How to set up VKontakte targeting. A guide to good targeting ads

Dmitry Dementy

You say that advertising on VKontakte does not work well: some schoolchildren click on ads, the entire budget is spent overnight, but there is no result? This happens if you choose the wrong target audience. In this article, you will learn how to properly target Vkontakte in order to show ads to the right people.

How VKontakte targeting works

Imagine that you are advertising auto repair services in Smolensk. You can display ads in the most popular VKontakte communities and wait for a response. If the ad says "Car repair in Smolensk", customers will surely turn to you. The problem is that you will pay for ad impressions to residents of Penza, Irkutsk and Vladivostok. In addition, you will spend money on showing ads to users from Smolensk and other cities who do not have a car. Moreover, you swell funds to advertise services to people who drive expensive non-breaking foreign cars. And you specialize in the repair of domestic cars, and you have direct supplies of spare parts from AvtoVAZ.

In order to spend funds efficiently and close deals, you must show ads only to residents of Smolensk who have a car. It is desirable that the ads be seen by people with not very new cars, which are suitable for spare parts from AvtoVAZ. This problem can be solved by targeting the target audience.

With the help of targeting, you practically exclude inappropriate ad impressions. For example, don't spend money advertising a Pattaya holiday to schoolchildren who are still interested in football and puppets, and not walks along Walking Street. Targeting ads brings the following benefits:

  • Increase response: clicks and deals.
  • Cost reduction.
  • Reducing the cost of customer acquisition.
  • Preventing negative user reactions to inappropriate advertising.
  • Show ads to audiences of competitors.

With the help of this guide, you will learn how to target an audience on VKontakte.

How to properly target Vkontakte

Choose an ad format: "Image and text", "Large image", "Community promotion".

Enter a title and text, upload an image, select a theme. If necessary, you can set an age limit for impressions. On the this stage don't waste too much time on these things. The task is to move on to audience targeting.

To use targeting effectively, you need to know your audience. To collect user data, research the market, survey real clients use the buyer persona method. You can also read about it.

For the experiment, imagine that the company operates in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. You serve clients in all cities of the region, except for Zheleznogorsk. It is known that you are most often contacted by female office managers between the ages of 20 and 50 years. Another group of clients - IT people large companies, 70% of whom are men. Their age also ranges from 20 to 50 years.

How to set up geographic targeting

Target the audience groups suggested above. First, select the geography of ad impressions. Set the target to Krasnoyarsk Krai and exclude Zheleznogorsk.

How to set up demographic targeting

As mentioned above, your potential clients include women who work as office managers, as well as men and women who work in IT departments. Therefore, in the "Gender" section, leave the default value. Choose male or female only if you are selling a clearly male or female product, such as spinning rods or color cosmetics. Keep in mind that in this case you cut off potential clients, for example, women who are fond of fishing.

Specify the age of the audience. Under the terms of the experiment, we agreed to target customers aged 20 to 50 years. This is a wide age range, so specify it unchanged in the settings. If the age of most customers is in a narrow range, such as 25-30 years old, try expanding your target group. Specify the age from 22 to 33 years old and evaluate the results of the campaign.

If necessary, limit the audience of impressions to birthday people.

Skip the "Marital Status" menu. Use it only in exceptional cases, for example, if you sell gifts for Valentine's Day.

When and how to use interest and interest category targeting

In interest targeting, you can select audience segments. These are users who are currently interested in a particular product and are ready to buy it. For example, an advertiser may show ads to people who frequently shop online, look after a car, or are interested in financial services. VKontakte classifies users into audience segments based on their activity on the social network and on external sites.

How to target community members

The idea is very simple: if you show ads to members of thematic communities, the response will be higher. For example, you can show ink cartridge refill ads to members of all related communities in the selected region.

To find suitable communities, use the VKontakte search. You can change the search criteria using the filter.

Also use the service, with which you can search and rate communities. Be sure to exclude members of your community from your audience. Most likely, they will see the publication anyway.

Show ads to users of specific apps and sites

This task is solved using the "Apps and Sites" filter. Enter the name of the site of interest and save the options suggested by the system. At this stage, you can evaluate the potential reach and the feasibility of targeting the audience according to the selected attribute.

If necessary, block any sites or applications from being shown to users using the "Exclude" filter. Check the "Travelers" box if you want to show ads to users who visit VKontakte while traveling abroad.

What to do with targeting by education and position

Look for the target audience by education only if you are interested in graduates of specific educational institutions. You can also target users who have recently graduated from an educational institution.

Use position targeting as a last resort and very carefully. This method of targeting can greatly narrow the audience or add untargeted people to it. First, not all users indicate the position. Secondly, the target audience can be people who indicate all the places of work on the page.

For example, filter the audience by position if you want to show ads to specific professionals. For example, use this type of targeting if you sell dental equipment. Keep in mind that ads will not be seen by dentists who have not indicated their profession in their profile.

How to use retargeting

Users who are familiar with your business, product, website or VKontakte public respond to ads many times more often than a cold audience. This is a great reason to use retargeting.

To use retargeting, go to the appropriate menu in the VKontakte advertising account. Click the Create Audience button.

You can create an audience using a retargeting pixel or data from a file.

Upload a file with a database of email addresses, phone numbers or user profile ids. Check out requirements for uploaded information or use these suggestions:

  • Use a CSV or TXT file.
  • Write to one address, id or phone number per line. You can also write data to a string separated by commas or semicolons. You can find out the user id using applications.
  • Specify the phone number in the following formats: +71111111111, 71111111111, 8-111-111-11-11.

You can also install a retargeting code on the site. In the "Pixels" menu, generate a pixel.

Copy the code and paste it on the site.

If the site is powered by WordPress, it is convenient to insert the code using the Head, Footer and Post Injections plugin.

Use the Edit menu to add/remove an audience or get the retargeting code again.

After populating your retargeting audience, create ads and launch your ad campaign.

What services increase the effectiveness of Vkontakte targeting

With the help of external services, you can improve the accuracy of target audience targeting and make advertising more effective. Pay attention to the following sites:

To increase the effectiveness of advertising, it is necessary to collect data on different segments of the target audience using one or more services. Save the received data in CSV or TXT format, and then create the appropriate retargeting groups.

Audience targeting is available in ad automation services such as Aori , Plarin , Sociate.Targeting . Targeting capabilities are standard here, but automation systems provide advertisers with the ability to simultaneously manage advertising campaigns on several sites.

How targeting increases the effectiveness of Vkontakte advertising

In this section, you will find successful and unsuccessful examples of targeting the target audience of VKontakte. Check out the big

VKontakte targeted advertising services, professional VK targeting for a hot audience. Spot display (VK target) of ads to your potential customers. Order paid targeted advertising in contact in the realities of 2020 at a price of 10,000 rubles and get the result today.

In contact with- the largest and most popular social network in Russia, in which a huge number of users are concentrated, divided into various thematic communities. This creates excellent conditions for targeting and advertising in VK of your website, business or service. The social network provides a special advertising account with the installation of displaying ads according to various criteria and conditions (city, gender, age, demographic and geographical characteristics).

VK targeting - targeting the display of ads exclusively to your target audience.

Many beginners underestimate this site and, based on their bad experience, conclude that: “ VK targeting has a lot of non-targeted transitions, the budget is quickly spent, low returns”. All this speaks of inexperience and incorrect targeting in VKontakte. To avoid such problems, we suggest you use the services of professional targetologists from MmoAdvert, who have many successful projects, proven methodologies, advanced analytics tools and great experience VK targeting settings for various business areas.

Order targeted advertising VK | Targeting VKontakte

  • A detailed study of your business and competitors, collecting the necessary information for further work.
  • Identification of the target audience and thematic platforms where this audience prevails.
  • Multilevel analytical parsing of potential customers.
  • Formation of retargeting audiences for which ads will be shown.
  • Realization of unique design banners individually for your project.
  • Development of a selling text (unique selling proposition).
  • Compilation of attractive ads in VK targeting.
  • Working methods for passing moderation in case of rejection of campaigns.
  • Providing an audit and fixing errors that violate the rules of the social network.
  • Advertising on VK with pay per click - a banner on the left, a post with a button in the news feed or in groups.
  • Collection of traffic statistics to adjust campaigns, VKontakte targeting, bids and efficient budget allocation.

All actions taken to set up VK targeting advertising contribute to:

  • Increase the number of customers, conversions, applications and transactions.
  • Cost optimization, you will not overpay for low-quality traffic.
  • Increasing profitability (ROI - return on investment).
  • Ensuring a loyal attitude of users, as they will receive information of interest to them.

The cost of targeted advertising in VK : from 10,000 rubles.
The price depends on the amount of work performed - you have an online store with thousands of products, or a simple landing page, service, offer.
You can order targeting settings in VK using our contacts .

Retargeting VKontakte | Setting up advertising in VK

VK retargeting - a function of the official advertising account "VKontakte", which allows you to display ads for a specific list of users. And it is our team - MmoAdvert - that specializes in high-quality target audience analytics and provides turnkey VK retargeting services that will provide you with the best VK advertising results.

What are the advantages of retargeting on VKontakte? If you use the standard criteria for gender, age, and city, you will get too much coverage of people who are predominantly not interested in your offer. Common parameters are more suitable for branding large companies that want to get maximum coverage, or for positioning a new product in the market. But if you have a narrowly segmented focus and want to receive thematic and targeted traffic, then vk retargeting is the most suitable tool for this. And we actively use all our resources in order to find users who currently need your product, and are able to organize targeted and targeted display of ads through our VK retargeting service.

Many people ask the question "How to build a VKontakte retargeting audience"? You can immediately note the most common misconception - a simple collection of members of thematic communities is not the right solution. You need to understand that groups can contain cheated bots, subscribers from paid tasks, users who signed up a long time ago and the topic is no longer relevant for them. Using only group members, you will again receive most of the inappropriate traffic and overspend your budget in vain.

The methods of the MmoAdvert team are not just in collecting a base for VK retargeting, but in detailed and multi-level analytics, which allows you to select exclusively active and potentially interested users.

For example, our goal is to gather an audience of mothers from St. Petersburg whose children are engaged in vocals.

  • We massively parse children's vocal groups in St. Petersburg
  • We identify active communities by the date of the last publications.
  • We collect active users by (likes, reposts, comments in discussions, photos, videos, polls).
  • We select users who performed 2-3 actions in groups.
  • We filter the received list of accounts according to the data: Age 24-35, female, target city, presence of children.
  • We check the final user base on the date of the last online.

Thus, we weed out bots, inactive and non-targeted accounts, getting a high-quality and conversion base for VK retargeting. Ads will be shown to those users who are most interested in your offer, which makes this method the most effective advertising VC. And a similar algorithm can be applied to absolutely any topic.

Example number 2 . We need to target people who are currently looking for a fitness trainer in Moscow.

  • By keywords, we collect groups with the services of fitness trainers.
  • We identify the most active communities according to the criteria: number of subscribers, activity, involvement.
  • We run the algorithm for tracking users who recently joined these communities and collect profile IDs.
  • Almost in real time, we show these users attractive ads that outperform competitors' offers.

Result: minimum costs, the highest conversion, good response, because people get the information they need.

Collecting the database and setting up VK retargeting is included in the cost of targeted advertising. We take a comprehensive approach to the task and do everything to ensure that you get the maximum result.

Targeted advertising of a group (community) in VK

The VKontakte advertising account provides for the possibility of attracting new subscribers to your communities using the appropriate ad format, where there is a "join" button and a link to the group. Our filtering and audience gathering methods are great for this purpose, and with the help of targeted advertising of the VK group and targeted ad serving, we will provide you with a flow of new members in almost real time. The most important thing is not to forget about the design of the community and the compilation of high-quality content that will be interesting to the audience, we take care of the rest. Targeted advertising of communities in VK - effective methods of attracting subscribers from the MmoAdvert team.

Website advertising in VK

In addition to the left block with banners and community posts, there is a new effective format "Website Advertising in VK", which in practice shows excellent results when used correctly. After the work done, ads will follow a specific list of users in the news feed, group walls and vk partner sites. Order website advertising in VK - get high-quality traffic and interested customers.

Advertising goods in VK

In VK there is a special section called "goods", which allows you to create an online store within the social network. We can use this opportunity to advertise products on VK and place ads that will lead directly to the promoted product. In addition, products can be advertised by directing targeted traffic to a website or community. As you know, we have advanced analytical algorithms. We will track down people who are interested in your product and provide targeted ad impressions that drive sales.

Experts consider setting up targeted advertising on VKontakte one of the most difficult due to the large number of possibilities. The social network offers more than 20 different parameters, thanks to which you can create the most effective ads. But for this targeting needs to be configured correctly.

Create ads

To start working with targeting on VKontakte, you need to go to the page, select the "Targeted advertising" section there and click the "Create ad" button. The system will prompt you to choose the format in which you will create the ad.

To determine the format, it is enough to understand what exactly you will advertise and select the appropriate option.

Ad formats

VKontakte can display ads in two versions: as an entry in the news feed or as an ad placed on the left under the user menu. In the first case appearance Advertising can be of three types:

Three more formats are available for app ads: custom, square image, and app showcase. Communities, on the other hand, can be advertised in a special format that displays a logo, the number of subscribers, and a "Subscribe" button.

We start setting up targeted advertising on VKontakte

After choosing the ad format, you need to accurately target the target audience. To do this, the social network provides many options.


In this section, you can make sure that the ad is shown not just to residents of one country or city, but even to a specific geographical point that can be selected on the map. You can also use targeting with the opposite meaning, that is, to exclude from the display users who live in a certain point.


Age targeting is fairly obvious. It is more worth paying attention to the last two points: “Birthday” and “Marital status”. The first one makes it possible to advertise goods and services to those VKontakte users who will soon have a birthday. The use of the second is less obvious. An example of advertising using this item is the promotion of wedding services to users whose status is "Engaged".


As an example of targeting the target audience by interests, we can cite advertising on VKontakte of any entertainment projects. To launch an advertisement, for example, a concert of a musical group, it is enough to create an ad and indicate the name of this group in the “Categories of interests” column. It will be much more difficult to target the sale of goods or services in this way. Even if a person has indicated “cars” among their interests, this does not mean that he wants to buy a new car. The exact names of companies, hobbies, interests should also be indicated in the “Communities” column.

Education and work

This setting allows you to do nothing more than create targeted advertising on VKontakte, aimed at graduates of a particular university or students. For example, to search for employees with a medical background, you can target students and graduates of medical schools.

Extra options

Of this block, the first two points, which are related to retargeting, are of the greatest interest. Using these parameters, you can set up VKontakte in such a way that the target falls on users who have already visited your site. To do this, you first need to collect a database of contacts for retargeting and upload it to VK.

Setting the price of VKontakte advertisements

The system offers two payment options:

  1. For transitions.


    • money is withdrawn only for the user's click on the ad, the number of impressions is not limited;
    • the ability to predict the budget in advance;
    • the campaign requires less oversight.


    • if you set a low cost per click, ads will be shown rarely;
    • high recommended rate.
  2. For showings.


    • the rate for 1000 impressions is several times lower than the rate for one click;
    • quick coverage of the target audience, provided that it is well defined.


    • it is impossible to predict the number of transitions;
    • careful monitoring is required advertising campaign and constant adjustments.

Now you know how to properly target VKontakte

As you can see, the basic settings are not so complicated, and anyone can figure them out. It is enough just to arm yourself with patience and trial and error to find the optimal solution to the problem. But you can do otherwise - turn to specialists who will quickly and, most importantly, correctly set up targeting so that you can quickly get targeted users and increase your profits.

Useful 0

A few years ago, we did not even suspect how firmly social networks would enter our lives. They have ceased to be just a "chatterbox" for teenagers. More often famous companies, owners big businesses, online stores and just private entrepreneurs create pages and communities on the network to promote their products and services.

To attract subscribers there - potential customers - there are various tools. We will talk about one of these methods in this article.

Targeted advertising "VKontakte": general information

What's this? What is it for? Maybe it's just a waste of money?

For a long time there was an opinion that VKontakte was a network for schoolchildren. But recent research has shown that the situation is changing. Now in the popular Russian social network there is a large number of solvent audience ready to learn about different goods and services and make purchases. These people should be helped to obtain such information. But since the main thing is still rest and entertainment, the offer should not be too intrusive. What does targeted advertising on VKontakte successfully do? What it is?

If we talk about the external component, these are small ads located on the left side of your page on the social network. Surely everyone paid attention to them, but not everyone knows how they appear and why.

The ad includes a title, image, and short description. As a rule, no more than two or three pieces will be visible at the same time. To view others, you need to click on the "All ads" button. Ideally, each of them should correspond to the interests of the person on whose VKontakte page it is located. After all, these ads are customized specifically for each user.

But practice sometimes deviates from the ideal, because the human factor intervenes.

Targeted advertising on VKontakte requires a very careful approach. Tips for its preparation and launch will not be superfluous.

If you do not stick to them, you can easily "drain" the entire planned budget and not achieve any results.

Not every product or service sells well with targeting. If these are some rare items, seasonal, not for everyone, or too expensive, it is better to look for other methods of promoting them. Everything related to medicine is sold poorly. Only consumer goods are suitable for targeting.

Before launching an advertisement, prepare and place an advertising post in your group, on the site or on the platform where the user will go or joined a group, and ideally - made an order.

The ad itself also requires a careful approach. Quality photography or graphic image, clear and bright. The goal is to get attention. Play on people's emotions. The text is short and concise. It must accurately hit the target, be written in the language of the target audience (target audience) on which the bet is made. Familiarity and rudeness are unacceptable. No appeals to "you"! You can not pass moderation.

Before a full-fledged display, you should first test the ad, laying no more than 100 rubles in expenses. It is best to make several ads on the same topic, but with different pictures, headings and explanations. And from them already in the course of the test to choose the best option.

Setting up targeted advertising "VKontakte"

Let's analyze the detailed algorithm of work.

Preliminary stage - analysis and User pages are viewed, their search queries are identified, interests are identified. Based on the data obtained, a portrait of the target audience is compiled, with which you will have to work during the advertising campaign.

There are several ways to get started:

2. If there is a community (group), you can act through it. That will make it faster. Under the avatar there is a line "advertise the community".

With the first option, you will have to make two transitions before you start creating an ad. And the second one leads directly to where the targeted VKontakte ad is placed. How to set up further work, the network itself will tell you.

First, we load a pre-prepared ad (text + image). They should be of a certain size, both in terms of the number of words and the length/width of the image.

Then we proceed to the settings for various parameters of our target audience: age, gender, place of residence, interests, marital status etc. There can be quite a lot of such indicators. Which one to take depends on the specific situation. Below is an example of targeting.

After filling in all the fields and creating the first ad, a personal advertising account will appear, where you can track how the advertising campaign is going.

Payment Methods

Another option for targeting.

Setting up targeted advertising on VKontakte involves two per impressions and per clicks. It is best to do the first option first, and later switch to the second. most often used when reaching a very large audience. For transitions - cheaper and easier.

Basic concepts and terms of targeting

Reach is the number of people who saw your ad at least once.

Transition is measured in numbers. How many times the offer was passed. The user who made the transition will not be shown the ad a second time.

Impressions - how many times your ad was shown on VKontakte.

CPC (cost per click) - an indicator of the cost of one click.

CPM - (cost per mille) - price per 1000 impressions.

CTR (click-through rate) - this concept shows the effectiveness of an ad and is calculated as the number of views per the number of clicks multiplied by 100%.


The more detailed you fill in all the columns, the more effective the targeted advertising on VKontakte will work. Cases ( real examples) let's look at it right now.

An online store of goods for children decided to conduct an advertising campaign. The target audience was defined - women aged 20-30, married, have children. Delivery of goods from this store was carried out only in the city of X. All these parameters were entered. Payment method - for transitions. The recommended price is four rubles. Audience coverage - 10,000 people.

If the store worked with delivery throughout Russia, the numbers would be different. And in the settings all cities would be indicated, which would definitely increase the coverage area.

Group (community) or site: where should the transition from the ad lead

Targeted advertising "VKontakte" (guidelines for the use of which were given above) and the practice of its use show that with a fairly low price and a certain type of product (service), it is better to send the client to a well-designed one-page. Where can he place an order?

With a large assortment, for example, online stores, the transition should lead to a group. In this case, the goal is not just a one-time purchase, but long-term cooperation and constant sales. This applies to various pizzerias, fitness clubs, the sale and delivery of flowers, and much more.

New opportunities

Recently, an interesting addition has appeared - retargeting, which expands the initial possibilities of advertising products.

It allows you to show ads to people you already know.

Benefits of targeting

Allows you to very accurately define and point to the portrait of the target audience. Many netizens like to talk about themselves, give detailed information about hobbies, place of residence, age and so on. Thus, it will not be difficult to find “their own” among millions of subscribers according to the necessary criteria and offer exactly those goods and services that will be of interest to them.

The accuracy of the choice of the target audience allows you to achieve a situation where the ad and the offer itself finds the client, and not vice versa.


Thus, if you want to increase sales, talk about a new product or service, targeted advertising on VKontakte will help. Feedback from many business owners speaks of the effectiveness of this kind of promotion. But only with a well-configured and conducted campaign.

21.03.2017 | 12:15

Greetings, Dear friends! I think none of you will argue with the fact that the promotion of any projects on the Internet will be ineffective without quality advertising. I will not tell you about all the existing ways of promotion, but will focus on in social networks. If you remember, earlier I already wrote reviews on how it works, where to start promoting a project on a social network in order to attract customers, and much more. All this knowledge will be useful to us today, because on their basis the main rule of promotion in social networks has already been formed - advertising should always cover the audience of users who interested in your offer. In today's article, I want to move away from the already beaten path - the creation of and, and consider a much faster method in terms of return on investment. So, on the agenda is VKontakte targeting, its capabilities, rules of use and the principle of setting.

Basic terms and definitions

Before mastering functionality targeting advertising, I suggest first finding out what kind of fruit it is, and what it is eaten with. So remember what advertisements in VK pop up on the left side of your news feed? Remembered? If yes, then you are already familiar with targeted advertising. As a rule, such ads consist of a title and an image. Sometimes the basic composition can be diluted with a small text description.

If we compare targeted advertising on VKontakte with classic contextual advertising, then we immediately want to note their main difference - ultra-precise targeting ads not on page content, but for a specific group of users. In other words, targeted ads are aimed at a specific target audience, at users interested in a product or service.

With the help of the simplest toolkit offered by the contact, you can easily perform advertising setting. Among the options available to you, there will be both ordinary ones - geotargeting and demotargeting, and narrower ones. The latter include education, position, interests. VK targeting will allow you to show your ads only to those people who listen to the songs of a particular musical group or live near a particular bus stop.

Basic Targeted Advertising Terminology

That our course of study be complete, I just have to create a glossary of terms for you that will allow you to switch to "you" with targeting. When setting up an advertising campaign, you will definitely come across such terms as:

On this theoretical training in the basics can be considered complete, I propose to move on to more pressing issues.

Who is targeted advertising for?

Daily traffic is about 80 million people. Just think how huge this number is! Unfortunately, despite the richness of the audience, many businessmen may not even know what targeting is, since this type of promotion simply does not suit them.

I suggest you understand for sure whether you should go through further training and move on to the practical part of the article or finish your acquaintance with targeted advertising right now. So, it makes sense to study targeting for those who:

  • sells clothes, shoes, accessories
  • sells electronics- smartphones, tablets, laptops, etc.
  • busy in the field restaurant business- attracts visitors to points fast food, cafes, bars, restaurants, nightclubs, raves
  • is engaged promotion of information products– trainings, seminars, master classes and so on
  • employed in certain areas B2B-business
  • promotes schools of dance, drawing and the like
  • advertises quests, entertainment programs, game rooms And so on

Who can't use?

  • industry
  • construction and repair
  • most large and long-term B2B segments
  • sale tobacco products and alcohol
  • sex shops
  • HYIPs and financial pyramids

Agree that sell specialized industrial equipment vkontakte is not an easy task. Although, if you try hard and know how to set up ads, it is possible that this is also possible.

As for tobacco products, alcohol, all kinds of pyramid schemes and sex industry products, they would, of course, go to the social network simply with “Hurrah!”. But, unfortunately, such products do not pass site moderation so look for other ways to promote them.

How to find your target audience?

For your ad to be effective and get the most out of it, it’s not enough just to know what your target audience looks like, you also need to be able to find her. This list will help you basic criteria, which you can focus on when drawing up a portrait of your consumer. The list of main parameters includes:

In total, VKontakte will offer you about 20 selection parameters. You have the right to set up targeting in the way that seems right to you. You'll even have the ability to sort users by very specific criteria. For example, your ad will be shown only to people who are going to celebrate a birthday in the near future. In the future you will be able to analytics and calculate which of the settings produced the best result for your ad.

In general, I can tell you with firm confidence that with the help of targeting, you are guaranteed to achieve simply fantastic results- but only if you clearly understand what and to whom you offer.

Irreplaceable assistants in finding the target audience

Since you already have an idea of ​​how targeted advertising works, you know, and even managed to get acquainted with the filters for selecting the target audience, I think it would not be superfluous to tell you about services for selection of this audience by user id. Here are a few sites that know almost everything about how to properly set up targeted VK advertising:

  • - a tool for improving the accuracy of targeting, which collects the target audience both on the open spaces of Vkontakte and Facebook. The principle of its operation is based on obtaining data on the most active users of publics and groups. All service work is done in the cloud.. An undoubted advantage can be considered simplicity of the interface which is understandable to users on an intuitive level
  • VKParser is a professional tool of smm-specialists, which is effectively used to promote all kinds of goods and services on a social network. Parser accurately determines the target audience by analyzing user profiles and communities. The service can search for popular posts, evaluate VKontakte messages on external sites.

Gather the target audience for business with

By and large, those who clearly understand who their product or service is aimed at, who knows how to set up VKontakte targeting, may not use auxiliary services at all. The functionality of VK will be quite enough for you to independently determine the target audience, if you have a specific idea about it. But these services save time very well.

Types of targeting

Targeted advertising is something in between contextual advertising and teaser. Unfortunately, it cannot be shown to those who are engaged in the internal search of VKontakte, as is the case with the context. However, the correct setting allows you to find the target audience for product PR and get rid of the senseless traffic drain, as is the case with the teaser network. To date, you and I have access to whole 5 formats of targeted advertising VK.

Image and text

This option is great if you can’t put all the necessary information in the title of the ad or want to briefly describe the promoted product.

  • The maximum possible ad title length is 25 characters
  • The maximum allowed description length is 60 characters
  • The minimum banner resolution is 90*60 pixels.

Large Image with Title

This format is the most popular and is considered the most universal. It is most often used in cases where it immediately becomes clear from the title what the ad is about.

  • The maximum title size is 25 characters
  • The minimum banner resolution is 90*120 pixels


Advantage this format in that the ad will be the only one on the page and will have a larger banner. This option is much more expensive than the others, and it can rarely be called effective.

  • The maximum title length remains the same - 25 characters
  • The minimum size is 90*160px

Promoting a group or community

It is actively used to promote brands, publics, groups that are dedicated to certain places or specific individuals.

  • The title will duplicate the name of your group. You can shorten or leave it as you wish. As for increasing it, it's impossible.
  • The minimum banner resolution is 90*90 pixels

special format

Perfect option for the promotion of thematic groups.

  • The title duplicates the name of your public or community
  • The minimum banner scale is 128*128 pixels
  • The banner must be contrasting and different from the main background of VKontakte

Basic Rules

Before you advertise on VK, you will need to check the ad. This is necessary for the VKontakte administration to successfully moderate it and publish it. I can tell you right away that if you make a mistake or a typo in the text, use a low-quality, frightening or simply frank banner, your ad will be rejected.


Before submitting an ad, I suggest that you study the basic rules. So, VKontakte categorically prohibits the creation of advertising campaigns:

Subtleties and features

Please note that:

  • the image you use in your ad must be high quality
  • in the case of applying text to the image, the symbols occupy no more than 50% of the total area of ​​the banner
  • the subject of the ad should repeat the subject of the site to which it takes the user
  • if you are posting an advertisement medical services, you will need to provide the social network with relevant documentation
  • your ad does not violate the privacy policy

Well, in general, those who are engaged in honest business, do not suffer from problems with the Russian language, do not need to worry about anything. With a probability of 99.9%, your ads will successfully pass site moderation. In extreme cases, VKontakte will notify you of the reason for the rejection of your request.

Targeting step by step guide

Well, now let's get down to the most interesting part - advertising placement and its settings. For this you need:

  • Follow the link and create your personal account
  • On the left side of the window, click on the button Targeted Ads»
  • In the window that opens, click on the " Create ad»

Creating an ad

To make it very clear to you how to place an ad in a contact, I suggest going all the way to creating a targeted ad using my example:

  1. We choose what we need project format which we are going to advertise. In my case it is " External site" website.
    If one of you is interested in and is going to advertise your own community, the principle of action in this case will be similar, but you will not need to use UTM tags
  2. Enter the address of our site in the top field, the domain will be pulled up automatically. Now click on the button " Proceed»
  3. In the window that opens, fill out the standard form.
    In the category " Registration» I choose the format for my ad « big image”, and then I write in the title bar the text that I want to see on the banner
  4. Since my site is all about investments, in the ad subject category, I choose " Financial services»

Setting the target audience

  1. Since the readers of my site are not limited to only one country, in the settings in the paragraph " The country" I choose " Any". You will choose the option that you need. Here you can also specify the city, metro station and even the street
  2. Let's move on to filtering by gender. my target audience are men, and therefore I choose them. You form this category according to your needs.
  3. Decide who will be interested in your product, how old are your potential customers, and then sort the list. In my case, the basis is 25-55 years
  4. If the product you are advertising will be of interest to future birthdays, check the appropriate box in the line " Birthday»
  5. After all the data is entered, on the right side of the screen you will see how much one of your ads costs and what audience it can cover
  6. We go down even lower and fill in the categories " Interests», « Education and work". Since my site is designed for people involved in investment activities, trading in the currency and stock markets, I sort the target audience, choosing those users who have higher education and are interested in business, investments, passive income, money, Internet earnings and the like.
    In the future, you can change and play with interests, for example, remove higher education, since very often people without it have much more zeal for knowledge and learning new things
  7. I advise you to analyze 10-20 representatives of your target audience in order to find groups in which the maximum number of potential consumers your product. This information will be useful to you when filling out the category " Communities»
  8. According to the criterion outlook» It will be possible to filter the target audience by religion. In my case, this item is of no use, so I skip it.
  9. As for the line " Travelers”, then by checking this box, you will limit your target audience to people who travel abroad at least once every six months. This function was not useful to me, but it will be useful for those who advertise tours or expensive goods.
  10. In the category " Education» you will see the position « Position". Here I am interested in people who occupy such positions as an economist, director, manager, and so on. You choose those specialists who are the target audience of your project
  11. Let's go to " Additional Options". Here we can fill in the retargeting groups, specify the devices from which users of our VKontakte target audience should enter. Personally, it doesn’t matter to me if the user will scroll news feed sitting at a computer or using a mobile phone. However, if you, for example, sell cases for smartphones, it would be logical to limit the target audience by indicating in this category " All mobile phones»
  12. Set up in the same way Operating Systems and browsers
  13. Finally, let's move on to financial matters. In the category " Setting price and location» We choose the PR option that suits our wallet best. Since I am confident in the given target audience, I activate " Pay for impressions»
  14. The recommended social network price for 1000 impressions was 6.33 rubles for my ad.
    However, I lower it to 1.1 rubles. I advise you to start with the minimum prices, which will be an order of magnitude lower than the recommended ones. If, after passing the moderation, your ad does not begin to be published, feel free to increase the price by 50 kopecks until the ad appears on the network.
  15. Now that everything is ready, give your ad campaign a name and click on " Create ad»
  16. Set limits and run ad

And finally, a few more useful tips, which will help you when creating an advertising campaign:

Encourage your target audience to click through your ad by offering some bonus. By the way, information about promotions or discounts, written in the title of the ad or in its description, gives an excellent return.


Well, it's time for me to end here. The information provided here is more than enough to get you started with targeted advertising. Don't forget to share your experience of promoting projects on social networks using targeting in the comments below this post. Tell us what you advertised, how you set up your ads, who your target audience was, and what result you got in the end. Well, on this I say goodbye to you. See you soon, friends!

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