Management and operation of housing and communal services specialty. Management and technical operation of real estate and housing and communal services

The FACILIOM brand offers services for the operation and management of housing and communal services. Twenty years of experience in the market for the provision of services for complex maintenance of buildings gives us the opportunity to successfully and quickly cope with tasks of any complexity.

Our clients are various organizations housing and communal services (HOA, LCD, housing cooperative), managers and construction companies; administration of parks, squares and forest parks.

List of rendered services

FACILICOM offers the following works in the field of housing and communal services:

  • Carrying out emergency recovery work;
  • cleaning of internal premises and adjacent territories (including removal of snow and household waste);
  • complex maintenance of buildings from mass housing and communal services to elite residential complexes, including Maintenance residential buildings, individual engineering systems and equipment;
  • landscaping services, including arrangement of flower beds, lawns and tree planting;
  • improvement of the adjacent territory (design and equipment of children's and sports grounds, organization of parking lots, paths, other small architectural forms. Planning and carrying out earthworks, asphalting, lighting, etc.)

In addition, we will help organize profitable contractual relationship with owners and tenants of the building; we will create a security service, concierges and dispatchers; we will accept applications from the population, including online, for the performance of all types of work.

What helps us to effectively serve housing and communal services?

FACILICOM has more than twenty years of experience in the market. Turning to us, you can be sure of the quality of the services provided.

FACILICOM activities are certified and licensed under ISO standards 9001:2008. We have the following certificates and certificates:

  • certificates of admission to work that affect the safety of buildings and other capital construction projects;
  • a license to carry out works on installation, maintenance and repair of security equipment fire safety;
  • certificate of competence issued by the NGO "Partnership of Electrical Engineers".

The FACILICOM brand is listed in Single register management of apartment buildings in the city of Moscow and has a confirming Certificate of the established form.

Course Description:

We invite heads of organizations, specialists in maintenance of housing and communal services and other interested persons to improve their skills on the topic "Organization and management of the operation of life support systems for buildings, structures and complexes in the housing and communal services."

The main function of buildings, structures and complexes is to provide a favorable human environment. Therefore, the task of housing and communal services is to create conditions for comfortable living, housekeeping and recreation for household members, as well as their consumption of material and cultural benefits.

Improving the qualifications of specialists in housing stock management

The main life support systems include heating, water and gas supply, power supply, drainage, ventilation system and elevator control. For some buildings, the use of chimneys is still relevant, at the same time, almost never used security and fire alarms, automatic fire extinguishing, access control and video surveillance systems are increasingly being used. In the process of operation, units and structures become morally and physically obsolete, which leads to the loss of their performance. The consequence of this may be emergencies with a high risk of death. Therefore, timely diagnosis, planning repair work and commissioning of new equipment, which, in turn, is impossible without competent management of the operation of the system as a whole.

The general requirements for such employees are established by the professional standard "Housing Fund Management Specialist", approved by order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated April 11, 2014 No. 233n. They must have higher education and undergo advanced training in their chosen field of work.

Organization and management of the operation of life support systems for buildings, structures and complexes in housing and communal services

The advanced training course on the topic “Organization and management of the operation of life support systems for buildings, structures and complexes in the housing and communal services” is aimed at improving the competencies of students in the field of economics and management of housing and communal services.

The basic program of the course will allow students to navigate in constantly changing regulations regulating economic and technical questions this type of activity, gain knowledge in the field of marketing, financial management and pricing in housing and communal services, as well as learn how to independently organize diagnostics and develop plans for current and major repairs.

Benefits of distance learning courses at SNTA

The advanced training courses offered by the academy are developed taking into account the professional standard and are based on current scientific data. Having received an education at the SNTA, a graduate can be sure that his knowledge corresponds to the highest professional requirements, and an individual approach allows you to supplement the basic program of the course with the necessary disciplines.

Distance learning makes quality education available to a resident of any region of Russia and allows you to combine advanced training and your main job. You do not need to come to the academy to study, you only need a computer and access to the Internet.

Access to educational and teaching materials provided around the clock on the educational portal of the academy, so the student can receive knowledge in a convenient mode for him and quickly apply them in practice. The final control is carried out in the form of online testing, and documents on the education received are sent to the student's home by courier service.


Received documents:

Important! The diploma does not specify the form of study (full-time / part-time).

Entry conditions:

Training in the direction "Organization and management of the operation of life support systems for buildings" makes it possible to obtain a certificate of advanced training. Also, for certain areas and specialties, the issuance of additional documents is provided if they are required by departmental regulatory legal acts: certificates, books, etc.

In order to become a student of the academy, you must meet several requirements and perform some actions:

  • Have a diploma of secondary vocational or higher education in the specialty
  • Apply for the program professional retraining or advanced training in the direction of "Organization and management of the operation of life support systems for buildings" in electronic format:
    - on e-mail,
    - according to the form feedback Online,
    - or call the free 24-hour phone;
  • Provide documents confirming the identity and the existing level of education;
  • After signing the contract, complete a distance learning course;
  • Pass the final test and receive a diploma of retraining or a certificate of advanced training in the program "Organization and management of the operation of life support systems for buildings."

(NTU), carrying out educational activities on the basis of the License issued by Mosobrnadzor, recruits everyone for full-time, part-time and distance learning management and technical operation of real estate and housing and communal services. To development new profession persons with an average or higher vocational education. Upon graduation, NTU graduates receive Diploma in Management and technical operation real estate and housing and communal services» about professional retraining of the established sample.

About the professional retraining program

Professional retraining is aimed at people who want to acquire additional qualifications based on previously received education. You can expand the scope of your activities and significantly improve financial position by changing occupation.

Professionals who graduated training under the program "Management and technical operation of real estate and housing and communal services":

National Technological University opens up new possibilities for you. Unlike the second higher education, professional retraining under the program "Management and technical operation of real estate and housing and communal services" takes much less time and requires relatively small investments.

How to enroll in a vocational training program

Vocational retraining is carried out internally National Technological University in Moscow. If you are unable to visit our facility in person, you can take advantage of the opportunity training in the management and technical operation of real estate and housing and communal services remotely.

By choosing us, you are guaranteed to get:

  • 467 training programs;
  • the most favorable prices;
  • faculty at the level of the leading metropolitan university.
  • individual approach to each student and flexible training schedule;
  • personal manager and impeccable quality of service;
  • modern material and technical base and distance learning system (LMS);
  • free consulting help.

In order to enroll in training National Technological University you need to contact us by phone or leave a request remotely through a special form on this site. Correspondence training in the management and technical operation of real estate and housing and communal services is carried out with the help of modern technologies of distance education, with a partial separation from production.

The Interregional Academy of the Construction and Industrial Complex (MASPK) provides an opportunity to take professional retraining courses in the field of operation of various real estate objects, housing and communal services and roads. Education in MASPK is conducted on the basis of secondary specialized or higher education.

The concept of "exploitation" in technology means a part life cycle any building, structure or technical system during which they can be used for their intended purpose. Proper operation can significantly extend the service life of operated objects, prevent accidents, minimize breakdowns and achieve the most rational use these objects. Thus, the issue of competent operation is of paramount importance. economic importance, allowing you to reduce a very significant amount of costs.

Currently, Russia is a country with a high level of urbanization - about 70% of the country's population lives in cities. The state of the housing stock and the associated utility infrastructure now does not always correspond to the technological and economic potential countries. A number of state reforms are being carried out to correct this situation. One of the main conditions for improvement in the field of housing and communal services is the rational technical operation of housing and communal services, residential and non-residential buildings and structures, competent management and the correct economic policy in relation to real estate and communal infrastructure. The shortage of qualified personnel in this industry is currently very significant. The same problem is observed in the field of road operation - specialists are needed who can apply innovative methods in the design and construction of roads, calculate their safety level, and adequately assess the operational state of roads.

Despite the shortage of specialists in the field of operation of real estate, housing and communal services and roads, it is possible to get a job in this area only if you have the appropriate education. Considering that professional retraining is usually carried out by people who are intensively loaded at their current place of work, MASPC offers to take professional retraining courses in the distance learning format. Opportunity to get additional education remotely removes a number of problems at once: students will not have to spend money and time on travel to the place of study, they will not be forced to take study leave and break away from work or household chores. Also, students will not be tied to the class schedule, since distance learning allows you to study on an individual schedule and at a convenient pace. The training program is compiled taking into account the wishes of each student.

The Interregional Academy of the Construction and Industrial Complex operates on the basis of an educational license No. 035298 dated July 14, 2014. The following operational training programs are offered.

What you need to know about vocational retraining courses at MASPC

    Professional retraining courses are a worthy alternative to a second higher education.

    The opportunity to get a new specialty in the optimal (quite short) terms and then immediately get a new promising job.

    Immediately after enrolling in the courses, each student will be assigned a personal manager who helps to create an individual schedule, selects teachers, suggests how best to organize studies and monitor their progress, and also solves other training issues.

    MASPC provides access to a specialized portal, where all the educational materials necessary for study are located.

    Classes are taught by highly qualified teachers, whose advice can be obtained at any stage of training.

    Professional retraining courses end with mandatory certification. In case of its successful completion, graduates receive a final document - a diploma of the established form on the completion of professional retraining courses at the MASPC.

Conditions for admission to MASPK

    Application for training can be submitted at any time by phone or through the registration form on the website.

    There are no entrance examinations for students.

    The cost of training is calculated for each student individually. It depends on the number of teaching hours and the number of disciplines chosen.

In the new academic year, a number educational institutions countries focused on training specialists in housing and communal services and improving housing literacy. The popularity of professions in the housing and communal services industry began to gradually grow, and in order to support this trend, the Ministry of Construction of Russia provides regions necessary support. This was announced on September 1 by Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing Andrey Chibis.

in Izhevsk state university them. M.T.Kalashnikov this year, for the first time, the training of specialists in the direction of housing and communal services began, and this year, for the first time, 70 budget places were allocated for the training of specialists in the direction of "Housing and communal infrastructure." In addition, specialists in the field of housing and communal services are trained in technical universities of Rostov-on-Don, Saratov, Penza, as well as two Kemerovo universities, about 500 students will study there this year. In the Stavropol Territory, 215 people are enrolled in specialties related to housing and communal services. Among the most popular areas is the design of the urban environment. On the basis of the Ulyanovsk Technical University in the profile "Management and operation of housing and communal services" since 2015, training has been conducted with compensation from the regional budget.

Specialization in the field of housing and communal services can be obtained in specialized secondary educational institutions, including in the Kemerovo region and the Republic of Udmurtia. In the Kaluga region, housing and communal services specialists are trained by the municipal construction technical school. This year, 105 students have been enrolled in the specialty housing and communal services.

In recent years, the demand for additional education in the industry has increased. For example, specialized educational sites operate in the Kemerovo region, in the Leningrad region there is a training center that provides training in the housing and communal services sector and provides pre-certification training for managers and specialists.

The Tambov region opened the largest innovation Education Centre"Skolkovo School - Tambov", on the territory of which there are educational laboratories for housing and communal services. As Deputy Minister Andrei Chibis noted, it is important that high school students have the opportunity for career guidance even before graduation. In this case, the choice of profession and, accordingly, education will be meaningful.

Increasing knowledge in the field of housing and communal services is also available to active owners, chairmen of houses and participants in TOS. The party project “School of a competent consumer” is being implemented in the country, educational courses have been launched public organization Housing and communal services control. The management center of the housing and communal services of the Yaroslavl region is opening a communication club for those who want to improve their literacy in housing and communal services and interaction with the management company, the seminars are designed for a wide audience, and the topics are formed at the request of the residents themselves.

To provide High Quality of housing and communal services, the Ministry of Construction of Russia singles out a separate area in its work - the formation professional standards industries. Housing and communal services professions have already been entered in the register of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, and a plan for training personnel in housing and communal services has been approved by order of the Russian Government.

“We have set ourselves an ambitious goal - to attract educated, energetic and modern people to the industry, and have fixed it in the strategy for the development of housing and communal services until 2020,” comments Andrey Chibis, Deputy Minister of the Russian Ministry of Construction.