Car wash layout. Sample typical car wash business plan

If you are going to open a car wash, first of all you need to analyze the market, plan the work of the future business and calculate the necessary financial investments.

We offer you a brief car wash business plan with calculations, calculated, as of 2017, for starting investment $36,900.

The goal of the project: opening a manual contactless car wash for two posts.

Consumer audience: the main customers will be the middle class and private entrepreneurs.

Working hours: from 8:00 to 23:00 seven days a week.

Required investment: $36,900.

Monthly net income: from $1,150 to $8,000.

Payback: 8 to 10 months.

Goals and objectives

The goal of the project is to create a modern manual car wash that provides customers with quality and affordable services. The enterprise will provide its founders, as well as staff stable income. Through direct cooperation with suppliers, as well as effective use the latest equipment, the company will be able to provide services at affordable and competitive prices. Due to the high service and quality of services in the medium term, the company will form a base of permanent loyal customers.


Providing car owners with comprehensive cleaning services:

  • Contactless car body, wheel and underbody washing,
  • polishing,
  • engine wash,
  • Interior and trunk cleaning.

Market analysis

The constant increase in the number of cars on the roads indicates an increase in demand for car washes. There are automatic portal and tunnel type car washes on the market, as well as manual ones. The services of manual touchless car washes are in the highest demand, especially in 2017.

There is a rather strong seasonal factor in this business. In summer and winter, demand for services is low, while in spring and autumn it is high.

During periods of maximum demand, there are queues in front of car washes. This suggests that the competition is not very high and the market is not yet fully saturated.

Marketing plan

The car wash will be located in a residential area near the service station and parking lot, which will help attract a steady flow of customers.

To increase the number of customers and increase loyalty, the following promotions are planned:

  • Sale of subscriptions for 10, 20 and 50 washes,
  • Every tenth wash for 50% of the cost,
  • Comprehensive service at a discount.

Production plan

To organize the work of the enterprise, you will need to issue a package of documents:

  1. Certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC, on registration with the tax office,
  2. Agreed and approved car wash project,
  3. Lease agreement for land and premises,
  4. Contract for connection to electric networks,
  5. Contract for the purchase of water or for connection to water networks,
  6. Contract for the disposal of used water, municipal solid waste, dry residue from the activities of a car wash.

To minimize the initial investment, the premises and land for organizing a car wash will be leased. The total area of ​​the premises is 80 square meters. meters. The premises will be re-equipped: repairs have been made, water and drains have been connected.

All equipment, auto chemicals and consumables will be purchased from the official regional dealer of the manufacturer.


The car wash will require 4 people working in two shifts, as well as a cashier-accountant. Monthly salary expenses will be $4,200.

Required Resources

As mentioned earlier, opening a car wash will require an investment of at least $36,900. The source of financing will be the investments of personal funds of the founders of the enterprise. It is not planned to attract credit funds at the initial stage. The land plot and premises will be leased for 10 years.

Financial plan and risk analysis

The initial investment for opening a car wash is $36,900:

  • One-time investment $28 900
  • Expenses for the first month of work $ 8,000

The car wash will be open seven days a week, seven days a week, from 8:00 to 23:00.

The average check at the car wash is $10.

Accordingly, the estimated revenue for the month of work is 1,320 * 10 = $ 13,200.

Profit before taxes will be 13,200-8,000=$5,200.

The average net income after taxes is about $4,550.

The number of cars will fluctuate depending on the season and the figures may deviate from the average by 30%. Monthly net profit - from $1,150 to $8,000.

Return on investment - from 8 to 10 months.

RisksGradeCharacteristics and solutions
Poor car wash locationHigh

A detailed analysis of the terrain, traffic flows and nearby competitors will help you avoid the wrong choice of location.

Problems with regulatory authoritiesMedium

To minimize the occurrence possible problems with public services, the enterprise will cooperate and draw up all permits with the help of a professional law firm.

Equipment breakdownMedium

All equipment will have a warranty period and undergo periodic technical control. In the event of a breakdown, all equipment will be repaired at the manufacturer's service center.

Shortage of qualified personnelLow

Competitive salaries will be offered to attract experienced professionals. Car washers without experience will be trained.


We hope that this car wash business plan, with our calculations relevant for 2017, was useful to you and was able to answer key questions.

Despite all the difficulties associated with the organization and execution of permits, this business is attractive for its high profitability and quick return on investment.

Approximate data:

  • Monthly income - from 210,000 or 165,000 rubles.
  • Net profit - from 39,100 or 28,475 rubles.
  • Initial costs - from 728,800 rubles.
  • Payback - from 1 year 9 months.
This business plan, like all others in the section, contains calculations of average prices, which may differ in your case. Therefore, we recommend that you make calculations for your business individually.

In this article, we will draw up a detailed business plan for a small stationary car wash with calculations.

The car wash renders services in a car wash, its polishing, chemical interior cleaning, engine washing. Please note that the work will be carried out by people, this is not an automated car wash. But for work will be used professional equipment, allowing you to get the job done faster than usual. It will be a relatively small car wash.

In general, a car wash, as a business, is considered only by those who have their own premises under this activity Or is it possible to build it on your own land. Then this business is profitable. If you rent a room, it turns out to be less profitable, and it’s not easy to find such a room. Nevertheless, to draw up this business plan, we considered the option of renting a room.

Market analysis

Market analysis of this industry was covered in. I would like to dwell on the consideration of competitors and methods of dealing with them.

The main competition will be large, well-known throughout the city enterprises. Thankfully, there are few. The main methods of dealing with them are more profitable offers, promotions, discounts, quality services, their availability. Advertising will also be an important factor. A well-planned business always starts with the development of an advertising campaign.

Small car washes will not cause much harm. If they are far away from our location, they will not have any effect at all. But with those car washes that are located nearby, you will have to compete. Here the main tool of struggle will be advertising. You have to spend a lot of money on outdoor advertising. Moreover, it will be not only signs, but also various signs and posters. It is very important to think over stocks, and change the price in accordance with seasonal demand. Such flexibility will allow you to stay in the black even in times of calm, luring more and more new customers to you.

If speak about potential buyers , then it will be people with cars, of course. Mostly men between the ages of 20 and 55. Such a contingent prefers the quality of service; consumers in this segment do not pay much attention to interior decoration. Incomes of potential buyers are average and above average. Citizens with low income, as a rule, carry out car washing on their own.

Women also use car washes. They pay attention to appearance employees, their grooming, the presence of signs. Today, women behind the wheel are much “younger”. It is worth focusing on ladies aged 20-45 with medium and high incomes.

SWOT analysis

When opening your own manual car wash, you need to do a thorough research. It is worth resorting to a SWOT analysis. This technique allows you to study the business comprehensively, point out the shortcomings and opportunities.

It is customary to divide factors into external and internal. The former cannot be influenced or changed. These include:

  1. Opportunities:
  • An increase in the number of cars and, as a result, an increase in the number potential clients, demand for the service.
  • Income growth.
  • Reducing the level of competition.
  • Free market entry, no barriers.
  • The possibility of opening an adjacent business (car service, for example).
  • Provision of related services.
  • Sale of spare parts, car care products and more.
  1. Threats:
  • The growth of competition.
  • Increasing the tax burden.
  • Legislative changes (eg reintroduction of licensing).
  • Reduced demand due to the economic downturn and less purchasing power.
  • Forced move to a new location.
  • The need to comply with the requirements of the SES (especially those related to water and maintenance of the premises).
  • Seasonality of business, a sharp decline in income as a result.

Internal factors can be changed, work on shortcomings, eliminate them. BUT strengths use it to your advantage, increase their influence. TO internal factors include:

  1. Strengths:
  • Relatively low level of competition in the selected territory.
  • Favorable location.
  • Opportunity to hire experienced workers.
  • Search for favorable conditions for renting premises.
  • Low costs for the provision of services (especially raw materials).
  • Acceptability and affordability of prices for customers.
  • It is possible to change the cost of the service.
  • Low follow-up costs.
  • Almost all costs are directly related to the volume of work, which reduces possible losses to a minimum.
  1. Weak sides:
  • Lack of experience in this area.
  • Lack of regular customers.
  • Zero business reputation organizations.
  • Limited demand is due to the area of ​​the leased premises.
  • Working with water is the need for constant cleaning, maintaining cleanliness, which is very difficult under these conditions.
  • Unprofessionalism of employees.
  • Lack of training courses, training of specialists.
  • Lack of motivation among employees.
  • Quite a long and serious stage of preparation of the premises.

All this must be taken into account when opening your own car wash.

Opportunity Assessment

In this type of business, the greatest demand falls on the spring-autumn period. Calm is observed in the cold season. But this does not mean that people do not use car wash services at all. They just do it a little less often. During such a period, it makes sense to reduce the cost of the services provided, increase the cost of advertising, make it more aimed at the "casual" consumer.

Our manual car wash will operate according to the following schedule:

Total: 79 hours per week and 338 hours per month.

It takes specialists to get the job done. There will be 2 teams, each consisting of 2 people. The senior is responsible for working with clients, that is, making calculations and accepting payments. At the end of the working day, the premises are cleaned with the help of hand washes by both workers. They will work 2 through 2 to achieve greater efficiency and good rest between working days.

You do not need a secretary or administrator to work. In fact, the senior in the team will be the administrator, and there is no need to receive phone calls - specialists will work on the spot. If it is necessary to receive calls for recording, then it is advisable to plant an administrator, who may also be the entrepreneur himself.

As such, there is no need to develop your own website either. Unless you can limit yourself to a business card site or a group in social networks, which can be maintained by the entrepreneur himself, adding information about ongoing promotions, discounts, offers, prices.

An accountant is also optional for an entrepreneur. You can either use the services of specialized companies, or. Moreover, today there are many auxiliary services for work and reporting directly via the Internet.

Organizational and legal aspects

  1. Registration of own company. It can be an individual entrepreneur or an LLC. Costs for self-registration will amount to 800 rubles (payment of state duty). The OKVED code will be 20.3 - Provision of other types of services for maintenance auto Vehicle . This code is valid for 2016 as well.
  2. An entrepreneur can choose the simplified tax system or UTII. In the second case, two options are possible - STS "Income" 6% or STS "Income minus expenses" 6-15% (the rate is determined depending on the region).
  3. If you need to accept payment from a customer bank cards, then .
  4. The order of Rospotrebnadzor No. 776 dated November 21, 2005 (paragraph 19) indicates the documents required to obtain a free economic zone.
  5. Car wash services do not have to be certified. This is purely voluntary.
  6. When purchasing the necessary equipment, you need to take care of the availability of documents that will greatly simplify the opening of the sink. This includes an agreement on ecology "Environmental Protection", a license, certificates, a standard expert opinion.
  7. It is important to comply with all sanitary and fire regulations. This will make it easier to obtain the appropriate permits.
  8. When using KKM, its registration is required before the work of the organization begins.
  9. It is worth acquiring an agreement with the appropriate company for the removal of municipal solid waste. Cleaning the surrounding area in this case is not required. get dirty Environment will not be, all work will be carried out indoors (a large garage, fenced on all sides and preventing water and dirt from entering the external environment).
  10. There must be a contract for the provision utilities(electricity, water).
  11. The lease agreement must be official!

The success of a car wash is half (if not more) dependent on the right job choice. Most often, the owners locate their car washes near the entrances to the city, highways, near major city roads, border posts. Such places are very successful. After all, we must not forget that almost all clients will be “random”, in this type of business it is quite difficult to form your own client base. But this needs to be worked on.

It is worth thinking about the size of the room. In our case, 2 cars can be serviced at the same time. Therefore, it will be necessary to equip 2 workplaces. It is possible to rent a slightly larger space, which will provide the possibility of future expansion.

Marketing plan

Price policy:

It makes no sense to underestimate the cost in the "season". People use the services of car washes here and now. Almost none of them compare prices, but visit the one that is on the way. But in the cold season, you can reduce the cost, but at the same time advertise throughout the city, offer promotions, discounts, favorable conditions.

The high level of competition in this type of business necessitates the use of advertising, and a lot of money will have to be spent on this.

The main types of really "working" advertising should include ( don't forget its quality!):

  • Use of billboards. They should be as informative and vivid as possible, memorable.
  • Placement of information at the nearest petrol stations. The method is relatively cheap, but very effective.
  • It is worth considering promotions. For example, “Only today you get interior cleaning with a 50% discount if you wash your car with us!”.
  • Distribution of business cards. You don’t need to get hung up on this, but it’s better to distribute it to customers who have already come to you so that they visit the car wash again.
  • Placement of signpost. This is especially true when placed near the highway or near large supermarket. Such a shield should be colorful, catchy, rather large.
  • You can think about providing your customers with a corner for leisure activities, free tea, coffee (it will be especially important in winter, when any visitor would not mind warming up).

Calculation of projected income

We will make the calculation for winter time and the rest of the period separately.

Production plan

We have already spoken about the location of the premises. It is worth choosing a garage in a suitable place. The ideal option would be if it has already been prepared for the car wash.

It is very important to establish a system for the supply of water, its subsequent filtration, purification, and output. All this costs a lot. We must not forget that the operation of filters is possible at a temperature not lower than +5 degrees. This means that you need to take care of the heating of the room. All this will be included in the refurbishment. But if you have a central water supply, then filters are not needed.

The necessary devices include tools such as vacuum cleaners, hand washes (often from Karcher), compressor units, and more. Do not forget that we equip 2 workplaces.

The work of specialists was mentioned above. Their income will be formed as follows:

  1. Brigadier - 33% of the shift revenue.
  2. Assistant foreman - 27% of the shift revenue.

Interest includes taxes and insurance premiums.

organizational plan

Financial plan

Period December January February Other months
Monthly income 210 000 rubles 227 500 rubles
Rent 15 000 rubles 15 000 rubles
Advertising 4 500 rubles 5 000 rubles
Wage 90 000 rubles 95 000 rubles
Purchase detergents and necessary accessories 2 500 rubles 3 000 rubles
Communal payments 5 000 rubles 5 000 rubles
Taxes, insurance premiums (approx.) 45 000 rubles 48 000 rubles
Total: 162,000 rubles 171,000 rubles
Net profit 48 000 rubles 56 500 rubles
Profitability 17,2% 18,6%

Payback: 21 months, that is, 1 year and 9 months. We remind you that with your own premises, the payback will come faster.


The main risks will be:

  • High SES requirements, fines. Possible losses can be eliminated by following all the necessary standards.
  • High level of competition. Offering a quality service, carrying out a serious advertising policy. Clientele development (although it is difficult).
  • Wrong choice of location. It is necessary to conduct a geomarketing study before starting work, which will help you choose the most advantageous place for a car wash.
  • Unqualified personnel. It is important to engage in careful selection of candidates, conduct a kind of training, take on probation. You can motivate employees salary(actually, as in our example).
  • Force majeure. This can include equipment failure and possible natural disasters. In the first case, it is necessary to check the equipment in time, repair it and re-equip the car wash, which will reduce the risk of breakdowns to a minimum. The second factor is related to weather conditions, here it is already important to strengthen your own car wash, isolate it from the effects of external manifestations. This can also include pipe breaks and temporary shutdowns of water. Here, unfortunately, it is almost impossible to protect yourself. The water reserves in this in large numbers do not work. Yes, and it will take up a huge amount of space.

Important: Remember that you can write a business plan for your business on your own. To do this, read the articles:

Last request: We are all human and we can make mistakes, ignore something, etc. Do not judge strictly if this business plan or others in the section seem incomplete to you. If you have experience in this or that activity or you see a defect and can supplement the article, please let us know in the comments! Only in this way can we jointly make business plans more complete, detailed and relevant. Thank you for your attention!

  • Project description
  • Description of products and services
  • Production plan
  • Recruitment
  • Financial plan
  • What equipment to choose
        • Similar business ideas:

We bring to your attention typical business plan(feasibility study) of opening a car wash. This business plan can serve as an example for obtaining a loan from a bank, state support or attracting private investment.

An example of a business plan for opening a small car wash for two posts. It can be used both for personal justification of the expediency of investing in a business, and for attracting financial resources private investor.

Project description

The aim of the project is to organize a car wash in the city of N. The project involves the provision of a car wash service, incl. cleaning of the hull, wheels, bottom, polishing of the body, as well as cleaning and dry cleaning of the interior.

How much money do you need to open a car wash

To implement the project, it is planned to attract investments in the amount of 2.1 million rubles. Them them own funds will amount to 300 thousand rubles, and 1.8 million rubles - credit funds. Economic indicators of the project implementation:

  • Net profit per year = 989,406 rubles;
  • Return on sales = 38.5%;
  • Payback of the project = 25 months.

Estimated starting costs:

What taxation system to choose for opening a car wash

The organizational and legal form of the organization will be individual entrepreneurship. Project initiator - Ivanov I.I.

As a tax regime, a simplified taxation system will be applied, 15% of the company's profit.

Currently started Practical activities for project implementation:

  1. Registration of individual entrepreneurship in the Federal Tax Service;
  2. A lease agreement was concluded for a municipal land plot for the placement of a one-station mobile car wash with an area of ​​80m2. Rental price - 10,000 rubles per month;
  3. A preliminary search was made for a company supplying turnkey modular (mobile) car washes.

The organization will include 5 people: an administrator and four car washers.

Description of products and services

Consider the main services that our organization will provide:

1. Car body wash. Includes body wash and rims. Will be provided by two washers within 10 minutes. average cost services - 250 rubles;

2. Car interior cleaning. AT this service will include wiping the windows, cleaning the fabric and leather surfaces of the interior, cleaning dust and debris (vacuum cleaner). The average cost of the service is 300 rubles;

3. Interior chemical cleaning. This service includes cleaning of seats, floor, ceiling, doors, seat belts, plastic. The average cost of the service is 1000 rubles;

4. Polishing services. This includes bodywork with liquid wax, polishing the body with polish, polishing the front panel and plastic, etc. The average cost of the service is 400 rubles;

5. Additional services. These are services such as cleaning disks, blackening wheels, processing locks, removing traces of insects, etc. The average check for these services is 100 rubles.

It is planned to establish an operating mode from 10:00 to 20:00.

The share of each service in the total volume of services provided is presented in the form of a diagram:

Download car wash business plan

Step by step plan to open a car wash

In our country, the number of car owners is growing from year to year, and the demand for car wash services is growing accordingly. The number of middle class people who are the main customers of car washes is also growing. These are mostly middle managers and entrepreneurs.

Our car wash will be located in close proximity to a gas station with a large flow of cars. This is a very good location, so the organization does not need additional advertising. The population of the area where our car wash will be located is about 30 thousand people.

The closest competitors are at a respectful distance. There is no such object within a radius of 500 meters.

The presence of two boxes for washing a car will allow you to avoid a long queue and, accordingly, exclude the possibility of a client leaving for the nearest competitor. Let's move on to calculating the estimated revenue of the organization.

It is assumed that the average passability of the car wash will be about 30 cars per day. That is, 15 cars for each washing box. With an average check of 350 rubles, daily revenue will be about 10,500 rubles, per month - 315,000 rubles.

However, take into account the seasonality in the car wash business. The peak of revenue occurs in spring and autumn, and the decline begins in summer and winter:

Monthly revenue by periods will be:

  • Spring period- 504 thousand rubles (+60%);
  • Summer period - 157.5 thousand rubles (-50%);
  • Autumn period - 472.5 thousand rubles (+50%);
  • Winter period - 126 thousand rubles (-60%).

Based on the given data annual turnover organization will amount to 3,777,000 rubles.

Production plan

A mobile two-station car wash has a number of advantages over conventional capital facilities:

  1. Low initial investment for starting a business;
  2. The design of the car wash allows you to install the premises in the shortest possible time;
  3. Mobile car wash is a completely independent module that does not require construction and installation work;
  4. In case of an unsuccessful location, the car wash can be moved to another location. The design of a mobile car wash allows you to change the place of deployment about 30 times.

The object package includes:

  • Power frame;
  • Insulated outer contour, which provides thermal insulation of the room from +30 to -30 gr.;
  • The inner and outer cladding consists of polymer-coated sandwich panels;
  • The car wash is equipped with a three-stage circulating water supply system with a coagulation chamber;
  • Tank with a capacity of 80 liters for diesel fuel;
  • Supply and exhaust ventilation system;
  • Completely independent air heating system on diesel fuel;
  • Electrical wiring in waterproof design;
  • High pressure pump for washing cars, manufacturer - Germany;
  • Vacuum cleaner for dry interior cleaning;
  • Compressor for blowing locks and other equipment.


Planned staffing organizations include:

Annual salary costs will amount to 1,312 thousand rubles.

Financial plan

The fixed costs of our organization are presented in the following table:

Total fixed costs per month will amount to 214,220 rubles.

The structure of annual costs is presented in the form of a diagram:

The main cost of the organization will be the cost of paying wages employees - 51% of the total costs, as well as for the payment of insurance premiums for employees - 42% of the total car wash costs.

Calculation economic indicators presented in the table - the forecast of income and expenses of the organization:

How much can you earn at a car wash

The net profit of the car wash at the end of the year will be 989,406 rubles. The profitability of the car wash is 38.5%. With such indicators of the business plan, the car wash project will pay off in 25 months.

Recommended download car wash business plan, from our partners, with a guarantee of quality. This is a complete finished project which you will not find in the public domain. The content of the business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of the project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions

What equipment to choose

Car wash equipment will need the following:

  • washing chamber;
  • overpass;
  • ventilation, water treatment and lighting systems;
  • power supply and heat supply systems;
  • washing equipment;

equipment for supplying water and waste liquids. Usually all equipment is already included in the complex, but if you want to provide Additional services, you will need to buy the equipment necessary for these types of services.

What documents are needed to open a car wash

First of all, you need to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC with the tax authorities. If you plan to provide services only to individuals, you can stop at an individual entrepreneur. If you are going to serve businesses, it is better to register an LLC.

Which OKVED to indicate when registering a car wash

You must also select the OKVED code for business registration. For a car wash, you can use the OKVED code 45.20.3- "Washing of vehicles ...". In this case, this is the most suitable OKVED, and you can stop at it.

Do I need a permit to open a car wash?

You will also need permits from the Chamber of Architecture, SES, State Fire Supervision, environmental service, as well as a copy of the project, certified by the BTI. Documents must be submitted to the local administration, which, after their verification, will allow the construction.

The number of cars in Russia is constantly increasing, which makes business areas related to cars highly profitable and attractive. Opening a car wash falls into the same category. Below is an example finished business plan car washes with calculations.

This type of business requires significant initial investment, but has a relatively high profitability and an average payback period.

Car washes come in the following varieties:

  • Manual car wash;
  • Mobile car wash;
  • Automatic car wash.

This business plan is not suitable for a mobile car wash and an automatic one, as they require different equipment, personnel and investments.

Brief Summary

Despite certain difficulties associated with opening such an enterprise, the high demand for services makes this niche attractive.

A car wash business plan has the following benefits:

  1. Most of the year the company is in high demand;
  2. Investments in this area are highly profitable;
  3. Average level of competition.

Project characteristics for Samara:

  • How much does it cost to open a car wash - 4,365,200 rubles.
  • Payback period - from 17 months;
  • Monthly profit - 253,665 rubles.

Project description

The car wash business should not only focus on the main service - cleaning the body of vehicles, but also should have a number of additional services.

Car wash as a business provides the following services:

  • Cleaning the car body;
  • Processing of bumpers and car wheels (blackening);
  • Car radiator cleaning;
  • Cleaning the plastic coating of the car interior;
  • Removal of stickers and holograms;
  • Wax coating to protect the body coating;
  • Car polishing (abrasive).

The main factor affecting the profitability of this business is the choice of location for the car wash. Entrepreneur on this stage asks the question: What does it take to open a car wash?

You need to choose a ready-made building for rent or build your own. In the first case, the savings will be on the initial investment, in the second, there will be a wide possibility of planning the location of the working areas of the enterprise and further savings on monthly costs. It is the own building that is considered more promising and will be considered in this BP.

Characteristics of the enterprise for a business plan for opening a car wash

After choosing a place for the construction of boxes for a future car wash, you need to resolve the issue of permits-petitions. Some novice businessmen are afraid of this stage, and the question “What documents are needed to open a car wash?” stops them from starting their own business.

Required documents:

  1. Letter of request to the city administration;
  2. Submission of a sketch of the project of the future sink;
  3. Coordination of the sketch with the committees of Ecology and Architecture;
  4. Permission from the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station and the State Fire Service;
  5. Resolution from the managing entity of the city;
  6. Contracts with the water utility and the power grid.

After receiving all the permits and approvals from the above-mentioned services, you need to re-submit a petition addressed to the mayor to the local administration. Only after that, the entrepreneur should think about how to build a car wash with his own hands from scratch.

Niche in the market

The car cleaning market is moderately competitive and in high demand. However, an entrepreneur who aims at high income must provide high service to each client. Therefore, the answer to the question “How to open your own car wash” will be the creation of an enterprise that will not only be able to cover the main demand of customers (car wash), but also provide them with additional services (a place to relax, snack and sell related products).

The target audience of the car wash business plan

The target audience for this company is people over 18 and under 65 who own their own car. The target audience is wide and detailed segmentation is not required.

Competitive analysis for opening a car wash

At the moment (2018), according to open sources, there are 331 car washes in the city of Samara, 92 of which are round-the-clock. Only the latter are direct competitors. 5% of the mentioned organizations are engaged in active marketing.

This analysis shows that with average competition, marketing activities are carried out by a small number of competitors. Therefore, when high quality service and using marketing tools the company can be competitive.

When viewing a map of the location of competitors, you can highlight free locations with a good traffic flow. This leads to a favorable competitive environment for the implementation of a car wash business plan with calculations (the example is relevant for 2018).

Marketing strategy

The promotion of a new car wash should be divided into two categories:

  1. Online promotion;
  2. Offline promotion.

The following activities are suitable for online promotion:

  • Creation of a business card site with a list of services and contacts - 24,000 rubles.
  • Registration in local Internet directories with an address is free.
  • Contextual advertising with a discount on the first visit - 10,000 rubles.
  • Maintaining a page on social networks - 5,000 rubles.

All work on the above activities will be carried out by remote employees under the control of the owner of the enterprise.

For offline events, the following are suitable:

  • Grand opening with free car wash for the first 3 days.
  • Distribution of flyers for 50% discount;
  • Placement of signs and banners within 200-400 meters to the car wash.
  • Loyalty card for regular customers.

Free coffee during car wash.

A short list of shares can be supplemented by the owner of the enterprise and requires only a creative approach.

Production plan

This stage of the car wash business plan consists of arrangements for the arrangement of working facilities and the acquisition of the necessary equipment.

Room selection

In the section "Description of the project" it was mentioned about the construction of our own car wash. At this stage, you need to figure out how to build a car wash from scratch.

The construction of a car wash should take place according to a clear scheme, taking into account all working areas. It is required to allocate a car wash area, a recreation area for staff and guests, as well as a building for administrative staff (managers and cashiers).

For washing vehicles, covered boxes should be equipped. This construction of a ready-made car wash business plan must serve a minimum of 2 cars at a time. A great advantage would be the creation of covered open or closed places for car drying and post-processing.

How much does it cost to build a car wash from scratch:

  • Building materials - 1,900,000 rubles;
  • Work costs - 800,000 rubles.

The total amount will be within 2,700,000 rubles and will depend on the wishes of the business owner.

List of required equipment:

Car Wash Business Plan Organization Plan

This type of business does not require the employment of specialized or trained personnel. If there are no trained professionals with work experience on the labor market, then inexperienced people can be recruited and short term train them.

An entrepreneur, having decided how to open his own car wash business, begins to think about finding work force. The main criteria for hiring staff: learning ability, physical fitness and adequacy in communicating with clients. Since the frames are mostly without higher education and broad profile, the requirement to work overtime will not cause a negative reaction.

The departure of trained personnel to competitors, illness and layoffs are not serious risk factors, since the market is full of such specialists.

The staff consists of:

  • Manager. For the operational management of the enterprise in the absence of the owner, it is required administrative staff. A 24-hour wash requires a minimum of 2 employees who replace each other every 12 hours.
  • Washers. For the main work on customers' cars, at least two washers are needed for 1 shift of 12 hours. After they are replaced night shift from 2 washers.
  • Barista. The convenience of customers is provided by a barista who can prepare sandwiches, coffee and tea. This item is not mandatory, but can become a source of additional income for the entrepreneur. Schedule 2 working days and 2 days off. 2 employees are required for this position.

Financial plan

The penultimate point of the business plan “How to open a car wash from scratch” is the part related to the finances of the organization.

The income of the organization will be calculated from the approach that the minimum number of serviced cars per day will be 35 units. (in the off-season the numbers will be less, but the average number will be about the same).

The average cost of a car wash in Samara is 450 rubles.

The daily revenue of the organization is 15,750 rubles.

Monthly income - 472,500 rubles.

Company expenses for 3 months:

Project payback

Operating costs 1m 2 m 3m 4 m 5 m 6 m
Expenses 269 400 269 400 296 340 296 340 296 340 296 340
Income 472 500 472 500 590 625 590 625 590 625 590 625
taxes 28 350 28 350 35 438 35 438 35 438 35 438
Profit before taxes 203 100 203 100 289 103 289 103 289 103 289 103
Net profit 174 750 174 750 253 665 253 665 253 665 253 665
Increased cash flow -4 190 450 -4 015 700 -3 762 035 -3 508 375 -3 254 710 -3 001 045

Risk management

This type of business is distinguished by relative stability and the absence of serious risk factors.

Risk factors may be:

  • Changes in legislation. Increased use taxes drinking water or an increase in income tax.
  • Increasing requirements for environmental protection. The emergence of new, more expensive requirements for the treatment of outgoing wastewater.
  • Rise in price utility bills. An increase in the cost of utility bills will reduce the profit of the enterprise.
  • Decreased income of the population. Low incomes can adversely affect the number of car owners and reduce the number of visits to the car wash.

Three months of accounting, personnel records and legal support FOR FREE. Hurry, the offer is limited.

  • Capital investment: 2 400 000 rubles,
  • Average monthly revenue: 352,000 rubles,
  • Net profit: 178 00 rubles,
  • Payback: 14 months!

The article presents ready business plan to open an autonomous modular car wash. You will find out how much money is needed to open, the number of employees, potential income, profitability and payback periods.

1. How to open an offline mobile car wash

In Russia, the number of cars is increasing every year. According to the data information portal API (link) as of January 1, 2012, more than 35 million cars were registered in Russia.

Most car owners treat their cars like living beings, take care of them carefully, and try to keep them clean. Due to the car wash it is very profitable and promising business in Russia.

Relatively recently on Russian market car washes, a new direction has appeared: the production of fully autonomous mobile car washes. In this business plan, we will try to reveal all the features of the new product.

1.1. Benefits of a mobile car wash

Compared to stationary, mobile autonomous car washes have the following Benefits:

  • Not required in foundation construction
  • Fast commissioning time
  • They have all permits SES, as well as a certificate for a fire report.
  • Sewerage is not required, as the module is equipped with reverse water treatment equipment.
  • There is no need to connect electricity, sewerage, water supply and other infrastructure lines.
  • Easily dismantled and transported to a new location.

1.2. Car wash location

The issue of choosing a location for a car wash must be taken seriously, since the success of the entire enterprise depends on it.

It would be optimal to place the car wash near a busy highway (next to a gas station) or near a large shopping center. It is also worth paying attention to the availability of a convenient entrance and exit for transport. If the territory allows, then it is worth providing a small parking lot for waiting cars.

As soon as you decide on a location, you need to resolve the issue of renting a land plot for installing a mobile car wash. To do this, you need to contact the administration of the district in which you plan to open a sink and clarify who owns the land.

If the land is owned by the state, then the cost of rent will not be high, but if it is privately owned, then the price of rent can be several times higher.

Important point: When installing a mobile car wash, the presence of electrical networks, water supply and sewerage is not required, since this car wash is completely autonomous and has the necessary equipment for operation: water is concentrated in containers and exported-imported, and electricity is generated diesel generator.

1.3. Necessary equipment for an autonomous car wash

Currently, there are many offers on the market for the sale of autonomous modular car washes, we settled on the offer of Aquarius LLC

Aquarius LLC is a developer and manufacturer of autonomous mobile car washes under the AMAP-1 brand.

A mobile car wash is a modular container-type unit that includes an autonomous power supply (diesel generator), equipment for manual washing, containers for clean and waste water, as well as a water treatment system for circulating water supply in a closed cycle.

Also, the kit for washing comes with a complete package of documents necessary for work:

  1. SES conclusion.
  2. Fire report.
  3. Certificate of conformity.
  4. Passport.
  5. Manual

Thus, when buying an autonomous modular car wash, you only need to agree on the lease of a land plot, find staff and you can get to work.

The cost of the module for 2 cars is 2 250 000 rubles

1.4. Staff

4 people are enough to service a car wash for 2 cars. They work in shifts, two in two, for 12 hours. Salary is piecework, 20% of the cost of work, payment daily. All issues related to the purchase of products, the solution of administrative issues are the responsibility of the business owner.

2. Financial model

  • Type of activity: mobile car wash for 2 cars
  • Location: in the city, near a busy road, there is a gas station nearby. The population of the city is 400,000 people.
  • The average cost of washing is 400 rubles.

2.1. Capital cost to open a car wash

2.2. Revenue

The activity of the car wash is subject to significant seasonal fluctuations, so the growth of revenue falls on March - October, and the period November-February there is a decrease in revenue.

Revenue for 2 parking spaces located in the city and near a busy highway is presented in the table:

Revenue, in rubles

average revenue

2.3. Cost price

Naming of expenditures

daily consumption

Cost, per unit

Consumption, per shift, in rubles

Monthly output / 30 shifts

Costs for diesel fuel(2.4 liters per hour)

Generator maintenance costs

Water replacement costs

Filter cartridge replacement costs

Consumables (Shampoo, rags, etc.)

other expenses

Total cost

2.4. General expenses

2.5. Profitability calculation

2.6. Payback calculation

The payback period for a modular car wash for 2 cars is 13.4 months.

3. Organizational moments

3.1. Organizational form

To start activities to provide washing services to the population, you must register with the IFTS. Best fit organizational form Individual entrepreneur. (With this form of activity founding documents and authorized capital not required)

3.2. Taxation system

According to the Tax Code Russian Federation car wash activities are subject to a simplified taxation system: UTII.

For those regions where UTII does not apply, the possible application of the Simplified Taxation System (STS), income minus expenses.

3.3. Accounting

Tax and accounting of a car wash is quite simple and does not take much time; it is not advisable to keep an accountant on staff. In this regard, it is best to do all the accounting yourself using the My Business online service - this will allow you to save money (you will receive a full accounting for less than 1,000 rubles per month), as well as your time (the service is fully automated and easy to manage).

Risk Analysis for Mobile Car Wash Business Plan

During the implementation of the organizational and operating activities the functioning of the project may be accompanied by a number of negative factors. In general, the threats are given in the analysis of risk factors and opportunities for opening a mobile car wash. To determine the degree of impact of risks and their actual danger to the business, it is necessary to detail the threats through qualitative and quantitative analysis.

Qualitative Analysis risks involves an expert assessment of the likelihood of a threat. Quantitative indicators reflect the actual value and degree of its impact on the main components of the project.

Qualitative project risk analysis

Risks are divided into external and internal. Those threats that arise under the influence of the general economic influence and not related to management processes are called macro-environment risks. Those threats that directly depend on the business organization, project management, the actual implementation of the business plan are internal risks.

Table 1. The main external risks of the project

Name of riskRisk assessment

Change in regulatory and regulatory legislation

The risk can lead to tougher conditions for the functioning of the business and reduce its profitability. Risk compensation occurs at the organizational stage when creating a form of management, ownership and taxation.

Opening in city N with a population of 400 thousand people, activation and dumping of direct competitors

The emergence of new market operators leads to a redistribution of profits (demand may increase slightly, while the number of competitors - at times). The risk is leveled by creating your own client base, active sales and developing a unique selling proposition (USP). Consumer loyalty should be stimulated through effective programs.

Seasonal decline in sales

The risk does not have clear predictable time limits (as in other types of business) and is subject to the influence of weather conditions. The threat of a decrease in average annual income indicators significantly increases the expenditure side of the business (the efficiency of production equipment, the maintenance of personnel). The risk is leveled by the development of competent marketing strategy, shifting seasonal accents in sales and an effective advertising policy.

Vandalism, natural disasters and force majeure

Risk may result in property damage. That entails costly repairs and restoration. The risk is compensated by the insurance service.

As a rule, all external threats are leveled by a competent organizational component. With proper planning and development of anti-crisis strategies, external risks are only a predictable consequence, which is offset by prepared measures. A much greater risk to business is internal risks.

Table 2. Main internal risks of the project

Name of riskRisk assessmentRisk Characterization and Responses

Geomarketing location error

The risk of a mistake with the location of the car wash location point has a high degree of probability and significant consequences. A qualitative geomarketing analysis of the terrain, traffic flows, infrastructure, etc. can eliminate the wrong decision, which will provide input for sales forecasting, taking into account the density of potential customers.

Low level of staff competence, turnover, low probability financial motivation

The risk is due to the low prestige of the profession, which leads to the filling of the labor market with people with low intellectual data (or temporary staff). In turn, such personnel has a low financial capacity and is insensitive to financial motivation. Poor quality of service, irresponsible attitude to the property of the car wash, incompetence leads to lost profits. The risk is leveled by a system of total control and punishment, strict standardization of the work of ordinary personnel.

Technological risks

The chosen technology and assortment can lead to a number of difficulties due to the illiterate or inappropriate use of technical capacities. Failure of the water supply and disposal system, power units will lead to a stop of business processes and direct losses. The risk is leveled at the organizational stage by the creation of compensatory or backup emergency support systems, at the functional stage - by the introduction of a competent service personnel unit (engineer) and by carrying out scheduled maintenance and preventive maintenance.

Quantitative risk analysis of the project

All risks, both internal and external, have as a general negative result a decrease in profits up to the bankruptcy of the project. Omitting the probable causes, the real threats to reduce the profitability of a business can be:

  • unforeseen technological and technical risks;
  • opening in city N with a population of 400 thousand people, activation and dumping of direct competitors;
  • decrease in consumer demand as a result of:
    • geomarketing location errors;
    • low quality of service;
    • seasonal variation.

Degree of influence of unforeseen technological and technical risks

Calculated from the average bandwidth car washes. The average period required for emergency troubleshooting is 4.5 hours (taking into account the type of equipment: autonomous power supply (diesel generator), pumps, water treatment system for recirculating water supply in a closed cycle, etc.).

With an average car wash load of 30 cars/day (see Risk and Opportunity Analysis of Opening a Mobile Car Wash), direct losses could be:

(30 / 24) * 4.5 \u003d 5.625 washes * 400 rubles \u003d 2250 rubles (lost income) + 12000 (repair and restoration work with the material) + 2500 (part of the organizational costs attributable to downtime) \u003d 16750 rubles - direct losses on one breakdown, which is about 4.7% of the total monthly income.

As equipment wears out, these costs will increase monthly.

Thus, the possible financial risk values ​​make it possible to consider an increase in staff by 1 unit (equipment operation engineer) as a necessity, which, moreover, will reduce compensation costs, taking into account the salary of a competent specialist (16.5 thousand rubles).

The degree of influence of the competitive environment

The relative calculation of the market capacity of the city N with a population of 400 thousand people, given in the analysis of risk factors and opportunities for opening a mobile car wash, demonstrates the prevalence of demand over the number of offers (data are given as an example): “with an average frequency of washing 1 time / 9 days, the turnover one wash can vary within the average maximum of 630 thousand rubles / month with a throughput of 50-55 washes / day.

Thus, with the overwhelming majority of manual small car washes, a large share in the financial capacity is occupied by specialized large car washes, which, together with mobile car washes and offers at gas stations, form a competitive environment. The loss step with a total market share of 1.2% is insignificant.

Decrease in consumer demand due to organizational errors (location, service, lack of seasonal compensation).

The risk is calculated based on the average loss indicators and the dependence of demand on additional factors: convenient location (up to 65%), level of service (up to 48%), promotions and Special offers(up to 22%).

Thus, an error in geolocation can lead to a loss of up to 220 thousand rubles (by comparison, geomarketing analysis costs about 3.5-5 thousand rubles), poor quality of service can lead to a loss of up to 150 thousand rubles; the lack of seasonal compensation leads to a decrease in average annual indicators by 70 thousand rubles.

On average, the risk threatens with losses of up to 70% of profits and is the most significant. This situation requires a detailed analysis of the company's capabilities, the development of a marketing and organizational plan, creating high-quality long-term advertising strategy.

Project Risk Ranking

The most probable are the risks of demand reduction due to organizational errors and technological risks are the most critical threats.

The fundamental point is the determination of the location. An error in choosing a location can lead to irreparable losses. A low level of service increases the risk of being influenced by a competitive environment.

The general background of threats to the project is favorable. The market is in the development stage and demand significantly exceeds supply, tending to increase. With a competent organizational approach, a business is promising and allows you to respond very flexibly to the emergence of any risk, for which you should be attentive to marketing planning, strict regulation of work and service processes, and active promotion of services.

Editor's note: An interesting option for opening a car wash is the purchase of a successful business model, this option has its advantages (the entrepreneur acquires already gained experience, a certain set of knowledge, software developments, and much more) and disadvantages (you have to pay money for experience (royalties, lump-sum fee)). But considering buying a franchise as one of the ways to start is definitely worth it.


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