Why September 1 is called the day of knowledge presentation. Presentation for elementary grades "September 1"

I bring to your attention a presentation that I prepared specifically for the eleventh graders. It's their last school year. It does not promise to be easy, like all previous years. But without a doubt, it will be a special and very exciting year for them. The last in the school biography of students. Many have more than one year of study ahead - at the institute, at courses, in graduate school, but that's a completely different story. I propose now to look back and remember all the past academic years.

At the event, the "Concise Encyclopedia of School Life" will be the fruit of memories. After all, who, if not eleventh graders, knows what school life is!

The target audience: for grade 11

This class hour is the first of the academic year. After the summer vacation, the guys of the class meet again and determine what the coming year will be like? The whole year will be associated with the magic number 7. The purpose of the class hour is to create a festive atmosphere, teach to communicate, focus on the fact that the guys have become older.

Target audience: for grade 7

This resource is very well suited for the Knowledge Lesson in the 4th grade. Bright high quality interactive presentation compiled in the form of a tour of school subjects. Children travel through school subjects, perform various interesting tasks related to the knowledge they received in the 3rd grade.
This lesson calls positive emotions and prepare children to enjoy going to school and learning.
The resource contains music files that affect children emotionally.
Students who have just come from a long vacation will be very interested in this lesson.

Target audience: for grade 4

The presentation contains an accompaniment to the song "First Time in First Class".
The first day at school, the first lesson, the first teacher, new friends - all this is exciting for a child. The presentation will help create a festive mood, a warm and friendly atmosphere.
The presentation runs automatically.

Target audience: for grade 1

We bring to your attention a presentation that was used at the first class hour in the newly formed 10th grade.
Goal: overcoming barriers, relieving tension in communication, establishing emotional contacts between children.
Each person is unique and unrepeatable. However, there are some character traits personalities inherent in a particular sign of the zodiac. Knowing who your friend is according to the horoscope, it is much easier to find a common language with him.

Target audience: for the class teacher

The event on the theme "Journey through the ocean of Knowledge" is held on September 1 and is dedicated to the Day of Knowledge. This event is held in 3rd grade.
The purpose of the lesson: to keep the children in a festive mood from a meeting with the school; create a mood for learning activities.
The lesson takes place in the form of a game. During the journey, the boundless expanses of the ocean of Knowledge open up before the children. They will visit Logic Bay, sail past Heroic Cape, drop anchor in Guess-ka Harbor, visit Playful Port, sail to Muzykalny Island and enter Desire Bay. entertaining quizzes, creative tasks, competitions for ingenuity and ingenuity are held by children.

As soon as autumn comes to the threshold, for millions of schoolchildren on September 1, the doors of schools open after the holidays. Their teachers meet them with joy and excitement. The presentation "September 1 - Knowledge Day" is the decoration of this special holiday in every class. The easiest, most beautiful, brightest and most memorable should be a presentation on the topic of September 1 for a lesson for 1st grade students. They worry more than others, so the music, beautiful slides will get their attention. Why not download a presentation about September 1 to class hour a teacher who met after the summer with his eleventh graders? They understand that this is their last first call within the walls of their favorite school, so the teacher can download a short presentation about September 1 for 3-4 slides and add cool pictures that tell about the main milestones in the life of the class.

A beautiful presentation for the lesson on the topic “Knowledge Day” will remind you that the rest is over. Now the kids are waiting for books and lessons. It's time for them to go for a new portion of knowledge. And the proof of this is the first lesson on the first of September. You can download a presentation about Knowledge Day for free to show it in your class from our website without prior registration. On September 1, it is customary to give gifts. Children carry bouquets to teachers, a first-grader will receive a gift from adult graduates. A selection of presentations for a lesson on the topic "September 1 - Knowledge Day" will be a gift for every creative teacher.



On the first day of autumn, schools open their doors to millions of students. This is not just the end of the holidays, but a real holiday called the Day of Knowledge.

school year starts?

school year starts?

In 325, Constantine the Great, the Roman emperor, convened the first Ecumenical Council, at which it was decided to start a new calendar year from September 1st.

In Russia, they celebrated the New Year

in March-April!

Constantine the Great

Roman Emperor

272 - 337 AD

school year starts?

Only at the end of the 15th century did Orthodox Russia begin to celebrate the beginning of the new year on September 1. The first year that began in Russia on September 1 was 1492 -Oh. And it happened by decree of John III.

Ivan III Vasilievich,

Grand Duke of Moscow

from 1462 to 1505

Most short year in Russia

In 1699, Peter the Great issued a decree to postpone the New Year to January 1. It so happened that the year 1699 lasted only 4 months - from September 1 to January 1, when the new year 1700 began.

Peter the Great

1672 - 1725

Public Holiday

Knowledge Day (September 1) is a public holiday in the USSR and Russian Federation from 1984 year, introduced by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council

in other countries of the world.


Knowledge Day: end of August - beginning of September, schoolchildren study 180 days a year. Primary School includes grades 1-7, where all subjects are taught by one teacher.

in other countries of the world.

Germany In Germany, in each federal state (and there are 16 of them), the school year and holidays begin at different time. For example, in Bavaria the beginning of the school year is September 11, and the duration of the school year is 270 days.

in other countries of the world.

Japan In Japan, the school year starts at an unusual time, namely April 1st. The academic year ends on March 31st. They are entitled to small holidays in winter, spring and for 1 month in summer.

in other countries of the world.


in other countries of the world.

India The school year for Indian students begins in April. In this country, children start going to school very early - at 4 years old.

The word "school" is of Greek origin.

Its original meaning...

  • Book.
  • Library.
  • Meeting.
  • Leisure, rest, idleness, inactivity.

Word school

(from the Greek σχολή [scholi]) - leisure

The word "teacher" is of Greek origin. Who were the ancient Greeks called educators?

  • Home caregiver.
  • A slave serving the master's children.
  • A slave who accompanied the boy to school and back.
  • Whipping servant boy.

Word educator

(from παιδαγωγός [teacher]) - teacher

This school subject appeared about a hundred years ago. It was created by the famous ophthalmologist and hygienist Fedor Fedorovich Erisman. And the name he received from the Latin word, which means "standing aside." What is this item?

  • Board.
  • Teacher's desk.
  • Desk.
  • Hanger.

The word desk (from the Latin "part"), - "part" or "group"

The word "crib" comes from the Greek "spargan". What does this word mean?

  • Small letters.
  • Crumpled papers.
  • Dirty diapers.
  • Secret records.

Word cheat sheet

(from sparganom - rags, rags)

In 1790, the French mechanic and painter N. Conte invented what all schoolchildren use today.

  • Pencil case.
  • Wooden pencil.
  • Eraser.
  • Chewing gum.

The first book addressed to young minds was The Honest Mirror of Youth. The first rule of the "Mirror" says: "First of all, a young man must revere sacredly ..."

  • God and the church.
  • The sovereign and the law.
  • Parents.
  • Women.

“We all learned a little something and somehow”?

  • Pushkin A.S.
  • Lermontov M.Yu.
  • Nekrasov N.A.
  • Krylov I.A.

Quote from the novel "Eugene Onegin" We all learned little by little Something and somehow, So education, thank God, It is not surprising for us to shine.

What do they say about a good, understanding student?

  • Jumps up on the go.
  • Grabs on the fly.
  • Chop on the run.
  • Swallows on the run.

What is the name of the 18th century English industrialist after whom drawing and drawing paper is named?

What happens labor, financial, military and school?

What is barely crawling in the classroom,

and at breaks it flies like an arrow?




What is the name of the "deck of cards" for a geography lesson?

What is the name of the ruler - "krivlyak"?

Name a card game whose rules are taught in schools in Sweden, Italy and Israel.




Why was the student kicked out of class?

What hard rock is made to chew on children at school?

What can be cooked

but you can't eat it?

Out the door.

Granite of Science.



What needs to be done with a school geographical atlas so that it can be eaten with appetite?

The tract is very big homework or part of the area, different from the environment.

Swap letters in a word:

atlas - salad.

Say the saying of Famusov, the hero of Griboedov's comedy "Woe from Wit", beloved by all the losers.?

What school mark "lives" in the Tretyakov Art Gallery?

"Learning is the plague."


I mean the picture

F.P. Reshetnikov "Again deuce".

Let's remember proverbs and sayings.

  • Don’t say I can’t, but say ... ..
  • To a lot of patience comes and ....
  • Don't learn to destroy, but learn...
  • A fool will judge, but a smart one ...
  • No patience...
  • Learning is the path to...
  • There is no pain...




(will judge)




Congratulations to everyone on the start of the school year!

We wish you all the best and

profound knowledge!

Materials used

  • http:// www.zanimatika.narod.ru/Narabotki5_3.htm
  • http:// www.nsad.ru/viktorina-den-znanij
  • http:// prepod.nspu.ru/mod/resource/view.php?id=9100

Knowledge lesson in 1st grade on Knowledge Day with a presentation

For elementary school teachers.
Goals: to acquaint children with the rules of conduct at school;
teach how to use textbooks; to cultivate accuracy, respect for school supplies; cultivate love for the motherland.

Equipment: posters with the image of children going to school, balloons, recordings of songs on the school theme, a model of a medal with the inscription “Student of the 1st grade”.

During the classes.

(Recordings of songs on a school theme sound. Children enter the classroom.)
Organizing time.
The topic of the lesson.
Good afternoon, dear guys! I am your first teacher. My name is

Dear children, you have crossed the threshold of the wonderful land of Knowledge. Traveling along it, you will learn a lot of interesting and exciting things. Today is a holiday here. Who knows what it's called?
(1 September is the day of knowledge)
- 1 September is the day of knowledge. The first lesson is a knowledge lesson, where you will learn everything that every student needs to know. Here, children, the time has come for you to become disciples.

On the desk: We'll Be Together (First Closed)
4 winters 816 days
4 spring 32 thousand lessons
4 autumn 50 thousand hours
Can anyone explain what these numbers and words mean?
Maybe now it will become clearer to you? (open first line)
Yes, you are right, that is how many winters and springs, days and lessons we will be with you.
Only schoolchildren can travel around the country of Knowledge. And who are the students? (Children who are in school)
How else can they be called? (Students)
- Student! This honorary title is worn by all residents of the country of Knowledge and must be earned. So, now I will test whether you are ready to become disciples. To do this, you must overcome trials.
Yes, students learn in class. You and I have to find out what a lesson is, and what lessons there are.
Well, guys, churn, shut up!
The lesson starts.
To become a student
Here's what you need to know.
You sit in class
Quiet, quiet, like a mouse,
Your back is right next to you
Do it like me.
We put our hands like this
And we are waiting for further assignments.
If you want to say
Either get out or get up
You have to hold your hand.

1. School accepts today
Kids in first grade
This day is SO special.
We came! Meet us!

2. Behind was a garden,
Carefree days.
We have lessons ahead
We are students now.

3. And with toys, probably
I need to say goodbye.
I'm learning now
I will be doing.

4. I will have books
Thick - thick.
I will read - I will know
Everything adults know.

5. I go to school with flowers
I'm holding my mother's hand.
Because of the lush bouquet
I can't find the door

6. New uniform put on.
White shirt.
Look at me,
What a first grader.

7. I won’t brag, mommy,
I promise firmly
What will be proud soon
Me all my relatives.

8. Every day, coming from school,
I'll tell you everything in detail.
Whom did you make friends with, what did you find out
And I'll show you the notebook.

9. I can become an excellent student,
After all, I'm not too lazy to study!
I will bring "five"
I'm out of school every day!

So we start
Door to the Land of Knowledge
Together we open.

We are ready to travel through the Land of Knowledge.

Guys, how can you travel?

(By plane - show, train, car, on foot ....)

I propose to go on our first trip on this wonderful train.

Hands on the steering wheel. Sit comfortably. Well done! With such boys and girls, you can safely start the journey.

STOP 1 -- Fairy tale station.
Find out fairy tale characters and remember what fairy tales they are from.
I wish from the bottom of my heart
You health, kids.
To not be afraid of vaccinations
Tempered daily
So that you do not suffer from bronchitis

Good doctor... . (Aibolit)

I wish you a gift
Huge cake, chocolate and cookies,
Marmalade and jam
Get fatter, get taller
Waiting for your answer on the roof. (Carlson)

I want to wish you
Only get fives
Good books to love
Be friends with math.
From Piero, Malvina
Your friend ... (Pinocchio)

May you have an academic year
It will only bring bad things
Get only twos
Very rarely possible - triplets
Beat the windows by the shop window
Don't go shopping
Have more fights
Hello, Old Woman ... (Shapoklyak)

Before the wolf he trembled,
Run away from the bear
But the fox still got caught in the tooth ... ("Gingerbread Man")

Boiled the goat's door
And they all disappeared. ("The wolf and the seven Young goats")

He uttered a word - the stove rolled.
Straight from the village to the king, yes to the princess,
And for what - I don’t know - the lazy person was lucky. ("By magic")

And the road is far
And the basket is not easy
Sit on a stump
I would eat a pie. ("Masha and the Bear")

There is no river or pond to drink water.
Very tasty water in a hoof hole. (“Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”)

The red girl is sad:
She doesn't like spring
It's hard for her in the sun
The poor thing sheds tears. (Snow Maiden)

Hands on the steering wheel.
The journey continues.
We got with you TO THE STATION Gramoteev.
The inhabitants of this city have prepared a game for you. But one condition. The game is played by the one who knows the letters well.

Children read the words MOTHER SCHOOL HOMELAND STUDENT written on the board


So that we are not bored, we will have a rest with a cheerful chant. In chorus we say: “That's it!” and show.
How is it going?
Do you swim?
Are you looking into the distance?
How do you run?
Do you sleep in the morning?
Are you kidding?
Are you in a hurry for the lesson?
Are you looking at the clock?

Attention! Ahead - BRIDGE Test.

And the test awaits you all is this: imagine that you are going to school. What will you put in your briefcase? I will name the items. If they need to be taken to school, then you should clap your hands.
Prepare your palms. Let's play!

Alphabet, doll, car, notebook, pillow, pencil case, spoon, pencil, chewing gum, briefcase, iron, hammer, colored pencils, flashlight, pen, telephone, ruler.

Well done! Know what to put in your briefcase. You did well in this challenge.

Straight ahead - STATION Tasks.
Remember: if you want to answer - do not make noise, but only raise your hand. Show how you raise your hand.
Well done! Attention!

Grandmother Nadia lives in the village,
He has animals, but does not keep score.
I will call them guys
And you try to count them
cow, calf,
Two gray geese
Sheep, piglet and cat Marusya.
How many animals does Grandma Nadia have in total? 7

Six funny bear cubs
They rush to the forest for raspberries,
But one kid is tired
He lagged behind his comrades.
Now find the answer
How many bears are ahead? five

Arranged by Andryushka
In a row of toys
Next to the monkey
Teddy bear,
Together with the fox
Bunny oblique,
Behind him - a hedgehog and a frog
How many toys did Andryushka arrange? 6

Stumps have two mushrooms
And three under the tree.
How many mushrooms will there be?
So tell everyone? five

To the gray heron for a lesson
Seven forty arrived
And of them only three magpies
Prepared lessons.
How many loafers are forty
Arrived for a lesson? (4)

To two hares at lunch hour
Three neighbors jumped up
Hares in the garden
Ate one carrot.
Who count, guys, dexterous,
How many carrots have you eaten? (five)

How many ears do three mice have? (6)

How many paws do two cubs have? (4)

One Christmas tree grew, it had eight branches. Each has an orange. How many oranges have grown on the Christmas tree? (Oranges do not grow on a Christmas tree)

Approaching STATIONS Diligence.

On the CARS, try to write your name and draw a face, with what mood you traveled today.

Today is the birthday of our class, we started our journey through the Land of Knowledge. I congratulate everyone on this significant event. Guys, you have become students. I really want the school to become your second home.

Order for a first grader.
You on this wonderful September day
For the first time I stepped through the school threshold ...
How many interesting things are waiting for you!
After all, learning brings the joy of discovery.
May your path, first grader, be successful!
To do this, you need to try, of course:
Be friends with the primer, study with interest,
Strive forward, never be lazy!
AND school years, calls, changes
With a smile, you will certainly remember later!

Delivery of documents.
FROM today you are first graders! I congratulate you! I ask you to take the oath of the first grader. Repeat in chorus: "I swear!"
First grader's oath
I swear to everyone to try to be healthy,
Go to school right!
I swear!
I swear to read and write decently
And in a knapsack to wear "good" and "excellent."
I swear!
I swear that I will try hard
No more fighting with my friends!
I swear!
I swear to be a child brought up
Do not run around the school, but walk in steps.
I swear!
And if I break my oath,
Then I give my milk tooth,
Then I promise to wash the dishes forever,
And I will not play on the computer!
I swear!
I will always be perfect as a child
I swear!

It's hard to raise your children
There is a lot to know for this.
I would like to wish my parents:
Always help children in everything,
To collect the child to school in the morning,
Good parting words to give in time,
Smart book to have time to read,
Don't forget to take a walk on the weekend
To avoid all diseases,
We need to toughen up more children,
Meetings also all attend,
Help the school as much as you can.
And most importantly - without a doubt -
I wish you patience!

Dear parents! It's your turn to take the oath of parents of first graders!
Oath of parents of first graders
I swear (whether I'm a mother or whether I'm a father)
Always say "well done" to your child!
I swear!
I swear to leave in due time,
I swear I won't be late for class.
I swear!
I swear in the study of the child not to "build",
I swear to learn a foreign language with him.
I swear!
For deuces I swear I will not scold him
And do lessons to help him.
I swear!
And if I break my oath,
Then I give my last tooth,
Then my promise baby
Feed daily boiled condensed milk!
I swear!
Then I'll be the perfect parent
And I will never forget my vow!
I swear!
So your first Knowledge lesson comes to an end. Tomorrow we will continue our journey through the land of Knowledge, but it will not work without our textbook friends!