1 digital photograph scott kelby txt. Ready Recipes (Scott Kelby)

This is not a book about the theory of photography, full of terms and abstruse...

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Here is the best-selling book on digital photography in history. It became a worldwide hit, received many awards and has been translated into dozens of languages ​​because it is the only book that actually tells you how to take pictures. professional quality using the techniques of today's leading photographers (it's easier than you think).
Here is how Scott Kelby describes the idea of ​​the book.
“Imagine that you and I went to the shooting and you ask: “Scott, how to photograph a flower so that it turns out to be sharp in the photo and the background is blurry?” In response, I will not give you a long lecture, but simply tell you: “Take zoom lens, set aperture to f/2.8, focus on a flower, and take the picture." This is my approach. We take pictures, I answer questions, give advice and share the secrets I know, as if I were talking to a friend - without complicated explanations and technical jargon."
This is not a book about the theory of photography, full of terms and abstruse reasoning. It explains in a simple way which buttons to press, which settings to use, and how to take the right photo. Having studied almost 200 professional techniques, you will learn how to get more spectacular, sharp and expressive photos that captivate the viewer's imagination.
Each page describes a technique that will help improve the quality of your photos.
As you leaf through the book, you'll learn about new equipment, new settings needed for shooting, or special secrets known to the pros. If you are tired of taking mediocre pictures and you look at illustrations in glossy magazines, asking yourself: "Why can't I do this?" You have found the right book!
Scott Kelby is the world's most popular author of books on digital photography, publisher of Light It magazine (dedicated to studio photography and external flashes) and Photoshop User, President of the National Association of Photoshop Professionals (NAPP). He lectures and conducts seminars on digital photography, Lightroom and Photoshop programs around the world. Author of over fifty books, including such bestsellers as Adobe Photoshop CS6: A guide to digital photography, Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5: A guide to digital photography, and Portrait retouching with Photoshop for photographers.
2nd edition.


Scott Kelby- the world's most popular author of books on digital photography, publisher of Photoshop User magazine, president of the National Association of Photoshop Professionals (NAPP).
In these books, the author decided to talk about the most important thing: how to get professional-quality pictures using the techniques of the best masters of our time. These are not photography theory books filled with technical jargon and jargon. Here, in a simple way, it is told about when to shoot, which buttons to press and what settings to use. You will learn how to get sharper, more expressive and effective photographs that amaze the viewer's imagination.

Digital photography. Volume 1
This is not a photography theory book chock-full of terms and technical jargon. Here, in a simple way, it tells you which buttons to press, what settings to use and when to shoot.

Digital photography. Volume 2
In his new book, the author again gives practical and simple advice on how to make your photos, like two drops of water, look like pictures of professional photographers!

Digital photography. Volume 3
Scott Kelby, author of the sensational bestseller Digital Photography, is back with a brand new book that builds on the previous two volumes. Clear and understandable explanations, an easy style of presentation without unnecessary technical jargon - this is why Scott's works are so loved by millions of readers. Each page describes some method that will help improve the quality of your photos. As you leaf through the book, you'll learn about new equipment, new settings needed for shooting, or new techniques known to the pros. If you are tired of taking mediocre photos and you look at illustrations in glossy magazines, asking yourself: "Why do my pictures not turn out like this?" You have found the right book.

Digital photography. Volume 4
A book about studio, travel, sports, HDR and video shooting - just a little bit, collected from torn off pieces, for more or less complete information about these genres.

Digital photography. Volume 5 Ready recipes
In the previous volumes of the series, the most popular chapter of the book has always been the last one, which was called "Masterpiece Ready Recipes". In the final chapter of the volume, the author showed an interesting photograph and explained how it was obtained. Finally, what everyone has been waiting for so long has happened: the author has written a whole book of ready-made photo recipes. Only now Scott Kelby has taken it a step further by adding a location photo page to each recipe to help you understand the conditions in which the final shot was taken.

Name: Scott Kelby. Digital photography 5 books
The year of publishing: 2011-2015
Scott Kelby
Publisher: Williams
Genre: Non-fiction, Photography, Digital Photography
Number of pages: many
Format: PDF
Language: Russian
Size: 265.2 MB

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Scott Kelby (Scott Kelby, July 6, 1960, Lakeland, Florida, USA) is a leading professional in the field of color grading and photo processing, author of numerous books and articles.

Scott is editor and publisher of Photoshop User and Layers magazines, president and co-founder of the National Association of Photoshop Professionals, and president of KW Media Group.

Since 2004, Scott Kelby has been the best-selling author in the computer literature industry, in all its fields. His books have been translated into many languages, including Chinese, Russian, Korean, Taiwanese, French, German, Italian, Swedish, Turkish, Portuguese, and more. He is also the recipient of the prestigious Benjamin Franklin Award. Scott is the Learning Director for Adobe Photoshop Workshops and Technical Editor for the Photoshop World Conference and Expo.

He has recorded a series of DVD lessons, and his lessons have been taught since 1993. In 2007, Kelby created a website where he decided to combine all his lessons in a single resource Photoshop User TV.

In late 2005, Scott created a highly rated video podcast and named it after Photoshop User TV magazine. A 30-45 minute show called "Photoshop TV". The show features Scott Kelby and his friends and colleagues at NAPP sharing news and lessons in a casual and humorous way. In addition to Kelby, the success of the show was attended by: Dave Cross, Matt Kloskowski. Scott, Dave and Matt often refer to themselves as the Photoshop Guys.

In 2007, Corey Barker, producer of Photoshop Planet, and Raphael Conception created a similar video podcast. It's called Layers TV and, in addition to Photoshop, it also covers other Adobe products. Photoshop User TV is recognized as the highest rated podcast on iTunes.

Books (13)

Adobe Photoshop CC. Book for digital photographers

In this updated edition of the book, which has won numerous prestigious awards and has been recognized by professionals around the world, Scott Kelby strips away everything superfluous and focuses on practical techniques, talking only about what and how to do it. It does not delve into the theory and does not give vague descriptions, after which the reader must independently guess which settings and in which cases to choose.

Instead, the author describes in detail the most modern methods processing digital imaging used by professional photographers. He lists the exact values ​​of the parameters, explaining when and why they should be used. It is not for nothing that previous editions of the book have been widely used as teaching aids in digital photography courses around the world.

Adobe Photoshop CS6. Handbook of digital photography

In this updated edition of the book, which has won numerous prestigious awards and has been recognized by professionals around the world, Scott Kelby strips away everything superfluous and focuses on practical techniques, talking only about what and how to do it.

It does not delve into the theory and does not give vague descriptions, after which the reader must independently guess which settings and in which cases to choose. Instead, the author details the most advanced digital image processing techniques used by professional photographers. He lists the exact values ​​of the parameters, explaining when and why they should be used. It is not for nothing that previous editions of the book have been widely used as teaching aids in digital photography courses around the world.

Scott Kelby teaches Photoshop to thousands every year professional photographers and almost all of them ask the same questions, face the same problems, face the same difficulties. All of these questions are addressed in the book.

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5. A Book for Digital Photographers

"Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5. A book for digital photographers" is an amateur translation, wonderfully done by Alexander Lutsevich, of Scott Kelby's book "The Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5 book for digital photographers", dedicated to working in the next version of Adobe Photoshop Lightroom.

Kelby does not delve into the theory, does not give vague descriptions. He describes in detail the famous photographers, the state-of-the-art digital imaging techniques, while giving the exact values ​​of the desired parameters and explaining why and where to use them.

Photoshop for Lightroom users

Lightroom is a great application for organizing and editing photos. But after working with it for a while, you eventually feel like you've reached the limit of its capabilities, when the required operations on images can no longer be performed in Lightroom. We're talking about retouching portraits, composing multiple images, stitching panoramic views, shaping true-to-life HDR images, applying elegant captions to images, and much more, all you need to know and be able to work in Photoshop.

Unlike Lightroom, Photoshop is much more difficult to master. After all, this is a rather complex image editor. professional level, with more than seventy tools, more than two dozen floating panels, many filters. Indeed, mastering Photoshop is not easy, but there is a secret weapon for this: the knowledge and experience of Scott Kelby, author of the world's most popular book on Lightroom, editor and publisher of Photoshop User magazine. This quick reference guide explains the basics with clearly illustrated examples. functionality Photoshop, which is often missing from Lightroom users.

Photoshop: Expert Tips

This is a very unusual book about Photoshop. In it you will not find a description of the interface of the program, presentation of theoretical information, providing long step-by-step instructions.

The authors of the book set themselves completely different goals - to offer the reader the most best advice and Photoshop tricks that pros use all the time. Once you learn them, you'll be much more efficient, whether you're doing image retouching, Web graphics, or prepress.

The book is intended for readers with different levels of experience.

Lighting, shooting, retouching. Step by Step Guide to Studio Shooting

In the book, Scott described the entire process of studio shooting from start to finish.

Here you will find detailed information about the technique of creating studio photographs, from lighting (including all equipment used) and shooting (including camera settings and photo shoot contact lists) to the most important stage that is not covered in most studio photography books - post-processing and retouching images in Photoshop.

The book takes an innovative approach to describing lighting schemes. There are no sketches or 3D models here. Instead, it is proposed to study lighting schemes from full-page photographs that were taken from the top point directly during the shooting. As a result, readers will be able to visually see where the model and photographer are in relation to the light sources and background. In addition, shots taken from behind the back of the photographer and from other points have been added, which allows you to see the set from all sides.

Portrait retouching with Photoshop for photographers

As a professional photographer, Scott Kelby understands that a photographer makes a living shooting, not retouching.

However, today's clients are very demanding and want fully retouched photos. So Scott decided to put together in one book the easiest, fastest and most effective portrait retouching techniques that will save you hours of painful and tedious editing at your computer.

The book covers step-by-step techniques for correcting, enhancing and finalizing portrait photographs in Photoshop. With the techniques described here, you will learn how to create portraits that your clients will be delighted with.

Digital photography. Volume 1

The book was a worldwide hit, won multiple awards and has been translated into dozens of languages ​​because it's the only book that actually teaches you how to take professional-quality pictures using the techniques of today's leading photographers (it's easier than you think).

This is not a book about the theory of photography, full of terms and abstruse reasoning. It explains in a simple way which buttons to press, which settings to use, and how to take the right photo. By learning nearly 200 professional techniques, you'll learn how to get better, sharper, more expressive photos that capture the viewer's imagination.

Best-selling book "Digital Photography" by Scott Kelby. Scott Kelby is the publisher and co-founder of Photoshop User magazine, and editor-in-chief of Layers magazine, dedicated to working with software products by Adobe. Scott is president of the National Association of Photoshop Professionals and the Kelbi Media Group, a publishing and software education company.

The book is written in easy, reader-friendly language. After reading it, you will learn how to photograph sports and events, learn how to photograph landscapes, get acquainted with the secrets of photographing people.

Fragment from the book "Digital photography. Volume 1"

"The idea of ​​the book is simple: imagine that you and I went to shoot. Naturally, during the shooting process, you will have many questions, and I will definitely answer them. But I will answer clearly and concisely, without going into technical details and the theory of digital For example, if you ask, “Hey Scott, how do I take a picture of that flower so that it is clear in the photo and the background is blurry?” In response, I will not lecture on the topic of choosing large and small apertures, about how exposure depends on the combination of aperture and shutter speed, and many other nuances that can be found in any book on digital photography.

In real life, I'll turn around and say, "Use a zoom lens, set your aperture to f/2.8, focus on the flower, and take the picture." That's what this book is about. Everything looks like you and I are on a real shoot and I give you advice that I have received over the years from professional photographers of the highest level. Only my advice is formulated in a simple and understandable language."

Best-selling book "Digital Photography" by Scott Kelby. Scott Kelby is the publisher and co-founder of Photoshop User magazine and editor-in-chief of Layers magazine, dedicated to working with Adobe software products. Scott is president of the National Association of Photoshop Professionals and the Kelbi Media Group, a publishing and software education company.

The book is written in easy, reader-friendly language. After reading it, you will learn how to photograph sports and events, learn how to photograph landscapes, get acquainted with the secrets of photographing people.

Fragment from the book "Digital photography. Volume 1"

"The idea of ​​the book is simple: imagine that you and I went to shoot. Naturally, during the shooting process, you will have many questions, and I will definitely answer them. But I will answer clearly and concisely, without going into technical details and the theory of digital For example, if you ask, “Hey Scott, how do I take a picture of that flower so that it is clear in the photo and the background is blurry?” In response, I will not lecture on the topic of choosing large and small apertures, about how exposure depends on the combination of aperture and shutter speed, and many other nuances that can be found in any book on digital photography.

In real life, I'll turn around and say, "Use a zoom lens, set your aperture to f/2.8, focus on the flower, and take the picture." That's what this book is about. Everything looks like you and I are on a real shoot and I give you advice that I have received over the years from professional photographers of the highest level. Only my advice is formulated in a simple and understandable language."