral behavior.
Moral traditions suggest
strict adherence.
Moral assessments are given by authoritative
individuals, groups, collectives,
personality, reflect the level of development

General principles of etiquette

Appropriateness of action
Aesthetic appeal
Respect for the traditions of their country and
countries with representatives of which
contacts are made.


Otherwise, "humanity" focuses on
establishing good relations and
fruitful cooperation with various
Strengthens the moral foundation
modern business etiquette.
specified in the requirements
towards a culture of relationships,
embodied in politeness.


moral concept, moral quality,
describing human behavior
whose respect for people has become
daily routine and
the usual way of referring to
Reflects the recognition of the dignity of the individual.
Contrasted with rudeness, rudeness.
It is expressed in speech turns of the type:
"Be kind", "Thank you"
"Allow", "Please", etc.

Courtesy. Delicacy

Courtesy is shown not only
desire to be helpful to others
to a person, to render him a service, but also to be
pleasant in communication.
A kind of informal attitude
to communication partners, employees.
Delicacy is manifested in a special
softness, subtlety, sensitivity to
relationship with communication partners.

Tact. Modesty.

Tact is expressed in a sense of proportion,
allowing to accurately capture the boundary in
relationships between people
which causes resentment or irritation.
It involves taking into account the state, gender,
age, position, place and
communication circumstances.
Humility is expressed in adequate
self-esteem of a person, the ability to compare
self-esteem with the opinions of others.
Appears naturally
behavior, the ability to find the right tone in
communication while being yourself.

Accuracy. Punctuality. Mandatory.

Accuracy is the courtesy of kings and the duty of all
good people" - the saying of one of
French King Louis XVIII.
in modern business etiquette
manifests itself not only in the absence
delays, but also in compliance
agreements, deadlines,
fulfillment of the promise. (Jen Yager -
specialist in modern business

The principle of expediency of actions

Determines the behavior of people
non-standard business and life
situations that constantly put
person before choosing a model
behavior based on common sense
Since all situations are foreseen
impossible in advance, resort to
to this principle.

Principle of aesthetic appeal

Focuses on beauty and respect
aesthetic feelings of others.
At the physiological level, we
smells, colors, sounds,
that either attract or repel
when communicating.
Modern Etiquette Requires Unity
form and content: good attitude
should be beautifully designed.

The principle of respect for tradition

Demonstrates respect for etiquette
traditions of other cultures and helps
mutual understanding in business.
Ethics - etiquette is focused on goodness.
Convenience - etiquette should not
shackle people, should not interfere
business relations (premises, furniture,
clothes, rules.
Conservatism - promotes reliability,
stability, firmness.

The set of rules of the original
interpersonal interaction.
Basic rules: courtesy,
naturalness, dignity and tact.
On the nature of the greeting should not
affect mood or negative
attitude towards another person.
The view allows you to set the desired
and helpful links.

Etiquette of greetings and introductions

In speech etiquette, business people have
great value compliments, nice
words of approval
positive assessment of activity, mind
business partner.
To have the right to represent people to each other
friend, need to be familiar with both
parties for whom representing
acts as a guarantor of the reliability of the data,
decency represented.

business image

Image (from English -image, image) -
formed image of a business person
(organization) in which are distinguished
value characteristics and traits,
having a certain impact on
Comprehensive education, consists of
many components: culture of speech, manner
dress up, office interior, etc.
An attractive image is one of
factors that determine business success.
Image properties:

Image Properties

image is a conscious phenomenon, it is not
exists only at the individual level.
person, i.e. the object must be known
any group of people (partners,
consumers, customers, etc.)
- a favorable image must have an accurate
address, arouse interest, arouse to
own interest / attract certain
partner groups;
image is active in its essence, it is capable of
affect consciousness, emotions,
activities of both individuals and
whole groups;

Image Properties

-image is not something once given,
formed, it is dynamic, its attributes
transformed, modified according to
with changes in oneself;
- the image should be plastic, promptly
change in response to economic,
psychological, social conditions;
- image must be believable
(correspond to what is actually
or give that impression)
otherwise, the image is not believed, and it is not
achieves the set goal.

Behavior Model

A holistic complex of signs (speech,
nonverbal, behavioral), directional
to create an image.
For example, authoritarian behavior
includes peremptory judgments,
categorical tone, characteristic
The choice of a behavioral model is the choice of such
behaviors that help
personalities become attractive.

Behavior Model

Right choice behavior patterns
carried out on the basis of the following
- moral impeccability (honesty,
justice, conscience)
- taking into account the specific situation in which
the individual acts or has been
coincidence of circumstances;
- the goal that the individual sets for himself;
- self-critical assessment of essential
opportunities to use specific
behavior patterns.

Sign language

Gestures are movements of various parts
body (hands, feet, head)
accompany human speech. They reflect
true attitude towards the interlocutor,
the event or subject being discussed,
express hidden intentions or desires
person. Gestures in every culture
They help make communication more
alive and emotional, give
additional information to the interlocutor.
Depending on the function, gestures are divided into

Sign language

Illustrator gestures
These are expressive gestures that accompany
narrative speech. They help more
convey the described event, phenomenon.
1) pointers (gestures with the index finger);
2) pictographs (gestures that help
represent the size or shape of the described
3) kinetographs (involuntary body movements);
4) hand gestures, head gestures;
5) ideographs (hand movements depicting
compound various items).

Sign language

Such gestures reflect the attitude of the interlocutor to
anything. These include:
1) nod;
2) smile;
3) direction of gaze;
4) conscious hand movements.
Emblem gestures
These gestures replace words or phrases in conversation. To
For example, if you squeeze your palms crosswise with
girth, as with a handshake, at chest level, then
it will mean greeting people who are
on distance. If the same gesture is made over
head, then it will mean farewell. And don't need
no words, everyone will understand this message.

Sign language

Gestures adapters
These gestures reflect individual habits
person. They are made by hand. These include:
1) touching the interlocutor;
2) scratching or twitching of certain
body parts;
3) sorting out small objects in the hands
(pen, button on clothes, etc.).
These gestures express through the body
certain emotions.
AT Everyday life are of greatest importance
gestures that reflect the degree of trust in
interlocutor, the emotional mood of the communicating
of people. This includes gestures that express
covert or overt aggression.


« Good morning» it is customary to say before
"Good afternoon" until 18.00
"Good evening" - after 18.00
It is not recommended to contact
superiors, although they may
this is how you treat your subordinates.


Regulated by etiquette
requiring a sense of proportion and tact:
Too long
a handshake can make you feel
Too strong is inappropriate because
is not a contest of strength;
Too weak indicates
lack of interest.

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Judge's code of honor Russian Federation Approved by the II All-Russian Congress of Judges and adopted by the Council of Judges of the Russian Federation on October 21, 1993. The Code establishes the rules of conduct for a judge in professional and outside activities, binding on every judge of the Russian Federation, regardless of their position, as well as for retired judges, but retaining their rank judges and belonging to the judicial community.

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The code of honor of a judge is a code of professional judicial ethics, which has a peculiar nature. It was adopted after its discussion by judges and bodies of the judicial community. The Code is based on the law, as it specifies and develops the requirements for a judge contained in the Law on the Status of Judges in the Russian Federation. But, in addition, it contains provisions of a purely moral nature and regulates the moral activity of the judge, both in the execution professional functions as well as in extracurricular activities.

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The code of honor of a judge of the Russian Federation proceeds from the recognition of the high authority of moral norms, their obligation along with legal norms. Judges are required to be guided by the generally accepted standards of morality and rules of conduct "along with the Constitution and other legislative acts acting on the territory of the Russian Federation". This formula reflects the inextricable link between law and morality that regulate the life and activities of people in the legal profession. Article 1

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Provisions Article 1 of the Code of Judicial Honor

The performance of the duties of administering justice should take precedence for the judge over other activities. The judge must avoid anything that might diminish the authority of the judiciary. He has no right to damage the prestige of his profession for the sake of personal interests or the interests of others. A judge in any situation must maintain personal dignity, take care of his honor, avoid everything that could damage his reputation and call into question his objectivity and independence in the administration of justice.

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In accordance with Article 2, the Code obliges a judge to be impartial, not allowing "anyone, including his relatives, friends and acquaintances" to influence his professional activities. The judge must avoid anything that might diminish the authority of the judiciary. He has no right to damage the prestige of his profession for the sake of personal interests or the interests of others. The judge must exercise patience, courtesy, tact and respect towards the participants in the proceedings and other persons with whom he communicates in the performance of his official duties. The judge must demand the same from the employees of the court apparatus.

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The judge is obliged to maintain his qualifications at a high level. A judge is obliged to keep professional secrecy with regard to information obtained in the course of the performance of his duties. The judge is not entitled to make public statements, comments, speeches in the press on cases that are in court proceedings until the decisions adopted on them come into force. A judge does not have the right to publicly, outside the framework of his professional activities, question the decisions of the courts that have entered into legal force, and the actions of his colleagues.

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Art. 3 characterizes the outside activities of a judge: The outside activities of a judge should not give rise to doubts about his objectivity, fairness and incorruptibility. A judge has the right to engage in any type of activity, if this does not contradict the requirements of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Status of Judges in the Russian Federation” and the code of honor of judges. The judge may participate in public hearings or otherwise communicate with the legislative and executive power or their officials on matters relating to law, the legal system or the administration of justice. A judge has no right to belong to political parties and movements, to support them financially or in any other way, to publicly express his political views, to participate in marches and demonstrations of a political nature. A judge must avoid any personal connections that may damage his reputation, affect his honor and dignity. A judge must refrain from financial and business ties that are capable of violating his impartiality, preventing him from properly performing his duties.

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Professional ethics. Essence, classification, functions. Corporate ethics.

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Plan The concept of professional ethics. Types of professional ethics and their features. Basic norms and principles of professional ethics. Functions of professional ethics. ethical codes. Corporate ethics.

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The concept of professional ethics Among the branches of ethical science distinguish professional ethics. Professional ethics is a set of moral norms that determine a person's attitude to his professional duty, to people with whom he is associated by virtue of his profession and to society as a whole. Professional ethics is a set of rules of conduct for a certain social group, which ensures the moral nature of the relationship due to professional activities, as well as a branch of science that studies the specifics of the manifestation of morality in various activities.

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The tasks of professional ethics include: the identification of moral norms and assessments, judgments and concepts. characterizing people as representatives of defining professions. The basis of professional ethics in the field of social and cultural service is a high consciousness of public duty and intolerance for the neglect of public interests. The subject of professional ethics are: the qualities of a specialist's personality necessary for the performance of duty; moral relationships and objects-subjects and specialists in their activities; the relationship of the organization's staff with society; interpersonal relationships within labor collective and the rules that govern them; goals and methods vocational training and upbringing.

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Types of professional ethics Each kind of human professional activity corresponds to certain types of professional ethics with their own specific features: medical ethics - set out in the code of ethics of the Russian doctor of 1994; biomedical ethics - the Hippocratic oath; professional ethics of a journalist; ethics of management; business economic ethics are the norms and rules of behavior for an entrepreneur; code of ethics and official conduct of the PFR system - resolution of August 20, 2013 No. 189 P; code of professional ethics and official conduct of an employee in state system social protection of the population - order of February 17, 2014 No. 284 OD.

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Basic norms and principles of professional ethics At the heart of professional ethics are certain principles and norms, which are due to bear additional responsibility associated with professional duties. Norm is the basis of high professionalism. Basic norms of professional ethics: attentiveness; politeness; endurance (patience); self-control good manners and culture of speech; ability to avoid conflict situations and the ability to resolve them; courtesy, courtesy; cordiality, goodwill; tact, restraint; willingness to respond quickly, keep several people in the area of ​​attention; protect professional reputation; accept fair claims to their activities, not allow statements that offend the national, religious or moral feelings of people.

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unacceptable norms of behavior and personal qualities: rudeness faux pas inattention; dishonesty

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hypocrisy theft greed selfishness

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talkativeness divulging private information about clients falsifying documents embezzlement of funds

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sexual harassment in working environment mass discrimination

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The principles of professional ethics are abstract, generalized ideas that enable employees to correctly shape their behavior, their actions in the business sphere: personality, the idea of ​​a person's right to happiness. The humanistic principle contains the oldest normative moral requirement, called " Golden Rule"Treat people the way you want to be treated." 2. The principle of impartiality in relation to the client and the desire for objectivity in decision-making.

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3. The principle of focusing on the client, taking care of him. 5. The principle of showing respect for one's profession, for people with whom one has to come into contact in the performance of professional duties. 4. The principle of precise performance of professional duties.

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9. The principle of tolerance, i.e. tolerance. 6. The principle of striving to improve their professional activities. 7. The principle of confidentiality - non-disclosure of personal information obtained in the course of professional activities. 8. The principle of avoiding conflicts between employees, with management and especially with customers.

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Functions of professional ethics: Evaluative - makes it possible to evaluate the behavior of actions, goals, objectives, means of a specialist in terms of compliance with moral standards. Regulatory - follows from the need to regulate the behavior of a specialist in accordance with the profession. Organizational - serves to improve the organization of the activities of employees and partners. Manager - is a means of managing the actions of employees and partners in the solution professional tasks. Motivational - forms socially and professionally approved motives of activity. Coordinating - ensures the cooperation of all participants in professional activities. Communication - helps to organize communication between employees and customers. Preventive - warns a professional against actions that harm the client, organization, society. Conflict resolution - contributes to the resolution, elimination and smoothing of contradictions. Information - introduces specialists to the value system of their profession and professional morality. Social - contributes to the creation of favorable conditions for specialists in this field in society.

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Codes of Ethics Professional and ethical categories: Professional duty is a system of prescriptions that must be followed; Professional responsibility is a guarantor of conscientious performance of professional duty; Professional conscience is an idea of ​​the emotional states experienced by a person in the course of work; Professional dignity is an idea of ​​the significance of the profession; professional honor.

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Codes of Ethics Every profession has its own moral issues. Professional ethics matters primarily for a profession whose object is a person. The emergence of the first professional codes dates back to the 11th and 12th centuries, when the first craft workshops began to appear. Professional codes regulate relations within a professional society and are effective for free professions, where professional ethical problems are most pronounced. The existence of ethical codes of various professions is evidence of the social progress of the humanization of society: medical ethics; pedagogical ethics; ethics of a scientist; officer ethics; ethics of a journalist, writer, artist, etc. Professional codes of ethics may take the form of statutes, regulations, instructions. They can be developed at the level of a firm, organization, industry, etc. They can be reviewed and changed over time.

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The concept of corporate ethics Ethics is a set of rules and norms of behavior in a particular area of ​​human communication. Corporate ethics is a system of moral principles, norms of moral behavior that have a regulatory impact on relations within one organization and on interaction with other organizations. The subjects of corporate ethics are: owners, managers and employees of the organization.

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Corporate ethics can be represented as a system with two subsystems. Firstly, these are the moral and ethical values ​​of the organization and its development priorities. Secondly, these are the norms and rules of behavior for employees of the organization in formal and informal situations. Corporate ethics is based on a number of principles. The principle of corporate ethics - rule activities in the system of norms of moral behavior of subjects of corporate ethics in the performance of their duties. Corporate ethics stipulates the collective principles of behavior. For example: taking care of the common interests of the organization and each employee individually, ensuring the growth of the organization's values, observing the norms of business communication, creating and maintaining a business image and impeccable reputation of the organization

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Values ​​form the basis of corporate ethics. Values ​​are relatively general beliefs that determine what is right and wrong and set people's general preferences. Values ​​can be positive, orienting people towards such patterns of behavior that support the achievement of the strategic goals of the organization, but they can also be negative, which negatively affect the effectiveness of the organization as a whole.

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Positive values ​​expressed by the following statements: A job can be done perfectly. Truth is born in a dispute. The interests of the consumer are paramount. The company's success is my success. Be supportive and maintain good relationships with co-workers. Negative values ​​expressed by the following statements: The authorities cannot be trusted, only friends can be trusted; You are the boss - I'm a fool, I'm the boss - you're a fool; Don't lean out; Working well is not the most important thing in life; Don't redo all the work.

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Values ​​can also be divided into individual and organizational, but they largely coincide, but there are those that relate exclusively to either one group or another. For example, such as "well-being", "safety", "quality", "independence" can refer to both groups, and such as "family", "work", "authority" refer to individual, and "interchangeability", " flexibility", "change" are associated with the organization. The fundamental values ​​on the basis of which the corporate ethics are formed, as a rule, are: competence and professionalism. Subjects of corporate ethics must: have a high-quality education, work experience, the ability to make informed and responsible decisions; strive to improve your professional level; responsibility and discipline

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Honesty and impartiality. It is the foundation of the organization, its business reputation. The organization does not allow conflict between personal interests and professional activities. A responsibility. Responsibility is a guarantee of the quality of the organization's activities. Respect for the human person. Employees of the organization have the right to an honest and fair treatment, regardless of race, language, political and religious beliefs, gender, nationality.

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Patriotism. The worker must be a patriot of his state, and a patriot of his organization. It should contribute to the development of the organization and the state. Safety. expressed in the desire to preserve trade secret, and in caring for the preservation of the organization, and in ensuring that no harmful or hazardous conditions labor. well-being. Aiming at material well-being, as a condition for the realization of the needs of a person, his family, the community in which he lives. Interchangeability. Allows the organization to respond flexibly to unexpected changes in environment and emergencies within the organization.

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Types of corporate ethics There are several types of corporate ethics. It is a traditional, highly skilled, innovative and social ethic. Traditional corporate ethics is an old-fashioned approach to the corporate environment. It is based on clearly defined roles and relationships between employees. Traditionally, a simple chain of commands works. Orders are given from above and carried out by subordinates without discussion or disagreement. And although this kind of ethics is outdated, it still has a place. Most often, such ethics are used in companies with long-established methods of management and business, and for them it is the most effective. Highly qualified corporate ethics is not called so because other types of ethics do not imply highly qualified personnel. The main principle of this type of corporate ethics is the selection of top-level talented people who will influence lower-level employees. This is typical for companies where risky operations are the norm, for example, financial games on the stock exchange.

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Innovative corporate ethics is in many ways the opposite of traditional ethics. In this case, creative initiative is supported among ordinary employees. There is always a certain risk in companies with this kind of corporate ethics. A public corporate ethic draws its strength from collaborative effort, teamwork, and healthy trusting relationships among company employees. Often this kind of corporate ethics emphasizes caring for its employees. In this case, the company adheres to the principle that employees should be paid a little more than usual, and people should also be encouraged and rewarded for their achievements.

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The principles of ethics of corporate relations are a generalized expression of moral requirements developed in the moral consciousness of society, which indicate the norms of behavior of participants business relations. The basis of modern corporate ethics, according to most scientists, should be based on three major provisions: Creation of wealth in all its variety of forms is considered as an initially important process; Profit and other production incomes are considered as the result of achieving various socially significant goals; The priority in solving problems arising in the business world should be given to the interests of interpersonal relations, and not to production.

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The Code of Corporate Ethics can perform three main functions: reputational; managerial; development corporate culture. The reputational function of the code is to build trust in the company on the part of reference external groups (a description of the policies traditionally enshrined in international practice in relation to customers, suppliers, contractors, etc.). Thus, the code, being a corporate PR tool, increases investment attractiveness companies. The presence of a company code of corporate ethics becomes a global standard for doing business. managerial function of the code is to regulate behavior in difficult ethical situations. Improving the efficiency of employees' activities is carried out by: regulating priorities in interaction with significant external groups, determining the procedure for making decisions in difficult ethical situations, pointing out unacceptable forms of behavior.

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Banker's Code of Honor (1992) Rules of Good Practice for Members of the Professional Association of Stock Market Participants (1994) Code of Honor for Members of the Russian Guild of Realtors (1994) . In October 2002 Such a code has been adopted by the Russian Union of Entrepreneurs and Industrialists (RSPP), one of the most influential business structures.

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Corporate codes The first sprouts of corporate ethics began to appear in modern Russia in the 90s: banker's code of honor - 1992; rules of fair activity of members of the professional association of participants in the stock market - 1994; code of honor for members of the Russian guild of realtors - 1994; code of honor Russian union entrepreneurs and industrialists - 2002

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Conclusion Corporate ethics is a system of values ​​that regulates ethical relations in a given organization. Corporate ethics is a key element that unites people-participants production process at the enterprise - into a single social organism (human society). Almost all areas of corporate ethics have rules that correspond to the moral ethical standards behavior in the broadest sense. In addition, without exception, all directions business ethics based on fundamental ethical principles. These include respect for the self-esteem and personal status of another person, understanding the interests and motives of the behavior of others, social responsibility for psychological security, etc.

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Presentation on the topic: Lawyer ethics

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“It seems to me that it is just as difficult for a lawyer to avoid falsehood and maintain honesty and conscience, generally speaking, as it is for any person to achieve a heavenly state ... An absurd paradox is imagined that a lawyer can never act according to his conscience, cannot but play with his conscience if I wouldn’t even want to play that this is already such a person doomed to shamelessness ... ”F.M. Dostoevsky

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Ethics is the science of morality, the doctrine of the norms of morality and morality that have developed in society. Ethics is a richer concept than morality, like any science in comparison with the subject studied by it. Morality is a special system of prescriptions, rules of conduct that regulate public relations in accordance with the criteria established in society: - GOOD - EVIL - JUSTICE - HONESTY - INTEGRITY - TRUTH - FALSE In the scientific understanding, the terms "morality" and "ethics" are not equivalent.

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Lawyer ethics is a system of scientifically based ideas about the moral aspects of lawyer activity and their assessments. In the legal literature, lawyer ethics is defined as component the science of advocacy, its relatively separate institution, as well as part of the general legal ethics (along with, for example, judicial ethics, professional ethics of an entrepreneur)

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Tasks of lawyer ethics: Finding a balance between all categories of obligations: - to the principal - to the court and other authorities with which the lawyer comes into contact, being the trustee of the principal or acting on his behalf - to other lawyers - to the society, for whose members existence a free and independent profession, along with the observance of legal norms, is the most important guarantee of the protection of human rights. The cornerstone in the system of building ethics of a lawyer is the postulate of the need to strictly observe the principle of legality in advocacy, understanding that the fulfillment of professional duty by legal means and methods ultimately leads to the fulfillment by lawyers of their duty as a citizen. As a result, professional duty does not conflict with civil duty.

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The content of lawyer ethics: Moral principles that lawyers must adhere to in the course of advocacy Norms of morality and morality, expressed in certain rules that fill the principles of advocacy ethics with content and specify them Evaluation of the completeness of reflection in the legislation on advocacy and advocacy of moral requirements, opinions regarding compliance with the requirements of advocacy ethics in activities bodies of the legal community, legal entities and individual lawyers, society's ideas about the institution of the bar as a whole. Methods for implementing the moral requirements developed by lawyer ethics by the lawyer community, ways to ensure that lawyers comply with ethical rules.

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The value of lawyer ethics: The norms and principles of lawyer ethics contribute to the concretization of existing legal norms, filling gaps in legal regulation Gives an interpretation of the concepts: honor, dignity, etc. Plays a huge role as an enhancer of the regulatory potential of legal norms; the norms of lawyer ethics are able to prevent actions that cannot be excluded through legislative regulation; it plays an educational role. “The moral education of young professionals ... is no less important than equipping them with a certain amount of special knowledge. It is professional ethics that is most capable of helping to solve this problem.”

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Basic principles of lawyer ethics. The principles of lawyer ethics are the most general provisions relating to the rules of a moral and ethical nature that lawyers should be guided by in their professional activities. They are the main guidelines in accordance with which a lawyer must develop rules of conduct in his activities. The most important principles of advocacy

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Honesty. Honesty. It is a fundamental beginning of the professional activity of a lawyer in building relationships with a client, colleagues. It is a moral category that characterizes a person's special attitude towards himself, his ability to give an internal assessment of his behavior, control himself, the ability to self-restraint in his actions in a given situation. “If the style is the whole person, then honesty is the whole lawyer ... It can even be argued that it contains all the qualities necessary for a lawyer: his purpose is to convince, and only an honest person can convince.” Mollo.

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Conscientiousness. Conscientiousness. A lawyer must provide legal assistance "on the conscience", i.e. use all legal means and methods necessary and sufficient to achieve the desired result as soon as possible. The lawyer must make the most of his professional experience, qualifications, abilities, take into account all the circumstances in order to be ready to provide the most complete protection of the interests of his client. Must anticipate all future consequences of their legal aid actions.

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1. Rules of conduct with the principal Ensure full and qualified representation of the legitimate interests of your principal Provide independent advice, give recommendations, acting strictly in the interests of your principal Inform the principal about the progress of the case, give explanations to the extent necessary to ensure that the principal who does not have legal knowledge, could make an informed decision. The lawyer must not curry favor with the principal Must be punctual and show reasonable promptness in his work, in every possible way avoid delaying the case Must not give any guarantees Must not disclose information related to the representation of the principal Must not change the position of the defense that he agreed with the principal The amount of the fee must be reasonable , i.e. take into account in its determination the complexity of the case, the time frame, the duration of the process, the financial situation of the client, his reputation. Should not accept an order for the provision of legal assistance if it contradicts the principles of independence, good faith, honesty.

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2. Rules of conduct with colleagues. Relationships should be built on the basis of the lawyer's understanding of the need to obey legal decisions and rules - on the principles of mutual respect, attention to the problems and difficulties of others. Big role plays the ability of lawyers to create and maintain a healthy psychological climate in the team, conducive to productive work. A lawyer should not allow a disdainful attitude towards the work of colleagues Does not have the right to express a negative assessment of a person or professional qualities his colleagues neither in conversations with clients, nor in public speeches, nor in the course of a trial. A lawyer should always be ready to help a colleague in a difficult case, tactfully, without helping to sort out a legally or ethically confusing situation. Give timely advice or set an example to young lawyers who do not have sufficient experience in advocacy.

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3. Rules of conduct with government bodies. Relationships should be based on the principles of respect and recognition of the public benefit of their activities. A lawyer must exercise his rights (collect information, request certificates ...) in good faith, without overloading the authorities with unfounded and unnecessary requests, petitions. Relationships must be polite and correct Submit the relevant documents (order, certificate) Use the appropriate vocabulary Do not violate the rules of the internal work schedule Must not influence a judge or prosecutor by means prohibited by law. Arguments between a lawyer and the court are not allowed Insults or tactless statements addressed to participants in the process are not allowed

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Conclusion Compliance with ethical rules is guaranteed by a set of organizational and corporate measures established by the Rules of Professional Ethics. Newly hired lawyers must be familiar with the Rules, must study them and implement them in practical activities. educational work advocacy, the elimination of negative phenomena in the organization and implementation of advocacy is intended to contribute to the Code of Professional Ethics of a lawyer, published in accordance with Art. 7 federal law"On advocacy and advocacy", adopted by the First All-Russian Congress of Advocates on January 31, 2003, dedicated to various rules of advocacy ethics.