Domestic policy of Elizabeth Petrovna presentation. "Cossack" means "free", "brave, freedom-loving person", "daring warrior"

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Childhood and youth The daughter of Peter I and Catherine I, Elizabeth, was born on December 18, 1709, the day the Tsar entered Moscow in triumph to celebrate the victory in the Battle of Poltava. She was an illegitimate child, her parents got married later, and this later had a hard effect on the fate of the girl. Elizabeth grew up in the villages of Izmailovo and Preobrazhenskoye near Moscow in a deeply religious atmosphere. All her life she remained a deeply religious person and contributed to the strengthening of Orthodoxy in Russia. At the same time, the girl was constantly surrounded by a French retinue, since she was being prepared as a wife for the heir to the French throne, the future Louis XV. The French court refused this marriage: Elizabeth was not forgiven for her common mother and illegitimate birth.

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The coup and the beginning of the reign Elizabeth Petrovna survived five emperors and empresses - Peter I, Catherine I, Peter II, Anna Ioannovna and Ivan VI. After the death of Anna Ioannovna, a foreigner Ivan Antonovich appeared on the Russian throne (his mother was the niece of the Empress). It seemed inconceivable how it is possible that the direct heir to the throne, the daughter of Peter the Great, does not occupy the throne. During the reign of Ivan VI, regent Anna Leopoldovna, with her persecution, put Elizabeth Petrovna before an inevitable choice: either a monastery or a coup. On the night of November 24-25, 1741, Ivan Antonovich was deprived of the throne as a result of a bloodless coup.

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Economic transformations During the reign of Elizabeth Petrovna, there is a noticeable economic growth of the country. Agriculture is developing through the development of arable land in the south and east of the empire, industry, metallurgy. Russia has become the largest iron exporter in Europe. The population of the empire increased. However, the government of Elizabeth tried to strengthen the landowners to the detriment of the peasants. This caused numerous uprisings and rebellions in the last years of the Empress's reign. The flight of peasants to Poland, Moldova, the Middle Volga and Siberia became a mass phenomenon.

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Elizabethan Favorites Elizabethan rule was famous for its favorites. Even before the beginning of the reign, Elizabeth Petrovna had a great many lovers. There was a question about the tonsure of the loving Elizabeth in the monastery. Officially, Elizaveta Petrovna remained unmarried, but in 1742, apparently, she entered into a secret marriage with Alexei Grigoryevich Razumovsky. He was nine years older than her. The couple lived in the life of commoners. Then the Empress began an affair with Count P.I. Shuvalov, despite the fact that Razumovsky plays the role of the honorary spouse of the Empress

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The most magnificent baroque The era of Elizabeth Petrovna is the heyday of Russian culture. The incredible rise of Russian baroque. During her reign (1757) the first permanent drama theater was founded. The architect V.V. Rastrelli erected a palace ensemble in Tsarskoye Selo and started building the Winter Palace. Under Elizabeth Petrovna, French became the language of the nobility. Elizabeth herself kept up with cultural progress and had over 10,000 dresses.

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The Seven Years' War The foreign policy of the country was carried out by Chancellor A.P. Bestuzhev-Ryumin, an opponent of Prussia and France, a supporter of an alliance with England and Austria. The empress adhered to a pro-French policy. In 1756 the Seven Years' War began. Russia, France, Austria, Spain, Saxony and Sweden fought against Prussia, England and Portugal. The Russian army won the battles on the Gross-Egersford field near the village of the same name (1757), near Zorndorf (1758) and Kunersdorf (1759). On September 28, 1760, the Russians entered the capital of Prussia, Berlin. The crown of Frederick II was saved by the death of the Russian empress. Elizaveta Petrovna died on December 25, 1761, presumably from epilepsy

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Elizaveta Petrovna in the history of Russia. By universal recognition, the Elizabethan era has not yet received official coverage in world historiography. In Russia, with the coming to power of Catherine II, it became a tradition to represent Elizabeth Petrovna as a frivolous, “merry” empress, who was fond of balls and masquerades and cared little about state affairs. Friedrich II: "A sensual woman who upset the finances of Russia with disorderly management and personal expenses." N.M. Karamzin: “Idle, voluptuous, could not manage the state well.”

1. Domestic policy Elizaveta Petrovna began her reign with a reduction in the poll tax The inviolability of serfdom But the use of serf labor in industry is limited The number of ascribed peasants Elizaveta Petrovna ()

New privileges of the nobility: -Shortened the term of public service in the army, navy, in the management system -Nobles received the right to exile delinquent nobles to Siberia -Nobles could sell peasants to others for recruitment -Transfer of state-owned factories to nobles -Introduced a monopoly of nobles on distillation

Reforms in the field of economy: -Customs were abolished -Dozens of new metallurgical plants appeared -The number of cloth, sailing and linen, paper and textile manufactories grew (Petersburg, Moscow, Kaluga, Voronezh, Yaroslavl, Serpukhov, cities of Siberia) Ivanovo manufactories

In 1742, 14-year-old Karl Peter arrived in Russia On the Holstein line, he was the great-grandson of the Swedish king Karl 12 He was prepared to occupy the Swedish throne: he studied Swedish, was brought up in the Lutheran faith, he considered Holstein to be his homeland, and Lutheranism - his native religion The Lutheran Church Sts. Peter and Paul, Starosadsky lane, 7(Moscow)

2. Foreign policy of Russia in the years. The first test for the new government in the international sphere was the war with Sweden. Sweden wanted to return those lands in the Baltic states that it had ceded to Russia under the Treaty of Nystadt. The borders of Sweden before the war are marked in yellow, Russia is marked in dark green, the lands ceded to Russia under the terms of the Treaty are shaded

In the mid 1750s. in the political arena of Europe, the statesmanship and military talent of the Prussian king Frederick II the Great shone. He created a strong army. He strove to capture the nearby German principalities.

But intrigues began against Saltykov The advance detachment of General Z.Kh.

3. Popular indignation Causes: -Luxury of the court and the upper classes of society -A huge army -Waging wars Result: -Expenses increased -Increase in taxes -Increase in arrears -Strengthening the power of the nobles -Growth of corvee -Massive escapes of peasants -Discontent in national regions

5. Peter 3: half a year on the throne In 1761, Elizaveta Petrovna died The grandson of Peter 1, Peter Fedorovich, Peter 3, ascended the throne 9 years later, Peter 3 and Catherine 2 had a son, Pavel (although Sergei Vasilyevich Saltykov was considered the father) Elizaveta Petrovna, disappointed in her nephew, she hatched plans to transfer power to her grandson, Pavel 1 She was engaged in his upbringing Pavel 1

The reforms of Peter 3: -Destroyed the Secret Chancellery -Prohibited industrialists from buying serfs to manufactories -Introduced a ban on the oppression of Old Believers -Prepared a project for the secularization of church lands -Issued the "Manifesto on the Liberty of the Nobility" in 1762. But Peter 3 did not have a strong support in society Opposition made up: elite - Guards - clergy - Wife Ekaterina Alekseevna

On June 28, 1762, they carried out a palace coup. Peter 3 at that time was in Oranienbaum. Realizing that the coup had taken place, Peter asked to be released to Holstein. But the emperor was arrested and transported to a country palace in the town of Ropsha. Here the emperor spent only seven days The palace in Ropsha

Years of government

The coup and the beginning of the reign Elizabeth Petrovna survived five emperors and empresses - Peter I, Catherine I, Peter II, Anna Ioannovna and Ivan VI. On the night of November 24-25, 1741, Ivan Antonovich was deprived of the throne as a result of a bloodless coup.

Economic transformation Development of agriculture Development of industry and metallurgy Increased population of the empire Strengthening the role of the nobility Removal of Germans from the highest ranks Restoration of the role of the Senate Introduction of "Conferences at the High Court" Introduction of magistrates

Elizabethan Favorites Elizabethan rule was famous for its favorites. Even before the beginning of the reign, Elizabeth Petrovna had a great many lovers. There was a question about the tonsure of the loving Elizabeth in the monastery. Officially, Elizaveta Petrovna remained unmarried, but in 1742, apparently, she entered into a secret marriage with Alexei Grigoryevich Razumovsky.

The country's foreign policy is the Seven Years' War. -War with Turkey

Elizaveta Petrovna in the history of Russia. By universal recognition, Elizabeth Petrovna is considered a frivolous, cheerful empress, who was fond of balls and masquerades and cared little about state affairs. Friedrich II: A sensual woman who upset the finances of Russia with disorderly management and personal expenses. N.M. Karamzin: Idle, voluptuous, could not manage the state well.

Elizaveta Petrovna

Childhood and youth

Daughter of Peter I and Catherine I
Elizabeth was born December 18, 1709
on the day when the king triumphantly
entered Moscow to celebrate
victory in the battle of Poltava. She was
illegitimate child, parents
got married later, and this is in the future
severely affected the fate of the girl.
Elizabeth grew up in the suburbs
the villages of Izmailovo and Preobrazhenskoye in
deeply religious atmosphere. All
life she stayed deep
believer and contributed
strengthening of Orthodoxy in Russia.
At the same time the girl constantly
surrounded by a French retinue,
because she was being prepared for a wife
heir to the French throne
future Louis XV. French
the court refused this marriage:
Elizabeth was not forgiven for her mother, a commoner and extramarital

Revolution and the beginning of the reign

Elizaveta Petrovna survived
five emperors and empresses
- Peter I, Catherine I, Peter II,
Anna Ioannovna and Ivan VI.
After the death of Anna Ioannovna
Russian throne was
foreigner Ivan Antonovich (his
mother was a niece
empress). It seemed
inconceivable how is this possible
that the direct heir to the throne,
daughter of Peter the Great does not take
throne. During the reign of Ivan VI
regent Anna Leopoldovna
with her persecution
Elizabeth Petrovna before
inevitable choice: either
monastery, or coup.
On the night of 24 to 25 November 1741
Ivan Antonovich as a result
bloodless coup was deprived

Economic transformation

During the reign of Elizabeth
Petrovny is notable
economic growth of the country.
Agriculture is developing
through the development of arable
lands in the south and east
empires, industry,
metallurgy. Russia has become
largest in Europe
iron exporter. increased
the population of the empire.
However, the government
Elizabeth tried to strengthen
landlords to the detriment of the peasants.
This caused numerous
uprisings and rebellions in recent
years of the reign of the empress.
The flight of the peasants to Poland,
Moldova, the Middle Volga and
Siberia has become massive

Elizabethan favorites

Elizabethan reign
was famous for its
favorites. Even before the start
reign of Elizabeth Petrovna
there were a great many
lovers. There was a question about
tonsure loving
Elizabeth to the monastery.
Officially Elizabeth
Petrovna remained unmarried,
but in 1742, apparently, she entered into
secret marriage with Alexei
Grigoryevich Razumovsky. He
was nine years older than her.
The couple lived in the life of commoners.
Then the Empress began an affair
with Count P.I. Shuvalov, this
despite the fact that Razumovsky
plays the role of an honorary
empress consort

Russian science

Under Elizabeth, Russian science
experienced an unprecedented rise.
In 1755 the Moscow
university. Since the mid 40s
gg. from the Petersburg Academy
sciences became gradually
scientists, and in the first roles
domestic scientists came out,
M.V. Lomonosov and his
patron count
P.I. Shuvalov.

During her reign
(1757) the first
permanent dramatic
theatre. Architect
V.V. Rastrelli erected
palace ensemble in
Tsarskoye Selo, started
construction of the Winter
Palace. Under Elizabeth
Petrovna French
became the language of the nobility.
Elizabeth herself is
lagged behind cultural
progress and had over
10000 dresses

Seven Years' War

Foreign policy of the country
conducted by the Chancellor
A.P. Bestuzhev-Ryumin,
enemy of Prussia and France,
supporter of an alliance with England and
Austria. the empress
adhered to the pro-French
politicians. In 1756 began
Seven Years' War. Fought Russia,
France, Austria, Spain,
Saxony and Sweden against Prussia,
England and Portugal. Russian army
won the battles on the GrossJägersford field near the eponymous
villages (1757), near Zorndorf
(1758) and Kunersdorff (1759). 28
September 1760 the Russians entered into
capital of Prussia Berlin. Crown
Frederick II was saved by the death of a Russian
Elizaveta Petrovna died on 25
December 1761, presumably
from epilepsy

Elizaveta Petrovna in the history of Russia.

By all accounts,
The Elizabethan era is still
received official coverage in
world historiography. in Russia with
coming to power of Catherine II
has become a tradition to represent
Elizabeth Petrovna
frivolous, "cheerful"
empress who was fond of
balls and masquerades and few
taking care of government
Frederick II: "Sensual
woman upset with finances
Russian messy
business and personal
N.M. Karamzin: “Idle,
voluptuous, could not well
govern the state."

In 1756-1763, the Anglo-French war for the colonies began. Two coalitions participated in the war: Prussia, England and Portugal against France, Spain, Austria and Sweden with the participation of Russia. In 1756 Frederick II attacked Saxony without declaring war. In the summer of that year, he forced her to capitulate. 1 Sept. 1756 Russia declared war on Prussia. In 1757, Friedrich defeated the Austrian and French troops and sent the main forces against Russia. In the summer of 1757, the Russian army under the command of Apraksin entered East Prussia. Aug 19 The Russian army was surrounded at the village. Gross-Egersdorf and only with the support of the reserve brigade Rumyantseva escaped from the encirclement. The enemy lost 8 thousand people. and stepped back. Apraksin did not organize the persecution and retreated to Courland himself. An Englishman Fermor was appointed the new commander. In the beginning. 1758 Russian troops captured Koenigsberg, then all of East Prussia. East Prussia received the status of a province of Russia. In 1758, at the village. Kunersdorf fought battles that did not bring victory to either side. Fermor was then removed. The army was headed by PS Saltykov. Aug 1 1759 60 thousand Russian army at the village of Kunersdorf against 48 thousand Prussian army gave a pitched battle. the army of Frederick II was destroyed: only 3 thousand soldiers remained. Saltykov for the slow advance of troops to Berlin is removed and Buturlin is appointed. 28 Sept. 1760 - the capture of Berlin took place; he was briefly captured by the corps of General Chernyshov, who seized military depots. However, as Frederick approached, the corps retreated.