Professions that few people know about. The rarest, most interesting and unusual professions in the world

August 15, 2012, 11:01 am

In childhood, we do not dream of becoming a forest pathologist or a golf club polisher, but someone has to do this :)
Greenkeeper- if you do a literal translation from in English- greenkeeper, then this profession means "keeper of greenery." The responsibilities of this specialist include maintaining in good condition sports pitches that are used for playing rugby, baseball or football. The first appearance of the term "greenkeeper" dates back to 1888. Since ancient times, there have been two main directions in the development of modern greenkeeping - English and American. In Moscow, by the way, already exists The educational center for those who decide to go down the green path and become a greenkeeper.
Cavist is a wine gourmet who can combine the functions of a sommelier and a sales assistant in one person. The main task of a representative of this profession is the selection of wine, as well as a specific dish for it, moreover, according to the individual order of the client. Communication with the client is an integral part of the job of a kavist. While a customer's conversation with a supermarket sales assistant is traditionally limited to a couple of questions and simple one-word answers, a kavist's conversation with his customer can last quite a long time. It is to the cavista, and not to the wine boutique, that customers return. In Russia, even the profession of a sommelier is still not included in the all-Russian register, and the wine market, meanwhile, continues to offer specialties that are completely new for our country, including kavist. Sniffer- a rather rare profession that occurs in the field of perfumery. There are just over 100 certified master perfumers in the world. 30 of them live in Grasse. The duties of the sniffer include the assessment of the smell, as well as the preparation of perfume compositions. To work in this field, a person must have an excellent memory for aromas, as well as clearly understand them. In this delicate matter, talent alone is not enough. To become a master perfumer, you have to study for 10-12 years.
Paleontologist- a very rare profession and somewhat "out of this world." Many eminent paleontologists would probably feel quite comfortable in the swamps of the Devonian period or in the coniferous forests of the Carboniferous. By the way, the most ancient paleontologists can be called Chinese craftsmen, three thousand years ago they mined the bones and teeth of fossilized dinosaurs and considered their findings to be proof of the existence of dragons. (Joe: "Profession...dinosaurs" Ros: "Actually, I'm paleo...well, write dinosaurs. Write, don't draw!"). pastiger- from the French postiche, i.e. false hair - one who makes wigs, sideburns, mustaches, beards, braids, eyelashes. Most often, this person does all his work to order. Sometimes work as a pastiger is combined with make-up. Acerator- someone who operates a machine that applies sulfur to matches. This profession exists in match factories. Sounds a little dissonant, but what can you do. AT recent times this profession belongs to the group of "endangered", in connection with the advent of lighters.
Stringer- an equally rare profession, which means narrow-profile specialists and freelance correspondents, whose competence includes creating reports from extreme places in the world, for example, areas of natural disasters or military operations. Stringers are often disliked by colleagues from official publications for their efficiency, independence, mobility, and finally, for high earnings. Titester– a professional compiler and taster of tea, who tastes, smells and appearance determines the type of tea and the place where it was grown, the season of collection, as well as the method of its storage and processing. The unique profession of a tea sommelier (from two English words tea, test - “testing tea”) was once born by a subjective method in its essence: determining tea samples by eye, touch and taste. Today, determining the taste of a drink, teatester does not take a single sip, but only rinses his mouth with infusion. To become a teatester the highest category, you need to study for at least ten years. But the average earnings of a teatester at a factory are $1500-2000, in auction houses– up to $7000.
Torcedor- a very rare specialist who is engaged in rolling cigars. A member of this profession wraps the tobacco in a wrapping sheet and cuts the cigar, thus giving it a venal look. They study this profession mainly in Cuba, the internship also takes place in this country. Training takes place at a cigar factory and lasts no more, no less than ten years! But it's worth it, because the master is paid from $1000 and more. rammer- this is a very young profession - it appeared with the development of the metro and the increased flow of passengers. The duty of this specialist is to help people when entering a crowded subway car. There are no such professionals in Moscow yet, but in the east, especially in Japan, there are many owners of this profession, by the way, in Ukraine, in the capital - in Kyiv, rammers have already begun to master. Distinctive feature Japanese rammers - snow-white gloves :) fumelier- this is the name of a specialist in the field of cigars and spirits. His duties include selecting a combination of a certain type of cigars and spirits for the client, taking into account his individual characteristics in advance. chimney sweep- an old profession that exists in our time, but to master it, you need to train for two years, moreover, only abroad. By the way, the duties of a chimney sweep include not only cleaning chimneys, stoves or fireplaces, but also restoring the brickwork of the chimney, lining, lining and much more.
penguin flipper– specialists in this field live only in Antarctica near the airfield. In vain do you think that the one who pulled out the short straw is going to turn over the birds, everything is serious here. The penguins themselves never fall on their backs - only on their stomachs, but since these animals are very curious, they like to walk near the airfield. Naturally, when a helicopter flies by, they lift their heads up and, not keeping their balance, slap on their backs. They, poor things, will no longer be able to get up, so they must be turned over.
Chick sexing operator- very important profession, which consists in determining the sex of the chicks at the moment when their age is 1 day, because the diet of birds depends on this, as well as the conditions for their cultivation.
glass blower is a master who creates products from heated glass mass by blowing. The matter is not limited to blowing itself; for the further formation of the product, the glass blower uses many various tools and, ultimately, pleases us with unimaginable shaped vases, toys, figurines and dishes. And who would you be if you decided on a radical change in profession?

What is better - to have an ordinary earthly profession or a rare one that has no analogues? This question is surely asked by those who are faced with a choice - to be a school teacher or a cigar color sorter? The first is understandable, reliable and stable. The second is a big question. However, many at some point in their lives dream of changing from a successful clerk to something less tie-dyed and more fun. Tell me, would you like to move from the waters of the office swamp to the coast of the azure ocean? Then there is a reason to talk about rare professions!

What specialties fall into the category of rare


A person is professionally in demand when there is a demand for what he does. No requests - no questions. Therefore, the first reason for the "rarity" of the profession is the lack of need for it.

AT staffing Many enterprises today are less and less likely to meet the profession of a packer, because the goods are now laid out in packaging by automatic lines. Conductors on public transport remained only in small settlements. Fewer postmen bring the good news to our homes because letters have become electronic, and fresh press is easy and quick to "get" on the Internet.

Even in the countryside, which is always more conservative than in the city, some yesterday's professions are losing their relevance today. In few villages you will meet shepherds and mowers. Handymen in the fields and fruit pickers were replaced by handy cars. And for some time, blacksmiths and potters turned from professions into an entourage to attract tourists. And only thanks to the revival of crafts, their labor was again used for its intended purpose.

highly specialized

Torcedor - a person who knows how to properly roll a cigar. To qualify for this specialty, you need to spend at least 10 years on training and practice.

Burgerologist - a specialist who knows the rules for making burgers and comes up with new recipes for them. We give you a tip: burgerologists are produced by the Burger Institute, which operates under McDonald’s Corporation in the United States.

fumelier - a professional in the selection of cigars and spirits. This person should not only be well versed in elite alcohol and cigars, but also be able to combine them with each other.

Epidemiologist-cartographer - a doctor, geographer, meteorologist and IT specialist in the same profession. He assesses the epidemiological situation in the country and makes a forecast for the emergence and spread of possible epidemics. The annual income of such a specialist can be up to $150,000.

Pearl diver . It is in demand in the regions where this natural jewelry material is mined - off the coast of the Red Sea, India, Iran, the Persian Gulf, Ceylon and Tahiti.

Milker of poisonous snakes . This man is engaged in extracting venom from snakes for medical purposes. Hard and life-threatening work is well paid and requires special skill, so that extracting the poison does not harm one's own health and prevent a snake bite.

Rating TOP-7 best online schools

Online school to prepare for the exam in 4 subjects: Russian, mathematics, English, physics. Classes are held on a modern IT platform, including video communication, chat, simulators and a task bank.

An educational IT portal that helps you become a programmer from scratch and start a career in your specialty. Training with a guaranteed internship and free master classes.

The largest online English language school that gives you the opportunity to individually learn English with a Russian-speaking teacher or native speaker.

School of English on Skype. Strong Russian-speaking teachers and native speakers from the UK and the USA. Maximum speaking practice.

New generation online school of English. The teacher communicates with the student via Skype, and the lesson takes place in a digital textbook. Personal training program.

Online university modern professions(web design, internet marketing, programming, management, business). After training, students can take a guaranteed internship with partners.

An interactive online service for learning and practicing English in a fun way. Effective training, word translation, crosswords, listening, vocabulary cards.


There are professions that are one of a kind. They arise, as a rule, out of necessity and do not require a diploma of education. Such specialties are attracted not so much by working conditions or income, but by exoticism. Some examples of interesting professions.

Tropical Island Caretaker . A person applying for this vacancy must be able to swim, dive under water, manage watercraft and, most importantly, be interesting to talk about the island in Internet blogs and travel sites. This is not so easy, but profitable work. For example, the caretaker of Hamilton Island in Australia was given a salary of $154,000 for six months. 35,000 people from 200 countries applied for the vacancy.

Pimp Specialist . This position is available in some hotels. Cupid concierges, romantic concierges, and those in charge of marriage proposals are in charge of arranging romantic dates for people and "leading" them to a marriage proposal.

Dog Surf Instructor . These people teach our smaller brothers how to master the board for moving along the waves. There are no statistics on how much this specialty is in demand.

Wrinkle Remover . The specialist works in expensive stores and restores the original appearance of goods that customers have tried on or touched.

The seller of tears . This is a special mourner in Asian countries who works at funerals. His salary depends on the intensity of the crying and the dramaturgy of the action. The person who sobs loudly, tears his clothes and falls “out of grief” to the ground gets the most.

hugger . This profession can be found in countries where there is a high level of stress, and people need psychological support. In Japan, for example, it is common to call home not a plumber, but a hugger.

parmesan listener . A rare specialist who has absolute pitch and is able to determine the maturity of parmesan with his ears. Cheese factories resort to the services of such professionals.


The professions that disappeared as useless were replaced by new specialties. Perhaps soon they will become as common as a dentist, chef or designer, but so far they are rare. Basically, these professions are associated with new technologies and scientific fields. Let's pay attention to some of them.

radiosurgeon . A doctor who uses one of the types radiotherapy for the treatment, removal or reduction of the functions of malignant, benign tumors and other pathologies without surgical intervention. Radiosurgery is a new method in the treatment of many diseases, so there are still few such specialists.

Palliatologist . Provides medical care to patients suffering from chronic diseases in terminal stage and improves the quality of life of terminally ill people. In the civilized world, the profession is quite common, but there are still few such specialists in Russia.

brader . A hairdresser who specializes in braiding. It is very in demand, because hairstyles with braids have been very popular with women in recent years.

Valveologist . Knows how to be healthy, professionally deals with issues of maintaining health. Works in the areas of labor protection, mental hygiene and ergonomics.

This list can be continued, because the 21st century has become a real breakthrough in the field of new professions.

Rare professions in Russia

flavorist- Smell Specialist. Distinguishes the nuances of aromas, knows how to choose the compatible components and determine their proportions, participates in the preparation of a blend of perfumes. Works in the perfume industry. In the food industry, it is involved in the creation of flavors.

shopper- style consultant, helps to choose wardrobe items, knows how to combine colors and styles. Understands fashion news, knows what, where and when to buy, so as not to spend extra money. Stylist, psychologist and professional "shopaholic" all rolled into one.

rammer- Helps people get into a crowded subway car. How he does it is hard to say. In order to understand, you can go to Japan, where, they say, there are a lot of rammers.

arborist- knows everything about tree diseases, knows how to treat them, knows the secrets of preserving green spaces. Despite the fact that there are a lot of forests in Russia, for some reason the profession is not very common.

Gerontologist- a doctor involved in the treatment, prevention of health and prolongation of life of elderly and senile people.

IT evangelist- a specialist who is engaged in propaganda (sermon) in the field of information technology.

Conflictologist- a person who professionally knows how to predict, prevent and resolve conflict.

Environmental consultant- Engaged in advising businesses and organizations on issues environmental support activities, resource saving and prevention of environmental pollution.

It is curious that back in 2013, the professions of a farmer, a mobile game programmer and a manager were considered rare. mobile applications. Today, these specialties are already quite widespread in the service market.

Rare professions in the world

In the list rare professions IT specialties are in the lead. Among them:

  • programmers developing IT products using lisp, haskell and erlang languages;
  • gui designers are specialists in creating ergonomic solutions for users;
  • architects information systems, designing databases that control the quality, logic of storing and retrieving information, developing algorithms for working with information storages;
  • robot programmers are pros involved in developments in the field of artificial intelligence.

All over the world, professionals who own rare specialties in the field of medicine are valued, such as:

  • audiologist - treats the organs of the hearing aid;
  • genetic therapist - predicts diseases in children based on genetic analysis;
  • hepatologist - deals with the diagnosis and treatment of liver diseases;
  • emetologist - establishes the causes of nausea, vomiting and treats these troubles;
  • podologist - treats the foot, helps to choose the right shoes.

Other rare professions include, as a rule, unusual specialties:

  • Dog detective. Looks for pets that the owners hide in order not to pay tax. The specialist can bark like a dog, and by his voice he will know what breed and age the pet has.
  • Cow pedicurist. Maintains healthy hooves of cattle.
  • Ant catcher. Collects insects to create ant farms that are sold in pet stores.
  • Panda hugger. Embraces rare black and white bears, improves their mood and prolongs their life.
  • Water attractions tester. Tests for convenience and safety objects for entertainment on the water.
  • professional interlocutor. Listens to people who have no one to talk to, keeps up a conversation with them.


If you do not take into account some of the nuances that are in most rare professions, it is safe to say that it is great to have an uncommon specialty. There is confidence that no one will replace you, you will not be fired and your salary will not be reduced. If the specialty is rare, but in demand, the interest in your person will be high, and the salary will allow you to look into the future with confidence and feel comfortable in the present. And of course, a rare profession is a chance to move, finally, from the water area of ​​​​the office swamp to the coast of a real azure ocean. At least as a caretaker of a paradise island!

Greenkeeper, oenologist, kavist - not just a set of letters, these words mean really interesting and rare professions. And these are not all amazing destinations. Recently there has been a large number of jobs that were previously unknown. Now people are surprised to hear unusual names. Sometimes they are so incomprehensible that it is impossible to immediately say exactly what a person is doing. However, despite all the exoticism of these activities, it cannot be said that they do not benefit society. Many of them help not only certain areas of activity, but also all of humanity as a whole. Even the rarest professions can be very useful for the life and development of the whole world. It is interesting that some activities appear only in one or a few countries, most often this is due to the specifics of the climate, nature and social features in a specific place.

The rarest professions in the world related to food

We can definitely say that every year there are more and more of them. Many people are interested in this issue, so the means mass media periodically cover various rare professions. We will consider a list of such activities. A special group is represented by specialties related to cooking.

  • Tea taster (or teatester)

This is a rather rare activity that aims to understand the taste properties of tea and process it in the right way. Tea by itself does not always have a pleasant taste. To achieve the perfect drink, a specialist such as a teatester is involved.

  • Burgerologist

Almost every person sometimes allows himself to eat unhealthy food in establishments. fast food. Most often in such cafes you can see burgers. If you pay attention to a sandwich, you will notice that not everywhere this dish is prepared with high quality and tasty. A specialist burgerologist should not only know the recipe for the perfect burger, but also be able to cook it. He must also have restaurant management skills.

Research always remains relevant for humanity, as it allows discovering new facts and developing science. However, sometimes quite unusual areas are explored, which no one had seriously thought about before. That is why rare professions can now often be found in scientific field. One example of such work is the panda explorer. Pandas are very cute and cuddly animals. Unfortunately, they are now on the verge of extinction. In connection with this situation, a whole range of measures is being taken to prevent this from happening. Specialists are being brought in to stop the extinction and increase the panda population.

The rarest testers

You can often hear about the profession of a tester from various sources. Tests of many things are carried out quite often, such a phenomenon is not considered something unusual. But there are rare professions of testers that cause surprise and sometimes even bewilderment.

  • Sleep accessories tester

The profession is of interest because only one person in the world works in this position. His responsibilities include periodically testing new bedding designs that are developed for a chain of luxury hotels. Then the tester is obliged to make his suggestions and adjustments to improve the product.

  • Water slide tester

Such a tester must have special knowledge, because the functioning and safety of water slides depend on his work. He must be able to adjust the speed of water, its quantity, the height of the slides themselves, and also provide for all the nuances of their use.

Professions related to winemaking

Of course, not all rare professions are listed above. The list of such specialties is updated year by year. Interestingly, many people dream of changing their usual job and trying their hand at unusual areas. For example, many are interested in the production and sale of wines and other beverages.

  • Oenologist

An oenologist is responsible for growing grapes for wine production. His duties include the selection of grape varieties for planting, the selection of fertilizers, the search for new technologies. The oenologist is responsible for the quality of the product.

  • Cavist

Rare professions are often found in the production and sale of wine. Kavist also belongs to this area. This is a specialist who, focusing on dishes, helps to choose the most suitable drink for them.

  • blender

This specialist is engaged in mixing various cognac spirits in order to obtain cognac. This is one of the key processes in the manufacture of this product. The profession of a blender is considered an elite one, it requires a long training and a lot of experience.

  • Pearl diver

Not every inhabitant of the planet will be able to get such a job, because this requires special weather and climatic conditions. This type of activity is very well paid, since industrial pearl mining cannot satisfy the needs of jewelry manufacturers. Searching for pearls is not only hard work, but also quite dangerous.

  • Greenkeeper

This is a specialist who is responsible for maintaining sports lawns in the proper form. Greenkeepers are especially in demand in golf clubs, since the most stringent requirements are imposed on golf courses. This area of ​​activity appeared many years ago, so its basic principles have long been developed.

What is the rarest profession?

It would seem that the rarest professions in the world have already been described. However, this is not the case, if you choose the rarest, it will be the caretaker of the island. There is only one such specialist in the world. It was required when one of the travel companies developed a program to promote holidays on one of the paradise islands.

His duties included a six-month stay on the island, photography, blogging and pages social networks. The salary for the caretaker's work amounted to more than one hundred thousand dollars for 6 months of work. Rare professions in the world are very diverse, but it is interesting to talk about our country.

Rare specialties in our country

It is worth noting rare professions in Russia, in fact, they are no less than in other countries.

  • sign language interpreter

A sign language interpreter is a specialist who knows sign language and is able to translate from any national language into sign language, or vice versa. In the world, a huge number of people communicate in sign language, thanks to which the profession of a sign language interpreter is in great demand in the labor market. However, there is a great shortage of specialists in this field, firstly, it is quite difficult, and secondly, there are not so many institutions where sign language interpreting is taught.

On the shoulders of such a specialist lies a responsible task - to help the full participation of hearing-impaired people in the life of society.

  • postiger

The stylist is another rare profession that is mostly found in the theatrical field. A stylist specialist is engaged in the manufacture of wigs, as well as such interesting products as mustaches, beards, braids, sideburns. This is a rather laborious task that requires special skills, because it is worth attaching one hair incorrectly, and the product can immediately lose its appearance.

Rare male professions

Rare professions of people can be divided into 2 groups: male and female. There is a whole list of male specialties that are extremely rare. Such activities are more likely not a job, but a vocation or a matter of life.

Dergal is considered such a male profession in Russia. Many people have never even heard the name of this profession. Dergal collects seaweed. This is a very difficult job, besides, it is strictly seasonal, which is not always convenient, but the salary of specialists in this field is quite good. Basically, representatives of this profession collect seaweed.

Another example of a rare profession among men is a cow shearer. You might think that no one needs it, but these are very sought-after personnel. Their services are used by cow owners who prepare animals for participation in various exhibitions and fairs.

Rare female professions

Now it is worth talking about women's specialties. There are many answers to the question of what professions are rare among women. Of course, in recent years, the boundary between male and female professions has noticeably blurred. However, there are still areas in which meeting a woman is a rarity.

  • Gondolier

There is only one woman in the world who does this. hard work. She works in Venice, where this type of activity is traditionally considered male. However, despite this, the Venetian was able to take special courses and successfully passed the exams.

  • glass blower

This profession, too, has always been considered more suitable for men. But there are female specialists who cope with this task just as well, and sometimes even surpass their male counterparts in skill.

So, there are a huge number of rare professions in the world, many of them are very interesting and can not only bring a good income, but also become a matter of a person’s whole life.

There are more than 70 thousand in the world different types activities, but most of us know much less. Naturally, it will not be possible to list all existing positions now, but we will try to name the most interesting and unusual professions.

The era of ordinary workers, teachers, doctors and the military has long ended. The world is developing, and every day they come up with the most unusual professions, one might even say "exotic".

And not always those specialties that are considered rare abroad exist in our country, and if they do exist, then in a completely different form - they are more common or vice versa. For example, in the United States, a very rare but highly paid job (salary of about 3 thousand dollars!) Is a hunter for empty beer bottles. In our country, you can’t call it a profession, but quite often in crowded places you can meet a person who collects the same container, and the money he earns is only enough for bread, in some cases - for another filled bottle. In Russia, such a person is called a bum, and in America - a battle hunter.

Another example would be the queuing profession. In the post-Soviet space, this work has already died, although in the 60-80s it was quite common: unemployed city residents stood in line for sausage or something else for a small fee, thus helping the busy, and then tired hard workers, buy food, yes and did not offend themselves. And now this profession has revived again, however, already in Britain, after the researchers announced that the average Briton spends one year of his life in line. An enterprising resident of London immediately opened a company where you can order a "professional queue keeper." The pay for such work sometimes reaches the mark of $ 40 per hour, but this is not easy, because the duties include quarreling, and pushing, and stepping on your foot (it doesn’t matter if the buyer in front of you takes the last thing you need - what then to tell the employer? )

The most unusual professions that you can master and get the appropriate diploma

Torcedoros. This profession can only be mastered in Cuba, and the course of study lasts ten years (to be honest, we can’t imagine that you can study for so long). After completing your studies, you will receive a diploma ... as a professional cigar roller. Not bad, right?

Personal nanny. In the US state of Kentucky, the university offers training in this specialty. Quite a strange, it should be noted, specialty: students are taught to care for newborn children, prepare infant formula, and one of the main subjects at the department is “Correct relations with parents and their children.” Specialists with such diplomas are highly valued, work in rich families and have high salaries.

Pop culture expert. In Ohio State, Bowling Green University trains students who are addicted to television, one might even say obsessed with it. The most curious thing is that they study what they are interested in: TV shows, music, cinema, biographies of artists and actors, museums, etc., that is, everything related to modern culture.

Top 10 most unusual professions

There are quite a lot of unusual and specific works, most of which are relevant only in a certain area, in a particular city. The most unusual professions in the world, as a rule, are found either in highly developed countries, or, conversely, in lagging ones. Well, let's start discussing them.

1. Our list of the most unusual professions opens dream merchant. In Chicago, for several years now, a company has been successfully operating that makes dreams come true. True, not free: the minimum order amount is ... 150 thousand dollars. But for this money you can get anything (within reason, of course), up to becoming a "star" ... True, for one day.

2. Professional sleeper. There are several areas of this work. Initially, "sleep" began to hire American companies that manufacture sofas and beds. After all, it is important for them to know how their products are of high quality and convenient. Now hotel owners also use the services of professional sleepers to check the level of comfort in the room (sound insulation, quality of furniture, etc.) and the quality of service.

3. Mystery shopper. Not such a rare profession, as the services of these persons are used by the owners retail chains, supermarkets, restaurants, hotels (although Sony does a good job there).

4. Iceberg harvester. Sounds strange, doesn't it? Yes, and such workers exist, and they perform quite important work. Remember the Titanic story? The liner could not miss a block of ice... oil platform there is also no chance of avoiding a collision, so they are rescued by iceberg cleaners.

5. Hitchhikers. Exactly! You hitchhike and get paid for it. Not bad, right? Jakarta (the capital of Indonesia) has about 30 million people and 20 million cars. Naturally, the roads are congested, and for this reason, the city authorities have introduced a restriction and created a checkpoint where only cars with at least 3 people pass through. Thus, the unemployed sit down in a car in front of the checkpoint, drive through and get out, having received a modest payment for this. After that, they cross the road and - again, for money - come back. You can earn up to 8 dollars a day, despite the fact that the average daily expenses per person do not exceed a dollar.

6. Toilet guide. In Japan and China, for a modest fee, a specially trained person will not only tell you, but also show you where the nearest toilet is. Just imagine, in the work book they have it written: “toilet guide”!

7. Brain extractor. Did you immediately think of your boss? But no, this profession is not connected with the moral removal of the brain. These people work in slaughterhouses that supply animal brains to restaurants as a delicacy.

8. hired relative. Yes, and there are, by the way, they provide a fairly wide range of services. They can pretend at your wedding that they are your loved ones, and at the funeral they can cry, no worse than the relatives of the deceased.

And finally, the two most unusual professions from the 18+ category:

9. Condom tester. Many contraceptive manufacturers test their products with special equipment, but some elite firms test their elite condoms directly in the field, so to speak, "in a combat situation."

10. Tester for girls of easy virtue. In countries where prostitution is legalized, there is such a profession. Brothel owners want to be sure that their prostitutes are doing their job well.

The rarest professions in Russia

Sign language interpreter. Helps the deaf and dumb to find a common language with healthy people. Most of these professionals work in social services sometimes seen on TV.

Greenkeeper. We are sure that you have not heard about this profession. This man tends to the golf course.

Oenologist. Most likely, you are unlikely to have heard of the existence of such a specialist, but you clearly guessed. Oenologists are engaged in winemaking, namely: they determine which grape variety is best grown on a particular piece of land, what fertilizers are best to use, and are directly responsible for the technical part of wine production.

Speechwriter. As you know, politicians often "push speeches", but, oddly enough, they are not their authors. And even such scandalous politicians as Vladimir Zhirinovsky, most often voice pre-prepared and learned phrases, rather than speak "on their own."

Funny, ridiculous and simply meaningless work

The most rare and unusual professions are different. For example, in America, one bakery opened a vacancy for a bun spreader with jam. In the same place, in America, closer to Christmas, a vacancy "specialist in decorating the Christmas tree" is opened. Although this is a family affair, the Christmas tree in the office needs to be brought into a “business” look before important conferences.

In developed countries, where people live at a frantic pace (they are always in a hurry somewhere, in a hurry, nervous), there are special interlocutors with whom you can talk heart to heart, and sometimes have a drink. Such people in without fail have a degree in psychology.

The worst job in the world

Ant catcher. You can’t imagine worse: all day long “crawling” on the ground with tweezers in your hand and catching the necessary goosebumps. But this work is really important, since the venom of ants is used in medicine, and sometimes the insects themselves are served in restaurants.

The most disgusting job

Have you committed murder? Need to hide evidence? Call a professional crime scene cleaner. But such cleaners work only for the elite... and only for big money...

The hardest job

In the Chinese subway, during rush hour, passengers “stuff” into the car so that the doors do not close. And then special “pushers” come to the rescue. They carefully, so as not to harm anyone, push people in and close the doors ... Just imagine what happens at the next stop when they open the door ...

Most enviable job

Janitor on paradise island Hamilton. For six months, a person is settled in a luxurious cottage on the island. And for this they also pay 20 thousand dollars a month. The worker is only required to keep order in the house, feed the turtles and monitor the corals. Poet's dream...

Most pointless job

The most unusual professions in the world are often meaningless. On one poultry farm, there is a position "manager for determining the sex of chickens." Such a specialist then does what he looks under the tail of one-day-old chicks all day long. Indeed, at the poultry farm they firmly believe that, depending on the sex of the chicken, you need to build a diet for him.

Highest paid job

Above, we already wrote about the merchant of dreams. So, this is exactly what is the highest paid and at the same time unusual work in the world.

Now you know the 10 most unusual professions that only exist in the world ... Do you still consider your job to be the worst?

There is a rating of the rarest professions in the whole world, and there are the rarest professions in Russia. Among them, the rare male and the rarest female professions should be singled out separately. Let's look at all the options.

Rare professions in Russia

The profession of a sign language interpreter is one of the rare professions in Russia. To work in this specialty, you need to know professional sign language, which is used to communicate with deaf people.

Postiger is a rare profession. Postigers make custom braids, mustaches, sideburns, eyelashes, beards and wigs.

The machine operator at a match factory who applies sulfur to matches is called an osier. In the field of perfumery, a rare specialty is the scenter. For this profession, it is necessary to have an excellent memory for aromas, since the sniffer is responsible for evaluating new smells and creating perfume compositions.

The profession of kavist is also rare. The specialist understands alcoholic beverages, thanks to an individual approach to each client, he offers a certain wine that is most suitable for a particular dish.

Quite a rare profession - teatester. This is the name of a professional tea taster. He is able to determine the place of growth, quality and grade of tea. These specialists are engaged in the fact that they make tea blends.

You rarely meet a person whose specialty is a greenkeeper. Such a specialist is responsible for maintaining green lawns for golf, rugby, baseball, football, and so on.

A rare profession is an oenologist who selects grape varieties for planting, selects fertilizers and improves the equipment with which wine is produced.

Writing texts for public speaking big businessmen and politicians is engaged in a speechwriter.

List of rare male occupations

Among men's professions, there are especially rare ones. In Russia, this is the dergal. This specialist collects seaweed for only three months of the year. In Europe there is a rare specialist - an organ builder. Quite rarely we hear about those who are involved in testing climbing equipment. There is an aircraft washer at Frankfurt Airport, and a climber works at Volker Loos, who looks for cracks on the blades of windmills.

A man works at the University of Cologne whose profession is a monsterologist. A cow shearer is unique in its kind. Those who prepare cows for fairs and exhibitions need his services. I must say that this person never sits without work, he is in great demand.

One of the most unusual male professions in America is considered to be an observer of the work of strippers. When one of the research institutes announced the recruitment of such employees, it turned out that there were a lot of applicants for this vacancy. The lucky ones who got this job watched the sexy dances of the girls for two months, made some notes in special notebooks and received ten thousand dollars a month for this work.

5 rare female professions

Despite the fact that the line between women and male professions in recent years, more and more is erased, yet there are professions where meeting a woman is a rarity.

There is only one female gondolier in the world. She works in Venice. To master this profession, which is considered only male, the Venetian went through six months of training and passed the exams.

You don’t see a truck driver often, but this is no longer an isolated case. These women know how to manage huge trucks, while managing to arrange their personal lives and raise children.

Men work as glassblowers, which is associated with the need for significant physical effort. There are ladies who do this job at their level, and sometimes even better than men. They manage to create unusual masterpieces, thanks to female taste.

A female bodyguard is one of the rarest women's professions. Despite the fact that these bodyguards do not have a large body mass, nor physical force, a small percentage of the need for women in this profession exists.

Rounding out the top five most rare female professions is the profession of a balloon pilot.

The rarest profession in the world

Among the many rare professions, one can single out the rarest. This is the caretaker of the paradise island. The need for such a profession arose when it was necessary to find a person who would be engaged in the promotion of recreation on the paradise islands.

One of the travel companies was looking for a person who would live on the island in a villa for six months, swim in the pool, scuba dive, take pictures, play golf and blog. Such a caretaker was needed for one of the Australian islands. Its name is Hamilton.

After the worldwide competition, a worthy candidate was identified. The salary for six months was one hundred and ten thousand dollars. The owner of this profession is only one person in the world, which is why she won among the contenders for the role of the rarest.

And the most frequent professions, as a rule, are also well paid .. You can read more about the most popular professions.
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