Write a self presentation. Effective self-presentation: an example of how to prepare different options

To answer the question “How to make a self-presentation”, you should first familiarize yourself with what self-presentation is. This is a way to present yourself, your skills and abilities with better side for the target audience. Draw attention to those qualities on your part that are more advantageous. The ability to present yourself correctly is very important, here you need to keep all your emotions and feelings under control.
You encounter this phenomenon every day. You often have to choose one or another style of communication, depending on the people around you. Whether it's your boss or subordinate, close friend or old enemy, loving person or a stranger on the street, all this in some way is self-presentation. For example, even what clothes you are wearing today will be part of it.

From birth, we are individuals. Already here our “natural” self-presentation is laid. We form an image throughout our life. You can find out what kind of person is in front of you only after you start a dialogue with you. Each new interlocutor is a blank sheet that you can write about yourself from scratch.

Two types of self-presentation

  • The first option is to adapt to the environment.

It's hard enough, but doable. Let's take an example. You would like to meet an interesting but unfamiliar company. Don't rush to speak right away.

Watch the behavior of these people. Take a closer look at their manner of communication, topics of conversation, timbre of voice, habits, gestures. All this will help to quickly feel the interlocutors that you are not a stranger to them, the attitude towards you will improve, and trust will increase. You will need only one thing - to be able to adapt to the company, to merge with them into one whole.

But let's be honest, this method is not always effective, and in rare cases even harmful, so you should have one more in your luggage.

  • The second way is more difficult than the first - you need to become a leader, a dominant flawless person, an undeniable authority.

Main qualities:

One of the main types of self-presentation is public. Example: you have a desire to get a job new job or introduce yourself to an unfamiliar group. To make it easier to cope with the task and overcome the excitement, you need to follow the following rules.

  1. Prepare the text in advance and read it several times, marking important points. In no case do not memorize it, otherwise it will sound artificial, there should always be a place for improvisation. The text should consist of three parts: a bright and unobtrusive greeting, the main part, where your successes and achievements will be, and a confident ending.
  2. Listen to how your speech sounds from the outside, and analyze it. What is missing in it, where to change the intonation. Example: to show confidence to the interlocutor, use perfect verbs.
  3. Know your listeners and be prepared for any provocative question they may have. Even if all this audience will be combined in one person, for example, in your future boss.
    If you are a teacher and go to a couple of students, then the first lesson should be introductory in order to find out the strengths and weak sides listeners. The next pair will reveal the characteristics of students, where you can understand what techniques and means to use to attract their attention.
  4. Manner. Everyone will definitely pay attention to your behavior.
  5. Your gestures and facial expressions. Reinforce your words with gestures, so the audience can better understand you. Facial expressions should be friendly, then people will feel sincerity in you, smile and look into your eyes. The main thing is to be natural and open so that the listeners feel your mood and sincerity.
  6. Pay special attention to appearance. Your outfit will serve as the first impression of you. Now one of the recognized types of clothing is a suit or a classic black dress. But do not forget that excessive formality is not always what you need. Example: try wearing dark jeans instead of dress pants. Or replace the women's suit with an elegant blouse and skirt. Pay attention to the little things: jewelry, a briefcase and other items of clothing. All this can help you, or, on the contrary, harm you.
  7. Don't embellish your personality. Everyone has known for a long time that lies always come out, and you should not lie to your listeners.

Problems with compiling a self-presentation

Often this problem is hidden in ourselves. Various psychological traumas, internal barriers or ignorance of oneself can be strongly reflected in a conversation with an interlocutor. To do this, you need to make a self-presentation, taking into account your features that you need to hide or, conversely, show, make it as informative and exciting as possible, and at the same time in a fairly short time.

Being able to listen to someone else's opinion, think over your words and actions, control the situation - these are the qualities that will help you achieve maximum effect in self-presentation.

Self-presentation today is an integral part of the daily activities of every modern person. We present ourselves to friends, colleagues, partners. Everyone has a natural self-presentation from birth, but only a well-planned presentation will help to effectively interact with people, gain loyalty, influence the audience.

A successfully built self-presentation will allow you to control the attention that the speaker produces on the audience in order to influence it, present yourself in a favorable light, profitably sell yourself, a product, an idea or a product.

The very term "self-presentation" is based on the need to create a certain (positive) image, which has a basis in the form strengths person, his professional skills.

Plan of a working self-presentation

In order for the self-presentation to be compiled correctly, in the course of developing its plan, it is necessary to clearly define to whom it is directed, highlight target audience and ask yourself how you can win over these people. The main mechanisms of its construction depend on the purpose of the impact.

In order for self-presentation to produce the desired effect, you should:

  1. Say hello to the audience.

    During the greeting, it is necessary for everyone to make it clear that he is the main listener. Don't be overly grateful for the attention, but it's a good idea to give the impression that your audience's attention means a lot to you. By focusing on this, you are one step closer to the main task - to keep this attention.

  2. Give a brief description of your personality as a professional.

    Do not indulge in biographical digging. As a basis, you need to take the year of birth, data on education, as well as the path that led you to the currently relevant type of activity.

  3. Describe the stages of your growth within the profession.

    To achieve greater effect, tell us about the most significant moments of your experience in the field of your activity or related ones, in which you gained the most professional experience. For example, if we are talking about editing or copywriting, it would not be superfluous to report awards and promotions in the field of literature. This will help create the right first impression of you as a well-rounded professional. Mention the accomplishments you have within professional activity. Speak with gratitude that you feel for this or that assessment of your work. You should never show boasting - it will be perceived as bad form.

Today, quite often you can hear information that self-presentation is very important: at an interview (for example, a story about yourself), in a resume, in a conversation. What is it? Useful information- Further!

Self-presentation: an example of a “correct” resume

One of the most common options for presenting yourself to a loved one is compiling and sending out a resume. How competently it is drawn up will depend on whether you will be invited to a personal conversation.

Let's start, as they say, from the stove. If the text of the vacancy indicates that information about yourself needs to be squeezed into 1000 characters, then do it. This will show that at least you have mindfulness. It is clear that a resume that does not meet the requirements indicated in the ad will not be considered (this is at best, and at worst, the candidate will be marked as frivolous and unintelligent).

By the way, sometimes applicants are asked to make a short one. This is a miniature self-presentation. An example of text that would at least look decent: “Hello! I am interested in the position you posted. Over the past 5 years I have been working in the field active sales. Went from to The key skills that helped me achieve this are outlined in the resume. If you are interested in productive and mutually beneficial cooperation, I will be glad to receive an invitation to a personal interview!”

Self-presentation: an example of how to conduct it at an interview

If you were invited for an interview, it means that your candidacy is of interest. Try not to spoil the impression! Think in advance about your outfit and its relevance to the direction of the company. Rehearse everything, even facial expressions! It’s better to spend an hour in front of the mirror to understand which smile adorns you and which one looks like a hypocritical grimace or a hungry grin.

Talk about what you are being asked. Do not allow long lyrical digressions. Try to answer questions honestly. Do not try to be a genius, belittling the dignity of other people.

When you are asked to briefly describe yourself - remember that you should not start with your success in kindergarten. The optimal time for your "solo performance" is about 5 minutes.

Self-presentation: an example in a conversation

Sometimes it happens that just a couple of phrases in a conversation allows you to do it from the best side. Try to speak confidently and positively. Avoid empty interjections, do not speak long and too quietly. Give preference to energetic verbs (done, achieved, decided). For example, in a conversation with a friend who is opening a company in an area you are interested in, you should say something like: “Yes, you are saying everything correctly. When I worked for Ivanov, I did the same as you. But I also solved a couple of problems with my "secret" methods. This allowed us to attract ten new customers!” Such a construction of a phrase may well encourage you to continue a fleeting and insignificant conversation in a way that is beneficial to you.

Self-presentation: an example of what not to do

No need to try. It will most likely be noticed. And interpreted not in your favor.

You should not memorize one template text and voice it everywhere. Adjust to the situation. Somewhere your work experience is interesting, somewhere - business connections, and somewhere else - the ability to communicate. Ask leading questions to understand which qualities to focus on.

Don't act like a star. Even if you are an excellent specialist, arrogance and an excessive sense of self-worth can push a person away from you if he sees that you are not interested in anyone but yourself. But there is no need to fawn, ingratiatingly looking into the eyes of the interlocutor.

Self-presentation is a broad concept that includes verbal and non-verbal manifestations. In this article, we will mean "telling about yourself." Before an event, meeting new people, most professionals prepare and rehearse a self-presentation. It is necessary for every person to be able to tell briefly and beautifully about himself, emphasizing the necessary facts and hiding the disadvantageous ones.

Despite the importance of this skill, most of us do not know how to present ourselves. The biggest mistake is to think that “telling about yourself” is easy. On the contrary, telling about yourself is a difficult task. Of course, a sales manager, PR or HR specialist will not be puzzled by the offer to tell about yourself at an interview, but what if you don’t communicate with people so much or you don’t have enough experience?

Let's see how to write . In the future, of course, it needs to be learned and rehearsed. These rules are the same for any kind of self-presentation in any situation.

  1. Every presentation has a purpose. Your goal here is to make the right impression. There is no need to improvise here: the best option is a ready-made presentation; Everyone can talk a lot about himself, but not everything is interesting to listen to.
  2. Think about what audience you will present yourself to, what a person needs to hear so that he feels that you can satisfy his needs. This creates an understanding of what you can talk about, and what you should not dwell on. Each person presents himself daily through communication, behavior, actions, speech.

In communicating with the client, the sales manager must create the impression of a reliable expert who can be trusted, otherwise he will not sell anything. At the interview, the candidate tries to create the image of a hardworking ambitious person who is very interested in the vacancy, otherwise he will not get it. In a nightclub, the same candidate, having met an interesting girl, will present himself differently; he is unlikely to emphasize his love of work.

  1. The task of self-presentation is not a story about your whole life with details and philosophical digressions, but a short structured story, where the greatest attention is paid to those facts that may be interesting and useful to the interlocutor listening to the self-presentation. It will be possible to tell briefly and beautifully about yourself only if your story has a structure, more facts than reasoning, there are examples of your statements about yourself.

With your story, you must create a certain image for the listener. By means of speech, this can be done directly or indirectly. For example, you can say directly that you are an altruist, you like to help others. Or you can point it out indirectly by saying that in your free time you work as a volunteer in a cafeteria for socially protected segments of the population. The paradox in terms of indirect and direct statements about yourself is that if you state something openly (I am an altruist), it must be proven, the listener involuntarily has a question, are you telling the truth. And if you indirectly point to the same quality (In my free time I work in the canteen ...), the listener draws a conclusion about this quality on his own, and already doubts the sincerity of your words less.

  1. An original presentation about yourself in a certain style with a sense of humor, jokes, a certain amount of self-irony and positive emotions is appropriate almost everywhere: at an interview, on the first day at work, when colleagues will be interested in you, at a speech in front of an audience. A person is perceived better if what he says correlates well with the fact how it is accepted, and vice versa. If what you say about yourself is not “consonant” with your appearance, you will be perceived with less confidence.

The impression of you is formed in the first 30 seconds through the perception of your appearance, gait, posture, ability to hold on, and what you say affects the interlocutor in the second place. If you hold tight, mince small steps, stoop and speak in a squeaky voice, no matter how you convince the audience that you are a strong, self-confident person, they will not believe you. In psychology, there is the term "congruence", that is, the coincidence of actions, words, type of person, gestures, etc. so that it creates a complete image. As soon as the interlocutor feels this discrepancy (no integrity), trust in you completely disappears. The listener may not understand why this is happening, but we are used to listening to our emotions and feelings. Do you look confident, are you open enough? Training in front of a mirror The best way bring self-presentation to the ideal, until you like what you see in the mirror, no one will like it. You have read the basic rules for making a successful presentation about yourself, learn how to do it

“You won’t get a second chance to make a first impression,” said the legendary Coco Chanel about her appearance.

The catchphrase applies to self-presentation as well.

By inviting you for an interview, the employer provides the only chance to convince him to give the coveted position to you.

What to say at a job interview, how to present yourself to the employer competently? Good self-presentation requires preliminary preparation and does not tolerate impromptu. Think in advance what to tell about yourself at the interview, make a plan for the story and rehearse in front of the mirror, controlling facial expressions and gestures.

Important! The employer pays attention not only to your speech, but also to your appearance.

Remember the 30 second rule - you have half a minute to please the employer, do not drag out your story, speak briefly and to the point. The main rule is a little, but to the point. Stick to the plan, but do not memorize the text, otherwise it will not be interesting to listen to you. Examples of what to tell about yourself at the interview can be found later in the article.

Why is self-presentation necessary?

The employer has already formed an opinion about you in absentia, based on the resume and questionnaire data. It would seem, what else does he want to know? Why do you need self-presentation in an interview?

The employer wants to hear first of all that you have exactly the qualities and professional skills that he is looking for.

For example, to say that you are a cheerful and sociable shirt-guy, applying for a position personnel specialist, not the best idea.

In this case, it is more expedient to characterize yourself as a responsible and sociable person.

It has long become customary that at the interview they are asked to tell about themselves. During your story, the employer will evaluate the manner of behavior and narration, the ability to convey the most useful information to the listener in a short time.

Read more about what to say at an interview when asked to tell about yourself and what you need to say at an interview to get hired later in the article.

Telling about yourself at the interview: an example and an algorithm

Before you go to the interview, it will not be superfluous to find out more about the company. Look for information on the Internet, read reviews. Read what, according to employers, the qualities a specialist should have. This data will help you identify the employer's needs and use them as the basis for your story.

There is no single presentation form for all organizations, only general structure, which you can change depending on the specifics of the company.

How to tell about yourself? The story can be conditionally divided into several points:

Reference! This structure is the basis of the presentation, it can be supplemented and changed at your discretion!

How to answer interview questions is up to you. Remember, there is no need for lengthy explanations, it is enough to draw up short story About Me.

So, self-presentation at an interview is an example or sample of a story about yourself at an interview. Elena Sokolova will go to an interview at the Focus company for the position of a sales representative.

My name is Elena, my specialty is active sales manager.

I am 31 years old, married, have a son - a schoolboy, 10 years old.

In 2007 she graduated from the Orenburg State University, Faculty of Management. Working in her specialty, she was repeatedly noted by the management as the best employee active sales.

I own English language at a conversational level and have a driving experience of 8 years. Attended trainings: "Tough sales", "Consumer psychology", as well as trainings personal growth. With a computer on "you".

In my work, I aim to achieve optimal performance, not content with mediocre results. Interested in professional development and growth.

I can characterize myself as a purposeful, strong-willed person, able to quickly and effectively solve the tasks set by the management. Work in the field of sales is impossible without sociability, stress resistance and responsibility, which I am not deprived of.

I like to spend my free time usefully: I ride a bike, read, relax with my family and friends.

I think that's all I would like to tell you about. Thanks.

Reference! Please note that for clarity in Elena's story, each structural point is highlighted in a separate paragraph!

What not to say in an interview? There are several points that are better left unsaid in your story.

First, do not speak badly about management and colleagues from a previous job.

Secondly, do not tell the employer about your mistakes and failures in the professional field.

Your story should not contain a drop of doubt about your own abilities and professionalism.

Be confident and do not underestimate your own merits, but do not overdo it with self-praise. Find a suitable example of how to talk about yourself at an interview in advance and remake it for yourself. Remember that everything is good in moderation.

How is the response analyzed?

The employer, analyzing your answer, pays attention not only to the information content, but also to other factors:

Even if you have clearly decided what to say at the interview and what not, follow the “golden mean” in everything and in no case lie to the employer.

Useful video

Self-presentation at the interview - more details in the video below:

Preliminary preparation and the right attitude will lead you to the desired goal and open up new horizons for you. Moreover, now you know what to answer at the interview to the question: “Tell me about yourself?”. Good luck in your professional field!