What documents are needed for a food truck. How to open a food truck

Durum-Durum is shawarma. We decided to do it, because in Moscow there was no such shawarma that we love. To begin with, we decided to try to work out a mobile version - to make a restaurant on wheels. They wanted to bring an English double-decker double-decker bus, but due to many restrictions (the height is 4.4 m, it can be imported into Russia no higher than four, there is a problem with customs - it turned out to be over twenty years old) and a ban on the import of right-hand drive vehicles from this ideas had to be abandoned.

They brought Airstream: they bought it in the States for 10,000 dollars, delivered it to the port, then transported it by ship to Germany and from there to St. Petersburg, to Petrolesport, where they cleared customs.

We planned to open by May 1, 2013, but, realizing that we did not have time to pick up the trailer from the repair, we bought equipment and installed it at home in the kitchen: an oven, dough sheeter and a gas grill. They began to come up with recipes and read how to marinate chicken, how to bake cakes, they had never cooked before (fried eggs do not count).

On May 18, 2013, for the first time, we went to the City food market in Gorky Park. Our menu included durums - tortillas with chicken, cabbage, cucumbers and two homemade sauces. Then the festivals began: they worked in the garden. Bauman, in the park on Krasnaya Presnya. Since 2013, every day in winter and summer, in any weather.


The list of documents for opening a food truck, NTO (non-stationary shopping facility), is the same as for a stationary catering point, except for those that relate directly to the premises. This is a lease agreement with the owner of the land. For municipal land (parks) a tender can be held, if the property is commercial, the contract is signed directly with the owner of the building.

Based on a lease agreement separate subdivision and the checkout is registered. If you plan to move a point around the city, then you need to register a mobile cash desk (there are a number of restrictions), plus at each point in the city where the food truck will stand, a land lease agreement must be concluded.

You will also need a letter to Rospotrebnadzor about the notification of the start of activities, which checks in the first year, and then every three years. From the SES side: the availability of a menu in hard copy, consumer corner, medical books for all employees and documents for the company must be inside the trailer - a certificate of state registration and a certificate of registration in tax office(OGRN, USRN, TIN). It is not difficult to issue permits, I do not remember the exact duration, but within five working days.


Everyone who has tested his model and realized that the product he makes is in demand continues to open indoors. There are more opportunities indoors to make a quality kitchen: the trailer is cramped and there are few opportunities to meet the norms. According to the legislation, at the points of non-stationary trade, the product can only be brought to readiness, that is, it can go there almost ready, which means that a procurement factory-kitchen is needed. The premises for it must be rented, designed, renovated, certified, and this is a serious job.

We have a procurement workshop where we make blanks. Every day, the head of the restaurant instructs the procurer - how much blanks he needs. Entry to the Belaya Dacha, where our trailer is parked, is limited: you need to bring it before ten in the morning. There are difficulties, and they do not let us in when we are late.

The procurement workshop is thoughtfully equipped with the latest technology: a refrigerator, chest freezers, ovens, bathtubs for washing gastronorm containers. A different number of people work at the harvesting: in the usual mode - one or two, when there is a big event - three or four. It is clear that some things in any case can be done in advance, depending on the characteristics of the product, volume and shelf life. For example, vacuum sauce, marinate meat. Sometimes a person just goes to one shift, if you need to peel, cut and cut 80 kg of lamb - this is 2-3 hours or minced meat to scroll for cutlets.

As a result, vacuum-packed packages, gastronorm containers arrive at the point, all this is distributed among refrigerators, the meat is placed on a vertical grill.

Product Features

We can instantly assemble a team for the required number of people. But that's precisely the difficulty of mobile commerce: there is no certainty in it. Although the task of any business is to make some variables in it become constant in order to accept them as a constant. When you are a restaurant on wheels, this is very difficult to do.

Business on wheels is not taken seriously. The landlord can come in at any time and say: “Guys, this is the situation, you had to move out the day before yesterday.” And in our trailer, a person works, receives a salary. We tell him: stay at home for now. Therefore, this is a very difficult job: there are peaks in trading, but there is a recession, and my task is to somehow smooth them out.

Plus, we also have a specific dish, and in order to maintain quality, a client flow is constantly needed here. This burger can be prepared when a client appears, and in our case, the marinated meat is mounted on a reel (vertical grill) and, if there is no flow, it is impossible to stop the process: the meat is fried and thrown out if there is no one to sell it to. Therefore, there are many burger chains in the world, but there are no shawarma chains.

You have to choose the right product. Ideal - kutab, if we continue our theme, then gozleme. Enthusiasts at the markets go the way: “Oh, cool, let's cook a cake on the spot, it will be tastier!”. But, let's say, you can attract a hundred people for a flatbread made on the spot, and if you buy ready-made lavash, you can increase the delivery rate by 200 people. We must constantly look at what is more important - to attract an additional audience or increase the speed of issuance. Therefore, the logic is simple: it’s better to let a hundred servings be ready at once, people will come to me and eat.

We have five items on the menu, due to the possible combinations of toppings and additives, their number increases. You can also make the very basis of the durum (cakes) different. There is a return in the lunch box, there is breakfast. The menu is simple though. Durum is a monoconcept.

Today, the task of any mass catering, in my opinion, is to sell carbohydrates at the price of proteins. What does McDonald's sell? Not a Big Mac, but French fries and Coca-Cola, something that actually costs zero. This is our flat cake 80 grams, and meat 140. The weight of a standard durum (shawarma) is 350 grams - a good portion. Whether it is possible to earn and get rich on this - I do not know, but I hope.


The food truck has one advantage - visual; he grabs attention. And there are a lot of shortcomings: the more beautiful it looks, the more uncomfortable it is inside. Rounded corners are non-standard equipment. You can’t just buy a table, you need a unique one, to order, two to three times more expensive.

Or you need to lay the floor, they made corrugated metal. When flour and water get on it, it is impossible to wash it off. If you do a self-leveling floor, for example; it is heavy, adding several tens of kilograms. No one can tell such nuances: no one has experience yet. Although now there seem to be offices that want to professionally re-equip buses; their units.

In our case, the equipment came out more expensive, we did not always know what it should be. I had to buy a grill, it can cost ten thousand rubles, and a hundred. As a result, they bought for six thousand; it broke down, and we already knew what we needed from this equipment - how it fries, how it keeps heat. It was the same with the stove - it fell apart during the season, but we began to understand that we needed a two-section, separate stove to keep warm.

This is largely due to the fact that we are non-professionals. Well, who are the pros on a vertical grill? We have not developed this at all. You come to the store, and the seller says: "Let's open the instructions." Therefore, many things have to be comprehended by trial and error, to delve into everything.

Our van has two vertical grills and one horizontal grill, a pizza oven, a dough sheeter, refrigeration equipment, including a juice cooler and ice maker, food warmer, deep fryer, cash register, VDU (Video Display Unit) monitor for the picker, heated surface, carob coffee machine and exhaust hood (inside the trailer, the temperature can reach up to 50°C).

  • 1 What is a burger on wheels
  • 2 Benefits of food on wheels
  • 5 Food truck in terms of legislation. Mobile Commerce Law
  • 6 Renting a food truck - is it profitable?
  • 7 How to get a trading permit
  • 8 How much can a tavern on wheels bring

Finding your niche in the restaurant business can be tricky. One of the options for a new project is a burger on wheels: a street food outlet that can drive around the city in any direction.

We will analyze what such a burger place is like, how to draw up a business plan for opening it, what you need to know about the law on mobile commerce and food truck rental.

What is a burger on wheels

The food truck is a fully equipped van with a small kitchen inside. In this kitchen, you can cook almost any dish, but the food truck is suitable mainly for snacks andfast food. It is also called a burger food truck because this menu item brings in the most revenue.

Food trucks are divided into small burgers that can travel outside your city, and full-fledged mobile street food outlets. Choose the most suitable option for you and use it when drawing up a business plan.

Benefits of food on wheels

Below are the main advantages of a burger on wheels as a business project.

  1. Requires less investment than a regular street food outlet

If you need from 1 to 5 million rubles to open a full-fledged cafe, then the snack bar will cost much less - especially if you rent a van.

  1. No need to hire a large number of employees

A maximum of two employees can work in such a diner. Usually these are two cooks or a cook and a cashier. Often there is only a cook in the van who also accepts payment. With a large influx of people, you can take a second person.

You can outsource accounting, and the manager and technologist, due to physical impossibility (there is not enough space for three people and a full-fledged kitchen in a classic van), will not be able to be present in the burger shop all the time.

  1. Pays off quickly

The payback period for such a business is from one month. This is much less than the payback periodstandard cafeor street food outlets.

  1. Can move in any direction

With special permission, the food truck can move inside your city or travel outside of it into the region. You can empirically find the best food outlets and sell burgers there at the best time. It also contributes to increased sales and a quick return on payback. However, to obtain such a permit, you will need to collect a package of documents and hire an experienced driver.

  1. Low competition and the opportunity to make good money on each dish

Low competition and high mobility make it possible to charge a certain type of burger at regular prices from twenty percent. If you set up a diner for the day in a wired location where there are no other restaurants or cafes of this type, burgers and other dishes will be bought at any price you set - within reason.

Before starting your business, you need to write out a plan in detail, including all the characteristics of the project, analysis of the market, costs, expected income. .

  1. Project Description

In the description, explain how your food truck will be different from other similar businesses in the area. Here you can also insert a table with analytics of competitive businesses, a description of their pros and cons, which will help with the promotion of your food truck.

Write how your business will differ from a regular burger one and what advantages you see in opening it. If you are looking for investment, the business plan can be shown to potential investors or sponsors

  1. Target audience analysis

Analyze the audience that might be interested in your offer. The analysis consists of a description of age, income, place of residence and food habits. The audience can be divided into several streams - students going out for a snack at a big break, office workers those looking for an inexpensive lunch option near the business center, city guests and so on.

  1. Goal setting

Set a specific goal - for example, the desired payback period. A business plan focused on the next goal will need to be prepared in the second or third month of your business.

  1. Production plan

What will you serve? Which dishes will be offered to customers ready-made, and which will need to be prepared in front of the client? What products are required for this? What equipment will need to be purchased, at what cost and where? Write down the answers to these questions.

  1. Financial plan

The largest block of the entire business plan will contain detailed information about what will need to be purchased and what will have to be spent. In the financial plan, indicate the expenses foropening a sole proprietorship or LLC, wages to all employees you plan to hire, the cost of renting or buying a food truck, purchasing ingredients and equipment, purchasing cash register with service license and so on. The financial plan should contain all possible items of expenditure, not only for the starting stage, but also for the full continuation of the activities of the food truck.

Every month you will need to pay salaries to employees, renew the lease on the food truck (if you have not purchased one), buy ingredients and possibly buy or replace broken equipment, which happens infrequently.

A financial plan usually contains a calculation of the cost of dishes and ready-made products, drinks served in a food truck, a calculation of their final price for the buyer and benefits for you, as well as formulas for reaching payback and approximate profit. Do not forget about taxes, which also need to be written at the end of the plan.

Analyze how much you can bet on burgers based on the average market price. See how much profit will go to you after selling one burger and what you can spend the money on.

Another expense item is the interior and exterior design of the food truck. Set a certain budget for signage, exterior and visible parts of the interior, branded products, uniforms for employees. At first, you only need to hire a cook and a driver.

  1. Marketing plan

You can buy advertising on outdoor media and in printed publications the city where your food truck will be located, indicating its location at a certain time of the day. It would be useful to prescribe an initial travel plan at least a month in advance. Then create a layout for a billboard or small sign.

Advertising on the Internet can be much more successful and beneficial for your business than advertising on physical media. Pay attention to the available options - for example, banners on city portals and sites popular among your audience. You can also refer to advertising social networks- it is easier to set up, it will be displayed in the general feed of your target audience, and the cost will be less than buying advertising on the site. You can also choose banner or targeted advertising.

The equipment that you will need to open a project like this is a kitchen and its components. At the end of the wagon, you can place a small warehouse of ingredients - you will need to calculate how much food you need to put in the food truck per day.

You can buy kitchen equipment and shelves for a mini-warehouse in specialized stores. However, it will be much cheaper to turn to wholesale suppliers who also sell equipment at retail.

Typically, such companies are located in large cities, and their warehouses are located in the region. In order not to spend money on delivery, you can pick up the ordered equipment on the same van, which is planned to be turned into a diner later. But first you will need to get permission to move around the city and region.

The difference in the cost of equipment (refrigerators, dryers, kitchen space, and so on) can be up to thirty percent for different suppliers. Put all the data you find in a table to clearly see where you can purchase the necessary goods with the maximum discount. Promotional programs begin at the end of the season - be attentive to the discounts that the manufacturer offers for kitchen sets.

Food truck in terms of legislation. Mobile Commerce Law

The law on mobile commerce has not yet been adopted on the territory of the Russian Federation. The final reading will take place in April 2019. The bill currently includes:

  1. Preservation of a certain place of the main location for the business
  2. Extension of contracts for the provision of services with any contractors without bidding
  3. Framework rules for food trucks

Mobile trading involves obtaining permission to sell certain types of goods and dishes, as well as the movement of your eatery around the city and - separately - around the region.

Renting a food truck - is it profitable?

Renting a food truck on wheels is much cheaper than buying one. However, if you plan to develop a diner and run this business for more than one year, it will be easier to buy a car than to spend money on renting it every month.

The cost of renting a van starts from 40 thousand rubles (data for Moscow and the Moscow region). Making a food truck will cost at least 10 thousand.

You can only achieve a quick payback if you rent a ready-made diner van. But the purchase of a small food truck, which can be pawned in start-up capital 1.5 -2 million rubles will play into your hands in the future. If you do not want to depend on the landlord, who may not renew the contract with you and take your property, buy a ready-made food truck, but in this case, count on a longer payback period.

How to get a trading permit

In order to obtain a trade permit, you will need to fill out a form for entrepreneurs on the website of the tax office. There you need to specify which specific products will be sold in your food truck. Permission is obtained separately for ready-made products and separately for dishes and ingredients from which they will be created.

After filling out the form, go to the office of the tax service of the Russian Federation in your city with a package of documents (their full list can be found on the official website of the relevant department). You will need to fill out a few more papers confirming the presence of a business, individual entrepreneur or LLC and all of the listed products.

The decision to issue a trade permit is made in one working week. During this time, you will have time to select the staff who will work in your food truck, find possible ways to replace ingredients that are difficult to obtain permission, and resolve any documentation problems.

Step-by-step plan for obtaining a trade permit:

  1. Obtaining permits for the sale of finished products (Tax Service). You will need a list of products and ingredients.
  2. Filing a notification about the start of the functioning of the power point in local authorities government (district or city government). Specify the full name of the owner of the enterprise, legal address, TIN, PSRN, type of activity and a list of work performed.
  3. Apply for a permit to open a non-stationary retail facility (Department of Commerce of your city). You will need to provide a notice of commencement of activities and a contract with the supplier company of your choice.
  4. Permission to sell alcohol is filled out only if you plan to sell the relevant drinks in the next six months of the business. You can issue such an agreement at the Department of Commerce and Services of a particular city.

All licenses are issued free of charge within one working week if an application needs to be considered. The permit is issued on the day of receipt of the application and documents (if required).

It is important to collect all the required certificates and obtain all the necessary permits, without which your business can be easily “curtailed”. Don't forget to complete:

  • waste collection contract
  • water supply contracts
  • certificates of all food products,
  • medical books staff.

These documents, along with all licenses and permits, must be submitted to Rospotrebnadzor.

How much can a tavern on wheels bring

At first, a food truck can bring from three hundred thousand rubles a month. The standard payback is from four months, in the case of renting a food truck, it is reduced to one to two months.

Before reaching payback, the amount that a food truck brings in per month may vary from season to season. The best time to open a food truck is during spring and summer. Autumn and especially winter are calm periods. But everything will depend on the city in which you want to open your business, and in many respects - on weather conditions.

After reaching the payback, you can count on a profit of five hundred thousand rubles a month and more. This figure is especially relevant for the warm season, when a food truck will be an excellent option for customers to replace a classic cafe or burger for a customer.

Open this business from scratchalmost anyone can. Before starting the activity, make sure that all the documentation is in order so as not to lose your investment due to the closure of the food truck by the authorities.

Professional business plans

A business based on the daily needs of people will generate significant income even in conditions economic crisis. The sale of food and ready-made food is in the first place in terms of profitability, and if such a business is made mobile, then it will be possible to quickly change locations outlet to increase sales. Some entrepreneurs decide to buy a food truck to organize this type of activity, but before doing this, you need to know exactly about all the nuances of such a business.

Our business valuation:

Starting investments - from 700,000 rubles.

Market saturation is average.

The complexity of starting a business is 4/10.

What is a food truck?

A food truck is a van with a kitchen for cooking. The sale of finished products is carried out directly from the machine. Some models can be made in the form of a trailer to the car. The trailer, after being disconnected from the tractor, is permanently installed in one place, but, if necessary, can be reconnected to the vehicle and transported to a new place.

Benefits of using a food truck

Unlike a cafe or a restaurant, a food truck can move long distances in a short period of time, so if at one point the business has ceased to generate income, you can "moor" and choose a more suitable place for trading. Unlike a stationary catering establishment, a food truck will not have to pay rent, but only if the van is purchased as a property. If there are concerns about the success of this business in a particular locality, it is recommended to rent a food truck for a short period of time and experimentally determine the profitability of such a business. Renting a food truck will not be too expensive, and in case of failure, it will be enough to terminate the contract, which is much easier to do than trying to sell a used food truck if you own it. One of the budget options to get a food truck van is to purchase a used mobile home, which can be easily converted into a mobile cafe. An inexpensive option for purchasing a food truck is also to buy a Gazelle car with a van installed in the form of a grocery store.

Disadvantages of a business on wheels

The disadvantages of using a food truck are:

  • The van is a full member traffic, so it will be necessary to constantly monitor its technical condition, payment of transport tax and payment of fines for traffic violations.
  • When driving, the food truck can get into an accident, which can also reduce the length of the working day. In large cities, a food truck can stand in a traffic jam for many hours, which will negatively affect business efficiency. Even a minor breakdown or a punctured wheel can make adjustments to the work schedule of a mobile cafe.
  • Additional costs for the purchase of gasoline or diesel fuel with frequent movements over long distances can significantly reduce the profitability of this type of business. In addition, the car requires regular Maintenance with the replacement of fluids and consumable parts of the car.
  • In Russia, there is no law regulating the sale of food from a van, so you will need to comply with all the requirements of the legislation in the field of catering for stationary points of sale.

The listed shortcomings, although they are quite serious obstacles to opening and running a business selling food from a car, many entrepreneurs are not afraid of possible negative consequences, including when obtaining permission to trade from wheels.

Legal side of the issue

Any work must be paid, and after the payment is received on the account of the employee from it to without fail a certain amount is withheld for taxes. All individual entrepreneurs or legal entities are required to pay income tax on profits. If the labor of hired workers is used to organize a mobile cafe, then in addition to income tax from their salaries, it will be necessary to make the necessary payments in Pension Fund RF and OMS. All food truck workers must also have valid medical books. In addition to the tax burden on an officially registered business, it will be necessary to bring the food truck equipment into proper sanitary and technical condition. If you ignore sanitary standards, then the business may be suspended by the relevant inspection organizations.

In addition to official registration, you will need to properly install the food truck for trading. If you place a car in a parking lot or along the road, then large fines for trading in the wrong place will make up a large part of the cost of such a business. Main in a legal way installation of a food truck, is to place it on the ground intended for trading activities. Most often, the installation of a food truck for the sale of food products is carried out at fairs, markets and during mass events. In all these cases, it is necessary to correctly draw up documents for the right to trade in certain places. To place a food truck, you can conclude a lease agreement with private entrepreneurs and legal entities, but only if, according to the documents, the land plot can be used to place retail outlets.

DIY food truck

If you have the desire and minimal skills to handle welding machine and other tools for metal processing, you can make a food truck with your own hands. The most budgetary option for home-made equipment is a food truck, which does not have its own motor, and the outlet is moved by attaching it to a car. Such a food truck-trailer perfectly copes with its purpose and, if properly manufactured, a “home-made” can be registered with the traffic police.

Making a food truck on your own is carried out in the following sequence:

  • At dismantling of cars, springs, hubs and wheels are purchased.
  • A profile pipe 25 * 25 mm and 50 * 80 mm is bought at the metal base
  • Materials necessary for lining the food truck body are purchased.
  • A base is made from a profile pipe 50 * 80 mm, to which the trailer mount is welded, which will be connected to the towbar of the car. It is also necessary to weld a mount for the springs in the lower part from different sides, to which the axle with wheels will be attached.
  • When the base is ready, the body of the food truck is cooked from a smaller profile pipe. To make it convenient for people to work inside, it is necessary to make a ceiling at a height of at least 2 meters from the floor. It is also necessary to leave free areas for installing doors and windows.
  • A thin metal sheet material is installed on a frame made of a profile pipe.
  • When the walls are installed from the inside, they must be insulated with foam insulation.
  • After insulation from the inside, the walls, ceiling and floor are sheathed with chipboard or any durable sheet material.
  • The food truck is made out from the outside. For this purpose, a colored film with some pattern is glued.
  • In order for the trailer to be able to register with the traffic police, you will need to install parking lights, brake lights and turn signals in the back of the food truck.

Thus, it is possible to produce a working sample of a food truck at minimal financial cost. It is difficult to say how much a self-made food truck costs, but the amount spent will definitely be ten times less compared to the cost of acquiring a factory model.

How to open a food truck franchise?

Opening a food truck franchise is much easier than starting this type of business from scratch on your own. Despite the fact that the price of a food truck in this case will be slightly higher due to the acquisition of a franchise and the percentage of profits paid to the franchisor, with this type of business support from more experienced colleagues, it is very difficult not to reach a confident and significant business profitability.

To date, franchises are implemented by the following organizations:

  • Kukuray - this organization has been operating since 2012 and has more than 100 street trading points in the country. To purchase a franchise, you need initial capital in the amount of at least 0.5 million rubles.
  • 33 penguins - the company has been operating in the street trade market for 13 years. During this time, more than 1200 points of mobile trade have been opened. To start a business, you will need at least 700,000 rubles.

The advantage of franchising is that the franchisor provides ready business plan food truck, as well as legal and organizational support.

Cafe on wheels for lease

If it is not enough to start a business financial resources, then you can try to purchase a food truck on lease. Not all manufacturers of cars and trailers for mobile trading provide such a service, but if you decide to purchase a food truck on wheels on credit, then you should first of all ask the managers who sell the food trucks about the possibility of renting it with the possibility of subsequent redemption.


How to open a food truck from scratch in Russia is described in general terms in this article. In order to sell burgers on the street, you need to purchase a foot-truck, register entrepreneurial activity and pay for the parking of cafes on wheels in places where such trade is allowed. Then you need to correctly compose a "menu" and you can start selling food and drinks in the busiest places in the village.