Involvement of personnel in safe work. Motivation system for safe work

Labor occupies at least a third of adult independent life. A number of stages of a person's working life capture earlier and later periods of his life (education, choice of profession, labor and vocational training, type of pension depending on working life, life of a pensioner-veteran of labor associated with his native organization, etc.). Therefore, work, and, consequently, all the issues associated with it, are of great importance for any person and are always in the field of his attention.

The results achieved by people in the process of work depend not only on the knowledge, skills and abilities of these people. Effective activity is possible only if employees have the appropriate motivation, i.e. desire to work. Positive motivation activates a person's abilities, negative motivation inhibits their manifestation.

Motivation includes an internal state of a person, called a need, and external factors that affect motivation, called a stimulus. Human behavior is determined by the needs and incentives that dominate at a given time.

Physiological needs are fundamental to humans. They demand their satisfaction first. The organization of labor and the workplace must take this circumstance into account.

After satisfying physiological needs, the need for security comes to the fore. However, this does not mean that the employee thereby seeks to work safely. Often, his fear of losing his job (the need for social security) due to low productivity pushes him to violate the elementary methods of safe work in order to quickly complete the assigned work.

The next need is the need to be in a group, to enjoy love and respect there. If this group (often referred to as the reference group) neglects security measures, then each of its members will do the same. It is known that the tone in the group is set by its leader, formal or informal. It is necessary to ensure that the formal head (leader) of the group (unit, brigade) is its informal (true) leader with internal motivation to comply with safety requirements. In such working groups (teams, shifts) everything is always in order.

Any person seeks to improve his position in the group, he wants to feel his own significance, confirmed by the recognition of others. In the struggle for this recognition, he is ready to draw attention to himself at any cost, and therefore he can often violate safety rules, trying to quickly do something very important and difficult and thereby distinguish himself.

And finally, many people experience a desire for self-expression, for leadership. They want to realize themselves, to fulfill their destiny.

As the needs at one level are partially satisfied, the needs of the next level become dominant. At the same time, it is important to keep in mind that only those incentives that satisfy the dominant need are motivating.

For example, it is widely believed that the main factor in effective work is money: the more a person receives, the better he works. Such a belief is not true: if a person is dominated, for example, by the need for close relationships or the need for self-realization, then he will prefer a place where he can satisfy this need to money.

2.2.2. Management of internal motivation of employees to comply with labor protection requirements.

Motivation management to maintain a high level of labor safety is aimed at developing personal and group long-term interests and relevant attitudes for unconditional and interested compliance with labor protection requirements, as well as appropriate behavior in hazardous production situations.

It is necessary to distinguish between incentive management, associated with the promotion of the employee, and punishing management, associated with the responsibility of the employee for his actions / inaction.

Note that the establishment of personal responsibility of employees allows: together with other forms of preventive work, to bring into a single system the activities of managers and specialists, as well as supervisory persons to ensure safe working conditions; evaluate the level of preventive work in the field of labor protection; regularly receive information about the state of machines, equipment, tools and workplaces in terms of their safety (safe operation) and take measures to eliminate deficiencies; receive data on the fulfillment by employees of labor protection requirements, take disciplinary measures against violators.

To form a sustainable corporate-oriented positive motivation in all departments and labor groups (teams), a variety of methods should be used to encourage employees to acquire knowledge and experience in ensuring labor and production safety, to reduce accident rates, incidence rates, industrial injuries and occupational diseases.

Managers must constantly think about possible ways to improve the performance and intrinsic motivation of employees. It is important to highlight possible simple changes in work that could lead to stimulation of the internal motivation of subordinates, to cause cooperation and enthusiasm on their part.

Since the lack of skills and abilities often leads to injuries, the development of new safe work skills by employees is only a blessing.

The most common and proven method of stimulating work on labor protection in Russia is the organization of a competition “For safe work and production” (tentative name). The review competition is regulated by the relevant Regulations. It is advisable to establish several so-called nominations and combine moral encouragement with material.

The strategic task of such a review-competition is to develop a system of incentives (methods of moral and material incentives) for employees who know and comply with the requirements and norms of labor protection, while maintaining a system of disciplinary actions against insufficiently trained and undisciplined employees.

The main objectives of such a review-competition are: 1) the formation of a sustainable motivation of employees to know and comply with the rules and regulations on labor protection; 2) increasing the interest of employees in improving the state of conditions and labor protection at workplaces and in departments; 3) increasing the diligence of employees to comply with the requirements of labor protection, instructions for the safe conduct of work; 4) strengthening the labor and technological discipline of employees.

All this, in turn, leads to a decrease in occupational injuries and occupational morbidity.

The review competition is held between individual employees and between separate units of the same type.

The review competition between individual employees is carried out both within each unit, and for the same type of job duties or professions.

Summing up the results of the review-competition is carried out regularly in accordance with the regulation on the review-competition. Summing up the review-competition is carried out, as a rule, at a meeting of the labor collective of the unit, group of units, the entire organization or at an extended meeting of the heads of units participating in the competition. If the organization has a holiday associated with the day of science, the birthday of the organization, etc. - a kind of “Company Day”, then it is better to sum up the results by this day.

If the organization celebrates any industry holiday, for example, “Miner's Day”, then it is possible to time the awarding of the winners of the review competition to this holiday. Information about the winners of the review competition, about the nature and amount of incentives are drawn up in writing in the form of an organization order. The prize place is not awarded to divisions in which accidents, incidents and/or accidents occurred due to the fault of the division's employees during the reporting quarter.

Managers and specialists who are actively involved in improving the performance of divisions in the review-competition are encouraged additionally, subject to the award of prizes to their divisions.

Separate (the best in the institution) employees actively involved in improving the performance of the division in the review-competition are encouraged additionally, individually.

Incentives are also established for the best authorized (trusted) persons for labor protection in each group of subdivisions. An employee of any division, including those who did not win a prize, can be recognized as the best authorized (trusted) person for labor protection.

As an exception, individual employees may be encouraged without awarding prizes to their unit.

In subdivisions that have been awarded a prize, employees who have received a disciplinary sanction for violating labor protection requirements are not encouraged.

Incentive measures are chosen in order to create a real interest of employees in ensuring the safety of each workplace and all industries, develop and consolidate incentives to comply with safety requirements, realize individual and group interests, employee responsibility for the state of injuries in the work team, correct subjective ideas about the dangers with their real significance for the sustainable development of the organization.

Practice shows the expediency of the following measures of moral encouragement: for an employee - announcing gratitude in an organization order with the presentation of a Certificate of Honor, placing a portrait on a special stand; for the unit - assignment of the title “The best unit for labor protection of such and such a period” with the award of an honorary pennant. Other forms of moral encouragement are also possible.

Practice shows the expediency of the following measures of material incentives for an individual employee: 1) a one-time monetary reward (bonus); 2) establishment of an increase in salary for the period until the next review competition; 3) a voucher (for rest or treatment) to prestigious resorts, including foreign ones; 4) a business trip to Russian or foreign exhibitions on labor protection; 5) internship in labor protection in Russia or abroad;

The same measures of material incentives can be applied to the subdivision, taking into account the number of people working there, the prize-winning place, and the nomination of the competition.

2.2.3. Celebration of World Day for Safety at Work.

Historically, World Day for Safety at Work is associated with the initiative of American and Canadian workers who proposed to celebrate since 1989 the Day of Remembrance for workers who died or were injured at work. The International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU) has taken this initiative around the world and incorporated the concept of sustainable work and sustainable jobs into its content. Today, the International Day of Remembrance for Workers Killed or Injured at Work is celebrated in more than a hundred countries around the world on April 28 every year.

The ILO joined this initiative in 2001 and 2002. With the possibility of organizing a tripartite discussion as well as advancing occupational health and safety issues within the framework of common values, in 2003 the ILO proposed to change the concept of the Day of Remembrance of the Dead and to focus on what can be done to prevent occupational accidents and diseases around the world.

World Day for Safety at Work has been celebrated in Russia since 2003. It is advisable to use it for a wide explanatory work and rewarding the best employees who are actively involved in ensuring labor protection in the institution.

2.2.4. Promoting best practices in labor protection.

In accordance with Art. 210 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, one of the main directions of the state policy in the field of labor protection is the implementation of measures to disseminate (propaganda) the best domestic and foreign experience in improving working conditions and labor protection.

The coordination and organization of work on the promotion of labor protection is carried out by labor protection services and specialists, as well as the direct heads of departments (heads of workshops, services, their deputies, foremen).

The methods of promoting security issues are varied, but the ultimate goal is the same - to educate workers in the conscious need to comply with the requirements for the safe performance of work.

This is achieved by all forms of education and instruction; analysis of accidents; giving lectures; conversations; visual propaganda; organization of visits to exhibitions; excursions; exchange of experience; organization of the competition; watching movies and videos, involving psychologists and sociologists in the formation of a normal psychological climate in teams (shifts, teams, etc.), etc.

It is very effective to encourage employees who do not allow violations of safety requirements at meetings specially organized for this purpose with the invitation of family members.

For the continuous implementation of measures, it is advisable to organize an office for labor protection, equipped with technical training aids, regularly updated visual agitation, layouts, necessary reference, methodological and periodical literature.

When organizing an office, it is necessary to be guided by the “Recommendations for organizing the work of an office for labor protection and a corner for labor protection” (Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated January 17, 2001 No. 7).

  • What methods of involving employees in the process of labor protection can be used at the enterprise?
  • In what cases can employee bonuses be reduced?
  • How to use moral and psychological methods to involve employees?

To ensure preventive measures to reduce occupational injuries, occupational diseases, accidents, incidents, fires, it is important to motivate employees to:

  • creating and maintaining safe and healthy working conditions at every workplace;
  • maintenance of tools and fixtures, equipment, buildings, structures and facilities in proper condition,
  • compliance with the requirements for the safe performance of work;

In order to foster conscious responsibility among employees for compliance with all labor protection requirements applicable to their production activities and ensuring industrial safety, Gazprom Dobycha Nadym LLC (Further - company) developed the “Regulations on the system of motivation of employees of LLC Gazprom Dobycha Nadym” to address issues of industrial safety

Methods for involving workers in the process of creating healthy and safe working conditions

Methods for involving employees can be divided into administrative, economic, sociological, organizational and moral-psychological.

Administrative Methods

Administrative methods are based on authority, discipline and penalties and are known in history as the “whip method”.

Administrative methods are a way of implementing managerial influences on personnel and are based on power, discipline and penalties. There are five main ways of administrative influence: organizational, administrative, liability and penalties, disciplinary liability and penalties, administrative responsibility.

Organizational impacts are based on the preparation and approval of internal regulations governing the activities of the personnel of a particular organization. These include the Charter of an enterprise or organization, a collective agreement between the administration and the workforce, the Internal Labor Regulations, the organizational structure of management, the organization's staffing table, regulations on structural divisions, job descriptions of employees, tariff and qualification instructions for workers and employees, and the organization of workplaces. . These documents (except for the Charter) can be drawn up in the form of the Regulations of the organization and must be put into effect by order of the head of the organization. Moreover, they are mandatory for all employees, and their non-compliance entails the application of disciplinary sanctions.

Administrative influences are aimed at achieving the goals of management, compliance with internal regulations or maintaining the organization's management system in the given parameters through direct administrative regulation. The well-known methods of administrative influence include orders, instructions, instructions, instructions, target planning, labor rationing, coordination of work and control of execution.

The material liability of employees is expressed in their obligation to compensate for the damage caused by the guilty action or inaction to the enterprise where they work.

Material liability is imposed on employees for damage caused to the enterprise with which they have labor relations, as well as for damage incurred in connection with compensation for damage caused by its employees to third parties, if this damage is compensated by the enterprise.

In this case, according to the declared claim, the employee may be obliged, by way of recourse, to compensate this damage to the enterprise within the limits provided for by civil law. Labor legislation provides for material liability not only of employees to the enterprise, but also of the enterprise to employees.

Disciplinary liability and penalties are applied in case of violation of labor legislation, when there is a disciplinary offense, which is understood as an unlawful guilty failure to perform or improper performance of labor duties by an employee. Non-fulfillment of labor duties by an employee exists when his personal guilt is proven and he acted intentionally and recklessly. If the employee violated his labor duties due to a reason beyond his control (lack of normal working conditions, insufficient qualifications to perform the assigned work, etc.), then he cannot be held disciplinary liable.

Administrative liability and penalties are applied in cases of committing administrative offenses regulated by the Code of Administrative Offenses. Administrative penalties are imposed by state or municipal authorities on officials of enterprises that have committed offenses. The fact of bringing to administrative responsibility does not entail a criminal record and dismissal from work.

Positive and negative impacts of management practices

Positive method of influence

Negative method of influence

1. Growth in the level of management regulation (organizational impact):
1.1. The presence of a well-designed charter of the organization with free access to it for employees.
1.2. Development of partnership relations between administration and trade unions through a collective agreement.
1.3. Development of clear Internal Labor Regulations and work with personnel in accordance with the Civil and Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
1.4. The presence of a clear organizational and staffing structures and their annual adjustment due to changes in production conditions.
1.5. Development of clear provisions on divisions that regulate administrative and functional communications within the organization.
1.6. The presence of clear job descriptions with the definition of the functional duties of the employee and the regulation of labor.
1.7. Development of a contract system for organizing and remunerating labor and increasing the proportion of employees with contracts.

1. Ineffective organizational impact on staff:
1.1. The model charter of the organization, kept behind the "seven seals".
1.2. Acceptance of formal collective agreements (or absence of them in the organization) and confrontation with trade unions.
1.3. Use of standard or outdated Internal Labor Regulations, work with personnel in violation of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and the Civil Code.
1.4. The absence or use of an outdated organizational structure, the presence of "snowdrops" in the staffing table.
1.5. Absence or use of outdated regulations on subdivisions that do not meet the conditions of production.
1.6. Lack of job descriptions, focus on verbal instructions from management, use of outdated instructions.
1.7. Absence or liquidation of the contract system of organization and remuneration.

2. Effective types of administrative influences:
2.1. Clear orders indicating the status of the issue, activities, resources, deadlines and responsible.
2.2. Clear instructions from the management with indication of operational instructions.
2.3. Clear verbal guidance from management at all levels of management.
2.4. Application of a system for monitoring the execution of documents in an organization.

2. Ineffective types of administrative actions:
2.1. Vague or contradictory orders with a statement of the state of the issue and no clear measures.
2.2. Vague or conflicting directives from management.
2.3. Unclear and conflicting verbal instructions from management.
2.4. The absence of a system for monitoring the execution of documents in the organization or its low efficiency.

3. Balance between administrative methods of punishment and encouragement:
3.1. Reducing staff turnover, analyzing the reasons for dismissal and developing measures to eliminate them.
3.2. Dismissal of employees at the initiative of the administration only in case of gross violation of internal regulations.
3.3. Exclusive and rare use of methods of punishment of employees (strict reprimand and reprimand).
3.4. Effective application of methods of administrative incentives for employees for the results achieved (promotion, increase in wages, referral for internships).
3.5. Using the Japanese rule: omissions are recorded, achievements are encouraged.

3. Imbalance between administrative methods of punishment and encouragement:
3.1. Increasing staff turnover, lack of analysis of the reasons for dismissal.
3.2. Indifference to the dismissal of employees, reprisals against objectionable, etc.
3.3. Frequent and not always justified use of employee punishment methods to intimidate others.
3.4. Lack of connection between administrative incentives and the results achieved by the employee (announcement of a reprimand and then promotion).
3.5. Lack of clear rules of punishment and encouragement.

Economic Methods

Economic methods are based on the correct use of the economic laws of production and are known as the "carrot method" by the methods of influence. Economic methods are a way to implement control actions on personnel based on the use of economic laws and categories.

Economic methods act as different ways of influencing managers on staff to achieve their goals. With the positive use of such methods, the end result is manifested in good product quality and high profits. And if economic laws are applied incorrectly, ignored or neglected, low or negative results (losses, overstocking, non-payments, strikes, bankruptcy) can be expected.

Positive and negative impact of economic management practices

positive impact

Negative impact

1. Planned housekeeping:
1.1. The enterprise is a free commodity producer and operates on the market on the basis of a developed marketing strategy according to a long-term plan.
1.2. An economic development plan is developed based on the set long-term goals, a matrix calculation of production and consumption of resources is made on the basis of economic standards.
1.3. The portfolio of orders is formed in advance, serves as the basis for the development of an economic development plan, and the portfolio of orders is optimized in terms of time and cost.
1.4. The criteria for the effectiveness of the enterprise are clearly defined and ranked by importance (the most important is profit); plans are optimized based on selected performance criteria.
1.5. The end results of production are clearly defined (revenue, sales volume, productivity, quality, cost, etc.). They are the basis of planning, accounting and analysis, motivation and stimulation of labor, they are stable in time and by management levels, ordinary employees know about them.

1. Unscheduled housekeeping:
1.1. The enterprise is not a free commodity producer, does not have its own marketing strategy, there is no long-term plan.
1.2. An economic development plan is not being developed, there is no link between production volumes and the required resources, and there are no economic standards.
1.3. The portfolio of orders is formed spontaneously, does not serve as a basis for economic planning, and the plan is not optimized according to economic criteria.
1.4. The performance criteria of the enterprise are not clearly defined. Profit is not the main criterion. Optimization and evaluation of the effectiveness of work according to the criteria are not carried out.
1.5. The end results of production are not clearly defined or blurred. They are not the basis for planning, accounting and analysis, motivation and stimulation of labor, they often change over time and by management levels, and are not communicated to ordinary employees.

2. Development of economic calculation:
2.1. decentralized planning.
2.2. Normative method of mutual settlements of divisions.
2.3. Equity participation of divisions in profit.
2.4. Opening of personal accounts of departments.
2.5. Approval of the regulation on intra-economic cost accounting.

2. Liquidation of economic calculation:
2.1. Centralized planning.
2.2. Factory-wide accounting system for production costs.
2.3. Lack of participation of divisions in profit.
2.4. Liquidation of personal accounts of divisions.
2.5. Cancellation of the provision on intra-economic cost accounting.

3. Wage growth:
3.1. Indexation of wages, taking into account inflation and an increase in production volumes.
3.2. Development of forms of additional wages, taking into account working conditions and qualifications.
3.3. Distribution of remuneration for the final result according to KTU (KTV) directly in the divisions.
3.4. Existence of a clear regulation on the remuneration of staff.

3. “Freezing” of wages:
3.1. Fixed wages at the lowest level in the industry.
3.2. Payment of additional wages at a minimum within the limits of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
3.3. Centralized distribution of remuneration by the management of the enterprise.
3.4. Lack of a clear regulation on staff remuneration.

4. Development of a bonus system from profit:
4.1. Remuneration of personnel from profit in the form of a percentage of the official salary (tariff rate) or according to KTU.
4.2. Distribution of bonuses from profits according to the final results of the activities of departments and within the team itself.
4.3. Development of financial assistance payments from profit, taking into account the personality of the employee and various situations.
4.4. The presence of a clear provision for bonuses.

4. Liquidation of the bonus system from profit:
4.1. Episodic bonuses to personnel from the wage fund without reference to profit.
4.2. Centralized distribution of the bonus in proportion to official salaries (tariff rates) by the management of the enterprise.
4.3. Termination of financial assistance payments or its provision only in emergency circumstances.
4.4. Absence (cancellation) of the provision on bonuses.

5. Encouraging the growth of material needs:
5.1. Providing employees with interest-free loans to purchase durable goods.
5.2. Providing employees with free or partially paid housing (hostel).
5.3. Providing employees with free or minimally paid social infrastructure (children's institutions, a health complex, a dispensary, parking lots, etc.).

5. Ignoring the growth of material needs:
5.1. Lack of loans or their provision at bank interest.
5.2. Lack of housing provision or its sale at market prices.
5.3. Elimination or lack of free social infrastructure for employees of the enterprise.

6. Development of social and medical security:
6.1. Creation of a non-state pension fund or additional payment of a pension at the expense of the enterprise.
6.2. Insurance of employees at the expense of the enterprise.
6.3. Providing employees with free or partially paid branded clothing and footwear, food, and transport.

6. Ignoring social and medical security:
6.1. Using only state pensions.
6.2. Elimination or lack of insurance of employees at the expense of the enterprise.
6.3. Elimination or lack of provision of branded clothing, food, transport.

Remuneration of labor is the main motive for labor activity and a monetary measure of the cost of labor. It provides a link between the results of labor and its process and reflects the quantity and complexity of the work of workers of various qualifications.

Economic methods are developed in accordance with the wage management policy for employees of PJSC Gazprom organizations (hereinafter referred to as the wage management policy).

In accordance with clause 2.5.1 of the Remuneration Management Policy, organizations included in PJSC Gazprom's budgeting system develop regulations on remuneration of employees not exceeding uniform corporate standards, taking into account financial and economic opportunities.

The wage management policy provides for the possibility of using various tools to increase the interest of employees in compliance with safety requirements.

Encouragement of the company's employees is carried out by bonuses based on the results of work for the month, taking into account participation and personal contribution to strengthening labor discipline and improving the state of labor protection and industrial safety.

Thus, for active work to improve the state of industrial safety, based on the results of each month, subject to the fulfillment of production indicators, trouble-free operation, and the absence of violations of technological and labor discipline, an increase in the amount of payments is carried out, including for:

  • work without accidents at work, accidents and fires;
  • active work on the prevention of industrial injuries and occupational diseases;
  • active participation in measures to improve labor protection conditions and sanitary and recreational activities;
  • active participation in competitions and competitions on labor protection;
  • introduction of rationalization proposals aimed at improving working conditions;
  • active work on conducting a special assessment of working conditions;
  • active work to prevent violations of labor and production discipline.

Bonuses for employees, managers, specialists and employees of the administration and structural divisions under the administration, as well as administrative and managerial personnel of the company's branches, can be made monthly, provided that the Company ensures gas production in the amount of the planned target and upon achievement of the established performance indicators of each branch (separately for each indicator) taking into account the fulfillment of the conditions of the bonus.

If the employee has omissions, including for violating the rules and instructions for labor protection, industrial and fire safety, industrial sanitation, it is possible to reduce the amount:
‒ remuneration based on the results of work for the year;
‒ monthly bonuses for the results of production and economic activities.

Reducing the amount of these payments is carried out in accordance with the lists of production omissions.

For committing a disciplinary offense, the employer may deprive the employee of the production bonus in whole or in part, as well as reduce or deprive the employee of remuneration based on the results of the annual work of the company in accordance with the Regulations on bonus payments to employees for the main results of production and economic activities and the Regulation on the payment of remuneration based on the results of the work of LLC " Gazprom Dobycha Nadym.

In accordance with paragraph 5.2 of Appendix 3 to the Wage Management Policy, the size of one-time bonuses can be reduced for employees who have an unresolved disciplinary sanction as of the date of publication of the organizational and administrative document on the payment of bonuses.

sociological methods

Sociological methods are based on ways to motivate social impact on people through the "opinion of the team".


Sociological methods play an important role in personnel management, they allow:

  • establish the appointment and place of employees in the team;
  • identify leaders and secure their support;
  • link the motivation of people with the final results of production;
  • ensure effective communication and conflict resolution in the team;
  • provide the necessary data for the selection, evaluation, placement and training of personnel;
  • enable informed staffing decisions.

Social planning ensures the setting of social goals and criteria, the development of social standards (wages, the need for housing, working conditions, etc.) and planned indicators, the achievement of final social results. For example, a decrease in the level of morbidity, an increase in the level of education and qualifications of workers, and a reduction in industrial injuries.

In order to implement a social life support system, Gazprom Dobycha Nadym organized a medical unit that performs the tasks of protecting the health of workers, medical and sanitary support for industrial production, disease prevention and rehabilitation of health, ensuring the interaction of company divisions in addressing issues of labor protection and health of personnel working in extreme climatic conditions of high northern latitudes.

The priority in the activities of the medical and sanitary unit is the implementation of preventive measures aimed at protecting health and preventing diseases, including medical support for labor collectives that is not included in the basic program of compulsory medical insurance of the municipal health care system, which is necessary for the planned operation of the gas production industry and the implementation of a comprehensive health program in the conditions of the Far North.

Taking into account the financial capabilities of the company, as well as in the event that it is impossible for the insured persons to receive medical care of the proper quality and within an acceptable time frame within the framework of the territorial program of state guarantees for the provision of free medical care, the company includes the following types of medical care in the voluntary medical insurance (VHI) programs:
- outpatient care (may additionally include dental care, home care, drug provision for outpatient treatment);
- inpatient care (may additionally include medical transportation);
- rehabilitation and rehabilitation treatment; emergency and emergency medical care; antenatal care for pregnant women; obstetrics.

In order to ensure an influx of promising young people into the PJSC Gazprom system, graduates of secondary general education and secondary specialized educational institutions are selected to be sent to study at higher educational institutions, with the status of a “target student” assigned to them and personal scholarships from the company's budget. Target career guidance is being carried out, as well as measures for the selection and consolidation, with subsequent employment in the company's divisions, of the best and most promising graduates of educational institutions of higher professional education. Thus, a competent professional reserve is formed in the company.

Organizational Methods

Organizational practices include:

  1. setting and monitoring the implementation of goals and objectives aimed at ensuring healthy and safe working conditions;
  2. participation of employees in the company's activities in the field of ensuring safe working conditions (involvement of employees in the risk management process, informing about working conditions, incidents that occurred in the company, as well as their consequences, causes and measures taken; about identified hazards and risk level; about existing normative documents containing requirements for health and safety, the real delegation of rights and responsibilities in the field of industrial safety to employees).

The Company guarantees its employees decent and safe working conditions, and complies with the requirements for ensuring industrial safety. Working conditions are constantly monitored, a special assessment of working conditions is carried out, and compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases is implemented.

The formation of a high level of industrial safety culture is a necessary condition for achieving the strategic goal. One of the main directions for the implementation of strategic goals is the formation of a high level of industrial safety culture: the creation of views, behavior patterns, rules and approaches in the work of personnel, including motivational aspects.

While striving to achieve a high level of industrial safety, the company strives for a culture of industrial safety in which there is a real commitment to safety as a system of values ​​and working methods among all personnel. In the company, a significant part of the employees adheres to the process of continuous improvement of safety and actively participates in it. Such a position contributes to obtaining benefits for the company as a whole, including the improvement of quality and environmental standards, and an increase in technological discipline.

The occupational safety culture is characterized by an awareness of the importance of the tasks of ensuring occupational safety in the system of personal and social values, the prevalence of stereotypes of safe behavior in everyday activities and in hazardous situations.

To form a high industrial safety culture, the company implements the following strategic goals:

  • development of the qualities and properties of industrial safety culture objects that contribute to the formation of an internal target setting for its provision;
  • formation of the commitment of the management of the company and its branches to the basic principles of ensuring industrial safety (trust, responsibility, communication, focus on practical actions, cooperation);
  • formation of personnel knowledge about safe activities in interaction with the surrounding production, social and natural environment;
  • formation of sustainable individual and social behavioral complexes in the field of industrial safety: corporate traditions, stereotypes, norms of behavior;
  • creation of motivational conditions for individual employees, labor collectives of the company, necessary for the implementation of these tasks.

Moral-psychological methods

Moral-psychological methods are based on knowledge of human psychology, his inner spiritual world and are known as the "method of persuasion".

Moral and psychological methods play a very important role in working with personnel, since they are aimed at the specific personality of the worker or employee and, as a rule, are strictly personalized and individual. Their main feature is an appeal to the inner world of a person, his personality, intellect, feelings, images and behavior in order to direct the inner potential of a person to solve specific problems of the enterprise.

The standard establishes the procedure for material incentives for employees for compliance with safety requirements, dissemination of experience in improving working conditions and activation in understanding the importance of solving industrial safety issues, - tells Head of HSE Department Tatyana Borozdina.

Prevention of industrial injuries, increasing responsible attitude, ensuring high organization in all labor collectives, strict observance of rules and instructions have always been the most important tasks that were set at the NSMMZ in the field of labor protection.

Strict control of compliance with the requirements implies, among other things, a system of punishments, both for ordinary employees and for managers. Over time, the system based only on punishment required improvement. The team should also be ready for the introduction of positive motivation, in which a responsible and conscious attitude to compliance with the HSE requirements has already been formed. In other words, the motivation: “I must follow the rules, because if I don’t, they will be caught and fined” is replaced by “I follow the rules because I understand their importance and my responsibility.”

At the same time, we do not shift all responsibility onto our teams. We tried to include employees in joint work, - continues Tatyana Petrovna. - So, for example, all employees of the enterprise are involved in the work on identifying risks: from the heads of workshops to representatives of almost all professions in each division. As a result, a list of hazards will be prepared.

Recall that the purpose of this work is the classification of risks and the identification of those that must be eliminated or become manageable, which will ultimately become the basis for improving the HSE management system.

It should be noted that at the NSMMZ, even before the development of the Motivation Standard, employees and entire departments were encouraged for their attentive attitude to labor protection, the absence of comments and violations. This was done annually on the World Day for Safety at Work. The shift or team that had no comments on HSE received monetary rewards, individual employees were rewarded based on the results of the competition. As part of the Standard, the results and, accordingly, cash bonuses are planned to be paid every quarter.

The work is arranged as follows - the employee writes a proposal and passes it to his manager, then it is submitted for consideration to the HSE department.

All proposals are ultimately aimed at improving working conditions and increasing the level of safety in the workplace. In addition, workers offer safe practices when performing technological operations. All this will allow us to supplement the action plan for certification of workplaces and develop proactive measures. Implemented proposals are monthly analyzed by a commission with the participation of the executive director. For the first months of the implementation of the Standard, I would like to note the employees of the energy department of the Revda site and the ESPTS, - Tatyana Petrovna sums up.

1. General concepts of intrinsic motivation Positive motivation activates a person's abilities. Negative motivation - inhibits the manifestation of human abilities. A need is an internal state of a person. Stimulus - external factors affecting motivation.

Causes of violations of labor protection requirements The employee is in a hurry to fulfill the “norm”, to do the assigned work as easily and quickly as possible; The employee works as usual, not suspecting that these methods and methods of specific work that have developed in the team are not safe;

The working conditions have changed significantly, but the employee, due to poor THEORETICAL training, does not know about this, does not see and does not “feel” this, works “as always”; While working, the employee thinks about his own and becomes inattentive, fuzzy even in the usual movements; The employee does not feel well (he falls ill or on the eve of the day he “took on his chest” too much ...), and therefore poorly coordinates all his actions;

2. The human factor in ensuring safety As you know, numerous technical systems become interconnected only due to the presence of such a main link as a person, and approximately 20-30% of equipment failures (incidents) are directly or indirectly related to human errors. Often these failures pose a threat to human safety. It is known that from 60 to 90% of injuries occur through the fault of the victims themselves.

Cases of errors due to the fault of a person: 1. The employee deliberately seeks to perform work by violating safety rules. 2. The employee does not know the methods of safe work. 3. The employee reacts slowly to a changing situation and is inactive at the very moment when his active actions are needed.

The main causes of human error: professional unsuitability for this type of work; poor training or low qualifications; blindly following instructions with poor security procedures; poor working conditions in the workplace.

Conclusion: Taking into account the psychology of workers is an important link in the structure of measures to ensure labor protection. When organizing the management of labor protection, it is necessary to take into account mental processes, mental properties, and analyze in particular detail the various forms of mental states observed in the course of labor activity.

Professionally important qualities: vitality (physical condition, endurance, mobility, optimism); activity and dynamism (performance, rhythm of labor activity, initiative); aggressiveness or suggestibility (a tendency to self-affirmation or a tendency to seek help and protection);

The degree of development of the sensory sphere (sense organs); emotionality; sensitivity; sociability; allocentrism (the tendency to put oneself in the place of others in order to better understand them) or egocentrism (the tendency to consider others only in comparison with one's "I").

Spontaneity or slow reactions; level of mental energy (ability to resist, self-control, coordination of various tendencies); a large or small field of consciousness (the ability to simultaneously perceive many objects or focus on one, isolating from the rest); practical mind, logical mind, creative mind.

Professional qualities for executive workers performing "fine" work: industriousness; equilibrium; ability to take into account circumstances; accuracy and cleanliness of work; self-control and correction of own mistakes; productivity and pace of work; insensitivity to monotonous work; initiative; Ability to get along with team members and superiors.

Conscious attitude to the consumption of materials and tools; ability to organize, coordinate, assess the situation; the ability to use work experience and carry out restructuring in a timely manner; the desire to replenish knowledge; Ability to supervise and advise employees;

Personnel evaluation: The purpose of the evaluation, its main tasks - why do we evaluate? Certification of personnel, selection, placement, promotion to the reserve, assessment of new employees, forecast for the promotion of employees through the ranks, promotion, salary changes and other goals Object of assessment - who are we assessing? Managers at various levels, middle-level personnel, executives, administrative workers, repair and maintenance personnel, employees of various specializations

Evaluation methods - how do we evaluate? Quantitative, qualitative, combined. Preference is given to a combination of methods. Subject of evaluation - who evaluates? Experts (“from below”, “from above” at the level of category posts); group personality assessment; self-assessment of business, personal and professional qualities; assessment of personality parameters by a psychologist, sociologist. Time, place, procedure for the evaluation - where and how do we evaluate? Conducting assessments in the morning; the presence of a specially prepared room; group or individual work; processing the results manually or on a computer.

Evaluation Outcome – What is the end goal of the evaluation? Presentation of the results in the form of various psychograms intended for the management of the enterprise, the certification commission and for the person being assessed; compilation of socio-psychological characteristics of the studied units and groups; psychological conclusion on the fullest use of specialists (compiled by a specialist psychologist without the use of computer programs).

Conclusion: Such studies show that the safety of the operation of any technical systems and teams directly depends on psycho-informational factors, on the quality of perception, information processing both by the person himself and groups of people, and by human-machine systems.

4. Managing the motivation of employees' activities in labor protection. Motivation management to maintain a high level of labor safety is aimed at developing personal and group long-term interests and relevant attitudes for unconditional and interested compliance with labor protection requirements, as well as appropriate behavior in hazardous production situations. Motivation management to maintain a high level of labor safety is aimed at developing personal and group long-term interests and relevant attitudes for unconditional and interested compliance with labor protection requirements, as well as appropriate behavior in hazardous production situations.

Establishing the personal responsibility of employees allows: together with other forms of preventive work, to bring into a single system the activities of managers and specialists, as well as controlling persons to ensure safe working conditions; evaluate the level of preventive work in the field of labor protection;

Regularly receive information about the state of machines, equipment, tools and workplaces in terms of their safety (safe operation) and take measures to eliminate deficiencies; receive data on the fulfillment by employees of labor protection requirements, take disciplinary measures against violators.

4. The concept of "culture of labor protection" The culture of labor protection/safety is a conscious position of persons whose actions affect the state of labor protection/safety, convinced that ensuring labor protection/safety is a priority goal, aware of responsibility and controlling their actions.

Occupational health/safety culture in the workplace - a set of values, attitudes, rules, management systems and practices, principles of participation in work modes, leading to the creation of a safe and healthy working environment in which people can work with a high degree of quality and productivity.

Conclusion 1: The dynamic and evolving process of creating an occupational safety culture has much in common with the processes of effective development of an organization. While it is widely recognized that there is no single recipe for creating and improving an occupational safety culture, there is a growing consensus that there are similarities in key features and practices that can be implemented by organizations to progress in this direction.

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Therefore, in the future, under motivational regulation we will understand a system of measures that encourage and stimulate a person to certain actions in order to achieve the corresponding individual or collective goals and solve problems. With regard to labor protection, this is the stimulation of safe actions and the creation of conditions for the safe production of work. Accordingly, the mechanism of motivational regulation of labor protection is understood as the procedure for stimulating positive results and active assistance in solving labor protection problems, as well as taking action for failure to comply with regulatory requirements, job duties, etc.

The task of motivation in the field of labor protection, first of all, is to increase the interest of personnel in strict observance of established regulations, as well as in the organization and improvement of labor protection processes. However, motivation can be directed not only to the formation of safe behavior, but also to such categories of safety as:

development of creative initiative;

Improving the quality, discipline, culture of labor processes;

· growth of responsibility of workers not only for individual, but also for group results;

development of competitiveness, both between employees and between departments (ultimately, the reliability of the enterprise’s functioning increases)

The initial premise of motivational regulation is to oppose the motive of momentary gain (increased productivity, wages, etc.), as is often the case, to oppose the motive of security. For this, it is necessary that security be elevated to the rank of a need in our minds, only then will this become a driving motive.

Motivational regulation as a function of OT management is to stimulate individual employees, specialists, heads of departments for their contribution to:

implementation of the company's policy;

solving target problems;

· active participation and creative initiative in the development and maintenance of the effective functioning of the OSMS;

introduction of labor protection measures;

Creation of jobs with safe working conditions, etc.

Equalizing incentives, when everyone receives equally little (the so-called “bean soup” principle), should be replaced by a system of incentives, when material and non-material types of rewards are linked to the contribution of the employee (department) to the final result. It has been proven that nothing can be so unfair as the same promotion of unequal workers.

The motivational complex in general and safe human behavior in particular is polymotivated in nature, includes a wide range of motivational regulators of both material and non-material nature and has a certain hierarchy. On a personal level, working productively and safely is beneficial to the person himself; the success of his unit depends on it; and finally - it is necessary for the enterprise (company). That is, in order to solve labor protection problems, it is necessary to motivate employees to work safely not only for themselves, but also for others.

At the same time, they proceed from the recognition that almost any employee can be interested in any motive, since there are absolutely no people who are not motivated for anything!

Violation of established norms and rules, and as a result - injuries, indicates that a person, performing labor and production processes, is guided by other priorities. That is, the gradient of momentary interest dominates the gradient of danger (risk). This gives rise to difficulties and tasks: what to oppose to momentary interests, how to generate motivation in employees to work safely, what forms of motivational influence can be used for this purpose, how to form an opinion (attitude) in society about the need to be guided by the rules of safe behavior? Apparently, only calls, appeals, declarations, propaganda can hardly solve these problems. It is necessary to find ways to influence people so that they realize the need to work safely, to create such “rules of the game” within which it would be beneficial for a person to comply with the established regulations. And he should feel this impact directly in the process of all labor activity.

That's only then the promotion of a safe lifestyle can lead to success. In fact, we are talking about the formation of a new culture of labor protection management.

We will talk about this below, but first we will make a digression.

Conventionally, the gradations of states that characterize the professional level, personal characteristics and the attitude of employees to the performance of their functions are presented in two coordinate axes: “want - do not want”, “can - cannot” work productively:

However, it should be noted that to be able and willing to work, first of all, means to work not only productively, but also safely, with high quality and work culture. Based on this, the task is to transfer employees (a) from the categories “do not want” and “cannot” to the category “want” and “can” (1st quadrant) based on appropriate motives. How to do this depends on the quadrant in which certain employees are positioned in terms of their professional and personal qualities. This is quite clearly shown in the figure and can be done only for those categories of workers that belong to the second and fourth quadrants. Carrying out any measures for workers of the third quadrant, apparently, is inexpedient, professional reorientation should be recommended to them.

In order to determine the main directions in which the activities of management and labor protection services at the enterprise should be carried out, to offer a person certain incentives, it is necessary to understand what motives or system of motives underlie his activities and interests.

At the same time, there cannot be an incentive system that motivates all employees equally. The incentive system must be personalized, carefully dosed and developed for each person or a specific group of people with similar dominant needs, or the overall system must be individualized. Therefore, monitoring the dominant needs of the staff is a necessary condition for the functioning of the motivational mechanism. Based on this, it is possible to determine the types of incentive rewards. They can be material, moral, socially significant, moral and psychological.

As a rule, all types of motives are divided into internal and external. Internal reward is the satisfaction that a person receives as a result of performing certain actions (from the very process of work, self-realization). External rewards are benefits that include an increase in salary, promotion, etc. motivation labor protection professional

The strength of a motive is determined by the degree of significance corresponding to a person's need; in turn, the intensity and result of the activity depend on the strength of the motive. Activity without a motive or with a weak motive is either not carried out at all, or it turns out to be extremely unstable. The actualization of a certain motive leads to the setting of a specific goal.

In this regard, of interest are the results of a survey conducted by the author among the workers of the Ilyichevsk port on the significance of various types of motives for them in order to diagnose the motivation of professional activity in general and labor protection in particular. We interviewed 116 employees of various professional orientations, age qualifications (average age is about 46 years) and work experience that make up the category of work organizers (foremen, foremen, mechanics, warehouse workers, stevedoring staff).

The survey was conducted according to the methodology of K. Zemfir in the modification of A. A. Rean, which is based on the concept of external and internal motivation of personnel. The indicator of severity (significance) of each of the seven types of motives was assessed on a 5-point scale.

The following types of motives were included for analysis and evaluation in the survey:

1) money earnings;

2) desire for promotion;

3) the desire to avoid criticism from managers or colleagues;

4) the desire to avoid possible punishments or troubles;

5) the need to achieve social prestige and respect from others;

6) satisfaction from the process itself and the result of the work;

7) the possibility of the most complete self-realization in this particular activity.

The following categories were adopted for assessing the importance (significance) of motives:

In a very small way (1 point);

To a small extent (2 points);

In a small, but also to a large extent (3 points);

To a greater extent (4 points);

to a very large extent (5 points)

If we compare the obtained estimates of a separate motive - money earnings in terms of its importance, then it turns out that the workers for whom it matters are almost twice as many as those for whom it does not matter.

And yet, a comparison of the significance of motives in terms of the absolute values ​​of the number of assessments received indicates that for employees the greatest role is played by the motives of satisfaction from the process and result of work - 86 assessments and the possibility of self-realization - 72 assessments. Apparently, for the working staff, this alignment will be different.

Based on the obtained results, indicators of intrinsic motivation (IM), extrinsic positive motivation (EPM) and extrinsic negative motivation (VOM) were determined.

They make up:

· the indicator of VM, when the activity itself is important for the individual, is 3.82 points;

· the indicator of VPM is 3.25 points, that is, when motivation is based on the desire to satisfy other needs that are external in relation to the content of the activity itself (motives of social prestige, wages, etc.);

· PTO indicator - 3.35 points, that is, when motivation is based on the desire to avoid criticism or punishment from colleagues and managers.

The following two types of combinations are considered the best, optimal, motivational complex:

VM > VPM > PTO and VM = VPM > PTO.

The worst motivational complex is the type:


In our case, the indicator of internal motivation turned out to be greater than the indicator of external negative motivation, which, in turn, is greater than the indicator of external positive motivation:


This indicates that the categories of internal motivation dominate over other motives, and the determining factor is not always wages (although it is quite important for some categories of workers), but other social incentives, but not the desire to avoid criticism or punishment.

In addition, another survey was conducted, in which 56 people participated in order to rank almost the same motives (the only difference is that positions 3 and 4 were combined).

Judging by the highest value (24 ratings), the first place among the most important motives is still occupied by money earnings.

Comparing the first and second surveys, we can conclude that in the process of activity people are guided not only by material interests, but also by non-material incentives. The obtained conclusions allow to target the motivational mechanism.

Based on these principles, the Regulations on the mechanism of motivational regulation of labor protection were developed, which, on the one hand, established the procedure for stimulating (encouraging) for positive results and active assistance in solving labor protection problems, and on the other hand, taking action for non-compliance with regulatory requirements. , work duties and activities, for the unsatisfactory state of labor protection.

Various incentives of a social, material and non-material nature, as well as disciplinary measures and material sanctions for violations of legal or other regulatory requirements, were used as methods of motivational regulation.

List of sources used

1. Bychin V.B., Malinin S.V. Labor rationing: Textbook./ Ed. Odegova Yu.G. - M.: Publishing house "Exam", 2003.

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Occupational safety largely depends on the motivation of employees. Among the directions for improving the safety situation related to the human factor, the following can be noted:
− development of technological discipline control systems to eliminate the human factor;
− development of a fundamentally new system for managing occupational safety and health protection based on risk management, taking into account the human factor;
− development of innovative training complexes and personnel training methods in order to reduce the impact of the human factor on reliability and safety.
According to a broad interpretation, the human factor determines the limitations of opportunities or errors that occur due to the fact that the psychophysiological characteristics of a person do not always correspond to the level of complexity of the tasks being solved. The human factor includes states arising from the interaction of a person and technical systems. The unwillingness of an employee to comply with safety regulations that may or may result in injury can also be attributed to human error. The research results given in the article determine the main causes of industrial injuries in the structural divisions of Russian Railways:
− organizational (52.2%);
− human factor (31.5%);
− impact of the external environment (6.0%);
− technical (5.9%);
− educational (4.4%).
The data indicates a significant predominance of organizational causes in injuries, followed by the impact of the human factor, which together account for 83.7%. The influence of organizational causes on industrial injuries is indirectly related to the human factor, as it is determined by the activities of managers and performers of work. At present, it is generally recognized both in the scientific literature and in practice that the effectiveness of labor activity (including the employee's orientation towards safe work) is predetermined by the level of professional and behavioral competence (Fig. 1). In turn, behavioral competence is determined by the state of motivation of employees. Depending on the ratio of the level of professional and behavioral competence, the following groups of workers are distinguished (see Fig. 1).
1. Full compliance is an ideal case when a specialist has the necessary level of functional competence and is motivated to work, which is expressed in behavioral competence.
2. Formal correspondence exists when the functional competence of the individual coincides with the requirements of the position and the low behavioral competence of the employee.
3. Complete non-compliance means a low level of both functional and behavioral competence.
4. Compensatory compliance suggests that a low level of functional competence an employee can compensate for with a high level of behavioral competence (because in this case
motivation can effectively compensate for the lack of, for example, knowledge and experience, such employees demonstrate a willingness to perform unfamiliar work, learn new things, and overcome difficulties that would not have arisen for a specialist with high professional competence). The considered variants of the relationship between the professional and behavioral competence of an employee have a direct impact on the state of labor safety.

Rice. 1. The ratio of the level of professional and behavioral competence of an employee

Safety Motivation Management

The study of the problems of motivation for safe labor activity of employees in compliance with the requirements of labor protection was carried out at the Department of "Management in Social and Economic Systems" of the Ural State University of Transportation within the framework of the advanced training program for various categories of managers and specialists of railway transport enterprises "Psychology of labor safety and management of employee motivation for safe work" . Motivation management to maintain a high level of labor safety is aimed at forming employees' personal and group long-term interests and relevant attitudes towards unconditional and interested compliance with labor protection requirements, as well as appropriate behavior in hazardous production situations.
In the Methodology for assessing the impact of the human factor on the occurrence of an injury case, three main categories of causes of violations of labor protection requirements are identified:
- category M - violations of the motivational part of the actions are manifested in the unwillingness to comply with the requirements of labor protection, deliberate violation of the rules, instructions and technology for performing work;
- category O - violations of the indicative part of the actions are manifested in ignorance of the rules, instructions, norms and methods for their implementation, including due to the lack of the employee the necessary information about the organization of work and changes in the conditions for the implementation of work;
- category I - violations of the executive part is manifested in the failure to comply with the rules, instructions, norms due to the mental and physical capabilities of a person's work.
The initial stage of reducing the level of occupational injuries is the analysis of the existing causes of dangerous actions of employees, which allows further specifying measures to minimize the impact on the employee of the identified causes. Table 1 summarizes the most common causes of dangerous actions of an employee (identified by us in the course of seminars and discussions with students of advanced training programs), which are grouped in accordance with the Methodology.

Table 1 Main groups of causes of dangerous actions of workers and proposed management tools

Groups reasons according to in accordance with the Methodology

Most common causes of dangerous actions workingshirt

Yingmanagement tools, allowing minimitate influence reasons

A. Can't. The employee does not possess the knowledge necessary for this work, the relevant skills, methods, techniques, methods of work.

  1. Low level of professional competence.
  2. Lack of practical experience.
  3. Training inefficiency.
  1. Improving the institution of mentoring.
  2. Use of innovative forms of training, instruction, control of knowledge and skills.
  3. Improving the system of professional selection of personnel.

B. Not wants. The employee knows how to perform this work (operation) efficiently and safely, but he has no desire to comply with safety requirements, i.e. there is no motivation, the psychological attitude to comply with these requirements is not developed.

  1. The predominance of elements of punishment in the system of employee motivation.
  2. Problems in relationships with the leader (authoritarian management style) or colleagues.
  3. Frequent performance of duties beyond the job description.
  4. Ineffective (excessive or insufficient) control.
  5. Lack of clear distribution of responsibility between employees.
  6. Low wages, biased bonus system.
  1. Updating and creative rethinking of the existing system of motivation for the needs of employees of a particular organization.
  2. Identification and encouragement of employees with a high level of motivation.
  3. Improving the system of professional selection of personnel.
  4. Improving the efficiency of the system of organization and remuneration.
  5. Organization of feedback from employees with managers.

AT. Not mohno. The worker is in such a physical or psychological state that, despite the ability and desire, he allows a dangerous action.

  1. Bad feeling.
  2. Unfavorable emotional and psychological state of a person.
  3. Psychophysiological characteristics of an employee (fear, absent-mindedness, poor memory, slowness of psychomotor reactions, etc.).
  1. Improving the moral and psychological climate in the team.
  2. Development of measures aimed at preventing such negative phenomena among employees as the occurrence of a state of severe stress (distress) or professional burnout.
  3. Development of a program of work with families of violators of labor protection requirements.
  4. Search for reserves to improve the organization of labor.
  5. Improving the system of professional selection of personnel (taking into account the psychological compatibility of employees).

G. Not secured. The employee does not perform the prescribed action because he is not provided with the necessary conditions (tools, materials, devices, information, etc.).

  1. Lack or inadequate quality of personal protective equipment.
  2. Imperfection or non-compliance with the technological process.
  3. Wear and tear of machines, equipment, mechanisms.
  4. Lack or inadequate quality of tools and materials.
  5. Unfavorable working conditions.
  6. Lack of time (hurry).
  7. Lack of information about the organization of work and changes in the conditions for the implementation of work.
  1. Search for reserves to improve the organization of production and organization of labor.
  2. Improving the system of material and technical support of the enterprise.
  3. Involving (studying opinions) of employees in making decisions on the choice of personal protective equipment, tools, etc.
  4. Increasing the efficiency of the information support system.

The level of motivation of employees is most strongly manifested in group B - “Does not want”. As you know, the initial attribute of the motivational state of a person is the awareness by himself and the leaders of the needs of the employee, which can be satisfied in labor activity. Among the reasons we have identified for the presence of problems in the motivational sphere, we indicate the following.
1. The lack of comprehensive scientific research to study the real needs of various categories and groups of employees of the organization, the degree of their satisfaction, etc.
2. The motivation system is not adapted to the specific needs of workers of specific groups. All employees of Russian Railways know the system of corporate values ​​(what the organization expects from them). However, the needs of specific people (what people expect from the organization) are not always taken into account in the motivation system.
3. Employees are not sufficiently informed about the elements of the motivation system in the organization and do not use all its possibilities. To study the needs of employees of the organization, various methods can be used, the choice of which depends on the purpose of the study.
The basis of the methodology of K. Zamfir in the modification of A.A. Rean put the concept of the relationship of internal and external motivation. The desire for active action, participation in a certain work arises as a result of either internal personal motives (determination to achieve something, activity, initiative, etc.), or on the basis of external factors (the impact of leadership). At the same time, the positive effect of external
factors is achieved if it is aimed at meeting the internal needs of a person.
Intrinsic motivation (intrinsic) is associated with the very content of the activity or the internal motives of the subject (for example, a person enjoys this activity). Internal motivation can also include the performance of work without much desire, but under the influence of personal qualities of character: willpower and understanding that this work is so necessary on the path to success. Such an activity may be unpleasant, but a person will try to perform it, since internal high-level motives dominate in him. External motivation (extrinsic) is due to circumstances external to the subject. The main task of external motives is to induce an employee to certain actions or certain behavior. External motives are divided into external positive and external negative. Positive motivation is based on positive incentives, such as increasing productivity or sales volumes, and in relation to the topic of our study, ensuring the safety of activities and compliance with labor protection requirements. In the case of negative motivation, a person is restrained from undesirable actions, in particular, violations of labor protection requirements. In this case, a person's behavior is guided by fear of possible troubles or punishment and the desire to avoid them. Motivation of the leaders of the Sverdlovsk Railway Within the framework of advanced training programs, we used the indicated methodology to identify the main motives for the labor activity of the leaders of the Sverdlovsk Railway. According to the methodology, it is possible to determine the level of expression of three components of the motivation of professional activity: internal, external positive and external negative. The ideal ratio of elements of the motivational complex:
intrinsic motivation > extrinsic positive motivation > extrinsic negative motivation.
Table 2 presents the quantitatively expressed values ​​of the main motives for the labor activity of senior and middle managers of the Sverdlovsk Railway, obtained on the basis of a survey of 50 people.

Table 2 The main motives of the leaders of the Sverdlovsk Railway

Types of motivesworkers


in group 1

(16 people)


in group 2

(16 people)


in group 3

(18 people)


for allgroups(50 people)

rank znapuritymotive

Satisfaction with the process itself and the result of the work

cash earnings

The possibility of the most complete self-realization in this particular activity

The need to achieve social prestige and respect from others

Desire to avoid criticism from supervisor or colleagues

Desire to avoid possible punishment or trouble

Striving for promotion at work

In the first and third places among the identified motives for the work of managers are elements of internal motivation (satisfaction with the process itself and the result of work, the possibility of the most complete self-realization in this particular activity). At the same time, the desire to avoid criticism and punishment is in fifth and sixth place, which indicates their low significance. Thus, about half (40–60%, here the indicator varies depending on the group of students) of the managers of the Sverdlovsk Railway in terms of motivation fit into the ideal ratio of the elements of the motivational complex (intrinsic motivation > external positive motivation > external negative motivation), which indicates good motivational potential of managers of the transport industry.
An unfavorable ratio of elements of the motivational complex (external negative motivation > external positive motivation > internal motivation) is rare (5–10%). Ensuring the necessary connection between external and internal motivation is realized with the help of such tools of motivational influence that allow you to use the internal motives of managers, for example, to entrust an employee to perform more complex, responsible or creative tasks. After determining the priority motives for the work of workers, it is necessary to carry out a creative rethinking of the existing system of motivation in relation to the needs of specific groups of workers. The results obtained allow us to conclude that attention should be paid to expanding the use of positive motivation tools. The results of the teamwork of railway transport managers within the framework of the advanced training programs “Labor safety psychology and management of employee motivation for safe work” determined measures to increase employee motivation, dividing them into elements of moral motivation, material motivation and elements of punishment. Among the first group, we note:
- the presence of feedback from employees with managers, support by the head of his subordinates;
− discussion of the positive results of the work of the team in the field of ensuring the safety of production processes;
− installation of a box of remarks, wishes and ideas in the field of safe work;
− conferment of the title “The best site for labor protection”;
- the right to use the leave at a convenient time;
− involvement of specialists-psychologists and sociologists in the teams;
− The second group includes activities:
− bonus remuneration for accident-free work;
− encouragement of mentors based on the results of the work of the employees assigned to them;
− additional paid vacation days for employees who did not commit violations;
− ensuring comfortable conditions for delivery to the place of work and back;
− life and health insurance;
− allocation of sanatorium-resort vouchers;
− training in second professions or advanced training of employees at the expense of the company;
− expansion of the corporate social package.
Elements of punishment include deprivation of bonuses for violation of labor protection requirements, establishing a clear dependence of the degree of punishment on the severity of the misconduct, reducing the lump-sum reward for loyalty to the company, etc.
According to the obtained preliminary results, it is further supposed to identify the elements of the motivation system to ensure the safe labor activity of employees, which should be integrated into the overall system of motivation of employees of the organization. Each direction requires a more detailed study, taking into account the specifics of the organization's activities and the priority of the motives of specific groups of employees.

V.S. PARSHINA, Doctor of Economics Sciences, Professor, Ural State University of Communications,
T.B. MARUSHCHAK, Ph.D. economy Sciences, Associate Professor, Ural State University of Communications

Hello friends! Do you need an occupational safety program? Our colleague Anatoly Konstantinovich Yudin, who has pleased us more than once with his materials, figured out the Access program (supplied with the office from Microsoft) and, taking into account his professional experience, developed a free labor protection program to automate the work of managers and labor protection specialists. For those who are interested, see below.

Access Based Occupational Health and Safety Program

Important! The program requires MS Office (2013-2019) 64 bits. If you do not know what it is, then consult with a knowledgeable person (for example, an IT specialist at work).

If the conditions described above are met, then download the program and enjoy 😉

The proposed information system of a labor protection specialist (IS SOT) in the initial version provides:

Accounting for the data of the organization's personnel and ease of entering information;
- selection from the list of personnel upon request and preparation of lists for periodic medical examinations;
- accounting of attestations for health and safety and labor protection for the contingent: AUP with the calculation of the dates of the next attestations;
- taking into account the dates of testing knowledge on labor protection for contingents: (engineers and specialists, workers) with the calculation of the dates of the next tests of knowledge of labor protection requirements;
- formation of lists by categories of personnel;
- quick access to the required documents from the organization's document database;
- quick access to information sites on health, safety and civil defense;
- display of information in the form of information entry in accordance with the data of SOUT cards and other NTD:

  • badge about the need for a medical examination;
  • a list of PPE (item number by order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated December 09, 2014 No. 997n);
  • the name of the washing substances;
  • paragraphs of the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated April 12, 2011 No. 302n;
  • the name of the harmful factors present in the workplace;
  • class of working conditions;
  • the frequency of the medical examination;
  • year of the next medical examination;
  • dates of the next certification of the category of personnel (APC) for labor protection and PTM;
  • dates of the next examination of personnel knowledge of labor protection requirements.

The program applies:

In the work of an HSE specialist.
- When preparing lists of employees for periodic medical examinations.
- When planning certification and testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements of employees of the organization.
- When conducting an introductory briefing of employees and familiarizing them with working conditions at the workplace.

You will find a detailed description of the occupational safety program with pictures, as well as instructions for use, in the ZIP archive. If you have any questions about working in the program, then write comments (form below). Anatoly Konstantinovich promised to support users.

ATTENTION! History of IS SOT program updates

Version 2.0

1. Optimized for importing existing data on personnel in the organization into IS tables.

2. In the data entry form, logical fields are used to simplify the entry of information, the creation of requests and reports on the personnel of the organization.

3. Added forms of registration of certifications for industrial, environmental safety and civil defense.

4. Reporting documents on all sections of the information system are presented.

5. Some documents and hyperlinks to download documents have been introduced into the program.

6. Added a section on personal protective equipment for workers.

7. A possibility has been created to add new SOUT cards when new jobs appear and the next special assessment of working conditions is carried out.

8. Instructions for setting up the IS and transferring the existing personnel data to the program have been prepared.

Version 3.0

9. Personal accounting cards for the issuance of PPE - generated automatically.

10. Protocols for testing knowledge of labor protection and certificates for labor protection - generated automatically.

11. Checklist for conducting briefings (training) when hiring employees.

12. Accounting for personnel numbers of employees.

13. Calculation of the remaining days until the next certification and testing of knowledge of labor protection.

14. Indication of the year of the next SATS and a request for a list of SATS cards to be revised for the specified year.

15. The ability to add new SOUT cards when new jobs appear and the next special assessment of working conditions is carried out (the counter is replaced by a numeric field).

Version 4.0

16. IS SOT is optimized for entering information on personnel (the method of substitutions from the list for positions and departments was returned when entering data).

17. Accounting for psychiatric examinations has been introduced.

18. In the checklist when hiring a new employee, the field "Familiarization of the employee with working conditions at the workplace on the SOUT card and obtaining a personal PPE card" was added.

19. Training hours (16 or 20) have been introduced into the "Training protocol" and "Labor safety certificates" for the category of personnel "Workers". The names of occupational safety training programs are inserted automatically.

20. The form "Organizer of the main tasks (events)" for health, safety, civil defense, industrial safety and ecology has been created.

21. Introduced diagrams that work in automatic mode. In the "Organizer" form (for Office 2016), the list of tasks is represented by a picture from the COT IS created in Office 2019.

22. The form "Instructions on labor protection, fire safety and ecology" has been created. A logical field has been added to the form for the possibility of adding instructions to the register of specific departments.

23. The Logbook for recording instructions was introduced in accordance with the form of Appendix No. 9 to the Methodological Recommendations for the Development of State Regulatory Requirements for Occupational Safety, approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 80 of December 17, 2002 - is generated automatically.

24. Registers of instructions for subdivisions are formed automatically.


Information system of a labor protection specialist from A.K. Yudina (version 4.0)

Instructions for using the IS SOT program

You can find other materials by Anatoly Yudin using the All-Seeking Search.

That's all. If you liked the program, then do not skimp on rating stars and thanks in the comments 😉 Thank you for your support and participation!

To be continued...

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Students, graduate students, young scientists who use the knowledge base in their studies and work will be very grateful to you.

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Therefore, in the future, under motivational regulation we will understand a system of measures that encourage and stimulate a person to certain actions in order to achieve the corresponding individual or collective goals and solve problems. With regard to labor protection, this is the stimulation of safe actions and the creation of conditions for the safe production of work. Accordingly, the mechanism of motivational regulation of labor protection is understood as the procedure for stimulating positive results and active assistance in solving labor protection problems, as well as taking action for failure to comply with regulatory requirements, job duties, etc.

The task of motivation in the field of labor protection, first of all, is to increase the interest of personnel in strict observance of established regulations, as well as in the organization and improvement of labor protection processes. However, motivation can be directed not only to the formation of safe behavior, but also to such categories of safety as:

development of creative initiative;

Improving the quality, discipline, culture of labor processes;

· growth of responsibility of workers not only for individual, but also for group results;

development of competitiveness, both between employees and between departments (ultimately, the reliability of the enterprise’s functioning increases)

The initial premise of motivational regulation is to oppose the motive of momentary gain (increased productivity, wages, etc.), as is often the case, to oppose the motive of security. For this, it is necessary that security be elevated to the rank of a need in our minds, only then will this become a driving motive.

Motivational regulation as a function of OT management is to stimulate individual employees, specialists, heads of departments for their contribution to:

implementation of the company's policy;

solving target problems;

· active participation and creative initiative in the development and maintenance of the effective functioning of the OSMS;

introduction of labor protection measures;

Creation of jobs with safe working conditions, etc.

Equalizing incentives, when everyone receives equally little (the so-called “bean soup” principle), should be replaced by a system of incentives, when material and non-material types of rewards are linked to the contribution of the employee (department) to the final result. It has been proven that nothing can be so unfair as the same promotion of unequal workers.

The motivational complex in general and safe human behavior in particular is polymotivated in nature, includes a wide range of motivational regulators of both material and non-material nature and has a certain hierarchy. On a personal level, working productively and safely is beneficial to the person himself; the success of his unit depends on it; and finally - it is necessary for the enterprise (company). That is, in order to solve labor protection problems, it is necessary to motivate employees to work safely not only for themselves, but also for others.

At the same time, they proceed from the recognition that almost any employee can be interested in any motive, since there are absolutely no people who are not motivated for anything!

Violation of established norms and rules, and as a result - injuries, indicates that a person, performing labor and production processes, is guided by other priorities. That is, the gradient of momentary interest dominates the gradient of danger (risk). This gives rise to difficulties and tasks: what to oppose to momentary interests, how to generate motivation in employees to work safely, what forms of motivational influence can be used for this purpose, how to form an opinion (attitude) in society about the need to be guided by the rules of safe behavior? Apparently, only calls, appeals, declarations, propaganda can hardly solve these problems. It is necessary to find ways to influence people so that they realize the need to work safely, to create such “rules of the game” within which it would be beneficial for a person to comply with the established regulations. And he should feel this impact directly in the process of all labor activity.

That's only then the promotion of a safe lifestyle can lead to success. In fact, we are talking about the formation of a new culture of labor protection management.

We will talk about this below, but first we will make a digression.

Conventionally, the gradations of states that characterize the professional level, personal characteristics and the attitude of employees to the performance of their functions are presented in two coordinate axes: “want - do not want”, “can - cannot” work productively:

However, it should be noted that to be able and willing to work, first of all, means to work not only productively, but also safely, with high quality and work culture. Based on this, the task is to transfer employees (a) from the categories “do not want” and “cannot” to the category “want” and “can” (1st quadrant) based on appropriate motives. How to do this depends on the quadrant in which certain employees are positioned in terms of their professional and personal qualities. This is quite clearly shown in the figure and can be done only for those categories of workers that belong to the second and fourth quadrants. Carrying out any measures for workers of the third quadrant, apparently, is inexpedient, professional reorientation should be recommended to them.

In order to determine the main directions in which the activities of management and labor protection services at the enterprise should be carried out, to offer a person certain incentives, it is necessary to understand what motives or system of motives underlie his activities and interests.

At the same time, there cannot be an incentive system that motivates all employees equally. The incentive system must be personalized, carefully dosed and developed for each person or a specific group of people with similar dominant needs, or the overall system must be individualized. Therefore, monitoring the dominant needs of the staff is a necessary condition for the functioning of the motivational mechanism. Based on this, it is possible to determine the types of incentive rewards. They can be material, moral, socially significant, moral and psychological.

As a rule, all types of motives are divided into internal and external. Internal reward is the satisfaction that a person receives as a result of performing certain actions (from the very process of work, self-realization). External rewards are benefits that include an increase in salary, promotion, etc. motivation labor protection professional

The strength of a motive is determined by the degree of significance corresponding to a person's need; in turn, the intensity and result of the activity depend on the strength of the motive. Activity without a motive or with a weak motive is either not carried out at all, or it turns out to be extremely unstable. The actualization of a certain motive leads to the setting of a specific goal.

In this regard, of interest are the results of a survey conducted by the author among the workers of the Ilyichevsk port on the significance of various types of motives for them in order to diagnose the motivation of professional activity in general and labor protection in particular. We interviewed 116 employees of various professional orientations, age qualifications (average age is about 46 years) and work experience that make up the category of work organizers (foremen, foremen, mechanics, warehouse workers, stevedoring staff).

The survey was conducted according to the methodology of K. Zemfir in the modification of A. A. Rean, which is based on the concept of external and internal motivation of personnel. The indicator of severity (significance) of each of the seven types of motives was assessed on a 5-point scale.

The following types of motives were included for analysis and evaluation in the survey:

1) money earnings;

2) desire for promotion;

3) the desire to avoid criticism from managers or colleagues;

4) the desire to avoid possible punishments or troubles;

5) the need to achieve social prestige and respect from others;

6) satisfaction from the process itself and the result of the work;

7) the possibility of the most complete self-realization in this particular activity.

The following categories were adopted for assessing the importance (significance) of motives:

In a very small way (1 point);

To a small extent (2 points);

In a small, but also to a large extent (3 points);

To a greater extent (4 points);

to a very large extent (5 points)

If we compare the obtained estimates of a separate motive - money earnings in terms of its importance, then it turns out that the workers for whom it matters are almost twice as many as those for whom it does not matter.

And yet, a comparison of the significance of motives in terms of the absolute values ​​of the number of assessments received indicates that for employees the greatest role is played by the motives of satisfaction from the process and result of work - 86 assessments and the possibility of self-realization - 72 assessments. Apparently, for the working staff, this alignment will be different.

Based on the obtained results, indicators of intrinsic motivation (IM), extrinsic positive motivation (EPM) and extrinsic negative motivation (VOM) were determined.

They make up:

· the indicator of VM, when the activity itself is important for the individual, is 3.82 points;

· the indicator of VPM is 3.25 points, that is, when motivation is based on the desire to satisfy other needs that are external in relation to the content of the activity itself (motives of social prestige, wages, etc.);

· PTO indicator - 3.35 points, that is, when motivation is based on the desire to avoid criticism or punishment from colleagues and managers.

The following two types of combinations are considered the best, optimal, motivational complex:

VM > VPM > PTO and VM = VPM > PTO.

The worst motivational complex is the type:


In our case, the indicator of internal motivation turned out to be greater than the indicator of external negative motivation, which, in turn, is greater than the indicator of external positive motivation:


This indicates that the categories of internal motivation dominate over other motives, and the determining factor is not always wages (although it is quite important for some categories of workers), but other social incentives, but not the desire to avoid criticism or punishment.

In addition, another survey was conducted, in which 56 people participated in order to rank almost the same motives (the only difference is that positions 3 and 4 were combined).

Judging by the highest value (24 ratings), the first place among the most important motives is still occupied by money earnings.

Comparing the first and second surveys, we can conclude that in the process of activity people are guided not only by material interests, but also by non-material incentives. The obtained conclusions allow to target the motivational mechanism.

Based on these principles, the Regulations on the mechanism of motivational regulation of labor protection were developed, which, on the one hand, established the procedure for stimulating (encouraging) for positive results and active assistance in solving labor protection problems, and on the other hand, taking action for non-compliance with regulatory requirements. , work duties and activities, for the unsatisfactory state of labor protection.

Various incentives of a social, material and non-material nature, as well as disciplinary measures and material sanctions for violations of legal or other regulatory requirements, were used as methods of motivational regulation.

List of sources used

1. Bychin V.B., Malinin S.V. Labor rationing: Textbook./ Ed. Odegova Yu.G. - M.: Publishing house "Exam", 2003.

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Occupational safety largely depends on the motivation of employees. Among the directions for improving the safety situation related to the human factor, the following can be noted:
− development of technological discipline control systems to eliminate the human factor;
− development of a fundamentally new system for managing occupational safety and health protection based on risk management, taking into account the human factor;
− development of innovative training complexes and personnel training methods in order to reduce the impact of the human factor on reliability and safety.
According to a broad interpretation, the human factor determines the limitations of opportunities or errors that occur due to the fact that the psychophysiological characteristics of a person do not always correspond to the level of complexity of the tasks being solved. The human factor includes states arising from the interaction of a person and technical systems. The unwillingness of an employee to comply with safety regulations that may or may result in injury can also be attributed to human error. The research results given in the article determine the main causes of industrial injuries in the structural divisions of Russian Railways:
− organizational (52.2%);
− human factor (31.5%);
− impact of the external environment (6.0%);
− technical (5.9%);
− educational (4.4%).
The data indicates a significant predominance of organizational causes in injuries, followed by the impact of the human factor, which together account for 83.7%. The influence of organizational causes on industrial injuries is indirectly related to the human factor, as it is determined by the activities of managers and performers of work. At present, it is generally recognized both in the scientific literature and in practice that the effectiveness of labor activity (including the employee's orientation towards safe work) is predetermined by the level of professional and behavioral competence (Fig. 1). In turn, behavioral competence is determined by the state of motivation of employees. Depending on the ratio of the level of professional and behavioral competence, the following groups of workers are distinguished (see Fig. 1).
1. Full compliance is an ideal case when a specialist has the necessary level of functional competence and is motivated to work, which is expressed in behavioral competence.
2. Formal correspondence exists when the functional competence of the individual coincides with the requirements of the position and the low behavioral competence of the employee.
3. Complete non-compliance means a low level of both functional and behavioral competence.
4. Compensatory compliance suggests that a low level of functional competence an employee can compensate for with a high level of behavioral competence (because in this case
motivation can effectively compensate for the lack of, for example, knowledge and experience, such employees demonstrate a willingness to perform unfamiliar work, learn new things, and overcome difficulties that would not have arisen for a specialist with high professional competence). The considered variants of the relationship between the professional and behavioral competence of an employee have a direct impact on the state of labor safety.

Rice. 1. The ratio of the level of professional and behavioral competence of an employee

Safety Motivation Management

The study of the problems of motivation for safe labor activity of employees in compliance with the requirements of labor protection was carried out at the Department of "Management in Social and Economic Systems" of the Ural State University of Transportation within the framework of the advanced training program for various categories of managers and specialists of railway transport enterprises "Psychology of labor safety and management of employee motivation for safe work" . Motivation management to maintain a high level of labor safety is aimed at forming employees' personal and group long-term interests and relevant attitudes towards unconditional and interested compliance with labor protection requirements, as well as appropriate behavior in hazardous production situations.
In the Methodology for assessing the impact of the human factor on the occurrence of an injury case, three main categories of causes of violations of labor protection requirements are identified:
- category M - violations of the motivational part of the actions are manifested in the unwillingness to comply with the requirements of labor protection, deliberate violation of the rules, instructions and technology for performing work;
- category O - violations of the indicative part of the actions are manifested in ignorance of the rules, instructions, norms and methods for their implementation, including due to the lack of the employee the necessary information about the organization of work and changes in the conditions for the implementation of work;
- category I - violations of the executive part is manifested in the failure to comply with the rules, instructions, norms due to the mental and physical capabilities of a person's work.
The initial stage of reducing the level of occupational injuries is the analysis of the existing causes of dangerous actions of employees, which allows further specifying measures to minimize the impact on the employee of the identified causes. Table 1 summarizes the most common causes of dangerous actions of an employee (identified by us in the course of seminars and discussions with students of advanced training programs), which are grouped in accordance with the Methodology.

Table 1 Main groups of causes of dangerous actions of workers and proposed management tools

Groups reasons according to in accordance with the Methodology

Most common causes of dangerous actions workingshirt

Yingmanagement tools, allowing minimitate influence reasons

A. Can't. The employee does not possess the knowledge necessary for this work, the relevant skills, methods, techniques, methods of work.

  1. Low level of professional competence.
  2. Lack of practical experience.
  3. Training inefficiency.
  1. Improving the institution of mentoring.
  2. Use of innovative forms of training, instruction, control of knowledge and skills.
  3. Improving the system of professional selection of personnel.

B. Not wants. The employee knows how to perform this work (operation) efficiently and safely, but he has no desire to comply with safety requirements, i.e. there is no motivation, the psychological attitude to comply with these requirements is not developed.

  1. The predominance of elements of punishment in the system of employee motivation.
  2. Problems in relationships with the leader (authoritarian management style) or colleagues.
  3. Frequent performance of duties beyond the job description.
  4. Ineffective (excessive or insufficient) control.
  5. Lack of clear distribution of responsibility between employees.
  6. Low wages, biased bonus system.
  1. Updating and creative rethinking of the existing system of motivation for the needs of employees of a particular organization.
  2. Identification and encouragement of employees with a high level of motivation.
  3. Improving the system of professional selection of personnel.
  4. Improving the efficiency of the system of organization and remuneration.
  5. Organization of feedback from employees with managers.

AT. Not mohno. The worker is in such a physical or psychological state that, despite the ability and desire, he allows a dangerous action.

  1. Bad feeling.
  2. Unfavorable emotional and psychological state of a person.
  3. Psychophysiological characteristics of an employee (fear, absent-mindedness, poor memory, slowness of psychomotor reactions, etc.).
  1. Improving the moral and psychological climate in the team.
  2. Development of measures aimed at preventing such negative phenomena among employees as the occurrence of a state of severe stress (distress) or professional burnout.
  3. Development of a program of work with families of violators of labor protection requirements.
  4. Search for reserves to improve the organization of labor.
  5. Improving the system of professional selection of personnel (taking into account the psychological compatibility of employees).

G. Not secured. The employee does not perform the prescribed action because he is not provided with the necessary conditions (tools, materials, devices, information, etc.).

  1. Lack or inadequate quality of personal protective equipment.
  2. Imperfection or non-compliance with the technological process.
  3. Wear and tear of machines, equipment, mechanisms.
  4. Lack or inadequate quality of tools and materials.
  5. Unfavorable working conditions.
  6. Lack of time (hurry).
  7. Lack of information about the organization of work and changes in the conditions for the implementation of work.
  1. Search for reserves to improve the organization of production and organization of labor.
  2. Improving the system of material and technical support of the enterprise.
  3. Involving (studying opinions) of employees in making decisions on the choice of personal protective equipment, tools, etc.
  4. Increasing the efficiency of the information support system.

The level of motivation of employees is most strongly manifested in group B - “Does not want”. As you know, the initial attribute of the motivational state of a person is the awareness by himself and the leaders of the needs of the employee, which can be satisfied in labor activity. Among the reasons we have identified for the presence of problems in the motivational sphere, we indicate the following.
1. The lack of comprehensive scientific research to study the real needs of various categories and groups of employees of the organization, the degree of their satisfaction, etc.
2. The motivation system is not adapted to the specific needs of workers of specific groups. All employees of Russian Railways know the system of corporate values ​​(what the organization expects from them). However, the needs of specific people (what people expect from the organization) are not always taken into account in the motivation system.
3. Employees are not sufficiently informed about the elements of the motivation system in the organization and do not use all its possibilities. To study the needs of employees of the organization, various methods can be used, the choice of which depends on the purpose of the study.
The basis of the methodology of K. Zamfir in the modification of A.A. Rean put the concept of the relationship of internal and external motivation. The desire for active action, participation in a certain work arises as a result of either internal personal motives (determination to achieve something, activity, initiative, etc.), or on the basis of external factors (the impact of leadership). At the same time, the positive effect of external
factors is achieved if it is aimed at meeting the internal needs of a person.
Intrinsic motivation (intrinsic) is associated with the very content of the activity or the internal motives of the subject (for example, a person enjoys this activity). Internal motivation can also include the performance of work without much desire, but under the influence of personal qualities of character: willpower and understanding that this work is so necessary on the path to success. Such an activity may be unpleasant, but a person will try to perform it, since internal high-level motives dominate in him. External motivation (extrinsic) is due to circumstances external to the subject. The main task of external motives is to induce an employee to certain actions or certain behavior. External motives are divided into external positive and external negative. Positive motivation is based on positive incentives, such as increasing productivity or sales volumes, and in relation to the topic of our study, ensuring the safety of activities and compliance with labor protection requirements. In the case of negative motivation, a person is restrained from undesirable actions, in particular, violations of labor protection requirements. In this case, a person's behavior is guided by fear of possible troubles or punishment and the desire to avoid them. Motivation of the leaders of the Sverdlovsk Railway Within the framework of advanced training programs, we used the indicated methodology to identify the main motives for the labor activity of the leaders of the Sverdlovsk Railway. According to the methodology, it is possible to determine the level of expression of three components of the motivation of professional activity: internal, external positive and external negative. The ideal ratio of elements of the motivational complex:
intrinsic motivation > extrinsic positive motivation > extrinsic negative motivation.
Table 2 presents the quantitatively expressed values ​​of the main motives for the labor activity of senior and middle managers of the Sverdlovsk Railway, obtained on the basis of a survey of 50 people.

Table 2 The main motives of the leaders of the Sverdlovsk Railway

Types of motivesworkers


in group 1

(16 people)


in group 2

(16 people)


in group 3

(18 people)


for allgroups(50 people)

rank znapuritymotive

Satisfaction with the process itself and the result of the work

cash earnings

The possibility of the most complete self-realization in this particular activity

The need to achieve social prestige and respect from others

Desire to avoid criticism from supervisor or colleagues

Desire to avoid possible punishment or trouble

Striving for promotion at work

In the first and third places among the identified motives for the work of managers are elements of internal motivation (satisfaction with the process itself and the result of work, the possibility of the most complete self-realization in this particular activity). At the same time, the desire to avoid criticism and punishment is in fifth and sixth place, which indicates their low significance. Thus, about half (40–60%, here the indicator varies depending on the group of students) of the managers of the Sverdlovsk Railway in terms of motivation fit into the ideal ratio of the elements of the motivational complex (intrinsic motivation > external positive motivation > external negative motivation), which indicates good motivational potential of managers of the transport industry.
An unfavorable ratio of elements of the motivational complex (external negative motivation > external positive motivation > internal motivation) is rare (5–10%). Ensuring the necessary connection between external and internal motivation is realized with the help of such tools of motivational influence that allow you to use the internal motives of managers, for example, to entrust an employee to perform more complex, responsible or creative tasks. After determining the priority motives for the work of workers, it is necessary to carry out a creative rethinking of the existing system of motivation in relation to the needs of specific groups of workers. The results obtained allow us to conclude that attention should be paid to expanding the use of positive motivation tools. The results of the teamwork of railway transport managers within the framework of the advanced training programs “Labor safety psychology and management of employee motivation for safe work” determined measures to increase employee motivation, dividing them into elements of moral motivation, material motivation and elements of punishment. Among the first group, we note:
- the presence of feedback from employees with managers, support by the head of his subordinates;
− discussion of the positive results of the work of the team in the field of ensuring the safety of production processes;
− installation of a box of remarks, wishes and ideas in the field of safe work;
− conferment of the title “The best site for labor protection”;
- the right to use the leave at a convenient time;
− involvement of specialists-psychologists and sociologists in the teams;
− The second group includes activities:
− bonus remuneration for accident-free work;
− encouragement of mentors based on the results of the work of the employees assigned to them;
− additional paid vacation days for employees who did not commit violations;
− ensuring comfortable conditions for delivery to the place of work and back;
− life and health insurance;
− allocation of sanatorium-resort vouchers;
− training in second professions or advanced training of employees at the expense of the company;
− expansion of the corporate social package.
Elements of punishment include deprivation of bonuses for violation of labor protection requirements, establishing a clear dependence of the degree of punishment on the severity of the misconduct, reducing the lump-sum reward for loyalty to the company, etc.
According to the obtained preliminary results, it is further supposed to identify the elements of the motivation system to ensure the safe labor activity of employees, which should be integrated into the overall system of motivation of employees of the organization. Each direction requires a more detailed study, taking into account the specifics of the organization's activities and the priority of the motives of specific groups of employees.

V.S. PARSHINA, Doctor of Economics Sciences, Professor, Ural State University of Communications, [email protected]
T.B. MARUSHCHAK, Ph.D. economy Sciences, Associate Professor, Ural State University of Communications