Draft design what is included in the project. Contact Information


About the temporary order of development, cost determination and
approval of preliminary architectural design

Prior to the approval of the provision on the preliminary architectural design, developed in accordance with the Decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR of September 19, 1987 N 1058 "On the further development of Soviet architecture and urban planning", the Gosstroy of the RSFSR recommends the following temporary procedure for the development, determination of cost and approval of the preliminary architectural a project for the development of residential areas, architectural ensembles, buildings, structures and their complexes, which determines the foundations of the architectural and urban planning concept of the design object.

1. Draft design (or part of it - foreskiz) is a pre-design stage and is established in the amount necessary and sufficient to assess the quality of architectural and urban planning decisions, approve and use it in further design.

2. A draft design may be created on a competitive or custom basis.

3. Competitive preliminary design(foreskiz) is carried out on the basis of the program and the conditions of the competition approved by the customer.

4. A custom draft design is carried out on the basis of a task agreed upon by the relevant architectural and urban planning authority issued by the customer (local Council of People's Deputies, ministry, department, enterprise, organization). The customer and the architectural and urban planning authority determine the need and forms of public discussion, the conditions for consideration, agreement or approval of the draft design.

5. The development of a custom draft design is carried out on the basis of an agreement drawn up in the form approved by the Decree of the USSR State Committee on Science and Technology dated 11/19/87 N 435. The contract defines: stages (rounds) of work, its composition and content (in accordance with the appendix to this letter); working conditions of the author in case direct contract with the author-architect; the procedure and composition of the participants in the approval and consideration of the draft design, the need for public discussion; the rights of the author in the further use of the draft design; other special conditions, including sanctions for non-fulfillment of the architectural and urban planning task or the terms of the contract.

The preliminary design is approved by the executive committee of the local Council of People's Deputies or by a joint decision of the ministry, department, enterprise, customer organization and the relevant architectural and urban planning authority.

6. The cost of developing a competitive or custom draft design is determined based on the estimated cost of the "project" stage according to the Collection of prices for design work for construction using coefficients from 0.4 to 0.6, taking into account the special urban, social and architectural significance and complexity of the site, volume, urgency and other conditions stipulated by the task (program) or the conditions of the competition. The cost of developing layouts and other demonstration materials is determined according to the Price Books for design work for construction, and other prices.

7. The source of financing for a competitive, custom draft design is the customer's funds. The rates of the author's remuneration for the creation of a draft architectural design are determined in accordance with the current legislation. In the absence of approved rates, the amount of the author's fee is determined by agreement of the parties. Payment of remuneration to the authors of the draft design is made by the customer in the manner determined by the terms of the competition or contract.

8. Development of draft designs using standard or repeated individual projects for the construction of individual buildings and structures is not allowed.

9. The temporary procedure for the development, cost determination and approval of the draft design was agreed with the Russian Republican Bank of the Promstroybank of the USSR (comrade Malyshev A.I.), the Russian Republican Bank of the Zhilsotsbank of the USSR (comrade Desyatnichenko A.V.), the State Planning Commission of the RSFSR (comrade Zapalsky L.A.), the Union of Architects of the RSFSR (comrade Rochegov A.G.) and recommended for state design organizations and design and production divisions of the Union of Architects of the RSFSR.

Gosstroy of the RSFSR
N.V. Sukhanov

Application. The composition and content of the architectural draft design

1. Approximate composition of materials for a preliminary design of a building, structure, complex:

Master plan scheme on a scale of 1:500; 1:1000.

Floor plans in 1:50 scale; 1:100; 1:200; 1:400.

Sections on a scale of 1:50; 1:100; 1:200; 1:400.

Facades on a scale of 1:50; 1:100; 1:200; 1:400.

Perspective or axonometry - on an arbitrary scale.

An explanatory note with the rationale for architectural, urban planning, engineering, design, economic, technological and other design solutions, with the main operational and space-planning indicators (capacity, throughput, power, building volume, estimated and total area, specific indicators volume, area (K and K), the cost of building an object).

2. Approximate composition of the materials of the preliminary design of development:

Situational plan on a scale of 1:1000; 1:2000; 1:5000.

Scheme of the master plan of development on a scale of 1:500; 1:1000.

Scheme of traffic organization on a scale of 1:500; 1:1000.

Scheme of landscaping and landscaping on a scale of 1:500; 1:1000.

Development of building facades on a scale of 1:500; 1:400.

Composition schemes of building plans on a scale of 1:500, 1:400.

Perspective or axonometry on an arbitrary scale.

Explanatory note.

The composition of the explanatory note and the indicators contained in it are determined by the task, depending on the specifics of the design object.

Development of a draft design ( architectural concept) - This is the very first stage of pre-project development. A conceptual proposal is necessary to form the first idea of ​​the architectural features of the object, the complexity of its design and the volume of construction. Specialists of the PNProject company carry out preliminary design to agree on fundamental decisions regarding the style, architectural design, functionality, layout, dimensions, layout of the building on the land. The concept allows in a short time to determine the estimated cost and timing of the design and construction of the building. The draft design serves as the basis for justification investment attractiveness object. The concept proposal is the basis for developing design solutions and issuing working documentation.

It is a mistake to think that a concept is just a pretty picture on the basis of which you can start designing a building. In fact, a draft design is the result of a comprehensive analysis a large number various factors, making informed conceptual decisions with reference to the initial technical parameters. At the stage of developing a preliminary design, detailed calculations structural elements are not carried out, so the engineer must have sufficient knowledge and technical literacy so that conceptual solutions do not contradict building codes. A preliminary design, accompanied by title documents, is used to obtain initial permits from the CAA for design and survey work. On the basis of the draft design, the sequence of construction, the need for the facility in energy supply are determined. The customer receives information about what work needs to be done to prepare the site for development.

While the concept is being developed, PNProject specialists are in constant negotiations with the customer. The customer can make any changes in order to approach the design stage with a high-quality draft design. If the customer's requirements are contrary to building codes, we offer an alternative. The customer can be provided with several conceptual solutions to choose from. Options may differ in minor details or, conversely, be the complete opposite of each other. After analyzing several proposals, the customer chooses the option that suits him in all respects.

The composition of the draft design drawings

The initial data for the development of a preliminary design is the terms of reference for the design, urban planning, topographic survey of the site allocated for development, and the wishes of the customer. The composition of the draft design may vary depending on the specifics and purpose of the object. The set of documentation for the "Draft design" section consists of text and graphic parts - an explanatory note, sketches, 3D images of the object. The main sections of the draft design:

  • master plan scheme;
  • layout of transport routes;
  • development of facades;
  • floor plans of the building;
  • sections of the object in characteristic zones;
  • photorealistic general view of the building with elaboration of landscape solutions;
  • explanatory note.

The location of the building on the land. The capital construction object cannot be placed on the territory arbitrarily. When choosing the layout of the object and adjacent structures, the requirements are taken into account fire safety, sanitary norms and other building rules. It is important to correctly orient the elements of the house relative to the cardinal points, coordinate the chosen solution with the surrounding landscape and the layout of existing communications, take into account the requirements of transport and pedestrian accessibility, and ensure the correct insolation of the building. On the master plan scheme, not only the projected object is located, but also adjacent buildings, access roads and landscaping elements

Plan form. Having chosen the location of the object, the designer proceeds to determine the shape of the house in the plan. Modern technologies make it possible to build structures of complex configuration, the broadest prospects are open to designers in this direction. For example, in recent years, dome structures built from pneumatic film membranes have been especially popular.

Floor plans. The designer creates sketches for the location of load-bearing walls, partitions, ceilings, roofs, window and door openings, flights of stairs, and foundations. The planning of the main premises is being worked out, schemes for placing equipment and communications are being developed. All solutions are consistent with fire safety requirements. By prior arrangement on the this stage a conceptual drawing of the interiors with the arrangement of furniture and the selection of finishing materials can be performed. When developing all subsections of the preliminary design, the thickness of walls, floors and ceilings, foundation structures, the scheme for laying communications and the characteristics of the selected finishing materials are taken into account. This approach avoids errors in determining the actual height and dimensions of the premises.

Sketches of facades. The architect thinks over the concept of the appearance of the building, determines the types of finishing materials and technologies, thinks over the layout of windows, doors, balconies, terraces. Sketch solutions on the architecture of the facades are consistent with the interior characteristics of the object.

General view of the building. Based on the results of complex work on all the above points, a general view of the building is created in the context of landscape design. To reproduce the external appearance of the building, we use modern 3D visualization programs. The development of a photorealistic 3D model is a complex and time-consuming process that requires a careful and balanced approach to the choice of textures, colors, and materials. As a result, an almost complete copy of the designed building is born. Final Rendering general view of the building is done after agreeing decisions on the location and shape of the building, on the layout of the floors and the execution of the facades.

Explanatory note. The text part of the project provides a description of the characteristics and functional purpose of the object, considers technical and economic indicators, the results of calculations of the technical and economic efficiency of design solutions. AT explanatory note the approximate volume of construction and installation works is indicated. After working out the conceptual design, the picture of the upcoming financial costs and labor costs for the design of the building becomes clear.

High-quality study of the preliminary design- this is a significant factor in minimizing problems and inconsistencies at the design stage. By paying due attention to the conceptual proposal and agreeing on each of its sections, you can be sure that the characteristics of the designed object will fully comply with the requirements of the customer. Fundamental changes made to the draft design eliminate the need for numerous alterations project documentation. Order a draft design service, and you will be insured against the purchase of a "pig in a poke". Our company has been developing concepts for objects for various purposes for many years. The concept development service can be provided stand-alone or as part of design work. By contacting us, you will receive an album of drawings, sketches and photorealistic images of the object being designed, created using modern programs three-dimensional visualization.

Development draft designs are engaged when it is necessary based on the protocol for considering a technical solution or a technical assignment.

The main purpose of the development draft designs is the establishment of those circuit or design solutions that are of a fundamental nature and allow you to get general idea about what is the general structure of a particular product, as well as what is the principle of its operation. The draft design is created, mainly, even before the bulk of the working documentation is developed and technical project.

While creating draft designs developers carefully study and analyze all possible versions of the product or its individual parts. This allows you to clearly define all the requirements that apply to the design finished products, as well as to ensure that all requirements that are imposed on it are met.

A complete set of documents that make up the preliminary design consists of a fully developed in accordance with the requirements ESKD design documentation, as well as those drawings, diagrams, technical and technological regulations, etc., which are provided for by the protocol for consideration of the technical proposal and terms of reference.

It should be noted that in preliminary design do not include those documents that were developed even before the material layout was made.

The procedures for consideration, approval and approval are not subject to the original documents of the preliminary design, but their copies, although by special agreement with the customer they can still be provided.

As for such an important point as the form in which all the preliminary design documentation is submitted, it can be paper or electronic, and is indicated in the protocol for reviewing the terms of reference. If there is no such indication, then it is determined on the basis of agreement with the customer. In addition, electronic and paper documents can be included in the documentation package of the draft design together.

The composition of the draft design

Preliminary design, includes documents such as a general arrangement drawing, a draft design sheet, and an explanatory note.

A draft general arrangement drawing (or an electronic model of an assembly considered equivalent to it) must include the following:

  • An image of the product, as well as various inscriptions and a text part, which allow you to understand the principle of its operation, how exactly its components interact, as well as the features of its constructive device.
  • Designations of all constituent parts products and their names. If necessary, it is also required to indicate references to general arrangement drawings, which allow you to understand all the important design features of the product, the composition of its individual components, etc.
  • Product dimensions and other data that are applied to the image.
  • Product diagram (in cases where it is really necessary).
  • Technical data and other important characteristics that the product must have. They are required in order to make it more convenient to compare different options according to the general arrangement drawing.

A document such as a statement draft design, should contain the names of all those design documents that are included in it.

Count " Note” may contain an indication of the option that corresponds to this particular document.

It is also allowed to include in the draft design those documents that are equivalent to those provided, but only in a different form of presentation. In this case, it is necessary to make a corresponding note in the column " Notes».

The explanatory note of the draft design is drawn up in accordance with all standards adopted for text documents.

Main page > Services and prices> Draft house design

SketchyHouse project.

Glad to welcome you!

This page of the site is dedicated to one of my services: Draft design of a house / cottage / townhouse. It is detailed here: project composition, working conditions on the project, cost and deadline, feedback from my customers. You can see examples of my work in Portfolio.

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My name is Dmitry Novikov. I am an architect individual entrepreneur. I have a higher construction education(MGSU-MISI). I have been professionally designing private country houses since 2007. Completed over 100 projects of new houses and design of facades. I run an architectural workshop that brings together several architects and designers of high professional level. We work in such styles and directions as classical architecture, modern, modern architecture, ecological architecture and Vastu design.

You can find out more about me


Preliminary design

- this is the first stage of architectural design of a house / cottage. At this stage, the style is determined and appearance future building, its dimensions, shape, space-planning and spatial solutions, internal layout, zoning. A draft design of a house is a set of drawings that gives a complete picture of what should happen during the construction process. It is the main document for the house and is part of the documents required to obtain permission to build a house in the authorities.

The stages of designing a house following the draft design are: Architectural project and Architectural and construction project .

The composition of the Draft project of the house:

general data (explanatory note);

scheme of the master plan (M 1:200);

floor plans;


architectural section;

roofing design;

three-dimensional computer visualization (from 4 angles + fragments if necessary).

The cost of the Draft project of the house*:

Total building area

Project cost*

before 1 00 sq.m

40 00 0 rub.

From 100 to 15 0 sq.m

4 5 000 rub.

from 15 0 to 230 sq.m

50 000rub.

from 230 to 300 sq.m

5 5 000 rub.

over 300 sq.m

individual price

Deadline for the implementation of the Draft design of a private house: 3 -4 weeks.

If you yourself drew or found on the Internet a sketch of a layout that suits you, then you can . In this case, the project will cost you less.


Download a sample of the terms of reference for the development of a draft design of a house

_____________________________________ _________________________ _____________________________

First, we conclude an agreement with you and draw up T technical W task (TOR) for design;

Further during 7-10 days I study the TOR and carry out the first sketches for the project: as a rule, these are floor plans and facades (possibly also sections). They are performed without working out small details, only the main volumes. I send them to you by email. mail for approval;

You study the initial sketches for as long as you need, then we call (or email) and you give your comments and wishes to the first sketches;

Taking into account your wishes, I am making appropriate changes to the project (within 3-5 days) and send you new sketches. If everything suits you, then we move on. (if not, then we continue to work in the same mode until full understanding);

Next, I build a three-dimensional model (during 3-5 days) of the building and send you pictures for approval. (If there is a need, at this stage I offer various options for the color scheme and the facade materials used);

When the sketches and pictures with the 3D model are fully coordinated, I proceed to the final drawings for the project. It usually takes 7-12 days. Upon completion of this work, I send you the final draft in the format pdf to email mail;

Within 3 days you study the final drawings and, if you notice any comments or inaccuracies, let me know about it, and I will short time I make corrections to the project and send you the corrected drawings.

This completes the project. However, if during the construction process you have any unsolvable questions about the project, you can feel free to call me - I will definitely answer them.


I work officially (registered as an individual entrepreneur) and always conclude a formal contract with the Customers, which allows me to protect the interests of the parties.

I have in my portfolio more than a hundred completed projects of private and public residential buildings in Russia and other countries of Asia and Europe.

Creative approach to work. I try to adhere to the motto "Make art, not work" - "Make art, not work." Each of my projects is a unique author's product. It has, first of all, intellectual value, and as a result, high liquidity. Living in a stylish, beautiful and comfortable home will give you pleasure every day.

Individual approach to every customer. I always try to find out as best as possible what the Client wants in order to design a house that is perfect for him.

I guarantee strict adherence to deadlines. I am responsible for the observance of the agreed and prescribed in the contract deadlines for the performance of work.

I have experience not only in designing, but also in the implementation / construction of houses according to my projects.

____________________________________________________________ ________ ____________________________




3-storey cottage (Moscow region, 2014). Review: " The project was prepared individually according to my wishes. The design and construction of the cottage was prepared just in time. It was easy and understandable for the team of builders to work with the project, it was built in the same year, the whole layout is very well thought out and accurate. The Brigadier and I personally appreciated Dmitry's professionalism, and I recommend that those who wish to build a personal home start with the Architect."



project of a frame house in the Moscow region (2018). Review: Our family turned to architect Dmitry Novikov at the end of December 2018 to create a project for a small country house. We were very pleased with Dmitry's work. The project of the house was done quickly. In the process of work, Dmitry was attentive to all wishes, clearly and clearly argued the need to use certain materials, changes in planning, answered all questions that arose, which is very important for people who are absolutely ignorant of construction!


Project: private house project (2014). Review: “Outwardly, the house turned out to be beautiful, everything is organic, balanced, without pretentiousness. Inside, despite its small size, it is comfortable and spacious enough for a family of 4-5 people. feedback. I am satisfied with the project, I wish you success in your future work!"


Decree State Committee standards of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated February 28, 1973 No. 501, the deadline for introduction is set

from 1974-01-01

This standard establishes requirements for the implementation of a draft design for products in all industries.


1.1. A preliminary design is developed if it is provided for by the terms of reference or the protocol for considering a technical proposal.

A draft design is developed in order to establish the fundamental (constructive, circuit, etc.) solutions of the product, giving a general idea of ​​​​the principle of operation and (or) the device of the product, when it is advisable to do this before the development of a technical design or working documentation.

At the stage of developing a draft design, options for the product and (or) its components are considered. A draft design can be developed without considering various options at this stage.

1.2. When developing a preliminary design, they perform the work necessary to ensure the requirements for the product and allow you to establish fundamental solutions. Scroll necessary work is determined by the developer depending on the nature and purpose of the product and is agreed with the customer if the product is being developed by order of the Ministry of Defense.

An approximate list of works for products for national economic purposes is given in the Appendix.

Note. At the preliminary design stage, the works given at the technical proposal stage are not repeated if they cannot provide additional data. In this case, the results of previous work are reflected in the explanatory note.

(Revised edition, Rev. No. 4).

1.3. The set of draft design documents includes design documents, in accordance with GOST 2.102-68, provided for by the terms of reference and the protocol for considering the technical proposal. When completing documents in electronic form the electronic structure of the product and the electronic model of the product (assembly unit, complex) are performed with a degree of detail corresponding to the stage of the draft design.

Design documents developed for the manufacture of material layouts in accordance with GOST 2.002-72 are not included in the set of draft design documents.

(Changed edition,Change No. 5)

1.4. For consideration, approval and approval, copies of the draft design documents, completed in accordance with GOST 2.106-96, are submitted. It is allowed, in agreement with the customer, to submit the original documents of the draft design.

1.5. The form of presentation of the preliminary design documents (paper or electronic), if it is not specified in the terms of reference and (or) the protocol for considering the technical proposal, is determined by the developer in agreement with the customer. Types of documents are established in accordance with GOST 2.102-68. It is allowed to include documents in various forms of representation in the set of documents of the draft design.

(Introduced additionally,Change No. 5)


2.1. General requirements to the execution of documents

2.1.1. Design documents containing various product options are performed in accordance with GOST 2.118-73 in terms of placing information about various options, placing images of options, building tables containing data of various options, etc.

2.2.General arrangement drawing

2.2.1. At the draft design stage, a general view drawing or an equivalent electronic model of an assembly unit in the general case should contain:

a) images of the product (views, sections, sections), the text part and inscriptions necessary for understanding the structural device of the product, the interaction of its components and the principle of operation of the product;

b) names, as well as designations (if any) of those components of the product for which it is necessary to indicate data (technical characteristics, quantity, instructions on the material, principle of operation, etc.) or a reference to which is necessary to explain the images of the general view drawing, descriptions of the principle of operation of the product, instructions on the composition, etc.;

c) dimensions and other data applied to images (if necessary);

d) a scheme, if it is required, but it is not advisable to draw it up as a separate document;

e) technical characteristics of the product, if necessary for the convenience of comparing options according to the general view drawing.

(Changed edition,Change No. 5)

2.2.2. Images are performed with maximum simplifications provided by the standards unified system design documentation. The components of the product, including borrowed (previously developed) and purchased, are depicted with simplifications (sometimes in the form of contour outlines), if this provides an understanding of the structural device of the product being developed, the interaction of its components and the principle of operation of the product.

(Changed edition,Change No. 5)

2.2.3. Separate images of the component parts of the product are placed on one common sheet with images of the entire product or on separate (subsequent) sheets of the general view drawing.

When making a general view drawing in the form of an electronic model of an assembly unit, it is recommended that the models of individual components of the product be placed in separate files.

(Changed edition,Change No. 5)

2.2.4. The names and designations of the component parts of the product in the general view drawings are indicated in one of the following ways:

a) on the shelves of leader lines;

b) in a table placed on the same sheet as the image of the product;

c) in a table made on separate sheets of A4 format in accordance with GOST 2.301-68 as subsequent sheets of a general view drawing. On the general view drawing, made in the form of an electronic model of the assembly unit, it is recommended to indicate the names and designations of the component parts of the product using the methods a) and c).

If there is a table on the shelves of leader lines, indicate the position numbers of the components included in the table.

The table generally consists of columns: “Pos.”, “Designation”, “Name”, “Number”, “Additional instructions”.

When making a general view drawing in the form of an electronic model of an assembly unit, it is recommended to use the simultaneous display of the electronic structure of the product (instead of a table) and its electronic model, providing the possibility of highlighting (highlighting) the component of the electronic model when specifying the corresponding element of the electronic structure of the product.

(Changed edition,Change No. 5)

2.2.5. Names and designations of the components of the product in the table and (or) the electronic structure of the product are recommended to be placed in the following order:

borrowed items;

purchased products;

newly developed products.

(Changed edition,Change No. 5)

2.2.6. Elements of a general view drawing and (or) an equivalent electronic model of an assembly unit”; delete the words: “for working drawings (item numbers, text technical requirements, inscriptions, etc.) are performed according to the rules established by the standards of the Unified Design Documentation System for working drawings.

(Changed edition,Change No. 5)

2.3.Draft design sheet

2.3.1. All design documents included in the set of documents of the preliminary design are entered into the draft design sheet in the manner prescribed by GOST 2.106-96, regardless of which option the document belongs to.

It is allowed in the column "Note" to indicate the option corresponding to this document.

It is allowed to include in the set of documents of the draft design equivalent documents in various forms of presentation (in paper or electronic form), while in the column "Note" it is recommended to indicate the form of presentation of the document.

(Changed edition,Change No. 5)

2.4.Explanatory note

2.4.1. The explanatory note of the draft design is carried out in accordance with GOST 2.106-96, taking into account the following basic requirements for the content of the sections:

a) in the section "Introduction" indicate the name, number and date of approval of the terms of reference. If the development of a draft design is provided not by the terms of reference, but by the protocol for considering the technical proposal, then a record is made according to the type: “Development of the draft design is provided for by the technical proposal ...” and indicate the number and date of the protocol for considering the technical proposal;

b) in the section "Purpose and scope of the developed product" provide relevant information from the terms of reference and technical proposal, as well as information specifying and supplementing the terms of reference and technical proposal, in particular:

a brief description of the area and conditions of use of the product;

general characteristics of the object for the application in which this product is intended (if necessary);

c) in the section "Technical characteristics" give:

the main technical characteristics of the product (power, number of revolutions, performance, consumption of electricity, fuel, efficiency and other parameters characterizing the product);

information on compliance with or deviations from the requirements established by the terms of reference and technical proposal, if it was developed, with justification for deviations;

data comparing the main characteristics of the product with the characteristics of analogues (domestic and foreign) or provide a link to the map of the technical level and quality;

d) in the section "Description and justification of the chosen design" give:

description of the design, justification of the fundamental decisions made at this stage (constructive, circuit, etc.). When performing an explanatory note in the form electronic document it is allowed to provide a link to electronic layouts (models) made in accordance with GOST 2.052-2006.

If necessary, provide illustrations;

information about the purpose of material mock-ups (if they were made), electronic mock-ups (if they were developed), the test or analysis program and methodology (or a link to a separate document - the test program and test procedure), test results and data on assessing the conformity of mock-ups to specified requirements, including including ergonomics and technical aesthetics;

photographs of material layouts (if necessary);

designations of the main design documents, according to which material models were made, the number and date of the test report (or protocol), etc. (for reference);

information about manufacturability;

data of verification of decisions made for patent purity and competitiveness;

information about the use of inventions in this development, about submitted applications for new inventions;

information about the compliance of the product with the requirements of safety and industrial sanitation;

preliminary information about the packaging and transportation of the product (if necessary);

technical requirements for new products and materials used in the product being developed, which must be developed by other organizations. Such technical requirements may be given in the appendix to the explanatory note;

information on the compliance of borrowed (previously developed) components, purchased products and materials used in the product with the product being developed in terms of technical characteristics, operating modes, warranty periods, operating conditions;

main issues of manufacturing technology of products;

information about the safety of the product and its impact on the environment;

information on the disposal of the product;

e) in the section "Calculations confirming the operability and reliability of the structure" give:

approximate calculations confirming the performance of the product (kinematic, electrical, thermal, calculations of hydraulic systems, etc.);

approximate calculations confirming the reliability of the product (calculations of indicators of durability, maintainability, shelf life, etc.).

With a large amount of settlements, they can be drawn up in the form of separate documents, while in this section only show the results of the calculations. For each type of calculation, software and information support automated systems(if they are used to perform calculations);

f) in the section "Description of the organization of work using the product under development" provide preliminary information on the organization of work with the product at the place of operation, including:

a description of the methods and ways of working with the product in the modes and conditions provided for by the terms of reference;

description of the order and methods of transportation, installation and storage of the product and its commissioning at the place of operation, as well as maintenance during storage and operation;

information on the qualifications and number of service personnel;

g) in the section "Expected technical and economic indicators" provide approximate calculations of economic indicators;

h) in the section "Level of standardization and unification" provide preliminary information on the use of standard, unified and borrowed assembly units and parts in the product being developed;

(Changed edition,Change No. 5)

2.4.2. In the appendix to the explanatory note are given:

a copy of the terms of reference;

if necessary, a list of work to be carried out at a subsequent stage of product development;

materials of artistic and design study, which are not design documents;

list of used literature, etc.;

a list of documents used in the development of a preliminary design and received by the product developer from other enterprises and organizations (author's certificates, a patent research report, a consumer certificate on the required production volume of the products being developed, etc.); at the same time, the documents in the annex to the explanatory note do not include, but in the explanatory note they can be given necessary information from these documents (for example, the subject of the invention, the required quantities of products for the quarter, for the year, for the five-year period), as well as the number and date of the document or cover letter.

list of software and information support for automated systems used in the development of a draft design

(Changed edition, Rev. No. 1, 5).



In general, when developing a draft design, the following work is carried out:

a) the implementation of options for possible solutions, the establishment of the features of the options (characteristics of options for components, etc.), their design study. The depth of such study should be sufficient to compare the options under consideration;

b) preliminary decision on the issues of packaging and transportation of the product;

c) production and testing of material models and (or) development and analysis of electronic models in order to verify the principles of operation of the product and (or) its components”;

d) development and justification technical solutions aimed at ensuring the reliability indicators established by the terms of reference and technical proposal;

e) assessment of the product for manufacturability and the correct choice of control tools (tests, analysis, measurements);

e) evaluation of the product in terms of standardization and unification;

g) assessment of the product in relation to its compliance with the requirements of ergonomics, technical aesthetics. If necessary, to establish the ergonomic, aesthetic characteristics of the product and for the convenience of comparing various options for these characteristics, material layouts are made and (or) electronic layouts are developed;

h) checking options for patent frequency and competitiveness, filing applications for inventions;

i) verification of compliance of options with the requirements of safety and industrial sanitation;

to) comparative evaluation considered options, issues of metrological support of the developed product (possibility of choosing methods and measuring instruments).

p) elaboration of issues that ensure the possibility of using design documentation in electronic form at subsequent stages of development.

(Changed edition, Rev. No. 5)

The comparison is carried out in terms of product quality (purpose, reliability, manufacturability, standardization and unification, economic, aesthetic, ergonomic).

At the same time, the design and operational features of the developed and existing products, trends and prospects for the development of domestic and foreign technology in this area should be taken into account;

k) selection of the optimal variant (options) of the product, rationale for the choice; making fundamental decisions; confirmation (or clarification) of the requirements for the product ( specifications, quality indicators, etc.) established by the terms of reference and technical proposal, and the determination of technical and economic characteristics and indicators not established by the terms of reference and technical proposal;

l) identifying new products and materials on the basis of the adopted fundamental decisions that should be developed by other enterprises (organizations), drawing up technical requirements for these products and materials;

m) drawing up a list of works to be carried out at a subsequent stage of development, in addition to or clarification of the work provided for by the terms of reference and technical proposal;

n) study of the main issues of manufacturing technology (if necessary);

o) preparation of proposals for the development of standards (revision and amendments to existing standards) provided for by the terms of reference at this stage.

APPENDIX. (ATadded, rev. No. 4).