What is media advertising in simple words. Online display advertising: why your brand needs it

Media advertising is the placement of text and graphic advertising materials (banners, videos) on news portals, industry and thematic sites, video hosting sites, in teaser and RTB networks, as well as in many other content placement sites.

From the point of view of the customer journey, media advertising works at the “top levels” of the sales funnel, introduces the consumer to the brand and can bring significant benefits to the overall result in conjunction with a performance campaign, as it is aimed at a wide audience coverage and the minimum cost of contact with it, which increases the number of consumers who start their customer journey by getting acquainted with the advertised product.

Directions for placement of media advertising

  1. Display advertising- classical placement on sites, both on large portals, and on thematic or regional sites. In this case, a specific placement is purchased, payment is made for CPM or CPC, taking into account the period of placement.

Internet portals are a site that is widely popular due to the provision of free services to users (mail, search, news, weather, traffic jams, etc.)

Why do you need placement on such sites?

  • Image. Advertising on portals creates an impressive image and increases the effectiveness of other types of advertising by increasing brand trust.
  • Recognition. Advertising on portals increases consumer awareness of both the company itself and its product in the eyes of the audience. With such a media campaign, the number of consumers who begin their customer journey along with the brand of a company or its product expands.

In Runet, there are many specialized sites on each significant topic. Of course, when organizing a comprehensive promotion on the Internet, you should not ignore the resources that accumulate your target audience.

  • Advertising is shown exclusively to the affinitive target audience;
  • Advertising on thematic resources is often cheaper than on resources with more general topics;
  • Advertising on thematic resources involves an individual selection of sites and placements, focused on your task and target audience.
  1. Special projects- non-standard placement on specific sites. Here, unique mechanics are formed for the task of the client. As a rule, a separate landing page is created, on which content is formed: project description, video, contest, etc. Also, within the framework of the special project, it is planned to announce it with the help of media banners. Usually payment is made for a package of services: project implementation, announcement, production. Production at the same time is carried out on the side of the site.
  2. Placement in RTB networks. This type of placement is divided into 2 types: maintenance with the help of contractors and maintenance on their own. In this case, a specific audience is purchased for the client’s tasks and technologies: content targeting, retargeting, look-alike, supergeo, audience transfer, and much more.
  3. Video placement. As a rule, here we are talking about YouTube, on which we host our own placement. There are three main reasons why our customers most often request Youtube:
    • low price and payment by CPV, that is, by cost per impression (however, sometimes clients also advertise using CPM or CPA models);
    • Extensive targeting options, identical to the mechanisms of the Google Ads network.
  4. Less commonly, video placement is implemented with the help of contractors, namely Yandex Videoset, GPMD and IMHO Videoset.
  5. Posting on YouTube channels or bloggers on Instagram. In the case of YouTube, we host a pre-roll, a special or an integration. On Instagram, it's either a post or a story. The placement strategy for bloggers is created individually for a specific project.
  6. SRA networks. This format involves placement with payment for the result. First of all, the target price per lead is determined, volumes and preferred traffic sources, geo. iConText specialists create a database of creatives for use in CPA networks, less often they allow them to produce additional samples.
  7. teaser networks– placement of images and text in teaser advertising networks. As a rule, this format implies a small budget and is suitable for products that can be purchased "here and now" (cosmetics, perfumes, small gifts, etc.).
  8. Advertising articles– placement of long reads on certain sites with additional announcement on the pages of sites using media banners.

Benefits of placing display ads in iConText

    Manufacturability of placement and advanced analytics

    The iConText agency cooperates with such contractors as Weborama, Maxima Telecom, First Data, Clever Data, NPO Analytics, which allows for additional tracking of placements, including post-view conversions, data transfer to other channels (context, social networks). O2O – Online to offline projects are also being implemented, i.e. offline data is transferred to online locations.

    Experience in running major media campaigns

    Our services for working with this tool have already been used by such brands as National Bank Trust, La Redoubt Rus, Transbank, MVideo and other clients of the agency.

  1. Full range of services and high quality customer service

    iConText provides a full range of media advertising services on the Internet: from planning to production. The stages of work in the project include:

    1. Production of promotional materials
    2. Media plan approval
    3. Implementation and ongoing project management

Planning media advertising campaigns

Strategic planning

Implemented by the planning team

The client fills out a brief containing a specific task, and the planning team proposes channels and formats that can lead to the final KPI

Buying planning

Carries out a media buyer

The client provides a specific list of resources and formats, and the media buyer indicates the prices and conditions under which the project will be implemented

We always give the client a choice: he can prepare promotional materials on his own or use the services of iConText experts. In the latter case, we provide an additional estimate for the implementation of promotional materials.

Project implementation and management

A separate iConText manager is allocated for each project, who controls the process of implementing tasks, producing advertising materials, following the developed strategy and correctly placing media advertising, and also provides ad hoc and post-campaign reporting in the format required by the client

Display advertising in Yandex and Google

  • Visual solutions in all colors and sizes - banners- in the form, for example, of "constrictions" from one edge of the screen to the other, or the backing of pages with branding. In partnership with Yandex - more than 20 thousand sites, and each of them can host banners of a different nature and purpose;
  • Video advertising in Yandex is divided into two main “types” - this is a regular video in the text on partner sites without video content, as well as the so-called. “multi-rolls” - videos within films or trailers on partner sites (for example, Kinopoisk), can be located both at the beginning or at the end of the video, and in the original video sequence itself;
  • Audio advertising- consists in scrolling advertising messages (audio clips) embedded between the music being played. Works on services such as Yandex.Radio or Yandex.Music. There is also an option to add a media banner visible when a station/track is selected.

To ensure maximum reach, Yandex places all of the above ad formats both in the usual - "desktop" - form of sites, and in their smaller - "mobile" - counterpart.

When using display advertising in Yandex, the price is charged per thousand "impressions", but only those "impressions" that are recognized as "visible" are paid. In turn, those impressions are considered “visible” when the user had more than 50% of one or another advertising option in direct view (more than half of the banner on the screen, etc.).

The display campaign format was only available in Yandex.Display until March 2018. At the moment, it is also possible to use and configure this format through Yandex.Direct, which is the so-called “single window for advertising”.

Yandex.Direct has a clear and functional interface for setting up the details of a media campaign, from choosing an impression strategy from several recommended ones to fine-tuning the expected target audience and its preferences, behavioral characteristics, etc.

  • Banners - from ordinary images to the introduction of animation on them, as well as interactive and multimedia elements;
  • Text - ads similar to regular Google search results and consisting of a title, description and a link to the advertised resource;
  • Multimedia - this includes both classic videos and animations, both with and without text;
  • Gmail - advertising in the Google mailbox interface, personalized for each user;
  • Applications - if necessary, a campaign targeting one or more categories of mobile applications.
Google also has a service that provides advertising services for various products from online stores -. For some types of advertising, it is possible to use multimedia materials from external advertising servers (applications, multimedia, etc.).

Google's media network includes more than 2 million sites and over 650,000 applications. Also, do not forget about the resources developed by the company - Youtube and Gmail.

The Google Display Network (GDN) is able to obtain resources for display advertising from two main sources - AdSense and Google Ad Manager.

AdSense sites serve a variety of Google Ads ads, including text ads, video ads, and other display ads. At the same time, publishers are free to choose the acceptable sizes and types of ads for resources, and the Google system ensures the maximum relevance of the displayed ads.

  1. Cost per click - if you need to increase the amount of traffic to a specific site;
  2. Cost per thousand impressions - when it comes to promoting brands;
  3. Cost per conversion (completed acts of purchase, order, registration, etc. are considered conversions) - implies payment only if the user performs the necessary action on the site. It is mainly used to increase the number of conversions.

The specifics of the Google Display Network interface makes it easy to select the necessary options for display campaigns, including its subtype, budget, rotation, display schedule, as well as more precise settings for individual audiences.

media advertising We believe that display advertising is a great addition to contextual advertising. However, by itself, it can bring significant benefits to the brand, as it is aimed at a wide coverage of the audience and the minimum cost of contact with it.

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Media advertising. Placement of media advertising in the iConText agency. Media advertising. Placement of media advertising on the Internet iConText 2019-09-01 2019-09-01

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Media advertising on the Internet is advertising in the media. The technology for submitting "medical information" can be different, on the Internet - text, video, graphics. Media advertising on the Internet uses various techniques to attract attention: logo, photo, geo-mark on the map, text

How to effectively draw attention to your product? How to convey to a potential buyer that it is with you that he will find the product or service in which he is interested? Display advertising does a great job with these tasks, which is why it is so popular.

So what is the difference between display and banner advertising on the Internet?

In this case, you need to understand that banner advertising is a special case of media advertising. Speaking about the types of media advertising on the Internet, it should be borne in mind that it can be any type of advertising, for example, email - mailing list or video clip.

To deliver an ad to the target audience, display ads use cookies that allow you to track user behavior and properly customize ads. Advertisers aggregate the received data, which will lead to more effective behavioral targeting

You can often hear another name for media - display advertising (Display advertising).

Why do you need media?

The main tasks solved with the help of media advertising:

  • quickly attracting the attention of a large target audience to the promoted product;
  • increasing brand awareness;
  • improving the image and building brand loyalty;
  • increase in sales during periods of targeted or seasonal promotions;
  • formation of demand for a new service or product in the market.

What does display advertising give to Internet business?

According to Yahoo, ComScore, Network and Specific Media, with the help of media, you can increase vital (branded) traffic seo 26%, contextual 155%, since after seeing a branded advertising banner, 21% of users later type the brand name into the address bar of the browser and 9% monitor brand on social media.
Modern media advertising tools make it as effective as possible. Being professionally organized and executed, it always achieves its goals, as it works targeted. The banner will be shown to those consumers who are already interested in the product or service you are promoting. The cost of media advertising on the Internet justifies itself, having a high ROI. With media, you will reach your KPIs.

The effectiveness of media advertising on the Internet

If you want to launch display advertising or increase the effectiveness of an existing one, entrust the placement to professionals. Our industry award-winning company employs experienced media traders, over 200 SSPs and many partners.

We will ensure the effectiveness of the media campaign thanks to

  • creating banner ads allowed addblock
  • traffic conversion services
  • post-view tracking system

Banners and landing pages should be mobile friendly

To maximize conversions on smaller screens, ads, landing page, and site navigation should also be mobile-friendly.

VeAds display advertising cost

We offer several payment options for placing CPM and CPA display ads. We are ready to offer media retargeting by CPA if the traffic on your site is at least 100,000. If you have less traffic on the site, we will individually calculate the cost of CPM for you, on average it is 1 00 rubles / 1000 impressions. We guarantee high-quality, well-converting traffic.

We collect traffic, measure performance and optimize your ads and provide real-time analytics.

Benefits of online display advertising

One of the main advantages of media is accurate targeting. It is strictly targeted at the target audience, as the buyer who is already interested in purchasing, for example, a TV set, is encouraged to make the purchase easier. For these purposes, banners, videos and other advertising materials are placed on thematic sites, in the search results, or on other popular resources, taking into account the parameters of the visitor. It takes into account its geographical location, as well as search queries. If the user is studying popular TV models in order to choose the most interesting option for himself, then it's time to offer him to buy equipment from you!

Some prefer to order display ads for the sake of a very effective function. retargeting(i.e. retargeting). It allows you to return the visitor to the site with the promoted product or service, which he has already visited before. Repeated contact with a potential buyer who once showed interest motivates to make a purchase.

The next advantage of media advertising lies in the way the information is presented. Most often, the media is entertaining, and in some cases even interactive, prompting the user to perform a certain action, for example, click on a banner. The purpose of such material is to attract the attention of the page visitor so that he clicks on the link. At the same time, media advertising is not annoying, because, unlike TV and audio clips, it is controlled: the banner can be ignored, the video can be skipped, the pop-up window can be closed.

Display ad formats

For dynamic format, the frequency of ad impressions among unique users is configured, this format is the most popular at the moment.

Use formats and features that match your campaign goals.

Tell us what your ultimate goal is and we will create a media banner that meets the goals of the campaign.

Types of media advertising on the Internet

  • Banners are static or animated (of several interleaved slides) graphic blocks that display this or that information. Here, the cost of display advertising depends on the number of impressions, time or number of clicks. The main purpose of the banner is to attract attention, to interest the visitor of the page, so they are bright and highly visible. Not tied to the theme of the site.
  • Text-graphic blocks. They are similar to banners, but they do not animate and at the same time they coincide with the theme of the site in terms of subject matter. Therefore, they are less like advertising, and resemble the recommendation of the site itself, which inspires confidence. For example, using a text-graphic block, a metal tile can be advertised on a construction site.
  • Video advertising (the share of which is constantly growing inside the media). Very similar to the videos shown on TV. It is distributed together with video content that is highly popular among Internet users today (especially online video). In contrast, a series of TV commercials that are shown to the viewer for several minutes can be turned off by the user a few seconds after the start of the show.
  • Branding. Spectacular, but expensive type of media, which consists in the redesign of the site itself using recognizable brand elements of the customer company. Branding is used on popular, actively visited resources before major events, movie premieres, promotions, etc.

Principles of the display advertising project

Make them an offer they can't refuse.

  1. Media planning. Analysis of the target audience and selection of resources for placing advertising content. Not only sites are determined, but also the time for displaying advertising and the frequency in order to achieve the greatest number of responses.
  2. Development of promotional materials. Development of basic ideas, creation of layouts, production of banners, videos, branding. A very difficult and responsible stage. If the material does not attract the attention of users, the investment will be in vain.
  3. Advertising campaign monitoring. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the media, analysis of user behavior and the number of transitions, evaluation of offline response, i.e. making purchases, ordering a promoted service, etc.

Display advertising has great potential, which today is only being revealed on. This marketing tool is under active development and regularly opens up new opportunities. As the impact of the economic crisis becomes more and more significant, Internet advertising has remained almost the only one of the growing media.

What is a media-contextual banner. .

Media prospecting campaign: the goal, how to measure brand awareness. Read in .

Display advertising (or in other words, banner advertising) is one of the most effective tools of modern Internet marketing. It is indispensable if your company needs to introduce a new product or service to the market, enhance the company's image or increase brand awareness. Although many experts assure the Internet market today that display advertising is slowly dying, many ways to effectively use it to attract customers at the moment have remained the same.

There is no doubt that a few years ago display advertising worked much more productively than today. The reasons are as follows:

  • there was little competition due to obscurity;
  • there was no Adblock blocking program at that time, and therefore ads were shown to all users;
  • advertising was placed on affordable sites.

Times have changed, the market has become much more experienced and the common task is to change with it!

  • Attraction of new clients;
  • increasing the loyalty of potential customers;
  • increase in traffic to the Internet resource;

Types of media advertising

It has many varieties: text-graphic blocks, videos that open as separate pages in the browser, the so-called "stretch marks" located in the header of the site, in general, any advertising materials focused on visual perception.

Banners (teasers)- blocks of a certain size with text and graphic content. Payment for it is formed from the number of impressions or clicks on the banner. It is worth noting that banners do not need to be loaded with a lot of text and other elements. The user should notice the banner, become interested in it and click on the picture to study the details.

There are many varieties of banners: these are not only the extensions mentioned above, but also “rich media” (flash banners over the content of the site page, sometimes sound), “pop-unders” (when clicked on, the page with advertising opens in a separate window) , "explode banners", consisting of two flash videos, as well as "imitation banners", sort of teasers that pop up at the bottom of the web page. Unlike all of the above types, which can be safely called "aggressive methods", this banner looks less annoying and attracts attention due to the genuine imitation of popular resources.

video advertising, launched in video players on YouTube, Vimeo and other video hosting sites at the moment the desired video starts playing, but here, of course, there are other options. The very high popularity of video content among users has allowed it to become a more effective method of promotion.

  • pre-roll - a video that precedes the viewing of the desired content. Duration - from 10-20 seconds. The user can stop showing the video after 5 seconds, however, as statistics have shown, a certain percentage of users (about 40%) watch the video to the end.
  • mid- and post-rolls are shown to users in the middle or at the end of the video. If the video has a long duration, then the number of ad impressions will also increase: for example, 4 times for the entire time or after the video is paused.
  • overlay is a slightly different format. This is a static banner that is installed at the bottom of the player and displayed during video playback.

Branding- the most expensive type of media. As they say, only large companies with quite an impressive advertising budget can afford to seek funds for branding their resource. The main goal of this direction is to promote the company's image, popularize the brand and inform users about important events - discounts, promotions, presentations of new products, movie premieres, etc.

Branded advertising is placed, in most cases, taking into account geographic targeting for the desired period (day, day, week, month). Time is tied to a specific event. Payment is calculated based on the total display time. With this method, the following can be applied: replacing the familiar cursor with an interactive advertising object, creating a new advertising tab, coloring the search bar, and also creating a unique resource background that looks very large, and at the same time, unobtrusively.

Text-graphic blocks are advertising elements that do not visually stand out from the overall design of the site. This is not a traditional colorful, catchy advertisement, but some informational messages of the resource, for example, expert recommendations. Needless to say, users who have eaten too much sugary-sweet advertising trust such modest and intelligent text and graphic blocks more.

As long as Internet display advertising provides accurate targeting, it will not, contrary to popular belief, rush to be killed in any way. Your ad will be displayed exclusively on thematic sites, with the ability to select the geographic location of users, display time and other parameters. And with the help of retargeting, an interested client can be returned to a previously viewed page.

Flexibility and interactivity are another important advantage of media. You can interact with it at any time: close the pop-up window or expand it, skip the commercial or watch it to the end.

Display advertising makes it possible to establish a connection with a potential client at the level of emotions, analyze an existing strategy and, when necessary, adjust it, show videos to a wide range of users, increase your brand awareness and loyalty to it.

In a relatively short time, the attendance of your resource and sales volumes will increase noticeably.

Submit an application

Message sent

The main criterion for media advertising is entertainment. To attract the attention of the target audience, videos, pictures, photos, text or sound are used. Offline, such messages are posted in the media, on billboards, leaflets or posters. On the Internet, any site or social network can be a platform for media advertising.

In fact, any advertising that works primarily to attract attention and brand awareness is classified as media advertising. This type does not include promotions, cold calls, direct marketing or catalogs - all those methods when a product is sold "on the forehead".

Attract attention and increase awareness of the company or brand.

Bring a new product to market.

Quickly talk about promotions, products or events.

Attract customers to the site.

Display ad formats

There are five main types of online display advertising.

banner advertising

Both on the Internet and offline, this is the most familiar way of promotion. To run banner ads, brands buy a specific space on a website or app for a period of time, or pay for a certain number of impressions and clicks.

Banners are the oldest form of online advertising. Initially, such messages looked like a static picture with short text, but today this format has evolved. Now they often add animation or sound, they can respond to mouse movements or clicks.

You can place banner ads in different ways: directly through the site administration, in the Google advertising network or on the Yandex search results pages. If an advertiser needs a large reach, then you will have to spend an impressive amount. For example, this is how the price of a banner on the main page of Yandex looks like:

Despite the new creative formats, many marketers believe that banner advertising is dying. Due to the abundance of information noise, users stop paying attention to annoying pictures, and many generally block them with the help of special programs. Some sites even go to extreme lengths and ask visitors to turn off AdBlock for a while.

Video advertising

Unlike banners, video ads have a better effect on brand awareness and create less informational noise. The user sees a lot of headlines, pictures and ads on the site page, so he can not always focus on something specific. The video is always in the spotlight.

Runs before the video is shown. It can usually be skipped a few seconds after it starts.

Message at the end of the video.

In addition to videos embedded in video content, there is an outstream format when advertising messages are integrated into text or banners. These are the same players that suddenly appear at the moment when you are reading material in an online magazine.

The cost of placing video ads is the sum of the number of impressions and clicks to the advertiser's website. A large team is involved in the creation of the video itself: the director, screenwriter, actors, editors, sound specialists and colorists - their work also needs to be paid. The budget here is measured in hundreds of thousands of rubles.

Audio advertising

Branded Pages

Usually branding is used by large companies. This is an image promotion that is more suitable for increasing awareness than for sales.

Branding a page or section is usually timed to coincide with some major event: a concert, a movie premiere, a large-scale sale or a new product presentation.

Text-graphic advertising

These are ads that are shown to users in accordance with their requests. They are placed through the Yandex advertising network or the Google Display Network. In part, they resemble banners and advertisements in print media: the ad consists of an image to attract attention and short text.

Advantages of display advertising

You can find interested customers through the context, choose thematic sites and time for displaying ads, as well as target messages by gender, age, geographic location and other characteristics.

In addition, display advertising works even if the user does not click on your banners or ads. Brand awareness increases simply from the fact that messages with your identity periodically flicker on the network.

Disadvantages of media advertising

Another problem is the low interest of users. People have long been tired of the huge flow of advertising online and offline, so they prefer to get rid of it by all available means. Most visitors will block your banners, ignore context, and skip videos.


Display advertising is a universal tool that works for the long term. Expensive YouTube videos or branded fields are unlikely to increase sales overnight, but they can help build your brand's image and credibility.

Media advertising is a tool for marketing promotion of brands, websites, trademarks, goods, services, etc., when information about a product is placed on media platforms (mass media).
The main difference between media advertising and other types of advertising is the key factor - attracting the attention of consumers occurs through the visualization of information (flash pictures, videos, images, etc.).
Thanks to the visual presentation of information, such advertising is more quickly perceived by the consumer, there is no need to delve into its meaning, no need to waste time reading it. Most often, media advertising reaches the consciousness of consumers even if they do not plan to be interested in it (the eye glimpsed the banner between transitions through Internet pages, but the information was remembered subconsciously).
It is this effect that advertisers are counting on when developing the next advertising campaign for the mass media.

Benefits of media advertising

With the help of banner advertising, you can solve the following tasks:
1) Increase traffic to the advertised site.
2) Increase sales of the promoted product, especially when it comes to some exclusive, expensive, innovative products. In this case, media advertising is the best way to tell the user about the new product, who does not yet know about its existence and, accordingly, is not interested in it.
3) Inform the target audience about profitable offers, current promotions and discounts.
4) Notify a wide audience about new large-scale events (films, exhibitions, concerts and other events). In this case, media advertising replaces posters.

Information spaces for media advertising

Depending on the type of platform where media advertising will be placed, the following carriers are distinguished:
1) Television that broadcasts promotional videos at specific times.
2) Printed publications that place advertising blocks on their pages.
3) Internet media (websites, electronic magazines, electronic newspapers, news and information resources, popular social networks), which have the technical ability and desire to place a banner ad block on their pages.
Banner ads come in the following formats:
- graphic banners (static blocks).
- flash-banners (dynamic pictures, videos).
- TopLine ("stretch marks" located above the main content of the page or below).
- Rich-Media (banner blocks on top of the content of the site, which will obsessively "run" behind the mouse until they are closed).
- Pop-Under (advertising that opens in a new browser window if users click on the information they need), etc.

Feature of banner ads

1) Banner advertising has adopted the properties of contextual advertising, due to which it is shown to users depending on their search queries and the geography of their location.
2) Banner advertising is the most annoying type of media advertising. The Internet user is often disturbed when something “flickers” before his eyes (flash banner), covers half of the space of the desired page (Rich-Media) or ad blocks “jump out on their own”, so you need to spend time closing them.
90% of users are intolerant of such distracting advertising. Site visitors are most loyal to graphic blocks at the top or bottom of the site (TopLine).
Each advertiser decides on his own - what is more priority for him, be sure to be remembered, even with negative associations, or get a loyal client, because users who search purposefully are more attentive.