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First of all, you need to understand the terms. An extract is a document drawn up in the prescribed manner with an exact reproduction of a part of the document from which it is made. An extract is made if a copy of the document is not advisable for any reason to issue on hand to the requesting party.

The staffing table is internal document, by personnel, displaying information about the structure, composition and staff units in a quantitative form throughout the organization, and, of course, rates and. The staffing table is introduced by order of the organization. Traditionally, it is made up for no more than a year.

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unified form staffing T-3 (Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated April 6, 2001 No. 26). This form is optional for use in the organization, but at the same time it has everything necessary details, easy to fill and use in practice.

The staffing form has the following requirements for filling out:

  1. Mandatory details, or document header. This part of the document should contain: the name of the enterprise, brief details, number, date of compilation and approval, period of validity.
  2. Main part. Consists of the following columns to fill in: name and code of the structural unit; position or qualification of the employee; staff units in quantitative composition; tariff rates, allowances and everything; notes.
  3. Signature, position and full name.


There are no clear rules for extracts from any documents. Therefore, one should rely on the requirements for filling out a unified staffing form and on General requirements extracts from the document.

The procedure for compiling an extract from the staffing table:

  1. All the details of the staffing table must be reproduced in the extract, only the word “extract” is placed before the “document name”. An example, instead of the word "Staffing", it is written "Extract from the staffing table".
  2. Must contain registration number and the date of the original document- staffing, but in no case, the date of discharge and its number.
  3. The manager who approves the schedule does not sign the statement. At the end of the extract, the position, initials and surname are written official who signed the staffing table itself.
  4. An extract from any document is equivalent to a copy of a regular document. To give the extract legitimacy, it is certified with a seal and a mark is placed on the certification of a copy of the document.

Rules for compiling an extract

The organization usually regulates the rules for compiling an extract with its local acts. Often, the statement is made on the company's letterhead. If there is no introductory part in the document, then they write the necessary fragment, for example, I ORDER, etc.

Also, many recommend writing between the position and full name. word signature, although such a recommendation is not enshrined in any normative document, and in fact, it can be considered superfluous, because any document is registered only after its signing.

Compliance of the statement with the original schedule

If an extract from the staffing table will be used exclusively within the enterprise, then it should not be certified with a seal.

You should know that if the extract consists of several sheets, then you can not certify each sheet with a seal and an inscription, but use a special certification procedure: all sheets are sewn together, a thread is sealed on the last sheet (on the back) and the following inscription is put: “Correct. In total, __ sheets were stitched, numbered and sealed, signed below by the head or an authorized person and stamped. In this case, part of the print impression should capture the seal.

Sample Fill

  1. The heading of the document must contain the name of the document and the date of its publication: “Extract from the STAFF SCHEDULE for February 01, 2015.”
  2. Name of the organization that issued the extract: "LLC" ABVG ".
  3. Next, the columns are filled in in strict accordance with the staffing table:
    • Structural unit: "Administration".
    • Code, if available: "001".
    • Position: Director of Production.
    • Number of staff units: "1".
    • Salary (), rub.: "10000".
    • Surcharge, if any: "5000".
    • monthly fund wages, rub.: "15000".
    • Notes.
  4. Position, and decoding of the signature (full name).
  5. Confirmation "wet" seal and inscription.


Is it necessary to indicate the full name employee? The staffing table is a purely impersonal document. The name of the employees is not written in it, since the employee may quit. The staff list contains information only about the position and salary. An employee is appointed to a position based on the staffing table. The same applies to the extract, it does not indicate the name and initials of the employee.

Who can request a staffing statement

An extract may be requested by the regulatory authorities. In this case, the extract must be issued in accordance with all the rules. Based on the provisions of Art. 62 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employee of any organization has the right to request an extract through a written request.

When issued, the extract should contain only information only about his position and due payments. Information about other employees in such an extract is not indicated and is not allowed on the basis of the provisions of Art. 88 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which guarantees the protection of personal data in terms of its transfer.

The statement may be sent to structural units head enterprise. Typically, the parent company forms and approves the staffing table, then sends out statements to its divisions.

Do I need to indicate the structural unit in the staffing table

If the inspection authorities request an extract from the schedule, then they look not only at the taxable base, but also at the structure of the enterprise. The staffing table should clearly reflect the structure and subordination that exists in the enterprise. The structural unit must also appear in the extract.

Is it possible to indicate vacant positions in the staff list

The answer is not only possible, but also necessary. In fact, you cannot accept a person if there is no vacant position.

Is it possible to change the unified form

This form does not have many graphs that enterprises would like to see. But the T-3 form is only advisory in nature. So if you need to make changes, make them. For example, if a “fork” of salaries is used, then it can be paid, which is also displayed in the statement.

What is the procedure for compiling staffing and extracts in branches

If the company has structural divisions, without creating legal entity, then everything is clear, the staffing table is unified and extracts from it are sent to divisions. But if the enterprise has branches or representative offices, then the enterprise has the right to resolve this issue independently.

AT founding documents or in the power of attorney to the right branch office, such information is usually displayed. Those. and an extract is created from these considerations, if the unit is on its own in creating the staffing table, then it issues an extract. If the schedule is created by the parent company for all divisions, then it issues an extract.

The question of what is an extract from the staff list is relevant not only for employers, but also for ordinary employees. This is due to the fact that this aspect affects not only the personnel department and inspection bodies. Such a document can be obtained by any employee of the company, depending on the need. It arises due to personal circumstances, or, for example, to solve labor disputes judicially.

How to make an extract from the staffing table?

An extract from the staffing table is a separate document that provides part of the information on the main standard. If an employee needs such a sample, then the employer draws it up according to the current document. In this case, data is provided only regarding the applicant himself.

Usually such documentation is issued as a separate reference. However, it is not forbidden to use a copy of the main standard. Such a sample is not strictly unified, but the most commonly used form is similar to the approved T-3 form.

Such a sample may be required in the following cases:

  • at the written request of the employee;
  • for submission to the tax and labor inspection authorities;
  • as evidence in Pension Fund or social security fund.

There may be other cases in which it is necessary to make such a certificate. At the same time, while auditing institutions usually request data on departments or divisions, funds need information on specific individuals.

However, in both options necessary clearance requires the inclusion of certain aspects:

  • period of validity of the document and relevance of information;
  • compliance with the correctness and correspondence of the names of positions and departments;
  • correct indication of the number of positions in the state, especially when it comes to part-time vacancies;
  • providing information on salaries, as well as existing allowances for them.

Usually this document is compiled by an employee of the personnel department, who monitors the correctness of entering general data. Together with him, the document is signed and Chief Accountant, in whose competence is the verification of data on accrued wages.

How to get an extract from the staffing table in the T-3 form

The rules for issuing such a document are not regulated by law. Therefore, if it becomes necessary to obtain an extract from the staffing table in the T-3 form, then this must be reported in the application being submitted. It is on its basis that the employer draws up this certificate.

To remain legally valid, such a document must be drawn up taking into account the following parameters:

  • the full name of the organization is indicated at the top, along with an abbreviated form;
  • then the type of certificate is indicated, as well as the details of the order, which was approved the regulation on the structure of the company;
  • the date of creation is affixed, as well as the entry into force, the expiration date is optional;
  • then the full number of employees enrolled in the state is prescribed, and the table is filled;
  • at the end, the signatures of the responsible persons are affixed.

The main reference information is indicated when filling out the columns of the table. AT this issue you should be fully guided by the main provision and provide data on the specified person in accordance with it.

Extract from the staff list without salaries

The unified form T-3, although prescribed by law, is not mandatory. The employer has the right to draw up his own sample staffing table, provided that all the required data on the form are indicated in due order.

Similarly, there are no strict requirements for compiling a sample documentation with written information. It is only prescribed that all the indicated data correspond to the original, as well as a reference to the order by which the main standard was approved.

The indication of wages in a separate position is one of the main aspects of drawing up such a document. However, if there is no need for such data, the certificate is drawn up with the passage of this moment.

Making an extract from the staffing table with replacement

A separate issue arises when registering positions with substitution. Often in an organization functional responsibilities for a separate position are distributed among other specialists. This may be due to a lack of staff, or other reasons.

When issuing an extract in this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the correctness total amount part-time jobs. That is, all given fractional components, 0.25, 0.5 and the like, in the final amount should be a whole unit.

The difference between an extract from the staffing table and the staffing table

In the final version, there should be no difference between the information provided in the extract and in the staffing table. If there are inaccuracies, then the derivative document loses its validity.

Separately, it is necessary to indicate the publication of the relevant standards. The preparation and approval of the staffing table can be carried out as a whole in the organization, or in a separate branch. In the first case, a separate extract is drawn up for each division and branch, relating exclusively to their structure. In the second case, each division has its own document.

The question of who draws up such a certificate for employees - the central office or a branch, is decided by the company's internal standards for maintaining records.

Such an extract is necessary document, if it is expedient to provide limited information to third parties.

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The procedure for compiling an extract from the staffing table

This form of providing information is associated with the need to respect the privacy of employees, as well as the need to preserve trade secret enterprise or organization - the employer.

It is made in a single copy and is subject to mandatory storage in personnel service employer. The original timetable cannot be issued to third parties. However, separate parts of such a document can be communicated to interested parties.

Taking into account that the schedule, as a rule, is not a state secret, an extract can be drawn up from any part of the main document, as well as be made up of its various parts.

At the same time, the final form of the statement should not distort the meaning and content of the information set out in the original staffing table.

An extract can be drawn up only after the entry into force of the main document.

As a rule, such a form of document is drawn up by the person responsible for storing the main staffing table.

The document in question may be made in the form of a photocopy or photocopy of part of the original staffing table.

Rules for compiling an extract

If necessary, such a document may be requested from the person responsible for keeping the original timetable.

The decision to issue an extract is made by the head of the enterprise or other official authorized by him to perform such an action.

If necessary, in order to account for familiarized persons, the initiator of the request may be required to provide a written document requesting an extract.

Such a document may be issued in the form of a memo. On this document, the head of the organization makes a written note about the need to issue information.

Compliance of the statement with the original schedule

After the required extract is made, its compliance with the original schedule can be confirmed by the stamp of the organization or personnel department, as well as the signature of the person responsible for its formation.

If necessary, if the required information is located on several sheets, the final form of the document can be bound into a single brochure. In this case, in addition, a note is made on the number of stitched and numbered sheets.

Information on the issuance of an extract from the staffing table can be entered in a specially established register. If there is such a journal, the person who received the original extract from the schedule certifies such receipt by affixing the appropriate signature in the appropriate column.

An extract is a document that is drawn up in a specific form, while part of the text is copied exactly from the original document. The request for an extract may come from the checking services. Under this circumstance, filling out this document must be in accordance with the regulations.

Any employee of the organization can ask for an extract by notifying in writing (Article 62 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). When making an extract for an employee from the staffing table, a sample of which we will consider below, it is necessary to indicate only information that is relevant to labor activity specific worker.

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What is it for?

The extract is primarily for fixing the correct data about the worker. It can be requested from the following organizations:

  • in the Pension Fund;
  • in the FSS;
  • in the tax or labor inspectorate;
  • litigation in labor disputes.

The extract is filled out on the basis of the existing staffing table at the enterprise, which is compiled according to the approved one. After requesting a document by any body, the document must be executed within five days, if there is no indication of urgency.

Download a sample staffing form.

The staff list contains information about employees: branches are listed, as well as positions and categories of employees, the number of employees, the rate for the tariff for the worker along with payments. From this document and take necessary information about the employee.

Information about the worker is relevant while the staffing table is in effect, on the basis of which the extract was compiled. The period of storage of an extract in the archive of the organization - 5 years, just like the regular schedule.

Form, design nuances

According to the legislation, there are no specific forms for statements. Therefore, it is permissible to issue an extract to an employee in any form. There is only one condition - the necessary paragraphs and sections must appear in the document.

The document must be abbreviated.

This is necessary in order to confidentiality was maintained workers' personal information. But, since this document is not a state secret, any information from the main section can be copied from it.

In addition, it is possible to issue an extract from several points. This happens if you need to take several parts that are not located along.

In the course of this action, the employee who draws up the document needs to ensure that the necessary information is not distorted in the original when copying.

You can draw up a document by any of the three options allowed by law:

  1. photocopy;
  2. scan copy;
  3. text printed on a computer, which must be certified by a specialist.

The document should present the required information:

  • The name of the legal entity should be in the upper left corner. At the same time, the name must be written in full, and the abbreviated form is prohibited.
  • Next, just below is the name of the document. Here you also need to enter its number, as well as the number when it was issued.
  • After that, the data is written according to the schedule in summary: which period was taken as the basis, as well as the validity period of the document. In the same paragraph, the number of staff is put.
  • The main section of the document contains the state schedule table.
  • The initial column contains the name of the unit, as well as a specific code that this legal entity has.
  • The second column is needed for the name of the specialty. Here it is necessary to clarify its category.
  • The third column is needed to fix the number of employees who work in this position.
  • The fourth column is used to indicate the salary expected to be paid to the employee during the year.
  • According to Decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation No. 1 dated 05.01.04 a statement without prescribed salaries is not valid.

  • If the employee received any additional payments, then this should be indicated in the fifth column.
  • In the sixth column should be fixed total score employee's earnings.
  • The next column is necessary to make notes.

This document must be signed by the head of the personnel department, or another specialist with the appropriate authority. The statement must be provided to the employee against signature. At the end, the document must be certified by the chief accountant or the head of the enterprise.

This document must be signed with the full name, as well as the title of the position.

How to make an extract?

The statement is made taking into account certain rules:

  • It is necessary to enter the details from the original document - the date when it was issued, as well as the registration number.
  • This document must be signed by the same employee who signed the original paper.
  • If the head of the organization did not sign the main document, then he does not have the right to put his signature on the extract.
  • The completed document must be certified by an authorized specialist in a strict manner. This specialist must put his signature as a sign that the copy is correct, and it is also necessary to have a seal on the document.

Most often, the facilities have the necessary a local document that sets out the basic rules for issuing statements. Usually, there is a special form for extracts, which you need to navigate during the execution of the document. If an extract is required in the organization itself, then it is not subject to certification.

(Image is clickable, click to enlarge)

If the document consists of several sheets that need to be secured with a thread. After that, the thread knot should be fixed with paper in the form of a small square and write on top that copy is right, as well as specify the number of stitched pages.

Who issues and expiration date of the extract?

Extracts are usually issued by employees who were chosen by the head of the enterprise and wrote about this. Usually these people are employees of the personnel department. Each time an extract is issued, this information is entered in a certain logbook.

The validity of the extract is limited to one year. The original state schedule document is also valid for one year. Documents are archived for up to five years.

Information about staffing

The staffing certificate is necessary in order to track the existing staffing movements for a certain period.

This certificate may contain information on how many specialists joined the state for a certain period, and how many units were withdrawn from the state.

This document is usually compiled Head of Human Resources and submits it for approval to the head of the organization. The certificate must have two signatures as a result: the head of the organization and the head of the personnel department.

You can download an example of a staffing statement for free.

How to compose in the 1C program, see the video clip:

Extract from the staffing table (sample)

All documentation on the labor activity of employees (incl. work books, orders, various accounting records) is kept by the employer. Therefore, the employee, as a rule, does not have access to such documentation. However, the issuance of extracts and copies of documents relating to the work of the employee is the responsibility of the employer. This obligation also applies to an extract from the staffing table (a sample document can be downloaded from the link at the end of the article) in terms of information relating to a particular employee. The employer has the right to determine independently in the local act how exactly he should draw up an extract. Moreover, such a procedure must comply with the law. We will talk about the staffing and the method of issuing an extract in this article.


The staffing table contains information about the existing division of labor between employees.

The importance of the staffing table for the employer, in particular, is evidenced by the departmental position indicated in the Letter of Rostrud dated January 21, 2014 N PG / 13229-6-1.

From the said letter, in particular, it follows:

  • staffing is a mandatory local normative act for the employer;
  • there are no statutory rules for staffing;
  • the position in the concluded contract should be indicated in accordance with the staffing table.

Previously, only the form established by the State Statistics Committee was used to maintain this document.

To date, these organizations have the right to independently determine which form of this document to apply:

  • unified (form No. T-3);
  • developed and approved independently.

The staffing table, in particular, should include:

  • structure of the organization indicating positions, professions and (or) specialties, specific types of work;
  • staffing;
  • wages.

Employment contracts with employees are concluded in accordance with the information contained in the staff list.

If, for any reason, an employee needs an extract from the staff list, he has the right to apply to his employer to obtain it. The latter is obliged to form and issue an appropriate document to the employee.

Drawing up an extract from the staffing table (sample)

An extract is issued at the request of the employee.

labor law the form and content of the employee's application are not established. Therefore, it is compiled in an arbitrary form.

The legislation provides for the procedure for issuing extracts, copies of documents.

In particular, based on paragraphs 1 and 5 of the Decree on the procedure for issuing copies of documents relating to the rights of citizens, N 9779-X (approved on 08/04/1983), an extract from the document is certified by the signature of the head (another authorized official) and seal.

On the extract from the staffing table, you should indicate the date of its submission and a note that the original staffing table is stored in the organization.

According to paragraph 3.26 of the Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation dated 03.03.2003 N 65-st, below the requisite "Signature" you should indicate the inscription "True", the position of the person concerned, put down his personal signature indicating the full name. and dates.

The legislators did not provide for the form of the extract. So, for example, you can do it like this:

  • indicate the name of the document "Extract from the staff list";
  • generate relevant information;
  • certify the statement as above.

Sample extract from the staffing table