Order on rewarding employees sample. Order for an employee incentive award and its samples

diametrically opposed to the document disciplinary action is an order to encourage the employee. In general, the use of incentives has a positive effect on the workflow. The employee knows that the professional performance of his labor functions can bring additional benefits. That is, it is a way to motivate an employee.

It is unlikely that anyone will challenge the order to encourage an employee. Again, unlike . AT judicial practice there are lawsuits for non-use of encouragement. When the employer has a local act - a provision on bonuses. Or there are such conditions in Therefore, an order to encourage an employee is drawn up simply.

An example of an order to encourage an employee

Employee incentive form

If you got acquainted with other acts of the employer (about, etc.), then most likely you paid attention to the use of certain forms. The form of the order to encourage the employee fixes the resolution of the State Committee on 01/05/2004 No. 1. This is the form 11-T (for one employee) and 11-a (for a group of employees).

Although such samples are not mandatory, in practice the forms are used by personnel officers everywhere. First, it's convenient. Secondly, a sample form is available on any legal resource or on the Internet.

The employer can draw up his own sample order to encourage the employee. Then the personnel should apply the form approved by the organization.

Documents accompanying the order to encourage the employee

For any document of the employer must be the basis. And encouragement is no exception. Usually the presentation of the promotion is prepared by the immediate supervisor of the employee. It indicates the personal information of the employee, gives a brief and conclusion. The employee did a good job. Or achieved success in work. Maybe the employee's work was effective (for example, he overfulfilled the plan), etc. The originator of the order must refer to the Rules of Internal work schedule and (or) Regulations on bonuses. The main wording, for which the employer encourages the employee, these documents, as a rule, contain.

So, the order consists of several columns. This is:

  1. Number and date, information about the employer, employee (last name, first name, patronymic, position).
  2. Name of the order -
  3. It is advisable to take the motive for promotion from the local acts of the employer and (or) submissions for promotion.
  4. Type of encouragement - gratitude, bonus, valuable gift, etc.

If the type of incentive is not related to the premium, it is allowed not to fill in the “in amount” columns. Then the employee responsible for drawing up the order fills in the base column. The order is signed by the head of the organization or a person authorized by him. The employee gets acquainted with the text of the document against signature (in general, all orders must be brought to the attention of employees against signature).

On the basis of an order to encourage an employee, if the payment of such an incentive is not provided for by the remuneration system and we are not talking about permanent bonuses, the personnel make an entry in.

Reward for high performance and impeccable work may be tangible or intangible. The second type of incentives includes, among other things, rewarding diploma. It is regulated by special internal acts. The award itself is carried out on the basis of the order. And therefore, the head, in order to encourage a specialist, must issue an order to award a certificate of honor.


Purposes and functions of encouragement

Many employers neglect the importance of non-monetary incentives, preferring to issue bonuses. However, non-financial rewards are also very important. Awarding an employee with an honorary diploma is carried out to achieve these goals:

  • An expression of gratitude to an employee.
  • Employee motivation for further successful activities.
  • Increasing employee loyalty.

Types of moral encouragement are fixed in article 191 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In addition to awarding a diploma, the article mentions an announcement of gratitude, the assignment of the status of "Best in the profession." In addition, the employer may develop other forms of encouragement. They need to be fixed in internal acts. For example, it can be a free referral to lectures and conferences.

Features of awarding an honorary diploma

As a rule, employees with the following merits are involved in the award of diplomas:

  • Conscientiousness.
  • Achievement of high labor indicators.
  • Long-term work in the company.
  • Successfully solving complex problems.

The head is recommended to develop a regulation on awarding an honorary diploma. It needs to fix the criteria for determining employees who will be awarded. In the position, you can fix the order of awarding. If you need to award a specialist of a unit, the presentation is made by the head of this unit. The submission is sent to the head of the company.

Rewarding is carried out on the basis of the order of the head. The diploma is awarded, as a rule, in a solemn atmosphere. The head of the company is in charge of the delivery. The head has the right to award specialists with certificates of industry departments. The procedure is regulated by various orders, depending on the industry. For example, this is the order of the Ministry of Culture No. 195 dated May 17, 2005 "On the diploma of the archival agency."

Feature for the award

The order of the head is the final document preceding the procedure for awarding a specialist. However, before its execution, you need to create a number of other documents. This is an award presentation and testimonial. The latter is a characteristic of a specialist. From it you can conclude about the grounds for the award. The document contains this information:

  • professional indicators.
  • Business qualities.
  • Personal qualities.
  • Service to the company.

The head of the awarded employee is directly involved in compiling the characteristics.

Drafting an award order

The form of the order on awarding an honorary diploma is not established by law. Therefore, the document is drawn up in free form. However, it must contain the required information:

  • Name and position of the employee being awarded.
  • Grounds for awarding (for example, the performance of complex work, conscientious work for a long time).
  • Documents on the basis of which a procedure is performed (for example, a presentation).

Also available may be Additional Information. For example, you can appoint persons responsible for the award.


OOO "Koshkin Dom"

Order No. 88-A

Novosibirsk city

About awarding an employee with a certificate of honor

Based on local regulation No. 44-r, for overfulfillment of the sales plan and conscientious work


1. To award sales manager Gribov O.L. honorary diploma.
2. Head of the structural unit Zharov K.K. carry out the award ceremony in a festive atmosphere.

General Director Solntsev A.A. (signature)

Acquainted with the order:

Zharov K.K. (signature)

Consider when to issue an order, which sample to use for a personnel officer, and what points to pay special attention to. Samples and examples of filling out incentive orders are presented in the article.

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When to issue a bonus order

Each enterprise has the right to develop a bonus system on its own, it is fixed in a local act, for example, in the Regulation on bonuses. With the established bonus system, the employer is obliged to comply with the fixed procedure for the payment of incentives. If this is not done, he may be held administratively liable.

The award order refers to the administrative document on the basis of which payments will be made. Before issuing such an order, you must:

  • create lists for departments of the organization;
  • check compliance with all conditions of bonuses;
  • agree and clarify the amount of bonus payments with the head of the unit for each employee from the list presented;
  • submit an order on bonuses in the final version for signature to the head of the organization.

The expert of "System Kadra" will tell, how to apply for employee bonuses . From the article you will learn how to establish a bonus system, how to document, agree and approve the Regulation.

Is it necessary to draw up an order on bonuses for an employee on a monthly basis if bonuses are provided for by an employment contract

If a unified form No. T-11 is used for an order for a bonus, it must be drawn up monthly. This is due to the fact that in the first section of the instructions, which were approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 under No. 1, when filling out the form, there are no transfers of those types of bonuses, upon payment of which they issue this form order. Accordingly, an order for bonuses to employees is issued for any incentive and incentive payments.

It must be taken into account that according to this issue there is another point of view. An order in the form No. T-11 (or No. T-11a) should be drawn up only for the payment of one-time bonuses for high performance production results. This interpretation of the issue is due to the fact that the instructions for filling out the relevant forms of orders say that the document is used to process incentive payments for success in work.

Form No. T-11a. Employee incentive order

Monthly payments are stimulating. They are not incentives, they are part of the remuneration system and are issued on a regular basis. With a literal interpretation of the instructions, it can be concluded that it is not necessary to draw up an order in a unified form with monthly incentive payments. At present, instead of forms No. T-11 and No. T-11a, it is possible to use forms according to independently developed samples. Each organization has the right to determine not only the form of orders, but also the procedure for issuing them, fixing the established rules in a local regulatory legal act. This is indicated by the provision of Article 8 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Varieties of orders for bonuses to employees

A sample order for a bonus to employees is distinguished by the following indicators:

  1. According to the amount of information entered

If a group of employees is rewarded, all members of the team who are encouraged are made available. When rewarding a single employee for certain merits, his details and grounds for bonuses are entered into the document.

  1. According to the frequency of registration

Planning orders are issued regularly in accordance with the frequency of bonuses: monthly, quarterly, annual. Unscheduled are prepared by order of the head of the organization.

  1. Based on

Holiday orders are issued when incentives are issued for certain professional holidays, anniversaries, and so on. Production orders are, if necessary, to reward one or a group of employees for high performance, for making rationalization proposals. With the active participation of employees in the life of the team, for the achievement of certain indicators in social events, sports competitions, and so on, high organizational achievements serve as the basis for issuing an order.

An order to encourage an employee or group of employees has different reasons and frequency of publication, differs in wording, but is drawn up in accordance with the generally accepted structure.

How to write a bonus order for good work: sample

The order to encourage an employee for conscientious work of a unified form No. T-11 includes:

  • name of company;
  • Document Number;
  • date of compilation;
  • surname, name, patronymic of the employee;
  • position, specialty or profession;
  • incentive motive;
  • type of promotion, for example, a cash prize, a valuable gift, gratitude, and so on;
  • the amount, if it is a monetary incentive;
  • base;
  • signature of the head of the organization with a transcript;
  • date and signature of the employee familiarized with the order.

Order for the payment of bonuses at the end of the year

Employee incentive order: sample completed

The order for bonuses (sample) can be issued both on a unified form of the form T-11 or T-11a, and in any form, where they must be affixed necessary details.

The structure of the order includes a heading with the name of the employer, number and date, and subject. The main section should include a wording on the direct order of the head to reward an employee or group of employees. Be sure to include the reasons that gave rise to the promotion and the amount of bonuses. The final part is signed by the head and employees.

When creating an order, general wording should be avoided, for example: Awarded for Good work ". It is rational to indicate what successes this or that employee has achieved in work, on the basis of which he received encouragement. For example: " Awarded in connection with the implementation of the planned task on time with high quality indicators».

In the document, it is important to indicate not only the specific type of encouragement, but also the basis on which the order is issued. The basis may be the presentation of the direct head of the structural unit, who decided to reward this or that employee for outstanding success, for exceeding the plan or for implementing a particularly important project.

Reward concept

Order on awarding a certificate of honor: sample

An employee can be presented not only to a monetary award, but also as an encouragement to give him a certificate of honor in a solemn atmosphere. This is no less valuable encouragement, stimulating further fruitful work.

The order includes the necessary details of the employer and employee (group of employees). Be sure to indicate the document on the basis of which the order is drawn up. Most often, the basis is a representation endorsed by the immediate supervisor of the employee.

The concept of encouragement is internal document organization, which is optional. It is applied in the event that the initiative to encourage comes from the head of the structural unit. The form of such a document is arbitrary.

The order for the award refers to the administrative document on the basis of which payments are made. It is drawn up on unified forms or forms developed and approved by the organization independently are used.

It must be borne in mind that the order must contain not only the details of the employer and the rewarded employee, but also the basis on which the employee was presented for one or another type of encouragement.

The employer has the right to encourage the employee, for example, to award a certificate of honor. In this case, there are many pitfalls and nuances in the paperwork. Our samples will help you not to get confused.

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Rewarding employees with a certificate of honor and other types of incentives

To motivate employees to work conscientiously and efficiently, employers use different types rewards for success at work. Maybe pay a premium or reward with a valuable gift. Or it can encourage non-material - to issue an honorary diploma to the employee.

Order on awarding an employee with a certificate of honor

By law, an employer can reward any employee who works in a company for employment contract (part 1 of article 22 of the Labor Code). There are five types of incentives for employees (part 1 of article 191 of the Labor Code).

The employer has the right:

  • express gratitude;
  • give out an award
  • reward with a valuable gift;
  • issue a certificate of honor to an employee;
  • submit to the title of the best in the profession.

The Company has the right to establish other types of incentives for employees. For example, provide an additional day off, issue free vouchers or cash allowance for vacation. All incentives must be documented. So, the procedure for awarding employees with a certificate of honor can be prescribed in.

Regulations on employee incentives

The law does not restrict the company in the use of incentives. The employer has the right to simultaneously apply several incentive measures to the same employee. For example, give an honorary diploma to an employee and award cash prize .

Documentation of issuancecertificate of honor for an employee

The law does not provide for the procedure for registering an employee. Companies need to set it themselves in local documents. The promotion procedure consists of three stages:

Stage 1- preparing a performance

Stage 2- publish certificate of honor

Stage 3 - make entries in work book and personal card of the employee.

To issue an employee incentive without errors, use the online service from System Kadra

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Presentation of the leader forhonorary awards to employees

As a rule, the initiative to award an employee with a certificate of honor is his immediate supervisor. He is preparing a presentation on the promotion of an employee. unified form there is no presentation. The company can develop it independently and fix it in a local act. For example, in the instruction on personnel office work.

Usually, the idea of ​​rewarding employees with a certificate of honor consists of two parts. In the first part, the immediate supervisor gives the employee general characteristics, evaluates it professional activity, indicates qualification details.

In the second part, the head petitions for the promotion of an employee with an honorary diploma. Indicates what he wants to reward and how. For example, " for a long service and success in work, I ask you to award such and such an honorary diploma". In the sample below, see an example of a representation of rewarding an employee with a cash bonus.

Reward concept

If the director's decision is positive, it is necessary to prepare for the presentation of the promotion award order . The company has the right to issue it on a unified form - in the form No. T-11 from the resolution of the State Statistics Committee dated 05.01.2004 No. 1. Or it can develop and approve its own form.

If you issue an order in the form No. T-11, the entry in the “type of encouragement” column may look like this: “ certificate of honor from Alfa LLC"". In the base column, make a link to the view. See below for a sample letter of commendation. In it, the type of promotion is an award; for a certificate of honor, the filling procedure will be similar.

At non-material encouragement you have the right to exclude the lines "in the amount" from the order for awarding a diploma. In the sample below, they are highlighted in red. This follows from section 1 of the instructions from the resolution of the State Statistics Committee of 05.01.2004 No. 1.

The order is signed by the director of the company. With the order for awarding a certificate of honor (sample above), it is also necessary to familiarize the employee against signature. Not in the law due date. Fix the term in the local act. For example, establish that the employee must be familiarized with the order within three working days from the date of its issuance.

Certificate of awardseveral employees

If you need to encourage several employees at the same time, use form No. T-11a. This is a sample order for awarding an honorary diploma to employees from the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of 01/05/2004 No. 1. Use this form with one type of encouragement for all employees. For example, if you award everyone with an honorary diploma.

In the order for awarding an honorary diploma to employees, enter the type encouragement , list employees. Specify their structural subdivision. Make sure that all employees in the column "familiar with the order" put their signature and date.

Letter of honor for an employee

In the letter of honor to the employee, write: “ Awarded for many years of conscientious work, high achievements in the field ...". Indicate the full surname, name and patronymic of the employee, as well as his position.

The issuance of a diploma can be timed to coincide with a professional holiday. In this case, the text of awarding the employee's diploma of honor can be as follows:

« Awarded to such and such for high performance in work, conscientious performance official duties and in connection with the professional holiday - Builder's Day».

Letter of Appreciation Award

An employer may reward an employee who performs in good faith official duties, announcing gratitude to him (part 1 of article 191 of the Labor Code). To do this, you need to draw up an order for the award thank you letter.

If you issue an order in the form No. T-11, in the column "type of encouragement" write " gratitude". In the reason column, make a link to the submission on the basis of which you draw up an order for awarding a letter of thanks. In the sample below, you can exclude the rows "total".

Based on the order for awarding a letter of thanks, compose the text of the letter itself. Write the letter on company letterhead. Please indicate who it is for. Enter the outgoing number.

Letter of thanks to an employee from the head of the organization

Employment book: information about awarding employees with a certificate of honor

According to the law, information must be entered in the employee's work book (clause 24 of the Rules from Government Decree No. 225 of April 16, 2003):

  • on awarding state awards;
  • awarding an employee with an honorary diploma;
  • other types of incentives collective agreement , .

If an employee was encouraged, no later than a week from the date of issuance of the order for awarding an honorary diploma, make an entry about this in the work book. Enter in the section "Information about awards (encouragement)". This follows from part 4 of article 66 of the Labor Code and paragraphs 10 and 24 of the Rules from Government Decree No. 225 of April 16, 2003.

Enter the full and abbreviated name of the organization. In column 1, enter the serial number of the entry. In column 2 - the date of awarding the certificate of honor. In column 3, enter who awarded the employee and the reason for his award. In column 4, indicate the date and number of the order on the basis of which you are making the entry.

Work book (fragment). Designing the section "Information about the award" when declaring gratitude to an employee

Personal card: information abouthonorary awards to employees

After you have issued an order to award a diploma, make an entry in the employee's personal card. The company can maintain personal cards on a unified form - form No. T-2. The form was approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of 01/05/2004 No. 1. Or he can develop the form of a personal card on his own.

If you keep personal cards in the form No. T-2, write down in section VII “Awards (encouragement), honorary titles” how the employee was encouraged. Put down the name of the document - the award order, indicate its number and date.

The employer decides for himself what to give bonuses to employees, and fixes the grounds for general or individual bonuses at the local level. To do this, it is enough to develop a provision on bonuses or issue an order for promotion in any form. To award an employee with a certificate of honor - draw up a document on the letterhead of the organization. Make an appropriate entry in the work book and personal card of the employee.

The payment of additional remuneration is an internal affair of each employer. The organization has the right to independently determine the frequency, reasons and amounts of bonus payments to employees. Common reasons for awards are:

  • significant dates for an employee or the entire company: birthday, anniversary of the organization, professional holiday;
  • national holidays, for example New Year, March 8;
  • merits in labor: an employee is encouraged, for example, if he exceeded the production rate, achieved production optimization, reduced rejection rates, initiated changes that were useful for production, reduced production costs without loss of quality.

Rewards can be regular (monthly, quarterly, annual) or one-time. It is permissible to reward only one or several employees at the same time.

How the award is issued

The procedure for bonuses is established by an internal act of the organization - the regulation on bonuses. It establishes cases and indicators upon achievement of which employees are entitled to incentive payments. The provision also prescribes the need for a monthly incentive surcharge, often it is set as a percentage of the salary.

The presence of a bonus provision is especially important for budget organizations who pay additional remuneration from the fund wages allocated from the budget. Regulations on bonuses budget institutions is developed on the basis of departmental acts of the system in which the institution is located.

For the payment of each individual remuneration, a special order on bonuses is issued.

What form to use for the order

Decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated 05.01.2004 No. 1 approved unified forms of many internal acts necessary in the economic work of the organization. Among them are forms No. T-11 and T-11a for bonuses to employees.

Since 2013, these forms have ceased to be mandatory. The organization has the right not to use the proposed forms, but to issue acts on additional incentives in a free form or develop its own templates.

How to make an order

A sample order for an award for good work or any other achievement should contain the following information:

  • the name of the organization in which it was published;
  • details: number and date;
  • FULL NAME. employee or employees who are rewarded, their personnel numbers, positions and structural units;
  • incentive motive - the reason for which the bonus is paid;
  • type of promotion: you must specify "award";
  • reward amount: in words and numbers;
  • grounds, for example, a memo from the head of the employee being awarded;
  • position and signature of the head of the organization.

If a financial reward is issued in connection with success in work, the wording of the incentive motive in the order for the award may be as follows:

  • for significant indicators of intensity labor activity;
  • for a high level of quality of work;
  • for achieving planned targets.

Monthly bonus order

In addition to one-time rewards, the employer has the right to issue an order for periodic bonuses. With this document, he indicates a certain frequency of payment, for example, to prescribe that additional remuneration is paid along with salary monthly in the amount of a certain percentage of wages.

Order of the thirteenth salary

A separate type of bonus is the 13th salary. At its core, this is a one-time payment dedicated to the end of the year and marks its results. The concept of "13-salary" is not legal and is accepted only in everyday life.

How much and how to store

Bonus orders are a type of personnel documents and are subject to storage for seventy-five years, as established by paragraph 19 of the List approved by Order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated August 25, 2010 No. 558.

To store any documents, the company must form files. Cases are included in the general nomenclature of affairs of the organization. Volumes are recommended to be formed from documents with equal retention periods.