Minimum equipment for kindergarten at home. Own business: private kindergarten - business plan from A to Z

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* Calculations use average data for Russia

1.Project summary

The goal of the project is to open a private kindergarten at home to meet the demand of the population of the Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg for services preschool institutions. The kindergarten will be a mini-format facility located in a 120 sq. meters. The mini-garden will work in short and full day modes. The pupils of the garden will be children from 3 to 7 years old, living in the Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg.

The project to open a kindergarten is socially significant. According to the district administration, there is an urgent need for these services due to the lack of places in the existing municipal gardens. As of April 2016, the district needs at least 19 new kindergartens. The opening of a private garden will allow parents to find a way out of this situation and use services within their area for an affordable fee.

Investments in the opening of a kindergarten, taking into account the creation of all the conditions necessary according to the new SanPiN, will amount to 648.1 thousand rubles. For the start will be used their own cash. The payback period of the project is 14 months. The stage of preparation for the opening of the garden will take 3 months.

2. Description of the industry and company

The tense situation with queues in kindergartens has affected many Russian families. As a result of the demographic gap of the 1990s, the need for kindergarten services has significantly decreased, as a result of which many of them, having lost pupils, have closed. If in 2010 there were about 45 thousand kindergartens in Russia, then twenty years ago their number was 76 thousand. In the 2013-2014 academic year, there were 43.1 thousand preschool educational institutions in the country. In September 2015, more than 183,000 children aged 3 to 7 and 270,000 children under 3 could not go to kindergartens due to lack of places.

Increased attention to this problem began to be paid after the so-called May presidential decrees of 2012, when the government was given the task of completely eliminating queues in kindergartens for children from 3 to 7 years old by 2016. In addition to the construction of municipal preschool institutions started in the regions, the authorities created simplified conditions for opening private kindergartens for business. In particular, individual entrepreneurs received the right to conduct educational activities, and from January 1, 2014, private kindergartens could count on material support from regional sources. A new SanPiN also came into force, simplifying the organization of a private kindergarten at home within the framework of the legislation of the Russian Federation. Now for this it is not necessary to rent a room that meets certain requirements - it is enough to re-equip private house or an apartment. According to Rospotrebnadzor, in Russia today there are 2,174 private kindergartens attended by 140,000 children. At the same time, the number of commercial institutions is growing. The highest rates are recorded in Moscow - 6.7% per year, in the regions this figure is lower and amounts to 3%. However, the level of demand for kindergarten services still exceeds supply. In large cities, there are up to 108 children per 100 places in preschool educational institutions. Since the need for public services is not fully satisfied, the creation of private kindergartens remains a promising and socially significant business area.

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The goal of our project will be to open a private kindergarten at home to meet the demand of the population of the Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg for the services of preschool institutions. The kindergarten will be a mini-format facility housed in a 120 sq. m. The mini-garden will work in modes of reduced and full days (up to 11.5 hours). The pupils of the garden will be children from 3 to 7 years old, living in the Krasnoselsky district of the city. The capacity of the kindergarten will be up to 20 people.

The project to open a kindergarten is socially significant. According to the administration of the Krasnoselsky district, there is an urgent need for the services of preschool institutions in the district due to the lack of places in the existing municipal kindergartens. Opening a private garden will allow parents to find a way out of this situation and use services within their area for an affordable fee. The kindergarten will provide services within the framework of legal framework, and its activities will be aimed at stable work and further obtaining a license to conduct educational activities. The kindergarten will be equipped with a playroom, a sleeping room, a kitchen, and a place for eating. Children will be provided with a daily routine, including time for games and creative activities, walks, rest, and meals.

The staff of the private kindergarten will include 3 employees. The main organizational responsibilities will be assigned to the project owner, who will act as educator. As an organizational and legal form of activity in our case, a more acceptable option is individual entrepreneurship (IP). USN 15% was chosen as a form of taxation.

3.Description of services

The kindergarten will provide pre-school educational services for children from 3 to 7 years old. Due to the small format, the work of the institution will be based on the principle of mini-groups. The service fee will be charged monthly. Prices for kindergarten services at home are presented in Table. 1. In the process of developing a kindergarten, it is possible to expand the range of services with paid developmental classes on weekends (psychologist, speech therapist, courses in English for preschoolers, etc.). Due to the abundance of large families, military families and beneficiaries in the area, the prices for services are planned to be made as affordable as possible compared to competitors.

Table 1. List of services

To provide the above services, you will need an educational license and permission from Rospotrebnadzor. To work within the legal framework, all the requirements prescribed in the Resolution of the Main State sanitary doctor RF dated December 19, 2013 N 68 "On approval of SanPin "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for preschool groups located in residential premises of the housing stock"". In particular, the following measures will be taken:

1) temperature regime (21-24°C) and humidity (40-60%) with regular ventilation in accordance with the norms;

2) daily wet cleaning;

3) change of bed linen at least once a week;

4) organization of walks for at least 3-4 hours a day;

5) catering in accordance with age norms;

6) compliance of furniture with the age of children;

7) lack of aquariums, cages with animals, birds and other animals in the kindergarten;

8)Regular passing medical examination personnel;

9) compliance of the area of ​​the playroom with the standards (at least 2 square meters for each child);

10) the obligatory organization of daytime sleep for long-stay groups.

11) the presence of personal bed linen.

12) the use of toys made of materials that are harmless to health and allow wet processing and disinfection.

4.Sales and marketing

Today, the Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg is experiencing an acute shortage of places in preschool institutions. According to the local administration, about 300 people get up every month to provide places in kindergartens. About 2,000 more are waiting in line to be transferred from one kindergarten to another. Despite the efforts of the authorities, the opening of temporary stay groups and new kindergartens, the situation cannot be normalized. According to the estimates of the district administration, 19 new kindergartens need to be opened to fully meet the demand of the district residents. For residents of an area whose population has increased by 20% over the past 7 years due to abundant development, this problem is extremely acute, but it is not possible to count on its speedy solution. It comes to direct appeals to the most senior officials, collecting signatures for various petitions. Unfortunately, May Decrees President in this particular case are not fulfilled. According to approximate calculations, queues for kindergartens in St. Petersburg will be completely eliminated no earlier than 2019.

Due to such high queues and a large number of young families with children, there is virtually no need for big investments into advertising. To attract customers at the initial stage, given the increased demand and a small number of openings, it will be required minimum costs. In particular, it is planned to confine itself to POS-materials - handout booklets, which will be distributed in the multi-storey residential sector of the district. Before the opening, an open day will be held for children and their parents and group registration will be organized. Moms and dads will be able to verify the competence of the staff and the availability of all necessary conditions for a comfortable, safe and useful stay in the kindergarten of their children.

5.Production plan

The kindergarten will be located in the Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg. The population of the district is about 366,000 inhabitants. The kindergarten is located in a converted apartment of 120 sq. meters on the 1st floor of a multi-storey residential building.

The process of providing services will begin with the admission of children to preschool groups. Before the first visit, the child will need to obtain a medical report. The daily reception of children will be carried out by the educator. Before the reception, he will make sure that the children feel normal. Visit Kindergarten only healthy children can. In case of detection of diseases in children during the day, they will be isolated from other children until the arrival of parents or hospitalization. After admission, the stay of children in kindergarten will be built in accordance with the daily routine, which will depend on age features children. The maximum duration of wakefulness of children according to SanPin will be up to 5.5-6 hours. The daily routine will include a two-time walk (in the first and second half of the day) with a total duration of up to 4 hours, 2-hour daytime sleep, 5 meals a day (breakfast, second breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner). Cooking will be carried out from food raw materials directly in the kitchen of the dwelling. In the first half of the day, creative and cognitive classes will be held for children, taking into account the established standards for the load. In the middle of classes, physical education sessions will be held. Walks will take place on an equipped playground at the household. The Kindergarten will operate on a reduced and full day basis from 8:00 to 19:30.

To create a private kindergarten, it will be necessary to repair and equip the existing residential premises. 120 sq. m. will be adapted to the needs of the kindergarten. meters. The total investment in real estate and equipment will amount to 628.1 thousand rubles. The cost of repairs, including the replacement of plumbing and cosmetic repairs, will be 350,000 rubles. The walls and ceilings of the premises will be finished with materials that allow wet cleaning and disinfection. The estimate will not include the summing up of communications - the premises are equipped with water supply, sewerage, heating, ventilation and power supply systems. The kindergarten will be equipped with several rooms (zones) designed for various purposes. Among them:

Ready-made ideas for your business

1. Game room for classes and the main pastime, games - 40 sq. meters.

2. Separate bedroom - 25 sq. meters.

3.Kitchen - 13 sq. meters.

4.Zone for eating (dining room) - 20 sq. meters.

5. Washroom and toilet - 8 sq. meters.

6. Utility room for storage of cleaning equipment - 4 sq. meters.

7. Entrance hall with lockers for outerwear and shoes - 10 sq. meters.

Equipping the kindergarten with equipment will require 278.1 thousand rubles. Expenses do not include: gas stove with oven, refrigeration equipment and some other items available. To win the trust of parents, the kindergarten will be equipped with a video surveillance system. Equipment cost items are given in Table. 2.

Table 2 Equipment Costs


price, rub.

Quantity, pcs.

Cost, rub.

Games room and dining room

Children's table*

Children's dining table*

Children's chair*

book corner

Rack for toys semi-open

Hinged shelf

Toys and play complexes


Single bunk bed, solid pine and laminated chipboard

Bunk bed, solid pine and chipboard

Bedding (3 sets per child)

Washroom and toilet

Towel cabinet for 10 sections

Plumbing (additional sinks, toilets, etc.)


Tableware and cutting equipment


Cupboard for storage of utensils


Five-section outerwear locker, laminated chipboard


Cleaning equipment, disinfectants

Video surveillance system (4-channel video recorder, video cameras, microphones, etc.)


278 100

*tables, chairs and beds will be selected in accordance with the requirements of SanPin, taking into account the anthropometric indicators specified in Appendix 1.

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In addition to the owner of the premises, who will perform the duties of an educator, you will need to hire a nanny and a cook, who also performs the duties of cleaning the premises. According to the legislation, the staff will need medical books, regularly undergo medical examinations. staffing and wage fund for employees are given in Table. 3.

Table 3. Staffing and payroll

Taking into account the capacity of the kindergarten for 20 people, the maximum possible gross revenue per month (full day stay) will be 340,000 rubles. Taking into account the increased demand for the services of children's educational institutions, it is possible to predict at least 75% filling of the kindergarten in the first year. In this scenario (in our case, pessimistic) and an average bill of 17,000 rubles. per month, a kindergarten at home will pay for itself by 14 months of work. Wherein monthly profit will amount to 52.3 thousand rubles. The current expenses of the kindergarten will include: wages for kindergarten employees, purchase and delivery of food, public utilities other expenses (laundry, disinfection, etc.). Calculations of the main period of work are given in more detail in Appendix 2.

6. Organizational plan

The start of activities is scheduled for the beginning of the new academic year with the completion of all preliminary procedures and holding an open day in the month of August. Responsibility for the preparatory period is assumed by the owner of the premises. His duties will also include hiring staff, receiving and maintaining children, working with parents.

7. Financial plan

The opening of a kindergarten will require the attraction of 648.1 thousand rubles, for which own funds will be used. In Table. 4 shows the starting cost items. Financial indicators for three years of kindergarten operation, taking into account 75% load (a group of 15 people) in the first academic year and 100% load in the second and subsequent years (a group of 20 people) are given in Appendix 2.

Table 4. Investment costs

8. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the project

The project to open a private kindergarten at home is not only socially significant and easy to organize compared to large kindergartens, but is also a stable source of income. By recruiting groups at the beginning of the school year, the owner can predict profits over a long period of time with a high degree of confidence. In our case, under partial load starting investments will pay off already by the 14th month of work, and the net profit of the kindergarten will be more than 50 thousand rubles. At the same time, indicated in Table. 1 prices for services may be increased depending on the actual number of applications for services. Project performance indicators for a three-year period of work are presented in Table. 5.

Table 5. Project performance indicators

9.Risks and warranties

The main difficulties in the implementation of the project are associated with the preparation process, including construction, registration, resolution of bureaucratic issues, settlement of issues with neighbors. However, when establishing work and accepting children into groups, the risks are minimized. Taking into account the increased demand for kindergarten services in the district, the project manager has the right to count on the great interest of parents in his project and the full filling of places already in the first enrollment. In Table. 6 reflects the main risks in the implementation of the project, force majeure, as well as measures that will help to avoid them or their consequences.

Table 6. Assessment of project risks and measures to prevent their occurrence or their consequences


Probability of occurrence

The severity of the consequences

Prevention measures

Difficulties in obtaining permits, time costs



Using the services of a lawyer, preliminary collection of documents, in-depth study of the issue, temporary and financial "airbag"

Rising food costs



Changing providers, optimizing costs without compromising the quality of service and the risk to children's health, increasing prices for services within the limits of the parents' ability to pay

Mass disease of kindergarten students, epidemic



Adherence to SanPin norms for the organization of routine, nutrition, compliance with the requirements for the premises, materials, etc., timely identification of a sick child at admission, admission of new children to groups after passing a medical examination, timely cleaning and disinfection of premises

Emergency, cataclysm, attack by intruders, etc.



Availability of burglar alarms, surveillance cameras, insurance, fire extinguishing equipment

Complaints from neighbors to various authorities



Preliminary coordination of the opening of a kindergarten with neighbors (approval of the placement of a kindergarten by at least 51% of residents), compliance with legislative norms, loading standards, discipline in a kindergarten,

Decrease in demand due to the opening of new kindergartens by the authorities



Maximum proximity to the place of residence of children, establishing strong ties with parents, customer-oriented service, revision pricing policy

Losses due to non-attendance by the child (for example, due to illness)



Reimbursement of part of the parents' funds paid from the total amount for meals +% depending on the duration of the illness, admission of children to vacant places for a reduced / full day

Decrease in demand for services in the off-season



Recruitment of children in a short stay group, additional services



The main sizes of tables and chairs for infants and young children and preschool age


Production plan and main financial indicators project in a three-year perspective

Get up-to-date calculations for a business plan

There are many reasons why more and more modern parents choose a private kindergarten for their baby. This is the desire to get an individual approach to the child, and the presence in such kindergartens of more serious and diverse early development programs, a balanced children's menu, more comfortable conditions than in a municipal kindergarten. For this reason, the need to open private kindergartens is increasing, which is an excellent source of income. In this review, together we will draw up a business plan for a private kindergarten “from A to Z” (calculations for 2018).

Business plan for opening a private kindergarten.

Groups for children from 1.5 to 3 years old remain the most popular, since in our country many mothers on maternity leave are forced to go to work without waiting for their child to turn 3 years old, and will be given a coveted place in the municipal kindergarten. How to open such a kindergarten and what pitfalls to expect along the way will be discussed in this article.

Must see video, in which the real owners of private kindergartens talk about how the business works from the inside:

Start-up costs and payback

The article presents a business plan for a private kindergarten for children under 5 years of age.


  1. Capacity - up to 16 children (2 groups of 8 children)
  2. The cost of maintaining a child for 1 month is 25,000 rubles
  3. Services provided: Preparation for school (for children aged 5 years), modeling, dancing, drawing, classes for the development of speech and hearing, logical development.

As a result, amount of revenue per year will be: 4,800,000 rubles

Amount of net profit is equal to 21 300 rubles.

Profitability: 21 300/400 000 * 100=5,3%

Payback period, divide the initial costs by the amount of net profit: 670 700 /21 300 = 31.5 months.

And now we will analyze in more detail each stage of the formation of a private kindergarten and analyze all the items of expenses and income.

Basic costs

When preparing a business plan, it is necessary to take into account what the costs of opening a kindergarten are made up of:

  1. rent and repair of premises;
  2. legal business registration and obtaining a license;
  3. hiring qualified personnel;
  4. purchase of furniture, toys, inventory, office equipment;
  5. advertising to attract customers.

Of course, the amount of costs can vary greatly depending on the city, the local cost of rent, the status of the garden, etc. An entrepreneur needs to familiarize himself with the cost of rent, repairs and other expenses directly in his city. Obviously, the costs in a business plan can be drastically different when starting a private kindergarten in Moscow and in a provincial city.

In your business plan, focus on start-up capital, initially it is enough to open a small-format kindergarten for 10-20 children. Thus, it will be easier to understand and organize the internal processes in the business. In addition, save yourself from unnecessary risks and spend less money. Mistakes are inevitable when starting a new business, so keep them small. You can always expand.

Legal Issues

For entrepreneurial activity a private kindergarten must register with the tax office. As a rule, 2 options are used in business:

  1. in the shape of legal entity(LLC, etc.);
  2. as individual entrepreneur(IP).

If the legal entity option is selected, it must be non-profit organization(i.e. it is impossible to register in the form of LLC, CJSC, OJSC, etc.). Registration is made in the Ministry of Justice of Russia. If you are not familiar with the nuances of legal persons, we recommend that you contact the relevant companies for advice, as a rule, this is free of charge. It should be noted that an LLC is a more costly form for business, higher deductions, more complex tax accounting, reporting, etc.

Registering as a sole trader is easy today. It is enough to apply for tax office and pay the state fee. Registration term - up to 5 days. Keep in mind in your business plan that legal delays can take up to 10,000 rubles. If you work with hired lawyers, then this costs another 5-10,000 monthly, depending on the number of employees.

After registration, you must register with pension fund, Social Insurance Fund, statistical agencies. Also, you will need a current account for work, after opening it, do not forget to inform your tax office about this in order to avoid a fine.

If hired employees (teachers, security guards, cooks, cleaners) are supposed to be in a private kindergarten, then by law they must be officially registered. This is a rather complicated procedure, we recommend that you give all the accounting for service. law firm or a private lawyer in your city.


As already noted, this is a licensed type of activity, so you will have to get a license. However, for those who do not wish to obtain a license, one can choose the type of childcare activity or register as a developmental center. But there is a rather thin line here, the inspection authorities may have questions, parents will not be able to receive compensation for part of the parental fee and there will be no opportunity to receive additional funding from the state budget.

Licensing is carried out by the regional ministry (department) of education, the term for consideration of the application is 30 days. In addition to the constituent documents, you will need to provide:

  1. documents confirming the availability of premises;
  2. certificate of material and technical support;
  3. educational programs;
  4. conclusion of the SES and the State Fire Supervision

Details about the licensing procedure can be obtained from lawyers, or you can independently study the issue on the Internet: all documentation and answers to questions are available on the official websites.

Room selection

To open a kindergarten, you need to select the appropriate premises. Naturally, it can be rented, and this amount will form the basis of the monthly expenses in the business plan. This issue should be approached with great responsibility, since educational activities are licensed, which means that a license may be denied if the premises do not comply with necessary requirements and norms.

So, when choosing a suitable building, first of all, it is necessary to be guided by SanPin, approved by the decision of the chief state sanitary doctor Russian Federation dated May 15, 2018 No. 26 "On approval of SanPin" Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational organizations ".

Group area requirements:

  1. 2.5 m² (per 1 person) in groups for children under 3 years old;
  2. 2.0 m² - for children from 3 to 7 years old.

Do not forget to add the area of ​​​​the kitchen and administrative premises.

The area around the building is recommended to be fenced off, good decision will be planting trees and shrubs. Playgrounds need to be provided. In this regard, it is most convenient to rent cottages, as a rule, their layout is very convenient, and the fenced area allows you to organize children's playgrounds.

A rented country cottage serves as a premise for a private kindergarten. The rent is 80,000 rubles (including utilities).


Furniture, toys, inventory

After you decide on the premises and the number of groups in the kindergarten, you should purchase furniture, toys and other equipment.

When buying furniture, do not forget to ask the seller for documents confirming its safety and origin. Of the furniture, you will need tables, chairs, cribs, lockers in the locker room and shelving for toys, furniture for staff, plumbing (including those adapted for children).

When choosing toys, remember that they should be easy to clean.

Pay attention to the equipment of typical private kindergartens, it is very appropriate (whatever, the easiest and most obvious way) to visit such kindergartens on your own, make a list of necessary purchases. After that, you need to find out the cost, go to shopping centers, compare prices on the Internet, and total amount write in the business plan of the project.

Furniture and inventory:

Name Price Quantity Price
Locker room wardrobe (4-section)6 431 4 25 724
Drying cabinet (20 places)3 926 1 3 926
game wall30 000 1 30 000
Bed2 500 16 40 000
Table "Chamomile"7 000 2 14 000
The table is round5 000 2 10 000
Rectangular table10 000 2 20 000
Children's chair500 18 9 000
Wall "Gorka"11 000 1 11 000
bookcase4 000 2 8 000
DIY shelf500 2 1 000
Wardrobe4 000 1 4 000
Office table5 000 1 5 000
Office chair5 000 3 15 000
Kitchen appliances70 000 1 70 000
Kitchen table8 000 1 8 000
Cutlery30 000 1 30 000
Kindergarten furniture costs 304 650

You will also need:

  1. linens;
  2. towels;
  3. dishes;
  4. stationery;
  5. toys and didactic materials, etc.
Name Price Quantity Price
Doll2 000 10 20 000
Constructor3 000 10 30 000
typewriter2 000 10 20 000
Educational set2 000 10 20 000
interactive toy5 000 5 25 000
wooden toy500 10 5 000
Linens1 000 26 26 000
Total 126 000

Total costs for the purchase of furniture and equipment will amount to 430,650 rubles.

Kindergarten staff

Your team is extremely important successful business especially when it comes to children. The choice of personnel must be treated with great care and pedantry. Pay attention to all the little things, do not hesitate to ask candidates any questions regarding them professional activity and personal qualities.

Kindergarten must have:

  1. educators;
  2. teacher assistants;
  3. cook;
  4. cleaning woman;
  5. administrator (manager).

It is necessary to ensure that there is a health worker in the garden (or ensure that he arrives immediately in case of an emergency, as well as regular examinations of children).

To attract additional clients, you may want to hire a psychologist or teachers in certain subjects (drawing, foreign languages, physical education, music, singing, dancing, etc.).

All sorts of master classes are in great demand in private kindergartens. Pay attention to the search for relevant specialists, negotiate a similar price on an ongoing basis.

Staff Salary per 1 employee (rub.) The number of employees Salary Total (rub.)
Cook 15 000 1 15 000
caregiver 20 000 2 20 000
Assistant teacher 15 000 1 15 000
medical worker 20 000 1 20 000
Cleaning woman 12 000 1 12 000
Costs forsalary payment 6 82 000

Customer Acquisition: Advertising and Promotion

After the kindergarten is ready to receive its first guests, it is necessary to come to grips with the issue of attracting customers. It is very good if you develop a logo for your kindergarten, release promotional products in the corporate style.

In the business of attracting customers, all communication channels should be used to the maximum: social media, television, radio, print media, outdoor advertising. In a business plan, it is reasonable to allocate a monthly budget for advertising, at least for the first time - 20-50,000 rubles.

At a certain point in time, word of mouth will begin to work. Leave advertising booklets in children's development centers, clinics, shopping malls and other places where parents with children often visit.

The first time on weekends, spend open days, this will attract additional customers. Focus on the additional opportunities of a private kindergarten, show the advantages over the municipal one, show your individuality.

Project financial plan

As an example, let's take an average Russian city - a regional center. Calculation for a garden of 5 groups, 12 people per group.

Starting investment for opening a private garden:

  1. Premises for rent - 80 000 rub.;
  2. Fire and security alarm installation - RUB 160,000;
  3. Purchase of furniture, inventory and equipment, toys - RUB 304,650+126,000;
  4. Advertising - 50 000 rub.

Total: 670,700 rubles.

The monthly expenses in the business plan include:

  1. room rent + utility bills — 80 000 rub.;
  2. staff salaries - RUB 82,000;
  3. tax and social contributions - 12 300 rub.;
  4. foodstuffs for children's kitchen RUB 134,400;
  5. advertising and promotion - 5 000 rub.;
  6. purchase of stationery, inventory, detergents, teaching aids, etc. - 5 000 rub.

Total: 318,700 rubles.

The amount of expenses depends on the size of the private kindergarten. Naturally, the larger the premises, the higher the rent and the cost of utilities. If there are a lot of children in the kindergarten, then more workers will be needed, which means higher costs for wages and tax deductions.

Income forecast for the business plan (per month):

  1. The cost of visiting the garden for one child - 25 000 rub.;
  2. Total revenue at full load - 400 000 rub.;
  3. With a simplified taxation system and a tax rate of 15% (income - expenses), income tax - 60 000 rub.;

Net profit (after taxes and monthly expenses) is - 21,300 rubles.

You can increase profits by introducing additional paid services for parents - paid developmental classes, massage and other wellness treatments for children, driver services (children are picked up from home and brought back from the garden), weekend groups.

Of course, each business plan is unique, objectively it will not be possible to take into account all the nuances in one example, serious deviations are possible.

Sources of financing

As you can see, the organization of a kindergarten requires not small amount funds, but it should be borne in mind that there are several ways to reduce the financial burden.

Opening a private kindergarten - educational activities - is social entrepreneurship, and this is currently receiving close attention. There are special programs and grants for entrepreneurs involved in social views activities. You can find out about them in the regional ministry (department) economic development. In some regions, such grants reach several million rubles, and in order to receive them, you just need a competent business plan with calculations.

You can also apply for a grant to create own business and receive up to 900,000 rubles. In almost all regions of the Russian Federation, regional and municipal authorities hold these competitions and allocate subsidies.

In addition, in each subject of Russia there are state Microfinance Funds (centers) (here you need to carefully read founding documents, the founder must be government agency, for example, the Ministry of Economic Development of the subject). Such microfinance funds issue microloans up to 3,000,000 at only 10% per annum, unlike commercial banks, which today do not even offer less than 20%.

Every day it becomes more and more difficult to get a job in a state kindergarten. Huge queues and large contributions simply do not allow many families to send their child to preschool.

In addition, some kindergartens provide poor quality services, for example, old school educators cannot give the new generation the required knowledge, and worn equipment and furniture can become dangerous for kids.

All this provoked a wave of organization of private kindergartens. Many parents with great pleasure give their kids there and consider such upbringing to be worthy. If you love children and want to make money on top of everything, you can independently organize a private kindergarten, the business plan of which will be discussed in this article.

Possible options

AT similar business There are two ways to develop:

  • a part-time job that involves looking after your child and other kids;
  • organization of a specific commercial project that requires design and a special room.

In the first option, you will have to look after the children yourself at home, but you will need to make a lot of effort. In the second option, you can hire qualified teachers who will perform their duties. Let's dwell on this in more detail.


  1. You can earn money without leaving your home.
  2. Your child will be supervised, you will be able to independently adjust the education program, etc. In addition, you can be sure of the quality of food, since their purchase also lies on your shoulders.
  3. This business is quite popular, requires little cost and does not carry risks.
  4. The minimum documentation required to start a business is a license to labor activity and contracts signed with parents.

Possible problems

  1. If the kindergarten is not organized in a private house, there will be a problem with the territory for creating a playground.
  2. Relations with neighbors can be complicated, but if you have enough patience and sociability, then everything can be solved.
  3. You must have a substitute so that in case of illness or during force majeure, someone can take your post.

Room selection

It’s worth starting with a visit to the communal property department in the administration. There you will receive a list that will record all the instances that you need to go through to obtain permission to organize a kindergarten. To select a room, you need to pay attention to special requirements.

By state standard for each child who will go to kindergarten, there should be more than 6 m 2 of area. The building should have a locker room and equipped rooms for sleeping and playing. The floor must be insulated, and the ceiling height must be more than 3 m. Your task is to find a room that will meet all these conditions, only then you can open a private kindergarten, the business plan of which will be discussed below.

Required documents

Many people are interested in questions: how to open a home kindergarten, where exactly to start a business? To obtain permission, you need to go to the SES, where you will be required to provide the following documents:

  • diplomas of employees;
  • receipt of payment for the permit;
  • photo of the institution (rarely).

When the SES receives your application, a commission will be organized that will conduct an inspection and issue a verdict, that is, give its consent or refuse to organize a kindergarten. Next, you will need to go through the accreditation procedure and obtain a license. The Department of Education will require the following documents from you:

  • copies of all constituent documents;
  • home kindergarten business plan;
  • programs that will be used to educate and educate children;
  • premises lease agreement;
  • full documentation on personnel, material and educational and methodological support;
  • permission of the sanitary-epidemiological station.

The committee will have 1.5 months to consider your application. You should understand that if at least one document is not available or it is executed incorrectly, then the license will not be seen.

Kindergarten business plan

Without it, you will not be able to open your institution. You can write it yourself or take the help of a specialist. Consider a private kindergarten whose business plan is summary as follows. Let's make a reservation that the kindergarten is located in Moscow. The area of ​​the establishment is 500 m 2 . Staff - 20 people, kids - 40.

To get started, you will need to spend money on:

  • repairs - at least 100 thousand rubles;
  • installation / maintenance (annual) of fire-fighting equipment - somewhere around 45-110 thousand rubles;
  • security - about 1 million rubles annually;
  • furniture and other equipment - at least 5 million rubles.

Every month you need to lay out money for current expenses:

  • building rent - about 520 thousand rubles;
  • utilities - approximately 85 thousand rubles;
  • meals (for children and employees) - approximately 210 thousand rubles;
  • consumables - about 60 thousand rubles;
  • salary - somewhere around 1.1 million rubles;
  • advertising - from 100 thousand rubles.

A private kindergarten, whose business plan you can draw up after some research, should generate income:

  • entrance fee for each child - 70 thousand rubles;
  • monthly fee for one baby - about 25 thousand rubles;
  • other additional income, for example, individual sessions etc. - about 400 thousand rubles annually.

Another option for organizing an enterprise

A great home business for young mothers is a kindergarten that needs to be registered as an individual entrepreneur. But this version of the enterprise, one might say, is balancing on the verge of legality, since it is almost impossible to bring the apartment in full compliance with all the requirements. In addition, the profit from such a business will be small, since you will not be able to take more than 6 children.

Taxation of a private kindergarten should be simplified. When choosing an object, it is recommended to take into account the costs that are needed to organize work, so in the first year it is better to apply for income reduced by the amount of expenses. After that, you can change the object depending on the progress of your affairs.

Room decoration

Let's start with what you need to open a private kindergarten, what furniture and equipment you need to stock up on. To get started, order tables, chairs, beds, cabinets and shelves at the factory. Make sure your furniture items are safe and environmentally friendly. If there are private masters in the city, then it is better to contact them, as in this case it will be possible to save money.

It is necessary to purchase bedding, dishes, stationery, books, toys and other household items. If you don't have the money for this, arrange charity event and ask people to donate good things they don't need. In this case, you will be able to collect a sufficient number of toys and books for the first time.

Kindergarten at home is an alternative to existing state institutions, which are often overcrowded and no longer meet the specific conditions of children's stay in it. Such a garden can be organized by a parent who has her own child and, of course, parenting experience or a teacher-psychologist who works with non-traditional methods of developing children.

Such a garden does not require a special license. The conditions for creating such an object are described in the business plan for a home kindergarten. This project can be created with the aim of obtaining financial profit through the provision of services for the education and development of preschoolers or as a social business.

Premises and equipment

Based on 5-10 children, the room can be your own apartment, at least two-room, preferably three-room and more, or a private house. For each child, at least 6 square meters are recommended. meters.

In an apartment or in a house, the rules of sanitary standards and the availability of amenities, all communications must be observed. A separate room for rest and sleep, a bed and two sleeping sets for each baby, as well as places for change and outer clothing, lockers or high chairs.

The game room is separate with tables for games and activities, a rug or a warm rug on the floor, lockers for educational materials and toys. For eating, the presence of a sufficient number of dishes, to comply with the rules of hygiene, individual household items.


For a home kindergarten, in addition to the teacher, it is enough to have an assistant who will cook food and help look after the children, cleaning the house can be distributed among themselves.

It's good if you have basic medical knowledge for first aid.

In the event that one of the staff falls ill, it is necessary to have an appropriate person on hand for a temporary replacement.

Features of this activity

When considering a business plan for a home kindergarten, you need to pay attention and take into account such features as the initial one-time financial investment in your business, which will be discussed below.

Also be prepared for an irregular working day, the need to deliver children home, individual work with children as needed or for an additional fee, walks and city tours, organizing holidays and entertainment programs.

Approximate calculation of expenses and income for a month up to 10 children

  • Rent of a 3-room apartment - 40 thousand rubles.
  • Communal payments- 10 thousand rubles.
  • Household goods - 4 thousand rubles.
  • Food - 18 thousand rubles. (if for 1 child 90 rubles).
  • Tax of a private entrepreneur - 6 thousand rubles.
  • The teacher's salary is 25 thousand rubles.
  • Nanny's salary - 12 thousand rubles.

Total: expenses - 115 thousand rubles.

Income: payment for a child - 15 thousand for one, 150 thousand for 10 people.

Profit - 35 thousand per month.

An increase in the birth rate, huge queues for a place in a state (municipal) kindergarten, and a general improvement in the quality of life of Russians lead to the fact that opening a private kindergarten as a business is becoming a very promising area.

In addition, this is a great opportunity for a woman to start her own business. After all, finding a job today for a mother “on maternity leave” is not at all easy. In million cities this service is becoming more and more popular. Gradually "pull up" and smaller cities.

Benefits of opening a private kindergarten as a business idea

In addition to private kindergartens, designed in accordance with all the rules and licensed to provide educational services There are also home kindergartens. Such institutions operate, as a rule, semi-legally. In an apartment in which only a few rooms are given over to a garden.

To create such a kindergarten, you only need to register your activities as an individual entrepreneur. However, legally commercial activities not allowed in a residential area. This is punishable by the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and a fine of 10 to 15 minimum wages (1000-1500 rubles).

Opening a private kindergarten is great.

For parents and their children, the advantages of a private kindergarten over a home one are obvious:

  • safety of children (own fenced area for walking, security);
  • legality (the state, issuing permission to the kindergarten, thereby takes part of the responsibility for its activities).

How to open a private kindergarten?

Kindergarten - Preschool educational institution, the creation and operation of which is regulated by the law of the Russian Federation "On Education", the norms of SanPina. The activity of a preschool institution is subject to compulsory licensing.

At home, in an apartment

The organization of a private kindergarten in an apartment is not a completely legal matter. It is allowed to engage in commercial activities, according to the law (Article 17 of the LC RF), in premises classified as non-residential.

In addition, bring the apartment in full compliance with the norms. fire safety and SanPina (for preschool institutions) is almost impossible.

More than 6 - 8 children cannot be accommodated in standard apartment dimensions. Including games room, bedroom and dining area.

If, nevertheless, it is decided to create a kindergarten in the apartment, then it is necessary to register as an individual entrepreneur. Rent a large 3-4 room apartment. Think over the fire safety system to the smallest detail. Make a good repair. Purchase the necessary furniture, toys and other equipment. good example such a garden can be seen in this video:

A practical and correct decision would be to organize a private kindergarten at home. In such an institution, several groups can be brought up at once, total strength 40-50 people. Not a very large private house or cottage is quite suitable.

The most cost-effective filling of a private kindergarten is considered to be 3 groups of 10-15 children each.

The necessary conditions

The premises of the future kindergarten must meet all the standards of SanPin and Gospozhnadzora provided for preschool institutions. So, for each child, according to the norms, a minimum of 4 square meters is provided. m. Must be:

  • a separate room for sleeping;
  • a separate room for games and activities;
  • a separate room for physical education and outdoor games, music lessons;
  • various teaching aids, toys;
  • laundry room with washing machine;
  • catering from all over necessary equipment for cooking and eating;
  • equipped medical office;
  • bathroom.

For the functioning of the kindergarten, you will also need staff:

  1. A director who must have good organizational skills (if you do not plan to manage the kindergarten on your own).
  2. Educator. More precisely, two educators per group and a nanny.
  3. Methodist. Must be well versed in modern early development techniques.
  4. Psychologist.
  5. Kitchen and laundry workers.
  6. Cleaners.

Permits and documents

To obtain a license to practice educational activities you need to collect a certain package of documents:

  • charter of a private kindergarten;
  • a document confirming the registration of the institution;
  • a lease agreement for premises (or a contract of sale);
  • conclusions from the SES and the State Fire Supervision Service that the premises meet all the necessary requirements;
  • certified educational program;
  • a document confirming the completeness of all the necessary educational and methodological literature;
  • information about the accepted personnel and the number of groups.

Calculation of approximate investments for starting a business

  1. Room rental - 35-500 thousand rubles per month, depending on the region and other conditions.
  2. Repair - from 100 thousand rubles.
  3. Alarm and fire fighting equipment - 130-150 thousand rubles (installation plus maintenance).
  4. Payment for utilities - about 80 thousand rubles.
  5. Security (PSC) - 1 million rubles per year.
  6. Meals (children and employees) - about 200 thousand rubles.
  7. Salary to employees - 1.1 million rubles (plus taxes and deductions).
  8. Advertising - about 100 thousand rubles.
  9. Other expenses - about 60 thousand rubles per month.

Competition assessment

SWAT analysis. Strengths:

  • lack of queues for admission;
  • individual approach to each child;
  • a small number of children in the group;
  • quality and varied food;
  • rich educational programs developed on the basis of popular methods of early development;

We must not forget that only highly qualified employees work in a private kindergarten, it is well equipped with educational and play materials.

An important advantage is the provision of the most comfortable conditions for children to stay in the kindergarten (a room for games, sleep, feeding) and
flexible work schedule.

Weak sides:

  • entrance fee for a place in the kindergarten;
  • high monthly fee for a child;
  • low profitability of the business;
  • increased level of social responsibility;
  • long payback period of the project (3-5 years).

The organization of business in this area opens up such opportunities as drawing the attention of the state to the problems of children preschool education, maintaining and improving the level of qualification teaching staff, providing jobs with more high pay labor.

It also ensures the expansion of the range of educational services provided, the active involvement of innovations in educational process, building a competitive kindergarten brand. However, it is important to take into account the instability of the economic situation in the country, the negative trends in the functioning of the family institution.

Where to start a business?

In order to organize a private kindergarten at home, you first need to register as an individual entrepreneur or register a kindergarten as a NOU. This takes about a month.

  1. Produced registration of D / C for tax accounting, (TIN is assigned).
  2. Produced registration with the Pension Fund, MHIF, FSS and Goskomstat to obtain OKVED and OKPO codes.
  3. Suitable premises are selected and a long-term lease or sale agreement is concluded.
  4. Rented or bought the premises are being renovated. It is brought into line with the norms of SanPin and Gospozhnadzor.
  5. Kindergarten equipped with furniture, toys, literature, etc.
  6. Employees of the SES and the Fire Department are invited, which issue the appropriate conclusions on compliance with all necessary standards.
  7. The charter is created a new institution, employees are hired, the staff list is written.
  8. Advertising is given, customers are being sought.

At the final stage, a kindergarten that has passed all the "tests" is issued a license that gives the right to engage in educational activities.