Analysis of distribution logistics in the enterprise. Distribution logistics of an enterprise (on the example of CJSC "Trust")

The essence and tasks of distribution logistics, the main shortcomings in its system, the construction of logical chains and distribution channels. Characteristics of sales operations. Proposals and ways to improve distribution logistics at the enterprise under study.

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Manufacturing enterprise "KIT" LLC

There are three functional areas of logistics in KIT: purchasing, production, distribution.

1. Purchasing logistics KIT

In the field of procurement logistics there are material flows that provide the enterprise with material resources. Management of material flows on this stage has certain specifics, which explains the need to allocate procurement logistics in separate activity. The MTO department is a specially dedicated subdivision of the KIT enterprise for solving these problems.

The activity of this service is carried out at three levels, since the supply service simultaneously solves three types of tasks:

  • · Tasks for the interaction of the enterprise with the external environment;
  • Tasks that ensure the goals of the enterprise as a whole;
  • · Tasks assigned to this unit.

First of all, this division is responsible for solving the following tasks:

  • what to buy;
  • How much to buy
  • Who to buy from
  • Under what conditions to buy.

After solving the listed tasks, the department performs the tasks of the supporting level, which include:

  • conclusion of an agreement;
  • control over the execution of the contract;
  • organization of delivery of material resources;
  • organization of storage of material resources;
  • Organization of storage of material resources.

Below is a description of the approaches to solving the problems of procurement logistics adopted at the KIT enterprise.

How is the storage of components and assemblies carried out?

The task of storing component parts and assemblies is carried out using the MTO warehouse, which is subordinate to the specified department. In the event that production requires materials and components, a document is issued on receipt necessary resource from stocks of own warehouse. The necessary materials are selected in the warehouse and transferred to production.

If the required material is not in stock, the logistics department makes an order to the supplier of the relevant materials, with which the KIT enterprise has a long-term contract. Based on the order and in accordance with the terms of the long-term contract, the supplier ensures the dispatch of the required goods. Purchased goods are sent, as a rule, by road, air or railway transport. Ordered goods are accepted at the MTO warehouse as they are received. Here they check the quality of materials, their compliance with the application in terms of quantity and nomenclature. After registration of the relevant documents on the receipt of goods, they are stored in the MTO warehouse.

How is a supplier selected?

Currently, the company works with regular suppliers, making every effort to maintain its relationships. At first, trying to get components at the lowest prices, KIT tried to work directly with component manufacturers. Today KIT works on a different system. Such a system has proven itself in many enterprises. Its essence lies in a long-term contract with an intermediary firm. Its structure has a smaller number of links, the passage of requests and the material flows caused by them is significantly simplified. The system connects the supplier and consumer of products with much shorter links than described above. Purchasing bodies of the company and warehouses are unloaded from routine work. The functions of selection and delivery of goods are transferred to the supplier, which is not a manufacturer of raw materials and components, but a wholesaler trade company, performing distributive functions, having its own trading warehouses and mediating between industrial enterprises. The structure and flow of information and material flows are shown in the figure “Document flow scheme supplier-enterprise (based on the general contract)”.

The delivery schedule is compiled by the KIT enterprise in agreement with the supplier in the form of a purchase order. The generated order is both an order and a document registering the delivery and receipt of goods.

Contractual documentation with such a supplier includes:

  • Contract (including agreements on organizing the process of filing applications (orders) and fulfilling deliveries)
  • · Instructions for monitoring and recording the fulfillment of contractual conditions.


How are purchases planned?

Procurement planning and control over their implementation are also assigned to the logistics department. In the course of planning, the following tasks are solved to coordinate the actions of all departments and officials enterprises:

  • analysis and determination of needs, calculation of the quantity of ordered materials;
  • determining the method of procurement;
  • negotiation of prices and conclusion of contracts with suppliers;
  • Establishment of monitoring the quantity, quality and timing of deliveries;
  • Organization of the placement of goods in the warehouse.

In the process of determining the need, it is necessary to establish:

  • what materials are required
  • the amount of materials needed for the production of products;
  • the time they are needed
  • Possibilities of suppliers from which goods can be purchased
  • required areas of your storage facilities
  • purchase costs
  • Possibility of organizing the production of some parts at your enterprise.

The KIT enterprise has adopted a special technology for planning and controlling purchases. In accordance with the accepted technology of the task what to buy and how much to buy are solved by the head of the logistics department together with the heads of the production and sales departments when developing the production program. Tasks from whom and under what conditions to buy are solved by the head of the logistics department together with the director of the enterprise.

The forces of the MTO department carry out all necessary work for supply, that is, contracts are concluded, their execution is controlled, delivery of purchased materials and components and their storage are organized.

In general, there are many methods for determining how much materials need to be purchased for the production of products and how often they should be received from suppliers.

At the KIT plant, the requirement for materials is calculated based on the production program for the final product. Those. material requirements are based on the planned volume of manufactured products, which is determined by predictable or known demand. Nomenclature end products is fixed in production program. Based on the time of delivery of the final product to the consumer and the time by which the delivered materials and components must be available, the gross demand for the supplied materials is determined.

Gross demand is then translated into net demand, taking into account:

  • · stock on hand
  • already ordered materials (or already planned own production)
  • · An order intended for a previous product series.

With a known time for the supply of materials and the time for launching them into production, the time for submitting an order is determined.

The advantage of using material requirements planning is that purchasing and production are planned based on the requirements of the final product.

2. Production logistics KIT

The material flow on its way from the primary source of raw materials to the final consumer passes through a number of production links. Material flow management at this stage has its own specifics and is called production logistics.

The tasks of production logistics relate to the management of material flows within enterprises. The participants in the logistics process within the framework of production logistics are connected by intra-production relations (in contrast to the participants in the procurement and distribution logistics processes connected by commodity-money relations).

What are the principles of construction production process at the KIT enterprise?

The concept of organizing production logistics at the KIT enterprise was based on the following basic principles:

  • Rejection of excess stocks;
  • obligatory elimination of marriage;
  • production of products in as large batches as possible;
  • · transformation of suppliers from the opposing side into benevolent partners.

When formulating the conceptual provisions, KIT sought to ensure the effectiveness of its activities in the face of changing market demand.

When demand exceeds supply in the market and it can be reasonably certain that a batch of products manufactured taking into account market conditions will be sold, the goal of maximum utilization of the equipment takes precedence. Moreover, the larger the manufactured batch, the lower the unit cost of the product will be. The task of implementation is not in the foreground.

The situation changes if supply exceeds demand. The task of selling the manufactured product in a competitive environment comes to the fore. Volatility and unpredictability market demand makes it inexpedient to create and maintain large stocks. At the same time, KIT no longer has the right to miss a single order. Hence the need for flexible production facilities that can quickly respond with production to emerging demand.

How does production adapt to changing demand?

Production under market conditions can only survive if it is able to quickly change the range and quantity of products produced. Until the 70s, the whole world solved this problem due to the availability of stocks in warehouses finished products. Today, like many other enterprises, KIT offers to adapt to changes in demand through the stock production capacity.

The stock of production capacity arises in the presence of qualitative and quantitative flexibility of production systems.

  • · Quality Flexibility provided by the presence of a universal service personnel and flexible manufacturing.
  • · Quantitative Flexibility can be provided in various ways.

What does the scheme of the production process of the KIT enterprise look like?

The figure shows the production and technological system of the KIT enterprise. The entire production process is divided into 5 main operations. In addition, an additional operation is provided, which is performed as necessary to eliminate the marriage. Materials and component parts necessary for the production of products are taken from the MTO warehouse in accordance with applications. Applications are formed in accordance with the needs of the production process for each working day. Finished goods handed over to the GP warehouse.


How are production sites organized?

In order to effectively ensure the production process labor resources operations are broken down by production area. Production area specializes in the performance of individual operations and is responsible for the performance of its production tasks and organization of work of personnel within the site. The figure shows a diagram of the division of the production process into sections.


3. Distribution logistics KIT

Distribution logistics covers the whole range of tasks for managing the material flow on the way from the manufacturer to the consumer, from the moment the implementation task is set and ending with the moment the delivered product leaves the supplier's attention. The composition of the tasks of distribution logistics is divided into two levels - internal distribution logistics and external distribution logistics.

What are the tasks of distribution logistics at the KIT enterprise?

In KIT at the enterprise level, logistics solves the following tasks:

  • organization of receiving and processing orders;
  • planning the implementation process;
  • selection of the type of packaging, making a decision on the configuration, as well as organizing the implementation of other operations immediately preceding shipment;
  • organization of shipment of products;
  • organization of delivery and control over transportation;
  • organization of post-sales service.

The tasks of distribution logistics at the external level in KIT include:

  • Choice of distribution channel architecture;
  • organization of work with participants in the distribution channel (resellers);
  • choice of strategy in the distribution of finished products;
  • Pricing strategy
  • Organization of events to promote the company's products on the market
  • · control over the state of the market for the products of the KIT enterprise and analysis of the position of the KIT products in the target segments;
  • · Work with clients and the organization of after-sales service.

The solution of all tasks of distribution logistics in the KIT enterprise is entrusted to the sales department of finished products (SGP).

What is the architecture of the KIT enterprise distribution channel?

The distribution channel through which goods enter final consumption can have a very different structure. From the very beginning, the distribution channel was not formed in the KIT enterprise. The production plan was based on contracts concluded with customers at the beginning of the planning period, and all sales were carried out directly “KIT enterprise - client”. And even when it became clear that the existing unused capacity of the enterprise could be used for the production of over-contractual products, direct marketing remained the main method of selling products. For the sale of over-contractual products, orders were opened from everyone who wanted to buy a small batch (from one or more) of computers at list prices. The task of selling by individual orders was entrusted to the SGP department.

Rice. Workflow scheme “enterprise-client” (one-time order)

The sales system used by the enterprise has only one distribution center - a warehouse for finished products.

Rice. eleven. Material flow distribution scheme

It should be noted that the warehouse network through which the material flow is distributed is an important element of the logistics system. The construction of this network has a significant impact on the costs that arise in the process of bringing goods to consumers, and through them on the final cost of the product being sold. Therefore, it is so important for each enterprise to competently build its warehouse network.

A system with one distribution center in this case has both positive and negative properties for the enterprise:

1. The enterprise does not need to create an extensive network of warehouses serving any territory, it does not need to create an extensive warehouse infrastructure, therefore it does not incur additional costs for maintaining additional warehouses;

2. The enterprise does not incur large transport costs, tk. under the existing distribution system, the enterprise does not maintain a significant fleet Vehicle due to the fact that it does not carry out independent transportation of its products;

3. The company has the opportunity to sell its products to wholesale buyers at a lower price, because. this price does not include transport costs. This low price can attract those wholesale buyers who have a wide network of distribution centers, a transport economy, and they, accordingly, have the opportunity to deliver goods to their wholesale bases at minimal cost.

1. In the conditions of the existing distribution system, the enterprise is quite dependent on its wholesale buyers. It can be seen that the vast majority of its products (98%) the company sells to only three intermediaries. Those. it can be concluded that Sovlit's sales structure is not sufficiently diversified, as a result of which this enterprise is highly susceptible to fluctuations in demand from the above wholesale buyers, and this, in turn, may adversely affect the future success of the sale of the enterprise's products. In this case, these wholesale buyers can certain situation to dictate to the enterprise its own conditions, seeking certain benefits for itself and taking advantage of the fact that the enterprise is quite dependent on them;

2. This distribution system, when the wholesale buyer is forced to independently export the company's products from its warehouse, leads to a limitation in the number of buyers willing to cooperate with Sovlit LLC. Indeed, not every intermediary has a desire to independently deliver the products of this enterprise purchased by him to his distribution center, thereby incurring all the costs associated with transporting the goods to the wholesale warehouse, its further storage and delivery to various retail outlets. That is precisely why Sovlit LLC has such a small number of resellers.

Determining the required number of warehouses in the served area

One of the main points of optimizing the distribution system is to determine the required number of warehouses. First of all, here it is necessary to take into account the number of consumers, their location, as well as the volume of the material flow they consume. The priority factor here, as in any optimization process, is the minimization of total costs.

If you make the number of warehouses small (1-2), then in this case the transport costs for delivery will be the highest (it is worth noting that these options are considered in the future, and not as an existing event). Variant with large quantity distribution centers implies the presence of 5-6 distribution centers, as close as possible to the places of concentration of consumers of the material flow. In this case, the transportation costs for the supply of goods will be minimal. However, the appearance of such a number of additional warehouses in the distribution system increases operating costs, the cost of delivering goods to warehouses, and managing the entire distribution system. It is possible that the additional costs in this case may significantly exceed the economic gain obtained from the reduction in the mileage of vehicles delivering goods to consumers.

Therefore, in our case, the preferred option is that the area is served by three additional warehouses. In total, four warehouses will operate in the distribution system (because the finished goods warehouse can still perform a distribution function).

Note that when the number of warehouses in the distribution system changes, part of the costs associated with the process of bringing the material flow to the consumer increases, and part decreases. The variables are the following costs:

1. transportation costs;

2. the cost of maintaining stocks;

3. costs associated with the operation of the warehouse;

4. costs associated with the management of the warehouse system.

1. Dependence of the value of transportation costs on the number of warehouses in the distribution system

The entire volume of transport work for the delivery of goods to consumers, respectively, and transport costs, are divided into two groups:

costs associated with the delivery of goods to the warehouses of the distribution system (let's call this category of transport work long-distance transportation);

· expenses for the delivery of goods from warehouses to consumers (short distance transportation).

With an increase in the number of warehouses in the distribution system, the cost of delivering goods to warehouses, that is, the cost of long-distance transportation, increases, as the number of trips increases, as well as the total mileage of transport. The nature of the dependence is not straightforward, since there are conditionally constant and conditionally variable components, as a result of which delivery costs grow more slowly than the distance. For example, if the distance increases from 20 to 60 kilometers (3 times), the delivery costs increase only 2 times.

Another part of transportation costs is the cost of delivering goods from warehouses to consumers, which decreases with an increase in the number of warehouses. This happens as a result of a sharp reduction in vehicle mileage.

As a rule, the total transportation costs decrease with the increase in the number of warehouses in the distribution system. However, this decrease is not as pronounced as the decrease in the cost of short-distance transportation, since the form of dependence is affected by an increase in the cost of delivering goods to warehouses (with an increase in the number of warehouses).

2. Dependence of the cost of maintaining stocks on the number of warehouses in the distribution system

With an increase in the number of warehouses, the service area of ​​each of them is reduced. The reduction of the service area entails a reduction in stocks in the warehouse. However, stock is typically depleted at a slower pace than the service area. There may be several reasons for this. For example, the need to maintain a safety stock. In the single warehouse model, the safety stock must be kept in one location. An increase in the warehouse network entails replication of the safety stock, that is, when creating several warehouses, it is necessary to create a safety stock in each of them. As a result, the total stock in all warehouses will increase (compared to the stock in a distribution system with one central warehouse).

3. Dependence of the costs associated with the operation of warehouse facilities on the number of warehouses in the distribution system

With an increase in the number of warehouses in the distribution system, the costs associated with the operation of one warehouse are reduced. However, the total costs of the distribution system for the maintenance of the entire warehouse are increasing. This happens due to the so-called economies of scale: with a decrease in the warehouse area, operating costs per one square meter. increase.

4. Dependence of the costs associated with the management of the distribution system on the number of warehouses included in it

There are also economies of scale here, and as the number of warehouses increases, the cost curve for control systems flattens out.

A prerequisite for the effective functioning of a distribution system with several warehouses is the computerization of management (in our case, this is another additional item for costs).

From all of the above, we can conclude that the creation of new warehouses requires huge capital investments. At the moment, Sovlit LLC cannot afford this, and the current state of affairs is absolutely satisfied with the management of the organization. Sovlit LLC has been operating in this mode for many years (with one distribution center) and receives a stable income.

Optimization of the location of distribution centers in the served territory

The amount of transport costs can vary significantly not only depending on the number of warehouses, but also depending on the location of these warehouses in the served territory.

The distribution center (warehouse for finished products) of Sovlit LLC is located in an inconvenient place, on the outskirts of the city, so the transport costs of intermediaries in this case are quite high.

Even if there is one warehouse in the distribution system, it is more rational to place it in the center of the served territory, and not on its outskirts.

The problem of locating distribution centers can be formulated as a search for an optimal solution, or as a search for a suboptimal (close to optimal) solution.

In this case, expanding distribution network it is most expedient for the enterprise not to build new warehouses, because this requires large financial investments, and to use existing warehouses with a well-established infrastructure, equipped with access roads, etc. That is, it would be more rational to either purchase warehouses, preferably in the city center, or rent them.

For a more accurate calculation of determining the location of the distribution warehouse in the service area, there is centrifugal method

primary goal - minimization of transport costs. It is required to determine the X and Y coordinates of the warehouse.

where, G - cargo turnover

X i, Yi - consumer i coordinates

Table 5 - Coordinates outlets enterprises LLC "Sovlit"

Shop number

X coordinate (km)

Y coordinate (km)

Freight turnover (pcs/month)



"Seventh Continent"

Xkm = 90 000*15 +93 000*17 + 86 000*18 + 50 000*18 +40 000*22 + 45 000*23 +49 000*28 + + 65 000*40 + 78 000*35 + 80 000*14/90 000 + 93 000 + 86 000 + 50 000 + 40 000 +45 000 + + 49 000 +65 000 +78 000 + 80 000 = 1 350 000 + 1 581 000 + 1 548 000 + 900 000 + 880 000 +1 035 000 + 1 372 000 +2 600 000 +2 730 000 +1 120 000/ 676 000 = 22

Ykm = 90 000*11 + 93 000*16 + 86 000*13 + 50 000*15 + 40 000*16 +45 000*35 + 49 000*34 +65 000*23 + 78 000*25 + 80 000*15/ 676 000 = 990 000 + 1 488 000 +1 118 000 + 750 000 +640 000 +1 575 000 +1 666 000 + 1 495 000 +1 950 000 +1 200 000/676 000 = 19

X warehouse = 22 - Warehouse

Warehouse Y = 19

Rice. 12. Determining warehouse coordinates

When choosing a site for a distribution center after the decision on the geographical location of the center has been made, the following factors also influence:

1. The size and configuration of the site. A large number of vehicles serving the input and output material flows require sufficient space for parking, maneuvering and driving. The lack of such areas will lead to congestion, loss of time for customers (and possibly customers themselves). It is necessary to take into account the requirements of the fire protection services: in case of a fire, free passage of fire equipment must be provided to the warehouses.

2. Transport accessibility of the area. A significant component of the operating costs of any distribution center is transportation costs. Therefore, when choosing a site, it is necessary to evaluate the roads leading to it, to get acquainted with the plans of the local administration to expand the road network. Preference should be given to sites located on the main (main) routes. In addition, it is necessary to study the equipment of the territory with other types of transport, including public transport, on which the availability of the distribution center significantly depends both for its own staff and for customers.

3. local government plans. When choosing a site, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the plans of the local administration for the use of adjacent territories and make sure that there are no factors that could subsequently have a deterrent effect on the development of the distribution center.

In addition to the above factors, when choosing a specific site for a distribution center, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the peculiarities of local legislation, analyze the costs of improving the territory, evaluate the buildings already on the site (if any), take into account the possibility of attracting local investments, familiarize yourself with the situation on the local labor market.

Conclusions and suggestions for optimizing the distribution system

Based on the results of the analysis of the distribution system carried out in the previous paragraphs, we can make a general conclusion that the existing system of distribution of products of Sovlit LLC does not meet many logistics requirements, does not maximize the profit of the enterprise, leads to an increase in transportation costs when delivering finished products from warehouse of the enterprise to the end consumer, etc.

Nevertheless, this structure has been used by the enterprise for more than seven years, and so far the management of the enterprise does not intend to introduce such significant changes. This is due to the fact that changing the existing system requires significant capital investments (creating a fleet of vehicles, renting or purchasing warehouses within the city), and in addition, a qualitatively different approach is required to organize the management of material and information flows. The company also needs to establish direct links with direct consumers of its products.

The principles that guide the management of the enterprise are clear. After all, this sales structure is the most "painless" for the enterprise in short term, because all transportation and storage costs in this case are minimal, and the company is relieved of the need to deal with retail its products.

But if we consider the long term, given the influence of positive and negative factors external environment, then it becomes clear that existing system it is necessary to change, optimize in accordance with the basic logistics principles.

Optimization of the existing distribution system can be carried out in several ways:

1. It is necessary to increase the number of distribution centers (wholesale warehouses);

2. It is optimal to place these warehouses in the served area;

3. Create a sufficient fleet of vehicles of the required carrying capacity and rationally organize its work on the delivery of the company's products from the place of production to the place of consumption;

4. It is necessary to establish direct relations with consumers of the company's products (both with individuals and with legal entities). Those. to diversify the sales structure as much as possible, which will provide the enterprise with a stable and uniform demand for its products and reduce the trading risk to a minimum;

5. At the same time, in no way should we lose the already established relationships with wholesale buyers, but offer them to continue to work on mutually beneficial terms, and in the new conditions they will have the opportunity to choose the most convenient distribution center for them in order to reduce their transportation costs. Of course, when buying goods directly near their distribution centers, intermediaries will already count on a higher price, in which the company will include its costs of delivering products to the place of consumption.

It should be noted that after optimizing the distribution system, these costs will be minimized, which, at the current retail price level for the company's products, will increase its profit.

Based on the problems identified in paragraph 2, we will determine ways to improve the efficiency of the enterprise's distribution logistics.

Baikal LLC needs to involve intermediaries when organizing its activities in international markets. As a result, despite the cost of remuneration of intermediaries, the following will be achieved:

  • · the involvement of intermediaries will increase the efficiency of the sale of goods, which will contribute to an increase in the company's profits due to the accelerated turnover of its capital;
  • · Intermediaries, being closer to the buyer, know the market better and respond more quickly to changes in its conjuncture; which will allow the sale of goods on more favorable terms for the exporter, freeing him from many worries associated with the sale of goods;
  • involvement of intermediaries will create an opportunity to increase the competitiveness of goods by reducing delivery times and intermediate warehouses, better warehousing and storage of goods, pre-sales service and Maintenance, special marking, additional equipment of products in the country of sale in accordance with local requirements;
  • Some intermediaries finance the exporter's transactions (on the basis of both short-term and medium-term loans), advance suppliers by investing equity in the creation and operation sales network, which will create important economic benefits from savings on investment in circulation;
  • Intermediaries provide exporters with the opportunity to relatively quickly enter new markets, easier access to buyers, which will enable the company to reduce or eliminate credit risks, save on accounting and office expenses, optimize marketing, advertising costs, etc.;
  • intermediaries, always being in closer contact with the end consumers of goods and services, are important constant sources of valuable primary information about the market - its capacity, trends in the formation and change of demand, its segmentation, the position of competitors, sales prospects, prices and opportunities for their change, modern requirements to the level of quality and competitiveness of the goods. Skillful use by the enterprise of such information will allow obtaining important competitive advantages, actively improve tactics and sales strategy, repeatedly paying back the costs of paying for the services of intermediaries;
  • · when working through intermediaries specializing in the mass sale of a certain range of goods, there will be an additional benefit by reducing distribution costs per unit of goods sold.

To improve distribution logistics, the enterprise needs to create a dealer and distribution network, primarily in the countries of Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, China, Angola, Chile. At the same time, enterprises involved in cooperation should not only sell special equipment, but also have service centers for pre-sale preparation of products, as well as for their warranty service. When looking for intermediaries, an enterprise should first of all use the Internet (especially in foreign countries).

To improve the planning of sales volume, in the implementation of both export and import operations; the author proposes to introduce the system of programs “1C Enterprise 8.0. Trade management".

The "Trade Management" configuration of the "1C Enterprise 8.0" software system is a circulation solution that allows you to automate the tasks of operational and management accounting, analysis and planning of trading operations, thereby ensuring effective management modern trading company. The key direction of development of the new solution is the implementation of powerful functionality designed to manage trading activities:

  • · Sales management.
  • · Supply chain management.
  • · Planning of sales and purchases.
  • · Inventory management.
  • · Order management.
  • · Managing relationships with clients.
  • · Analysis of the turnover of the enterprise.
  • · Price analysis and pricing policy management.
  • · Monitoring and analysis of the effectiveness of trading activities.

The sales management subsystem allows you to solve the problems of operational planning and control of sales, both in kind and in monetary terms. Includes blocks:

  • · Sales planning
  • · Customer order management

The subsystem contains tools for analyzing orders, designed to provide support in making management decisions when interacting with customers and help identify bottlenecks in the warehouse.

Planning is done as certain types, and by groups of goods; the configuration also allows you to select certain categories of buyers (by region, by type of activity, etc.) and create separate plans for each of these groups. Plans are drawn up with various time details (from a day to a year); thus, the configuration makes it possible to develop both strategic (quarterly, annual) and work plans for the same period.

Sales planning is provided both for the entire company as a whole and for divisions or groups of divisions. It gives the chance to heads and managers of divisions to make plans of sales in the directions. Departmental plans are consolidated into a consolidated sales plan for the organization.

When drawing up sales plans, the following indicators are predicted:

  • · volumes of sales in physical and sum terms;
  • cost of sale;
  • · trade markup.

Planned data on sales in physical terms can be entered both manually and automatically. For the latter option, information about sales of goods for the previous period, current stock balances and customer orders received for the planning period is used. This data can be used in various user-defined combinations. If for certain groups of goods it is necessary to apply separate principles for calculating planned indicators, it is possible to draw up a separate plan for each of them, which will subsequently be combined into one general plan.

For the final refinement of the plan, the possibility of a relative or absolute change in the data obtained as a result of calculations is provided, for example, to implement such a strategy as "Sales volume for the same period last year plus 5%".

To control the implementation of the developed plans, the configuration provides advanced tools for comparative analysis of information about plans and actual sales. For example, they solve the following tasks:

  • plan-fact analysis of sales for a certain period;
  • · comparative analysis sales for different periods, for example, for the current period and the same period last year;
  • · comparison of sales plans with the same detail for different periods of time, for example, monthly plans for December of the current and last year.
  • · comparison of plans with different details for the same period, for example, quarterly and monthly plans for the first half of the current year.

At the same time, data can be provided in the context of departments, grouped for comparison according to the distinctive features (properties) of the nomenclature and buyers. For example, you can compare the sales volumes of an item with given characteristics in a certain region over different time periods to identify seasonal fluctuations.

The customer order management subsystem allows you to implement the most effective customer order servicing strategy for the enterprise, for example, the strategy of minimizing the inventory balance required to service orders.


Introduction 3

1. Basic provisions of the theory of distribution logistics. 6

2. Tasks of distribution logistics 10

3. Logistics channels and distribution chains 12

4. Building a distribution system 16

Conclusion 22

List of references 24


AT modern conditions the market imposes rather harsh conditions on each subject of financial and economic activity, and problems in the Russian economy only exacerbate the already difficult situation of many Russian enterprises. In order to survive and function successfully in such conditions, it is no longer enough for an enterprise to simply produce products to the maximum extent possible, fulfilling its internal plans, it is also important to sell these products. In the face of fierce competition, only the enterprise that can offer the market quality products at a lower price than its competitors survives.

In this situation, it is not production for the sake of production that becomes relevant, but the satisfaction of consumer demand. Therefore, marketing becomes a key moment in the activity of the enterprise, and other areas of activity are subject to the goals of increasing the efficiency of the implementation of the functions of this subsystem. The important role of sales in enterprise management requires the search for new methods of improvement, one of which is the use of logistics methods in the performance of distribution functions.

For an industrial enterprise, the optimization of supply and marketing systems is more relevant than the production system, since they must be carried out in a changed situation of transition to market mechanisms of regulation and development of marketing methods. Activities in the field of supply and marketing are largely based on probabilistic models of changes in supply and demand, fluctuations in the price of goods, as well as the influence of other external and internal factors on the activities of the enterprise. Production is the most studied link with a fairly high degree of certainty of the ongoing processes.

Based on this, most enterprises have to pay the most attention to the sales subsystem, since new processes for enterprises prevail here that need constant improvement in a dynamic external and internal environment. Effective management of the distribution subsystem is one of the most important conditions for the survival and successful operation of the production system. This point of view is legitimate, since in order to ensure the effectiveness of the entire production activities in general, the need to be able to foresee the probable future state of the enterprise and the environment in which it exists, in time to prevent possible failures and disruptions in work, is the most important condition.

A lot of scientific works are devoted to the problems of managing flow processes at industrial enterprises. The fundamental principles of logistics and the principles of functioning of logistics systems are presented in the works of foreign scientists: R. Ballou, J. Cole, D. Eriksson and others.

Among domestic scientists, whose works are devoted to the management of resource flows, one can single out: A.U. Albekova, B.A. Anikina, A.M. Gadzhinsky, V.V. Ivanova, Yu.M. Nerusha, V.I. Sergeeva, V.V. Shcherbakova and others. Their works reflect the importance of developing resource management at industrial enterprises and propose specific measures for the application of management systems in the field of supply, production and marketing.

To date, the management personnel of enterprises are faced with the problem of insufficiently developed theoretical recommendations for optimizing the resource flow management system available to logistics managers. In practice, Russian enterprises do not use scientific developments in this area enough, since their small number and complexity of implementation require knowledge of the relevant sections of logistics, knowledge in the application of statistical methods of analysis, mathematical modeling, as well as attracting additional financial investments. The solution of these problems is an important prerequisite for further research on improving the management system at industrial enterprises, taking into account the development of managerial functions in the distribution sector.

Purpose and objectives of the study. The purpose of this study is to study the theoretical provisions and scientific and practical recommendations for the formation of an effective system for managing resource flows in the distribution activities of an enterprise.

In accordance with the goal, the following tasks were set and solved:

Identify and systematize the main provisions of the theory of distribution logistics, its tasks, principles,

Consider logistics channels and distribution chains, building a distribution system,

The object of the study is the resource flows of enterprises.

The subject of the study is the economic relations that arise in the process of managing resource flows, providing an increase in the efficiency of an industrial enterprise.

The theoretical and methodological basis of the dissertation research is a comprehensive systematic approach to management, the theory of economic development, the works of domestic and foreign scientists devoted to the problem of improving the organization of the distribution of industrial enterprises' products.

The study used general scientific methods of cognition: system-structural, abstract-theoretical, complex, comparative, statistical.

1. Basic provisions of the theory of distribution logistics.

In the conditions of the formation of a market economy in Russia, a new scientific direction has developed - logistics. In the modern economic dictionary, logistics is defined as the management of logistics and inventory. In logistics, distribution is understood as the physical, tangible, material content of this process.

Logistics studies and implements end-to-end management of material flows, therefore, it is necessary to solve various tasks of a distributive nature at all stages:

Orders are distributed between different suppliers when purchasing goods;

Cargoes are distributed to the places of storage upon receipt at the enterprise;

Material stocks are distributed between various production sites;

Distributed material flows in the process of sale 1 .

Logistics is defined as the science (activity) of the end-to-end management of material flows, which includes: 1) bringing the material flow to production; 2) management of the process of passing the flow within the production; 3) management of the process of bringing the finished product to the consumer. The specificity of logistics is to combine material flow management in these three areas, as well as within each of them. Distribution logistics studies the last stage not in isolation, but in a deep systemic relationship with the previous stages (Figure 1).

In the preparation of production, the distribution of initial resources in time and space occurs, i.e. it is necessary not only to distribute resources between production lines, but also to leave a part of the resources in stock, the calculation of the optimal size of which is a function

Figure 1 - The content of the main sections of concentration and distribution logistics 2

distribution logistics. After the stage of production logistics, the enterprise is faced with the distribution of finished products. Part of the products (according to paid orders) is sold immediately after release. The remaining products must be distributed among the warehouses for storing finished products, depending on the location of the main and potential (according to the results of marketing research) consumers. In addition, it is advisable to choose what is more profitable: storage of products in the warehouse of the enterprise or transportation to the warehouse of the consumer (intermediary). In order to distinguish between these concepts, we divide distribution logistics into marketing logistics, which ensures optimal sales of products, and distribution logistics, which deals with the distribution of resources and products within the enterprise (Table 1).

Table 1

Criteria for the division of distribution logistics 3




Resource allocation logistics

Finished Goods Inventory Management


Sales of finished products to the consumer

Distribution of resources within the enterprise

Finished goods warehouse management

material flow

Sale (shipment) of products to consumers

Movement of materials and semi-finished products from warehouse to production

The movement of products from production to the warehouse of finished products


External cash or non-cash cash flows

Internal conditional flow in value terms

Internal conditional flow in physical and value terms


Financial accounting and reporting

Management accounting and reporting

With this approach, the functional structure of distribution logistics includes the logistics of distribution of production resources, stock management of finished products and, directly, sales logistics (Fig. 2).

Based on the conditions described above for dividing distribution logistics into areas, we can distinguish three main elements that require control actions:

1) management of warehouses of resources and finished products;

2) management of internal and external transport;

3) management of the product distribution channel.

Resource flows circulate as internal environment enterprise, and between the enterprise and the external environment. External resource flows arise when: purchasing resources from suppliers; sales of finished products; settlements with financial and credit authorities and the state. External resource flows correspond to a certain cash flow in cash or non-cash form. The effectiveness of external financial flows can be determined using financial accounting and reporting on the results of the enterprise.

Fig.2. Logistics Functional Structure Diagram 4

Internal resource flows arise in the process of converting raw materials into finished products. These flows correspond to some conditional cash flow, which is reflected in the enterprise's workflow in value terms. Consequently, internal financial flows are reflected in the management accounting of the enterprise.

The traditional concept of logistics involves a consistent transition from one to another functional area (purchasing  production  distribution) of logistics. If we consider the term "distribution" not only as the sale of products, but also as an intra-company distribution of production resources and finished products, then the functional structure of logistics can provide a closer interaction of logistics subsystems 5 .

2. Tasks of distribution logistics

Taking into account the specifics of the enterprise and the goals set, the tasks are solved at the enterprise and macro levels.

At the enterprise level, logistics solves the following tasks:

    planning the implementation process;

    organizing the receipt and processing of orders;

    organizing a network of warehouses;

    the choice of the type of packaging, the decision to complete, as well as the organization of other operations immediately preceding shipment;

    organization of shipment of products;

    organization of delivery and control of transportation;

    organization of post-sales service.

    At the macro level, the tasks of distribution logistics include:

    choice of material flow distribution scheme;

    determination of the optimal number of distribution centers (warehouses) in the service area;

    determination of the optimal location of the distribution center (warehouse) in the service area.

To solve the problems of optimizing distribution, it is necessary to ensure control over all links in the system of cargo movement.

The main indicator of the success of the company is the profit. The main activities to increase profits are activities related to:

    creation of a unified transport and storage system (fast delivery to the consumer);

    economic unification of production and marketing;

    development of optimal warehousing and replenishment schemes.

When solving a certain problem, an enterprise may face a problem associated with a decrease in income, which arose due to not taking into account all the factors affecting the company's income. To run a successful business, a business must next questions: to what extent the costs associated with a reduction in the time of goods distribution are offset by an increase in revenue from an increased sales volume; whether the enterprise can afford a decrease in the level of customer service while increasing the volume of deliveries; how expedient it is to store the goods at the place of production or directly on the sales market.

When choosing the optimal distribution scheme, the entrepreneur must take into account the entire chain of passage to the final consumer. That is, it must take into account the minimum delivery time, the maximum level of service, the maximum level of profit, minimum costs.

Distribution logistics covers the entire range of tasks for managing the material flow in the supplier-consumer section, from the moment the implementation task is set to the moment the delivered product leaves the supplier's attention. At the same time, the main specific weight is occupied by the tasks of managing material flows, which are solved in the process of promoting finished products to the consumer.

The solution of emerging problems of distribution logistics at each level is different 6 .

3. Logistics channels and distribution chains

The movement of material flows can be viewed as movement that comes from various sources - a source of raw materials, production or a distribution center. In all cases, the ultimate goal of the movement of material flow is to flow directly to the consumer, which may be production or non-production.

Production consumption- this is the current use of the social product for production needs as means of labor and objects of labor.

Non-productive consumption- this is the current use of the social product for personal consumption and consumption of the population in institutions and enterprises of the non-productive sphere.

At all stages of the movement of the material flow within logistics, its production consumption takes place. Only at the final stage, which completes the logistics chain, does the material flow fall into the sphere of non-productive consumption.

The supplier and consumer of the material flow in the general case are two micrologistics systems connected by the so-called logistics channel, or in other words, the distribution channel.

Logistic channel - this is a partially ordered set of different intermediaries that bring the material flow from a particular producer to its consumers.

The set is partially ordered until the choice of specific participants in the process of moving the material flow from the supplier to the consumer is made. After that, the logistics channel is converted to logistics chain.

Making a fundamental decision to sell products through an agency firm and, thus, refusing to work directly with the consumer, is the choice of a distribution channel. The choice of a specific agency firm, a specific carrier, a specific insurer, and so on is the choice of a logistics chain.

Logistics chain - this is a linearly ordered set of participants in the logistics process, carrying out logistics operations to bring the external material flow from one logistics system to another 7 .

At the level of macrologistics, logistics channels and supply chains are links between macro subsystems. logistics systems. Depending on the type of macrologistic system, distribution channels have a different structure. In logistics systems with direct links, distribution channels do not contain any wholesaler-intermediary firms. In flexible and layered systems, such intermediaries exist.

At the stage of distribution logistics, such operations as sorting, packaging, formation of consignments, storage, picking are carried out. The complex of these operations constitutes the process of production in the sphere of circulation.

The supplier and consumer are connected by a distribution channel. After specific participants in the process of promoting products from the supplier to the consumer are selected from the many different intermediaries, the distribution channel can be called the distribution chain.

For example, making a fundamental decision to sell products through an agency firm and, thus, refusing to work directly with the consumer, is the choice of a distribution channel. The choice of a specific agency firm, a specific carrier, a specific insurer, etc. is the choice of distribution chain.

Distribution channels have a different structure. In a logistics system with direct links, distribution channels do not contain any wholesale and intermediary firms. In flexible and layered systems, such channels are available.

The possibility of choosing a logistics distribution channel (Fig. 4) is a significant reserve for improving the efficiency of logistics processes.

Rice. 4. Options. eight

When choosing a distribution channel, there is a choice of the form of goods movement - transit or warehouse. Choosing an efficient distribution chain - choosing a specific distributor, carrier, insurer, freight forwarder, banker, etc. In this case, various methods of expert assessments, methods of operations research, etc. can be used.

Consider the distribution channels through which from the final production through a system of distribution centers they get to the final consumption. Manufacturing can choose different distribution channels (Figure 5).

Rice. 5 9 .Transit flow

The goods can go directly to the final consumer. The initial cost of the goods, in this case, will be the smallest, because. intermediaries will be excluded from the chain and the cost of goods will increase only for the costs of delivery of goods.

The distribution channel through the distribution center at the place of production is unacceptable for reasons that are caused by the purchase of goods in large quantities, which does not allow intermediaries to form a wide range.

A wide assortment is formed by a wholesaler specializing in this direction and located in a place where consumption is concentrated. This intermediary specializes in providing maximum service to the end consumer. The distribution channel through two wholesalers (at the place of production and at the place of consumption) will provide the greatest service to the consumer, but at the same time the cost of goods will be the highest.

The most profitable distribution (for the consumer) directly through the distribution center at the point of consumption.

4. Building a distribution system

When building a logistics distribution system, the following sequence of choosing the optimal distribution option is used:

    Studying market conditions and determining the strategic goals of the distribution system.

    Determination of the predicted value of the material flow passing through the distribution system.

    Making a forecast of the required amount of reserves for the system as a whole and for individual sections of the material-carrying chain.

    Studying the transport network of the service region, drawing up a diagram of material flows within the distribution system.

    Exploring different options for the movement of the distribution system.

    Evaluation of logistics costs for each of the options.

    Implementation of one of the developed options selected for implementation.

In order to choose one of the many options, it is necessary to establish a selection criterion, and then evaluate each of the options according to this criterion. Such a criterion, as a rule, is the criterion of minimum reduced costs, i.e. costs reduced to a single annual measurement.

The value of the reduced costs is determined by the following formula:


Zp - reduced costs for the option;

Ce - ready operating costs;

St - annual transport costs;

K - total capital investments in the construction of distribution centers, given by the time factor - by the discount rate;

T is the payback period for option 10 .

For implementation, the variant of the distribution system is adopted that provides the minimum value of the reduced (annual) costs.

A necessary condition for the possibility of choosing a distribution channel, as well as optimizing the entire logistics process, is the presence on the market of a large number of intermediaries.

The use of intermediary services for many enterprises is a necessary condition for the successful promotion of goods. It is necessary for each enterprise to solve the problem, which is more profitable in this case: to use the services of intermediaries or to go to the consumer on their own. That is, it is necessary to take into account all the pros and cons of a particular distribution system.

The services of an intermediary are in demand if their cost is lower than their own costs for the performance of any work. In a formal form, this ratio can be represented as follows:

P - the amount of payment for the services of an intermediary;

C - the amount of the company's costs (warehouse costs, self-organization of distribution and order placement).

The economic effect of using the services of an intermediary can also be determined by the difference between own costs and the cost of intermediary services:

Optimization of the distribution channel, and then the distribution chain, is possible only if there are a large number of enterprises on the product market that perform the function of an intermediary.

When considering the concept of strategic cost management, there are three basic elements:

Value chains.

strategic positioning.

Cost factors.

At the stage of considering the value chain, it is necessary to identify the main areas of distribution. The process of organizing management accounting focuses on the processes occurring within the enterprise: procurement, administrative costs, material movement. The key point in the current mechanism is to maximize income by maximizing the difference between purchases and sales. An integrated logistics approach using value chains is aimed at all participants in value chains. From a strategic point of view of the distribution chain and the corresponding cost accounting, five areas of interaction efficiency can be distinguished:

Communication with suppliers.

Communication with consumers.

The unity of technological links within one unit.

Communication between departments within the enterprise.

Links between enterprises operating in a single logistics network.

The second basic element of the logistics system is strategic positioning. The role of analysis and direction of cost management will depend on which path the enterprise chooses. It can be cost leadership or product differentiation. As a rule, this problem is deeply and comprehensively considered within the framework of strategic management. We only note that the chosen strategy will significantly affect the formation of a system for accounting for logistics costs and the configuration of the information system.

When considering the third element of the cost factor, it is necessary to divide it into strategic structural and functional factors.

Strategic Structural Factors:

    scale of distribution: the volume of investments in various functional areas of the logistics system;

    range: vertical and horizontal integration;

    technologies used at each stage of the cost chain;

    complexity: the breadth of the product range.

Functional factors:

    continuous improvement of processes and workforce;

    integrated quality management (TQM);

    effective planning of the enterprise;

    the effectiveness of the project or calculation;

    using relationships with suppliers or customers from a cost chain perspective

The activation of each of these factors or their groups can have the most significant impact on the magnitude and dynamics of costs.

A special and priority role belongs to one of the noted functional factors - quality.

Quality, as the most important element of strategic cost management, should be considered as a cross-cutting function that covers not only the logistics of the enterprise, but the entire value chain from supplier to consumer 11 .

3. Practical recommendations for improving the efficiency of the enterprise distribution system

Establishing an effective sales system is necessary even if the company is stable. Recently, the influence of the external environment on the product marketing system has been increasing, therefore, in order to increase the efficiency of the commercial activities of enterprises, their main resource flows in the field of distribution should be considered and the following recommendations should be implemented:

Increasing attention to sales forecasting, maintaining close interaction with suppliers and consumers will reduce the number of technological changes in production and accelerate the movement of material flow.

Following the crisis trend of reducing staff and levels of management, it is necessary to take into account the change in sales technologies and optimally distribute sales functions between the sales department and intermediaries.

When building an effective management structure, a description of the main resource flows will increase the reliability and accuracy of management tasks, and increase the consistency of organizational structures.

Increasing requirements for product quality in a highly competitive environment requires the production of high quality products. Under these conditions, it is necessary to reduce the number of suppliers, which is due to high requirements for the quality of raw materials and materials.

It is necessary to introduce new progressive management methods, one of which is the development of JIT technologies, i.e. "just in time" delivery. This type of technology has a multi-purpose nature, where the main thing is to reduce the cost of inventory.

Improving the methods of managing stocks of raw materials and determining the volume of the ordered batch will reduce storage costs, reduce the volume of raw materials that do not meet the current production needs. To select the most efficient method of warehouse operation, it is necessary to consider and calculate many options, which is recommended to be done using simulation.

It is necessary to develop information technologies for the use of mathematical modeling in management, as well as for automation of enterprise divisions. This creates a need for staff training and the involvement of IT specialists.

It is necessary to change the negative attitude of the consumer towards intermediaries. The use of intermediaries in the sale of instrumental products is beneficial for all channel participants. The end user often views the chain of intermediaries as a source of additional costs. Therefore, to enter new markets, the company needs a competent network of dealers and distributors.

It is necessary to carry out a number of formal procedures, such as: development of internal standards for marketing activities and their documentary consolidation; development of a set of organizational and regulatory documents regulating the marketing activities of the enterprise in market conditions; development of formal procedures for controlling the sale of finished products to comply with the system internal control regulation requirement for effective sales management.


Distribution logistics - ensuring the rationalization of the process of physical promotion of products to the consumer and the formation of an effective logistics service system.

Distribution logistics refers to the physical, tangible, material content of this process. The main direction in distribution logistics is the rationalization of the process of physical distribution of the available stock of materials.

Distribution logistics is responsible for optimizing the process of distributing existing stocks of finished products to the consumer in accordance with his interests and requirements.

The most important functions of distribution logistics: planning, organization and management of transport and moving processes in the logistics system in the post-production period; inventory management; receiving orders for the supply of products and its efficient processing; picking, packing and performing a number of other logistics operations to prepare commodity flows for generation; organization of rational shipment; delivery management and control over the implementation of transport and moving operations in logistics chains; planning, organization and management of logistics services.

Distribution activities at the enterprise require significant costs (expenses) for their implementation. The main part of logistics costs is associated with the implementation of key logistics operations: warehousing, processing, transportation, forwarding, preparing products for production consumption, collecting, storing, processing and issuing information about orders, stocks, deliveries, etc.

Logistics costs in terms of their economic content partially coincide with the costs arising in the production process, but to a greater extent are associated with transport and storage costs, packaging and container costs, as well as costs associated with the importation of goods and their dispatch to consumers, and other components of distribution costs. .

As a rule, the total logistics costs at the local level are determined (and planned) based on the amount of sales, in terms of value per unit mass of finished products intended for sale, or as a percentage of the cost of net products.

The fundamental difference between distribution logistics and traditional methods of marketing and sales is as follows: subordination of the process of managing material and information flows to the goals and objectives of marketing; systemic relationship of the distribution process with the processes of production and procurement (in terms of material flow management); system interconnection of all functions within the distribution itself.

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