Advertising options for a law firm. How to write advertising text for legal services? Standard types of legal advertising

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The PromoPult system is a software package that allows you to automate all stages of website promotion and contextual campaigns.

Thanks to the use of optimal schemes and constant monitoring, the PromoPult System allows you to achieve maximum results with minimum budgets. Due to the automation of all technical operations, the System completely relieves the optimizer of routine work and saves his time. Technologically, the System is a complex of modules, each of which provides automation of a certain stage of work: from the selection of requests to the formation of reports.

There are many companies providing legal services on the Internet today. In view of fierce competition, effective, effective promotion methods are needed that will allow the company's website to receive high-quality traffic from search, whether it be SEO or contextual advertising. As practice shows, high competition in legal topics makes contextual advertising quite expensive, and SEO is traditionally difficult and the result will not be quick. How to be a business owner in this case? You can contact a professional agency if you have a sufficient budget and you are confident in the quality of the services provided to you, or you can try to promote your business on your own using modern advertising automation technologies. In this case, it is necessary to take into account certain factors that contribute to the effectiveness of search promotion.

What to pay attention to

Law firms presenting their sites on the Internet should be aware of some of the features of SEO promotion, as well as those nuances that are important for high efficiency or, as they say, "return" from the site. There are no trifles in Internet promotion.

So, when developing and promoting a site, we take into account following points.

The promotion is positively affected by the presence of such a section as, for example, "Free legal assistance", in which potential clients can get on such requests as "free legal consultation"," online legal help ", etc. The bottom line is that many people want to consult a specialist for free first, get some direction in which they should proceed, and after that, they may want to use the paid services of lawyers. In addition , the presence of an online consultant on the site is welcomed, to which people can contact and get prompt feedback.In addition to the convenience for users, the online consultant module is also positively evaluated by search engines.

Create a special section on the site dedicated to questions and answers to them. Again, referring to Yandex.Wordstat statistics, we conclude that the number of people making requests like "how to draw up a donation agreement" or "appeal template" is quite large. This fact suggests that the site simply needs a section where specialists will answer the most frequently asked questions. legal issues, as well as templates of contracts and application forms. Such sections may not bring profit to the company at the first stage, but they can give the so-called "delayed effect" - people will remember that it was on this site that they saw competent information, and if there is a need for a paid consultation or the provision of a service, it is highly likely choose this organization.

The undoubted advantage is the presence of a large number of services. Practice shows that narrowly focused sites are much longer and more expensive to promote for the client. The fact is that search engines "catch" the relationship between various user requests, and if the site contains a large number of such requests (and, accordingly, sections of the site), then its chances for effective promotion increase significantly.

The presence of a large number of specialists also has a positive effect on the promotion of the resource as a whole. It is welcome when several lawyers are represented on the site, including when each of them specializes in some particular area. Builds trust and availability contact information every specialist, at least short biography, list of successfully completed cases, photo. Personal data is known to inspire confidence.

Convenience and functionality. The visitor should quickly and easily find the information or service he needs. A clear site structure, the ability to quickly move from one section to another (including with the help of linking), access to contacts - all this leads to high results in promotion.

Company image. Availability thank you letters, certificates, positive feedback from a variety of customers (both individuals and legal entities). This factor once again speaks in favor of the company, confirming that it can be trusted (the following logical chain works here: “If dozens of companies and hundreds of people have already been helped, then they will help me too”).

The information contained on the site must be useful. At the same time, it is desirable that the volume of texts is not large. Brevity, conciseness and accessibility of information are the main criteria for a successful text.

Compliance of the site with these requirements will allow not only to occupy high positions in the issue, but also to convert site visitors into customers well.

For readers of the article, we suggest using promo code LAW, according to which you can get an initial audit of your site and a manager's consultation.

Of course, there are still many aspects that you need to consider when promoting your site, especially in such highly competitive topics as legal services. With the help of the PromoPult automated advertising service, you can start promotion taking into account all the features of your business area, while not overpaying the agency or freelancer.

Automatic algorithms will allow you to set up SEO promotion and contextual advertising in one account even without special training. And the service specialists will provide you with professional advice on setting up campaigns, website optimization, and give recommendations on other possible channels for attracting customers from the Internet.

Learn how to effectively promote legal services on the Internet. Offline and online advertising methods need to be combined.

Our site is dedicated to the methods of Internet promotion, but you should not forget about traditional methods either. And remember, your services must be of high quality. If your customers are not satisfied, they will certainly spread information about it on the network, which will inevitably hit your reputation. High-quality service is the basis and a prerequisite for an effective business.

Standard types of legal advertising:

Outdoor advertising
Be sure to have a prominent sign. You can also place your ad on your own car. Bigboards, lightboxes should be bought only in the most passable places.
Leaflets and announcements
Leaflets can be distributed in places such as tax inspections, business centers, public transport, at various exhibitions and conferences. Ads on city streets, in elevators and specially designated places still continue to work. There are still many people who are not used to searching everything on the Internet.
Direct sales
Direct sales can be over the phone, face to face at conferences or trade shows, and it can also be when employees travel around specific areas, such as trading platforms, business centers.
If we talk about how to promote the legal services of a start-up company, then we can say that for it, at first, direct sales will be the fastest type of promotion.
Exhibitions, conferences, seminars
This method is great for promotion legal services, so you can find customers from the business segment. And here it is worth noting that the status and size of the conference can be absolutely anything, that is, it can be international Conference, or, for example, a conference of residents of a certain area who solve a particular problem.
Law office website
Legal services are a specific product, so the site of a lawyer, lawyer, must meet the following requirements:

  • Be trustworthy. This is facilitated by photos of employees and the owner of the company, full details of the company, certificates and licenses on the site.
  • Convince to choose you. Client reviews, success stories of your clients, a solid portfolio, and a competent video presentation come to the rescue.
  • Be convenient to communicate. Mandatory telephones in a conspicuous place, an online map of directions to the office, a simple form feedback. Callback call button, online consultant who must be in the chat while doing this!

How to promote a legal website on the Internet

  1. The fastest solution is contextual advertising. You can start a campaign very quickly. The main thing is to select the requests for which you want to receive calls. good decision will combine contextual advertising with the creation of landing pages on the site for each service.
  2. Articles about the problems of clients and their solution. People are looking for information on how to solve a problem and find your article. If she helps them, then you will acquire expert status for them.
  3. Video promotion. You can also "write video articles" - it is not necessary to create masterpieces. To show off, it is enough to order a video footage with your office logo and contacts and insert it at the beginning and at the beginning of each video. And the videos themselves can be just shooting with a regular camera on a neutral background. Tell clients about how you can help them, how you have already helped other people.
  4. If you work in a large city, then look on for mailings on the topic of business, always with an audience from your city. Try to advertise in a popular mailing list - so a large number of businessmen will immediately know about you.
  5. Bulletin boards can also bring in customers very well. And you can try paid services to keep your ad at the top every day.
  6. Social networks are great for legal topics, where you can give free advice in exchange for a comment and a repost from your group.
  7. Be sure to place information about your site in Yandex Directory and Google Addresses, it's free and will allow your site to appear on online maps
  8. Work for a few months on the forums - participate in discussions, give advice, increase your presence in business thematic communities. On the forums you can put (

The main problem of lawyers' websites is that the texts about legal services there are often difficult for the average layman to understand. If the article contains such samples as "claim proceedings" or "subjective law" - you can scare an unprepared client.

Content (article updated on 02/26/2019)

A person is only interested in 2 questions: “How can I solve this problem?” and “Is it profitable for me to spend money on solving it?”. For the buyer, the SELLING text about the provision of legal services should be written in a simple and accessible language.

If a legal announcement can be understood even by a person with an incomplete secondary education (yes, yes, there are some), then the audience coverage will be much wider.

Texts about legal services: why are they needed?

How to write sales texts about legal services?

The best texts about legal services consist of 4 selling components:

  • Lead (intro). Describe possible problems client in a household key. The use of professionalisms is allowed only in small quantities, with references and explanations.
  • Offer. Briefly and concisely describe what you offer.
  • Objection handling. The client has questions and doubts - anticipate them in the text. Specific examples can be seen in sample ads for legal services later in the article. Choose your words carefully. After all, it will be much more honest and beautiful not " result guarantee", a " reasonable prediction of a successful outcome of the case».
  • Call to action. Good texts about legal services delicately hint at what horrors of legal hell await the client if he does not turn to a competent lawyer in time. While someone is chewing snot, the enemy does not sleep. He collects information, gets rid of evidence and sells property. In general, he prepares cunning escape routes and carefully aims for a right shot on the spot.

Focus more on the result, rather than the process, in the body of your legal services leaflet. This hints at the readiness to stretch the process indefinitely, which gives rise to a stream of heavy clients. In the pre-trial resolution of the conflict, the prompt assistance of a lawyer is also needed. Properly constructed arguments will cut the conflict in the bud and help avoid legal costs.

In a legal services flyer, attract the customer with free legal advice and repeat this constantly in the text. Google is literally bursting with requests for “free lawyer”, “free legal advice”, etc., etc.

Do not hide from the client the time allotted for a free consultation. The main thing is to professionally answer all questions, and a grateful client will agree to a paid consultation. I will also recommend to friends on a wireless phone.

Legal Services Texts: Samples

Horror stories affect someone, positive ones affect someone. According to the results of AB testing, you can find the most suitable option. Here is the first option:

Negative Legal Services Advertisement Sample

Did they demolish the partition in the apartment without approval from the regulatory authorities in order to unite the rooms? This is a self-imposed redevelopment. Legalize unauthorized redevelopment until the apartment was sold at public auction by a court decision in accordance with paragraph 5.1. Art. 29 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. Get the right to comfort. Contact for a free consultation!

In the second case, you can write texts about legal services in a completely positive way. A person gets a solution to problems, and our caring specialists will stick their tongue out to run around all instances, solve issues and show results. Which of the above options the customer will fall for depends on the specific character and outlook on life. To measure everyone under the same brush is an unforgivable mistake.

Sample ad for legal services in a positive way

Legalize redevelopment and unauthorized buildings. Create the perfect home to your liking and enjoy happy life- and we will deal with the tedious formalities of paperwork. Contact for a free consultation now!

An example of the text of the announcement of legal services No. 1

Doubt that legal services are affordable for you? Do not know how to prepare for a lawsuit and protect your rights? Confused by the laws and do not know how to correctly formulate a claim?

Contact our legal specialists and get answers to your questions completely free of charge: in an online chat, by phone or make an appointment.

Our services: inheritance lawyer, real estate lawyer, housing lawyer, car lawyer, criminal lawyer, family dispute lawyer and civil lawyer.

What is an insoluble problem for you is a daily situation for us.

We guarantee:

  • Availability .
  • Efficiency .
  • Confidentiality .
  • Comprehensive service.
  • Transparency .

Failure to contact a lawyer in a timely manner can result in jail time or loss of property. Don't delay, contact now.

Contact details : address, website, phone

Next, set aside half an hour for each client, notify him of this and professionally answer his questions within the specified time. At the end of the specified time, you announce to him that the time is up, and the problem is beyond the scope of a free consultation. Give him a business card with contact information. If he received at least a partial solution to his problem, he will contact your company more than once, and he will also call his friends by word of mouth. This works especially well for individual entrepreneurs. A very effective method of attracting customers for a beginner.

Effective texts about legal services: tricks

Just don't fool the customer. Telling him the fables of grandfather Shchukar is a losing situation. Even if you manage to earn once, there will be no next time. And he will answer others. And the main income for a lawyer comes from non-selling texts about legal services on the site, not ads on the fence, and not even commercial offers about cooperation, and regular customers and their circle of friends.

Texts about legal services: how to compose?

Over time, "big names" appear among clients or defeated defendants. This may be a well-known politician, businessman, firm or bank. You need to call them in a conversation with a potential client - they will be your trump card. If you have already managed to cope with such a high-profile case, then you will definitely master its problem. And put it in your legal sales text

The more texts about legal services contain specifics and narrow specialization- the more solvent customers will come to you. The more the ad says specifically about his problem, the more credibility there will be. If you provide several services, try to write different ads for each.

Put yourself in the client's shoes. First, think about WHAT the client wants. And secondly - HOW specifically you can help him. Then - whether it will be MUTUALLY BENEFICIAL.

And don't be afraid to post prices. The client tends to exaggerate them, so immediately designate your target audience.

Sample text for advertising legal services on radio No. 1 (running time 40 seconds)

(A man sings a song with a guitar)

I bought an apartment on Tverskaya,

without consulting a lawyer,

Now I live in a clean field,

And someone else lives in that house.

Citizens! Learn from others' mistakes. Before making an important decision for yourself, consult with a lawyer. (Again the sound of a falling coin and a quiet "Thank you") ...only with a lawyer. Law firm "Lawyer". Tel. 149-36-14, 149-36-14. A consultation is only 150 rubles! (killer argument)

Verdict: One of the rare examples when legal advertising about transaction support turned out to be creative and selling at the same time. It plays well on psychological fears of losing an apartment during a deal. In addition, 150 rubles is negligibly small compared to multi-million dollar transactions.

Sample legal advertising on radio and YouTube No. 2 (running time 20 seconds)

Do you need to urgently draw up a contract, a lawsuit or other document? Service fast-lawyer.rf creates documents in 2 clicks for free and without registration. detailed information on the site quick-lawyer.rf.

Verdict: Simple, short and clear. The target audience will immediately use the service, the rest will also remember the name of the site on occasion.

Legal Services Texts: Bank Debt Loan Lawyer Sample Radio Ad #3 (15 second timer)

(background tune ModernTalking– WintheRace) Loan lawyer. Legal assistance to bank debtors. Restructuring. Credit holidays. Termination of an agreement. Debt cancellation. Representation in court. Phone in Abakan 321-000

Verdict: Simple, short and well remembered!

Legal Services Texts: Radio Ad Example #4 (20 seconds time)

Attention parents! Is your son drafted into the army, despite the presence of diseases? Urgently contact the "Conscript 18"! "Conscript 18" - emergency assistance to conscripts on legal basis. Even with the agenda to send. 100% result guarantee. Call 907-927, 907-927.

Verdict: At the beginning, the target audience is very clearly indicated. Specifically indicate the problems for which they can help. The flow of customers is guaranteed!

An example of an advertising text about the legal services of an auto lawyer No. 5 (timekeeping 1 minute)

(The sound of the engine. The cry "Yes, where are you?", the sound of a collision and exclamations. The sound of dialing. Beeps).

– Hello! Emergency commissioners? Help out!

(Announcer's voice to the music): the service of traffic lawyers in Russia will quickly and competently issue your accident and accompany the case until the damage is fully compensated. "Accident Commissioners" work for you, who will arrive at the scene of an accident in the shortest possible time. All employees have extensive experience in dealing with emergency situations. Competent lawyers represent your interests in the traffic police, insurance and in court, as well as provide roadside assistance by phone. We officially cooperate with the traffic police of the Gorodetsky district, and, most importantly, all this is absolutely free. The office is located at st. Republican, 75A. Phones for communication "Accident Commissioners" 413-44-64, Lawyers 8-920-297-17-90, 8-920-297-17-90

Verdict A: 1 minute is a long time. A person who listens to the radio constantly will get tired of this annoying video. But will remember for a long time. But the main objective advertising of legal services on radio and television - not to entertain the buyer, but to sell.

Selection of keys in the text of legal services on the site

The services of a lawyer are the same goods as bread, clothes or a car, only intangible. They cannot be weighed, measured or photographed. But nevertheless, they are necessary and they need to be sold correctly.

Texts about legal services: selection of keys

In order for the text to bring people to your site from the search, and for them to read the article with interest, you need to enter the correct key phrases into the material. In order to find out what people are interested in, and what questions they drive into the search box, use the Wordstat and Keyword Planner services.

Order a text about legal services from a copywriter

In order for the work to please with a good income, professionalism alone is not enough. It is important that the client learns how you can help him in a LANGUAGE he understands. He does not need mountains of abstruse legal terms - he needs a solution to the problem.

To order a text about legal services from a copywriter is to write in detail about simple things, and JUST about complex ones. The services of a lawyer, due to the complexity and variability of legislation, refer specifically to the second option. So simplify, simplify and simplify again.

Make your company a star on the legal map of the region and make your way to the Legal Olympus.

Article update dated 02/26/2019

Friends! Due to overload, I have suspended writing legal texts. My site has successfully made it to the TOP by a large number of keywords, a lot of people contact me, and a lot of regular customers have appeared. You have to narrow your range of topics. I don’t have enough time and energy for everyone, alas!

Therefore, if you need a selling text, I suggest contacting a trusted freelance exchange. On these exchanges, I myself began my career as a copywriter, and therefore I can recommend them with a clear conscience.

Exchange №1. On this exchange, you can not only order legal selling texts from a copywriter, but also order the creation of a legal website, the design of flyers and banners, the setting up of contextual advertising for a law firm, the creation and promotion of a group in social networks, the voice acting of audio clips, the creation of a legal video and much more. Many do this in a highly specialized way, so finding a quality performer at a reasonable price is quite realistic.

You can register there in one click using your Vkontakte, Facebook or Google+ account, mastering the interface of the exchange is no more difficult than reading this article to the end :) To order text, advertising, social networks, audio, video for a lawyer, click here.

Exchange No. 2. This exchange specializes only in copywriting. I recommend it if you need to get a legal text at the lowest price or if you need a very large number of articles. There are a lot of performers here, so the dumping just rolls over. If in doubt about the quality of the artist, check the box “Select the artist manually” and choose from the responses of the authors with the most readable portfolio :) To order a legal article, click here.

Whatever he could, he helped. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments, I will answer them in detail. Let the wind of profit blow the sails of your business!

View prices

It's no secret that the promotion of legal services on the Internet is an extremely difficult and costly task.

The problems of promotion of a law firm or a lawyer's education lie in the extremely high competition that has developed in this area, as well as in the absence of clear criteria for assessing the quality of the services offered.

For example, in the case of promoting a product, everyone understands perfectly well what is at stake. The buyer knows exactly what he needs. He can appreciate appearance product, its properties, and understands the possible limits of its value.

The same applies to any household services. Mending a hole in clothes or cutting hair - the consumer knows how the result of such work should look like.

When looking for a legal service, the client does not always understand what exactly he is looking for, because he has no idea how it is possible to solve his problem. A legal service is not material, does not have physical properties (color, weight, size, etc.) and a transparent order.

Different companies may offer different ways to solve the client's problem, and he will not understand which way to choose. Therefore, potential clients, as a rule, call many legal sites and compare different variants, extracting maximum free information from lawyers and lawyers and comparing available offers, first of all, by cost.

The situation in the legal services market is also complicated by the proliferating unscrupulous companies that set themselves the goal of extracting from clients as much as possible more money without caring about the quality of their work. They lure citizens with free consultations, a 100% guarantee of success, and the possibility of paying for services “based on results”.

The consequence of such activities is the formation of distrust on the part of clients towards lawyers and lawyers in general, a statement of the extremely low level of professionalism of specialists in the field of jurisprudence and unwillingness to adequately pay for their services.

Based on the foregoing, one can come to disappointing conclusions that many advertising and promotion methods that are effective for goods and most services, in the case of legal services do not work.

In order not to be unfounded, I will briefly outline the main pros and cons of some traditional methods of promoting legal services on the Internet:

1) contextual advertising- promises an instant drive of targeted visitors to the site, followed by a guaranteed purchase of the advertiser's services, and hence its inevitable enrichment. Money is deducted from your advertising account only if a visitor interested in your services "clicks" on the placed ad. Ad positions are determined on the basis of bidding - according to the principle: whoever sets the cost of their click the most will occupy the most advantageous places in advertising blocks.

In reality, things look a little different. Since, again, the main feature of legal services is insane competition, the cost of clicks from contextual advertising, as a rule, reaches astronomical heights. For example, the cost of one click in Yandex Direct contextual advertising for the key queries “lawyer services” or “legal services” in the Moscow region can reach several thousand rubles(yes, you heard right). So stupidly spending money on advertising is unacceptable even for large companies.

But this is not the main problem of contextual advertising. There are also more significant ones. Given the specifics of our activities, even with large advertising budgets and competent setting advertising campaign there is no guarantee that you will not receive empty clicks and "idle" calls, the essence of which will be to get a free consultation from you and compare your proposal with the proposals of dozens of your colleagues. At the same time, the likelihood that the client will choose you is minimized, and the money will be debited for each “click”. Moreover, in recent times the so-called “clicking” of successful competitors in order to waste their funds and take them out of the game has become very popular.

Pros and cons of contextual advertising.

Pros. Temporary improvement in the visibility of the site in search engines, an increase in the number of visitors to the site, and as a result, an improvement in behavioral factors. Increased likelihood of referrals potential clients at your service.

Minuses. Your site will be interesting to search engines and visitors exactly as long as there is money on your advertising account. As soon as the money runs out, your site will cease to exist - provided that you have not used other methods of promotion. In most cases, there is a large-scale "drain" of the budget for contextual advertising with an extremely low return. If the amounts received from customers from such advertising at least cover the cost of it, consider yourself very lucky.

2) Installation of all kinds of "lead generators" on the site: contact windows, feedback forms, telephone connections at your expense, etc. - promises to increase the number of requests from visitors to your site, works on the principle of keeping customers on the site using various calls to action, for example: “Leave your phone number, and we will call you back within five seconds”, “Hello, we are ready to answer any of your questions absolutely free of charge”, “Especially for you, we have big discounts, find out which ones” and the like.

In reality, you will receive a stream of useless calls from amateurs. free consultations, mostly from other regions, asking you a lot of stupid questions, setting themselves the goal of squeezing you like a sponge at your own expense, since it is you who will bear the unjustified costs of paying for these calls and widgets installed on the site.

For the sale of goods, this method is very successful - I received an order from the buyer and sent him the goods by mail to the other end of Russia. You can’t send a lawyer or a lawyer in a parcel, but payment travel expenses in most cases, customers are too tough.

Pros and cons of feedback forms.

Pros. Improving your site visit statistics, primarily behavioral factors, by attracting new visitors and keeping them on the site.

Minuses. Achieving the main goal in this way in the form of a real appeal of new customers to you for help and decent payment for your services is very, very doubtful.

3) Seo (seo) website promotion- a classic method of promotion, designed for the long term. It includes many factors - from internal website optimization to building external link mass. Read more about SEO promotion of a legal services website in the recommendations below.

Pros and cons of SEO website promotion.

Pros. The growth of the site's position in the search results for selected keywords, the improvement of the site's performance, among which the most important indicator today is the citation index (CIC) - the degree of authority of the site in the eyes of the Yandex search engine, an increase in site traffic, including due to customers who are ready to contact at your service.

Minuses. Just like in contextual advertising, this method has a real danger of wasting your money. The fact is that without understanding the specifics of legal services, even experienced SEO specialists may not achieve the desired effect. At the same time, the costs of SEO promotion of the site in the promoted studios will be fabulous, and you need to pay constantly. The monthly budget can be from several tens to several hundred thousand rubles.

4) Separately, I would like to note website promotion by behavioral factors and strengthening of external links due to the transition of visitors to the site through them - is a prohibited method of promotion, but with a competent approach, it effectively works in conjunction with other methods. An example of this is the presence on the Internet today of many successful services that specialize in this method of promotion.

Of course, if you take advantage of some offer of cheap traffic and "flood" this traffic to your site in the amount of several thousand visitors a day, you will remain resting in the margins of search results in an embrace with thousands of bots, or even fall under one from the numerous filters of good-natured search engines.

Pros and cons of promotion by behavioral factors.

Pros. Improving the qualitative and quantitative indicators of site traffic by simulating search sessions (increasing the depth of views and time spent by visitors on the site, reducing the number of "refusals"). The result is an increase in the position of the site for the selected keywords.

Minuses. Visitors who visit your site will not enter into an agreement with you and will not share their hard-earned money with you. With an illiterate setting of search sessions, there is a risk that the site will fall under the filter.

And now I will tell you step by step about the order of actions that should be taken to successfully bring your site to the desired TOP-10.

1) The first step is to choose a good domain name for the site. The catchphrase is relevant here: "Whatever you call a boat, so it will float." Before choosing a domain, decide what you are going to promote - your name or the name of your company. In the first case, it is advisable to use your last name in the domain with reference to the type of your activity. For example: "". In the second case, the domain will not promote the surname, but the brand, for example: "". Alternatively, you can name the domain with the keyword you want to promote your site for.

Checked. One of my sites entered the TOP 10 for a mid-range keyword that matches the domain name, without any promotion costs for this word, and it stays there confidently.

2) After the domain is selected, you need to decide on the hosting and content management system. I recommend creating a website with a free platform that provides ready-made website templates. If you are not a great programmer and don't trust your site to third party great programmers who will put their experiments on it, then you better learn how to manage your site yourself. I use the wordpress platform - for me it is the most convenient. I do not recommend using website builders - they significantly limit the possibilities of website promotion.

Placing a manually designed site on a hosting service is fraught with regular virus attacks, which most often will succeed - for viruses, not for you. If the site works on a paid platform, you will receive constant technical support from specialists, and ensuring the performance of your site will become their headache, not yours.

Of course, you will have to pay for such pleasure. But we are not talking about serious costs. In any case, the costs will be significantly lower than the payment for the exclusive work of the layout designers of the site, and then the payment for no less exclusive work for the treatment of the same site.

Checked. One of my sites is hosted on a free platform without technical support. I'm tired of cleaning out the malicious codes that appear on the site from nowhere. Even the paid anti-virus program installed on the site does not fully cope with these misfortunes.

3) After selecting and installing a suitable site template, you need to create a so-called semantic core for it - select a sufficient number of keywords that characterize your activity, by which you will promote your site. It is advisable not to include high-frequency words that are very popular among Internet users in this list, since moving through them will be tantamount to banging your head against a concrete wall. It is not known what will suffer faster: your head or the wall.

4) Next, when the keywords are selected, the most difficult and interesting part of the internal optimization of the site begins - filling it with thematic content. The phrase “content is king” is well known among SEO professionals. The essence of this procedure is as follows. You need to place on the site unique thematic articles optimized for promotion. In each article, the keywords you have chosen should be correctly spelled out. That is, each text page of the site must be relevant to one or more keywords that users will search for on the Internet.

And therein lies the main problem. To create a unique text on a legal topic that will appeal to both search engines and site visitors, the author needs to be well versed in jurisprudence and SEO promotion at the same time. Otherwise, you will end up with useless text stuffing that will be of no use.

Personally, this is how I started at one time - creating thoughtful philosophical articles without proper optimization and wondering why my site did not take a leading position.

If you do not have the skills of a writer, you will have to buy high-quality ready-made articles, and they are expensive to buy. Unfortunately, articles that are sold on Internet text exchanges are often written by authors who are not at all familiar with jurisprudence. In the best case, after buying such an article, you will need to make its deep rewriting, in the worst case, the article will be an unreadable “abra-kadabra” generated using some kind of synonymizer program. The problem is that you can't read the article before you buy, and therefore you're buying a pig in a poke.

To draw attention to the texts, you can add original pictures or videos to them. To help search engines index the pages of your site with posted articles, a lot of special parameters are prescribed for each text: title, subtitle, description, keywords.

Checked. For one of my sites, I wrote a unique optimized article on the topic: “How to find?” And only this article brought my site to the TOP-10 of Yandex and Google for the following mid-frequency keywords: “good lawyer”, “find a lawyer”, “find a good lawyer”.

5) After placing texts on the site, it is necessary to constantly improve and develop it so that search engines see that work is being done on the site and it is useful for visitors. If the site contains non-unique content, or long time no visitors will be recorded on it, the site is most often successfully sent under the filter. To prevent such a development of events, you can use the following techniques:

- create an internal linking of the site, which consists in placing links on some pages of your site that lead to other pages of it. This has a good effect on behavioral factors, since site visitors follow internal links from one page to another and spend more time on the site.

– create a special website page with current promotions and discounts and constantly update the content of this page. I don't think it's worth explaining the magical effect of discounts on the minds of consumers.

- regularly add new thematic articles to the site. You can place them in a special section of the site, for example, create a news feed.

In addition, the site must be optimized for mobile devices, that is, it must be easily perceived on phones, tablets, etc. Recently, this factor has significantly affected the position of the site.

6) After the main page of the site is indexed by search engines, you can proceed to external site optimization - building up a quality link mass.

Recently, Yandex representatives announced that the links no longer work and are not taken into account in the ranking of sites. For the active purchase of links, many large sites that firmly hold the top positions were sent under the Minusinsk filter - they fell below five dozen positions in the search results.

However, then everything gradually calmed down, and today we can confidently say that the links work, but only high-quality links.

The main methods of obtaining quality links include the following:

Adding your organization to online directories;

Placing information about your organization on bulletin boards;

Doing all this manually is time-consuming and tedious. But in the arsenal of SEO specialists there are many programs that can significantly speed up the process of placing links.

Checked. Submitting your site to directories still works, but directories need to be carefully selected, unique descriptions of your site for each directory, and appropriate subject headings selected. If everything is done correctly, after registering in the catalogs, you will receive the first well-deserved ten TIC from Yandex. The "runs" offered on the Internet through thousands of directories do not count. The result of such runs will be indiscriminately adding your link to low-quality directories, in all headings indiscriminately, which can only harm your site.


This directory provides unique opportunity create your personal website on the Internet with a convenient administration panel. You can post any information about your organization: logo, contact details, location on the map, photos, price lists, videos, press releases and much more. In this case, you will not incur any costs for paying for a domain name, hosting and advertising. All advertising opportunities are collected in this catalogue.

You can apply for registration in the catalog by this link.

Article website promotion is perhaps the most effective method to date. Includes posting unique articles with links to your site included on authoritative sites with related topics. Articles can be placed in article directories, you can buy placement on other sites yourself or through article exchanges, exchange articles and links with the sites of your colleagues. Unfortunately, at present there are no working services for the free exchange of articles between legal sites, but there are good article exchanges for the purchased placement of articles. As a rule, prices on such exchanges are not cheap, but if you try, you can look for acceptable options.

Personally, I am constantly looking for suitable sites to exchange articles and consider paid options for both buying links and selling places for articles on my sites.

Another popular method of obtaining natural links is promotion in social networks: creating and promoting thematic groups, advertising the site on the walls of thematic groups, etc.

Checked. For one of my sites, I created groups in Odnoklassniki (currently it has more than eleven thousand people) and in VKontakte (it has about four thousand people). If the site has a group in social networks, its promotion has a number of advantages. Social networks add natural links to your site. For example, social network users can "repost" links to your site and post your advertisements on your wall. From these groups, visitors follow the link to your main site and from there they can access your services.

To consider in detail each of the promotion methods I have listed separately, you need to write more than one book. If after reading this article someone has any questions, comments or suggestions, write, I will answer everyone.

I wish you good progress!

Sincerely, lawyer V.Yu. Bondarchuk

2017, . All rights reserved.

As you know, professionals employed in the political and business spheres are well aware of how important technologies for promoting certain services or goods are. Even the same PR technologies have been used for these purposes for a long time. You can achieve a lot with their help. True, lawyers, which is interesting, treat these technologies with some distrust and even apprehension. Many still naively believe that they can be completely dispensed with. However, this is a fundamentally wrong approach, since it should be noted that well-known and well-established lawyers have become such largely due to a good command of PR and marketing technology. Even though they may not even be aware of it. At some times, in particular crisis time, the number of potential customers is sharply decreasing, why for a competent and successful formation business reputation all must be used possible ways. No one will argue with the fact that every civilized person at least once in his life had to draw up papers and conclude a variety of contracts. For example, trade transactions, any partnership agreements, marriage contracts or contracts for the sale, inheritance or deed of gift, and so on.

It goes without saying that during the execution of these papers one has to sign something, imposing certain obligations on oneself, which will need to be fulfilled at all costs. Therefore, before signing anything, every person should definitely consult with an experienced lawyer who knows his business well and is able to understand any, even the most controversial situation. It is such a highly qualified specialist who will be able to observe all your interests and in no case will let cunning scammers mislead you.

Of course, it is easy to follow the following logical pattern: since legal services are in great demand at any time, they are, accordingly, not cheap. Nevertheless, this is a very good and very promising option for making money at home. The main condition is that it requires a legal education and certain business qualities that can help promote public services. In general, in order to start working as a lawyer on the Internet, you either need to open your own website or register on any exchange of services, even if it is free. This requires only any search system and a certain amount of time allotted for the search.

However, everyone who wants to create their own business on legal services on the Internet must definitely know some of the nuances that will inevitably emerge in the process of promoting their project. So, you should not start working at all if you do not have a legal education or if you have, but have not practiced for a long time. In the case when you have not refreshed many of the subtleties of a legal case for several years, you should definitely re-acquaint yourself with the details, paying attention even to those that at first glance seem quite small and unworthy of your close attention.

When determining the prices for your services, you should take into account the situation in the market. In no case should the prices for your services be exorbitant - you should definitely display them with an eye to the economic situation in the country. After all, you must admit that it is unlikely that even a well-to-do person will, in a severe crisis, lay out fabulous sums, even for professional services. On average, for example, the price for legal expertise exceeds fifty dollars, for the development of a contract it can reach one hundred and fifty dollars. If we are talking about court case, then the cost of its analysis exceeds the threshold of one hundred dollars. Based on these figures and the number of specialists in the service staff, you can calculate the expected income.

Considering the specifics of organizing the work of any service located on the Internet, you should have an electronic wallet in advance, to which the money earned, in fact, will be regularly received. In the event that you work on the stock exchange, you should not forget. Do not forget that if you work on the stock exchange, your rating and direct feedback on your work become very important.

For greater convenience in work, you should take care to get a fax machine. If you have your own legal services website, you often have to send verified documents in this way.

Of course, when fulfilling an order, you have a great responsibility. Every person who gives you a job of a legal nature wants to protect himself from Internet scammers, of which there have been an indecently large number on the Web lately. That is why the execution of each order should be approached with high quality and carefully, trying to justify the trust placed in you. In the case when you are just starting your own business and are actively engaged in the promotion of the legal services you provide, this becomes even more important. greater value, as it directly works on your reputation. And, as you know, where there are positive reviews about the work from customers, there are success and stable profits.

If you are still studying to be a lawyer, then it is justified to start working only from senior years, when you have already formed the ability to overcome all those many "pitfalls" that are so often present in contracts and transactions.

You should not shy away from working on the stock exchange - a lot of lawyers, now quite successful and talented, started out working in small offices. They started, as a rule, with small orders, gradually increasing the size and number of works. We can give universal and very important advice for young and not yet professionally formed lawyers with exorbitant enthusiasm: in no case take up the organization of work for the provision of legal services without a legal education, because by doing so you will not only let your clients down, but also risk ruining your whole professional career.

If you still opened a website for legal services and need competent promotion of services on the Internet market, you need to attract potential customers to the website. To do this, you just need to place ads on sites that are originally focused on jurisprudence and advocacy. Of course, the word "simply" is used here only to denote a specific action to post a message about your service, indicating contacts for communication. In fact, it is very difficult to come up with an advertising text that could interest potential customers and make them give preference to you. Of great importance in this case is the unusual presentation of your services and the persuasiveness of the text. This does not need countless kilosigns at all - you need to attract the attention of a potential customer and convince him to tip the scales in your favor, even if on the other side there is an experienced and already established competitor on the Web. In any case, in order for your work on the Web to be profitable and comfortable, you should work on all fronts of activity and actively remind yourself at the initial stage of organizing your business, when you are just starting to work in your name. Do not be afraid of difficulties - later the name itself will work for you.

A very common type of orders is the legal examination of the contract. What form does it take? Let's consider in more detail. First of all, the client is offered a deal. He sends the documents received for processing the transaction to the legal service of his choice, where highly qualified specialists subject these documents to an in-depth analysis. In the event that their captious eye finds any inconsistency or error, the customer is advised to change some points. Sometimes you even have to explain that the contract provides for the possibility of non-fulfillment of obligations, in other words, later it will be simply impossible to go to court to restore the violated right. It may well be that the text of the contract contains provisions that directly contradict the law. Russian Federation. Why is this happening? It's simple: often the developer of a document deliberately puts such a restriction of his right into the text so that later it simply has no effect. These are just a few of a number of interesting tricks.

Contract development is also one of the most common types of order.

Such a business can be organized by any good specialist who is not devoid of business ingenuity and professional vigilance. Almost all one hundred percent of the work in this case is done alone with the document. Most often, this is the end of the work, therefore, to switch to this mode of operation, no additional investments are needed - only your professional knowledge and patience. The first stage in the organization of legal services can be considered work on clients' computers, if the number of available funds is very small. The second stage can rightfully be considered work on your computer, when the documents that have been worked out are later submitted on paper, as, in fact, most people work.

Already further, we can talk about simply accepting documents, processing them and sending them after work on them is completed through Email.
In the future, a gradual increase in the number of clients, because with such an already fully formed regime, a lot can be done, bypassing meetings and wasting precious time on them and on the road. The main advantage of this type of legal services is that it is not even just home-based business, but the real distant work, which can follow you everywhere. After all, you can work, in fact, anywhere where there is a telephone socket. In addition, to receive money from customers, there is no need to come to another city. All problems are solved by simply issuing an international plastic card.

But before thinking about how best to use the profits received as a result of orders, you should think about how to reach people in such a way that they come to you with a desire to use your services. In other words, you are faced with the task of promoting your service in the relevant service market.

Of course, first you need to determine what, speaking in a purely professional language, the target audience you are counting on. Accordingly, the attention of which people you need to attract to your law firm and its employees working on the execution of orders. It seems that only wealthy citizens can afford professional legal services, successful entrepreneurs, leaders of both large and small companies. How to attract the attention of such dignitaries? The answer is obscenely obvious and there is no need to reinvent the wheel here: you just need to become visible to your target audience, maintaining your so-called visibility in the market in various ways. And you can support it regardless of the extent to which the income of your law firm reaches, or how long it has been present on the legal services market in general. Such visibility can be achieved by the constant presence or mention in those means mass media, and to them, no doubt, you can and should add various specialized sites that are read and watched by the people you need.

How to achieve this? In general, choosing the media you need is quite easy. Look through the relevant publications in the newspaper and magazine kiosks, look through the subscription catalogs in the mail, paying attention primarily to those business publications that are read by the first persons of the companies. You can pay attention to specialized publications devoted, for example, to real estate, taxation, the automotive industry, or the so-called glamorous publications that are read by financially independent successful business women. You just need to write out their names for yourself, include them in your plan and think about how to get in touch with them, what and how to offer them in order to interest this or that person, and start working with him.

It should be remembered that, in a sense, newspapers and magazines, TV channels and radio stations themselves are not bad interested in relations with law and law firms. After all, judge for yourself: the media always feel the need for professional legal commentary on current events or legal problems. Therefore, you do not need to be afraid to call the editorial office directly and offer your services in exchange for promoting the service. You can offer your editorial services different ways. For example, say that the specialists of your company will periodically give short oral or detailed comments on the materials that journalists prepare for publication. If necessary, you can oblige yourself to give telephone advice on complex legal issues. In some cases, you can artificially create a situation where your specialists do something for the editorial office for free. Of course, we are talking only about partial gratuitousness, because in the future it assumes that journalists will also meet you halfway and provide some invaluable service.

There is a tendency that editorial offices are very reluctant to take for publication ready-made articles that were once written by lawyers. This is largely due to the fact that each media outlet has its own ideas about the relevance of the material and its own thematic plans, which are being developed by editors. Therefore, it is quite expected that the articles prepared by the lawyers of your service may not correspond to these plans. But for effective promotion your legal services service, these articles just have to be on the pages of the publications you need. How to achieve this? Try to build a conversation with editors a little differently. To get started, just ask if they have a thematic plan for the near future. And if the answer to that question is yes, ask if there are articles on legal topics. In the event that here you receive a positive answer, suggest writing them by the deadline set by the editors. That's when your material will be published in the newspaper you need or in the magazine you are interested in, which will significantly add points to you on the scale of the so-called market visibility.

And it is not at all necessary to demand a fee for articles or comments by specialists in the media. In conditions financial crisis editorial offices and television and radio studios have drastically reduced their fee funds, so it’s quite possible to ask for money for your work, but the money you need advertising services. The editors can indicate not only the name and surname of the author, but also the name of your company, and, if possible, and even more desirable, phone numbers, website address or e-mail. In case of a successful location of the editorial office to your service, you can agree on the placement of a small advertising module containing information about the name of the company, brief description service and contacts. Maintaining good relations with journalists is not only desirable, it is necessary. Moreover, your obligations in relation to them must be approached with all seriousness, and if for any reason a specialist of your company who undertook to prepare the material cannot do this in the right time, urgently recommend another lawyer, otherwise you risk letting the editors down and seriously undermine the established with her business relationship. After that, it will be very difficult to restore trust and a solid business reputation.

Currently, there are countless exhibitions, conferences, seminars organized by various media. Take part in them, and it is advisable not to pay for it, but to agree in advance on mutually beneficial participation, working, say, at the stand of a publication, promoting its interests and, in parallel, your services. To do this, try to present your company from the best side.
If your company's lawyers or solicitors are successfully involved in litigation of well-known public figures or high-ranking officials, do not hide it. Work on building a successful professional image for one or more specific people in your firm. It is necessary to advertise them personally, indicating their names and ensuring that they are recognized by their names. This is done with the expectation that the name of the company will automatically be displayed after this. A common truth: the louder and more significant the resonance is for the case that your lawyer or attorney is handling, the more attention he will get, respectively, most of this attention will be paid to your service.

In connection with the ever-increasing role of the Internet in human life, there is a need to make the most of this wonderful information resource. Therefore, the advice that you need to participate in forums as often as possible, maintain blogs and websites, you need to heed. In the world wide web, and this is no longer a secret, there are many sites that operate legal forums. Online, visitors to the site leave their questions, and lawyers answer them. Often among those who leave questions there are lawyers. In a word, this is the so-called exchange of experience between lawyers. But what is most important is that, by communicating on the forums, lawyers often find clients for themselves, promote themselves and their firm in which they work. Sometimes visitors themselves offer the lawyers who answered them to work for them: for example, to help in court. Lawyers should not ignore such Internet resources as social media. The most famous of them are Odnoklassniki and VKontakte. Today, these are perhaps the most visited Runet sites. Even old acquaintances or classmates of a lawyer of your firm, having found him in this resource, can offer to work for them, representing interests in court or performing an examination of a disputed contract.

In promoting legal services, you should not rely solely on the so-called "word of mouth". This fancy term refers to a basically simple method of spreading information about your company through those who are already your customers and are completely satisfied with working with you. It consists in the fact that they simply tell their friends about you, recommend your company to them. As a result, you get new customers. However, this method can only work for a certain time. Rely only on him as the only way attracting new customers is strongly discouraged. It is necessary to apply other technologies to attract new clients and maintain positions in the legal services market.