Cover letter for clerk resume sample. Examples of how to write a cover letter for a resume

The cover letter is an supporting document to the submitted resume.

If you send your resume to a foreign company with a worldwide reputation (brand), then the requirements for compiling a cover letter are quite high. The document must be drawn up on a separate sheet; all the details, which, in particular, include the title, date of compilation, name and address of the recipient, signature, are affixed in accordance with the rules for processing business letters. If information is sent to e-mail, then the cover letter, as well as the resume, should be attached in Word format.

A resume sent by E-mail to less pretentious structures can accompany the correct text in the body of the letter itself, without putting it on a separate sheet. surname, initials (or surname and given name) and Contact Information should be visible.

A short version of the cover letter looks something like this (examples 1-3):

Example 1

Dear Maria,

in response to your vacancy "sales manager of refrigeration equipment", published in the magazine "Job and Salary", I send my resume. I would be very grateful if you do not leave it unattended.

FROM Best wishes,
Ivanova Anna, tel. 8-916-111-11-11

Example 2

Good afternoon, Maria.

Attached resume file. I am applying for the position of Financial Analyst. Source of information about the vacancy Ready to provide any Additional information necessary for my candidacy to be considered.

Example 3

Dear Sirs,

please consider my resume for the vacancy of an accountant, deputy chief accountant.
I would be happy to receive an invitation from you for an interview.

Sincerely, Ivanova Anna, tel. 8-916-111-11-11

Full cover letter (designed for western style companies) personnel management) is built in a similar way. The body of the cover letter must include:

1. The title of the position (possibly two related or similar positions) for which the resume is sent; it is also desirable to indicate from which source you learned about the vacant position (positions); proposal for his candidacy.

Example 4:
After reviewing the information on your website, I learned that your company has opened vacancies in the field of sanitary control of meat and dairy raw materials. In this regard, I want to propose my candidacy for consideration for a position related to the implementation of the function of quality control, sanitary and veterinary control of raw materials and finished products. I believe that my work experience can be in demand both in the position of an expert in the procurement of meat and dairy raw materials, and in the position of the head of the sanitary control service.

2. A very concise, but precise and informative summary of the resume, intended to justify the conformity of your professional and personal qualities the position for which you are applying.

3. Your readiness for work, dedication, and professional growth in the area indicated in the vacancy, or better - within the walls of this particular company.

Example 5:
Over the past years, I have been successfully working in the chosen direction as part of the state veterinary and customs control authorities, I have established contacts and experience of cooperation with both the largest Russian enterprises food industry, and with leading foreign suppliers. The attached resume will give an idea of ​​my professional experience, qualifications and potential opportunities..

Example 6:
All my experience labor activity, professional knowledge and skills and expectations for further advancement lie in the area of ​​active direct sales and customer service (both at the executive and administrative levels). At the moment, I have more than 5 years of experience in sales in the B2B market in the production area, as well as management experience in this area during the last year of work. At my last job, as the head of the sales department, I was personally responsible for the activities and results of the B2B sales service (medical and cosmetology equipment).

4. Readiness for a personal interview in the company, during which you will more fully present information about yourself.

5. Contact information.

Example 7:
I would be happy to accept an offer to meet and tell a little more about my work experience and possible potential. You can contact me by phone ... or email ...

Example 8:
If you are interested, I will be happy to answer all your questions during the interview. You can contact by phone. Thank you in advance for your attention and time devoted to my candidacy.

A cover letter cannot be universal for the entire range of vacancies you are interested in. Since the addressee of the letter is different people and different organizations, the text of the letter, in accordance with each requested vacancy, should be slightly modified. A cover letter always refers to a specific job opening in a specific company.

Anna Sudak


# Business nuances

Sample Documents

A cover letter is a short story about you. It is written in free form and demonstrates your interest in a particular employer.

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  • How to write a cover letter for a resume
  • cover letter sample
  • Cover letter from accountant
  • Sample cover letter from a lawyer
  • Cover letter from a candidate for a managerial position
  • Cover letter for secretary job
  • Cover letter for a driver job
  • Sample cover letter for sales assistant job
  • Cover letter for office manager
  • Cover letter from administrator sample
  • How to write a cover letter to an employer
  • How to write a cover letter for recruitment agency
  • Cover letter from an internship candidate
  • Cover letter in English
  • Sample cover letter for documents
  • Short cover letter for resume
  • Cover letter without work experience

What is a cover letter? This is an important element of your image as a job seeker. Therefore, it is desirable to write it always. And the approach to writing it should be creative.

So, a cover letter is a short story about you. It is written in free form and demonstrates your interest in a particular employer. The letter should answer the questions: “Why do you want to work for the company?”, “What are you ready to do to develop the company?” and "Why you should be hired."

We emphasize that you may not write a cover letter at all, but then:

  • It is not guaranteed that your resume will be viewed. Having a cover letter increases the likelihood of a resume being answered (even if it's a rejection).
  • Not the fact that they will invite you for an interview. A cover letter increases the likelihood of being invited to a personal interview, where you will already reach 100% of your potential.

And writing a cover letter help you prepare for your personal interview. The main thing is to write the truth and stick to one line. Well, if it so happened that you had to embellish reality, learn what you yourself wrote. Just in case. Not to forget.

How to write a cover letter for a resume

How is a cover letter written? At this stage, the applicant often has a kind of stupor. Such is the nature of man. He cannot appreciate himself. But if you want Good work, you need to push your modesty to hell and learn how to present yourself, your knowledge, skills and practical experience. To make this difficult task easier, we will tell you how to write cover letters correctly.

Basically, there is no right or wrong letter template. Why? Because it reflects personal and professional quality applicant. But there are still some recommendations for its design:

  • When it's time to review vacancies, don't rush to send your resume to all the open offers in a row. Choose the ones that really interest you and do a mini-research. Find information about the company (for example, on the website you will find short summary employer and links to sources about the company). Read customer and employee reviews. Analyze and draw conclusions. Did you like the employer? Start writing your cover letter. And don't forget to state why you chose this employer. If you do not, the HR manager will not see your interest, and this reduces the chances of successful employment.
  • Contact the recruiter by name. If he is not in the vacancy, just say hello.
  • Don't talk, show! Show that you are the right person for the position. Justify why your best skills and abilities will be useful to the company. Support your rationale with facts. But do not blur letters on paper. Try to keep the information short but concise.
  • When compiling a cover letter for a resume without a vacancy (and with a vacancy too), make sure that the cover letter does not repeat the information in the resume, but does not diverge from it. These two documents should complement each other. That is, we leave dry facts for the resume, and emotions for the cover letter.
  • Even if the creative gushes out of you, it's better to screw it up (before taking office). Many companies (especially large ones with a long history), although they say that they need young and informal personnel (creative people), adhere to the basics business communication. And it is better to follow the canons. But if you “ran into” a vacancy in a young progressive company in which “decent” chaos reigns and there are no restraining factors - experiment!
  • A good example of your work increases your value in the eyes of the company. Try to show your potential in one or two sentences and back up your competence with facts.
  • Competently lead the HR to the final part of the letter. Take the initiative and ask feedback. End with a thank you for your time.

When sending the document, go over the text again. Check it for mistakes, bloopers. See that the letter is logical, without losing thought and jumping from one to the next. In general, you should like this letter so much that you will hire yourself.

cover letter sample

So, we have already said that the form of writing is free, but at the same time official (or close to official). A letter is written with an emphasis on strengths, does not repeat the information in the resume (on the contrary, it reveals the main points) and shows your desire to throw all your efforts into the development of the company you have chosen.

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Cover letter from accountant

An example of a document for a chief accountant:

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Sample cover letter from a lawyer

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Cover letter from a candidate for a managerial position

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Cover letter for secretary job

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Cover letter for a driver job

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Sample cover letter for sales assistant job

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Cover letter for office manager

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Cover letter from administrator sample

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How to write a cover letter to an employer

For an employer, a cover letter is the first impression of a candidate. Therefore, to the question of writing must be approached responsibly.

When submitting your resume, show yourself from all sides. But try to avoid stereotypes. Remember, the examples given here are just examples. It is not necessary to write also, in the same words, in the same sequence. Show your personality. Otherwise, no one will read your resume.

Important! The most common mistake applicants make is stereotyped. All cover letters are written like a carbon copy. Therefore, try to write sincerely. With soul and humor (if appropriate).

How to write a cover letter to a recruitment agency

A recruitment agency is a filter used in three cases:

  • To get quality applicants;
  • To avoid looking for work on your own;
  • When the company does not have its own HR.

If for some reason you want to work with a recruitment agency, when writing a resume and writing a cover letter, you will have to give everything 200%. After all, a recruitment agency is an intermediary between you and the employer. And very often he, alas, plays the role of a damaged phone.

Therefore, to avoid unpleasant surprises, it is better to make contacts with direct employers. Well, if it doesn’t add up, try to present yourself as clearly and clearly as possible using a resume, cover letter, imagination and ingenuity. In fact, the criteria are the same as for direct employer, but there should be more details in order for the agency to help you find the job of your dreams.

Cover letter from an internship candidate

You are a young and inexperienced student who is taking the first steps in Big world? Get ready to fight.

It is possible to write a good cover letter even if you have no experience. See example:

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Cover letter in English

If you want to work in a foreign company or a foreign project, knowing the language is a must. And even if the representative office of the company is located in your region, the resume and cover letter must be written in English.

According to HR managers, the cover letter of a candidate for the position of director should contain information about the motives that prompted the applicant to look for this particular vacancy and in this particular company. Every recruiter would like to see in the cover letter information why this particular candidate will be useful to the company. As a rule, it is this information that attracts attention in the first minute.

We talk in more detail about what needs to be indicated in the cover letter and what information should be displayed there.

General rules for writing

A cover letter is a text sent to an employer along with a resume. Its main purpose is the ability to interest the recruiter, to highlight the experience, knowledge, strengths of the applicant, which are necessary specifically for the position of director. Also, this is an additional opportunity to understand the method and manner of communication, to give an initial assessment of the motivation for working in this position in a particular company.

We talked about how to write a letter in order to interest the employer in your candidacy, and you can familiarize yourself with a sample of a universal cover letter.

The main mistakes in compiling

Consider what mistakes the applicant most often makes when writing a letter:

  1. Lack of greeting.
  2. The presence of errors in the text - change the impression of a person.
  3. Template text for all enterprises.

    Important! The template must be adjusted, guided by the requirements of a particular enterprise.

  4. Too long text (learn how to write a short and concise cover letter).
  5. There is no structure of the letter and no concentration on the purpose of the appeal.

So let's take a look at the content of the cover letter:


Mandatory element for any letter. In the case of a targeted letter to the head of the personnel department or the head of the enterprise, you must contact him by last name, first name and patronymic, indicating the position, with the name of the enterprise, for example, like this: Director of Concern LLC Ivanov Evgeny Romanovich or Head of the Human Resources Department of Concern LLC Ivanova Evgenia Romanovna.

When writing a letter to respond to a vacancy, you must begin with an appeal:

  • Hello!
  • Good afternoon!
  • Dear…(insert name/ Mr or Ms/ full name).

The main part depending on the specific vacancy

In an official business style, a few sentences about the reason for choosing a vacancy, about experience. Avoid emotionally charged turns:

  1. I am interested in a job/position...
  2. Your company has been in the lead for several years...
  3. On the website / in the newspaper I saw an open vacancy ...

Explain in a few sentences why this position and this company. Put emphasis on your achievements and qualities as a professional, show your skills. A completed letter to different positions might look like this:

Head of an office, additional office or store

During ten years of work, I managed to climb career ladder from salesperson to director. With great success, I managed the store and managed to turn a loss-making point into a profitable enterprise. Sales volumes rose by 250%. I want to believe that my rich experience and accumulated knowledge give me the right to apply for the position of store manager.

Branch manager

I have rich experience in the position of head of branches of trade and production areas activities with up to 500 employees. Worked in technical and executive director. I am also an expert in crisis management enterprise. There are skills aimed at organizing new production, with the provision and observance approved standards and technical conditions.


I have the following list of qualified work experience in my arsenal:

  • Organization of the budget (revenues and expenses).
  • Control and management of the budget, financial flows.
  • Creation and control over the fulfillment of obligations under contracts.
  • Work through a client bank, support of deliveries until the result is obtained, calculations and reconciliation with counterparties.
  • Performing cash transactions.
  • Control of accounting of finished products and their implementation.
  • Market analysis, procurement for the production of raw materials and materials, their accounting.

I can say about myself as a responsible and organized specialist.


For my part, I can report about myself that I have:

By sales

I have four years of experience in the field of sales and I am ready to take an active part in increasing the volume of sales in your company. There were 20 people in my subordination. My participation in the development and implementation of activities related to increasing sales has increased the company's awareness by about 27%, and the overall percentage of sales growth over the last year of work was 51%.

Personal contacts and business knowledge will enable successful representation of the company's interests in the region. My desire to work in your company is connected with my ideas about a successful and serious enterprise with development prospects.


My career was built from the head of the department to the General Director. Where I worked for 9 years. While on the Board of Directors, he managed to develop and implement a project that would bring the company to the first place in terms of market share (37% by value). was created by me efficient system brand distribution. Factors that have become criteria for success:

  • Clearly defined goals and objectives.
  • Timeliness in the provision of resources and the correctness of their use.
  • Serious attitude to the quality of the selected personnel and its systematic training.
  • Development of motivational programs for staff.

As CEO, I was responsible for final result and achieved the desired through the balanced development of all departments. Today, I am the owner of a complete vision of all aspects of business development, as well as the owner of excellent organizational skills. I am an expert in sales, logistics, marketing, human resource management.

I have knowledge in the field of accounting and management accounting, strategic and production management, budget management, economics and law, communication psychology, presentation and negotiation technologies.


My eighteen years of experience in the construction industry gives me the opportunity to take right decisions related to the performance of production tasks, quantitative and qualitative indicators. I have good knowledge in the field of organization and technology in construction industry knowledge of the norms and prices for the work carried out.

I have experience in managing business and financial relationships with subcontractors and customers. There is a great desire to work in your company, to become the one who will assist in the development in existing and new promising areas.


Ability to analyze the profitability of discounts, sales and investments in promotions. Direct interaction with the sales and analytics department, including interaction with external agencies involved in marketing activities. Experience in development, implementation and development various categories goods.

I know the principles of planning and pricing. Working in the company "A" managed to reach a new level of professionalism and gained experience in trade marketing. His strong point I consider the ability to multitask.

Restaurant director

For over 17 years I have been in charge of the restaurant business. My last place of work was the restaurant "Golden Body". During my work, I was able to achieve the following indicators:

  • Cost reduction by 10%.
  • Staff optimization by 30%.
  • Increasing restaurant revenue by more than 300%.

The offer of a job in a new restaurant interested me and I am especially pleased to offer my services, since I had experience working with chefs in Italy and Argentina. Moreover, I recently returned from Texas, where I was able to visit more than one leading institution, which gave me the chance to study the whole process from the inside.

The following items are also mandatory:

Final part

Words of gratitude for taking the time to read, an expression of readiness for a meeting for an interview. To do this, you can use the following words or phrases:

  • Thank you / thank you for taking the time to read the letter.
  • Thank you / thank you for your attention to my candidacy.
  • Thank you / thank you if you call me back.
  • If necessary, I can come to the interview at a convenient time for you.
  • If you have any questions, I will be happy to answer them on the phone number below.
  • Mail for the honor for offering to meet with a more detailed discussion of…

If a resume is attached to the cover letter, then in the recommendation (cover) letter it is worth making a link to it:

  • in the attached file you will find my summary and references;
  • Please see the attached CV for more details on my professional activities.


You can also use several options for phrases:

  • With best wishes, ... (full name), ... (Signature).
  • Sincerely ... (full name), ... (Signature).

Contact details

Phone, email.

Attention! Each paragraph should start with a new paragraph and contain no more than 4-5 sentences (ideally 1-3 sentences).


It's no secret that Many recruiters ignore job applicants' resumes without a cover letter. This small text with an appeal to the employer can be sent by e-mail. When a resume is sent as a separate attachment, the cover letter is placed in the body of the message itself.

When sending a resume by fax, it should be understood that the cover letter should be written on a separate sheet and sent to the addressee first, and after it the text of the resume is sent.


According to experts, it should not contain career ambitions of the applicant. Otherwise, it may scare off the recruiter at the first moment, since he is interested in closing the vacancy, and not in replenishing the reserve. Also, there is no need to focus on some questionable places on your resume (if any).

That is, it is not necessary in the explanatory note to talk about the reason for the gap in experience. This can be said in an interview. It must be understood that this letter is not a confession of the applicant and not his autobiography, but only an opportunity for a brief and businesslike self-presentation.

Compiling a cover letter of a certain sample in case of sending documents to companies or government departments is an optional but desirable step. About how to correctly develop the correct form of such a document and some of the nuances of working with it - right now.

The document is drawn up in any form, because unified sample does not exist. The main purpose is to give the addressee a correct idea of ​​what kind of documents were sent and, most importantly, what purpose is pursued by the sender.

Although a company is not formally required to write cover letters, however, in a business document flow, this is a fairly well-established norm that should be followed. It allows you to solve several problems at once:

  1. First of all, it is it that contains the main explanations of the sender, which he wants to convey to the addressee. In this case, this matters, since business correspondence is indirect communication, which should be extremely clear to both parties.
  2. The cover letter also contains a list of documents - in fact, the list of the full name and number of documents that were sent is duplicated. This eliminates possible design errors.
  3. By specifying a list of documents, it is possible to avoid certain difficulties in restoring them in case of loss. In addition, it indicates the outgoing and incoming document numbers, thanks to which they can be easily found and control the direction of movement.
  4. Finally, the addressee, who has accepted not only the documents, but also the cover letter to them, will be able to quickly understand the essence of the sender's wishes and quickly respond to them in accordance with the situation.

Therefore, we can say that the competent design of the cover letter to the documents, the creation of their own uniform samples to make the process uniform is in the interests of the sender himself.

Cover Letter Sample 2019

Despite the fact that there is no approved form of such a document, and each organization has the right to determine how to draw it up, there are generally accepted rules that should be followed.

  1. In the header, as usual, the full official names of the addressee (“To ...”) and the sender (“from ...”) are indicated.
  2. Next comes a note about the number for which the letter is registered in the sender's company.
  3. Then comes the actual text of the document. It is very important to start the phrase correctly. There are 3 options for this case:
  • "sending to you"- for those cases when the documentation is sent to the same companies (for example, counterparties);
  • "We present to you"- the letter is sent to tax office, courts, head office - i.e. all institutions with a higher position;
  • "we are sending you"- if we are talking about documents that are sent, on the contrary, to subordinate departments (for example, departments, branches of the same company).
  1. After describing the purpose of sending, you need to provide a complete list of documents (inventory), which is conveniently presented in the form of a table. It should contain the following columns:
  • the full name of the document;
  • number of copies;
  • if necessary, it is also indicated in what form the document was sent - the original or a copy (certified or not certified).
  1. At the end of the table, the total number of documents sent along with the cover letter is indicated.
  2. Finally, an attachment is indicated, which lists additional documents, if any, are also sent to the addressee. It is important to understand that the word "Application" is written in the singular only when there is only one document. If the documents are plural, then "Appendices" is written. Along with the title of the document are:
  • date of acceptance of the document;
  • the total number of copies sent;
  • the number of pages in each document (the total number of sheets for all copies is written);
  • if necessary, indicate the need for firmware.

Signs a cover letter to documents, regardless of its sample, not only CEO but also the respective authorized person. The signature is traditionally put by the employee whose activities are directly related to the sent documents:

  1. The general director or the head of a branch, subdivision signs the documents of the general flow, relating immediately to the entire company, as well as documents of particular importance (for example, annual reports that are sent to the head office).
  2. The chief accountant signs letters that accompany financial documents - usually they are sent to the tax office.
  3. The in-house lawyer of the company sends cover letters in case of documents that are related, for example, to litigation, the conclusion of contracts with potential counterparties, etc.

NOTE. In cases where we are talking about mass mailing of documents of the same type (for example, several invoices or contracts of the same type with counterparties), you can combine them into one group and write the total number of sheets in all copies at once.

How to register a cover letter

It is important to observe the features of business etiquette in terms of design cover letters- first of all, it is better to use the same sample, document template, and the same person whose signature is on the letter itself must sign it on the part of the sender.

It is sent using the Russian Post or private mail - as a rule, it is better to do this registered mail. The number of the shipment must be put down, which is recorded in the journal of the document flow of the sending company. Under this address number, he already puts his number - and thus the risk of confusion is significantly reduced.

As a rule, a cover letter is issued in at least 2 copies - 1 for the addressee, 1 for the sender. Such a document is stored for a period, the expediency and duration of which are determined by the company itself. Usually in the modern workflow of companies, all documents are backed up in in electronic format– this allows you to quickly find them and securely store until required.

Response time

As for the timing of the answer, this is a less clear-cut question. On the one hand, it works general rule, according to which the processing time of any appeal in government bodies as well as in firms, companies, public associations, should not exceed 1 month, i.e. thirty calendar days . The countdown starts from the business day following the day the mail reaches the addressee.

On the other hand, very often in practice there are cases when the sender expects the addressee to respond to his request as quickly as possible. Then separately you need to write down such a wish, for example: “We kindly ask you to sign Required documents and give an answer on the merits within 7 working days. In the case of a branch, structural unit, which is directly subordinate to the sender, the wording is more categorical: "The deadline for response is 3 business days from the date of official notification of receipt of this cover letter."

NOTE. If the contract between companies initially prescribes a certain procedure for working with claims, pre-trial settlement of possible disagreements, it is necessary to proceed from their text of such contracts. An example text is shown below.

Storage procedure

Cover letters are private documents of the organization, the contents of which it can disclose or classify at its discretion (this applies to both incoming and outgoing documents). Therefore, the choice of a specific storage method depends on the decision of the management.

In general, the following rules are followed:

  1. Since the main legal significance is not the cover letter itself and its sample, but the documents that it precedes, the main attention is paid to their safety.
  2. After all attachments (i.e. the documents themselves) have been withdrawn, the retention period is determined individually.
  3. In some cases, companies create a special “Cover Letters” folder in which they put the relevant documentation. This option is suitable for small firms with small workflows.
  4. If the document flow is too large, and the company has several branches, then special nomenclatures of cases are drawn up - i.e. lists of documents grouped by general purpose, for example, “Supply agreements”, “Lease agreements”, “Judicial”, etc.

Thus, the best option is to create your own single sample of cover letters for documents and organize a storage system that is adequate to the volume of the company's document flow.