Calculation of technical and economic indicators (TEP). Calculation of technical and economic indicators (TEP) Formulas tep

relevance control work is that all organizations face the task of economic evaluation of their financial and economic activities. The choice of what to produce, in what quantity and assortment, at what price and for what quality. The price has a very big impact on the market position and profit of the enterprise.

Prices are an active tool for shaping the structure of production, have a decisive impact on the movement of the social product, contribute to increasing the efficiency of production, affect the distribution and use of labor, and predetermine the standard of living of the population.

The market economy is based on independent, economically justified commodity producers, and for them prices are a decisive factor in the results of the production and financial activities of the company. Correctly chosen pricing policy, in accordance with market conditions - the correct pricing tactics, economically verified pricing methods form the basis for the successful operation of any organization.

An organization can achieve production efficiency by defining the following objectives:

What goods to produce, quantity and quality;

Is it worth expanding the production capacity of the enterprise;

Get maximum profit;

Market conquest;

Cost reduction;

Fight against competing products;

Growth in production and sales.

aim control work are consideration of the efficiency of the enterprise by analyzing the technical and economic indicators of industrial and production activities.

Technical and economic indicators of the enterprise

Technical and economic indicators, a system of meters that characterizes the material and production base of enterprises and the integrated use of resources. Technical and economic indicators are used for planning and analyzing the organization of production and labor, the level of technology, product quality, the use of fixed and working capital, and labor resources.

Table 1.

The main technical and economic indicators of the enterprise

for the base period.

No. p / p Indicators Units First base period Second base period Ratio 2 bases. period to 1, %
1 Average annual production capacity Thousand rub. 801,7 801,7 100
2 Volume of production Thousand rub. 835,4 851,2 101,9
3 Marketable products Million rub. 71,5 75,9 106,2
4 Average annual number of PPP Pers. 103 105 101,9
5 Full cost of production Million rub. 68,4 70,1 102,5
6 Average annual cost of fixed (OPF) production assets Million rub. 15,4 16,1 104,5
Derived indicators
7 Cost per unit of marketable output rub. 0,96 0,92 95,8
8 Marketable products per 1 worker thousand roubles. 694 722,9 104,2
9 return on assets rub. 4,64 4,71 101,5
10 Profit million rubles 3,1 5,8 187
11 Profitability % 4,5 8,3 -

1. During the analyzed period, the production capacity at the enterprise has not changed and amounts to 801.7 thousand rubles, which indicates the constancy of the main production assets.

The volume of fixed production assets and the degree of their use is determined by the production capacity of the enterprise.

The production capacity of an enterprise is characterized by the maximum number of products and its range that can be produced by it per unit of time with the full use of fixed production assets.

Production capacity is subject to change. The longer the planning period, the higher the likelihood of such changes.

The main reasons for the changes are: installation of new pieces of equipment to replace obsolete ones; depreciation of equipment; commissioning of new capacities; change in equipment performance due to changes in the quality of raw materials, equipment upgrades; changes in the structure of raw materials, the composition of raw materials or semi-finished products; equipment operation mode

The following factors influence the value of production capacity:

Technical factors: quantitative and qualitative composition of fixed assets; degree of mechanization and automation of technological processes; quality of raw materials.

Organizational factors: the level of organization of production, labor and management.

Economic factors: forms of remuneration and incentives for employees.

Social factors: qualification level of workers, their professionalism; level of preparation.

Production capacity is determined by the capacity of the leading workshops, units or sections.

2. The volume of production in kind in the second base period increased by 1.9% compared to the first base period.

This is due to an increase in output in physical terms and an increase in prices for manufactured products. Factors that determine the volume of production: the provision of the enterprise with labor resources and the efficiency of their use; security of the enterprise with fixed production assets (OPF) and the efficiency of their use; provision of production with raw materials and materials and the efficiency of their use.

Namely, the increase in the volume of production of marketable products was the expansion of the range, the improvement of the quality of products, the increase in demand for manufactured products and the expansion of the sales market.

The volume of production is the result of the activity of the enterprise for the production of any product and provided production services. Its volume includes the cost of only that part of the manufactured products that was sold and paid for by the buyer. In practice, this indicator is called the sold shaft. Marketable products include actually sold products and the cost of products that are in the warehouse of the enterprise or sent to the consumer, but not paid for by him.

3. Commodity output increased in the second base period by 6.2%. Factors determining the release of marketable products: labor resources (people employed in production), means of labor (land, equipment), objects of labor (raw materials, materials).

In this case, the increase in the output of marketable products occurred as a result of an increase in production volumes and an increase in wholesale prices for products.

Commodity products - products intended for sale. The output of marketable products depends on external factors: the needs of the sales market, the number of sales markets, consumer demand, and prices.

4. The number of industrial and production personnel in the analyzed period increased by 2 people, due to the increase in production volume.

The rational use of workers is an indispensable condition for ensuring the continuity of production and the successful implementation of production plans and business processes.

In connection with the increase in fixed assets and the volume of marketable output, the organization needed to increase the number of industrial and production personnel, which in turn increased the number of marketable products and profits, respectively. The main thing in the organization is labor resources, which in turn must be highly qualified in their field of employment in production. The quantity of manufactured products and its quality depend on the industrial and production personnel. Next, the manager promotes the product to the market.

Labor productivity can be calculated by the volume of production, expressed in gross output, marketable output or sold products. The calculation of labor productivity in terms of gross output does not fully characterize its actual level, because. strongly depends on the volume of work in progress, on the cost of materials and components that are not related to labor productivity. The calculation of labor productivity for marketable products reflects its actual level and does not depend on the volume of work in progress, but depends on the cost of materials and components. With constant costs for these items of expenditure and when calculating labor productivity for marketable products, expressed in physical units, this indicator correctly reflects labor productivity if the calculation of labor productivity is carried out in natural units. In some cases, the labor productivity of only production workers can be calculated.

5. The cost of commercial products in the second base period increased by 2.5%. increased the volume of output of marketable products.

The cost price is all costs incurred as a result of the production of goods, the provision of services.

The cost includes material costs - for raw materials, materials; labor costs for industrial and production personnel, deductions for wages, depreciation of fixed production assets, costs for electricity and heat, advertising.

The increase in prime cost was caused by an increase in output by 6.2%, an increase in prices for raw materials.

The introduction of new technology, the comprehensive mechanization and automation of production processes, the improvement of technology, the introduction of progressive types of materials can significantly reduce the cost of production.

Reducing the cost of production is ensured primarily by increasing labor productivity. With the growth of labor productivity, labor costs per unit of output are reduced, and, consequently, the share of wages in the cost structure also decreases.

The main technical and economic indicators of the enterprise in construction. Calculation, evaluation of the TEP of the enterprise's work in the field of construction. Definition of TEP.

Technical and economic indicators in construction

TEP or technical and economic indicators are calculated to compare space-planning and building and choose the best option.

Technical and economic indicators (TEP)- calculated for each building to compare constructive and and select a cost-effective solution.

Living space- the sum of the areas of all living rooms in the building. The area per floor is multiplied by the number of floors. The living area does not include the area of ​​kitchens and sanitary facilities.

total area- the area of ​​all premises, except for staircases and elevator halls.

Built-up area- the area occupied by the building on the surface of the earth.

Building volume- the product of the built-up area by the height to the top of the coating.

When constructing buildings and structures, both for and for the purpose, you must first perform a feasibility study. The justification is assessed on the basis of technical and economic indicators. When assessing the construction of a new or reconstruction of an existing building or structure for industrial purposes, it is necessary to justify the planned production capacity, the list of products, location, etc. It is also necessary to calculate the planned efficiency of capital investments and technical and economic indicators specific to a particular industry.

For comparison, all of the above indicators are compared with similar already operating advanced domestic and foreign enterprises.

Technical and economic indicators serve as the basis for evaluating the entire project assignment in any part of it (technological, construction, and others). Indicators help to substantiate the effectiveness of the design decisions made. The ultimate goal of the development, calculation of the feasibility study is to obtain the greatest return on capital investment. Objectivity in the calculations affects the final result and, as a result, the final decision on the efficiency and feasibility of construction or reconstruction.

For buildings and structures for industrial purposes, the main technical and economic indicators are the cost of manufactured products, capital investments, labor and time spent on construction. And for public facilities - the cost of operating a building or structure, labor costs, capital investments and construction time. It is also important to take into account indicators expressing natural values. For production facilities, these are the volumes of consumption of raw materials and materials, fuel, electricity for the production of products. For non-industrial facilities - total and usable area, etc. Depending on the industry, there are specific technical and economic indicators.

Such an important indicator as the cost price is determined on the basis of calculations compiled using previously adopted and developed standards for the consumption of raw materials and materials, labor costs, etc. All standards can be found in special reference books. For objects of a non-production nature, such an indicator as the cost of, include the calculation of depreciation, the cost of using equipment such as elevators, as well as the cost of heating and more. The final and most important indicator is the specific capital investment. This indicator for production facilities is calculated as the ratio of the entire calculated cost of building a facility to the planned annual capacity of manufactured products. For socially significant and residential facilities, this is the ratio of the cost of construction to such an indicator as, for example, 1 m² of living space, etc.

As units of measurement of the main technical and economic indicators for evaluating objects that produce any product, there are such units in physical terms as: a ton, pieces, etc., as well as in value terms - the ruble of manufactured products. For non-production facilities, a unit of measurement is taken - 1 m², for example, for residential complexes - this is 1 m² of living space, for socially significant buildings - this is 1 place for a child (preschool), 1 place in the auditorium (theatre, cinema), etc. d.


Calculate the utilization rate of production capacity according to the following formula: Kpm = Mon / PM, where Mon is the output in physical terms,
PM - production capacity. The actual output of products on existing equipment is expressed in natural units. This indicator, unlike power, is not indicated in monetary meters.

Calculate the production capacity by adding up the maximum possible output on the production equipment available to the enterprise. This indicator is in physical units: pieces, . If the equipment manufactures different types of products, in this case, the production capacity is calculated as the sum of monetary units for each type of product. The production capacity utilization rate reflects the level of utilization of production capacities in the enterprise. Full load is equal to one or 100%. As a rule, enterprises do not use their production capacity at 100%, since equipment is being repaired and workers are on vacation. Enterprises with a production capacity of 80% or more are highly profitable.

In Form No. 2 “Profit and Loss Statement, specify the proceeds from the sale of products, goods and services in thousands of rubles. From form No. 5 “Appendix to accounting, take the indicator of the initial cost of fixed assets. Based on the identified data, calculate the following technical and economic indicator - return on assets according to the formula: F = T / Cof, where T is marketable products,
Sof - the cost of fixed assets. The growth of the rate of return on assets is affected either by an increase in marketable output or a decrease in the value of fixed assets.

Calculate labor productivity: PT \u003d T / PPP, where PPP is the number of industrial and production personnel. Distinguish between non-industrial personnel, which consists of employees of the canteen of the enterprise, medical personnel. The growth of industrial and production personnel occurs in connection with the expansion of production, the decrease is associated with layoffs from the state, or with reductions.

The technical and economic indicator also includes the average monthly wage, calculate it using the formula: ZP \u003d Spt / Nppp * 12, where Spt is the funds allocated for wages,
Nppp - the number of industrial and production personnel. The average salary should not be lower than that established by the state. Wages rise if labor productivity rises, tariffs rise, inflation rises. For an enterprise with normal activity, it is typical that the growth of labor productivity increases faster than the growth rate of wages.

The technical and economic assessment of the designed building includes an assessment of space-planning and design solutions.

Estimated documentation for the construction of buildings is intended for:

determining the cost of construction,

· registration of financing of this construction, production of payments for the performed construction and installation works.

Units of account for buildings are as follows:

Residential buildings, hostels, hotels - an apartment or a room,

1 m 2 of living space, 1 m 2 of total area;

Kindergartens, kindergartens, schools - capacity (number of seats),

1 m 2 of total area, 1 m 2 of usable area;

· Medical and health institutions - one place for a patient or a vacationer, 1 m 2 of the total area, 1 m 2 of useful area;

Estimate cost-effectiveness of space-planning and constructive decisions buildings and comparison with the best existing solutions are usually carried out according to the following technical and economic indicators:

1. Estimated cost of construction (only construction and installation works), referred to 1 m 2 of the total area and

1 m 2 of the designed building;

2. The quality of the space-planning decision, which is determined by the values ​​of the coefficients K 1 , K 2 , K 3 , (calculation procedure is given); these coefficients make it possible in the design process to compare various solutions with each other and with reference projects;

3. consumption of basic building materials (steel, cement) in kg, forests and reinforced concrete products in m 3, blocks in thousands of pieces of conditional brick per 1 m 2 of usable area and

1 m 3 buildings;

4. the complexity of building a building, determined by establishing the specific labor intensity per 1 m 3 of the building and 1 m 2 of usable area;

5. assembly coefficient - the ratio of the cost of prefabricated structures and their installation to the total cost of the building;

6. Weight of 1 m 3 of the building;

TO space-planning characteristics include:

For residential buildings- number of storeys, planning type (sectional, corridor, etc.); number of apartments (places in the hostel), total area, living area, built-up area, construction volume, width and length of the building, area of ​​balconies, loggias, extra-apartment communications (corridors, elevator lobbies, etc.), total floor area per one staircase and elevator node, presence and area of ​​non-residential areas built into a residential building, illumination, specific perimeter of external walls (the ratio of the perimeter of the walls along the heated contour of the building to the total area of ​​​​a typical floor), K 1 - the ratio of the living area of ​​the building floor to the total area; K 2 - the ratio of the building volume to the total area of ​​​​the building;

For public buildings- number of storeys, capacity, total, useful and estimated area of ​​the building; floor height, construction volume, built-up area, specific perimeter of external walls, area of ​​communications (corridors, halls). To 1 - the ratio of the estimated area to the usable; K 2 - the ratio of the construction volume to the estimated area; K 3 - the ratio of the area of ​​external enclosing structures to the total area;

For industrial buildings- number of storeys, built-up area; useful, constructive, working area, utility and storage areas, construction volume, coefficient K 1 - the ratio of working area to usable area; K 2 - the ratio of the volume of the building to the working area; K 3 - the ratio of the surface area of ​​the enclosing structures (the area of ​​the outer walls) to the usable area;

Comparative evaluation of space-planning solutions for residential buildings

Evaluation of various options for design solutions for residential buildings is carried out by the method of comparative analysis using a system of space-planning coefficients that characterize the ratio of areas and volumes.

Planar planning coefficient TO 1 characterizes the rationality of the use of space, is defined as the ratio of living space (S residential) to the total area (S total):

K 1 = S lived. / S gen. ;

The coefficient K 1 depends on the number of rooms in the apartment. Its optimal value is accepted in the existing layout within: K 1 \u003d 0.5 - 0.7

Volumetric coefficient K 2 characterizes the use of volume, is defined as the ratio of the construction volume of the building (V building) to its total area (S total):

K 2 \u003d V zd. / S gen. ;

The value of the coefficient K 2 depends on the height of the floor, the size of the non-apartment areas (staircase and elevator node), the material of the walls and partitions, therefore its value varies significantly K 2 \u003d 3.5 - 5

Compactness factor K 3 characterizes the ratio of the area of ​​the outer enclosing structures S limit. (walls, window and balcony openings, roofs) to the total area S total:

K 3 \u003d S limit. / S gen.

The change in K 3 depends on the configuration of the building and is reflected both in the estimated cost of the building and in the size of operating costs (heating, repair of facades and roofs).

Is within K 3 \u003d 0.8 - 1.3

Perimeter coefficient K 4 characterizes the ratio of the perimeter of the outer walls (P n.s) to the building area S built.

K 4 \u003d P n.s. /S stuck

Where K 4 \u003d 0.24 - 0.4 - for urban-type houses

Design factor K 5 characterizes the ratio of the cross-sectional area of ​​​​vertical structures in terms of S constr to the built-up area of ​​the building S built:

K 5 = S construct. /S stuck

The coefficient K 5 characterizes the degree of saturation of the building plan with vertical structures (walls, partitions, columns, pilasters). For large-panel houses, the coefficient K 5 \u003d 0.1–0.15; for brick and large-block K 5 \u003d 0.15 - 0.2

K factor 6 characterizes the ratio of the area outside the apartment communications(stair-lift nodes) S to built-up area of ​​the building S building. :

K 6 \u003d S /S stuck

The lower value of K 6 is typical for sectional type houses, the larger one for tower, corridor and gallery types.

Housing stock density(net) - the total area, m 2, per 1 ha of the residential area of ​​the microdistrict (quarter, settlement).

Housing stock density(gross) - the total area, m 2, per 1 ha of the entire territory of the microdistrict (quarter, settlement).

building density(development coefficient) - the area of ​​buildings under construction, % of the residential area of ​​the microdistrict (quarter, settlement).

Built-up area is determined by multiplying the length by the width of the building, measured along the outer contour of the building at the basement level.

The residential area includes the area of ​​the building and the free undeveloped area of ​​the residential part of the microdistrict. The undeveloped area depends on the dimensions of the building and mainly on its height. The requirement for insolation of apartments for at least 3 hours a day is the main factor on which the size of the gap between buildings depends. In the earlier existing norms, this gap between the longitudinal sides of buildings, based on the requirements of insolation, was set equal to two heights of the tallest building. In the current standards, the minimum gaps are set according to the table

Minimum gaps between buildings

The rules for calculating areas and volume in residential buildings (dormitories) in accordance with SNiP 2.08.01-89 "Residential buildings" are as follows:

Living space equal to the sum of the areas of living rooms in the house as a whole and for an apartment on average.

Apartment area equal to the sum of the areas of living rooms and utility rooms, excluding loggias, balconies, verandas, terraces and cold storerooms, vestibules.

Total area of ​​apartments should be determined as the sum of the areas of their premises, built-in wardrobes, as well as loggias, balconies, verandas, terraces and cold storerooms, calculated with the following reduction factors: for loggias - 0.5, for balconies and terraces - 0.3, for verandas and cold pantries - 1.0.

The area occupied by the oven is not included in the floor area. The area under the march of the internal staircase with a height from the floor to the bottom of the protruding structures of 1.6 m or more is included in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises where the staircase is located.

The total area of ​​apartments in residential buildings should be determined as the sum of the areas of apartments in these buildings, determined in accordance with paragraph 2; the total area of ​​public premises built into residential buildings is calculated separately in accordance with SNiP 2.08.02-89*.

Underground areas for ventilation of a building designed for construction on permafrost soils, an attic, a technical underground (technical attic), non-apartment communications, as well as vestibules of staircases, elevator and other shafts, porticos, porches, external open stairs are not included in the total area of ​​buildings.

Residential building area should be defined as the sum of the areas of the floors of the building, measured within the inner surfaces of the outer walls, as well as the areas of balconies and loggias.

The area of ​​staircases, elevators and other shafts is included in the floor area, taking into account their areas at the level of this floor.

The area of ​​attics and utility underground is not included in the area of ​​the building.

Floor area of ​​residential buildings should be determined by their dimensions, measured between the finished surfaces of walls and partitions at floor level (excluding skirting boards). When determining the area of ​​​​the attic room, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthis room is taken into account with a height of an inclined ceiling of 1.5 m at an inclination of 30 ° to the horizon, 1.1 m - at 45, 0.5 m - at 60 ° or more. For intermediate values, the height is determined by interpolation. The area of ​​the room with a lower height should be taken into account in the total area with a coefficient of 0.7, while the minimum wall height should be 1.2 m at a ceiling slope of 30°, 0.8 m at - 45° - 60°, not limited to a slope of 60 ° and more.

Structural volume of a residential building is defined as the sum of the construction volume above the mark ± 0.000 (above-ground part) and below this mark (underground part).

The construction volume of the above-ground and underground parts of the building is determined within the bounding surfaces with the inclusion of enclosing structures, skylights, etc., starting from the mark of the clean floor of each part of the building, excluding protruding architectural details and structural elements, underground channels, porticos, terraces, balconies , volume of passages and space under the building on supports (clean), as well as ventilated undergrounds under buildings designed for construction on permafrost soils.

building area defined as the area of ​​the horizontal section along the outer contour of the building at the basement level, including protruding parts. The area under the building, located on poles, as well as driveways under the building, are included in the built-up area.

When determining the number of storeys of the above-ground part of the building, the number of floors includes all above-ground floors, including the technical, attic and basement floors, if the top of its floor is at least 2 m above the average planning elevation of the ground.

The underground for ventilation under buildings is not included in the number of above-ground floors.

With a different number of floors in different parts of the building, as well as when placing the building on a site with a slope, when the number of floors increases due to the slope, the number of floors is determined separately for each part of the building.

The technical floor located above the top floor is not taken into account when determining the number of storeys of the building.

In the course project, it is necessary to complete and include in the explanatory note the calculation of the main technical and economic indicators for a residential building: built-up area (S), living space (S lived), the area of ​​the apartment (S sq.), the total area of ​​the apartment (S about), total building volume (V page), including those above ±0.000 (V overs. parts) and below ±0.000 (Subtitle V parts).

The area of ​​​​the premises of residential buildings is determined by their dimensions, measured between the finished surfaces of walls and partitions at floor level (excluding skirting boards). When determining the area of ​​the attic room, the area of ​​this room is taken into account with a sloping ceiling height of at least 1.5 m at an inclination of 30 degrees to the horizon; 1.1 m at 45 about; 0.5 m at 60 ° and more. The area of ​​​​the room with a lower height is taken into account in the total area with a coefficient of 0.7, while the minimum height of the wall should be 1.2 m with a ceiling slope of 30 °; 0.8 m at an inclination from 45 o to 60 o; is not limited at an inclination of 60 degrees or more.

S- built-up area of ​​the building, defined as the area of ​​the horizontal section along the outer contour of the building at the basement level, including protruding parts. The area under the building, located on poles, as well as driveways under the building, are included in the built-up area.

S lived - the living area of ​​apartment buildings is defined as the sum of the areas of living rooms, excluding built-in wardrobes.

S sq.- the area of ​​the apartment, is defined as the sum of the areas of all the premises of the apartment, with the exception of loggias, balconies, terraces, cold storerooms and outdoor vestibules.

S total- the total area of ​​apartments, is defined as the sum of the areas of all premises of the apartment (with the exception of entrance vestibules in single-family houses), built-in wardrobes and summer rooms, calculated with the following reduction factors:

For balconies and terraces - 0.3;

Glazed balconies - 0.8;

Verandahs, glazed loggias and cold storerooms - 1.0.

The area occupied by the oven is not included in the floor area. The area under the march of the internal staircase with a height from the floor to the bottom of the protruding structures of 1.6 m or more is included in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises where the staircase is located.

V page- construction volume of the building, defined as the sum of the construction volume above the mark ±0.000 (above-ground part) and below this mark (underground part).

V overs. parts- the building volume of the above-ground part, equal to the product of the horizontal cross-sectional area at the level of the first floor, above the basement, by the full height of the building from the level of the finished floor of the first floor to the upper plane of the attic insulation.

Subtitle V parts- the construction volume of the underground part of the building as the product of the cross-sectional area at the level of the first floor above the basement by the height from the finished floor of the first floor to the floor of the basement and basement floor. In the absence of a basement, the volume of the underground part is not taken into account.

The calculated technical and economic indicators are summarized in a general table.


Drawings are recommended to be carried out at the stage of a technical and working project, i.e. with the study of the fundamental architectural and construction solutions of the building, as well as building details. The graphic part of the project is presented on sheets of A-1, A-2, A-3 format. When drawing up drawings, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the standards of the unified system of design documentation for ESKD and SPDS.

When performing course projects, graphic materials should be located on the subject of drawings on separate sheets:

Architectural and construction solutions (drawings of AS brand): facade, floor plans, sections, details, roof plan.

Structural solutions (drawings of grade KZh, KM, KD): plans for foundations, ceilings, coverings.

Approximate schematic plans for placing drawings for this project on sheets of A2 format are shown below in fig. 7.1, 7.2.

Rice. 7.1. AP brand drawing layout diagram.

Rice. 7.2. Layout diagram of the drawing grade KZh, KD

Rice. 7.3. Main inscription for the project (stamp)

Brief instructions for the design of drawings

Drawings for the project are made on the basis of the preliminary design of all sections of the project, diagrams and assemblies as the structural parts of the building are developed.

The development of all drawings included in the project is carried out in mutual projection and overall coordination of space-planning and structural elements of the building with consistent refinement in the projections of each designed structure.

Work on the drawing begins with the development of a plan for placing individual drawings on a sheet (sheet layout), taking into account the general list of required views and the required scales.

The building elements that fall into the section are outlined with thick (main) lines, the projections of the building elements that do not fall into the section are outlined with lines of medium thickness, axial and dimension lines are thin, the projections of invisible elements are of medium thickness with a dashed line. When drawing up a project, attention should be paid to the proportionality of the main and secondary inscriptions (signatures). They are performed in a simple architectural or drawing font.

Floor plans

The floor plan is the basis for the construction of the building, it reflects the functional and structural schemes and therefore must be carried out with great care. The plan is being developed for the first and second floors. In the case of a single-section residential building project, plans for both floors should be developed. If a two- or multi-section house is being designed, the plans for the first and second floors should be combined in one drawing, dividing the drawings with the axis of symmetry: on the left section, develop a plan for the first floor, on the right - for the second.

Floor plans are shown as projections of horizontal sections of the building. The plan should show everything that falls into the horizontal plane of the section, as well as what is located below it. It is conditionally considered that this plane is located at a height of 1000 mm from the floor level.

The plan is developed on the basis of a given planning scheme in the following sequence:

Determine the structural scheme of the house;

The coordinate axes of load-bearing and self-supporting walls are applied. In the process of determining the coordinate axes, it is necessary to adhere to the requirements of the modular system. The transverse axes are taken out to the bottom of the drawing and marked with numbers; in the case of non-through transverse walls, the axes can also be moved to the upper part of the drawing. The longitudinal axes are taken out to the left side of the drawing and marked with letters, starting from the bottom. Axes are assigned only to load-bearing structures (walls, pillars, etc.) that have foundations;

Perform binding of the thickness of the outer and inner walls to the coordinate axes. The axes of the outer walls are located at a distance of 150-200 mm from the inner surface of the wall; internal walls - in the middle of the wall thickness;

Draw the stairwell (refer to section 5.2 for instructions on stair design). Stairs are applied with a breakdown of platforms and steps and an arrow indicating the direction of ascent. The staircase plan reflects its appearance at different levels of horizontal sections: along the basement, along the basement, first floor (under the interfloor platform). On the plans of the stairs, they put the dimensions of the stairwell in the axes, the width of the platforms and the laying of the marches, the width of the marches and the gap between them, the binding of the walls to the center axes. When executing the plans of the stairs, it is necessary to show all the elements that fall into the horizontal section, as well as marches and landings below the section. In the march falling into the section, the entire lower step is shown, and for all other steps, a part is “cut off” by a diagonal line passing from the lower corner of the march to the opposite upper one.

Determine the dimensions of the interior. The sizes of living rooms and kitchens are selected depending on the type of apartment in accordance with the recommendations set out in section 5.1. During the development of apartment layouts, it is sometimes necessary to adjust the distance between the coordinate axes that were set on the plan diagram. The recommended layout of bathrooms and the dimensions of sanitary equipment are given in annex 2. The depth of built-in cabinets must be at least 600 mm.

Window and door openings are applied in the walls - openings with outer quarters for windows and with quarters from the side opposite to opening for doors. Openings in the inner walls are made without quarters. In the locations of doorways, the direction of door opening is shown, placing the door leaf at an angle of 30 ° to the plane of the wall. It is recommended to take the width of the entrance doors: to the apartment - 900, 1000 mm; in living rooms and kitchen - 800 mm; to the bathroom and toilet - 700 mm, entrance to the house - 1300 mm. The nominal width of window openings is chosen depending on the area of ​​​​the room and the height of the window; width of balcony doors - 750 mm.

For brick walls and partitions, the dimensions of the walls are calculated and indicated so that they are a multiple of ½ brick, taking into account the seam (130 mm) - 510, 640, 770, 900, 1030 mm. Each living room and kitchen must have at least one window or window and balcony doors. The plan indicates the types of filling of doorways in circles with a diameter of 5 mm; the position numbers of windows (OK1, OK2 ...) and balcony doors (DB1, DB2 ...) are indicated.

The location of furnaces, smoke and ventilation ducts is indicated. Ventilation ducts are placed in the internal walls adjacent to the rooms in which ventilation is provided. In two-story residential buildings, it is necessary to provide one channel for each room of the kitchen, bathroom and toilet on each floor. Ventilation ducts are taken with a size of 140x140 mm (see. annex 30);

In apartments, the following technical equipment should be designed and indicated on the drawings (see. application 2): in the kitchen - a refrigerator 600x600, a gas stove 600x600 mm and a sink for dishes 600x600, in the bathroom - a bathtub 1700x700 mm and a washbasin 700x500 mm, in the toilet - a toilet bowl with a tank 670x360 mm (in the toilet, remote from the bathroom, you need to install an additional wash basin);

Internal dimension lines are applied at least in two places along the entire length of the building, and in the transverse direction - at the locations of different rooms. The dimensions of the plan show: binding of internal walls and partitions to the center lines; thickness of walls and partitions; dimensions of openings in internal walls, brick, concrete and reinforced concrete partitions; binding openings to the contour of the wall and to the partition or center axis;

Apply external dimension lines from four (or three) sides of the plan and put down on three parallel lines. On the first dimension line, located 15 mm from the walls, they show the dimensions of openings and piers, as well as the dimensions of protruding and sinking wall elements (if any) with their binding to the axes. On the second dimension line, which is located at a distance of 7 ... 8 mm from the first, the distances between the axes are shown. The third dimension line shows the size of the building between the extreme alignment axes. Linear dimensions are indicated in millimeters. Dimensions are applied in the form of a closed chain, serifs of 2-3 mm are made at the ends of the dimension lines. The distance from the dimension line to the circle of the marking axis mark is 4 mm, the diameter of the circle is 8 mm;

In each room, in the lower right corner, the area of ​​​​the room is indicated with an accuracy of 0.01 m2 (the areas of bathrooms and toilets that are repeated can be shown only in one apartment), while the figure is applied above the line without indicating the measurement. The areas of the premises are calculated according to the internal dimensions of the premises. In the hallway of each apartment is the residential and total area of ​​the apartment. If the plan drawing contains an explication of the premises, then the area of ​​​​the premises is indicated in the explication table;

Carry out the marking of windows and doors, show the lines of transverse and longitudinal sections. Section lines are open strokes with arrows. The direction of the arrows is taken from bottom to top or from left to right. If necessary, you can choose another direction. The lines indicating the position of the cutting plane should not pass inside the contour of the plan or come close to it. Depending on the position of the dimension lines and the workload of the drawing, they can be placed either at the outline of the plan or behind the extreme dimension line;

If the plan drawing contains sections with floors at different elevations, these elevations must be indicated;

After the development of plans is completed, load-bearing and self-supporting walls are outlined with lines 0.7 ... 0.8 mm thick, partitions - with lines 0.6 ... 0.7 mm thick. The inscriptions are made in a standard font.

See an example of a plan. application 31.


The section serves to reveal the volumetric and constructive solution of the building, the relative position of individual structures, rooms, etc.

To make a cut, the position of the cutting plane is chosen in such a way that it cuts the most important structures of the building and makes it possible to identify the characteristic features of the designed object. In the course project, a cross section is built along the cut line assigned on the plan, which necessarily passes through the window openings, the doorway in the inner wall and the stairs so that both flights of stairs and the basement, if any, are visible on the projection (the cut line can be assigned as a broken line) .

The section sets the following data:

The design and profile of the foundations of external and internal supports and laying depths (pillar foundations should be cut not along the pillars, but along the foundation beam);

The design of the basement and basement parts, blind area;

The design of the interface of walls and ceilings, a variant of the design of wall insulation;

Structures for filling openings, lintels;

Architectural and constructive solution of the eaves;

Details of floor structures (basement, interfloor, attic);

The design of the truss system;

staircase design;

Removal of structural elements of floors and roofs.

The section drawing is developed in the following sequence:

The transverse centering axes of the structure are applied and wall thicknesses are tied to them;

The lines of the floor level of the first and second floors and the conditional level of the top of the attic floor are applied, based on the accepted floor height; basement floor, foundation soles, ground surface. Auxiliary lines are applied that indicate the height of the basement, the top and bottom of window and door openings, the top of the cornice or parapet, the level of the top of the ventilation shaft or chimney, the height of the roof ridge;

Draw a staircase, starting with drawing the width of the interfloor area and the length of the flight of stairs. The lower march, which leads from the floor level in the vestibule to the floor level of the first floor, is provided in five or six steps in order to provide an opening for doors under the interfloor platform.

Apply the thickness of the floors and develop the design of the basement, interfloor and attic floors, as well as the floor on the ground on the ground floor and in the basement;

They draw the internal walls and partitions that have fallen into the cut, mark the window and door openings, and the distance from the level of the finished floor to the bottom of the window opening is recommended to be 800 mm;

Draw the foundations of the bearing and self-supporting walls of the house, which fell into the plane of the section;

Develop the design of the bearing part of the roof - rafters and roofs. The slope of the roof is determined depending on the given roofing material. The design of the rafters is carried out in accordance with the recommendations, see also application 28;

When drawing on a section of the roof, it is necessary to show the ventilation and chimney pipes that pass through the coating. The level of the top of the pipe relative to the ridge of the roof is taken in accordance with Annex 30. For all load-bearing elements of the roof, callouts should be made that give the names of the elements and the dimensions of their cross section;

Apply dimension lines, count and put down dimensions and marks. On the section, the dimensions of the openings, the ceiling structure in the form of a chain along the entire height of the building located indoors are put down. The dimensions of the foundations, the thickness of the walls, the distance from their faces to the staking axes are put down, the dimension lines between the staking axes are given. It is necessary to show the marks of the levels of the top and bottom of all floors, window and door openings, the sole of the foundation, the basement, the levels of the landings, the cornice, the ridge, the top of the pipes;

Carry out flags of inscriptions indicating the composition of all floors and floors, explanatory inscriptions; |

Structural elements of the building, made of the material that is the main for this structure, are not shaded. In this case, only sections of the walls that differ in material are highlighted with conditional shading. For example, in a brick building, reinforced concrete lintels or ordinary brickwork in walls made of lightweight concrete blocks are shaded.

Elevation marks are indicated with three decimal places. The relative elevation of the floor of the 1st floor is indicated by “0.000”, the marks below zero are indicated with a “-” sign (for example, -0.150), the marks above zero are indicated with a “+” sign (for example, +3.000).

For an example of a cut, see application 32, 33.


Work on the drawing of the facade can only begin after the development of floor plans and sections.

All visible elements of the outer volume of the building are depicted on the facades - the basement, the wall field with all openings, the cornice, etc. External stairs and porches, expansion joints, ramps, parapet slabs and louvered grilles, pipes of external drains are shown.

Window and door openings are drawn with a pattern of window bindings, door panels. The type number of the window opening is placed at the bottom of the contour of the window opening. Opening types are marked by serial numbering, depending on the number and type of window products included in its filling, as well as the nature of the opening of the bindings.

When drawing facades, first, according to the plan and section, lines are drawn that limit the general contour, then the contour of windows and doors, and then they begin to draw elements (belts, visors, etc.). Hatching highlights sections of walls made of a different material.

Facade drawings give a general idea of ​​the building, so special attention should be paid to their graphics. Visible contours in the drawings of facades are outlined with thin lines. The contours of the building and openings have a thickness of 0.3-0.4 mm, the contours of window sashes, wall divisions, the contours of corbels, cornices and other architectural elements of the walls are outlined with lines 2 times thinner than the contours of the building and openings.

The drawing of the facade shows the marks of the ground, the basement, the bottom and top of the window and door openings, the cornice and the top of the roof. On the facades, centering axes - angular ones, as well as in places where the heights of the building differ, should be taken out and marked in circles. To designate the facade, it is recommended to put down the axes without specifying the dimensions. Facades are named according to the extreme centering axes, for example, "Facade 1-4", "Facade A-G".

For an example of a façade, see application 38.

Layout of foundation elements

The width of the sole of strip foundations is taken depending on the load and bearing capacity of the base. In the course work, the width of the sole of the foundations for external walls can be taken as 600 ÷ 800 mm, and for internal walls - 700 ÷ 1000 mm.

The drawing of the layout of the foundation elements is performed in the following sequence:

Apply coordinate axes; tie the accepted width of the base of the foundations and the base to the axes;

Apply a dotted line ledges in places of difference in the depth of foundations; if there is a basement - show the stairs to the basement;

Apply dimension lines and dimensions. The layout of the foundation elements shows the dimensions between the alignment axes of the walls, the width along the base and edge of the foundation, and ledges. The foundations of free-standing pillars, furnaces are tied to the center axes. If there are protrusions, their dimensions are indicated.

The depth of the foundation is indicated by a mark. If the laying depth changes, the distance from the ledge to the stakeout line is indicated. A dotted line is given where the sole marks change, and the sole marks are shown nearby.

The drawing is accompanied by notes that provide information about the material of the foundation, the composition and grade of the mortar, the type of waterproofing, and the features of the construction of the foundation.

For a more complete identification of the design of foundations in places that require explanation, 2-3 cross sections are given. Sections of the foundations are performed on a scale of 1:20, 1:25. to show the holes and ledges in the foundation, as well as the location and grades of the foundation blocks, the foundations are developed.

For an example of designing the layout of foundation elements, see annex 34.

The layout of the floor elements

Drawings are performed in the following sequence:

Apply the coordinate axes of the structure;

Apply the contours of load-bearing walls, columns, girders - the main beams and their binding with ventilation and smoke ducts;

The layout is carried out between the faces of the bearing walls of the floor elements (beams, shields, roll slabs, reinforced concrete floor slabs), monolithic sections are indicated. The step of the beams must be a multiple of 100 mm. If floors cross channels or openings, they are also shown on the plan. Floor slabs are laid out close to the walls. Particular attention should be paid to ensure that the beams do not rest on the passage of ventilation and smoke ducts.

Elements related to the floor structure are outlined with a line with a thickness of 0.4-0.6 mm, and the contours of the remaining elements are drawn with a line with a thickness of B / 2.

The prefabricated elements of the floor in the drawing are marked with conditional marks (beams with brand B, slabs - P), guided by the catalog of industrial products ( applications 5, 6, 7, 8, 9).

On the drawing, dimensions are put down between the alignment axes of the bearing walls, between the axes of beams, floor slabs with binding of these dimensions to the axes of the walls. The dimensions of individual elements of the floor structure are indicated (the width of the embedment in place, etc.), holes, channels, fire breaks, etc.

The layouts of the floor elements are supplemented with notes that indicate the design features of the floor.

An example of the layout of the elements of the interfloor ceiling on reinforced concrete beams, see Fig. application 35.

The layout of the elements of the truss system (rafter plan)

On the plan of the rafters, the load-bearing elements of the roof, the spans and the step of their setting should be shown. The development of the drawing begins with drawing the contours of the main walls, pillars, smoke and ventilation ducts, after which the elements of the rafters are drawn: mauerlats, upper run, rafter legs, racks. The rafters are depicted showing cuttings and structures of dormer windows.

On the plan of the rafters indicate the dimensions between the axes of the rafters, the distances to the chimney and ventilation pipes, the binding of the rafters to the center axes.

On the plan of the rafters, the elements of the rafters are distinguished with a thick line: rafter legs, crossbars, struts, girders, racks, etc. the contours of the walls are shown with a thin line, and the contours of the roof are hatched. On the plan of the rafters, callouts should be applied indicating the names of the structural elements of the rafters and their sections (see table in annex 28).

In addition to the plan, you can make longitudinal and transverse sections of the rafters. In these drawings, the marks of the elements of the rafters are indicated, they give links to structural details, and elevation marks are applied in the necessary places.

For an example of a rafter plan, see application 36.

Roof plan

The roof plan can be combined with the rafter plan.

Coordination axes, distances between them and between extreme axes are applied on the roof plan. The outer face of the outer walls is applied with thin dashed lines, observing the binding to the axes.

The lines of the roof cuts (slopes) are shown, observing the amount of overhang (overhang) of the eaves. The roof plan shows the slopes and the lines of their intersection: the lines of the oblique ribs (at an angle of 45 o), the valleys, the line of the roof ridge.

Dormer windows, gutters, drainpipes, chimneys and ventilation devices are depicted in projection connection with floor plans, roof railings. When constructing a roof with a parapet, the outline of the parapet is shown.

The slopes of the slopes are indicated on the roof plan (as a percentage or by the ratio of the legs). The direction of the slopes (slope) is indicated by an arrow.

For an example of a roof plan, see application 37.

Architectural and structural units

Work on components and details is carried out after the development of the main drawings of the building. The designation of units and parts must be shown on the drawings of plans and sections. The nodes are indicated on the section or plan by a circle with a remote shelf, on which the number of the node is affixed, and in the denominator - the number of the sheet on which the node is drawn. Two concentric circles are placed above the node image (the larger diameter is 16 mm; the smaller diameter is 14 mm): the number of the node is put in the numerator, and the number of the sheet on which the section or plan is located is in the denominator.

When arranging nodes on a sheet, it should be taken into account that some of them form, as it were, a single whole and cannot be located in different parts of the sheet. For example: the top and bottom of a window, the top and bottom of a flight of stairs, etc. parts that fall into the cut are outlined with a line 0.6 mm thick and give a symbol of the material. Knots are drawn to scale to provide a clear and detailed representation. On the drawings of assemblies and parts, it is necessary to put down the main dimensions of the elements and make explanatory inscriptions. Details of rafters, walls, ceilings, stairs can be given for development.