There is such a profession as a sanitary doctor. About the profession of a sanitary doctor firsthand

The department "Medical and preventive business" was opened in 2011. The decision to open the department was due to a real need, a shortage of medical personnel in laboratory structural divisions health service and healthcare facilities. In addition, in recent years, the institute of hospital epidemiologists has begun to form in medical institutions and there is a need for specialists of this profile. The opening of the department was preceded by a lot of preparatory work. Since 2011, Associate Professor, Ph.D. Fedoseeva L.R., who supervises educational, educational, methodological and scientific work.

We work for the future

The formation of highly qualified personnel is one of the main activities of Rospotrebnadzor.At present, the Department of Medical and Preventive Care is a rapidly developing system of fundamental and practical medical and preventive education. High-quality training of specialists is provided by the teaching staff of NEFU. M.K. Ammosov, as well as constant cooperation with practicing physicians of the Rospotrebnadzor service in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Today, the teachers of the department "Medical and preventive work" strive to keep up with the times, improve teaching methods. In 2014, in order to improve educational work, modern laboratory equipment was purchased in the amount of -2.231188 rubles as part of the NEFU Development Program named after M.K. Ammosov.

12 titles of the latest issue of textbooks and additional literature were submitted and received for the department, 287 copies in total. As part of the educational process, agreements have been drawn up and signed with the clinical bases of Yakutsk and the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

Education of students at the department of "Medical and preventive work" is conducted at 32 departments of the university, located in the educational buildings of NEFU. M.K. Ammosov and clinical bases of republican and city medical institutions in the city of Yakutsk, in the structural divisions of the FBUZ "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)". The educational process in the specialty "Medical and preventive care" is carried out by teachers with academic degrees in the professional cycle - 97.8%. To improve the assimilation of knowledge in the disciplines, in addition to the literature recommended for teaching, the staff of the department publishes thematic study guides and methodological recommendations together with Rospotrebnadzor for the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). During the training, students have the opportunity to engage in research activities under the guidance of teachers, as well as specialists from Rospotrebnadzor for the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

About the profession of a sanitary doctor

The need for medical and preventive specialists is determined by the need for primary prevention due to the adverse impact of technogenic pollution environment on public health and the prevention of communicable and non-communicable diseases.

Unlike the activity of the attending physician, who treats one patient, the work of the sanitary doctor is aimed at creating a healthy living environment for the population and reducing the harmful impact on society as a whole.

A sanitary doctor must possess such professional and human qualities as erudition, adherence to principles, honesty, perseverance, state thinking. A young person who chooses for himself the specialty of a sanitary doctor must be ready for constant painstaking work, be able to defend his position in working with those who neglect the observance of sanitary norms and rules, deliberately violate sanitary legislation.

In the work of a sanitary doctor, two areas are clearly distinguished: preventive and current sanitary supervision. Preventive sanitary supervision is carried out in the preparation of projects for industrial and food enterprises, residential buildings, various institutions, in planning the development of populated areas, etc. Daily control over the sanitary condition, over compliance with sanitary legislation is current sanitary supervision. And in cases of gross violation of sanitary standards, the sanitary doctor has the right to apply administrative penalties to the guilty in accordance with the Code Russian Federation on administrative offences.

Over the course of six years of study, future sanitary doctors, in addition to clinical disciplines (therapy, surgery, pediatrics, etc.), study in depth all sections of hygiene: food hygiene, hygiene of children and adolescents, communal hygiene, military, radiation hygiene, socio-hygienic monitoring . Graduates of the medical and preventive department have the right to work in medical institutions, at enterprises various industries industry as sanitary doctors or epidemiologists. Therefore, the department "Medico-prophylactic" prepares specialists necessary for work in modern conditions.

Profession - epidemiologist

In recent decades, epidemiology from the science of the epidemic process of infectious diseases, through epidemiological research, has expanded its boundaries to the study of any mass diseases.

Epidemiological approaches integrate a fairly wide range of scientific directions in the study of the demographic situation, infectious and non-communicable diseases, the impact of the environment on the health of the population.

In practical healthcare, causal relationships between morbidity and risk factors are determined, they make it possible to assess the medical and organizational technologies used, predict the situation and search for new areas of prevention and treatment.

Monitoring the state of morbidity of the population in combination with the influence of the environment of the population are topical issue for specialists of Rospotrebnadzor.

The modern development of epidemiology as a science and its practical application makes it possible to open up new areas of its application.

Epidemiologists are called upon to deal with these issues.

The task of the epidemiologist is to provide the functions of organizing preventive and anti-epidemic measures.

A wide range of problems in the fight against HIV - AIDS, hospital infections, early detection of infectious patients, the elimination of outbreaks of infectious diseases, the organization of the vaccination business determine the demand for the profession of an epidemiologist in modern conditions.

Epidemiology, the industry most associated with clinical areas, graduates of schools, medical colleges choosing this area of ​​activity choose an interesting profession.

general description

Who is a sanitary doctor?

Graduated Specialist medical education sanitary and hygienic profile and having the main task of preventing diseases. His duty is to oversee the improvement of dwellings, the freshness of the supplies sold, the cleanliness of streets, rivers, etc.

Initially, this activity was predominantly administrative-prohibitive in nature and proceeded within the narrow framework of the simplest sanitary supervision. For quite a long time, it was considered possible to combine sanitary and healing functions in one person. With the gradual development of preventive health practices from medical doctors Separate groups began to be singled out, to whose duties this or that collective or the state as a whole assigned the functions of monitoring the environment in order to prevent diseases and carry out appropriate preventive measures. Public health officers usually no longer work in the clinical fields of medicine.

What activities fall within the competence of a sanitary doctor?

At present, the sum of the knowledge that a sanitary doctor should have is very large. Firstly, the list of objects subject to sanitary supervision is quite wide: the external environment, socio-economic and living conditions, professional groups. Secondly, the methods and methods of work used in the sanitary business are diverse: sanitary-statistical studies, sanitary-topographic surveys and descriptions, anthropometric studies, bacteriological and hygienic laboratory methods, the ability to understand plans and drawings, etc. In accordance with the tasks to be solved, sanitary doctors are divided into groups according to specialties: general sanitary doctors, doctors for housing and communal supervision, for food supervision, for industrial supervision, for epidemiology (epidemiologists). Within these specialties, more detailed groups are also distinguished: catering doctors, water sanitation doctors, planning settlements, disinfection, etc. The following functions are assigned to sanitary doctors:

Planning, development and implementation of a program of measures for environmental protection;

Organization and implementation of an environmental education program for schools and other groups of the population;

Establishment of standards of sanitation and hygiene and the implementation of relevant regulations in areas such as the production and sale of food through enterprises Catering, collection and disposal of solid waste, treatment and disposal Wastewater, carrying out sanitary and technical work, carrying out infection control, organizing recreation areas, hospitals and other medical and recreational institutions, controlling the level of noise, ventilation, air pollution, radiation, etc.;

Negotiating with the government, public and industrial organizations, enterprises civil defense and private organizations for the purpose of formulating and implementing environmental protection programs;

Collaborate with other health personnel on epidemiological research and surveillance;

Providing advice to civil and other officials in the development of laws and regulations in the field of environmental protection.

What investigations are carried out and prescribed by the sanitary doctor?

General sanitary doctors perform analyzes for sanitary and bacteriological research external environment;

Sanitary doctors for housing and communal supervision carry out sanitary analyzes for hygienic and bacteriological examination of the external environment (air, soil, water, housing, etc.);

Sanitary doctors for food supervision carry out laboratory and food analyzes (sanitary and bacteriological studies) of food - animal and vegetable raw materials, semi-finished products and food supplies, ready meals); give appropriate conclusions and expertise;

Sanitary doctors for industrial supervision produce laboratory research industrial environment (measurement of indicators of meteorological factors, radiant energy, dust content, lighting, gas pollution);

Sanitary doctors in epidemiology (epidemiologists) produce laboratory bacteriological analyzes of the external environment.

The need for specialists in medical and preventive profile is determined by the need to implement primary prevention due to the adverse impact of man-made environmental pollution on public health and the prevention of infectious and non-infectious diseases.

Unlike the activity of the attending physician, who treats one patient, the work of the sanitary doctor is aimed at creating a healthy living environment for the population and reducing the harmful impact on society as a whole.

A sanitary doctor must possess such professional and human qualities as erudition, adherence to principles, honesty, perseverance, state thinking. A young person who chooses for himself the specialty of a sanitary doctor must be ready for constant painstaking work, be able to defend his position in working with those who neglect the observance of sanitary norms and rules, deliberately violate sanitary legislation.

In the work of a sanitary doctor, two areas are clearly distinguished: preventive and current sanitary supervision. Preventive sanitary supervision is a check of compliance with hygiene standards and sanitary rules in the planning and development of urban and rural settlements in the placement of civil, industrial and agricultural facilities and the establishment of their sanitary protection zones, the selection of land plots for construction, as well as in the design, construction, reconstruction, technical re-equipment of industrial, transport facilities, buildings and structures for cultural and household purposes, residential buildings, engineering infrastructure facilities and other facilities. During the planning and development of urban and rural settlements, favorable conditions for the life and health of the population should be created.

The tasks of preventive sanitary supervision also include control over all industrial products newly introduced into production, the quality of which may affect public health, for example, control over the formulation of new food products, food dyes, goods for children, engineering products, polymeric and synthetic materials, etc. d.

Current sanitary supervision is the conduct of comprehensive planned and directed hygienic, sanitary and microbiological examinations of existing enterprises and organizations in terms of their compliance with sanitary norms and rules.

Current sanitary supervision includes:

a) the study of sanitary - hygiene conditions labor and hygienic assessment production environment on objects;

b) systematic study of morbidity and injury various categories population;

c) hygienic study and control of the state of the air, water bodies and soil;

The variety of tasks of sanitary supervision can be grouped as follows:

  • hygienic supervision of the environment;
  • sanitary supervision of working conditions;
  • hygienic control over the radiation situation;
  • hygienic control over the safety and rationality of the nutrition of the population;
  • sanitary supervision of the conditions for the development and upbringing of children and adolescents;
  • organization and implementation of anti-epidemic measures.

In sanitary supervision, different methods of hygienic research are used.

Methods by which the hygienic state of environmental factors is studied. Methods to assess the body's response to the impact of environmental factors.

Over the course of six years of study, future sanitary doctors study in depth all sections of hygiene: food hygiene, hygiene of children and adolescents, communal hygiene, military, radiation hygiene, social and hygienic monitoring. Graduates of the medical and preventive department have the right to work in medical institutions, at enterprises of various industries as sanitary doctors or epidemiologists. Therefore, the department "Medico-prophylactic" trains specialists necessary for work in modern conditions.

Profession - epidemiologist

In recent decades, epidemiology from the science of the epidemic process of infectious diseases, through epidemiological research, has expanded its boundaries to the study of any mass diseases.

Epidemiological approaches integrate a fairly wide range of scientific areas in the study of the demographic situation, infectious and non-infectious diseases, and the impact of the environment on the health of the population.

In practical healthcare, causal relationships between morbidity and risk factors are determined, they make it possible to assess the medical and organizational technologies used, predict the situation and search for new areas of prevention and treatment.

Monitoring the state of morbidity of the population in combination with the influence of the living environment of the population is an urgent problem for Rospotrebnadzor specialists.

The modern development of epidemiology as a science and its practical application makes it possible to open up new areas of its application.

Epidemiologists are called upon to deal with these issues.

The task of the epidemiologist is to provide the functions of organizing preventive and anti-epidemic measures.

A wide range of problems in the fight against HIV - AIDS, hospital infections, early detection of infectious patients, the elimination of outbreaks of infectious diseases, the organization of the vaccination business determine the demand for the profession of an epidemiologist in modern conditions.

Epidemiology, the industry most associated with clinical areas, graduates of schools, medical colleges choosing this area of ​​activity choose an interesting profession.

SANITARY DOCTOR, the practical doctor specialized in the field a dignity. affairs and usually any more not working in a wedge, areas of medicine. With the gradual development of preventive health practices among medical Doctors began to be singled out into separate groups, on whose duties this or that team or the state as a whole began to entrust the functions of monitoring the environment in order to prevent diseases, as well as the implementation of appropriate preventive measures. In its original outlines, this activity was predominantly administrative-prohibitive in nature and proceeded within the narrow framework of a primitive dignity. supervision, ch. arr. towards its simplest form, ongoing supervision (cf. sanitary supervision). In this initial stage


Figure 2. Category II sanitary checkpoint: 1- entrance; 2-hairdressing salon; 3- economic; 4 -registry; 5 - waiting for washable; b-garperob; 7 - shower room; “-personal dressing room; 9 - latrines for washable; 10 - entrance to the isolation room; 11 - restroom for isolated; 12 -restroom; 13 - economic; 14 - insulating (2 chambers); 15- exit from the individual, the soul; 16 -dirty locker room individual. soul; 17- shower individual, soul; 18- dressing individual, soul; 19 - dressing room individual, soul; 20- lookout; 21 - dressing room for groups, sanitation; 22 - shower room; 23 - entry and exit is clean. otd. dez. parts; 24 -lobby; 25 - personal for clean kam. parts; 26- restroom for clean kam. parts; 2 7 - clean compartment of chambers; 28 -dirty compartment of the chambers; 29 - latrine at the dirty office; 30 - waiting room - dressing room; 31 - dressing room; 32 - vaccination; 33 - economic; 34 -restroom; 35 - shower for staff; 36 - personal; 37 - manager's room 38 - front-stop: 39 -exit from the clean half of the sanitary inspection room.

Development dignity. these functions could be carried out by persons without honey. training in view of the simplicity of the prohibition practice as the main method of work of that period. Such are dignity. officials (ediles and curators) in Rome for the supervision of foodstuffs and for landscaping; these are the various bodies of administration and the police, who were in charge and, to a certain extent, are in charge and now in many countries of the case of the current dignity. supervision. Complication dignity. works and expansion of areas a dignity. affairs and first of all in the field of fight against infectious diseases raised requirements to a dignity. personnel, and the development of hygiene as an experimental science, as well as bacteriology with their laboratory methods, served as the moment that determined the final selection of a group of doctors specializing in these areas for the corresponding practical activities. For quite a long time it was considered possible at the same time to combine dignity in one person. and treat. functions. This is especially emphasized in a number of different administrative honey. positions, to-rye from the end of the 18th century. began to be created by the state as bodies of government supervision in honey. deed. A mixture of various functions in one person (treatment of b-nyh, court-med. duties and, finally, the tasks of sanitation. Supervision) is characteristic of the institutions of government doctors in Germany, b. Austria-Hungary ("district doctors"), old Russia ("city and county doctors"). However this provision can be considered only a transitional stage, and, in process of exact identification a dignity. tasks and national importance of sanitary and health-improving measures, the isolation of a separate institute of St. has become a widespread fact. One of the first groups of S. century. doctors at the sanitary councils in England, called "Medical officer of health" (medical health officer), with a staff of their assistants-san, appeared. inspectors (Sanitary inspectors). In France the term «Medicin inspecteurd Hygiene» is widespread, under to-ry St., working at a hygienic bureau in departments and cities approach. In old Russia, the term "sanitary doctor" was adopted in zemstvo practice, and then in urban practice; since 1917/18 it has become generally accepted in the work of the Soviet health authorities. According to those complicated requirements which presently are shown to the doctor at carrying out a dignity. actions, especially in the field of preventive dignity. supervision and dignity. surveys, the amount of knowledge that S century should have has also expanded. Here, first of all the variety of the objects which are subject to influence a dignity came to light. supervision (external environment, social and economic and living conditions, professional groupings), Then there is a variety applied in a dignity. business of methods and receptions of work - dignity. - statistical researches, dignity. - topographical inspections and descriptions, anthropometrical researches, bacteriological and gigabytes. laboratory methods, sanitary-technical moments, the ability to understand plans and drawings, etc. This nature of the work dignity. doctor also emphasizes a new feature of their work - the need for the closest connection with the mass of the population, with various public organizations and departments; public methods of work - the ability to make presentations, lectures, conduct various dignity. campaigns, to put a dignity. enlightenment - all these are usual receptions in activity a dignity. organs. That. life already b. or m. everywhere outlined the general contours of the tasks put forward for S. in. in their work, specializing these circuits for various areas dignity. Affairs. In the conditions of the USSR, where public health especially sharply puts forward its preventive measures. functions and dignity. direction, the question of the so-called. "profiles" from v. was subjected to special development. According to that division, a cut is already in practice of sanitary business in the form of separate special areas of the last, S. of century. in the USSR as the legislation on a dignity established also. bodies (1927), are divided into several groups - general health doctors, from the century. for housing and communal supervision, for food supervision, for industrial, for epidemiology (epidemiologists). Within these specialties, more detailed groupings are also distinguished - doctors in public catering, doctors in water sanitation, in the planning of settlements, in disinfection, etc. However, according to the law and according to the most accepted practice, the main types of dignity. specialties (not counting the so-called general health doctor) are the four groups mentioned above: housing and communal, food, industrial and epidemiology (see. sanitary organization). Developed for these main types a dignity. supervision profiles are as follows. 1. "The profile of a general sanitary doctor (district and district S. century in the city and in the countryside). A doctor of this specialty is required to: a) be politically prepared for extensive work on organizing sanitation and socialist health care as part of the general socialist reorganization of the country; b) be fully trained theoretically in hygiene and epidemiology; c) be familiar with the basic laboratory techniques and methods and with the production of appropriate analyzes for sanitation and bacteriological examination of the external environment; d) be able to understand projects and drawings of sanitary facilities and structures, be able to draw up the sanitary assignments necessary for these projects, give the necessary sanitary examinations and consultations; san legislation, state and local; economy, labor protection and nutrition; g) to be able to work independently materials on the general dignity. statistics, on drawing up obligatory dignity. rules and regulations, prepare the necessary reports, reports, etc.; h) to own the general methods a dignity. education and the organization of public initiative. 2. Profile of housing and communal S. v.: points a, b, e, f, g and s are the same as above; besides this C in. must c) be fully prepared and have the ability to produce a dignity. analyzes on a gigabyte. and bacterial studies of the external environment (air, water, soil, housing, etc.); d) be familiar with the basic techniques of drawing and shooting plans, be able to read freely, respectively. projects and plans, give expertise and opinions on them, draw up assignments; i) to be aware of the main issues dignity. technology in the field 6th century improvement and housing construction of cities, new buildings, state farms and collective farms (heating, ventilation, cleaning, water supply, sewerage, construction); j) be aware of the sanitary and technical issues of building construction special purpose(schools, clubs, baths and laundries, kitchen factories, medical and resort construction, nurseries); k) to be familiar with the general problems of communal services and industrial construction in the USSR and abroad. 3. Profile of a sanitary and food doctor: points a, b, e, f, g, h, the same; in addition: c) be knowledgeable in the basic techniques of laboratory and food analysis (sanitary and bacteriological research) of food products - animal and vegetable raw materials, semi-finished products and food supplies, ready meals; be able to give appropriate conclusions and expertise; d) be trained in the field of food marriage; i) be trained in the field of commodity science and production technology of the main groups of food products (dairy, meat and fish, canning, fruit and vegetable, bread and confectionery production), as well as in matters of their storage and transport; j) be familiar with the main issues of physiology and pathology of nutrition (food poisoning), dietology and cooking; k) be well acquainted with the formulation and tasks of public catering. 4. Profile St. on industrial supervision: points a, b, e, f, g, h, the same; c) be trained in the field of hygiene and physiology of labor, as well as the hygiene of individual industries; d) be familiar with the basics production processes in the leading industries (chemical, metallurgical, mining, textile), as well as socialist agriculture. industry; i) possess laboratory methods for studying the industrial environment (meteorological factors, radiant energy, dust, lighting, gases); j) be familiar with the general tasks of prom. construction in the USSR, with the legislation on labor protection and safety, with the work of health centers at enterprises and with the material of prof. morbidity; k) be familiar with the issues of communal improvement at enterprises and, in particular, with the issues of neutralization and purification of industrial waste water. 5. Profile of the epidemiologist: point a-^ the same; b) be fully theoretically familiar with epidemiology, bacteriology and hygiene in their main sections; : c) own laboratory methods of bacteriological analysis, in particular, be prepared in the methodology of sanitary bacteriological studies of the external environment; d) be fully prepared in matters of theory and practice of disinfection, both in the field of disinfection and disinfestation and deratization, as well as in all matters of dignity. processing of human contingents and vaccination business; e) be aware of the general issues of the clinic of infectious diseases and the main methods of diagnosing the main groups of these latter; e) to be practically trained in carrying out activities to combat infectious diseases, knowledgeable in the field of anti-epidemic and general health. legislation, as well as with the practice of international dignity. conventions in this matter; g) to own the general methods a dignity. statistics and dignity. education, as well as organizing public amateur performances. In addition to these main profiles, S. in. there can be (and practically according to the USSR) profiles of S. v. by rail. transport, S. v.-administrators (senior sanitary inspectors, etc.). At last especially put forward a dignity. functions of doctors of health centers; which, according to the "Regulations on health centers" (RSFSR, 1931), were given certain tasks in this regard. Compilation of S.'s profiles. should of course, giving general outlines, be distinguished by sufficient flexibility in order to include in a timely manner the new demands of life and to supplement the armament of St. accordingly. It should be noted that in some countries the term "sanitary doctor" is applied to those preventive doctors who -rye work in the relevant areas of the fight against social. diseases, for the protection of infancy, etc. Such are the so-called in England. S. v. by tbc, by veins. diseases. S.'s preparation In different countries in the past, different methods of preparation (and improvement) of S. century have been established. In most European countries, usually for S. .v. a certain diploma or certificate of completion of a preliminary preparatory study period is required. So, in England, a one-year training course is required (6 months - classes in hygiene and bacteriology, 3 months - infectious disease, 3 months - practice of sanitation); in Germany, where the functions of St. in the field are usually performed by district government doctors, the latter also take hygiene courses at preparatory courses. In addition, several special courses for the training of doctors in the field of prevention have now been created in Germany. In France, a special circular of 1906 established the rules for the admission of doctors to local hygiene bureaus; according to these rules, doctors are required to submit documents about their work in the field. public hygiene (see corresponding articles for individual countries). In old Russia, for the first time, courses in the preparation of St. were organized at the Bacteriological Institute by prof. P. N. Diatroptov in Moscow (1909/10). Then, by order of the government, three-month courses for S. were organized. in Leningrad (b. Eleninsky wedge, in-t-laboratory of prof. G. V. Khlopin) and in Moscow at medical. Faculty of Moscow. University (Prof. S. S. Orlov). These courses gave mainly acquaintance to a technique a gigabyte. research. All in all; In the period before the war, an insignificant number of doctors, who were usually seconded by zemstvos and cities, passed through these courses. Courses for the preparation and improvement of St. after the revolution were widely developed. At the NKZdr. In the RSFSR (as well as in Ukraine), from the very first years of Soviet power, annual repeated courses of St. management NKZdravov; educational part then was entrusted in Moscow organized in 1922 by the State. in-that of health care (GINZ), represented by San.-gig. in-ta, and in Leningrad - State. in-that improvement of doctors. The courses were initially 4-month, their set was 50 listeners. the main task was to replenish the knowledge of local S. in. With development a dignity. business and the need to rapidly increase 6(51 personnel on first of all issues of training and retraining of St. were put forward. This role now is carried out by V.RSFSR Center, in-t of improvement of doctors (TsIU) in Moscow, Institute of improvement of doctors in Leningrad. In addition, the same courses are available in Ukraine in Kharkov (Ukrainian Institute). According to the requirements of life, these courses of S. in. break up into 1) courses for general sanitary doctors, 2) courses in the main specialties dignity. affairs (food, communal, industrial, epidemiological) and, finally, in narrower specialties (doctors in water sanitation, malaria, etc.). In recent years, the annual number of these courses has already numbered several dozen, and the number of cadets many hundreds (in Moscow in 1932, over 400 cadets). The deadline is currently set at 3 months. [Doctors sent by local health departments are admitted to the courses (according to the allocation of the National Health Committee of the Republic of Belarus)]. Repeatedly developed programs and curricula / of these courses now b. or m. stabilized. For public courses, the curriculum consists of 570-600 hours, of which communal hygiene takes 200-240 hours, food hygiene-80-100; industrial hygiene - 80 hours, epidemiology with disinfection - 120 -140; organization of health care and dignity. business with dignity. statistics-40 hours. In addition, military dignity is being passed. business and social sciences (diamat). At courses in specialties, the main part of the time is spent on in-depth study of the relevant special disciplines, as well as related ones (drawing, meteorology, hydrogeology, plumbing courses, heating, ventilation, etc.). In addition to theoretical classes, both laboratory classes and the so-called. Internship, i.e., probation of cadets at the site under the guidance of peripheral S. century. in their current work. The ratio of theoretical and practical classes (work in production) is 60 and 40%. The method of excursions or independent study of individual topics at individual objects is also widely put. There are also retraining courses for S. V., that is, switching doctors of other specialties to work as S. V.; a well-established industrial practice is of particular importance here. - Lack of S. century - gave impetus in the USSR to the organization of special departments for preparing them for medical purposes. in-tah, i.e., the creation of the so-called. "sanitary - preventive faculties". For the first time they were organized in the RSFSR in 1930 and now there are already in a number of medical institutions. institutes of the USSR (their organization and programs, see. Medical education). Method of work S. century. Having received this or that training S. in. (at courses or at the san.-prof. faculty), starting his activities on the periphery (on the site, in the region), he must carry out some more preparatory work to familiarize himself with the territory of his site or region and general conditions life and life of the latter, as well as familiarization with acc. literary and other materials. In general, these preparatory work the following: 1) familiarization with the materials of the economic and economic condition of the region and plans for its development; 2) familiarization with the sanitary-statistical materials of the district (demography and morbidity) according to statistical institutions, health departments and insurance funds; 3) acquaintance with the literature on a dignity. study of the area (previous surveys, medical topographic surveys, reports), placed in the local honey. press for previous years or available in the form of separate monographs; 4) familiarization with the production of health care district and personal detour and inspection of all medical - dignity. institutions of the district or district; 5) the same familiarization with local facilities (on-site inspection) of public utilities, the food industry and public catering, and other public facilities (baths, hostels, clubs); 6) familiarization with large industrial facilities; 7) compilation of detailed lists of all specified in paragraphs. 4, 5 and 6 objects for the subsequent correct carrying out of the current dignity. supervision; 8) acquaintance with the available local obligatory dignity. regulations; 9) establishing organizational links with public utilities, labor protection, public catering, etc.; 10) establishment of close contact with the public organizations concerning a dignity. case (ROKK, Osoaviakhim, etc.). This preliminary work, sequentially carried out, gives S. to. firm support and knowledge of local conditions and forces and connects it with all those bodies and persons, participation to-rykh in a dignity. construction plays big role. Along with this organizational part of work St. the last should adjust also and statement of business a dignity. surveys and current analyses. In the area, .. the first one of the usual methods is to maintain a dignity. journals, the systematic filling of which on individual objects provides valuable material for subsequent conclusions and comparisons. In the field of the second it is necessary to take all measures to the organization local a dignity. laboratories or to receiving the corresponding dignity. - laboratory, etc. equipment, by means of to-rogo the dignity is carried out on places study of the situation of certain natural conditions. So called. St.'s toolkit is an important necessary accessory of his work, unfortunately often too poorly applied in practice. Approximate tools St. I. Determination of distance and direction: * 1) tape measure and * 2) compass. - P. Meteorological instruments: *1) Celsius room thermometer, *2) Six's maximum-minimum thermometer, 3) aneroid barometer, 4) Koppe hygrometer, *5) portable hygrometer, 6) August psychrometer, 7) Füss anemometer and 8) catathermometer.- III . Air research: chemical methods - 1) glass bottles with rubber caps, measured for taking air samples for CO 2, 2) fur with a rubber tube for taking air samples, 3) a device for microdetermination of CO 2 according to the method of Reberg-Vinokurov and Golden; bacteriological methods-1) sterile Petri dishes (from the laboratory), 2) test tubes with nutrient gelatin (from the laboratory), 3) enameled mug, 4) tripod, 5) alcohol lamp, 6) Wolf-Lugel counter, 7) magnifying glass with legs ; air dust - 1) glass cubic salt shakers with cover glasses, with a black adhesive mass for trapping and counting dust (from the laboratory). - IV. Water research: a) sampling: * 1) a device for taking water for chemical. analysis with spare dishes, * 2) the same for bacterial. research, *3) boxes and baskets for sending water samples to the laboratory; b) physical and chem. examination (on site): *1) water thermometer, 2) disc for determining transparency, 3) Pettenkofer cup device, 4) fluoroscopic Marbuten with fluorescein (to determine contamination); *5) field laboratory for chemical research; c) bacteriological examination (counting colonies) - in addition to the above in paragraph III - 1) measuring pipettes 1: 0.1 cm 3 sterile (from the laboratory), 2) test tubes with sterile water for dilution (from the laboratory). - V. Soil research: 1) Frenkel soil drill, 2) dishes for soil samples. - VI. Examination of food products (protozoa): a) milk-1) Kevenn lactodensimeter with a thermometer, 2) cylinder to it, 3) Gerber lactobutyrometers, 4) pipettes to them, 5) manual centrifuge: b) flour - * 1) Rakovich's device; c) meat (for rotting) - 1) Ebert's device.-VII. Illumination study: 1) Kohn light tester, 2) Wingen-Krüss photometer, 3) Thorner photometer. VII. Epidemiological study: 1) typhoid diagnosticum according to Park-Davis, 2) tuberculosis diagnosticum according to Pirke, 3) Schick reaction kit, * 4) Frank's needle, * 5) slides and coverslips for smears, 6) devices for sending them , 7) devices for taking and sending: *a) mucus for diphtheria, *b) feces for cholera and typhoid fever, *c) urine, *d) blood for agglutination and Wasserman and for malaria, and *e) sputum.- IX . Anthropometric studies: 1) a machine for measuring height, 2) a thick compass, *3) a measuring tape, 4) scales, 5) a spirometer, 6) a hearing meter, *7) a trial font, 8) a Martier-Collin dynamometer. - X. Research blood: 1) Sali's hemoglobinometer or Tal-quiet's hemoglobin scale, 2) a device for counting blood globules.-XI. Photograph: 1) photographic apparatus (9x12) with movable frosted glass for focusing - in a bag, 2) tripod, 3) photographic accessories.- XII. Drawing accessories: 1) drawing board, 2) T-square, *3) triangle, *4) protractor, *5) preparation, 6) curvimeter, Whatman paper, ink, pencils, watercolor paints, buttons, rubber, etc.-XIII. Reference books and words-r and. This list b. or m. is full; a number of analyzes of course can be carried out only in the laboratory. To do this, the health officer must be in contact with the latter. From this list, you can select the most necessary tools (for the first time), marked above with *. Legal status S. v. determined by the tasks of protecting and strengthening the health of the population, which sets itself government and the collective of this or that country, depending on the socio-economic basis of the system of this country. Therefore, the rights of S. v. will be formulated most fully and broadly. in their work when the state fully and unconditionally pursues a policy of decisive provision of the population with all dignity. measures and the elimination of all factors preventing this (private ownership of the means of production, the old way of life, sanitary illiteracy, etc.). Therefore, in the modern legislation of the USSR, the rights of St. are defined incomparably more widely than in acc. laws of other countries (capitalist). The right to enter dwellings and enterprises (all without exception), the right to seize objects for examination, the right to demand from responsible persons all necessary materials and information, the right to bring to court, to impose a fine, the right to judicial inquiry, the right to compulsory hospitalization of contagious patients, etc. - this list of the rights of S. v., given in the legislation of the USSR, sufficiently characterizes the fundamental difference in attitudes and in tasks S.'s activities. in the USSR and other countries (cf. health legislation). A. Sysin. Material and household benefits. you for dignity. doctors. Considering especially importance S.'s work under the conditions of the socialist reconstruction of "the national economy and the radical improvement of work and life, the Soviet government established for them a number of special benefits in the field of material and household," in addition to the general benefits granted to workers in general and medical personnel in particular. On January 10, 1930, a decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR was issued (Coll. Uzak. 1930, No. 4, p. 44) “On improving the situation of dignity. doctors”, the Crimea is established: 1) periodic increases in the maintenance received for length of service, starting from 1 / X 1929, 20% for every three years of continuous work as a C. century. The maximum increase is 60% (for three three-year periods); 2) scientific mission at least once every 5 years, lasting at least 3 months; 3) children of S. V., who have worked for at least 3 years in the position of S. V., are equated upon admission to educational establishments to the children of workers and 4) regular leave is granted annually for a period of at least 1 month. S. v., serving rural areas and workers' settlements, are also fully subject to the benefits established for skilled workers in rural areas, according to the law of 10/VI 1930, namely: 1) transfer to another job can take place only with the consent of the worker (§ 6); 2) in case of dismissal due to unsuitability, the right to demand the appointment of an expert commission (§ 7); 3) preservation of living space in the former place of residence, if the family remained there, regardless of the length of stay of S. v. outside the family (§ 9); 4) provision of a free apartment with heating and lighting (§ 10); 5) provision of free transport for business trips (§ 12); 6) the right to connect regular holidays for three years (all other workers are entitled - only for 2 years); 7) a scientific trip at least once every three years (SV in cities - 1 time in 5 years). In addition to this, S. v., serving rural areas and workers' settlements, are also subject to the above benefits established by law of 10/1, 1930 for all S. v. at all. Special privileges are established for S. of century, working on fight against epidemics. By the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR of 31/Sh 1926 (SU 1926, No. 20, Article 158) and the instruction of the NKZdr. temporary work in the fight against cholera, typhus or relapsing fever, the employee receives a daily allowance in the amount of VІa ok ~ lada, and when on a business trip to fight other infections [scarlet fever, anthrax, smallpox, malaria (in acutely affected areas)] - VІe salary; Persons who carry out permanent anti-epidemic work by the nature of their service may be given, in agreement with the relevant public health authority, a permanent solid allowance to the main content instead of per diems (§ 4 of the instructions). This includes S. century. - epidemiologists who constantly travel around the region to carry out measures to combat epidemics or are sent for this purpose to b. or m. an extended period away from the permanent place of residence. The law of 30/1II 1926 also provides for the right of medical of an employee whose permanent disability occurred as a result of work to combat epidemics, and in the event of his death at this work, the right of his family to receive benefits according to the norms established for workers and members of their families if the worker suffered from an industrial injury. With regard to S.'s salary. it is stipulated in the decision of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR of 16 / KhP 1931 (Coll. Dec. of the USSR No. 73, Art. 489), that when differential rates are established, doctors should be provided with a higher salary increase FOR dignity. ■ doctors.I. Bychkov. Lit.: Handbook of the sanitary doctor, ed. BUT. Sy-sina, M., 1928.

A sanitary doctor (hygienist) is a specialist responsible for the sanitary and epidemiological health of the country's population.

The sanitary doctor is engaged in disease prevention, he forms the optimal conditions for the human environment, is responsible for reducing harmful environmental, professional and other negative factors affecting the life of society; in addition, conducts constant sanitary monitoring.

The first is a program of detailed inspection and assessment of enterprises and organizations of the country in terms of their compliance with sanitary and hygienic legislation. The doctor checks medical institutions, shops and markets, beaches, railway and river stations, trains, steamships, and so on. Collects fines for violation of sanitary and hygienic norms.

The second is monitoring compliance with sanitary standards in the planning and construction of cities, factories and factories, agricultural enterprises. This includes monitoring compliance with the norms for the allocation of sanitary protection zones when choosing land for development, monitoring treatment facilities, air and water quality in metropolitan areas and industrial centers, behind background radiation.

The third is control over the sale of food and consumer goods in terms of shelf life, quality and safety for health. This includes monitoring the recipes of dishes in cafes, restaurants and canteens, the composition of materials for the manufacture of toys and clothing for children, the expiration date of medicines in the pharmacy network, catering in schools and kindergartens.

Also, the profession of a sanitary doctor includes the issuance of licenses to medical organizations and certificates of conformity for products sold to the public, the organization of anti-epidemic measures.

The doctor's task is to prevent diseases and protect the environment.

Narrow specializations

  • General health doctors involved in general questions prevention and supervision (ecology, water, air, soil).
  • Sanitary doctors specializing in housing and communal services.
  • food control.
  • Sanitary doctors performing supervision in industry.
  • Sanitary doctors working in children's institutions.
  • Military sanitary doctors responsible for the sanitary and hygienic condition of the army and navy.

The sanitary doctor does not treat patients, but works in close contact with doctors of all specialties: therapists, pediatricians, surgeons, traumatologists, dentists, as he controls compliance with aseptic and antiseptic standards in the treatment of patients.

Places of work

The position of a sanitary doctor is available in medical organizations of any profile, Rospotrebnadzor, sanitary and epidemiological laboratories, food enterprises, SES, in sanatoriums, health centers.

History of the profession

The prerequisites for separating hygiene into an independent science appeared at the end of the 18th century, but only 100 years later, empirical ideas about the environment and its impact on humans began to be confirmed by scientific data. E. Parke (1854) published the first manual on environmental hygiene, M. Pettenkofer opened the first hygienic institute, outlined a number of major sanitary and hygienic tasks.

Sanitary supervision in Russia dates back to the 13th century, when a network of water pipes and sewers appeared. In the 16th century, Domostroy was published - a set of household hygiene rules, and a hundred years later they began to monitor bakeries and the sale of products. The Petrine era finally fixed the rules of sanitary and hygienic behavior in society.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, hygiene began to be introduced into everyday life hygiene rules through special legislation, special supervision and health education of the population. Standards are being developed and introduced in all sectors of the national economy, a special place is given to sanitary hygiene medical institutions, military sanitation.

The main direction is disease prevention and environmental protection. Sanitation takes care of the workplace of every working person in terms of optimal working conditions for health. Even at the design stage of any facility, strict sanitary and hygienic standards for heat, light, and humidity are laid down. At the state level, food control is exercised.

Max von Pettenkofer is the founder of the first European Hygiene Institute in Munich.

Duties of a health officer

The main responsibilities of a medical officer are:

  • Supervision over observance of the sanitary legislation.
  • Control over the protection of consumer rights in terms of hygiene standards.
  • Sanitary access regime at the border, check and registration of imported goods.
  • Checking enterprises for compliance with sanitary standards (working conditions, the condition of workers, the work of canteens, if any, the sanitary and epidemiological regime). Conducting laboratory tests and examinations, if necessary.
  • Supervision of the work of children's and health institutions.

Also, the functions of the sanitary doctor include the execution of sanitary books and the preparation of medical documentation based on the results of the inspections.

Requirements for a sanitary doctor

The basic requirements for a sanitary doctor include:

  • Higher medical education, valid accreditation sheet for medical and preventive work.
  • Knowledge of sanitary standards.
  • Confident use of a PC.
  • Availability of a medical book.

The specialist independently organizes and conducts inspections.

How to become a public health doctor

To become a sanitary doctor, you must:

  1. Graduate from a university or medical school with a degree in General Medicine or Pediatrics, Medical and Preventive Care.
  2. Get an accreditation sheet. To do this, you need to pass the exam and successfully pass an interview with an expert commission.
  3. After that, you can work with patients on an outpatient basis (for example, a general practitioner or pediatrician).
  4. For getting narrow specialization you can enroll in residency (2 years of study) in the specialty "Sanitation, hygiene, epidemiology". Paid easier, because the competition is small and for admission you need to have only 50 attestation points. Is free You can get into residency in two ways: by competition on a general basis or by target direction the chief physician of the medical organization in which the specialist already works.

Each year, doctors are required to score 50 certification points. To do this, you can take advanced training courses (36 points), attend scientific and practical conferences (the number of points depends on the event, but usually about 10 points), publish scientific work, write books, defend dissertations. If enough points are scored, then you can work further. If points are not scored, then you will either have to stop medical practice, or solve this problem in “non-standard” ways.

The experience, skill and quality of the doctor's work is usually assessed qualification categories which can be obtained by defending a research paper. During the defense, the commission evaluates the doctor's skills in the field of diagnosis, treatment, prevention, as well as the relevance of his knowledge.

What are the qualification categories?

  • the second - over 3 years of experience;
  • the first - more than 7 years of experience;
  • higher - more than 10 years of experience.

The qualification category allows you to hold high positions in medical institutions, entitles you to a salary increase, gives you a status in a professional environment and high confidence on the part of patients. Even more respect can be gained by speaking at conferences, symposiums and creating science articles and work.

The doctor has the right not to qualify, but this will hinder his career and professional growth.

Sanitary doctor salary

The general income range is as follows: sanitary doctors earn from 7,500 to 120,000 rubles a month. Sanitary doctors are in demand in the Novosibirsk, Moscow and Leningrad regions. We found the minimum wage in Nizhny Novgorod in one of the hygiene centers - 7,500 rubles per month, the maximum - in Moscow, at the Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports and Tourism - 120,000 rubles per month.

The average salary of a sanitary doctor is 30,500 rubles per month.