The system of regulation in construction. Some issues of rationing and wages in modern construction

The main theoretical, methodological and practical provisions of the discipline are considered on the basis of its curriculum for secondary vocational education. However, the textbook can be used by students of other educational institutions, as well as managers and specialists of production and technical services of customers (investors), construction and design organizations.
For students of secondary special educational institutions.

Labor productivity characterizes the efficiency (productivity, fruitfulness) of the production activity of people, determined on the basis of the amount of goods and services created by an employee per unit of time, or the amount of time spent on the production of a unit of output. It is customary to calculate labor productivity by the number of products (works, services) produced for a certain period of time (hour, shift, quarter, year).

Indicators of labor productivity at an enterprise in construction are the output per worker (worker) in rubles and the labor intensity of manufacturing a unit of output in hours. Output is determined by the amount of products produced by an employee per unit of working time, and labor intensity is determined by the cost of working time per unit of output (work, services). The output of enterprises is valued in value terms, but can be measured in kind.

1.1. Formation and development of the production management process
1.2. The value of labor productivity indicator
1.3. Organizational structure enterprises
1.4. Classification production processes
1.5. The state of the organization of labor rationing in the past
1.6. The current state of the organization of labor rationing in construction
1.7. Characteristics of production processes in construction
2.1. Goals and objectives of technical regulation of labor
2.2. The content of technical regulation of labor in construction
2.3. Types and classification of working time costs that determine the composition of technically sound norms
2.4. Methods of technical regulation
2.5. Organization of normative work
2.6. Types of collections of production standards
3.1. Observation method using photoaccounting
3.2. Methods of normative observations using timing
3.3. Technical accounting method
3.4. The method of normative observations using a photograph of a working day
4.1. Processing the results of normative observations
4.2. Development of time standards for the use of construction machines and workers serving them
4.3. Designing norms for manual processes
test questions
5.1. Stages of formation of scientific views on wages
5.2. Theoretical basis wages
5.3. Main legislative acts and regulations payroll
5.4. Principles in accordance with which normative legal acts in the field of remuneration are adopted
5.5. Conditions and procedure for establishing wages for employees of budgetary institutions
5.6. Methodological foundations setting wages for workers modern conditions
5.7. Allowances, additional payments and bonuses to the tariff part of the wages of workers in construction
5.8. Level detection vocational training workers
5.9. Forms of remuneration
5.10. Composition of the wage fund and social payments
5.11 Compiling labor and payroll calculations
5.12. The order of registration of a chord outfit
5.13. Payroll for team members
5.14. The procedure for calculating the average wage
test questions
6.1. Distinctive features building complex
6.2. Composition and grouping of capital investments
6.3. Purpose and content of design
6.4. Compound project documentation
6.5. Definition of volumes construction works
6.6. General requirements on the calculation of labor intensity in the development of a project for the organization of construction and a project for the production of works
6.7. Examination of project approval and tender procedure
7.1. Content and value of the price in the market conditions
7.2. Industry specifics of estimated pricing
7.3. Normative base pricing in construction
7.4. The content of the current estimated standards in construction
7.5. Unit rates for contract work
7.6. Overhead and Estimated Profits
7.7. Methods for determining the estimated cost of construction at the current price level
7.8. Methodology for the formation of funds for the remuneration of workers in the estimated cost of contract work
7.9. Composition and forms for determining the estimated cost
7.10. Estimated prices as an element of construction management
test questions

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Labor productivity in construction is one of the main indicators of the effective activity of workers, which is determined by:

  • - output - the amount of construction products produced per unit of time (m 3 / h, m 3 / shift, m 2 / shift, etc.);
  • - labor intensity - the cost of working time (person-hour, person-day, etc.) per unit of construction products (m 3, 1000 m 2, etc.).

How less cost labor per unit of time, the higher labor productivity, which is quantitatively regulated by technical regulation.

Technical regulation is the development of technically and economically sound norms for the labor costs of working or machine time and the consumption of materials per unit of construction products during a detailed study of construction operations. Currently, GESN (state elemental building standards), ENiR (uniform norms and prices), VNiR (departmental norms and prices) and the norms used by construction industry enterprises when using new and unique technologies are equally applied in construction, the regulation of which by other documents not installed.

Norm of time - the amount of working time required for the manufacture of a unit of high-quality products by workers of the corresponding profession and qualification (man-hour, man-day). In the event that the norm of time is given for a link or brigades, then the actual time of work is determined by dividing the norm of time by the number of performers.

Norm of machine time - the amount of working time of the machine (mach-h, mash-cm) required to produce a unit of good quality products.

Production rate- the number of high-quality products produced by the worker per unit of time (m, t, m 3, m 2, pieces, etc.).

The norms of time and norms of production are interconnected, they can be used to determine the productivity of workers and the composition of the link. There are several types of time limits:

Elementary - set time standards for only one production operation;

  • - enlarged - combine a number of production operations;
  • - complex - cover a complex of processes.

Labor costs (machine time) for the amount of work are determined by the formula:

Where i is the norm of time per unit volume, adopted according to the ENiR

or GESN-2001, V- the scope of the construction process.

Labor costs (labor intensity) for the amount of work in man-days (machine-shift) are determined by dividing the labor intensity calculated in man-hours (machine-hours) by the duration of a work shift of 8 hours (7 hours).

The duration of the construction process is defined as:

Where P- number of shifts per day; R- the number of workers in the link (team) per shift.

Note: When calculating the complexity for development technological maps it is advisable to use the norms of time according to ENiR. When developing calendar (network) schedules and cyclograms, it is preferable to use enlarged time standards (GESN-2001).

When determining the total labor intensity of work on an object, it is necessary to separately take into account the transport work for the delivery of materials to the working area, since in the norms for the production of basic works, transportation costs are taken into account only within the working area. Calculation of labor intensity for transportation is carried out by placing on the construction plan of places for storing building materials and structures, mechanized installations for the preparation of concrete and mortar, other materials, as well as places for enlarged assembly of structures.

The total number of labor costs for the facility also includes the costs associated with the performance of work to ensure safety. When calculating the costs for these purposes, an increase in the amount of work is provided, for example, slopes during excavation or fencing of elevator shafts, balconies and loggias in the process of their construction. Despite all the care in compiling the nomenclature of work, it is usually impossible to fully take them into account when determining the total labor intensity. Therefore, it is recommended to increase the total complexity of the object by 3-5%.

The definition of the accepted labor intensity of work should be made taking into account the achieved productivity of individual teams and units, but not more than 5-15%, in order to avoid disruption of the work schedule and rise in price.

When compiling a production schedule, it is advisable to use cost estimates for a set of works with the calculation of labor and financial costs per unit of measurement of the main type of work. In this case, the range of works is reduced, and standard costs are determined with greater accuracy. Such calculations contribute to the introduction of progressive forms of organization and remuneration.

One of the effective conditions for the construction of buildings and structures is the correct calculation of labor costs and wages for the amount of work assigned to the team. It is important to note the need for multiple use of calculations. Since this helps to improve the rationing and remuneration of labor in teams, it reduces labor costs for calculating the volume of work performed.

The main stages in the preparation of estimates are:

  • a) Definition of initial data and working conditions. Such conditions may include natural and climatic conditions for the construction of a building or structure; methods of delivery, storage of building structures and materials; the accepted technology for erecting a building or structure; used machines and mechanisms, etc.
  • b) Calculation of the scope of work is carried out for each type of main and auxiliary work with a final meter (floor, apartment, building, etc.). The results of calculating the amount of work are entered into special statements, which indicate the list, composition, units of measurement and the amount of work corresponding to the instructions given in the GESN or ENiR. Sheets of calculations of the volume of work in without fail applied to calculations.
  • in) Drawing up estimates labor costs and the amount of wages are also made separately for each type of work or for a specific element with a final meter (floor, apartment, building, etc.). Calculations reflect the scope of work, time norms and prices per unit of work, labor costs and wages by type of work. For operational control in some cases, consolidated standards are established.

Example 1 Determine the rate of output of a link of workers per shift when concreting foundations for columns. Foundation volume 9.0 m 3, compaction method concrete mix- deep vibrator.


  • - According to ENiR 4-1-49 Laying concrete mix in structures, section A. Arrays and separate foundations, we determine the composition of the link: concrete worker of the 4th category - 1, concrete worker of the 2nd category - 1.
  • - We determine the composition of the work: reception of the concrete mix; laying the concrete mixture directly at the place of laying or along the trays (trunks); leveling the concrete mix with its partial transfer; compaction of the concrete mixture with vibrators; smoothing the exposed surface of concrete; rearrangement of vibrators, trays or trunks with their cleaning.
  • - According to the table. 1.72 (Table 1 according to ENiR) we determine the norm of time H -0,33man-hour per 1.0 m 3 of concrete when the concrete mixture is supplied by a crane

in tubs, conveyors, a concrete pump into a structure with a volume of up to 10.0 m 3.

Table 1.72

Norms of time and prices for 1.0 m 3 of concrete or reinforced concrete in business

Concrete supply method

Crane in buckets in a structure with a volume of m 3, up to 3

Crane in buckets in the design of the volume

Crane in buckets, conveyors, concrete

pumps in a design with a volume of m 3, up to 10

Those. daily output during concreting of five foundations will be 92.8% of the norm. Therefore, the daily rate should be the concreting of six foundations 6>

Example 2 Determine the composition of the link of installers, if the labor intensity of work on the installation of the structure is 4.8 man-hours, and the cost of the machine (crane) is 1.2 machine-hours.


The composition of the assembly line will be:

Example 3 Determine the complexity and duration of work on the installation of 10 metal roof trusses with a span of 24.0 m weighing up to 3.0 tons, the work is carried out by one link in one shift.


According to the table GESN 09-03-012-1, the norm of time for the installation of roof trusses will be:

installers i -25.53 man-h",

crane operation H vr - 4,92mash - h

The labor intensity of installers for the amount of work will be:

The labor intensity of the crane will be:

The composition of the link of installers

We accept a link of assemblers of 5 people, the average category of workers is 3.4.

The duration of the installation of trusses is defined as

We accept 6 days, therefore, the link of installers should work with an overfulfillment of the plan by 3.5%.

The scope of work for the installation of roof trusses includes: installation and fastening of roof trusses; scaffolding; anti-corrosion coating of welded seams.

Example 4 Determine the duration of work on the installation of foundation wall blocks. The scope of work is 150 units of FBS type blocks weighing up to 1.5 tons, depth - 3.0 m. Works are carried out in summer time in two shifts


  • - According to GESN 07-01-001-2, the scope of work for the installation of foundations includes: preparation of the base; formwork device; sealing joints;
  • - The norm of time for the installation of foundation blocks is: For installers 91.58 man-hours;

Crane driver 35.38 man-hours;

Unit of measurement - 100 pcs.

The complexity of installation for the entire scope of work will be:

For installers Q = H ep V = 91.58-1.5 = 137.37 man-hours

For the crane operator Q = d V = 35,38 1,5 = 53,07person - h

- The total labor intensity of work in days will be:

The composition of the link of installers is taken according to the ENiR or calculated:

We accept a link of assemblers from 3 persons: the assembler of the 4th category - 1 person; installer 3 category - 2 people.

The average category for HPES is -3.3.

The estimated duration of the installation work will be:

Example 5 Determine the rate of production of a link of workers for one shift for the development of soil manually. The soil is loam, with a specific gravity of y \u003d 1700 kg / m 3. The scope of work is 0.8 thousand m 3 .


  • - According to GESN 01-01-049-1 The time limit for manual excavation is 430.36 man-hours. per 1000 m 3. The average category of workers is 2.5. The composition of the link accept 2 people.
  • - The rate of production of a link of workers per shift will be:

Table 1.73

Production for general construction and finishing works

Name of works


Production per 1 person/cm

Civil works

The device of the underlying layer of sand and gravel mixture

The device of the underlying concrete layer

Driving piles with a diesel hammer

Pile head felling

Concreting of monolithic structures with rotary hoppers, up to:

Concreting of monolithic structures with truck-mounted concrete pumps up to:

Installation of monolithic walls and partitions up to:

100 mm 150 mm 200 mm 300 mm

Waterproofing with roofing material of horizontal surfaces

Waterproofing with roofing material of vertical surfaces

Paint waterproofing with hot bitumen

Cement waterproofing with liquid glass

Installation of reinforced concrete foundations weighing up to: 2.5 t 5.0 t

1 element

Installation of reinforced concrete columns of one-story buildings weighing up to:

1 element

Laying w/concrete girders, beams

1 element

Installation of columns of multi-storey buildings

1 element

Installation of reinforced concrete trusses with a span of up to 12 m

1 element

Installation of reinforced concrete trusses with a span of up to 18 m

1 element

Installation of reinforced concrete trusses with a span of up to 24 m

1 element

Installation of reinforced concrete beams and crossbars weighing up to 3.0 t 10.0 t

1 element

Installation of reinforced concrete slabs of coatings and ceilings with an area of ​​up to:

1 element

Installation of reinforced concrete wall panels up to:

1 element

Installation of sandwich wall panels

1 element

Installation of external wall panels

Sealing device

Laying w / concrete lintels

1 element

Installation of plinth panels

Installation of interior wall panels

Installation of partitions

Installation of ventilation units

Installation of stairs and landings

1 element

Installation of metal trusses

Installation of metal structures with enlarged blocks

Installation of metal columns

Installation of metal beams

Installation of crane beams

Installation of other metal structures

Brickwork of external walls

Brickwork with thermal insulation boards

Brickwork partitions

The device of partitions: - plasterboard - plaster concrete - from glass blocks

  • 7.0 4,4

Rafter installation

The device of a working flooring from boards (crate)

Sheathing with boards

Thermal insulation device

The device of rolled roofs on bituminous mastics

Roofing device with built-up roofing material

Roofing from asbestos-cement sheets

The device of a roof from a professional flooring

Sheet steel roofing

Metal roofing device

Filling in window openings

Filling doorways

Installation of balcony blocks

Installation of loggia plates

Stained glass installation

Glazing of window frames/doors

Wall insulation with heat-insulating boards 5 = 150 mm

Finishing work

Painting wooden surfaces with oil paints

Painting of metal structures

Wall cladding with ceramic tiles

Plasterboard wall cladding

Wall papering

False ceiling device type "Amstrong"

Floor preparation device

Installation of skirting boards

Plank floor installation

Arrangement of parquet floors

The device of floors from a chipboard (OSB)

Linoleum floor installation

Installation of floors from ceramic tiles

Installation of cement floors (screeds)

Mosaic floor tiles

Mosaic device

Cast iron floor tiles

Installation of mosaic-concrete floors

Installation of asphalt concrete floors

The device of polymer floors

Facing of facades with ceramic tiles

Painting of facades with water-based compositions

Wall cladding with siding

Facade plaster

Tariff rationing is a system for determining wages depending on the amount of labor costs in accordance with its quality and qualifications of performers.

In Russia, the principle of wage distribution is in effect - according to work in accordance with its quantity and quality. Currently, a six-digit grid (8) is used in construction.

The wage scale is a scale of ratios of wage levels between workers of different qualifications. Tariff coefficient - shows how many times production time a worker of this category is paid higher in relation to the first category (k t - category: 1.0-1; 1.08-2; 1.19-3; 1.34-4; 1.54-5; 1.8- 6; 1.92-7; 2.05-8). Increasing coefficient 1.12-1.24.

Tariff rates (hourly, daily, monthly) - the absolute amount of the worker's wages, which is due to him in connection with the implementation of established production standards per unit time of the rate. (determine the amount of the worker's wages in accordance with his category).

The tariff rate of each category is determined by multiplying the rate of the first category by the corresponding tariff coefficient. С t, i min =k t i *С t, i min . The estimated and normative base in 2001 is completely based on the tariff system.

Rate - wages paid to workers for a unit of high-quality products manufactured by them, (rubles). For individual performance, the rate is determined by multiplying the hourly rate of the corresponding category by the time norm.

Elemental estimated norms are given in the collections of GESN according to their respective types. The collections contain: cost rates for construction workers and machine operators, machine time and material consumption per unit of work. FER-federal unit rates. TER-territorial unit prices. FER and TER contain normative direct costs for performing a unit of the volume of work indicated in the collections of GESN. Normative direct costs include: funds for the remuneration of workers, mechanisms, etc.; operation of construction machines; the required materials.

Based on time standards and tariff rates set rates for the wages of construction workers. The remuneration of workers has two main forms: piecework and time. They can be combined with various forms of bonuses, as a result of which piece-bonus, piece-bonus and time-bonus forms of payment are possible. (a piece-rate form of payment requires a systematic accounting of the development and execution of orders)

Outfit is production order for the performance of construction and installation works, which is issued to a worker, link or team before the start of work. The order is the main document for accounting for the performance of work and settlement with workers.

Varieties of remuneration: direct time-based (for the time actually worked at the tariff rate), time-based-bonus, direct piecework (for the amount of work actually performed), piece-rate-bonus (accrued by direct piece-rate + bonuses according to the bonus application), piece-progressive, piecework-chord, indirectly-piecework.

With time wages, the worker receives wages for the hours actually worked at the current tariff rates according to the category determined by the Unified Tariff and Qualification Handbook (ETKS). This form of payment is used for workers on duty and other jobs that are not amenable to precise rationing and accounting.

Spatial and temporal parameters of construction processes

To create a rhythmic and continuous work, the building process must be organized in time and space. The rhythmic and continuous implementation of the construction process is ensured by the appropriate choice spatial parameters, associated with the division of the volumetric space of the object under construction into sections, grips, plots and the allocation of a front of work and jobs to them.

Site - a part of a building or structure within which the same production conditions operate, allowing the use of the same methods and technical means.

A grip is a site (part of a building or structure), characterized by approximately equal labor intensity, allocated to a team of workers to perform one or more construction processes for a certain time. The part of the plot allocated to one link of workers is called the plot.

The size of the plot and the plot must provide a sufficient scope of work and conditions for the productive and safe performance of work by the brigade and link for a long time without moving to other areas.

Front of work (f) - a section of a construction object, within which uninterrupted execution of construction processes can be started.

Workplace- the space or area at the facility within which workers move and objects and tools are placed.

In the vertical direction, the front of work, or grips, is divided into tiers with a height of at least 1.2 m. The height of the tier is taken on the basis of creating such working conditions for the worker that contribute to the highest labor productivity.

It prepares plots and grips for the start of work in such a way that all the materials, products and technical means necessary for the start of the process, if possible, are located at the workplace before the start of work.

The time parameters of the construction process determine its execution in time and the total duration, based on the maximum combination, rhythm and flow of individual operations. Time parameters include: duration, binding to a calendar, shifts, duration of individual process operations.

The decisions made are fixed by the model - calendar schedule execution of the process (production of works). The calendar schedule consists of two parts: calculated and graphic. The calculation part contains data on the accepted unit of measurement, the calculated volumes of work, the calculated labor costs for workers and drivers (according to the previously developed calculation of labor costs and machine time), the accepted composition of the link, the calculated duration of the execution of individual processes (operations). The graphic part linearly reflects the decisions made on the implementation of individual processes on a time scale (work shifts, hours), as well as the interconnection and combination of their implementation. The time difference between the beginning of the execution of the first process (operation) and the end of the last one determines the total duration of the execution of the process (complex of processes). The calendar schedule gives a visual representation of the relationship in time of the necessary operations (processes) and the total duration of the construction process for the accepted amount of work to obtain the final product.


1 Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation Federal Agency for Education Saratov State Technical University ORGANIZATION, REGULATION AND PAYMENT OF LABOR IN CONSTRUCTION Course program, guidelines and assignments for examinations for students of the specialty of distance learning Approved by the editorial and publishing council of the Saratov State Technical University Saratov 2007

2 COURSE PROGRAM Topic 1. Scientific and methodological foundations of labor organization. Principles of organization of the labor process. Personnel categories. Manufacturing and its impact on human performance and health. Literature: . Topic 2. The construction process and its constituent elements. Construction products. Classification of production processes in construction. Elements of working time, loss of working time. Profession, specialty and qualification of workers. Literature: . Topic 3. Methods of research and technical regulation of labor costs and time of use of machines. The rate of labor costs, the rate of production. normal building process. Carrying out and processing of normative observations: methods of timing, technical accounting, photographs of the working day. Loss of working time. Literature: . Topic 4. Organization and maintenance of jobs. Types of jobs and features of their organization. Design and layout of the workplace. Organization and maintenance of workplaces. Equipment and equipment of the working area and front of work. Literature: . Topic 5. Organization and regulation of labor in construction. Purpose, tasks of technical regulation of labor and resources. Management of labor rationing at the enterprise. Types of production norms and standards. Improving the regulatory and methodological framework in the conditions market economy. Data bank of time norms, methods and complexes of labor movements. Literature: . Topic 6. Designing production standards. Designing labor cost standards for workers. Sources of obtaining initial data for designing norms. Synthesis of norms, transition coefficients. Development of labor standards for non-mechanized work processes. Design of computer time norms. Drawing up a paragraph of production standards. Literature: . 3

3 Topic 7. Organization of wages in construction. Forms and systems of remuneration. The tariff system, its role in the organization of wages. Tariff-qualification reference book. Billing of workers and works. Remuneration of engineers and employees. Tariff-free system wages. Literature: . Topic 8. Organization of labor in construction. Forms of labor organization. Types of units and brigades. Calculation of the composition of the brigade. Crew and rental contracts. Literature: . Topic 9. Drawing up and execution of documents on remuneration. Calculation of labor costs and wages. Calculation of average earnings. Distribution of wages among team members. Methods for calculating labor productivity. Accounting and taxation of wages. Literature: . Topic 10. Basics labor law. Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Comments on the Labor Code: hiring and dismissal of employees. Labor contracts: urgent, seasonal, temporary, permanent. Collective agreement. Registration documents labor relations. Literature: . CONTROL WORK In an individual task, each student is given the number of the option (according to which he must perform the work), corresponding to the serial number of his last name in the group journal. The control work includes two tasks: I) a theoretical question in accordance with the program of the discipline; II) calculation part (problem solving). Theoretical questions: 1. The essence and content of the organization of labor in the enterprise. 2. Features of the organization of labor in construction. 3. Classification of production processes in construction. 4. Elements of the cost of working time, operating time of construction machines. 5. Loss of working time. 6. The relationship of labor standards and production standards. 7. Method of technical accounting. four

4 8. Photo of the working day. 9. Timing method. 10. Method of photo accounting. 11. Development of labor standards for workers. 12. Designing time norms for machines. 13. Formation of the composition of units and brigades. 14. Determination of labor productivity by the cost method. 15. Determination of labor productivity by the natural method. 16. Determination of labor productivity by the normative method. 17. Indices of labor productivity. 18. Factors and reserves of labor productivity growth. 19. Classification of systems and forms of remuneration. 20. Piecework form of payment. 21. Time-based form of payment. 22. Tariff payment system. 23. Tariff-free payment system. 24. Tariff agreement. 25. Collective agreement. 26. The composition of the wage fund. 27. Formation of the wage fund in construction. TASK 1. DEFINITION OF THE RATE OF PRODUCTION AND ITS INTERRELATION WITH THE RATE OF LABOR 1.1. Determining the rate of output of construction teams The main condition for high technical and economic indicators of links and teams that characterize labor productivity is the rate of output in physical terms per shift or hour. The better the organizational specifications the implementation of construction and installation processes that meet the normal process, the higher the production of links and teams. As is known, the normal of the process, which is the most effective values ​​of the factors of influence from a certain set of given characteristics of the processes, the introduction into the norm of labor (time), must be strictly observed in the construction of buildings and structures. Violation of one or more elements of the normal process (the numerical or qualification composition of the performers, the quality and quantity of materials, tools, etc.) will reduce the production rate and, ultimately, labor productivity. It follows from this that, when issuing production orders-assignments to brigades, it follows in advance 5

5 indicate specific organizational and technical conditions that make it possible to fulfill and overfulfill shift norms. The production rate of a link or team N vyr is determined by the formula: N vyr \u003d CT cm K h / N tr, (1.1) where C is the number of work shifts; T cm the duration of the work shift (8.0 or 6.67 hours); To h number of workers in a link or brigade, people; N tr norm of labor (time), man-hour (natural unit of measure, m 3, t, m 2, etc.). Example. Determine the production rate of 2 masons in 5 shifts when performing brickwork with an average architectural design under the jointing with a thickness of 2 bricks. The labor rate (according to ENNR-87 Sat EZ, Table 3 6c) is 3.7 people. b/m 3. Solution. Using the indicated data, we will have: N vyp = 5 8.0 2/3.7 = 21.62 m 3. Task 1.1. Determine the rate of production according to the data given in Table Table 1.1 of the option Type of work H labor (time), man-hours. Composition of the brigade, people Number of shifts Worker ranks Bricklaying 3.7 man-h/m 3 2 links 2 4;3 2 The same, with jointing 4.6 man-h/m;3 3 The same, when filling walls 7.4 man-h / m 3 2 4; 3 frame buildings 4 Masonry of concrete stone walls 2.4 man-h / m 3 2 3; 3 5 Installation of partitions of 0.77 man-h / m 2 4; 2 tongue-and-groove slabs 2 6 Mechanized preparation of lime-cement mortar: - loading mortar mixer bucket - preparation of mortar in a mortar mixer with a capacity of up to 80 l 0.72 man-h / m 3 1.6 man-h / m 3 2 3; 2 7 Installation of columns 3, 5 man-hours 0.7 man-hours 1 machinist of the 6th category, 1 installer of the 6th category; 22 4th category; 22 3rd grade 6

6 options Type of work H labor (time), man-hours. The end of the table. 1.1 Composition Number of crew, shifts of people Categories of workers 8 Installation of stairs weighing 1 t 2.8 1 1.3 9 Laying of corrugated flooring 1.85 1.25 0.62 10 Installation of shield partitions 0.25 man-h / m 2 row 1 ; 2nd category 1 11 Installation of roofs from prefabricated truss panels 12 Installation of trusses and installation of coatings on trusses (for 1 truss) 13 Installation of frames for sheathing with sheets of fiberboard and chipboard: -100 m of sheathing -1 m 2 of sheathing 14 Manual plastering of walls (100 m 2): - application; - rough grout. Improved plastering of walls with a mortar pump (100 m 2): - spraying; - application of soil; - applying a coating; - surface polishing. 28 people-h / m th category 2; 3rd category 2 0.68 man-hours 4.08 man-hours 9.8 man-hours 0.7 man-hours 30.5 man-hours 16 man-hours 4 14.5 3.4 9.9 1 machinist of the 5th category. Carpenters: 5th grade 1; 4th category 2; 3rd category 3. 2 people 3rd category 1; 3rd category 3. 4th category 1; 3rd category 2; 2nd category 1. 7

7 1.2. Calculation of the rate of production of machines The rate of production of machines plays a significant role in labor productivity at construction sites. The amount of high-quality products that a machine must produce in accordance with its passport data always depends on its technical condition, the conditions for performing construction and installation processes and the organization of the workplace, as well as the qualifications of machine operators. These elements of the characteristics of a mechanized process, the design and operational features of construction machines, introduced into the norm of the time of use of machines, will dictate the value of the rate of production of machines. The workers operating the machines should be aimed at the full fulfillment and overfulfillment of production standards, taking into account the correct selection of organizational and technical conditions and the calculations of the norm itself. When issuing shift tasks to machine operators, the production rate N vyr (m), m 3, t, m 2, etc., is calculated by the formula: N vyr (m) \u003d CT cm / N mash, (1.2) where C is the number of work shifts machines; T cm shift duration, h; N mash rate of time of use of machines, mash.-h. Example. Determine the production rate of a tower crane with a lifting capacity of up to 3 tons per shift when concrete is supplied by a bunker with a capacity of 0.75 m 3. In accordance with ENiR-87, Sat. E1, 7 we have: the rate of time for using the machine is 0.11 mash-hours / m 3. Solution: N vyr (m) \u003d 8.0 / 0.11 \u003d 72.73 m 3 / shift. Task 1.2. Calculate the rate of production of machines using the data in the table option Type of work H labor (time), man-hour Table 1.2 Number of shifts 1.2 Loading materials with loaders 0.15 machine-h / m 3 3 3.4 Supplying materials with a jib crane 0.5 mach-h/m 3 5 5.6 Feeding materials by tower crane 0.2 mah-h/m 3 4 7.8 Construction of scaffolding 0.48 mah-h/m 3 6 9.10 Installation of structures 1.6 mah-h/m /t 1 11.12 Planning of earth plots 0.4 mh/m.14 Rolling of pavement 0.4 mh/m.16 Installation of columns 0.8 mh/pc 1 8

8 1.3. The relationship between the labor norm and the output norm Based on the scientific principles of technical labor rationing, especially in terms of the relationship between norms, the unity of the normal and the norm, from the mandatory revision of the norms, in the practice of technical standardization work, it always becomes necessary to identify how a change in the labor norm or machines will affect the value of the production rate. Improving the normal process, we have the right to change the existing labor norm. Since there is an inversely proportional relationship between the rate of labor (production of machines), we can establish a new rate of output for units and brigades, while regulating the growth of labor productivity. An increase or decrease in the rate of output of workers or machines in natural units of measurement with a change in the rate of labor (output of machines) can be calculated by the formula: N vyp.n = N vyp.s 100/(100±х), (1.3) a new rate of output with a decrease or increase in the rate of labor (production of machines); N vyr.s existing production rate; ±x increase or decrease in the labor rate (machinery output), %. If it is necessary to determine a new output rate as a percentage, the following formula should be used: N vyv.% \u003d 100x / (100 ± x), (1.4) Reduction or increase in the rate of labor (time) or output of machines when the output rate changes, as in physical terms, and as a percentage, should be calculated according to the formulas: N tr.n \u003d N tr.s 100 / (100 ± x 2), (1.5) where N tr.n is the new labor (time) standard; N tr.s existing labor norm (time); ±x 2 increase or decrease in the rate of production,%; N tr.% \u003d 100x 2 / (100 ± x 2), (1.6) where N tr.% is the new labor (time) rate, %. The effectiveness of the application of new production standards can be calculated by the formula for labor productivity P t,%: P t \u003d N vyr.n / N vyr.s 100. (1.7) Example. According to the regulatory research station of the Sumstroy plant, the methods of technical regulation obtained, it is customary to reduce the labor rate by 10%. It is required to determine by what percentage the labor productivity will increase if the existing production rate was 120 m 3 /shift. Solution: 1) N vyr \u003d / (100-10) \u003d 133.3 m 3 / shift; 2) P t \u003d 133.3 / \u003d 111%; 3) Increasing labor productivity: P t = =11%. 9

9 Task 1.3. According to the data given in table. 1.3, it is necessary to determine by what percentage the productivity of construction sites and departments will increase. Table 1.3 of the option Construction site (team) Type of construction and installation process % Output rate existing 1.2 SU 1 Wall laying, 4 SU 12 The same, 6 SU 13 The same, 8 SSU 1 Installation of structures, 10 SSU 2 The same, 12 SSA 3 The same, 14 SDA 1 Finishing work, 16 SDA 2 The same Definition of labor standards (time) through production standards and production standards through labor standards Task 1.4. Redraw table. 1.4 and fill in the blanks. Table 1.4 Determination of the labor rate Determination of the rate of output through the rate of output through the rate of labor option x 2,% N tr,% x 2,% N tr,% x 1,% N tr,% x 1,% N tr,% 1, ,

10 2. REGULATION OF LABOR PRODUCTIVITY 2.1. Calculation of labor productivity by the cost method Labor productivity, which is the main indicator of labor efficiency in construction, can be measured by several methods (cost, natural and standard). However, at present, the main method is considered to be the cost method, which allows measuring all types of work performed at different levels. Key Benefits this method are ease of definition, accounting for the necessary data in statistical reporting, controllability, reducibility at different levels of construction management. Since the majority of trusts and construction and installation departments are building heterogeneous objects (industrial buildings, residential buildings, etc.), their total amount of work cannot be expressed in any single physical indicator, but is expressed only in monetary form by the estimated cost of the work. The generally accepted measure of the level of labor productivity P t for the construction and installation organization as a whole is currently the average output in monetary terms (in estimated prices) per employee employed in construction and installation works and in auxiliary industries. It is determined by dividing the volume of work for the corresponding period by the average number of employees for this period: P t \u003d S cmr / K h, (2.1) where S cmp is the estimated cost of construction and installation work performed by the team, management, trust, other construction organizations; K h number of employees (workers) of this construction unit, pers. Along with the above absolute monetary indicators of the level of labor productivity, there is also a relative indicator of the percentage of the implementation of the current output standards: P t \u003d V f / V n (p), (2.2) where V f is the actual output, rub; In n (p) standard (planned) production, rub. Example. Building company consisting of 250 people. completed in the reporting year construction and installation works for 115 million rubles. Determine the actual output and labor productivity, if the planned output was set in the amount of rubles / person. Solution: 1. In f = / 250 = rub / person. 2. P t = / = 115%. eleven

11 Task 2.1. Determine the productivity of a team of masons consisting of 25 people if it completed 52 m 3 of masonry. The cost of 1 m rub. Task 2.2. The actual monthly output of one worker amounted to roubles, and the planned roubles. Determine productivity improvement. Task 2.3. Works for 820 thousand rubles were completed, while 100 workers spent 25 working days. The rate of planned production is 280 rubles. Calculate the actual production and labor productivity. Task 2.4. Determine the annual output of two workers, if they have a daily output of 400 rubles, the number of working days in a year is 286. Task 2.5. The daily output of a worker was planned in the amount of 265.5 rubles. The estimated cost of the work performed is Rs. Actually spent 1325 man-days. To determine the actual production and labor productivity compared to the planned one. Determination of labor productivity by the natural method. Measurement of labor productivity by the natural method most accurately reflects the economic content of this indicator. Therefore, the indicator of labor productivity is calculated in physical units of measurement (volume of laid concrete m 3 / shift, installation of prefabricated reinforced concrete elements / shift, etc.). For comparison and evaluation of labor productivity, expressed in natural terms, the normative V n and actual V f output per worker per shift are established. The initial data for determining the shift workings of brigades, links and individual workers should be considered production orders-assignments and labor cost calculations, as well as time sheets: V n \u003d V p / T n, (2.3) V f \u003d V p / T f , (2.4) where T n is the standard labor intensity, man-days; T f actual labor intensity, man-days. The shift rate of output can also be calculated taking into account the labor rate (time) in accordance with the data of the ENiR (VNiR) paragraph: V n \u003d T cm K h / N tr, (2.5) where T cm is the duration of the shift, h; To h the numerical composition of the link, people; N tr labor rate, man-hours Example. A link of 4 masons completed 83.2 m 3 of masonry in 8 days. Planned production per 1 man-day 2.08 m 3. Determine the indicator of the actual implementation of the norms and increase in labor productivity. 12

12 Decision. 1. Production rates V f \u003d 83.2 / (4 8) \u003d 2.6 m 3 / person-day. 2. Increase in labor productivity Р t = (2.3 2.08) / 2.08-100=25%. 3. Labor productivity of the link P t \u003d 2.6 / 2.08 100 \u003d 125%. Problem 2.6. The team assembled 2000 m 3 of structures, for which it spent man-hours at a man-hour rate and an average work shift of 8.0 hours. Calculate the standard, actual output and labor productivity as a percentage. Problem 2.7. Determine the labor productivity of a masons link of 3 people if they completed 8.5 m 3 of masonry in a shift. The labor rate per 1 m 3 is 3.3 man-hours. Problem 2.8. It took 360 man-days to install 720 m 3 of structures at a labor rate of 0.6 man-h / m 3. Determine the level of labor productivity. Problem 2.9. To perform concrete work in the amount of 560 m 3, the team spent 240 man-days. Determine the production rate and the actual labor intensity per 1 m 3. Task For 8 working days, a link consisting of 2 people completed 41.6 m 3 of masonry. Planned output per 1 man-day 2.08 m 3. Determine the indicator of the actual implementation of standards and increase labor productivity Determination of labor productivity by the standard (labor) method As you know, the standard method of measuring labor productivity offers a comparison of actual labor costs per unit of this work with standard . Normative labor costs are established by orders, cost estimates or estimated norms. The effectiveness of this method depends on the validity of labor standards adopted according to the ENiR (VNiR), taking into account the actual reflection of the organizational and technical conditions of construction sites. The calculation of labor productivity according to the normative method can be carried out according to the formulas: P t \u003d T n T f 100, (2.6) P t \u003d V f V n 100, (2.7) where V f, v n is the actual and standard amount of work, measured in natural units of measure. 13

13 Example. For 12 days, a link of 5 people laid 320 m 3 of concrete mix at a labor rate of 17 man-hours / 10 m 3. Determine the labor productivity of the link. Solution: Р t (17 320) / .3% 480 Task Determine the average percentage of labor productivity of the team of painters for the reporting month, if along with 1 the required standard time is 346 man-hours; actual 228; but along with 217 people-h; along with and 120 man-hours. Task The link of diggers completed the amount of work in the amount of 200 m 3 of soil at a labor rate of 1.75 man-hours / m 3. Determine the growth in labor productivity if their actual labor intensity was 280 man-hours. Task 2348 man-hours were supposed to perform the costing work. According to the chord line, 1948 man-hours were actually spent. Determine the percentage of reduction of standard time and labor productivity. Task Determine the growth of labor productivity, if in the period preceding the reporting period, productivity was 110%, and in the reporting period it was 115%. Task The team worked with labor productivity of 120%, with standard labor costs of 1500 man-hours. Determine the actual labor costs of the team. 3. DEVELOPMENT OF LABOR STANDARDS FOR NON-MECHANIZED WORK PROCESSES The development of labor standards for non-mechanized work processes is recommended to be carried out in the following sequence: - development of a normal for the construction and installation process; - design (calculation) of the value of labor standards; - determination of the numerical and qualification composition of the link of construction workers; - calculation of the price per unit of this process; - drafting a paragraph of the norm. The essence of process normal design is the choice of the most effective values factors of influence on the organization and technology of the work process, which are selected on the basis of technical documentation, SNiP, ENiR, technical specifications or by directly studying these factors. Normally follows 14

14 indicate: type of product or work; technical conditions and required quality; name of materials; the composition of the link; process technology; organization of the workplace; mode of work and rest; safety conditions. Designing the value of the labor norm (time) consists in determining the technically justified amounts of labor costs for operational, preparatory and final work, technological breaks and workers' rest. The labor rate is calculated by the formula: Toper 100 N tr =, (3.1) 100 (T T T) p s p otd where T op is the time spent on operational work, consisting of auxiliary and main, man-h; T p-3 time spent on preparatory and final work, the amount of which can be taken within 2-8% of the operational work of the process; T p the design value of the technological break in the amount of 4-12% of the time of operational work; T dep is the design value of time spent on rest, in the amount of 8-30% of operational work. Specific norms of time for preparatory and final work, technological breaks and rest can be taken according to the standards given in the "Fundamentals of the methodology for technical regulation of labor in construction" (issue 6). The normative time spent on operational work is determined on the basis of the analysis and synthesis of the results of normative observations. In this definition lies the calculation medium size the time spent on the element meter and the calculation of the transition factors to the main workflow meter. The average time spent t av for the execution of one element is determined as follows: t av = 60n/V, (3.2) where n is the number of observations for this element; V is the amount of production of the element, which falls on 60 man-min. The transition coefficient K lane is calculated by the formula: K lane \u003d V pr.e / V pr.rp, (3.3) where V pr.e is the volume of production of the element in its units of measurement; V pr.rp the volume of output of the workflow in its units of measurement. Based on the calculations performed according to (3.2) and (3.3), a synthesis table is compiled. If the units of measurement of individual elements and the entire workflow are the same, the calculation of the operational time norm T oper is carried out according to the simple synthesis formula: n T oper =t 1 +t 2 +t 3 + +t n = t i, (3.4) i 1 15

15 if they are not the same according to the formula of complex synthesis: T opera \u003d t 1 K 1 + t 2 K 2 + t 3 K 3 + +t n K n \u003d n i 1 t. (3.5) The number and qualification composition of the link of workers are established, as a rule, according to the data of normative observations (form XP "Characteristics of the process") or according to the tariff and qualification directory. In educational conditions, when solving problems, you can use the ENiR-87 or VNiR-87 collections. The price per unit of output (output) R, rub., is determined by the formula: CT K h R N TP, (3.6) K h where C t is the hourly wage rate (per year) of the corresponding worker category, which should be taken from Table. 3.1; To h the quantitative composition of the link, people; N tr norm of labor (time), man-hours Table 3.1 Indicator Category 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th K t 1 1.085 1.186 1.338 1.542 1.797 C t, rub 7.19 7.8 8.53 9.62 11.08 12 .91 Example. Develop a production labor rate and a price quote (paragraph of the norm) for the work process "Sheathing the frame of the walls of an industrial building with asbestos-cement sheets measuring 1200x678x5.5 mm" using suspended scaffolding. The height of the frame is 10 m. The sheets are delivered fully prepared. Based on the data of mixed photo accounting and XP forms, the time spent and the amount of finished products in the amount of 240 m 2 (Table 3.2). Table 3.2 Workflow elements 1. Feed prepared sheets and put them in place, sheet 2. Prepare and temporarily fix sheets, sheet 3. Drill holes and supply bolts, bolt i K i Observation Note. Above the line are the labor costs, man-min, for the execution of a process element; under the line is the quantity (volume) of the production of the element in its units of measurement

16 4. TARIFICATION OF WORKERS AND WORKS 4.1. Rationing of tariff rates Tariff rates, as you know, determine the wages of workers per unit of time (hour, day, month). Hourly tariff rates (calculated) are established by the tariff scale (see Table 3.1) for workers with normal working conditions with an 8-hour working day, taking into account a 6-day or 5-day working week. To normalize other sizes of tariff rates, especially for workers who, in accordance with the current legislation, have a shortened working day, you can use the formula: T h \u003d С i t i (8) / t i (7) (4.1) day, rub.; C i tariff rate of a worker of the corresponding category, rub.; t i (8) the average length of working time per month with an 8-hour working day (166.75 hours); t i (7) the same, with a 7.2-hour working day (150.6 hours). The daily tariff rates of a worker of any category are determined by multiplying the tariff rates (daily) of the 1st category by the tariff coefficient: T d (i) = T d (1) K t, (4.2) where T d (i) is the daily tariff rate of the worker given category (except for the 1st), rub.; T d (1) - the daily wage rate of a worker of the 1st category, which, in turn, is determined by multiplying the hourly wage rate by the length of the established working day; K t is the tariff coefficient taken according to tariff scale(see Table 3.1). The average monthly tariff rate for time workers is set according to the following formula: T cm (i) = T h (i) t cm, (4.3) where T cm (i) is the average monthly tariff rate of a worker of this category, rub; T h(i) hourly rate; t see the established average monthly duration of work, h. Example. Calculate the hourly, daily and monthly tariff rates of a worker of the 5th category with a 6-day working week and 6 hour work day. Solution. Using these formulas, we get: hourly: T h (5) \u003d 11.08 166.75 / 150.6 \u003d 12.27 rubles; daily: T d (5) \u003d 7.19 1.75 / 150.6 6 \u003d 73.65 rubles; monthly: T m (5) \u003d 12.27 150.6 \u003d 1847.86 rubles. 17

17 Task 4.1. Calculate the hourly, daily and monthly rates of workers (Table 4.1). Table 4.1 Occupation of workers Tariff Duration of the variant Category of the week, days days, h 1.2 Reinforcement workers 3rd 5 8.0 3.4 Concrete workers 4th 5 8.0 5.6 Road workers 5th 5 8.0 7.8 Bricklayers 6th 6 6.67 9.10 Roofers 3rd 6 6.67 11.12 Painters 2nd 6 6.67 13.14 Installers 4th 6 6.67 15.16 Facing workers 5th 6 6 ,67 17.18 Parquet workers 6th 6 6.67 19.20 Carpenters 2nd 6 6.67 21.22 Welders 4th 6 6.67 23.24 Glaziers 3rd 6 6.67 25.26 Riggers 5th 5 8.0 27.28 Plasterers 6th 5 8.0 29.30 Electric welders 4th 5 8, Determination of average tariff coefficients and rates To optimize the work of construction teams and units in order to establish their qualification characteristics and professional level, giving the right to perform specific work, in the practice of technical and normalization work, average tariff coefficients are used. The initial data underlying the determination of these coefficients can be: the numerical and qualification composition of the brigade (link); normative time (labor intensity of works); actually paid salary for the given payment period (month). Taking into account these data, the average tariff coefficients can be calculated using the formulas: K1n1 K 2n2... K nnn K av = ; (4.4) n n... n 1 K cf = n 2 i n Tn T K; (4.5) K cf \u003d S cp (cm) / T cm (1) ; (4.6) where K 1, K 2, K n tariff coefficients corresponding to the category of the worker; n 1, n 2, n 3 the number of workers by category; T n K i is the sum of the products of the average tariff coefficient of this work by the required standard time for the same work (labor intensity); T n amount 18

18 required standard time (labor intensity) for all types of work, man-days; S zp (cm) the average monthly salary of each member of the team, rub; T cm (1) monthly tariff rate of the 1st category. Example. Determine the average tariff coefficient of brigade 1, consisting of 12 people. (3 people of the 5th category, 5 of the 4th; 4 of the 3rd); for team 2 in terms of total labor intensity equal to 440 man-days (T 1 \u003d 90; T 2 \u003d 120; T 3 \u003d 230 and K 1 \u003d -1.3; K 2 \u003d 1.25; K 3 \u003d 1.42 ); for brigade 3 according to actual wages in the amount of rubles. (composition of the brigade 20 people). Solution: Team 1: Kav = [(3 1.542) + (5 1.338) + (4 1.186)] / (3+5+4) = 1.338; team 2: Kav = [(90 1.3) + (120 1.25) + (230 1.42)] / () = 1.349; team 3: Kav = (/ 20) / (7.19 166.75) = 1.05. In addition to the average tariff coefficients, the average tariff rates С t can also be used to characterize the teams: С t = С i n i / n i, (4.7) where n i is the number of workers by category, people. Example. The construction and installation department employs 796 people: 90 people of the 1st category; go; go; go; 94 on the 5th; 40 on the 6th. Determine the size of the average tariff rate. Solution: С t \u003d (7.91 40) / / () \u003d 9.04 rubles. Task 4.2. Using table. 4.2 and 4.3, calculate the average tariff coefficients and rates. Profession of teams of the variant Number, persons Of them by category Table

19 Table 4.3 options Works performed by the team 1-5 Plastering works Painting works 6-10 Facing works Installation of floors Installation of structures Installation of stairs Brickwork Scaffolding and scaffolding tariff category 1,45 1,48 1,32 1,42 1,52 1,31 1,35 1,62 1,28 1,37 1,3 1,03 Wage, rub Calculation of average tariff categories In the technical and normalization work for production planning often it is required to determine the average wage category of workers and works. In normalization for these purposes, two methods of finding the average category are used: a) according to the known average tariff coefficient: R cf = R i ± 1/ 2, (4.8) where R cf is the average tariff category; R i the nearest smaller or larger digit; 1 deviation of the average tariff coefficient from the nearest lower or higher tariff coefficient; 2 the difference between the tariff coefficients, in the interval of which the known average tariff coefficient is located; b) at a known tariff rate: Rav =R i ± 1/ 2. (4.9) where 1 is the deviation of the average tariff rate from the nearest lower or higher tariff rate; 2 the difference between tariff rates, in the range of which the average tariff rate is located. twenty

20 With a smaller value of R i, the values ​​1/ 2 or 1/ 2 should be added, with a larger value they should be subtracted. When determining the average category of work, the actual labor intensity of the teams for a given month, the salary due and the percentage of completion of the norms should be used. Example. It is necessary to determine the average wage category: for brigade 1, if its average tariff coefficient is 1.36, for brigade 2 with an average wage rate of 9.3, and for brigade 3, which worked 1850 man-hours per month, with the fulfillment of production standards by 120% , who received a salary in the amount of rubles (of which 800 rubles are bonuses). Decision: Team 1: Rav =4+(1.36 1.338) / (1.532 1.338) =4.11; team 2: Rav =4+(9.3 8.53) / (9.62 8.53) =4.71; brigade 3: O t = () / 1850 / = 6.2 rubles; R cf \u003d 2 + (0.62 0.59) / (0.7-0.64) \u003d 2.5. Task 4.3. Determine the average tariff category according to the following data. In brigade 1, the average tariff coefficient is 1.42; 2 1.39; 3 1.38; 4 average tariff rate 0.736; 5 0.712; 6 0.748; 7 labor intensity 1760 man-hours, wages 1520 rubles (of which 175 rubles bonuses), labor productivity 120%. In brigade 8, the labor intensity is 1860 man-hours, wages are 1632 rubles (196 rubles bonuses), labor productivity is 120%. Table 4.4 Indicator Category 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th K t 1 1.085 1.186 1.338 1.542 1.797 C t, rub 0.59 0.64 0.7 0.79 0.91 1 .06 21

21 REFERENCES 1. Labor Code of the Russian Federation // Russian newspaper dec. 2. Bychin V.B. Labor rationing: textbook / V.B. Bychin, S.V. Malinin; ed. Yu. G. Odegova. M.: Exam, p. 3. Yakovlev R.A. Wages at the enterprise / R.A. Yakovlev. Moscow: Center for Economics and Marketing, p. 4. Volgin N.A. Wage: production, social sphere, public service/ ON THE. Volgin. M.: Exam, p. 5. Salary. M.: INFRA M, p. 6. Grigorieva R.P. Labor statistics: lecture notes / R.P. Grigorieva, I.I. Basova. St. Petersburg: Publishing House of V. A. Mikhailov, p. 7. Ardzinov V.D. Organization and wages in construction / V.D. Ardzinov. St. Petersburg: Peter, p. 8. Gryunshtam V.A. Compensation for labor in construction / V.A. Grunstam. St. Petersburg: Peter, p. 9. Kostyuchenko V.V. Organization of wages and budgeting in construction: textbook. allowance / V.V. Kostyuchenko, K.M. Kryuchkov, V.M. Kozhukhar; ed. V.V. Kostyuchenko. Rostov-on-D.: Phoenix, p. 10. Ardzinov V.D. Pricing and budgeting in construction / V.D. Ardzinov. St. Petersburg: Peter, p. 11. Kolbachev E.B. Organization, rationing and wages at enterprises / E.B. Kolbachev, E.V. Novik, T.A. Kolbachev. Rostov-on-D.: Phoenix, p. 12. Vorob'eva E.V. Salary in years / E.V. Vorobyov. Moscow: Eksmo, p. 13. Comments on Labor Code Russian Federation / O.V. Smirnov, M.O. Bulkova, I.A. Kostyan, V.G. Malov. 5th ed. Moscow: Knorus, p. 14. Posherstnik I.V. Personnel of the enterprise: a practical guide / I.V. Posherstnik. Moscow: Prospect, p. 15. Sankina L.V. Personal cards / L.V. Sankin. M.: MTsFER, p. 16. Basic system of microelement time standards (BSM-1). M.: Economics, p. 17. Romanova K.G. Rationing of labor and estimates / K.G. Romanova, E.P. Zharkovskaya. Moscow: Stroyizdat, p. 18. Sinyansky I.A. Design and estimate business / I.A. Sinyansky, N.I. Maneshin. M.: Academy, p. 19. Belovol V.V. Rationing of labor and estimates in construction: textbook. allowance / V.V. Belovol. Moscow: Stroyizdat, p. 22

22 ORGANIZATION, REGULATION AND PAYMENT OF LABOR IN CONSTRUCTION Course program, guidelines and assignments for the test Compiled by Andrey Vladimirovich POLYAKOV Reviewer I.B. Efimenko Editor O.A. Lukonina Signed for printing Format /16 Paper. offset. Conv. pech.l. 1.39 (1.5) 1.3 Circulation 100 copies. Order Free Saratov State Technical University, Saratov, Politekhnicheskaya st., 77 Printed at RIC SSTU, Saratov, Politekhnicheskaya st., 77 23

TASK FOR CONTROL WORK The control work includes tasks to consolidate the theoretical material on the first topic. According to the task, each student must solve a number of problems. Task numbers are indicated

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federal State Budgetary educational institution higher professional education "Pacific State University»

Table of contents CONTENTS Introduction...15 Part 1. Wage management in a market economy...23 Chapter 1. General principles and the concept of wage management ... 23 Chapter 2. Legal and legislative framework

Ministry of General and Vocational Education of the Russian Federation North-West Correspondence Polytechnic Institute Department of Technology of Materials and Welding to be returned to the library Organization

Assignment to the control work It is necessary to solve the following tasks according to the options: 1. Determine the labor intensity per unit of product, if the volume of production amounted to .. pcs. General labor costs. pers.

Organization of wages in construction. Forms of remuneration in construction In construction, piecework and time-based forms of remuneration are used. Piecework payment, which is the main form of payment

PRIVATE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION OF HIGHER EDUCATION "ACADEMY OF SOCIAL EDUCATION" Fund of evaluation means of the discipline "Personnel compensation" Level higher education Undergraduate Direction

OGRB College "Tsaritsyno" Specialty 19.02.10. Product technology Catering Discipline "Industry Economics" of the Group: T-133, T-138, T-139. Lecturer: Fedotova I.A. Questions to the differentiated

Topic 4. Remuneration at the enterprise 4.1. Piecework and 4.2. Time-based individual form 4.3. Remuneration of labor in collective forms of its organization 4.4. Remuneration of managers, specialists and technical

A list of sample control questions and tasks for independent work. 1. What is the peculiarity of modern labor regulation, labor organization and NOT? 2. What functions does the organization and regulation perform

Working programm of the academic discipline "Rationing of labor and estimates" was developed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of secondary vocational education in the specialty 44.02.06 Professional education(by industry) approved by order

ORGANIZATION, REGULATION AND PAYMENT OF LABOR IN CONSTRUCTION Khabarovsk 02 Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation State educational institution of higher professional education "Khabarovsk

Federal Agency for Education Kazan State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering Department of technology, organization and mechanization of construction DEVELOPMENT OF TECHNOLOGICAL CHARTS METHODOLOGICAL

TOPIC 6. LABOR RESOURCES AND PAYMENT IN TOURISM. 1. Labor resources as the main potential tourism enterprise. 2. Essence and functions of wages. 3. Factors that determine the level of payment

The list of questions for the credit-modular control of knowledge in the discipline "Labor Economics and Social and Labor Relations" for full-time and part-time students in the direction of preparation 6.030504 Economics

Wages in construction. Rationing and wages in construction. How to organize labor and its payment in construction. In construction, labor is a complex and time-consuming process. Therefore, most

SNiP IV-3-84 BUILDING NORMS AND RULES Rules for determining the estimated cost of operating construction machines Date of introduction 1984-10-01 DEVELOPED BY NIIES Gosstroy USSR. PERFORMERS Yu.I.Malimanov (head),

FEDERAL AGENCY FOR EDUCATION State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Izhevsk State Technical University" GLAZOVSKY ENGINEERING AND ECONOMIC

MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION * MOSCOW STATE UNIVERSITY OF COMMUNICATIONS (M AND AND T) Department " Construction Materials and technologies" L.M. Strubtsova, M.M. Mirakova, A.Yu. Gusev




Topic 10. Labor and its efficiency Plan 1. Personnel of the organization: essence, structure, classification and characteristics. 2. Planning the number of employees in the organization. 3. Analysis of the movement of personnel of the enterprise.

Payroll 1C: Payroll and Human Resources Management Payments for hours worked Payments for hours worked include: Wages accrued to employees at tariff rates and


State Construction Committee of the USSR (Gosstroy of the USSR) SNiP IV-14-84 Part IV Chapter 14 Appendix

(Page 0) (Page 1) V.V. Belovol RATE OF LABOR AND ESTIMATES IN CONSTRUCTION Approved by the Main Directorate of Personnel and social development Ministry of Construction in the regions of the Urals and Western Siberia

Topic 9. Organization of remuneration in modern economic conditions 1. Remuneration of labor: essence and functions 2. Basic principles of organization of remuneration. 3. Tariff system: meaning, main elements 4.

Socio-economic problems 121 UDC 331.23 KS Drezinsky, RS Kudarov St. Petersburg State University of Railways METHODS OF IMPROVING PAYMENT IN CONSTRUCTION

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Russian State Vocational Pedagogical

The Decree of the Gosstroy of Russia dated February 11, 1998 18-15 “On the transition to a new estimated and regulatory base for pricing in construction” rightly notes that the current estimated standards

Federal Agency for Education State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Technology PRACTICE by discipline

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Tomsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering ORGANIZATION, REGULATION AND PAYMENT Guidelines for independent work


3 1. Goals and objectives of the discipline, its place in the educational process. The discipline "Organization and planning of production" is an academic discipline that is part of the general professional disciplines of the regional

1 2 Organization, regulation and remuneration of labor at enterprises from - SD.02 industry Organization of labor: content, principles, indicators of labor efficiency; modern forms of labor organization; division of labor:

Specialty 270802 Construction and operation of buildings and structures Forms of development of the main professional educational program by specialty: full-time; correspondence. Normative period of development of the main

1 2 The program of the entrance examination for postgraduate studies in the specialty 08.00.05 - Economics and management of the national economy (labor economics) - Rostov n / a: RGEU (RINH), 2013. 9 p. The program was developed by (and)

CONTENTS page Name and area of ​​use. Reason .... Purpose and purpose 4. Sources. 5. Requirements 6. Contents.. 4 6.. Calendar plan(lectures).. 4 6.. Calendar plan (practical

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF RUSSIA Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "NIZHNY NOVGOROD STATE ARCHITECTURAL AND CONSTRUCTION UNIVERSITY" Department of Technology

FEDERAL AGENCY FOR EDUCATION STATE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION OF HIGHER PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION "Altai State University" Faculty of Economics Department of Economics of Entrepreneurship



FEDERAL AGENCY FOR EDUCATION State educational institution of higher professional education NORTH-WEST STATE CORRESPONDENCE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Department of Technology

federal agency railway transport Ural State University of Railway Transport Department of Transport Economics L. M. Alekseeva CALCULATION OF ANNUAL OPERATING COSTS FOR CURRENT MAINTENANCE

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Belovo Institute (branch) of the Federal Budgetary State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Kemerovo State University"

Educational Institution "Gomel State University named after Francisk Skorina" SELECTED LECTURES on the discipline "Economics of the organization (enterprise)" topic "WORK AND ITS EFFICIENCY" for students

Appendix to the order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation of December 20, 2016 1000 / pr Methodology for determining estimated prices for labor costs in construction 2

Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus BELARUSIAN NATIONAL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Department "Organization of construction and property management" PLANNING IN A CONSTRUCTION ORGANIZATION Methodical


1. GENERAL PROVISIONS First Internship is important integral part educational process and aims to prepare bachelors of direction 270800.62 "Industrial and civil construction".

Changes and additions to GESN-2001. Issue 2. Part!. GESN-2001-46 "WORK DURING THE RECONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES" ADDITIONS AND AMENDMENTS TO THE TECHNICAL PART Set out clause 1.4, paragraph 2 of the general instructions of the technical

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Northern (Arctic) Federal University

DONSK STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF DISTANCE LEARNING AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Department "Urban Construction and Economy" Guidelines for the preparation of technological

Estimated business Estimated business is a dynamic, largely creative process, subject to change and refinement in terms of solving certain issues of determining value. Estimate The estimate is a rated list

Annex 2 to the order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation dated April 7, 2014 167 / pr METHODOLOGICAL DOCUMENTS FOR FORMING THE ESTIMATE SECTION OF PROJECT DOCUMENTATION

Tasks in the discipline "Planning at the enterprise" 1 In the reporting year, the cost of commercial products amounted to 450.2 thousand rubles, which determined the cost of 1 rub. marketable products 0.89. in the planned year

Code, name of the discipline (module) Direction of training Profile Qualification (degree) of the graduate Forms of training Labor intensity of the discipline (module) Purpose of mastering the discipline List of planned results

Test work on the economics of the enterprise The first letter of the student's surname The number of the written assignment option A 1 B 2 C 3 D 4 E 5 E 6 F 7 Z 8 I 1 K 2 L 3 M 4 N 5 O 6 P 7 R 8 C 1 T 2 U 3 F 4 X 5 C 6 W 7

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "SIBERIAN STATE GEODETIC ACADEMY"

PROVISION OF ECONOMIC RIGHTS AND INTERESTS OF EMPLOYEES IN THE SPHERE OF PRODUCTION 3.1. Remuneration of labor 3.1.1. The system of payment and incentives for labor, the size of hourly tariff rates, salaries, piece rates, norms

Technical regulation in construction

Technical regulation in construction is a method of developing production standards - production standards for workers, production standards for machines and consumption standards for materials.

Developed by methods of technical regulation production norms contribute to the growth of labor productivity, the better use of machines and the economical use of materials and, ultimately, the reduction in the cost of construction and the acceleration of its pace.

One of the main stages of technical regulation is the study of the nature and size of the cost of working time. Working time refers to the duration of a work shift.

The expenditure of working time that is necessary to complete the task received by the worker is called necessary. All non-productive time expenditures are considered losses.

Time required includes:
a) time spent on useful work;
b) rest time;
c) technological breaks in work.

Lost time consists of:
a) downtime
b) time spent on extra and casual work;
c) violations of labor discipline.

When establishing technical standards, timing is performed technological processes in working conditions. Timekeeping takes into account only working time. The number of time measurements for performing a particular operation depends on the size of the discrepancies in the readings of the stopwatches. Normalizers have a special scale that they use to determine the number of measurements. But regardless of the calculation results, the number of observations should in all cases be at least 5. In some cases, the number of observations reaches 85.

Uniform norms of time and rates have been developed for construction work, according to which workers are given assignments for work and paid for. These norms are systematically reviewed, taking into account the progress of technology and the improvement of construction methods. With the release in 1956 of new standards (ENiR), approved State Committee Council of Ministers of the USSR for Construction Affairs, all previous norms were canceled. ENiR contain a brief description of the work, the qualifications of the workers, the time limit for a certain amount of work and the pricing of these works.

The norms specified in the ENiR are ordinarily progressive. The average progressive norm of time is the amount of working time sufficient with the given means of labor for the production of a unit of good-quality products by workers of the corresponding specialty and category, working under conditions of the correct organization of labor and production.

The composition of the norm of time includes only the necessary expenditure of time; loss of time is not included in the norm. Time standards are expressed in man-hours (man-hours) or man-days (man-days). In the link process, the norm of working time is the total expenditure of working time of all workers included in the link, per unit of measurement of production.

The average progressive output rate is the amount of good-quality products that a worker of the corresponding profession, specialty and category must work out per unit of time (in 1 shift, 1 hour) with the given means of labor, working in conditions of proper organization of labor and production.

The average progressive norm of machine time is the amount of working time of the machine sufficient for the machine to produce a unit of good-quality products in conditions of full use of its productivity and the correct organization of production. The norm of machine time is expressed in machine hours (machine-hour) or in machine shifts (machine-ohm). The composition of the norm of machine time includes only the necessary costs of the working time of the machine. Losses of time are not included in the norm. The norms contain prices only for workers engaged in the management of machines or for manual work. The cost of the machines is not given.