Kirov Lyceum of Natural Sciences electronic diary. Kirov Lyceum of Natural Sciences

The Kirov Lyceum of Natural Sciences is an innovative educational institution that actively introduces new technologies and programs into the educational process.

The lyceum specializes in subjects of the natural science cycle and disciplines related to socio-economic activities.

In the chemical and biological direction, special attention is paid to chemistry and biology, and in the socio-economic direction, geography and social science. The division into directions and in-depth study of subjects begins from the 5th grade.

Consistently high results of the lyceum are confirmed by the results of the final certification of graduates, the participation of lyceum students in olympiads and conferences. Over the 16 years of its existence, the lyceum graduated: with a gold medal - 23 students, with a silver medal - 64.

At first graders in 1 half of the day pass training sessions Then they have a walk and lunch. In the 2nd half of the day - extracurricular activities, visiting the pool, going to museums, libraries, theaters. For first-graders, the duration of the lessons is 35 minutes.

Education at the lyceum is free of charge, admission is not on a competitive basis. Marks in the 1st grade are not set, there are no homework assignments. The lyceum has a 5-day academic week. By grade 1, it is desirable for a child to be able to read, and it is better to learn to write right away at school.

There is a school uniform in KLEN. Each class has its own color, which is approved by the parents. Children are taught to keep a school diary from the 2nd half of the year.

Within the framework of the federal state educational standards– trips to museums, theaters, excursions, work in circles, walks on their own playground, board games.

Free classes in 5 areas. Activities for the improvement of the city. There is its own lyceum newspaper.

In the education system, a socially significant project "Good Deed" has been developed and is being implemented, which includes such actions as "Gift orphanage”, work on the improvement of urban areas and the backyard of the house-museum of N.N. Khokhryakov, the Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist, the work of volunteers in the ecological and literary camp "At Lukomorye" (State Historical and Literary Reserve "Mikhailovskoye").

The team of the Lyceum Theater-Studio was awarded the title of "Exemplary Children's Team".

For students, 2 meals a day (breakfast and lunch) are organized in their own dining room. There is a medical room and medical worker. There is also a school psychologist.

The lyceum is equipped with all the necessary equipment: each classroom has a computer, a projector with a screen or interactive board.

There is a library, a sports hall and a school stadium.

Extended day groups - up to 17 hours, daytime sleep and additional meals are not provided. The drinking regime is observed: there are coolers in the classrooms, each child has his own mug.

On the after-school, the guys are engaged in circles, sections, walk on the playground, play board games, and perform creative tasks.

On the basis of the lyceum there are preparatory courses for schoolchildren. Schedule: 4 lessons 2 times a week for 25 minutes. The preparation is not necessarily carried out by the same teacher who will become the class teacher.

The private educational institution Lyceum-boarding school of natural sciences, in the abbreviated version LIEN, located in the city of Saratov, was founded in 1992.

Over the years of its existence, LIEN has been successfully implementing basic and secondary programs general formations constantly improving the forms and methods of organizing educational and upbringing processes.

Along with other educational institutions of the country, the lyceum is switching to the use of elements of electronic education in its activities, an important component of which is the electronic diary.

LIEN electronic diary

In general, an electronic diary is an analogue of the corresponding paper document, the main task which informing about the progress educational process each individual student. Also, an electronic diary allows you to obtain information about the behavior of students in the classroom, as reported by the records left by teachers. In addition, the diary contains information about the schedule of classes, homework, important events planned at the Lyceum.

Also important is the possibility of online communication, which provides for the exchange of messages both between teachers and all students in the class or their parents, and between teachers and a particular student.

In order to go to the LIEN electronic diary, you will need to select the appropriate tab of the main menu on the lyceum website, presented on the left side of the web page.

Tab "Electronic diary"

This electronic diary contains several thematic tabs, including "Grades", "For the future applicant", "What to read in the summer" and "Teaching aids".

In general, the electronic diary will be equally useful for all participants in the educational process, both for the students themselves and their parents, and for teachers and administration. educational institution LIEN. This is achieved due to the fact that the electronic diary contains information that comprehensively characterizes the abilities of all students.

To enter the LIEN electronic diary, you will need to enter the login and password previously issued to you in educational institution. If you have lost your password, please contact system administrator or Deputy Director for scientific work. Lost data recovery is not provided.


LIEN electronic diary -

Modern education is increasingly using advanced technologies that allow you to make a valid educational system better and more efficient. To be convinced of this, it is enough to visit the electronic diary developed for KirovLEN students.

There is almost everything that may interest schoolchildren and their parents. On the official portal of the Kirov Lyceum of Natural Sciences, you can see the schedule, clarify homework, check progress, and even make sure your child attends classes regularly. Personal account allows parents to always stay up to date latest news and monitor how the student receives and assimilates new knowledge. As a result, everyone benefits: the younger generation, adults, and teachers.

To understand how convenient and useful the virtual journal KOGOAU LEN is, you need to understand its main functions.

Students and responsible adults should be aware that all registered users will have access to the following actions:

  1. viewing grades and monitoring progress;
  2. clarification of the received homework;
  3. familiarization with the current schedule;
  4. receiving important news and announcements;
  5. study of regulatory framework and school rules.

A complete list of all available functions is easiest to find out after you start working with the system. But it is important to note that there is even a special diary for preschoolers.


To start using the KLEN Kirov electronic diary, you need to get a login and password, without which it is impossible to log in to the diary.kirovlen.rf website.

Considering the importance of online service and a large number of confidential information that will be stored in personal account, you can get login data only from the lyceum employees responsible for the virtual journal.

Therefore, in order to monitor the progress of children via the Internet, you must contact their class teacher and ask for your password. The same should be done if the secret combination is lost, since it is the teachers who should help parents in the fight against all such difficulties.


  • visit the official portal of the educational institution;
  • click on the link to the virtual diary (located on the top panel of the start page);
  • enter password and login.

It is important to note that individual services are available only after receiving additional combinations issued by the persons responsible for these online services.

A vivid example of the above is the page "analysis and evaluation of personal results", the address and access to which can only be provided by a school psychologist.