Delivery of household appliances as a business. Own business: opening a household appliances store

The development of the retail network is constantly under rapidly increasing pressure from the competitive environment, and this, of course, affects their financial indicators. According to X5 official data Retail Group According to the results of 2013, the company's retail revenue grew by 8.7% compared to the previous year, and in 2012 this figure was 8.3%. At the same time, the holding's comparable sales grew by only 0.7%, while last year - by 1.4%. Taking into account inflation, which, according to Rosstat, amounted to 6.5% as of December 2013, these indicators can hardly be called successful.

Vadim Baikov,

CEO, TSS Retail Marketing

  • Development of the retail network: development of new territories
  • Strengthening logistics
  • Retail Network Management: Improving Operational Efficiency
  • Personalization of marketing programs

Retail network development constantly experiencing rapidly increasing pressure from the competitive environment, and this, of course, affects their financial performance. According to official data from X5 Retail Group, in 2013, the company's retail revenue increased by 8.7% compared to the previous year, and in 2012 this figure was 8.3%. At the same time, the holding's like-for-like sales grew by only 0.7%, while last year they grew by 1.4%. Taking into account inflation, which, according to Rosstat, amounted to 6.5% as of December 2013, these indicators can hardly be called successful.

The experience of X5 Retail Group convinces us that in order to develop a retail network, it is necessary to constantly improve the approach to strategic development your business. There is not as much room for retail network development as before, but there is still space, and the success of established players and newcomers in the market will depend on how quickly they react to the new conjuncture.

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In my opinion, the trends in retail network management are dictated by two main factors: changes in the economic situation in Russia, which affect retail activities, and the transformation of the competitive environment. In such conditions, every step can be decisive for the business. To protect themselves as much as possible, retailers are guided in their work by the main market trends and approach the market research and selection of suppliers with particular care, while resorting to the services of analysts.

This direction of retail network development still remains a promising source of growth. If a retail chain plans to increase the number of outlets, its suppliers must carefully control the assortment and develop product categories, taking into account both the format of new stores and the characteristics of the purchasing behavior of their visitors. Here it is worth taking into account in which direction - regional or local - the trading network will develop.

Regions. For federal retailers, regional development is associated with a significant increase in coverage, but at the same time means an increase in costs. The regions of the Urals, Western and (rarely) Eastern Siberia are the most promising for expansion. True, the main obstacle here is long distances, which naturally increases the cost of logistics. It turns out that for all its attractiveness, regional development is expensive, as it requires significant investment.

The experience of Magnit, the absolute leader in Russian food retail over the past two years, is interesting. He began expanding beyond the Urals before other federal chains - his first stores appeared in the Siberian Federal District back in 2010. In 2012, the retailer opened a distribution center in the Omsk region, and in early 2014 it became known that the company had acquired three sites for the construction of hypermarkets in the Altai Territory. For comparison: X5 Retail Group is only now planning to open its first distribution center in the Trans-Urals, namely in the Tyumen region.

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For federal suppliers, the regional expansion of the network has a number of advantages. Firstly, this is an increase in the volume of deliveries due to the growth of the network. Secondly, the opportunity to present your product in a new region, increase brand awareness and thus increase market share. And thirdly, the reduction of logistics costs. The more stores in the region and the higher the turnover, the less cost for the delivery of products to the distribution center of the network, which means an increase in the operational efficiency of the supplier.

But do not overlook and possible risks. First of all, the federal supplier may have to waive the terms of its commercial policy related to the supply of goods to retail chains and other, not so large-scale customers (local distributors). large network, using its purchasing power, can obtain from the supplier low prices and put cheap products on the shelves. At the same time, in a small store, such products will cost more, and the demand for them will inevitably fall. Most likely, as a result, the distribution network will remain the only distribution channel for the supplier. And this is unprofitable for the supplier, since the marginality in these two sales channels is fundamentally different: in networks it is usually less than when deliveries through distributors.

In addition, the problem of forecasting demand may arise, because no one knows how actively the goods will be sold in a new chain store, for example, near Irkutsk. As a result, if the demand for a certain product is high, it may simply not be enough.

The regional development of the retail network opens up opportunities for local suppliers as well. There are not many federal suppliers, and they mainly work with packaged goods that have a long shelf life. However, there large group of goods, which brings a significant margin to the network and makes up a significant share of the turnover, are perishable food products. Any chain has a quota for goods from local producers - this mainly applies to such categories as meat, milk, vegetables, and products traditional for the area (for example, for Kazan residents, this is chak-chak). At the same time, the risks of working with networks are the same as those of federal companies.

The supplier works with local customers with whom agreements have been reached on delivery dates, payment and other indicators. The network, on the other hand, requires special conditions, such as an additional deferred payment, a certain inventory in the warehouse, and short delivery times.

It is worth noting that some small suppliers decide to cooperate with networks even at a loss, because in this way they can increase brand awareness and ensure the necessary production load. The result can be a dramatic increase in market share, recouping the initial cost.

local market. In addition to federal areas, there is room for development at the local level: in large cities, retail is actively developing new sleeping areas. Most often, we are talking about the street retail format - retail space built into the first floors of buildings, mostly residential. Traditionally, this format is in demand among chain cafes, restaurants and service industries such as hairdressers and spas. But grocery retailers also occupy a significant part of such areas - about 25%. At the same time, in Moscow, for example, the growth in the number of "convenience stores" is limited by the relative shortage of retail space. And not in all residential areas (both being built up and those already established) the concentration of food operators corresponds to the density of the population and the prospects for its growth.

Given that given format retailers are designed for consumers who want to make small purchases as close to home as possible, retailers will form their assortment, focusing on their needs. For example, small packages of goods will be in greater demand here than in the hypermarket chain. Accordingly, suppliers will be required to ensure regular deliveries of smaller products to chain stores.

The Russian food retail market is still far from being saturated, as the levels of network trade development in different regions differ. In addition, the incomes of the population and the general well-being differ in the regions. However, online retail trade continues to demonstrate high growth rates, remaining one of the fastest growing sectors of the domestic economy.

Strengthening logistics

The further success of the retailer expansion will largely depend on the development of distribution centers and major investments into the IT infrastructure to optimize costs and enhance logistics. These measures are simply necessary, because when delivering a large volume of various products over long distances, it is difficult to maintain the efficiency of deliveries and control each product unit. Establishing a supply and sales system allows delivering high-quality and fresh products to customers on time, responding flexibly to demand, regardless of the distance of the store from the head office.

In a period of rapid growth, the imperfection of internal logistics processes and the associated losses are usually hidden behind the overall positive result. Now that the skyrocketing times are behind us, logistics efficiency is at the forefront. Even large market players no longer have the right to make a mistake or misuse available resources. To increase the productivity of logistics operations, special attention is paid to modeling supply chains, developing routes and schedules, and maximizing the work of warehouses and transport support, including automation tools.

In this case, providers that are able to support network expansion win. To do this, they should have the most debugged relevant business processes and implement an EDI system (from the English. Electronic Data Interchange - electronic data interchange). It is necessary to invest in this area now in order to be ready for the growth of networks and for new, more stringent requirements of retailers.

Retail Network Management: Improving Operational Efficiency

Improving Efficiency operating activities or core business processes in times of crisis becomes a priority for the vast majority retail companies. But first, we need to define what is meant by operational efficiency indicators. The main confusion occurs in the definition of performance and efficiency indicators. What is the difference between them?

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Performance characterizes the results of the company's activities for a certain period. The most common measure of performance is the volume of sales (or revenue) for a certain period. Efficiency, on the other hand, is an assessment of the company's activities depending on the resources spent on obtaining results for a certain period. Examples of performance indicators include profitability, productivity, cost per unit of output.

Optimization of operational processes gives a chance to get the highest possible profit while minimal cost for further development. What are the main areas in which companies can improve retail? This is an increase in the operational efficiency of stores, optimization of administrative costs, inventory planning and management, pricing control. And if you miss the chance now, then it may be too late.

In my view, extensive growth opportunities for retail are limited and sales are slowing down. Therefore, market players today are increasingly taking into account the possibilities of intensive growth, that is, an increase in like-for-like sales (LFL) of 1 stores. This means that the increase in sales volumes and the efficiency of each individual business comes to the fore. outlet.

More efforts will be required from suppliers to maintain and increase sales of their product within the category of goods offered on the network. It is the work with the category as a whole that will distinguish the supplier who is aimed at the success of the entire network, from the one who needs only a short-term increase in sales. Of course, a large supplier, leading in a certain product category, has more opportunities here. He usually knows much more about consumer preferences than chain representatives, as he has sales experience in different regions and different categories buyers. This means that it can give reasonable recommendations and contribute to the growth of sales of a certain product in the network.

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To maintain a position in retail, small suppliers should promote their products outside the outlet as well. Situation with popular item is simple: chains put it on the shelf, consumers buy it. If the product is unknown, a place on the shelf of a well-known retail chain is not a guarantee of success. In this case, the supplier must either reduce the price as much as possible, or additionally advertise the product. The most expensive option is TV advertising, which provides the widest reach. But for a small supplier, the cost of it is too high, so it is wiser to use such a promotion tool as a promotion. By conducting such events together with the retailer, you can at the same time explore the prospects of working with the buyer at the point of sale.

Personalization of marketing programs

Attracting new buyers is becoming increasingly difficult due to the tense economic situation in the country. This is confirmed by the results of a Nielsen study on the consumer confidence index in Russia. According to the data received, the Russian index fell by seven points in the third quarter of 2013 compared to the same period of the previous year.

We are seeing more and more aggressive pricing promotions. Stores are full of bright signs urging customers to purchase a product at a shock price. The practice of "2 + 1" or even "1 + 1" is often used, when when buying a certain product it is possible to get the second one for free. All these promotions are certainly attractive to buyers, but their proper use is important, because Negative influence such events on the final marginality is very high. Losing money in stocks big discounts forces chains to look for more profitable ways to attract new customers.

A classic example of a promotion is "We give gifts in exchange for stickers." For the buyer, it does not matter that the goods participating in the promotion are not branded. His main goal is to save up for the prize. Participation in such a campaign allows both the chain and the supplier to increase sales many times over.

Loyalty programs. In the current conditions, it is very important not to attract new customers, but to retain old ones. That is why savings programs are so popular and effective today, allowing consumers to receive prizes for a certain amount of purchases. Such promotions are in high demand, because there is no more attractive product than a product received “for free”. They should be used not only by federal, but also by regional retailers.

And although large federal players have significant resources, regional networks have their own advantages: knowledge of the characteristics of a local buyer, regulated relations with local suppliers (this is especially important when selling perishable products). That is why local suppliers can respond flexibly and in a timely manner to the actions of federal competitors. In my opinion, the most promising marketing programs are jointly conducted by the network and suppliers. In this case, it is important to use the knowledge of the product category accumulated by the supplier and the information about the behavior of the buyer that is available from the network. Involving both parties in the process of developing loyalty programs is often key factor success. Regular discounts are still relevant, but you can't base your marketing strategy on them alone if you want to win in the medium to long term.

Smaller vendors should target active point-of-sale promotions using coupons or prizes. Today, the chains themselves are interested in such promotions, actively offering such opportunities to suppliers and working with those who are ready to participate in them. Not all providers are aware of the existence of such programs and often do not even consider such opportunities for themselves. I recommend not spending budget resources on billboards and direct advertising, do not reduce the price level through promotions associated with discounts. Such measures kill the value of the brand once and for all, and then it is virtually impossible to restore it. It is much more effective to encourage the buyer for the purchase of goods.

1 Like-for-like sales (LFL-sales - from the English Sales Like-For-Like) - in this case, this indicator is determined by comparing current sales information with the same period of previous years, without taking into account network expansion. For example, if in the first quarter of last year there were 10 stores in the chain, and in the first quarter of this year there were 15, then the change in LFL sales will be calculated for only 10 outlets. - Ed.

Vadim Baikov Graduated from the Russian University of Economics. G.V. Plekhanov. Developed the line of work with key clients (retail chains) at Bosch. Managed the key account sales departments at Multon and Kraft Foods. Experienced in working with food retail chains (X5, Tander, Metro, Auchan, Dixy), as well as with DIY chains (OBI, Leroy Merlin, Castorama) and household appliances("Eldorado", "M.Video"). With TSS since 2011.

TSSinternational company, which specializes in the development of marketing programs for the retail sector. World leader operating in more than 65 countries; more than 250 leading retailers use its services, mainly in sectors such as sales food products and gasoline. The Russian division - "TSS Retail Marketing" - opened in 2012. Official site -

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Trade has always been one of the most attractive areas for small businesses. However, the growing competition every year, and in some cases the need for fairly large financial investments, complicate the implementation of the idea of ​​​​opening your own commercial enterprise. To create a successful retail business, you need to have not only the so-called commercial flair, but also a certain amount of knowledge in the field of economics, marketing, and taxation.

This article will talk about how to open an electrical goods store from scratch and turn it into a profitable business.

How to open an electrical goods store - where to start

If you are seriously considering the idea of ​​creating your own store selling electrical appliances and devices, we recommend that you initially develop a project for opening it, taking into account all the features of such an activity.

Requirements for opening a store and a list of required documents

When the issue of the location of the store is decided, it is necessary to adapt the chosen premises to meet the requirements established by law. Despite the fact that electrical goods belong to the group non-food items, the requirements for opening a point of their implementation cannot be called modest.

One document containing all the necessary conditions there is no such enterprise to operate today. However, there are a number of legislative acts and SanPiN, which reflect the requirements for non-food stores regarding lighting, ventilation, prevention of infection transmission, compliance with the work and rest regime, etc. Get up-to-date information to organize all necessary conditions it is possible by direct contact with the local division of Rospotrebnadzor.

Documents that an entrepreneur will need in order to open an electrical goods store:

  • or IP (depending on which form of doing business to choose) - issued by the Federal Tax Service;
  • a lease agreement for premises or a certificate of ownership (if it belongs to a businessman);
  • conclusion of the SES;
  • permission document from the fire supervision service;
  • a contract for the export and disposal of waste;
  • permission from the Rospotrebnadzor to open a store;
  • if it is planned to place it on the outside of the store building advertising sign You need to get permission from the local government.

Each of these documents is associated with certain costs. So, it will be 800 rubles, the fee for registration of legal entities. persons - 4000 rubles. Therefore, before collecting the necessary papers, you should study all the expenses for opening a store in order to withdraw the total amount.

How much does it cost to open an electrical goods store, and when to count on profit

The organization of a trading enterprise for the sale of electrical goods cannot be called excessively costly. The main expenses for opening a store include:

  • registration of documentation and obtaining all necessary approvals and permits - 10 thousand rubles;
  • rent of premises - about 50 thousand rubles. (for a small shop with trading floor about 40 sq. m) depending on the region;
  • refurbishment and preparation retail space to the installation of equipment - 100 thousand rubles. (an alternative option is to rent a premise for a turnkey store, but in this case the rent will be higher);
  • equipment and software- 150 thousand rubles;
  • the first batch of goods - from 300 thousand rubles. and higher, depending on what range you choose;
  • payroll and communal payments- 80 thousand rubles. per month;
  • advertising costs - 20 thousand rubles;
  • taxes - the amount depends on whether or not. person and income level.

Having studied the amount of costs, we can conclude that to open a small electrical goods store, an amount from 700 to 800 thousand rubles will be enough. The payback of such a project, according to practicing businessmen, is achieved on average per year of work.

Profitability will largely depend on how accurately you guess with the correspondence of the proposed product to the needs and preferences of buyers.

How to form the assortment of the store

When opening an electrical goods store, it is better to choose a highly specialized direction, since general items and small items (light bulbs, switches, etc.) are sold in hardware stores.

The range of electrical goods is very wide and varied. What to put on the shelves also depends on the place where the store will be located. If there are construction sites nearby, then emphasis should be placed on all kinds of tools, extension cords, insulating and fastening materials, etc. If the outlet is located in a residential area, fill the store with consumables, lamps, smart home system elements, etc. d.

Do not immediately purchase too expensive goods in large quantities. The assortment can be adjusted in the course of work, observing demand and identifying the actual needs of customers.

Electrical household products can be included in the assortment of an outlet for the sale of electrical goods, but opening a household appliances store as a separate independent trading establishment is still a more interesting solution.

This direction has its own nuances. The fact is that, according to analytical agencies conducting surveys among the population, more than 50% of Russians prefer to purchase household appliances in large specialized chains, this especially applies to residents of large cities. Therefore, before organizing a business selling such goods, one should carefully study the local market, the supply and demand ratio, strengths and weak sides competitors, etc.

Important! For a home appliance store, it is advisable to choose narrow specialization, for example, the sale of only kitchen appliances, or household appliances for cleaning, etc. This will create good conditions for choice, because it is important for a modern consumer that the product be presented in a wide range ( different manufacturers, various price categories, different design and functionality).

A household appliances store, the business plan of which will differ from the project of opening a point of sale of electrical goods mainly in its investment part, although it requires a lot of expenses, but the profit can be much higher.

Tip: when opening a home appliances store, conclude agreements with several reliable banks on the possibility of purchasing goods in your establishment on credit and installments. This is the most effective measure in order to attract to the store a large number of buyers.

Opening an online store for the sale of electrical goods

In the absence of free time and the desire to travel around the city in search of a suitable product for many buyers, today the Internet is becoming a kind of find, a way to solve a problem. All large quantity people every year acquires products for various purposes through the network.

In this regard, the idea of ​​organizing trade via the Internet makes sense.

How to open an online store of electrical goods or household appliances? To do this, you first need to find suppliers who offer the most favorable prices. If you can go directly to the manufacturer - this is ideal.

The next step is to organize logistics system. Buying goods online involves their subsequent delivery. Consider the terms of cooperation with companies that carry out transportation and with courier services. The faster the delivery, the more interesting your store will be for buyers.

In addition, you will need a room to accommodate a warehouse of goods. Considering that household appliances also include large-sized goods, its area should be considerable.

It is equally important to open a bank account and establish a system of payment for goods and delivery. There are several ways to organize settlements with consumers:

  • e-commerce (Qiwi, WebMoney, Yandex money, etc.);
  • Internet acquiring (settlements on the network using a bank card).

One of the most important stages in the organization of trade via the Internet is the development of a website that will present a catalog of goods. And this is the point of expenditure on which you can not save in any way. The site should be bright, attractive and informative. It is better to entrust its development to professionals.

Household appliances - equipment that is an integral part of life modern society. A variety of numerous devices and devices that are constantly being upgraded and become even more functional and practical are in constant demand.

Based on this, it can be decided that own store household appliances will bring good profits and become a successful business. However, not everything is so simple, because in this case, as in any other, there are nuances and pitfalls.

Features and main stages of business

Before you open a home appliances store from scratch, you should study the features of this trade segment. The fact is that a novice entrepreneur will invariably face a big problem: today, almost all cities are oversaturated with large chain stores, the range of which includes all possible household appliances - from hair dryers and irons to refrigerators and home theaters. Such large hypermarkets can afford to arrange various promotions, sell inexpensive models, make discounts, offer free shipping and other bonuses that are interesting for buyers. Of course, it will not be easy to compete with such giants.

The second inconvenient moment is the initial investment in the business: if you want to open a large store with a more or less wide range, then you will need to find quite decent amounts, since both the initial purchase of goods and the rental of a suitable room will cost a lot.

Alternatively, you can start with a small specialized department or outlet, for example, you will deal only with small household appliances, which does not require as much space for display and breaks down more often, which makes the demand for it even greater. Own niche and narrow the target audience This is what can help you stay ahead of the competition.

Virtual store

Online shopping in recent times become a great alternative to conventional shops or markets. Buyers save their time, and you, as an entrepreneur, can significantly save on renting large retail space.

There are two options for organizing a virtual store.

  1. You only have a site that needs to be promoted and filled. This option can be very profitable, because you do not purchase goods in advance, but take them from suppliers strictly for a specific order, so that you can then deliver them from the warehouse to the required address. So, you only maintain the site, and do not spend money in advance on rent and goods.
  2. Another option could be a virtual storefront. However, you will rent an office, warehouses in which the declared goods will be located, hire movers, couriers, etc. That is, here you save only on renting a room for a store.

There is certainly a benefit in this, and your financial costs for opening an online store will be much less, but do not forget that big stores have their own sites, so you will have to fight for the trust and attention of the client in any case.

The first steps

Having wondered how to open a home appliance store, you must be in a serious mood. preparatory work: a well-written business plan can help you, in which you should calculate everything, evaluate and take into account possible risks, think about ways out of them, and write down approximate costs. In addition, you will have to go through some mandatory stages of organizing a business.

  1. To formalize the case legally, obtain the appropriate permits.
  2. Select a store location.
  3. Make repairs (if necessary) and bring in commercial equipment.
  4. Find suppliers.
  5. Buy a product.
  6. Hire staff.
  7. Engage in advertising and promotion of the store.

So, the action plan is ready - you can begin to implement it.

Legal registration of business

If you are a beginner entrepreneur, then you will have to register your business. For a home appliances store, registering an individual entrepreneur is suitable. As a form of taxation, experts advise choosing the simplified tax system.

You will also need to pay a fee, buy a cash register and make a seal. The Rospotrebnadzor service must issue you a permit to locate the store. Do not forget to select the codes of your type of activity according to OKVED, draw up a sanitary production control program (PKK) and approve the assortment list of goods in the sanitary and epidemiological service.

In addition, the opening is coordinated with the district government, and you must have permits on hand (ownership of the premises or a lease agreement). It is necessary to conclude contracts with representatives of public utilities or other organizations:

  • for the provision of services for washing or cleaning the uniforms of employees (with dry cleaners, laundries);
  • for the removal and disposal of solid waste and other waste;
  • for the export and disposal of mercury lamps;
  • for the implementation of sanitary and epidemiological measures (disinfection, disinsection, etc.);
  • for regular cleaning of ventilation and air conditioning systems.

The Consumer Protection Society requires that your store must have a buyer's corner, as well as instructions for imported goods in Russian. That's all the official requirements that must be met before opening a home appliances store in Russia.

Room selection

In many ways, the amount of your costs will depend on what place and room you choose for the location of your store. You can settle in the city center, however, given that you need an area from 250 to 1000 square meters. m. (depending on what volume and range of goods you are targeting), it is clear how expensive it will be to rent such a room. However, statistics say that stores located in the central part of the city are able to provide the highest sales of goods.

Pay attention to the areas of new buildings: there may not yet be competitors there, and rent will cost you much less. A busy street, a residential densely populated area, the proximity of transport stops or a good transport interchange - these are, perhaps, all the markers for a good location.

Also make sure that there is a convenient parking near the store, which would make it possible to drive close to the building (for quick loading of bulky items).

There are no particularly strict requirements for the premises, but you still have to obtain permits for it from various services:

  • representatives of the SES and Rospotrebnadzor must issue a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion that would confirm the compliance of your enterprise with all norms and requirements;
  • employees of the State Fire Supervision will also conduct an inspection, so all premises must comply with fire safety standards: you will have to equip emergency fire exits, make fire hatches and fire alarms, plus stock up on fire extinguishers.

You may need to make repairs. No pretentiousness or extravagant design solutions are needed here: such stores, as a rule, look simple. The main thing is to provide high-quality lighting and good ventilation. A burglar alarm doesn't hurt either.

Layout features

Having chosen the concept of trade and having decided on the future assortment, you will be able to make the layout of the store. If you are only interested in selling mobile phones and accessories, then 30 sq. m. If the assortment includes small household appliances (curling irons, hair dryers, kettles, irons, etc.), then you will settle on an area of ​​​​up to 100 square meters. m. A full-scale store will require space to the maximum.

Offering clients wide range of, it is very important to divide the trading floor into segments:

  • Large home appliances;
  • small household appliances;
  • audio and video equipment.

Some entrepreneurs place them on different floors, others separate them from each other with partitions, others make transitions from department to department smoothly flowing into each other. The last option is good because free sellers will be able to notice the influx of customers in another department in time and come to the aid of their colleagues.

The trading floor will occupy up to 80–90% of the entire area. The rest of the space is utility (for staff) and warehouses as well as a small administration office.

Equipment and assortment

Trade equipment is selected taking into account the specifics of your product. Depending on the range offered, you will need:

  • podiums for large-sized equipment (the cheapest type of equipment);
  • racks with dimensions and with glass doors that could be locked (for the department of small household appliances);
  • audio and video equipment is also located on the shelves, but they are slightly different. Most of these racks are open, but there are also deep ones (60 cm);
  • you will also need counters for sellers, cash registers, chairs;
  • in the administration and accounting department - all kinds of office equipment, tables, chairs, cabinets, a safe;
  • everything you need in the staff quarters (lockers for storing uniforms and personal belongings, a small kitchen, bathrooms, etc.).

If not all household appliances are displayed on your trading floor, then make sure that the warehouse meets the conditions and microclimate standards in which the goods should be stored. It is best that the warehouse is located either in the store building or not far away so that the client can as soon as possible receive your purchase.

When choosing an assortment, consider several factors.

  1. The manufacturer's advertising campaign generates demand for the product, and here the ratio of price and quality or functionality is not even taken into account.
  2. You can exploit the weaknesses of the big ones retail chains and try to provide customers with other product niches as an alternative. Sometimes people are looking for exclusive trade marks or expensive brands that are not available in regular stores. However, you should not completely focus on such a VIP segment.
  3. Include new items in your assortment, keep track of which models or lines are in high demand, make sure that there are no delays in deliveries, plan how to interest customers and push them to buy.

Remember that all goods must be clearly visible, and the trading floor is equipped and furnished so that the buyer has enough space for free movement and the opportunity to view the presented assortment.

It is better to take care of additional security: attach special chips to small-sized equipment that will work as an alarm at the exit in case of an unpaid purchase.

Personnel and organization of work

It really depends on your employees how high sales will be, so give preference to competent, qualified and experienced employees. First you can take people to probation or for an internship, and after successful work- Take it full time.

Pay attention to some nuances when choosing sellers:

  • they should be well versed in all the information about technical specifications goods, understand all the nuances of the equipment sold, models, new products, etc .;
  • in fact, the buyer does not always clearly know what exactly he needs, therefore, the sellers are obliged to convey information to him intelligibly and clearly, explain and show everything;
  • sales managers are usually focused on a certain category of goods, but they must have all the information about the assortment in order to come to the aid of their colleagues who cannot cope with the influx of buyers.

In addition to 2-3 sellers for each department, you will need movers, drivers, an accountant, cleaners, security guards. The minimum staff will be 12-15 people per shift.

Store advertisement

On the one hand, manufacturing companies actively promote their product on the market, spending a lot of money on its constant advertising even before it gets into your store. However, on the other hand, the store will still need to conduct its advertising campaign, in which it is worth emphasizing the benefits of purchasing a particular device in your store, and not in any other. It can be special promotions, discounts, sales, free shipping, bonus or accumulative cards, etc.

One of the most inexpensive and effective ways is the usual distribution of leaflets or promotional booklets of the store. You will also need to make a beautiful a bright sign, spend money on light boards or big boards. If the budget allows, order advertising in all types of local media. Do not forget about your own website: the Internet platform will be an excellent additional advertisement.

As an option for expansion and development prospects after the opening of a home appliances and electronics store, it will be possible to organize in parallel the repair or warranty service of branded equipment. A store-based service center is a great way to attract additional customers.


This business can be quite profitable (up to 20-25%), but only with competent organization, careful selection of the assortment and selection of personnel, and also with a well-thought-out marketing policy for winning the attention of the client.

Approximate costs (prices are in rubles):

The payback period of the store will depend on many factors and can range from 2 to 5 years. The size starting investments to create a large store from scratch reaches 2.5-3 million rubles.

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