Thank you letter to a teacher from a student. Words of gratitude to the primary school teacher from parents

Thank you teacher
For getting started in life.
We were able to instill a love for science,
Inquisitiveness in business and passion.

I wish you good and happiness
Thank you for your help.
I'm lucky to learn from you
I boldly say this.

Thank you teacher
Let's say now
Appreciates and loves you
Our fervent class.

For affection, care,
Words from the heart.
We wouldn't be without you
So good.

I'm sorry for that
We don't learn a lesson.
You are the most beloved
We have a teacher.

We would like to express our deep gratitude. Thank you for your work. For the fact that every day you give each of your students a piece of yourself. You give knowledge, share your experience, pay your attention and, in the end, give a piece of your heart. Thank you for your professionalism, unique approach to each child, your gigantic patience and responsibility. We wish you health, good luck and prosperity.

For noble work and kindness
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Fulfill your cherished dream
Wish to become happy.

Thank you very much for your understanding,
For loyalty to the cause, word, craft.
And what about the students with all their hearts -
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts from all of us!

Our best teacher
We thank you
And for patience and for work
Thank you, we say
You have done a lot for us
Accept our bow
We only wish you well
Our whole class is in love with you!

So many years you are with us
They gave us a lot of knowledge.
Protected from blizzards and cold,
We always knew what we needed.

Low bow to you, teacher,
You are our guide.
May God give you health, happiness,
To let bad weather pass by.

We thank the teachers for their work,
For everything that has been invested in us.
sometimes not sparing yourself,
You taught good knowledge!

They often shook your nerves,
For which, of course, forgive us.
You are the best teachers
Saying goodbye, do not be sad!

The baby will come to replace
They don't know much yet.
But, years later, like us,
Everyone will come to the school threshold!

A teacher is a difficult path in life,
When all life is devoted to others,
We were able to step into the world of knowledge with you,
Thank you very much for this!

Thank you for every day and hour
that you spent with us
Thank you, our teacher, to you from us,
For all bow to you low to the ground!

Our dear teacher,
We want to say thank you
What did you teach a friendly class,
That you tolerated us, loved us.

That wise advice is always to us,
You gave easy every time,
That rarely answered "no",
And that you didn't yell at us.

That taught us to be friends
What good knowledge gave us,
What did you teach us to live,
And that they didn’t get tired of us!

Our gratitude cannot be counted
For teaching children daily,
And today is a great honor
Express my admiration to you personally.

For patience, dedication and hard work
Bow to the Earth without fail,
And let the new classes come -
Teach everyone clearly and correctly.

Teacher, we want to say
The whole class is grateful to you,
Your rare mind as well as tact
God has given you
Thank you in unison, we say
We wish you prosperity
Success, happiness and love,
And let life be sweet!

We would like to express our deep gratitude. Thank you for your work. For the fact that every day you give each of your students a piece of yourself. You give knowledge, share your experience, pay your attention and, in the end, give a piece of your heart. Thank you for your professionalism, unique approach to each child, your gigantic patience and responsibility. We wish you health, good luck and prosperity.

From the bottom of my heart, I want to say “thank you very much” to you for your work, for your patience, for your ability to find talent in every child, for your efforts, for your support. I sincerely wish you health, prosperity, strong strength and wonderful mood. Let every day open something new and good not only for your students, but also for you, even in summer, and in winter, and in spring, and in autumn, your life will be bright, cheerful and interesting.

Dear teacher, from the bottom of my heart I want to say a big thank you for your invaluable work and faithful efforts, for your kind heart and sincerity of soul, for your stubborn struggle with the dense forest of ignorance and for your optimism. You help not only to learn something new and important, you inspire strong faith and bright hope, you can always give the right advice and support with a kind word. I wish you many years of successful activity, well-being in life and good health.

Thank you, dear teacher, thank you for the knowledge, for the good advice, for the correct answers to all my questions, for the understanding and warmth of the soul, for the sincerity and honesty. Thanks to you, I believe in myself and tirelessly strive for my dream, I overcome obstacles on the way to education and know that success awaits me. Thank you, I wish you great opportunities and success in life, health, personal well-being and happiness.

I would like to sincerely thank the teacher! Thank you for the lessons and knowledge that lead us into adulthood. For help and care, attention and guidance, for criticism and discussion, for support and participation. You are a wonderful teacher! Be happy!

From the bottom of my heart I would like to thank you for the hard, but such a noble work, patience, ability to listen! Your talent for getting along with students and keeping them interested is admirable! Thank you for your knowledge and daily dedication!

Our beloved teacher, we want to thank you very much for your care, guidance, skills and hard pedagogical work! A more tactful, polite, intelligent, fair, wise and kind teacher cannot be found. We are very lucky with you, thank you for your efforts and attempts to teach and educate, for your love for children and dedication to work! We wish you smart students and good parents!

Thank you, dear teacher, for all the knowledge that you gave me, for the wisdom that you opened for me, and for the experience that you shared with me! I thank you for every lesson, because your lessons are a bright light that illuminates my path to success and cherished dreams!

A teacher is a beacon in the turbulent flow of knowledge. And having passed the common path, I want to say words of gratitude for every parting word, support, understanding and human participation. You have invested a part of your soul in each student, I hope we will justify your hopes! Thank you for everything you have done for us!

Please accept our gratitude for your heart, kindness and intelligence. For giving us your love, knowledge, patience and soul without a trace. Let each of your students never forget what you have done for him and his future.

A thank you note is often written to a teacher. The author can be the school management, thanks to successful work, behind special merit and dedication. Also, a letter can be drawn up from the parents of students, as a rule, it is written at the end of the school children, before graduation, on the occasion of the end of the school year. The students themselves can be the initiators.

Below we offer several samples of the text of a thank you letter addressed to a teacher (from parents, students and the school principal). Features of writing letters of thanks are considered.

Thank you letter to the teacher - examples of texts

1. The text of a letter of thanks to the teacher from the students:

Dear Anna Pavlovna!

Everyone knows that the school is the second family, and the teachers are the parents. Without you, we would not be who we are today. You are the person who instructs us throughout the school path and always leads others, serving as a great example. Your strictness and justice do not interfere with your kind and sensitive heart. We really appreciate that you always help your wards in everything and give the right advice, even not always related to schoolwork. You inspire us to great deeds and give us the strength to move on.

We sincerely wish you to raise more than one generation of grateful students, as many as possible sunny days and permanent peace of mind!

2. A sample letter of thanks to the teacher from the parents of the students:

Dear Galina Viktorovna!

Together with us, you rejoice at the successes of the students and together with us cope with their failures, support them in hours of despair. You accompany our children throughout their life journey, making them open up like a flower, discover new talents in themselves and believe in themselves. You are always ready to listen, give useful guidance and help, even if the situation seems insurmountable. We are very grateful for all the attention paid to us and our children and the sensitivity shown during joint work over the education of students.

We, parents, sincerely thank you for your sensitivity, attentiveness and care. Once again, we say many thanks for the difficult path that you shared with us, and may your path continue to lead to new pedagogical heights!

3. A sample text of a thank you letter to a teacher from the school administration:

Dear Olga Vladimirovna!

Who, if not teachers, should know that the teaching profession requires high responsibility, physical strength and peace of mind? You are doing an excellent job with your pedagogical task and for many years you have been an excellent example not only for children, but also for your colleagues.

We thank you for your tremendous contribution to the work of the school, organization learning activities, classroom management, extracurricular activities and active participation in work aimed at teaching, educating and developing students, as well as developing new teaching methods. Your high professionalism and pedagogical competence lead more than one generation of grateful students and teachers.

On behalf of the entire teaching staff and the school administration, we wish you success in this difficult field and good luck in all your endeavors.

Teachers are a frequent addressee of thank-you letters, to whom words of appreciation and gratitude are expressed by both the parents of the students and the management. educational institution. In this article, we offer sample texts of a thank you letter to a teacher.

As a rule, a letter of gratitude is written to the teacher from the parents of the students at the end of the school year in order to express appreciation for the patience and work shown in relation to their children. In addition to gratitude, words of wishes are also written. An exemplary text of a thank you letter addressed to a teacher is below.

For registration, it is appropriate to use a special typographical form or a suitable postcard.

We also suggest that you read the article about.

Sample texts

1. A sample letter of thanks to a history teacher from the parents of students

Dear Olga Vladimirovna!

Your professional approach to teaching our children, your patience, and your ability to make your lessons interesting and bright cause a storm of emotional delight in our children. They look forward to your lessons, carefully prepare for them, and discuss the acquired knowledge among themselves. Your creative nature makes children plunge into the world of bygone times right at the lesson, because the history lesson is one of the most interesting among school subjects.

Undoubtedly, not everyone can remember a lot of dates and the sequence of historical facts, but your ability to properly organize the flow of knowledge has borne fruit: the repeated victories of students at city Olympiads are proof of this.

We, the parents of students in the 7th grade, treat your work with respect and reverence, we wish you to continue to remain a sensitive and competent teacher, as well as health and happiness!

In the final grade, students or their parents quite often have a desire to write a letter of thanks to a teacher or class teacher. But, having decided to thank a person, you may encounter a number of problems, the central of which will be how this can be done in accordance with all the rules.

The easiest way

If there is a desire to write a thank you letter to the teacher, then the easiest option would be to purchase a ready-made form on which a template speech is written. Forms can be bought at any stationery store, and the letter template can be downloaded online. But more often than not, such messages look dry, impersonal, and are most likely done not at will, but because everyone should or does it that way.

We write from the heart

If you want to write a real thank you letter to the teacher, you need to spend a little more time and create a warm message addressed to just one person. It is better to write such letters with the whole class or the whole team of parents, then each person will be able to make additions or changes to the letter.

A Few Rules

When creating a real thank you letter to a music teacher, for example, you need to follow a few unspoken rules. First of all, it is worth considering what exactly the class is grateful to the teacher for: for a good attitude towards students, for the knowledge gained or education. This must be indicated in the letter, focusing on the better side the character of the teacher. It’s great if the class remembers some funny stories from school days in the letter. Then the letter will become “alive” and stir up pleasant memories. You should not often use official phrases, officialdom will only dry up the message. Also, the letter should not be long and oversaturated with information, the ideal size is 2-5 paragraphs. common text(no more than A4 page).

Letter structure

Like all other letters, a letter of thanks to the teacher should begin with a heading, i.e. determine to whom it is addressed, and who its author is. If the letter is written from the whole class, it is not necessary to list all the students by name, it is better to write, for example: "From 11-A". This is followed by the main part of the letter, where you need to reveal the whole essence. First you need to contact the teacher. In the appeal, you can use the words "dear", "respected" - this way it will be much more pleasant to read the letter to the addressee. Next, you need to thank the teacher for what he so conquered the class, list the positive aspects of his character. If the letter has a playful slant, you can lightly scold the teacher, for example, for often delaying the class at recess. Next, you can recall something personal from the communication of the teacher with the students. It is better to end the letter with wishes. If a letter of thanks is written to the teacher from the parents, then the structure remains the same, only the content of the letter will be somewhat different.

handing over

You also need to take care of how to properly present a letter of thanks to the teacher. Of course, it can be sent by mail, but it would be better to read it to the class during graduation or last call. The teacher will definitely be pleased, besides, this class will undoubtedly be remembered by him for many years.