What reasons can be indicated for dismissal from work in a resume. Russia recorded a sharp increase in layoffs in the labor market

In order to work as long as possible at a favorite and profitable job, an employee must understand what he is valued for and what not to do in order to stay at his workplace and develop professionally. It turns out that statistics are being made on the reasons for layoffs at various enterprises in the country. You can find a job and not lose it thanks to not only high qualifications, but also the right attitude to the company's business processes, its mission and knowledge of the main reasons for layoffs.

So, the reasons for dismissal and fatal mistakes of employees:

A study conducted by the Head Hunter service showed exactly what actions committed by employees in the end can become the basis for his calculation from the position and staff of the company.

The list of 10 fatal mistakes that are unacceptable for an employee:

  • dispute with boss and search new vacancy at your workplace;
  • help a colleague in hiding his mistake and telling colleagues about own plans for the future;
  • appearing at the office in a drunken state and the fact that a potential candidate for dismissal took on someone else's fault;
  • collection of gossip about the boss and their discussion in social networks and by mail, as well as indecent behavior at corporate parties;
  • misappropriation and embezzlement of company money, as well as intimate relationships with a higher boss.

What do employees say about the reasons for leaving?

Post a job for free, find a job and work, but in the end be laid off - such a fate can await every employee. At the same time, the official wording does not say much about what is in reality, and because of this, it is optimal to ask the dismissed themselves about this and their attitude to the situation itself and this fact.

Among more than 1,000 citizens and residents of St. Petersburg, who changed jobs last year, took part in an anonymous survey and thus showed the real situation on the labor market. As the results showed, it does not matter whether it is work in Tyumen or St. Petersburg, among the leading factors that led to the dismissal, i.e. more than 77 percent there is a change in the plans of the company itself, as well as conflict situations and arguments with the boss - 55 percent. In addition, no less popular and common is a mistake made at work, concealment by management of a previously committed misconduct or mistake.
What is important to note?

Heading the list, compiled in 2015, the list of reasons for layoffs is the initiative of the company itself, when it no longer needs the services of an objectionable employee. And this contrasts sharply with what it was before the crisis.

Before the crisis, the reasons for mixing from a position that relate to a vacancy in Rostov or, for example, St. Petersburg, could vary, but the main one, which is noted by ordinary subordinates, is the lack of prospects. Almost 70% of the interviewed laid-off people think so. In particular, it was specifically about low earnings and a small chance for its increase, the lack of growth in relation to career. Conflicts with management, as the reason for dismissal, decreased and amounted to about 41%, and only 18 out of 100 noted that they were provoked by the employer’s violation of the rules to leave work Labor Code.

How do employers evaluate the reasons for layoffs?

If we judge such reasons from the position of management, then recruitment it will not be difficult to replace the dismissed - quickly finding employees during a crisis will not be a problem, the main thing is that they do not make the mistake of previously dismissed subordinates.

The main thing, in their opinion, is the failure of subordinates to fulfill their own job duties, directly written in job description. This reason is voiced by almost 50% of the interviewed employers, and as the reports of extras show, it was 48 percent of people who were fired on this basis. At the same time, 1/3 of respondents talk about the conflict between the boss and the subordinate as another reason for dismissal.

About 27 percent of respondents noted that they were forced to dismiss due to problems in business, and here the question is not only about dismissing an inefficient employee, but also about reducing spending on the services of expensive experts who showed excellent work results, but as it turned out, were not in demand during the decline as such. In addition, the reason for the dismissal was the use of employees of the company's resources, theft and disclosure of information with limited access. In particular, about 9% of employees were fired for theft.

What reasons for dismissal are not ashamed to call a new employer?

Dismissal is a rather painful process and a question when applying for a new job. workplace, nevertheless, there are variants of the wording, which, so to speak, are not ashamed to voice. It is they who, as the employers themselves note, will not create serious problems for the potential candidates for a vacancy when they need to find a job urgently, during an interview, and in the future.

The list of such expressions includes:

  • reorganization and liquidation of the company, as well as the lack of prospects for the employee in terms of professional and career growth;
  • an overabundance of irregular labor or a sharp change in working conditions for the worse for a person, and as employers note in their data, putting them on the job site, this reason is not the best for them - it does not give them the best reputation among potential applicants and subordinates ;
  • change of residence of an employee or relocation of the company, as well as a change in management, who recruit a new team under their own standards;
  • extension official function employee without preliminary agreements and reservations regarding increased wages for such workloads.

The staff turnover rate is one of the three most common criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the activities of the personnel services, along with compliance with the budget for personnel costs and requirements for maintaining personnel records. In this regard, the question is often raised about the algorithm for calculating the turnover rate and how to be personnel officers in a situation where they have ceased to influence this indicator due to the processes of staff reduction that have taken place in many companies.

On one of the leading Internet portals dedicated to personnel management issues, the following definition of staff turnover is given: own will, for absenteeism, for violation of safety regulations, unauthorized leaving and other reasons not caused by production or national needs) to average headcount for the same period."

Those who calculate this indicator usually have a number of questions:

  • What about layoffs related to national and industrial needs: retirement, transfer to another job?
  • What about layoffs due to downsizing?
  • What to do with situations when an employee was separated de jure at his own request, and de facto for completely different reasons: whether it was a violation labor discipline Or a reduction in his position?

In our opinion, the following formula is more correct:

Staff turnover = the number of people who left the company for a certain period / the average headcount for the same period × 100.

For example, if 20 people left the company during the quarter, with an average headcount in this quarter equal to 200 people, then the staff turnover rate in the company for the quarter was 10%.

But, having calculated this figure as the “average for the hospital”, we do not receive information for analysis. Questions remain unanswered: “Why did these people leave the company?”, “In what departments did they work?”, “How long did they work in the company?”, “How significant are the losses for the company that their departure will lead to?”.

Thus, the task of the personnel manager is to identify the reason for the dismissal of each employee and keep statistics of these reasons. In addition, it is also necessary to keep statistics of layoffs: their number per month, per quarter, per year; distribution of layoffs by departments, positions, work experience of laid-off employees.

Calculation of the turnover rate by divisions

If in one of the departments the turnover rate is significantly higher than the average for the company, you should find out the reasons for this situation. And they can be different: starting from the management style in the unit and ending with the working conditions of employees.

In this case, it is important to draw the attention of the manager to the current situation and, if possible, include the turnover indicator as a target KPI (key performance indicator) in the structure of the bonus of this manager.

The head of one of the warehouse terminals, in a conversation with the personnel manager of the central office, explains the high percentage of turnover among warehouse workers due to their low salary.

Before reviewing salaries, the HR manager decided to analyze whether the turnover rate in this warehouse differed from the average in the company. It turned out that it differs significantly, which means that it is not at all about wages, which are standard for all warehouse terminals of the company. Probably, the true reason lay in the fact that the boss himself, when hiring new employees, made a choice not in favor of the best candidates, which could be the result of the boss's lack of interviewing skills.

Calculation of the turnover rate by the period of work in the company

This period depends, first of all, on the average duration of work in the company and can be:

  • half a year - for companies with high staff turnover, for example, for logistics terminals or large supermarkets;
  • year - for most companies;
  • three years - for companies such as a design bureau, which attracts graduates of specialized universities, additionally training them for another year or two.

The percentage of employees who left the company during the first year of work can be considered an indicator of the effectiveness of the selection and adaptation systems.

The employee turnover rate serves as an indicator of the health of the company and the correctness of the decisions taken in the organization. management decisions. It is important to correctly diagnose the causes of this symptom.

The HR manager of a retail chain of stores noticed that since the beginning of the year, the percentage of turnover among novice sellers has increased. This trend was surprising in the context of the economic crisis, when the average turnover rate in the company dropped significantly, as people began to “hold on” to work. Moreover, changes in the process of hiring and adaptation of employees in recent times was not carried out.

After analyzing the situation, the HR manager suggested that the reason was the changes in the bonus system for employees initiated in January. As a result, sellers who had been working in stores for a long time, wanting to get the maximum part of the bonus fund, were not interested in expanding the staff and, as a result, “survived” new employees, working for them and receiving a larger bonus.

Thus, the turnover rate among newcomers in this situation signaled that the bonus system was reorganized incorrectly and needs to be improved.

Calculation of the turnover rate based on the grounds for dismissal

Staff turnover can be conditionally divided into active and passive.

Active staff turnover- motion work force, due to the dissatisfaction of the employee with the workplace: working conditions, life, etc.

Passive staff turnover- the movement of the labor force caused by the dissatisfaction of the employer with a particular employee.

When analyzing these indicators, it is important to record the real reasons why the employee left the company. Surely every HR manager has come across a situation where an employee, although he wrote a statement of his own free will, but the true reason for the separation was different: in a disciplinary violation or inconsistency with the position.

The human resources manager of a company usually does not have the opportunity to speak in person with employees leaving remote offices, so once a month after making all the calculations with the dismissed, you should selectively call former employees to understand whether the reasons indicated by the leaders are true and whether the phrase “moving to another city” is not hiding parting with the company due to dissatisfaction or deceived expectations.

An example of questions for laid-off employees:

  • When you first started working, who explained your duties to you, introduced you to the rules and features of the activity?
  • Have you read the New Employee Folder? Were you given printed materials? Did you understand everything?
  • Did they help you with your work if something did not work out? Who? (Manager, colleagues, a little bit of everything, no one.)
  • Did you have any problems in the team? With whom? (With the manager, with colleagues.) How were the problems solved?
  • How can you characterize the atmosphere in the team as a whole?
  • What are the reasons for your dismissal?
  • Could you recommend a job in this department to your friends? What about in our company?

Thus, for accounting carried out by the personnel service, it is necessary to record the real grounds for dismissal and the initiator of the separation. For example, this could be an indicator: "Percentage of employees who worked less than a year and were dismissed at the initiative of the company in shop number 7."

In conclusion, let's pay attention to the fact that there are significant fluctuations in terms of "staff turnover" among companies in various business sectors. The highest staff turnover is observed in the retail sector.

The percentage of turnover among top managers and managers is lower than among specialists and such special categories of employees as salespeople, cashiers, and workers. This is explained by the fact that with the growth of the position, the opportunities for career, financial and status growth within the company increase. As a result, such employees are more attached to their company.

It needs to be known

Picking errors

  • Mistake 1. “I didn’t get along in the company” - a mismatch of a new employee corporate culture and his unwillingness/unwillingness to change. It is quite possible to avoid such a situation if, during interviews with candidates, one takes time to analyze the correspondence between the personal qualities of the applicant and the corporate values ​​of the organization.
  • Mistake 2. “I didn’t cope with the tasks” - the inconsistency of the new employee with the position. Often companies hire new employees "out of the box", initially realizing the existence of a gap between the requirements for the position and their professional competencies. Subsequently, it may turn out that the gap is too large, and the company does not have the resources, most often temporary, for the appropriate training of the employee. Such a policy of attracting personnel is possible provided that the company has built a system of internal training and mentoring.
  • Mistake 3. “I was deceived in expectations” - the position does not meet the expectations of a new employee. A newcomer may encounter in a company not at all what he was promised during the selection. Moreover, as a rule, this is not a consequence of malicious intent on the part of the company, but of insufficiently effective communication policy. A good tool to prevent such situations is to have a formalized job offer signed by both parties for a new employee, which, in fact, is an agreement on the content and conditions of future work.

Adaptation errors

  • Error 1. Discrepancy between the goals of adaptation and the tools used. Often this is the result of thoughtlessly borrowing the techniques and methods of other companies without adapting them to their corporate practices.
  • Mistake 2. Unclear distribution of roles of participants in the adaptation process. As a result, some of the adaptation functions are simultaneously implemented by different people or departments, and some of the functions, on the contrary, are not performed by anyone.
  • Mistake 3. Duplication of adaptation tools in form and content. The desire to surround an employee with attention can lead to the fact that a newcomer will be subjected to a massive information attack, which will ultimately have a negative impact on his effectiveness.

In few businesses, constant employee turnover can be a positive thing. For most employers, the departure of an employee is a stressful situation that negatively affects the entire work process and, accordingly, making a profit. Moreover, in some cases, the departure of a key employee in general can paralyze the work of the enterprise. And the requirement for a long preparation of a new employee for the existing process can also complicate the loss. Let's take a look at the most common reasons employees leave.

Reason for dismissal No. 12 - divergence of principles

Not so often now people because of ideological and fundamental disagreements with the employer. But sometimes there are situations in which dismissal for these reasons is possible. For example, when a company that employed a staunch vegan starts building a large-scale farm as a side project. cattle. Or when the company expresses support for certain policies that may cause dislike among the employee.

Such situations make up only a small fraction of the total number of self-made layoffs of employees, but for many employers they are the most unpredictable. However, such a dismissal can usually cause serious damage to a business only with a small number of employees. And in small enterprises, the employer always has the opportunity to prevent such events or at least be aware of the interests and principles of their employees.

In general, to influence such a situation, the head of the department, personnel specialists or the employer himself practically cannot. And such an influence, if it is possible, is unlikely to be justified - there is no point in sacrificing the interests of business for the interests of one individual worker. However, if the policy of the company and its actions cause massive dissatisfaction among employees, and such layoffs are not an isolated practice, you should seriously think about the chosen development vectors.

Reason for leaving number 11 - long distance

In general, precisely because of the long distance from home to work, employees rarely leave their workplace. After all, when applying for a job, they know what they will have to face. Another thing is when a change in the distance to work arose after the start of an employment relationship.
For example, after moving the office or vice versa - changing the place of residence of an employee. Extra time spent on trips to the office, increased fares in intercity and urban transport - all these factors negatively affect the employee and may even push him to quit.

At the same time, the employer has the opportunity to influence this situation. If an employee is very valuable to the company, but has difficulty getting to work, you can offer him various compensation options. For example, a partial payment of the cost of transportation or a reduction in the actual requirements for staying at the workplace, if this is acceptable. That is, a valuable employee can be released from work earlier, and wait for her later. However, this practice should be used on an individual basis, as it may negatively affect the rest of the team, who will be dissatisfied with such excessive indulgences.

In general, it should always be borne in mind that when such a situation arises through the fault of the employer, for example, when moving a company, it is best to determine a number of indulgences for all working employees in advance and discuss options for additional benefits or other assistance with the workers themselves. In the event that an increase in travel time to and from work was influenced by third-party factors - a change in public transport routes, the closure of highways and roads for repairs - compromises should be sought with employees who were affected by such a change. If the problem is the relocation of one of the employees, any measures to improve his condition should be taken only if you are completely sure that they will not affect the situation in the team.

Reason for dismissal #10 - personal factors

In most cases, people leave precisely because of dissatisfaction with certain aspects of labor relations. However, this does not apply to all situations - in some cases, the employer and his company are absolutely not connected with the dismissal of the employee. The reason for dismissal may lie in absolutely third-party, personal factors that affect the life of an employee.

Such situations include various family changes. or vice versa - a wedding, the birth of a child, a family relocation - the list of such situations that can eventually lead to dismissal is extremely wide. And the employer should not blame himself or look for errors in his own personnel policy if the employee quits precisely in connection with the circumstances that have developed in his personal life. The same situations include health problems that arise in workers, not related to professional activity. But in this case, nevertheless, the support of the employer and assistance can be of great importance for the resigning person.

At the same time, it is impossible to give recommendations that could definitely keep the employee in the workplace in this case. Of course, the employer can carefully discuss this issue with the employee and offer some kind of compromise solution, but such a compromise may not always be possible. Dismissals for personal reasons do not happen so often, therefore, first of all, they should be treated as a given - after all, human life is unstable, and not every person in it has work in the first place.

Reason for dismissal No. 9 - a critical situation in the company

At times economic crises, many employees are looking for new opportunities and prospects, while others are striving to get as much as possible right away, without waiting for hard days. The same, only to a much greater extent, applies to crises not on the common market but on the scale of an individual enterprise. A difficult situation or a crisis that is just beginning can force workers to quit early, without waiting for the business to go bankrupt, after which they will only know that they have worked for free for several weeks or months without the opportunity to receive their earnings.

In the event that a crisis situation exists in business, a very important part of anti-crisis measures should be precisely events dedicated to ordinary employees and key specialists of this business. Difficult moments in business can become both a force that destroys the team and labor efficiency, and vice versa - a situation in which employees can rally and literally pull the business out of difficult times on their shoulders.

Therefore, it is important for the employer to inform employees about business crises as directly and openly as possible, however, without exaggerating too much. Dispelling rumors and preventing panic, along with providing truthful, if not the most rosy information, can do much more than just gloss over existing problems and risks.

Reason for dismissal # 8 - low motivation of employees

Lack of motivation for work can lead to dismissal only in the most neglected cases. However, insufficient motivation in itself is an extremely serious problem, and dismissals for this reason are the most serious marker of structural shortcomings in the personnel policy of an enterprise. First of all, bonuses should be the main tool for motivating employees.

The current labor legislation allows the use of a wide variety of bonus systems for employees. However, many employers still approach the issue of assigning and paying bonuses only formally - simply writing them out to workers as an additional 13th wage or issuing them regularly. Such a bonus almost completely destroys the very motivational essence of this procedure.

At the same time, promising bonus systems should focus on specific key indicators activities of each individual employee. In this case, when the employee has clearly set goals and the realization that their achievement will be rewarded by the employer, he is unlikely to quit due to lack of motivation. Moreover, a high-quality motivational system can even outweigh many other factors in the employee's value system that can push him to quit.

Reason for dismissal No. 7 - lack or insufficiency of social guarantees

Despite the fact that the Russian Federation is a state with a strong social policy and a large amount of obligations of any employer to its employees, it is far from always that simple compliance with the Labor Code in the minimum amount can be enough for workers. Considering modern tendencies where many enterprises seek to win the loyalty of employees precisely with social guarantees, their small volume can become a serious reason for subsequent dismissal.

First of all, it should be noted that if there are layoffs for such reasons, then this is the main marker of the need to change the social policy of the business. In particular, the current legislation largely allows employers to provide additional support to their employees without unnecessary costs and bureaucratic obstacles.

Social guarantees can be expressed in various options for actions, which include:

  • Direct material support for employees in difficult life situations.
  • Providing related leisure, recreation and entertainment for both the employees themselves and their families, including the provision of vouchers.
  • Possibility of treatment in specialized medical institutions or additional medical insurance.
  • Providing free access to professional courses.

A very effective option for retaining employees through social guarantees may serve as an obligation to pay perpetual or similar deductions to employees who have worked for a certain period of time. In this case, the very fact of the existence of such additional security in the future may force employees to ignore other negative factors and distract them from thinking about quitting or changing jobs.

Reason for dismissal # 6 - inadequate assessment of the efforts of employees

Often, inadequate assessment by the employer and management of the efforts of employees leads to subsequent dismissal. If situations arise in an enterprise when one of the employees may not work at all, and someone has to work for the entire department, it is very likely that an employee working for the entire department who does not receive any return from such activities simply, after all, decides to change jobs.

A misjudgment of the efforts of employees should be distinguished from a lack of motivation. In this situation, the employee quits precisely because it is the stable daily performance of direct work duties that does not remain evaluated or is incorrectly evaluated, and not an additional initiative or other features of the motivational system. Most often, authoritarian leaders do not pay due attention to working conditions and the distribution of work responsibilities between employees.

If the head of the department is only interested in the execution overall indicators department, and does not pay attention to the specific participation in the implementation of such indicators of individual employees, then in the end the most efficient workers Definitely thinking about looking for another job. Such dismissal can be avoided by a qualitative daily assessment of labor and the correct distribution of labor responsibilities. In addition, so that the employee does not feel underestimated and does not work for the entire department on his own, it is not at all necessary to directly encourage his activity - a similar satisfaction of his sense of justice, as well as sufficient motivation for inefficient employees, can be achieved through the application of certain sanctions to underachieving employees.

Reason #5 for leaving – high stress levels

Many work activities can be stressful. Working with people, performing responsible actions, operating in or conditions - all this has an additional impact on the employee. An excessive level of stress and nervous tension during work can cause both chronic fatigue and even depression, psychological problems and the subsequent dismissal of an employee.

At the same time, it should be understood that the norms of the Labor Code do not always adequately assess the burden on workers. At one enterprise, a mandatory break with constant overload on employees will not be able to provide proper rest. At other enterprises, competent distribution of the load will make it possible to effectively use staff rest time for work purposes - for example, this is widely practiced in foreign IT companies that regard staff collective rest time as an excellent option for developing the skills necessary for programmers and other employees and cooperation between departments on purely voluntary basis.


To avoid dismissals of employees due to excessive stress, you should first of all pay attention to the work of personnel specialists and the existing working conditions. In the case of too high a load or simply increased stress-generating factors, their influence should at least be compensated. However, not always even high wages and additional bonuses may be sufficient for an employee to work unquestioningly in too harsh conditions - therefore, the load should never be excessive, regardless of the established level of payment for such a load.

Reason for dismissal No. 4 - poor relationship with superiors or staff

A conflicting team or lack of trusting or just fair relationships with superiors can often be the reason for the dismissal of employees. Therefore, professional personnel specialists and employers pay great attention to both the process of team building - creating an effective team of employees, and the preliminary selection of applicants who are compatible with each other and with the existing team for vacancies.

In the event that a conflict arises directly with the manager or with the employer himself, one should unequivocally reconsider the relationship between such management and the employee and make an objective decision, not relying on subjective opinions. At the same time, from an objective point of view, both the employee himself and the employer or manager can be to blame for the problematic relationship, and the solution to such a problem will depend on many factors.

In general, problems in a team at large enterprises can be resolved by transferring an employee from one place to another. If one employee experiences a problem with the team, penalties and methods of influencing the team can eventually lead to the opposite result and only aggravate the existing conflict. However, if the tendency to constant conflicts with the team leads to dismissal a large number employees, or to a constant turnover of personnel, when an established team does not accept new employees or literally poisons them - you should not indulge such behavior. At some point, even a complete renewal of such a toxic and aggressive team may be justified.

Reason for dismissal # 3 - boredom and monotony of the work process

The monotony of the work process and boredom in the workplace may seem like a mundane factor that cannot affect the dismissal of an employee. However, it is not. Even with a sufficient level wages, the presence of good career prospects, social guarantees and other positive aspects of labor relations, excessive routine in the workplace can eventually lead the employee to depression or even dismissal of the employee. Similarly, boredom in the workplace, even if it is due to the lack of really necessary tasks, affects the employee in a similar way.


Fight boredom and routine should be different methods. So, if the work process is monotonous and does not require too precise qualifications with specific knowledge, the constant rotation of workers between departments can be effective. Such rotation can be carried out both monthly and annually, or weekly or even several times during one working day. Restaurants are a great example of employee interchangeability. fast food- few of their employees can complain about the monotony of the work process. At the same time, such interchangeability of employees will definitely increase their qualifications and significantly reduce the damage to the enterprise in the event of the loss of one of the employees, since all other employees will be able to easily perform his duties without additional training.

Boredom is a sign of improper distribution of working time or work responsibilities. Of course, some positions may directly provide for the availability of free time for employees. For example, when working as a watchman, repairman or system administrator, their free pastime is just a signaling device for them effective work. There are many ways to avoid boredom among employees. If the presence of an employee at the workplace or in the immediate vicinity of him all the time is not necessary, you can reduce the working day or release workers early. If they need to always be present at the workplace, since their work may be required at any time, they should be provided with at least minimal tools for leisure activities. These can be banal access to the Internet, a special sports corner or a separate recreation area, the presence board games or other entertainment, mini-library.

Reason for dismissal number 2 - lack of prospects

Some employees leave only because there are no real prospects in their workplace. A long time of work with the same salary and in the same position without visible progress will definitely make the employee think about finding a more promising place of work. Even a small salary with wide opportunities for career growth in the future may not become an obstacle in this case for workers who are tired of staying at the same level.

At the same time, it is logical that not every employee is really worthy of an effective promotion or promotion. career ladder In any case, there will not be enough vacancies for the authorities for everyone. However, it should be remembered that in any enterprise there is an opportunity for employees to occupy additional positions. So, an employee who does not demonstrate managerial talent, but conscientiously fulfills his duties, can increase his salary and offer the role of an instructor for novice applicants, or simply provide additional income by issuing him the position of responsible for fire safety or other labor standards.

In some professions, there is also a certain career growth ceiling, above which the employee simply cannot rise. In this case, the employee is unlikely to quit for the indicated reason, however, he may begin to think about changing his specialty. If the employer values ​​such an employee in this particular capacity, a good option may be to offer him a part-time job with another position that provides for his own, separate career growth, if possible. Even the fact itself, albeit minimal prospects for the future, when reaching the "ceiling" in the employed specialty, can easily convince the employee to quit.

Reason #1 for leaving – low pay

The main reason for most layoffs of workers around the world is direct and banal dissatisfaction. salary. And to correct such dissatisfaction is both difficult and simple. Many employers prefer to simply turn a blind eye to the dismissal of employees due to low wages, and increase it after the fact that a valuable specialist has left.
Such behavior is associated with a very common misconception and ineffective management practices that do not involve direct contact with the manager and direct questions about salary satisfaction and possible needs.

In the post-Soviet space, many managers simply do not offer high wages to resigning workers, fearing that such a dismissal is simply “blackmail”. But in the end, they become forced to raise the salaries of subsequent employees, having experienced problems with hiring new staff or their lack of professionalism. Therefore, it is better to prevent layoffs in advance and adequately assess the needs of workers and the situation on the market. If all competitors of an enterprise pay more for similar work, soon it may almost completely lose professional workers and even more to lose their positions in the market.

In general, the guarantee of the constant work of employees at the enterprise and the minimum number of layoffs, no matter how trite it may sound, is the direct and trusting relationship between the employee and the employer. In fact, the employer should not take an authoritarian position in relation to employees and demonstrate their power - both sides of the labor relationship are, in a certain sense, completely equal. Maintaining such an atmosphere of equality will allow employees to independently state their claims or simply demonstrate their needs to the employer without being fired, which will improve the operation of the entire business without undue stress for both the manager and employees.

Last year, specialists from the Falcongaze analytical center once again conducted a study on the reasons for changing jobs by employees Russian companies. Falcongaze customers using SecureTower, a data breach prevention and workflow control software package, shared their 2017 layoff statistics.

Most often layoffs took place in 2017 at the initiative of the employee. 56% of those who quit last year decided to change jobs or go into free swimming voluntarily. The retail sector made the biggest contribution to these statistics - traditionally, there is one of the highest staff turnover.

Layoffs are far from always taking place calmly and by mutual desire - in 2017, 16% of the total number of those who left the company for various kinds of violations or inconsistency with their position left the company. This includes non-fulfillment of labor duties, absenteeism, and appearance at work in a state of intoxication, and other grounds provided for in Article 77, Chapter 13 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The inconsistency of the position held consists in the failure of the employee to pass the certification - in this case, the employer is obliged to offer a position corresponding to the qualifications of the employee, and if he disagrees, he already has every right to dismiss him.

Layoffs still make up a significant portion of the layoffs. Despite the fact that the peak of the crisis has already been passed, the economic situation still greatly affects the working climate in organizations. Of all those who changed jobs in 2017, 14% did so because of layoffs.

In the penultimate place among the reasons for layoffs were embezzlement and fraud. Unfortunately, the relationship between employers and employees is far from always respectable - a significant number of partings with employees occur due to embezzlement, theft, kickbacks and other not very legal methods of work. The good news is that the number of such violations has relatively fallen compared to last year. In 2016, the percentage of dismissals due to corruption, embezzlement and theft was 11% of the total. In 2017, for these reasons, already 8% of employees who lost their jobs were fired.

Most organizations enter into a non-disclosure agreement with their employees at the beginning of a working relationship, not disclosing commercial, official, or other legally protected secrets. Also, in the vast majority of organizations that care about the protection of their assets, regulations and policies have been introduced information security. Violations in this area are dealt with in different ways: depending on the significance of the misconduct, this can be a warning, a fine, up to and including dismissal. It was in connection with such violations that 6% of the total number of employees laid off in 2017 had to change jobs.

People are the main asset of any organization, however, just as employers do not always manage to find the right person, it can be difficult for specialists in job searches to find the right place. To the perfect climate labor relations in domestic organizations is still far away, but statistics show that significant steps are being taken in this direction.

Layoffs and employee turnover is one of the most common problems in many companies. Breaking up with employers is stressful for both the dismissed person and the company itself, since finding new staff is always more costly than retaining current employees. Why specialists leave and what they expect from employers was found out in their study by the Recruitment Agency of Unique Specialists.

Why leave

The recruitment agency of unique specialists conducted a survey among job seekers in the Moscow labor market on the topic "The main reasons for dismissal and factors influencing the choice of employer." As the main reasons for leaving the employer, applicants name the lack of opportunities for professional development (29.2%), career growth (29.2%) and low wages (27%).

Diagram #1. Reasons why employees leave employers, %

At the same time, if the top 3 reasons for the dismissal of specialist applicants are:

  • low wages - 33.1%,
  • lack of opportunities for professional growth - 32.4%,
  • lack of opportunities for career growth - 30.4%,

then for managers it looks like this:

  1. desire to change the industry - 29.7%,
  2. lack of opportunities for career growth - 24.3%,
  3. lack of opportunities for professional growth - 21.6%.

The results are explained by the difference in the motivation of specialists and managers. According to CEO recruitment agency unique specialists of Ekaterina Krupina, “for specialists, an increase in the level of salary is associated with professional and career growth, while the main motivating factor for a leader is the desire for self-realization, they are more focused on new tasks, ideas, projects - hence the desire to change the industry” .

Diagram #2. Reasons for dismissal of specialists and management personnel, %

Factors that could change an applicant's decision to leave an employer

60% of the respondents answered that they would accept a counterfeit from the employer. 11.4% of employees would be satisfied with a transfer to another department or branch of the company. Only 3.8% of specialist candidates noted that in any case they would have left or are going to leave their employer. There are more of them among the leaders – 17.5%. Diagram #3.

What factors could influence the decision of the applicant not to leave the employer, %

“Most job seekers would really agree to accept a counterfeit from an employer,” notes Ekaterina Krupin. - and literate personnel policy companies, taking adequate measures aimed at retaining professionals, investing in staff development can significantly reduce the cost of finding new employees. We would recommend looking for human resources within your own company - a third of specialists with higher education ready to develop professional level and focused on career advancement.

Factors that will influence the decision to accept the offer of a new employer

Almost 70% of the interviewed job seekers are attracted by new tasks and functions in the position offered by the employer, as well as higher wages compared to the previous one (66.8%). The transition to a higher position attracts 36% of applicants.

Diagram #4. What factors will influence the applicant's decision to accept the offer of a new employer, %

For only a third of applicants, an important factor is registration in accordance with the standards labor law. The presence of VHI, social package and other similar benefits attracts a quarter of applicants (25.7% of respondents).

Diagram #5. The main factors influencing the decision to accept the employer's offer, %

If we consider the significance of various factors in employment for specialists and managers, the following is observed. In the first place in terms of importance for specialists and line personnel is a higher salary level than at the previous place of work - more than 65% of the interviewed applicants answered this way. While for 70% of managers the main factor in the search new work are new tasks and functions that he has to solve. In second place is a higher level of wages. And on the third - the transition to a higher position.

The employer brand for managers is a less significant factor in employment than for specialists - 10% versus 20%.

Data provided based on the results of a survey conducted in July 2011 among job seekers in the Moscow labor market. The sample is 200 people, specialists and managers with higher or secondary specialized education.