All children's products must be. Tips for Starting a Children's Clothing Store

Children's products are very popular. A parent wants to give their child the very best. He puts the needs of the baby first. Mothers are ready to spend large amounts of money on their child. Goods for children are necessary for all families, regardless of their social status and position in society. Demand creates supply. It is for this reason that more and more entrepreneurs will think about how to open a children's goods store?

How to open a children's goods store?

Children's stores are establishments that sell goods for children aged 0 to 15 years. Having decided to open a children's goods store, an entrepreneur must first decide on the format. There are stores that specialize in the sale of:

  • clothes for children of any age;
  • accessories for children;
  • clothes for the little ones;
  • clothes for children of primary school age;
  • supplies and accessories for the school;
  • school attendance forms;
  • clothes for teenagers;
  • sports equipment and costumes for children;
  • clothes for holidays and carnival costumes;
  • clothes for girls;
  • clothes for boys.

A store can sell one line of goods for children, or it can serve as a platform for the sale of several types of products.

Having decided on the format of the store, the entrepreneur must conduct a market analysis. You should start by studying your competitors. It is necessary to find out how many similar stores are already operating in the district. In addition, the entrepreneur must think about how he can attract potential clients to your establishment. Visiting local online forums for parents will help in resolving this issue. They will allow you to communicate directly with potential customers, ask them what is missing in the area and what goods for children they would like to purchase for their children. Here you can also find out the approximate financial situation of potential customers and form an idea about the price level.

To evaluate the business from the inside, to understand all its nuances and pitfalls, you can work for some time as a seller or administrator in a competitor's establishment specializing in the sale of children's clothing.

Ownership choice and taxation

Having decided to open a children's store, the entrepreneur must choose the form of ownership. Registration as an individual entrepreneur is suitable. The form of ownership is subject to fewer taxes and does not require complex reporting.

Then there is the choice of taxation. This is where UTII comes in handy. Quantity Money, which will have to be paid to the state, do not depend on the amount of profit received in the process of trade and the amount of goods sold. The amount of the tax is calculated based on the physical characteristics of the children's clothing store. These include:

  • the area of ​​the territory on which the sale of products is carried out;
  • the number of employees;
  • number of shop equipment.

Portfolio of documents

  • permission from SES;
  • permission from the fire department;
  • permission from Rospotrebnadzor.

In the case when the premises are rented in the building of the shopping center, and it is not registered as a retail space, the administration of the center must deal with obtaining a permit for the sale of goods from the City Trade Department.

A store specializing in the sale of children's goods must be included in the Unified commercial register. The entrepreneur is issued a certificate confirming this, which will be valid for 3 years.

Choosing a store location

The level of profit depends on the choice of the location of the future store

The premises for a children's goods store should not be less than 20 square meters. The optimal size is an area from 50 to 100 square meters. regardless of size storage facilities. The store should be located near children's institutions. This will increase the number of visitors to the outlet. Suitable for placement in a shopping center. The street where the building is located must be passable. It is better to refuse a location in a residential area.

You should choose a room located at a distance from competitors. If this is not possible, you can organize a store selling children's goods next to a similar institution. But in this case, the business owner will have to offer visitors something that the competitor does not have. Perhaps he will be able to find a supplier who sells products at low prices. This will allow the entrepreneur to reduce the cost of goods without losing profits. An extensive assortment that surpasses the list of competitor's products can also be a decisive factor for potential customers when choosing a store selling children's goods.

Having chosen the premises, the entrepreneur will have to carry out repairs in it. The design should be dominated by bright colors. They will attract the attention of young visitors. The interior must be original. You can place images of popular cartoon characters.

To make the interior attractive and bright, you should hire professional designer. He will be able to organically bring to life all the ideas of the business owner for the sale of children's goods or offer his own ideas.

Necessary equipment

The children's store does not require specialized equipment. For its normal functioning, you will need:

  • racks for clothes;
  • racks;
  • cash register;
  • showcases for displaying goods.

The equipment must fit into the overall interior of the store and match its design. Shelves should be bright.

Despite the small list, there should be a lot of equipment. Often the purchases of visitors are spontaneous. For this reason, the goods must be presented in a full range, and this will require a sufficient number of racks and display cases. Over time, you can equip a children's play area and place TVs in fitting rooms, allowing you to pass the time while waiting. This will significantly increase the rating of the store in the eyes of buyers.

Store staff

At first, for the normal functioning of a children's clothing store, you will need:

  • accountant;
  • manager;
  • 1-2 sellers;
  • cleaning woman.

All staff must be issued sanitary books. In their absence, it will not be possible to sell baby food, if any. Vendors must work in shifts. All staff must be able to communicate with children, be polite and friendly.

The administrator is responsible for coordinating the operation of the store. His position can be held by the business owner himself.

Store assortment

The range of products depends on the area of ​​​​the outlet. If an adult store requires about 4 sizes of clothes of the same style, from a children's store there should be about 14. The average children's store should have:

  • strollers;
  • Kids toys;
  • child care products;
  • car seats;
  • children's clothing and footwear.

For a store to be popular, it must have at least 30 various kinds one group of goods. For this reason, the entrepreneur will need to find a large number of suppliers.

A children's store can specialize in something 1. It's so much easier to imagine wide range of products.

Point of Sale Suppliers

The most popular suppliers who sell products on Russian market children's goods are considered:

  • Russia;
  • Turkey;
  • China;
  • Poland.

The products of Russian manufacturers are of high quality. It complies with GOSTs. Suppliers from Russia have required package documents confirming the quality and safety for children. When cooperating with them, there will be fewer problems with delivery. They sell products at a cost acceptable to consumers of all social strata. Russian manufacturers inspire more confidence among parents.

The prices of Chinese clothes are lower, but the quality will also be low. In cooperation with foreign suppliers there may be a problem with the delivery of products. However, their product will help diversify the range and attract additional customers.

With suppliers from other countries, you can establish cooperation through the Internet.


A children's goods store must have a prominent outdoor sign. There must be a showcase in which they exhibit the best samples products. For regular customers there should be a system of discounts and bonuses.

One of the popular innovations is the discount provided to the buyer on the birthday of the child.

  • television advertising;
  • advertisements in print media;
  • radio announcements;
  • distribution of advertising booklets;
  • creation of a website and store page in social networks.

Business costs and payback

The amount of investments depends on the planned level of the establishment and location. It will take about 1.5 million rubles to open a children's goods store.

Costs of opening a children's goods store (average):

Table. Capital investments

The average monthly net profit is at the level of about 250 thousand rubles. With this level of income, the business is able to pay off in 6 months.

When receiving discount cards that accumulate bonuses or discounts, visitors should be asked to fill out a questionnaire. Buyers must include an email address and residential address. This will build a client base. By e-mail You can report new arrivals of goods to the store. Perhaps something will interest the buyer. However, don't send too often. Constant spam only causes irritation on the part of customers.

Do you want to start a clothing business? Learn how to open a children's clothing store, because selling clothes for kids has a better chance of success than for adults.

♦ Capital investments – 750–800,000 rubles
♦ Payback period - from 1 year

The clothing trade can become a very profitable enterprise, or it can easily ruin an unlucky businessman who has not thought through all the nuances of launching a startup.

The situation is slightly different in the children's clothing trade sector.

It is much easier to find your niche and create a profitable business here.

Therefore, if you dream of becoming the owner of a boutique selling ready-made dresses, then you need to study the topic in detail, how to open a children's clothing store because selling clothes for kids is more likely to succeed than for adults.

Today we will tell you how to open commercial enterprise, whose main line of work is the sale of things for children, based on the experience of well-known businessmen.

What is a children's clothing store and how to open one?

Success is enjoyed by both markets selling a new dress, and commission shop where you can dress your child inexpensively.

It is clear that the main trade direction of your future store is clothing, but you do not need to limit the range of your goods only to it.

You can add to the sale, accessories and even toys.

It all depends on the area trading floor: How much can she fit.

If the area allows, then you can open a wide-profile children's clothing store, where the buyer can find everything from baby diapers to stylish teenage clothes.

If you open a small trading enterprise, then it makes sense to narrow down the direction, for example, to trade only in clothes for:

  • infants (from 0 to 3 years);
  • teenagers (11-15 years old);
  • boys;
  • girls;
  • sports;
  • special occasions (ball gowns, carnival costumes);
  • school visits, etc.

How to open a children's clothing store: how to start a startup

Regardless of what kind of trading company you are going to open, you need to study the theoretical background of the issue and do a little research in order to understand how best to develop your business.

You should be especially careful when it comes to a business like a ready-made dress store, which tops the list of start-ups that go bust most often.

To open shop children's clothing is guaranteed to bring profit, you need to figure out which particular market to open is most profitable:

  • small shop or big store, more like a supermarket;
  • or selling new things;
  • expensive brands or focused on the middle class;
  • selling products of domestic or foreign manufacturers, etc.

How to open a children's clothing store: a preliminary stage

Interesting fact:
Until the end of the 18th century, it was not customary to think about what to dress a child in. Children's clothing copied the adult and was made only in a reduced form.

In addition to carefully researching consumer tastes, you also need to:

  1. Deal with all the details retail business especially if you are inexperienced entrepreneurial activity or used to be engaged in something completely different: production, wholesale sales.
    Businessmen should remember that opening a children's clothing store is not at all like opening a wholesale base.
  2. Idea search.
    It is not enough just to wish to open a trading company that sells children's clothing.
    You need to find your own chip, decide how to most favorably differ from competitors, etc.
  3. Writing a business plan with specific calculations that will meet pricing policy your region.
  4. Invention of the name, development of the logo.
    You need to seriously think about how to name a children's clothing store.
    Studies have shown that parents trust stores with foreign names more.
  5. Preliminary search for suppliers from whom you can buy high-quality clothes cheaply, but sell them expensively, the layout of the trading floor, the formation of an assortment of goods that you will sell, etc.

Only after you have carefully thought through all this, you can start a real launch of a startup, and it doesn’t matter too much the commission whether it will be a store or one that sells new clothes.

If you are aiming for a new business for yourself, then the experience of more experienced colleagues will surely come in handy.

  1. It is most profitable to open a shop with goods of medium price category.
    There are not so many parents who are willing to pay huge money for children's clothes, and the poor are more likely to visit a thrift store in the hope of saving money.
  2. If you have a modest start-up capital, then it is better to open a small store than to take out a loan and launch a huge startup. A large trading enterprise, opened with other people's money, can ruin you.
  3. Consider opening a franchised children's clothing store, such as Utenok or RIKKI-TIKKI.
  4. If you decide to open a small store, it is better to limit the range of goods.
    Buyers should be able to see it normally, and not rummage through a pile of junk.
    Cluttering is only acceptable if you decide to open a thrift store.
  5. At least once a season (in winter, spring, summer and autumn) refresh the assortment of goods, take new models for sale, and put up stale goods for sale.
    Carefully study the tastes of your consumers in order to sell what they like, and not you personally.

How to open a children's clothing store: an advertising campaign

It is very important for the future business (no matter the commission or some other store you are going to open) to advertise it.

In order to attract the attention of customers from the first days of work, you need to:

  1. Print promotional products: business cards, booklets, etc.
  2. Put up ads around town.
  3. Order promotional material in local media.
  4. Use social media by creating your baby store group.
  5. Make a grand opening by inviting not only potential customers, but also journalists.

Believe me, customers will quickly catch up with you if you:

  • sell quality goods at an affordable price;
  • reward regular customers for purchases;
  • regularly organize sales;
  • located in the most convenient way for customers.

How to open a children's clothing store: calendar plan

In launching this startup, it will take you a lot of time to prepare, conduct research, study all the nuances.

Implementation of the business plan (registration, rent, trade software, personnel, etc.) should not take more than 4-5 months if you prepare a good theoretical ground.

Room rental and repair work
Purchase of equipment
Team Recruitment
Work with suppliers, purchase of goods

The main stages of opening a children's clothing store

New businessmen struggle when it comes to learning how to open a children's clothing store from scratch.

There are so many nuances in this issue that if you miss one, you can ruin the entire startup.

To prevent this from happening, follow a well-defined plan: registration, search for the ideal premises, repair work, purchase of equipment, team building, work with suppliers and first purchases, ongoing advertising campaign.


The most profitable form in order to open a children's clothing store is an individual entrepreneur.

The procedure itself is quite simple and does not require a lot of paperwork.

You will also be able to pay a single tax on temporary income (UTII).

Also, since you are registering a trade enterprise, you will have to enter your store in the trade register and obtain permission from the Chamber of Commerce in your city and follow its rules, which you will be introduced to.

The registration procedure also includes obtaining the conclusion of the Fire Service and Rospotrebnadzor, which allow the operation of your premises.


If you want to build a customer base as quickly as possible, carefully choose the premises for your children's clothing store.

The best location is in the market, in a shopping center, not far from children's institutions: kindergartens, schools, parks, clinics, libraries, creative centers, etc.

If you don't have a big start-up capital, then you can limit yourself to a minimum area: 25–30 sq. m.

If you want the children's clothing store to house not only a trading floor with fitting rooms and a workplace for sellers, but also a bathroom, an office and a warehouse, then you will have to rent from 50 square meters or more.

Since your customers are children, try to create a bright and interesting interior of the trading floor to interest them in visiting your store.

More sunny colors: yellow, orange, red, green, azure, etc.

You can use images of fairy-tale or cartoon characters in the interior.


Opening a children's clothing store does not require expensive retail equipment.

It is enough to purchase a cash register, hangers and racks, fasteners, curtains and a mirror for a fitting room, a couple of mannequins, a rack and shelves.

Item of expensesAmount (in rubles)
Total:RUB 155,000
Racks and shelves
30 000
Showcase for accessories
7 000
Racks and hangers
20 000
Fasteners and curtains for fitting room
10 000
Mirror in fitting room
5 000
Mannequins10 000
Cash register
10 000
Computer or laptop
20 000
10 000
Other33 000

And you also need to equip:

Item of expensesAmount (in rubles)
Total:85 000 rub.
Trading place of the seller (rack, chair, cash desk)
20 000
Service bathroom
15 000
Service room (lockers, table, chairs, etc.)
50 000


The children's clothing store must be open seven days a week. Only in this case you will be able to get the maximum profit.

You need to form two shifts (salesperson + cleaning lady) who would work 2/2 or 3/3 days.

If you want to open a store with a total area of ​​at least 50 square meters, then it is better to take two sellers to change, otherwise it will be difficult for one to cope with a large flow of customers. Hire people who are good with children.

Your employees should be not just sellers, but also animators, psychologists, good fairies.

If you are ready to deal with accounting and administrative issues yourself, then you can not hire anyone else.

Otherwise, look for an administrator (manager) who would be able to keep accounts.

Please note that such a universal specialist will have to pay a lot.

Or you can entrust bookkeeping to an outsourcing company.

The minimum cost for staff salaries will be as follows:


You can work both with domestic and foreign (for example, Cheerful Kid) and foreign (Chinese, Turkish, German, Polish) manufacturers.

The main thing is that the goods purchased from them should not be too expensive after the extra charge you set and be of good quality.

Work with those suppliers who can provide you with a quality certificate.

Since your business is selling clothes to children, any parent will want the item they buy to be safe for the child and not contain materials that can harm the health of the little treasure.

A surge in the birth rate after the early 2000s led to an increased demand for children's clothing. This area of ​​business activity is special: since children's wardrobe needs to be updated annually, even in times of crisis, this business area will be promising and profitable.

The first thing you need to pay attention to when organizing a business in the field of selling children's clothing is format of the future enterprise. There are a number of possible commercial projects, and which one will be more profitable in this case, you need to take into account after conducting a certain marketing research and finding out the current balance of supply and demand.

The most budget option would be to open second-hand children's clothes. Many low-income families turn to secondary market stores. There is always a demand for such things, however, the issue of proper sanitation of the goods will be important. But, this issue is solved quite simply, now there are large enterprises engaged in such wholesale, the cleanliness of things for them is an important condition for working with partners. Therefore, they strictly monitor and perform sanitization of all things.

popular today and sale (stock) hall format. In such a store, you can buy new, but high-quality stock or confiscated items at affordable prices.

Citizens with incomes above average are happy to buy clothes for their children in brand stores and even boutiques. Their prices are much higher than average, while customers are offered not only high-quality, but also exclusive goods. The relevance of such stores will help to find out a preliminary marketing study of the market.

If there is little finance, you can consider the possibility of opening a business on children's things in the format online store of children's clothing or organize Joint purchases specializing in children's products. Moms are perfect target audience, which is easiest to work with, since it is already prepared.

Stages of starting a children's clothing business

Regardless of the chosen sales format, one of the main conditions for establishing a clothing store will be tax registration business. There will be two main options: to obtain the status of an individual entrepreneur and open a legal entity - LLC.

Both organizational forms have individual advantages and disadvantages. An individual entrepreneur will be an easier option in registering a business and conducting regular reporting, however, an LLC provides more opportunities. The term for registering an individual entrepreneur is minimal, it is no more than three working days, an LLC will have to be registered a little longer.

For most clothing stores, no more licenses or permits are required. The only thing the owner needs to do before opening a children's clothing store is to notify Rospotrebnazdor by submitting a notification to this body.

  • UTII, which allows you to pay tax once a quarter, regardless of the company's profits. The size of the tax determines the area of ​​the store;
  • STS, in which the tax is determined by the level of income of the enterprise and is usually 6%;
  • PSN - suitable for individual entrepreneurs and provides for the payment of the cost of the patent.

Since the clothing trade is a risky type of business, you should consider methods for accounting for goods. Documentation of all incoming and outgoing transactions will allow not only to compile statistics and understand the level of demand, but also to control the assortment. To do this, you need to keep records of invoices, waybills received upon delivery of goods, conduct a regular inventory, counting the entire range.

To avoid theft among employees, you need to conclude an agreement with the seller, who acts as a cashier, about liability, which he will bear and pay for the shortage if it is allowed.

An important point in the future business of renting will be the equipment of the retail space. The store must be equipped with all the necessary furniture for placing goods, a buyer's corner, as well as appliances, including a cash register, a payment card terminal and an alarm system. It is better to entrust the drafting of such an agreement to a lawyer in order to prevent its possible contestation by an employee.

Even at the stage of preparing the store for opening, it is imperative to obtain permission from the fire and sanitary services, you should also conclude an agreement with specialized companies for garbage collection.

Thus, the question of how to open a children's clothing store is solved in several aspects at once: economic, legal and some others. With a comprehensive approach to the establishment of such an enterprise, significant success can be achieved in this business.

The choice of product content for a business on children's clothing

After organizational moments a natural question arises - what kind of goods to fill your store? This issue is easily solved if you have experience. If not, then here are some tips to help you organize your business the right way.

  • Do not try to cover all age groups of products. You will not be able to satisfy the entire volume of demand and will lose customers, including due to distrust - the store format is "goods for all ages". Focus on products that are in demand by specific age groups. For example, offer products for children from 1 to 3 years old. This will provide you with a wider product selection and customer loyalty to your store will be higher.
  • There are three groups of goods - cheap, medium price segment and expensive. Ideally, focus on one commodity group. But, in reality, you usually have to cover two neighboring directions. Cheap and average. Average and expensive. This way you offer an alternative choice to your customers and increase sales. Buyers usually buy cheap goods incidentally and spontaneously, seduced by the price. But, do not make a strong price contrast, the price should attract, not scare away. So a very high price against the background of cheap goods will be a deterrent. And vice versa. Having bought expensive things, the client is “afraid” to buy extremely cheap ones.

Children's clothing is always in demand, especially now, with the increase in the birth rate in our country. A children's goods store is a profitable enterprise, regardless of the change of seasons or sizes. locality where the store is to be opened. How to open a children's clothing store from scratch: what to look for when choosing a premises, what should be the assortment, how to cooperate with suppliers, how to legally register an enterprise and how much money is needed to start a business - we will consider all these and some other questions in detail.

Store Format

Stores selling clothes for children from 0 to 15 years old are considered children's stores. But it is not necessary that your newly opened store has the entire set. necessary items clothes for all children's ages. You can specialize in one age group, or choose one direction of children's clothing. And you can combine several directions. In any case, it will be easier to start with something, one, and only then, as the store develops, add something new.

The main directions of stores:

  • Children's clothing for any age.
  • Shop of clothes and accessories for newborns and babies.
  • Clothing for children of primary school age.
  • Clothes for schoolchildren.
  • School uniform.
  • Clothing store for teenagers.
  • Children's sports clothing store.
  • Festive and carnival clothes for children.
  • Clothes for girls.
  • Clothes for boys.

Collection and analysis of information

Before opening a children's clothing store, you need to figure out how many such stores already exist in your city or district, where they are located, how they are equipped, what their assortment is and whether they satisfy all the needs of customers. It is necessary to communicate with parents, to study this issue on the Internet, on mothers' forums. Find out what is missing, what else parents want to see in children's clothing stores, what they are dissatisfied with. If you are a parent yourself, it will be easier for you to understand these issues.

Good step taken before opening own business– work for some time in a children's clothing store as a salesperson or administrator. This will help you see the business from the inside, understand the intricacies and nuances and understand whether you have the desire and ability to do this. This is especially useful if you do not have any free money of your own and you are planning to take out a loan. A close acquaintance with the business will help you not to fail, and, therefore, to pay off the loan and make a profit.

There is a lot of competition among children's clothing stores, so you need to have a good understanding of how to attract customers. You may be able to find inexpensive suppliers and attract buyers with lower prices than your competitors. Or you will have exclusive clothes, one that you will not find in every store. Or the interior and atmosphere of your store will be different from others like it and attract the attention of young buyers and their parents.

Fashion is an important part of your business. In children's clothing, as well as in clothing for adults, there are fashion trends. You need to be aware of all the latest news and fashion trends for children in order to predict demand and offer those products in your store that will sell well.

Shop space

The size of the room may be different, it depends on your capabilities and the needs of the population in this particular case. You can start with a store of 20-30 square meters, but still the optimal size is at least 50 square meters. m. After all, you will need to place fitting rooms, hang the goods so that it is clearly visible and easy to reach and leave room for customers so that when several people are present in the store, there is no crowding.

Now - about the location. It would be very good to open a children's goods store in the immediate vicinity of any children's institutions: a children's clinic, a school, kindergarten, a creative home or a child development center. Good location in malls, close to stores in other directions or in large shopping centers.

The choice of a place for a store must be approached with all care, because the attendance of your store and, accordingly, your profit depends on the place.

Legal registration

Most often, the owners of small clothing stores, including children's,. This is a convenient form as it does not require complex tax reporting. You can handle this quite well on your own.

In addition, you can choose special mode taxation - imputed tax, which does not depend on the turnover and profits. This tax is called It will be calculated according to the physical characteristics of your store: size, equipment, number of employees.

Additionally, you will need to enter your store in the unified trade register and obtain a certificate of this, the validity of which is three years.

In addition, if you open a store in a space that has not been designed as a retail space, you will have to do it yourself - get permission to trading activity from the Trade Department of your city, as well as the conclusions from the Fire Department and Rospotrebnadzor.

The trade department monitors the strict implementation of the "Rules of trade certain types goods” in terms of equipment and equipment of the store. Rospotrebnadzor checks compliance with the Sanitary Rules reflected in the PLC - a laboratory control program that is created on the basis of SanPiN and GOSTs. The fire department is guided by federal law dated December 21, 1994 No. 69-FZ “On fire safety» when issuing a permit to open a store.

If you rent a premise for a store in a shopping center, then the administration of the center is responsible for compliance with and registration of all these standards.

Store assortment

You must take care of a diverse assortment and the availability of a size range for each type of product.

Experienced businessmen in this area say that it is easiest to find the right assortment for newborns and infants. This segment is the least influenced by fashion and the basic set of clothing items has remained unchanged for decades. Here you need to pay attention to the naturalness of materials, good design and compliance with price and quality.

When choosing clothes for kindergarteners, you need to pay special attention to durability and wear, as well as comfort and beauty. Boys at this age are less concerned about what they will wear, but girls, like their mothers, are very fond of beautiful fluffy skirts and dresses. They must be present in your store.

Older children themselves take an active part in choosing clothes, so you need to take into account fashion trends and the wishes of the younger generation to a greater extent. School-age children often like adult-like clothing, but it still needs to be comfortable and child-friendly.

Your suppliers

The main manufacturers of children's clothing on the Russian market are Russia, China, Turkey and Poland. Moreover, in recent years, a significant expansion of the influence of Russian manufacturers has been noticeable. Of these, the most popular are: Cheerful Kid, Leo, Artel and Dioli.

Advantages of Russian manufacturers: high quality goods (factories work according to GOSTs), reasonable price, convenient and simple ordering system, the ability to additionally order running sizes and models. Highly important point- Russian goods have the entire package of documents necessary for the sale, you do not have to worry about it. And, most importantly, Russian manufacturers instill confidence in customers. Often parents are happy to buy Russian clothes for their kids, not imported ones.

As for foreign manufacturers of children's clothing, they can sometimes offer very low prices(this is especially true for China), but the quality of the goods will also be low. Our consumers are already fed up with cheap products and are suspicious of the cheapness of Chinese goods.

On the other hand, imported garments can diversify your assortment, you can find things from foreign manufacturers that are not available from domestic ones. You can contact the representatives of the manufacturers you like personally or order imported (as well as domestic) children's clothing via the Internet.

Store decoration

This issue should be given the greatest possible attention and resources. The choice is now large, there are many stores and buyers are spoiled. They will pass by a dull store with unattractive merchandise. Therefore, make sure that your store is decorated brightly and beautifully, and the goods look like they want to buy it.

You are opening a children's store, so the design should be appropriate - cheerful, bright, with elements of a game and a fairy tale. If possible, hire a designer who will develop an interesting and original design project for your store. If this is not possible, use your own imagination. Place drawings of fairy-tale characters and heroes of popular cartoons on the walls, organize a children's corner with a small sofa and a table for drawing, hang a TV in a conspicuous place where cartoons will go on continuously - and the kids will be happy. And along with them, their parents. Usually children, especially small ones, do not really like to try on clothes for a long time. If you have something in your store that will attract and hold their attention, parents will be grateful to you and will return to you again and again.

Pay attention to lighting - bright colored light bulbs not only attract attention, but make your product attractive.

Display mannequins in the window and regularly update their appearance - it has been noticed that this attracts the attention of potential buyers to a large extent. It is good if you have at least two fitting rooms, and they are spacious enough to accommodate a parent and child. In the fitting room, there must be a chair or ottoman, a large number of hooks and hangers and full-length mirrors, located in a way that is convenient for children.

All items of clothing in your store should be laid out and hung so that they are easy to reach. On the walls you can place panels with clothes hangers, and in the free space - the so-called island equipment, around which it is convenient to move around, choosing clothes.


To find good sellers It's not easy, but you have to try. Service in your store should always be polite and friendly. But unobtrusive. The seller must necessarily offer a blouse if the buyer has chosen trousers or a skirt, but he must also remember that the buyer can refuse.

A children's goods store should be staffed by people who love children and know how to find a common language with them. It may take a lot of patience, because the child can be capricious and stubborn.

Typically, two or four sales assistants are hired to work in such stores, who work in shifts, one or two, respectively. There may also be an administrator on staff who will coordinate the work of the store. Perhaps you yourself, as the owner, would like to take over this function.

Children's clothing store business plan

Approximate calculations for a children's clothing store specializing in clothing for school-age children. Shop area - 50 sq.m. Located in a large shopping center.

The rent is 50,000 rubles per month.


  • Decoration and lighting costs (without repair) - 50,000.
  • Island equipment, 3 sections - 30,000.
  • Wall panels with hooks, hangers and hangers - 40,000.
  • Fitting rooms with mirrors — 2 pcs. - 20,000.
  • Mannequins - 10,000.
  • Signboard - 5,000.
  • Cash register - 30,000.
  • Children's mini-corner (table and two chairs) - 5,000.
  • Total for equipment 240,000.

In addition, transportation costs - 10,000 per month.

Funds for the purchase of goods - 500,000.

The average profit per month of work is 100,000 - 120,000 rubles.

Advertising and promotion

A prominent sign and a well-designed display window are often enough to grab the attention of shoppers.

But in order for them to stay with you and want to come back to your store, you need to try. The quality of the goods must be high, prices must be competitive, sellers must meet customers with a smile, but not be overly active and not interfere with choosing goods on their own.

Be sure to issue discount cards to regular customers - this is an effective measure to create your own constant flow of customers. AT recent times there was a trend to give customers additional discounts on the birthday of the child. This also makes sense, as it binds customers to you even more.

When issuing discount cards ask buyers to fill out a short questionnaire and provide their email address and phone number. Then you will be able to inform your regular customers about your promotions, discounts, new product arrivals. For all holidays arrange promotions and give additional discounts.

Trade in children's things- business profitable, with a constant turnover. Children grow up quickly and need regular wardrobe replenishment. Most parents try to dress up their baby in new clothes, so it is extremely beneficial to provide the buyer with this type of product. main feature children's manufactured goods industry in the price level.

The right choice of a cost guide allows you to gain a foothold in a certain niche in the market, have a constant flow of customers and successfully fight competitors. So, the first thing to do when deciding to sell children's clothing is to determine which target audience you will provide with the goods. There are 3 options:

  1. Cheap clothes.
  2. Clothing for the middle class.
  3. Luxury goods.

Each of these categories has its own customers and can be profitable, since the incomes and interests of the population are different. Someone tries to save money by choosing cheap clothes, others are financially secure and prefer to buy expensive things for their baby, not thinking that in six months or a year the child will grow out of them. Experts suggest that beginners take a closer look at the middle class. With this category of products, there is the least risk of "burnout". People with average incomes quite consistently buy new things of good quality for their children at an average price. In addition, according to statistics, they make such purchases more often than others.

You should familiarize yourself with children's fashion, make a list of the most popular products, study the size table. In clothes, not only height is important, but also completeness, since children are different. The store needs to provide variety not only in models, but also in sizes. This will allow you to have things for kids with different physical data, that is, to cover a larger number of interested buyers. Information about current products can be found in magazines, on websites, in outlets with similar products.

The assortment should be varied, including not only clothes, but also underwear.

Subsequently, it will be possible to add shoes, accessories, children's gadgets, toys. Having come to the store for a dress or a shirt for a child, parents, looking at the rest of the goods, will definitely remember the tights, panties or socks that should be bribed. Seasonality must also be taken into account and part of the proceeds should be left for the purchase of new consignments of goods, in accordance with seasonal demand.

Investment size

Step-by-step instruction

Your store should be located near a public transport stop and convenient parking for cars. The location near children's institutions will give an additional advantage in the fight for attendance, but these should not be entertainment establishments (circus, children's theater, entertainment center). People go to these places to have fun, and in most cases for a fee. The money already spent there will stop parents from thinking about buying more clothes. They will consider that they have spent enough on their child today.

With separate buildings rented as a store, it is advisable to break flower beds, install benches, put a large figure of a cartoon character at the entrance, that is, create comfortable conditions and aesthetic appeal. Don't forget the ramp or concrete driveway at the entrance, because many parents will arrive with strollers.

If you decide to rent a boutique in a mall, try to choose a shopping center that is already familiar to the buyer, otherwise there is a risk that this object of trade will not be promoted and the buyer will not come. Ideal fit shopping center where they mainly sell clothes for adults and children. People go there to buy clothes. For a children's clothing store, the right place is of great importance, since these products, although very popular, do not belong to the category of essential goods.

It is very important to properly design the facade of the store. The sign and the color scheme of the design should be bright enough and correspond to the theme of childhood. They are designed to form in adults associations associated with children, causing tenderness, responsibility, care, love - the feelings that they experience for their babies. At the same time, the interior design should be in soothing colors so as not to distract the attention of buyers from the goods.


When opening a children's clothing store, you can act as an LLC or an individual entrepreneur. We are talking about a retail store, that is, interacting with individuals. In this case, registration of individual entrepreneurship is more profitable, since you can switch to a simplified version of paying taxes. This will help reduce tax collection and reduce the amount of paperwork required. Having issued an IP, you need to think about the type of tax regime under which your company will operate. For retail 3 types of children's clothing are suitable:

  • UTII - a single tax is perfect for not large area up to 30 sq. meters, where no more than 2 sellers work. A cash register is optional, you can limit yourself to issuing sales receipts.
  • PSN - the purchase of a patent will be appropriate for a store up to 50 sq. meters. A cash register is not required now, NIM is sufficient, however, by 2018, an online cash register may be required.
  • STS (6% of profit) - used for retail space large area with a large staff.

An additional plus in the eyes of buyers will give acquiring, that is, acceptance for payment bank cards. However, in this case, you will need a cash register that prints out the range of goods with the price, discount and cost of each item separately. Product certification is required. However, if you are not a manufacturer of goods, certificates must be required from suppliers. Availability from sellers medical books is also necessary.

Opening checklist

Is it profitable to open

The markup on the children's assortment is much higher than on the adult one: 100-200%. The demand for clothes for children is determined by the fact that kids grow up quickly, and the wardrobe has to be updated. This contributes to a profitability of 15% of the store's turnover. Such profit corresponds to the average level of profitability, therefore, a business based on the sale of children's clothing can be called profitable and stable.