Lean Six Sigma in manufacturing. Tools that will be useful for the development of Lean Six Sigma in the enterprise

Dao Toyota Liker Jeffrey

Six Sigma, Lean Tools, and Lean Six Sigma: Toolkit or More?

There are many “instrumental” approaches to organizational improvement. For example, a very popular program that General Electric successfully uses is the Six Sigma program, which is an extension of total quality-based management (TQM). The goal of Six Sigma is to have a defect rate that does not exceed 3.4 defects per million opportunities, with a focus on training so-called Green Belts, Black Belts, and Master Black Belts. Preparation includes classroom sessions on Six Sigma tools and projects that save $100,000 or more. At the final stage, the project is presented to senior management to obtain the necessary authority.

Along with the spread of the Six Sigma program, companies selectively applied various lean tools which led to some success. While the Six Sigma program focuses on improving the value-adding process, such as finding the source of quality problems or equipment downtime and taking countermeasures, Lean considers the value stream as a whole and ensures that value-adding activities are connected. Thus, the Six Sigma program, which focuses on improving individual processes, is in harmony with the concept of lean manufacturing, which ties processes together.

Recently, a new hybrid, Lean Six Sigma, has been born. Still, I don't believe that lean tools, Six Sigma tools, or a combination of the two can make a company into a learning lean enterprise. The following is the story of one company with which I had to work closely. This story confirms my doubts about Six Sigma, Lean Tools, and Lean Six Sigma.

Main Executive Director a major automotive parts supplier decided to roll out a Six Sigma program after seeing the progress made by GE and Jack Welch. Together with a group of senior managers and executives, he determined how many certified Six Sigma Black Belts the company needed and began looking for the right consultants to provide training. The steering group judged that recent college graduates with high GPAs were the best candidates for learning the complex statistical methods of Six Sigma, and began looking for young geniuses to become black belts. The terms of employment were very attractive: five-figure salaries, and in addition to future Black Belts, upon completion of the Six Sigma program, which would achieve the required savings, each of the young talents was promised a brand new car. Needless to say, they managed to attract a few pitchers great expectations newcomers.

Unfortunately, these young people had very limited or no industrial experience. They came to long-running factories believing that their mission was to "fix the process," while these factories had been in operation for decades and had their own established production culture. As rumors spread that the newcomers would be paid huge rewards, some of the managers and engineers doubted whether to support these “youngsters”, because the successful implementation of the project did not promise them any benefits. Employees who were advocates of Lean argued that projects that were advertised as Six Sigma projects were actually Lean implementation methods - cells, pull, etc.

In my opinion, by treating Six Sigma and Lean as two sets of tools, and by creating a situation in the company in which each warring faction tried to prove that its tools were bigger and better, this company launched an improvement program that was doomed to failure. In this particular case, the high rewards for newcomers who were involved in the Six Sigma program caused quite a bit of controversy. Because of this, and partly because newcomers have to rely on the help of more experienced employees, management decided to refrain from buying cars for new hires. In the end, several more "black belts" were received by employees who already had work experience in the company. However, the opposition between Lean and Six Sigma persisted, as many Lean advocates saw Six Sigma simply as a set of tools. Plant managers didn't know what to do with the young Black Belts when it came time to define their full-time responsibilities—their salaries were too high for the jobs they were qualified for.

This does not mean that a company should abandon Six Sigma tools or Lean tools. Both are a fairly effective set of tools, but they are just tools. Companies need to reiterate over and over again that lean tools are just one aspect of a very deep philosophy, the Toyota Way. Companies that aspire to become lean enterprises find this lesson the hardest to learn. On fig. Figure 22.2, based on a presentation by Toyota executive Glenn Uminger, compares the myth of TPS as a set of tools for making short-term improvements on the shop floor to genuine TPS, which is the foundation of an overarching management philosophy.

Rice. 22.2. TPS: myth and reality

In fact, in-house training in Six Sigma and Lean makes the focus on superficial use of tools even more pronounced in most companies. In the next section, we will see that it took Toyota 5 to 10 years to train its overseas employees, because that was the only time it took to understand the essence of Toyota's approach. Even Convis says it took him 10 years at Toyota to get the gist of its philosophy, and he continues to discover new things to this day. At the same time, companies that want to reap the benefits of TPS and Six Sigma usually train their employees for one to two weeks, then invite them to do a project and have them “anointed” into specialists.

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The right combination of these practices in Brazil's mining and metallurgical industries brings noticeable results. The website //www.industryweek.com spoke about the successful application of the iTLS methodology at the enterprises of the Votorantim group

It's obvious that production organizations profit-oriented companies concentrate their efforts on achieving the intended levels of income from their production activities relying on its own power and resources. If targets are not achieved, this results in low revenue and high inventory levels, increasing operating costs. As a result, the amount of profit and the indicator of return on investment are subject to significant negative influence. This situation also leaves the organization in a state of stress and some emptiness due to a seemingly paradoxical situation where key organizational resources become a potential threat to the company's future earnings.

To improve the performance and increase the profitability of organizations, it is customary to apply various techniques as part of the continuous improvement process, such as Lean Manufacturing (Lin), 6-Sigma and Theory of Constraints of Systems (TOC). However, for a long time there were no scientific studies that could measure the effectiveness and contribution of the use of such techniques in improving the performance of organizations. For this reason, in the period from 2003 to 2005. large-scale studies have been conducted on this issue, which also analyzed the effectiveness of using these three methods together in a logical sequence, and also compared the results obtained with the results from using only one of these methods.

The integrated method model was subjected to a series of specific tests known as iTLS as part of a continuous improvement process. This iTLS model included the Theory of Constraints of Systems created by Eliyahu Goldratt, a technique Lin production, more commonly known as the Toyota Production System, and also 6-Sigma, a methodology created by Motorola. This model assumed the use of the mentioned methods in a certain sequence, which contributed to focusing on key strengths each of these methods.

After 2.5 years, during which 211 continuous improvement process specialists implemented their preferred methodologies at 21 manufacturing plants, 105 projects were completed.

The study made it possible to measure the financial efficiency obtained through the application of each of these methods. Statistical analysis showed that the methods Lin and 6-Sigma contributed to obtaining significant financial results organizations in which they have been applied. The results from applying these methods separately were approximately the same (the obtained value of the significant probability (P-Value), equal to 0.622, did not indicate a significant difference between these two methods when analyzing the financial efficiency factor).

One organization that took an integrated approach was the Votorantim group of companies, the fourth largest private organization Brazil, operating in several countries and in various market segments such as mining, steel, cement, pulp and paper, steel and fruit juice industries. Five plants have implemented an integrated system of TOC, Lean and 6-Sigma, the so-called iTLS continuous improvement methodology, developed and published in detail in 2006 by Dr. Reza Piratesh (Piratesh and Farah, 2006). Two of these factories, which will be discussed below, were a mining factory and a smelter.

In the case study below, the iTLS methodology has successfully synchronized production and leveraged existing production capacity to ensure process stability. This methodology was applied without hindrance due to the involvement of the personnel of the organizations and their strong focus on success. TOC Integrated System Model, Lean Manufacturing and 6-Sigma Models (iTLS)
iTLS combines three powerful components - Lin, 6-Sigma and TOC - optimally matching and synchronizing them:

  • focusing on only a few critical elements that limit the activities of the company as a whole, through the use of TOC;
  • eliminating defects in production by detecting the so-called "hidden factories" within the framework of the methodology Lin;
  • reducing the possibility of unwanted variability to ensure process stability through 6-Sigma.

The use of this integrated system of continuous improvement in production has made it possible to ensure that the capacities and resources involved in the production process are converted into stable production that generates income with a high share of profit.


Below practical example is brief description experience of applying the iTLS methodology in several Brazilian conglomerates, which included mining plants, ore dressing plants, and metallurgical plants. In all the cases where the iTLS methodology is applied, the throughput rate for production increased significantly in 3-4 months. The continued use of this technique over the next 3-4 months allowed to stabilize production processes, along with the achievement of strategically important target production volumes, which was previously considered almost impossible.

The new production figures significantly exceeded the previous ones, and investments in additional capacities were not poured in. The result was the achievement of higher indicators of income, profit and return on investment.

Practical example

Initial conditions:
None of the plants could reach the target production volumes, good production performance was only a single occurrence, which led to loss of income due to late deliveries.
Plant managers were under constant pressure for not achieving strategic performance targets and, as a result, the overall performance of the organization deteriorated.

Other undesirable phenomena were observed:

  • The goals set were not achieved.
  • The number of actions taken was large and continued to grow, making it difficult to manage these actions.
  • Growing pressure to acquire more and more resources.
  • Employees despaired; there was an opinion: "the more we try, the less we achieve."
  • The search for the perpetrators on the one hand and their constant excuses on the other hand, along with the attitude of non-intervention of some employees, created a negative atmosphere in which there was no positive cooperation between the staff.
  • Resource productivity was very low.
  • Lack of necessary preventive measures.
  • Employee apathy.


The iTLS model was applied simultaneously to all plants. Its goals were to stabilize and improve production processes to ensure optimal interaction with the market. There were 4 main elements:
1) Application of the TOC tool "Drum-buffer-rope" to identify the limitations of the production process and plan the limiting section:

  • A “drum” resource that set the pull rate for production and set the TACT for delivering (i.e., production began to work in such a way as to directly respond to customer requirements) of manufactured products to the market.
  • Creation of buffers related to the "drum" resource and providing protection against emerging deviations in the production process and in shipment.
  • Pulling release of materials (“rope”), which ensures the synchronization of the production process with the “drum” resource.

2) The use of Lean tools to identify the stages responsible for the occurrence of manufacturing defects and exclude them from the production process in order to increase its efficiency.
3) Applying 6-Sigma tools to ensure the sustainability of the changes made by introducing statistical control over production processes.
4) The introduction of well-established templates and methodologies for solving emerging problems, available to workers and management personnel, in order to ensure that each of these groups of employees can independently ensure continuous improvements in their processes.

There is a direct relationship between the response to the work of the “drum” resource in combination with maintaining the stability of production and financial efficiency indicators. As soon as the "drum" was found based on the determination of the optimal capacity of the restriction, its operation became a key moment for the release of materials and the implementation of shipments.

The resource constraint had to be protected from possible deviations that occurred at the stages of the production process that preceded it as a result of interdependent operations. The purpose of this was to ensure that the required capacity of this resource was used in full production. In organizations with continuous production process, the protection of the constraint resource, which is the starting point for organizing the work of the "drum" and the shipping department, was carried out by creating buffers of a given size that feed this resource during production failures to ensure continuous production and uninterrupted supply.

As soon as buffers were introduced required size, they began to absorb all negative deviations, potentially affecting the resource-limitation and the shipment process. It was important to understand that when such deviations affected the buffer, the latter decreased in volume and needed to be restored. Its replenishment became possible due to the use of excess capacity preceding the resource-limitation ("drum") and the shipping department (~10%). In essence, they were protective powers. Their use when appropriate needs arise and made it possible to replenish the buffers.

Thus, any production stage, whose performance was less than 110% of the performance of the "drum", was considered a limitation, as it could potentially have a global negative effect on the size of the passage. It might seem that the activity in this case was temporarily unbalanced. However, the work crews then set to work to maximize the value of the manufacturing process by reducing and stabilizing scrap rates. For this, 6-Sigma tools were used to reduce variability.
This model included buffer management in order to optimize the decision-making process based on the interpretation of the state of the buffers at certain points in time. Buffers have become the main source of information for management, allowing them to track what is happening in the production process, prevent potential threats, determine the causes of their occurrence and make decisions that contribute to the continuous improvement process. For this, the tools of Statistical Process Control were used.

The similarity of the results obtained using the iTLS model was in line with expectations. Below are some of the results that each plant has been able to achieve:

  • Production increased by 10%, which made it possible to satisfy the requirements of consumers by 100%, without the need to attract additional capital investments.
  • Profits increased by 5%.
  • Each company's payback period was reduced to a few months, and at one plant it was only 28 days - an all-time low level.
  • Production processes stabilized, which made it possible to achieve the strategically important target production volumes predicted earlier.

Evgenio Germont, CEO of Votorantim Metais Unidade Tres Marias, noted that “… we have been able to succeed in this ambitious undertaking… and therefore we have achieved all our goals…”

Synergy in application CBT, Lean and 6-Sigma, expressed in the iTLS model, has become a tool to provide fast and efficient performance improvements in mining and metallurgical plants. This, in turn, made it possible to fulfill obligations to customers by 100%. This model used the tools of the Theory of Constraints to focus on areas requiring change, the Lean methodology to eliminate manufacturing defects, and the 6-Sigma system to control the production process and the resulting deviations.

During the 6 Sigma Fundamentals webinar, the recording of which is available for you here, I was asked this (usual) question: how is Six Sigma different from Lean? In my practice, I try in every possible way to get around the methodological “contradictions” (contradictions in quotation marks!) between lean manufacturing and 6 sigma. I also never focus on instrumentation differences. Although many tools are often attributed to one methodology or another. Instead, I always focus on a certain basis laid down in all the "fashionable" and already "obsolete" methodologies.

Logo from our groups In contact with and , illustrating the common beginning of the methodologies

What is this basis? What is the common beginning? Isn't it common sense? And if so, then why look for differences in methodologies based on common sense?

Reflecting on these questions, I came to an interesting observation: for some reason, among the site visitors, not everyone is interested in the differences in methodologies. After some digging around in memory and mailbox, I was able to install the following:

  1. Most often, the question about the criteria for distinguishing Lean and Six Sigma is asked by employees of organizations that provide educational services(universities, consulting companies etc.).
  2. Less often, but by a very small margin, young specialists - students, graduate students and "cadets" - newly hired masters, engineers, managers.
  3. And very rarely there are questions from production workers with experience, project leaders and people who have been engaged in their profession for more than a year (or better to say, who have been increasing their efficiency for more than a year?).

As a typical production worker, I can assume that the value of dividing methodologies “by name” in my work simply will not increase, and therefore the question of separation does not arise for me. I believe that it should be applied depending on the situation, and not on the name of the technique.

Fortunately, this time, in addition to such an unconvincing argument as one's own opinion, it is possible to refer to an article by Terence Burton - Is This a Six Sigma, Lean or Kaizen Project? , on the basis of which the material of Victoria Oleshko was prepared - Is it a 6 sigma, lean or kaizen project?

Have you already read the article? If not, then I advise you to do it right now, and only then continue studying this post ... No. Seriously. article and come back.

Central to Mr. Barton's article is the following diagram:

An almost verbatim translation of the scheme is given below:

In his publication, Mr. Barton draws attention to the fact that Lean, Six Sigma, and Kaizen are nothing more than “toolboxes”. The use of this or that tool should be conditioned by the situation, and not by the buzzword that sounded in the title of the last seminar attended. According to the author, leadership, creativity and innovation are the components of a breakthrough. They just encircle the above schemes, creating the basis that I spoke about above.

Nevertheless, dedicated to those who like to look for differences:

In this diagram, our team tried to decompose the three methodologies in one coordinate system, so that it would be easier to compare them and look for differences. But there are also disadvantages:

“But in the old scheme there were a lot of terrible words "karate",
“judo” and “taek-won-do” - it’s good to scare TOPs with it :-D” ©

The Six Sigma concept was developed by Motorola in the 1980s in order to reduce deviations in manufacturing processes. electronic components. In general, the whole idea of ​​6 Sigma is aimed at maximizing the quality of the organization's work. It was based on statistical methods of process control and the work of the Japanese quality specialist Genichi Taguchi.

In the modern sense, 6 Sigma is considered from three sides: as a philosophy, as a management methodology, and as a set of tools for improving work. It is used in organizations of various fields of activity - from industrial enterprises to banks. However, the main area for 6 Sigma is still manufacturing.

The term 6 Sigma, which is used in the name of the concept, means the standard deviation of a random variable from the mean. This term is used in mathematical statistics. A random variable can be characterized by two parameters - the mean value (denoted by the symbol mu) and the standard deviation or another name - the standard deviation (denoted by the symbol sigma).

If a process quality parameter is considered as a random variable, then using the mean value and standard deviation, it is possible to estimate the probable fraction of process defects. For this preliminary it is necessary to set the upper and lower limits of the tolerance field of the quality parameter. The larger the tolerance field, the greater will be the proportion of good products of this process. The larger the sigma value, the smaller the share of good products.

In order to increase the share of suitable products, it is necessary for a given tolerance field to strive to reduce the sigma value, thereby increasing their number that fit into the tolerance field.

In the case where six sigma values ​​​​fit from the average value to the nearest tolerance limit, the number of defective products of the process can be 3.4 per one million. In the case where three sigma values ​​fit, the possible number of defective items in the process is 66.807 per one million.

The essence of the six sigma concept is to use various methods and process management tools to achieve a reduction in the value of the standard deviation for a given tolerance field.

Philosophy 6 sigma

The Six Sigma philosophy is based on the approach of continuous process improvement and defect reduction. The organization should adopt a continuous improvement and performance improvement approach.

Improvement can come from radical changes (process reengineering approach) or from minor changes. continuous improvements(kaizen approach). The purpose of improvements can be to improve product safety, improve quality, shorten the production cycle, improve jobs, reduce costs, etc.

The key elements of the 6 Sigma philosophy are:

  • customer satisfaction. Consumers determine the level of quality of work. They expect high product quality, reliability, reasonable price, timely delivery, good service, etc. Hidden in every element of consumer expectation are quality requirements. The organization must identify and meet all of these requirements.
  • process definition, their indicators and methods of process management. To improve the quality of work, it is necessary to look at the processes from the point of view of the consumer. All elements of the processes that do not bring value to the consumer must be eliminated.
  • teamwork and staff involvement. The results of an organization's work are the work of its employees. For achievement High Quality each employee should be interested in work and interested in achieving high results. Employee engagement leads to increased customer satisfaction.

Application 6 Sigma

To improve, improve, and manage processes, 6 Sigma uses a set of various tools quality. Process management can be carried out on the basis of qualitative and quantitative indicators. Each organization may use its own set of tools. Examples of such tools are statistical process control based on control charts, FMEA analysis, Pareto chart, Ishikawa chart, Tree diagram, etc.

To date, the Six Sigma toolkit has expanded by applying the concept to many areas of activity. The 6 Sigma toolkit includes the entire set of quality tools. Some of them can be viewed in the Quality Tools section.

Methodology 6 Sigma

Six Sigma is a process-oriented methodology aimed at improving performance. It allows you to improve all areas of activity.

There are three interrelated elements at the heart of the 6 Sigma methodology:

An incremental improvement approach is applied to improve existing processes. The focus is on reducing the level of defectiveness. The goal of improvement in Six Sigma is to eliminate deficiencies in the organization and execution of processes.

Improvement is carried out through the application of five consecutive steps. These steps are called the DMAIC method (the first letters of the English words are Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control):

  • Define- at this step, the main problems of the process are identified, the Six Sigma project team is formed to improve the process. The team is given the necessary powers and resources to work. Its area of ​​responsibility is established.
  • measure- At this stage, data on the execution of the process is collected. The team analyzes the collected data and puts forward preliminary assumptions about the causes of deviations in the process being improved.
  • Analyze- During this step, the team checks preliminary ideas about the causes of deviations in processes, determines all causes of nonconformities and proposes methods to eliminate the identified causes.
  • Improve- at this stage, measures are developed to improve the process and their testing is carried out. Activities are implemented in the practice of the organization.
  • control This step involves documenting and standardizing the improved process. To verify the effectiveness of the activities, the Six Sigma project team performs control and monitoring of the execution of the process. In the course of monitoring, special attention is paid to checking the elimination of the causes of nonconformities.

For newly created processes, an approach aimed at anticipating customer expectations is applied. The focus is on preventing defects in processes.

Designing a new process (or redesigning an existing one) is also done in five steps. The design (redesign) method in the 6 sigma concept is called the DMADV method (the first letters of the words are Define, Match, Analyze, Design, Verify):

  • Define- at this step, the goals of the new process are determined, taking into account the requirements of consumers. A Six Sigma project team is formed to design (redesign) the process.
  • Match– the team develops and defines a set specifications, on the basis of which it is possible to determine the achievement of the objectives of the process.
  • Analyze– an analysis of the characteristics of the designed process is carried out and preliminary options for the execution of the process are developed.
  • design- during this step, detailed specifications of the new process are created and implemented in the work of the organization.
  • Verify- In this phase, the Six Sigma process design team performs a review of the process to ensure that it achieves its goals, taking into account the specified characteristics.

One of the important elements of the 6 Sigma methodology is process management. very often in an organization both the improvement of existing processes and the design of new ones take place at the same time. Managing constantly changing processes becomes quite a challenge.

In general, the Six Sigma process management methodology does not differ much from the accepted process management methodology.

The main elements of process management according to the 6 sigma methodology include:

  • process definition, key requirements of consumers and process owners;
  • measurement of indicators characterizing the fulfillment of consumer requirements and key indicators process efficiency;
  • analysis of results obtained measurements and improvement of process control mechanisms;
  • process execution control based on monitoring the "inputs" of the processes, the progress of the execution of operations, and the "outputs" of the processes and taking measures to eliminate problems or deviations from the established requirements.

Implementation of 6 Sigma in the company

The implementation of the concept of 6 sigma in any organization is based on permanent job project teams. Teams are formed by management levels. As a rule, there are only three such levels - the highest level of management, the level of process management and the level of management of individual tasks. The teams are made up of individuals with varying degrees of “proficiency” in Six Sigma.

There are seven levels of mastery of this concept:

  1. Management are the top management of the organization and business owners. The task of leadership is to create conditions for the implementation of the concept of 6 sigma.
  2. Champion- Usually, this is a representative of the top management of the organization. Its task is to determine necessary projects to improve processes, their organization and control over the progress of execution.
  3. Black Belt Master– the task of this specialist is to develop the concept of each specific project for process improvement. He defines the key characteristics of the processes, conducts training for black and green belts. The Master Black Belt is a 6 Sigma "technologist" and internal consultant.
  4. Black belt- Leads a project team to improve a particular process. Can provide training to project team members.
  5. Green Belt- Works under the guidance of a black belt. He analyzes and solves the assigned tasks, takes part in quality improvement projects.
  6. yellow belt– in the project is engaged in solving particular problems, is responsible for the implementation of small projects to improve processes.
  7. white belt- Responsible for solving individual, special tasks of the 6 Sigma project.

On the present stage development, the Six Sigma concept has become a well-known and popular brand. The promotion of this brand is facilitated by the training of specialists in various levels of "ownership" of the 6 Sigma methodology and their certification. For each of the six sigma degrees mentioned above, specific training programs and requirements for the composition of knowledge, experience and qualifications have been developed.

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Today, the nature of the labor market is such that some level of Six Sigma certification is required at a minimum for employer consideration for certain types of jobs. While having a certification does not guarantee that a person is truly competent or fit to achieve the organization's goals, having a certification is the starting point for many companies. Even if you already have a job, 6 Sigma certifications are a plus in some organizations to consider you as a candidate for a higher position.

Unlike many other certifications, such as project management (PMI) certifications, there is not a single authorized institution that lists the body of knowledge (BOK) and a set of requirements required for a Six Sigma certification. While the American Society for Quality (ASQ) Body of Knowledge (ASQ) body of knowledge is fairly universal, there are still many variations on the required body of knowledge for 6 Sigma that are very similar but have different meanings – adding to or subtracting from the required body of knowledge of ASQ . Certification requirements vary considerably. This leads to a huge number of methods and possibilities for certification with many attributes that can confuse you and therefore they must be considered and compared before proceeding with certification.

We hope this article will provide general information regarding 6 Sigma Certification and review some of the programs that are commonly recommended by members of the relevant LinkedIn communities. Certification methods are classified as first party certification, second party certification and third party certification. First party certification is just a self-declaration, second party certification is when the organization that provides the training sets its own criteria for certification. Third party certification confirmation by an unbiased party that a product, process or service conforms to specified, industry-independent criteria or standards. Most 6 Sigma certifications are second party certifications, as the company provides training and certification.

What are the belts?

The recognized 6 Sigma belts are Green, Black and Master Black Belts (although some organizations also have white or yellow belts). A Green Belt is not required to obtain a Black Belt, unless internal policy requires it. There is a large spread official duties about different belts. In general, Green Belts work on 6 Sigma projects as part of their job. Black belts are project managers and can only work on 6 Sigma projects. The Master Black Belt is the highest level of 6 Sigma, these individuals mentor and train others, advise on projects and may be involved in strategic level work. Black Belts and Master Black Belts can move into different industries and develop more flexible skills and management styles, in addition to using deeper technical skills.

For 6 Sigma belts, coursework may be offered with a focus on a specific industry. The most popular industries are manufacturing, manufacturing, service provision and healthcare. The examples and cases used during the course have been taken from a specific industry, although the curriculum is industry independent and therefore widely applicable. Testing and certification are not industry-specific. For example, there is no separate 6 Sigma test in healthcare.

Lean 6 Sigma (LSS) contains the foundations of 6 Sigma and is complemented by a set of industry philosophies, methodologies and tools for managing cultural transformation that aims to reduce and eliminate waste. External third party experts, Lin Sensei, can provide companies with unbiased advice and instruction regarding lean manufacturing. Provided industry courses for Lean 6 Sigma certification.

Some programs provide only 6 Sigma certifications, others only Lean 6 Sigma certifications, and others provide both certifications. The ASQ provides coursework for the LSS but does not have any exams or certifications in Lean. ASQ brings to your attention the Lean Manufacturing Certification, which is provided separately by the Society production engineers(SME - Society of Manufacturing Engineers). SME has bronze, silver and gold level grants. The International Association for Six Sigma Certification (IASSC) only provides LSS certification. And as one example, Villanova University provides 6 Sigma certification as well as Lean Sensei.

Belt Requirements

There is no standard for the amount of knowledge, and there is no standard for the requirements that are required to obtain these belts. Depending on the organization, certification can be obtained by training and project implementation, or by passing an exam only, or by training only, or by both training and exam and project implementation. If a project is still required, then at least one green belt project and two black belt projects must be done. Some certification bodies require that a black belt project generate significant monetary value or have a significant impact on the organization. The requirements for green belt projects are generally more lenient, ranging from volunteer work on a project to an online managed project. ASQ certification requires three years of work experience (full-time and paid) in one or more areas of the required Green Belt knowledge, admission to the exam is carried out after the completion of the application.

To characterize the difference between the requirements of the organizations, let's take a concrete example, so the Department of the Navy (IMF) requires more for the green belt than many organizations for the black! The IMMF requirements for an LSS Green Belt candidate are as follows - 40-hour courses with a certified LSS instructor; be a team member of at least one real project; lead at least two real projects; create a portfolio of projects and occasionally present in person to the Certification Board. After bringing these stringent requirements, it becomes clear that not all LSS belts are equally obtained. Experienced employers will know this, so it's important to choose a program where your certification will make sense.

Belt Suppliers

There are four main providers of Six Sigma Belt certification: employers, professional associations, colleges and universities, and certification service providers.

Many companies provide training to their employees and provide second party certification based on company defined standards. The company pays for your training, and it is designed to help you succeed at work. The downside is that the program may not be as solid as most independent programs. No one except the company's employees will know what kind of training you have received. Coursework can have a very narrow focus on your skills. Therefore, some people may complete corporate training but be certified by the American Society for Quality (ASQ), due to its reputation and deeper coverage of the material.

The American Society for Quality (ASQ) is a professional third-party certification society that requires the candidate to submit a package of documents that will show the level of qualification required to pass the exam. You don't need to do their coursework to pass the exam, you can study on your own. Although ASQ provides training, they do not guarantee that it covers the material required to pass the exam. ASQ also has requirements for your work history and projects.

international organization 6 Sigma Certification (IASSC) is a third party certification body for LSS that requires their exam but does not require a project. Their website is very clear on the philosophy and reasoning behind their requirements. The IASSC certifies not only individuals, but also training programs for other subjects regarding the scope of knowledge of the IASSC.

Some universities and colleges offer 6 Sigma training as part of their continuing education or certification program. There are no entry requirements or degrees earned by the school. The advantage is that you are face to face with the teacher and students and you have great networking opportunities to connect with your classmates from different industries and perspectives. The duration of training and the cost of it can vary significantly and sometimes may be insufficient. Some universities also offer self-paced online learning.

The final route to certification is certification through certification service providers, which are often companies owned or operated by 6 Sigma gurus or high-level consultants. These companies conduct both group trainings and individual ones. Some of them conduct trainings in different cities and give intensive training for several days or weeks. Others provide online training in a program that is designed for individual speed and is usually limited to 365 days to complete the course. These companies provide a package consisting of term paper, exam, project guide and sometimes software and textbooks. Some of these programs advertise IASSC certification, but it should be noted that the scope of IASSC knowledge is Lean 6 Sigma, not 6 Sigma. It is important to carefully compare learning programs before making a choice.

Upon request, they will send you spreadsheets in Excel with the information indicated in the video. They do a great job of highlighting what to look for in content, materials, and learning style. Also, they warn that this information is difficult to find - it is not available on the suppliers' websites.

Final Analysis

The following table provides comparative information for some of the programs:

Green Belt 6 Sigma and Lean 6 Sigma Certification Options Online

CERTIFICATION BODY ASQ (American Society for Quality) IASSC (International 6 Sigma Certification Organization) Company BMGI PEX Institute Pizdeck Institute Pizdeck Institute Smart Solutions Co. University of Villanova University of Villanova
6 Sigma Lean 6 Sigma Lean 6 Sigma Green Belt Lean 6 Sigma 6 Sigma Lean 6 Sigma Lean 6 Sigma 6 Sigma Sensei Lean 6 Sigma is not a green belt
Course fee No training requirements No $695+$650 Master Black Belt Mentorship $2,750 $1,395 $1,795 $3,995 $1,980 $2,180
Course Description Tests, exams, tool and templates 13 weeks, blended online learning tailored to the individual speed of learning online modules, student guidance and instructor-led virtual sessions focused on performance. Each course contains a strictly team-oriented graduation project simulation, showing the practical use of the tool, data analysis, modeling and review 45 online modules. Each module contains reading assignments, scenarios, lessons created by T. Paizdek, assignments and quizzes. Assignments are reviewed and returned back by the Master Black Belt 50 online modules. Each module contains reading assignments, scenarios, lessons created by T. Paizdek, assignments and quizzes. Assignments are reviewed and returned back by the Master Black Belt Blended online learning and live training that combines the same reference materials that the instructor uses, with extensive one-on-one training regarding the course and certification Mixed live and online learning, online live lectures, instant messaging, shared whiteboard during live classes 8 weeks, 6 modules, mixed live lectures online, viewable later
Exam preparation materials $695 before and after tests, progress checks, course activity, and a PDF download that provides a printable version of the modules that cover the five major areas of knowledge for Green Belt 6 Sigma certification. In addition to online learning, you will have a printed statement to take with you to your certification exam. Additional $99 access to a bank of 3 full practice tests/questions Recommends materials www.opensourcesixsigma.com, $170 including manual and one practice test with 80 questions and answers included included included included Tutorial Tutorial
Exam $209 for ASQ members, $359 for everyone else $295 included included included included Included - Periodic exams to test your knowledge, including an oral exam. Test without answer options. You must demonstrate the use of statistics $220 $220
miniaccount Not required for the exam No Not included, $1250 to buy or $550 to rent for 12 months. Hint: You can get a free 30 day Mini Account trial. Required, not included License for 1 year $300. Some quests require a Miniscore. Hint: You can get a free 30 day Mini Account trial. Endless $500 for $1395 for 1 year Not required Not required
Additional software No No No Not required Software for quality support project management– license for 1 year Not required Not required
Textbook Provides a list of suggested books No No Does not provide a list of suggested books Included book "Guide to 6 Sigma" by Thomas Pizdek Included book "Guide to 6 Sigma" by Thomas Pizdek Integrated Enterprise Improvement System, Integrated Enterprise Improvement Volume 1: Fundamentals, Integrated Enterprise Improvement Volume 3: Executing an Improvement Project, Lean 6 Sigma Project Execution Guide Tutorials Tutorials
Additional books No No A copy of the Lean 6 Sigma Dummies Manual, BMGI Lean 6 Sigma Roadmap Poster. After the expiration of the 12-month period of access to the program, links and program modules, as well as templates, can be reproduced through open access on our website www.BMGI.org No Data Meaning: A Course in Understanding Statistics DVD No No
Online sources No No templates, study guides, forms, video programs. Creative management technology course Articles and webinars on the site Additional materials Additional materials
Discounts No No No Green Belt can be upgraded to Black Belt at any time by paying the price difference and completing additional modules. You also need to pass the Black Belt certification exam. military Not applicable
Total $1,153.00 $465.00 $695 - $1345 $2750 $1395 $1795 $3995 $2200 $2400
Total, if a mini-account is required $1245-$1895 3250 1695 2095 4495 No mini account required No mini account required
a) online or real? Real - tough requirements for Black Belt, but not for Green Belt No requirements Real or volunteer project for the organization, can be submitted at any time - not limited to 1 year. Revised by BMGI Master Black Belt Each course includes team simulation thesis, showing the practical use of the tool, data analysis and modeling A real project, not limited in time, should not be related to work, should be used by a certain number of people May be a volunteer organization simulated simulated
a) self-study 30 hours per material 100 hours of study, 1 year for graduation yes - 23.4 hours, 80 hours online and offline, 1 year for graduation 100 hours online and offline, 1 year for graduation 84 hours for self-study modules Yes Yes
b) regular classes No No Yes - live classes in addition to self-study - 22 hours - 13 weeks No No Yes - 8 weeks of live training Yes, but you can return to self-study
a) planned? Can the book be used? Scheduled 2 times / year, must be sent in the application earlier than scheduled, you can use the book. A few tricky questions At any time online or in the test center, you cannot open the workbook, but you can At any time, you can use the book Anytime Anytime Anytime Anytime
Credentialing Institute of Excellence (ICE) Regional accreditation by the Middle States Association
a) access to experts No No $650 access to BMGI Master Black Belt training Students receive answers to their questions via e-mail or telephone consultation if they need it. During training, submission of questions through the student forum. Answers from Thomas Pizdek or Master Black Belt within one business day. During training, submission of questions through the student forum. Responses from Thomas Pizdeck or Master Black Belt within one business day Scheduled one-on-one training with Master Black Belt, you can contact him at any time Access to e-mail and messages 24 hours a day, every day
b) access to training materials No Not applicable After the expiration of the 12-month period of access to the program, links and modules of the program, templates can be reproduced through open access on our website www.BMGI.org 1 year access to materials online, maximum 3 hours per module Access to the site and training materials for 365 days Access to the site and training materials for 366 days Access to the site and training materials for 367 days Access to the site and training materials for 368 days
c) online support/features No Not applicable Online forum for communication with fellow students and teachers Business contact with a registration expert is available during business hours
ASQ Knowledge Scope Scope of Knowledge IASSC Course content and instructors are provided by the Quality Team (TQG) The scope of knowledge for Green Belt 6 Sigma is defined by the International 6 Sigma Certification Association ASQ uses his books to build their body of knowledge
ASQ Committee In particular, no one In particular, no one Thomas Paizdek Thomas Paizdek Forrest Breyfogle George Ackes George Ackes
When joining ASQ, there are local network events Passing the exam, certification are recorded in a public online database Chats and forums for discussion with students and teachers
No Various fields are represented, including healthcare Healthcare, financial services, IT No health version
www.asq.org www.iassc.org www.bmgi.com/training/lean-six-sigma-green-belt http://www.processexcellencenetwork.com/institute www.sixsigmatraining.org www.sixsigmatraining.org www.smartersolutions.com/blended-green-belt-training.php http://www.universityalliance.c om/info1/UA_PDFs/Villanova/T 2-Disciplines/Villanova_6Sigma_T

The table compares different characteristics, including price, a 2nd or 3rd party certification representative for self or online 6 Sigma Green Belt or Lean 6 Sigma Green Belt training. This article does not cover the knowledge comparisons and course details that these certification bodies offer. While presenting some reputation difference would be very helpful, this has not been studied and is therefore not included in the article. Also, information about the "success" of certification recipients was not investigated or found. The analysis regarding the choice of program is left to the reader, as their origins, finances, circumstances, opportunities and motivations are as different as the possibilities for choosing.

Based on the consideration of a lot of information, the following is important:

If you are willing to self-teach (i.e. not pay for a course), take an exam, and use work experience or a project outside of work to qualify for certification, your options are very limited. For Green Belt 6 Sigma, ASQ is the only way. There is no requirement to complete the project, but you must have three years of experience in one or more areas of the 6 Sigma Green Belt body of knowledge. For the time being, some companies will allow projects outside working situation, their requirements for admission to the exam are primarily payment and acceptance of their term paper. For a 6 Sigma Black Belt, there is no option that meets these criteria. For Lean 6 Sigma Green and Black Belts, the International Organization for Certification (IASSC) provides such a course as you do not have to submit a project and as part of their charter they do not offer or require coursework.

This block purports to be the initial guide to a more complete collection of insights on the path to 6 Sigma or Lean 6 Sigma certification. I hope that 6 Sigma or Lean 6 Sigma practitioners, as well as those who offer certification programs and those who seek them, will add an objective and subjective information to this post to help anyone who is craving a 6 Sigma or Lean 6 Sigma certification.

The authors: Michelle Gabrielle was one of the first at Motorola to teach statistical process control in the early 80's, before the Belt System was invented. As an operations manager, using Lean and 6 Sigma tools with her team and her suppliers, she was able to achieve significant cost savings and prepared improvements in various industries industries from capital semiconductor manufacturing to DSL supply services. Michelle is currently working towards certification to prepare herself for participation in improvement projects. He currently holds a bachelor's and master's degree in materials science and engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and an MBA from the Berkeley Haas School of Business at the University of California.

© Material prepared by Anna Jezhik
based on materials from foreign publications