A new rescue boat has been ordered for the Russian Navy. New rescue boat ordered for the Russian Navy Diving boat project 23040

State contract for the construction of 16 boats of complex rescue support project 23040 by order of the Ministry of Defense Russian Federation was signed with OAO Zavod Nizhny Novgorod Teplokhod (OAO ZNT) at the end of March 2013.

Recently, the command of the Russian Navy has been paying special attention to the replenishment of the new ship-boat staff of the Search and Rescue Operations Directorate (UPASR) of the fleets. In particular, a rescue ship is being built at the Admiralty Shipyards in St. Petersburg submarines a new generation of project 21300C "Igor Belousov" for the Northern Fleet, for the Pacific Fleet at the October Revolution Shipyard in the city of Blagoveshchensk, a series of diving boats of project 14157 is being built, and recently it became known about a new large-scale order for 16 boats of complex rescue support project 23040.

Project 23040 boat

Andrei Vasilyevich Chichagov, chief designer of OAO ZNT, told the Central Naval Portal what the new vessel is, which will significantly increase the capabilities of the Navy's UPASR.

The project 23040 boat is a further development of a series of ten diving boats of the A160 project ( building numbers 801-810) built by JSC "ZNT" in 2010-2012 for the Federal State Institution "State Marine Rescue Service of Russia", as well as a diving boat of the ZT28D "Pelikan" project, developed by the design department of the plant.

Project 23040 boat

The technical working design of the project 23040 boat was developed by the design department of JSC "ZNT" in accordance with technical requirements Ministry of Defense of Russia for the supply of a raid boat of integrated emergency and rescue support.

Cabin of the boat project 23040

Compared to the previous generation of diving boats, project 23040 received additional functions and equipment that allow it to perform not only the usual set of diving operations at depths of up to 60 meters with sea waves up to three points, but also to carry out search, inspection and survey work using a regular small-sized remote-controlled uninhabited underwater vehicle and towed sonar. In addition, it provides for the possibility of extinguishing fires on ships and vessels, floating and coastal facilities up to 30 m high, pumping water from an emergency vessel and supplying power to an emergency vessel.

Project 23040 boat. Diving control post

The project 23040 boat is a single-deck boat with a steel hull with ice reinforcements, with a single-deck aluminum superstructure (wheelhouse), a twin-shaft diesel power plant with fixed-pitch propellers and a bow thruster.

Project 23040 boat. Pressure chamber room


Overall length: 28.09 meters
Maximum width: 5.56 meters
Depth amidships: 3 meters
Nose side height: 3.4 meters
Draft average: 1.5 meters
Displacement full: about 118 tons
Main engine: 2x441 kW
Diesel generator: 2x80 kW
Emergency parking diesel generator: 1x20 kW
Travel speed: about 13.7±0.3 knots
Crew: 3 people
Divers: 5 people

The boat provides comfortable living conditions for eight people, it is possible to additionally short-term accommodation of three people for a period of no more than a day.

Project 23040 boat. Cabin. Nose view

Project 23040 boat. Cabin. Aft view

Project 23040 boat. Double cabin

The autonomy of the boat in terms of fresh water and provisions at the rate of 8 people is 5 days.

Cruising range at a speed of 10 knots is 200 miles.

Project 23040 boats are equipped with a joystick control system.

To carry out diving operations on the boat, a diving operations support device (ship diving complex) is provided, consisting of a set of diving equipment, equipment and diving descents.



JSC Zavod Nizhny Novgorod Teplokhod (Bor, Nizhny Novgorod Region) announced that on March 21, 2016 it signed a contract with the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for the construction of a large hydrographic boat of project 23040G. The boat is planned to be handed over to the Russian Navy in a year and a half from the date of signing the contract, in total the plant plans to build six boats of this project.
The project 23040G boat was developed in the design bureau of the plant and is a further development of project 23040 integrated rescue boats being built at the Nizhny Novgorod Teplokhod Plant OJSC for the Russian Navy. Recall that the company has already built 16 project rescue boats for the Ministry of Defense 23040 (building numbers 1101 - 1116), commissioned in 2013-2015, and in March 2016 received a contract for the construction of six more boats of project 23040 for the Navy with delivery in 2016-2018.

IN Nizhny Novgorod On August 17, 2016, the laying of two new large hydrographic boats (BGK) of project 23040G for the Russian Navy took place at the JSC Nizhny Novgorod Teplokhod enterprise on August 17, 2016. The ceremony was attended by the head of the Department of Navigation and Oceanography of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Captain 1st Rank Sergey Travin.
The transfer of boats to the Russian Navy, after all types of tests, is scheduled for 2017. Another 4 boats, two units per year, will be built in 2017 and 2018, respectively.
The main purpose of the boat is to perform high-precision areal survey of the bottom relief to maintain modern level navigational nautical charts and maintenance of medium-sized floating aids to navigation equipment with a weight of up to 2.0 tons and a length of up to 6.5 meters.
To improve maneuverability, the boat is equipped with a twin-shaft propulsion system with fixed-pitch propellers, a bow thruster and is capable of moving at low speeds of 4-6 knots for an unlimited time.
The boat has a modern integrated bridge system that provides the navigator with all the necessary information from the bow and stern control panels. By operating the boat from the stern control panel, the navigator can control the work of the deck crew when shooting and placing floating aids to navigation equipment, while simultaneously maneuvering and observing the surface situation using radar and AIS, the data from which are displayed on the monitor against the background of an electronic navigation chart.
For areal shooting of the bottom relief and search for navigational hazards, the boat is equipped with a hydrographic complex, which includes: a multi-beam echo sounder and a single-beam echo sounder, a side-scan sonar, a high-precision position coordinate system and a tide gauge.
The control of the means of surveying the bottom relief is carried out from a hydrographic post located in the wheelhouse
Press Service and Information Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

In accordance with the instructions of the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy, Admiral Vladimir Korolev, the head of the Navigation and Oceanography Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Captain 1st Rank Sergey Travin, checked the progress of the construction of two newest large hydrographic (BGK) project 23040G at the Nizhny Novgorod Shipyard Plant, intended to replenish the composition of ships and ships hydrographic service of the Navy.
"It is planned that these two boats of project 23040G - "George Zima" and "Alexander Evlanov" will be transferred to the Navy in November 2017," Captain 1st Rank Sergei Travin said.
The boats are designed for high-precision areal survey of the bottom relief and survey of navigational hazards at depths of up to 400 meters, as well as survey of the bottom relief with a single-beam echo sounder at depths of up to 2000 meters. With the help of project 23040G boats, the hydrographic service of the Navy will be able to effectively perform the tasks of maintaining all types of floating warning signs (PPZ), the task of setting / filming all types of floating warning signs up to 1.7 tons and up to 6.5 meters long.
With the help of boats of this type, it is possible to deliver personnel, food, spare parts and repair crews to coastal navigational equipment of the Navy, provide navigation and hydrographic support for rescue and search operations, pilotage and lead submarines and large-tonnage ships at base points and on approaches to him.
The crew of the boat is 9 people. To accommodate the crew and those seconded on the boat, there are 5 double cabins and one single cabin.
Department of Information and Mass Communications of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation


On May 17, 2018, several important events. Two rescue boats of project 23040 RVK-1239 and RVK-1261 were sent to the duty station. The lead boat of project 23040G, the large hydrographic boat Georgy Zima, was launched. The first boat of the same series BGK "Alexander Evlanov" was taken out of the workshop and christened. In addition, the solemn laying of the third and fourth boats of project 23040G "Vladimir Kozitsky" and "Boris Slobodnik" took place. The celebrations were attended by representatives of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Industry and entrepreneurs of the Nizhny Novgorod region, the administration of the urban district of Bor, key partners of the plant and the family of Georgy Ivanovich Zima.
Plant Nizhny Novgorod Teplohod»



As part of the implementation of the State shipbuilding program, Nizhny Novgorod Teplokhod Plant JSC will build 6 large hydrographic boats of project 23040G for the hydrographic service of the Russian Navy until 2019.
The first two large hydrographic boats will be part of the Hydrographic Service Baltic Fleet, and subsequent to the hydrographic services of the Northern, Black Sea Fleets and the Caspian Flotilla.
Their main purpose:
high-precision areal survey of the bottom topography and inspection of navigation-dangerous objects at depths of up to 400 meters, survey of the bottom topography with a single-beam echo sounder at depths of up to 2000 meters;
maintenance of all types of floating warning signs.
setting/shooting of all types of floating warning signs weighing up to 1.7 tons and up to 6.5 meters long;
delivery of personnel, food, spare parts and repair crews to coastal aids to navigation;
navigation and hydrographic support for rescue and search operations;
pilotage and leadership of submarines, large-tonnage ships at base points and on approaches to them.
Department of Information and Mass Communications of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation


On May 22, 2017, the Nizhny Novgorod Teplokhod sent the city of Severomorsk to its home port Murmansk region two new raid diving boats - RVK-2129 and RVK-2130 (building numbers 1117 and 1118, respectively). The official deadline for their delivery was approved for 2017, but in fact the boats were launched in September 2016, and in November they successfully passed state tests.
On June 8, it is planned to launch two more boats of project 23040 - RVK-1239 and RVK-1261 (building numbers 1119 and 1120, respectively). These boats will also be handed over ahead of schedule appointed for 2018.
- Leading the schedule can be explained very simply, - comments the managing director of JSC "Zavod Nizhny Novgorod Teplohod" Sergey Konovalov. - Production capacity OAO ZNT allows you to cope with more complex tasks much faster. Just a couple of years ago, we handed over six of these boats at the same time. Therefore, to build two or four in a year is just work at a normal pace for sailors.
Nizhny Novgorod Motor Ship Plant


On June 8, 2017, on the eve of the Day of the Shipbuilder of the Nizhny Novgorod Region, the Nizhny Novgorod Ship Plant launched two boats of integrated rescue support RVK-1239 and RVK-1261. These are the 19th and 20th boats of the series (lines nos. 1119 and 1120).
The descent went smoothly. By tradition, bottles of champagne were broken on the sides of the ships.
In the summer, both boats will pass sea trials and will be transferred to the Pacific Fleet.
Press service of OJSC ZNT


On September 21, at the main base of the Northern Fleet - Severomorsk - a solemn ceremony of hoisting the flag of the search and rescue service on two raid diving boats of project 23040 took place.
With the hoisting of the flag, these boats officially became part of the emergency rescue squad of the Northern Fleet. The name "Ivan Shvets" was assigned to one boat by order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy.
The ceremony of hoisting the flag of the search and rescue service on raid boats of integrated emergency rescue support was held under the leadership of Vice Admiral Nikolai Evmenov, Commander of the Northern Fleet. He congratulated the crews of the boats on a significant event and, according to a good maritime tradition, wished seven feet under the keel.
IN solemn event Veterans of the Department of Search and Rescue Operations (UPASR) of the Northern Fleet, participants of the All-Russian Military Patriotic social movement"Yunarmiya", as well as sponsored by the UPASR - students of the 8th "B" class of the North Sea Cadet Corps.
Previously, these two project 23040 offshore diving boats successfully passed a set of state tests at the main base of the Northern Fleet - Severomorsk.
Specialists of the Northern Fleet noted the high efficiency of this equipment for performing search, rescue and underwater technical work at the bases of the fleet forces.
Press Service of the Northern Fleet

“The Russian Navy will receive a series of working diving boats (RVK) of Project 23040 well ahead of schedule,” said Captain 1st Rank Damir Shaikhutdinov, head of the Navy’s Search and Rescue Service. “These boats, designed for search and rescue operations of fleets and flotillas, have already proven themselves in various climatic zones and latitudes - from the south to the Arctic,” he added.
The last 4 boats of the series are in varying degrees readiness - both at the stage of construction and preparation for state sea trials.
“We expect that by the end of the first quarter of 2018 shipyard The Nizhny Novgorod ship will hand over to the Russian Navy two boats designed to replenish the search and rescue support forces of the Pacific Fleet. Two more RVC, which are under construction, can become part of the Navy until 2019,” explained Captain 1st Rank Damir Shaikhutdinov.
Department of Information and Mass Communications of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation


On February 28, 2019, two modern project 23040 raid diving boats were accepted into the search and rescue forces of the Pacific Fleet.
Solemn flag-raising ceremonies on the newest boats were held in Vladivostok and Fokino.
The vessels, which bear the designations RVK-1239 and RVK-1261, were built at the Nizhny Novgorod Teplokhod Plant JSC and are part of a series of boats for complex rescue purposes, built by order of the Russian Ministry of Defense. These special vessels, with a relatively small displacement, are designed to ensure the performance of diving operations at depths of up to 60 meters with sea waves up to three points, search, inspection and research work with the help of a regular small-sized remote-controlled uninhabited underwater vehicle and a towed sonar. RVC are equipped with a dynamic positioning system, a thermal imager and a pressure chamber. They are also capable of extinguishing fires on ships and vessels, floating and coastal facilities up to 30 meters high.
The head of the department of search and rescue operations of the Pacific Fleet, Captain 1st Rank Maxim Alalykin, congratulating the personnel of the Pacific Fleet rescue team on the replenishment, noted that these vessels will significantly expand the capabilities structural unit on search and rescue at sea, will allow to solve a wider range of tasks.
Earlier, rescuers of the Pacific Fleet received a modern modular diving boat SMK-2177, which proved to be excellent in providing underwater technical work, including those related to the disposal of ammunition found at the bottom of the Golden Horn Bay in Vladivostok.
The Department information support Primorsky region (Vladivostok)

On March 21, 2016 JSC "Zavod Nizhny Novgorod Teplohod" with the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for the construction of a series of six large hydrographic boats of project 23040G.

The vessel of project 23040G became the development of project 23040.

The large hydrographic boat of project 23040G is designed for: high-precision area survey of the bottom relief and survey of navigational hazards at depths of up to 400 meters and survey of the bottom relief with a single-beam echo sounder at depths of up to 2000 meters; maintenance of all types of floating warning signs (hereinafter referred to as PPZ); setting/shooting of all types of PPZ up to 1.7 tons and up to 6.5 meters long; delivery of personnel, food, spare parts and repair crews to coastal aids to navigation; navigation and hydrographic support for rescue and search operations; pilotage and leadership of submarines and large-tonnage ships at base points and on approaches to them.

Architectural and structural type of the boat project 23040G:

Steel single-deck self-propelled boat, with a transom aft end, with aft working deck, with an aluminum single-deck residential superstructure in the middle part and a wheelhouse, with an aft location of the engine room and cargo hold, with a twin-shaft diesel power plant with fixed-pitch propellers, with a bow thruster device.

The main characteristics of the boat project 23040G: Empty displacement 153.7 tons, full displacement 192.7 tons. Deadweight 39 tons. The maximum length is 33.04 meters, the estimated length is 29.16 meters. Width 6.8 meters. The side height amidships is 3.4 meters, the side height in the area of ​​the cargo deck is 3.25 meters. The average draft is 1.6 meters. Travel speed 12.7 + 0.3 knots. Power will be provided by two main engines with a capacity of 248 kW each. The effective thrust of the thruster is 815 kgf.

On boats for traffic control and maneuvering, consisting of: JP4000 joystick system; Two independent steering machines with STCS4000 control system; Autopilot AP4000.

The lead ship of project 23040G "Georgy Zima" (building No. 1201): August 17, 2016. Commissioning in November 2017. April 17, 2018 from the workshop to prepare for launching. May 17 on the water. to the Hydrographic Service of the Baltic Fleet. On August 21, the plant's water area and went to its home port - Lomonosov, Leningrad Region - where it will be tested and, after signing acceptance certificates, become part of the Baltic Fleet. According to a message dated October 02 for testing in the Gulf of Finland. November 20 to factory sea trials. On December 29, a solemn hoisting of the St. Andrew's flag took place at the Leningrad Naval Base.

Named in honor of Georgy Ivanovich Zima - captain of the 1st rank, head of the hydrographic department of the Red Banner Baltic Fleet, participant in the Great Patriotic War, awarded 7 orders and 12 medals, including: Order of Lenin, two Orders of the Red Banner, Order of Nakhimov II degree, Orders Patriotic War I and II degrees, the Order of the Red Star, the medal "For Military Merit", the medal "For the Defense of Leningrad", the medal "For the Capture of Koenigsberg", the medal "For the Victory over Germany".

By order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy, Admiral Vladimir Korolev, the boat was named after the outstanding hydrographer, Rear Admiral of the Hydrographic Fleet Alexander Gavrilovich Evlanov (12.01.1923-18.11-1992), who made 25 long-distance expeditions in the Indian and Atlantic Ocean to study the bottom topography. Sailors still use his achievements to this day. For services to the country, Evlanov was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, I degree, twice the Red Star, the Badge of Honor, and many medals. In 1983 Alexander Evlanov was awarded the State Prize of the USSR as a member of the group of hydrographers of the Navy GS for his oceanographic discoveries and his great contribution to the mapping of the World Ocean.

The third vessel of project 23040G "Vladimir Kozitsky" (building No. 1203): keel-laying ceremony on May 17, 2018. As of November 23, the installation of the add-on.

The fourth vessel of project 23040G "Boris Slobodnik" (building No. 1204): keel-laying ceremony on May 17, 2018. As of November 23, work is underway to manufacture the superstructure and the cabin.

Fifth vessel of project 23040G: To be built in 2018.

The sixth vessel of project 23040G: To be built in 2018.