Describe strengths. Strengths and weaknesses of a person for a questionnaire: an overview, description and examples

Applicants often have a question about which personality traits can be indicated in a resume, and which ones are better left unsaid.

The first stage of selection is very important, especially in serious companies and responsible positions.

Therefore, the resume should be well-written and carefully checked.

It would be useful to use psychological tricks allowing you to create more about yourself favorable impression.

Why indicate?

What does this mean for the candidate and the company?

Why do you need to list some of your qualities on your resume?

At first glance, it seems that it is enough to list work experience, training, certificates, and the recruiter will be able to make a choice.

However, the HR manager focuses not only on your work experience but also whether you are suitable for a particular position in general.

A competent leader selects a team in such a way that employees not only find a common language with each other, but also can work effectively for the benefit of the organization. And this is the most difficult task of the HR manager.

Some professions require skill easily find a common language with people. In other positions, it is important to have attentiveness, patience, and a high level of responsibility. The way you communicate with the team is also equally important, especially if there is group work to be done.

Why do you need to indicate additional personal information about yourself:

  • the employer wants to know how you are;
  • he wants to see how you evaluate yourself;
  • it is important for the employer that according to your personal characteristics you correspond to a certain position;
  • he wants to know if you are really ready to work for the position you are applying for or if you have doubts.

The resume is the first stage in the selection of a candidate for a job, therefore, attention is paid to any, even at first glance, insignificant things.

Qualities that seem neutral to you can become obstacle to getting a job.

Or, conversely, negative characteristics may have an advantage in some positions.

Employers' requirements

Business qualities include those abilities that help a person perform the task assigned to him and work in a certain position. Big role plays special education, previous experience work.

Assessing the professional and business qualities, the recruiter focuses on what benefit the applicant is able to bring to the company, whether it is profitable to hire and train him.

Wrong choice of employee- this is the loss, first of all, of the company's money and profit, the need to look for a new person.

Each position has set of preferred characteristics that an employee must have:

There are no ideal candidates, but there are the most suitable for work in certain positions. There are those who will not be able to work in a certain specialty due to the characteristics of their personality, psyche, abilities and previous experience.

In addition to personal qualities, motivation is also revealed - whether the applicant really came with a desire to get a job or he doubts the need for this.

What to write?

So, you have a resume, and there is a difficult task: what to indicate in it. Do not write too many personal qualities, choose the most basic and those that are most important for admission to the chosen position.

The optimal number is five. So it is easier for the employer to navigate in assessing your personality and he sees that you are able to rationally approach the description of your characteristics.

If an employee writes too many positive qualities about himself, this may indicate that he wants to show himself as best as possible. in a more favorable light, and also that it is difficult for him to choose his most important characteristics.

Positive, strengths

What positive things to write about yourself so that the HR manager when applying for a job paid attention to you? First of all, study the requirements for the position you are applying for.

What does the employer expect from you? Look at the requirements that the company places on its employees.

If possible, talk to past and present employees. You can do this in social networks by finding special groups.

If you are just starting to work, are at the beginning of your career, then the best qualities can be considered:

  • ability to learn;
  • ability to adapt to corporate requirements;
  • the ability to find a common language with the team, to join the working environment;
  • punctuality;
  • honesty;
  • openness to communication;
  • purposefulness;
  • non-standard approach to work - this is especially important in creative teams.

For a leader, the main qualities will be slightly different:

  • flexibility of thinking, ability to cope with complex tasks;
  • stress tolerance;
  • the presence of leadership qualities, charisma;
  • independence;
  • ability to solve non-standard tasks;
  • ability to lead a team, the ability to find an approach to different employees;
  • understanding of his responsibility.

If the position involves working with people, then the presence of communication skills is advantage. It also takes into account the absence of conflict, the ability to calmly resolve controversial situations.

The employer may ask why you quit your job and whether your work in the team interferes.

Negative, weak aspects

Negative qualities in the resume must also be described. And here the applicant has to be especially careful. It doesn't happen like that that a person does not have.

They must be indicated in the resume, but you need to choose those that will not alienate the employer. I.e positive traits should stand out, and negative ones come as an addition, personality traits that can be put up with.

Among the negative qualities you can specify the following:

The negative aspects of personality can be deciphered.

For example, what does pedantry You like to have perfect order on your desk.

That is, the personality property seems to be negative, but it can benefit the workflow.

Key qualities

Your resume should reflect your core qualities. Conventionally, they can be divided into four types:

Attitude towards other people:

  • sociability;
  • conflict-free;
  • the ability to find a common language with colleagues;
  • the ability to communicate with clients and achieve results;
  • benevolence.

Attitude to work:

  • responsibility;
  • punctuality;
  • accuracy;
  • attentiveness;
  • perseverance;
  • interest in the position;
  • achievement motivation;
  • desire to learn.

Attitude to things and property of the company:

Attitude towards yourself:

  • purposefulness - knows what he wants;
  • self-respect;
  • availability of abilities necessary for a particular position;
  • an adequate assessment of oneself and one's abilities.


Additional qualities allow you to more fully reveal the personality traits, reduce the severity of negative characteristics.

They can talk about the presence of creative abilities, taking courses that are not directly related to the position held, but give the applicant some advantages.

It could be knowledge in English, hobbies for sports, traveling, volunteering.

Highlight your business side. Even if some skills and abilities seem insignificant to you, pointing them out can be a plus.

In addition, if you do not qualify for one position, it is likely that you will be offered another in accordance with the profile presented.


For girls

As already mentioned, the presence of certain qualities largely depends on the position for which the applicant enters.

For girls, first of all, it is important to have modesty.

AT creative teams can pay attention to the individual style of clothing. In the business world, it is preferable to use formal clothes with a minimum of jewelry and bright elements.

Girls are expected performance, communication skills. It is important to be able to correctly present yourself in the team, not to separate from it and find a common language with the majority of its members.

Girls most often work as sellers. Due to their developed communication skills, friendliness and charm, it is easier for them to find a common language with buyers.

If a girl is a representative of a pedagogical specialty, then patience, love for children, interest in teaching and the availability of special knowledge are required. Experience is not always important, but the desire to work and develop in a particular position matters.

By the presence of leadership qualities, girls are less demanding than the stronger sex. The exception is managerial positions, as well as specialties related to coaching,.

Thus, list of main features for women looks like this:

  • punctuality;
  • perseverance;
  • communication skills;
  • friendliness.

However, it cannot be said that there are only male characteristics and only female characteristics, in many respects it all depends on the position.

For a man

Men tend to do to more responsible positions.

For construction and engineering specialties the following characteristics are important:

  • attentiveness;
  • responsibility;
  • good physical preparation;
  • work experience and education.

It will be useful to have leadership qualities. Also taken into account no bad habits.

For the leader

The success of the company and the cohesion of the team largely depend on the leader. Therefore, for serious positions selection is made with the utmost care.

It looks how easy and fast the applicant builds communication. Does he have fears - these qualities are an obstacle to entering a leadership position.

The leader must be demanding, but at the same time be able to show gentleness and indulgence at certain moments in order to obtain certain goals and effective management team.

The leader of the despot will keep the staff in fear, but at the same time, fear will become an obstacle to high achievements and affect staff turnover. A director who is too soft also cannot effectively manage staff and monitor their activities.

For high positions, the presence of a high level of energy is important, since the work requires a lot of return and is associated with constant movement and stress.

An important property is independence. The top manager has to rely on himself in making decisions. He must be able to take responsibility for his actions, not doubt the choice and set an example for other employees how to act.

A dependent leader will try shift responsibility on subordinates or higher-ranking managers, which will eventually lead to loss of money and inefficient work.

Thus, the ability to correctly compose a resume and enter the necessary professional and personal characteristics into it - important quality of a candidate.

How to write a good resume:


A conversation about personal qualities in a resume should begin with the question: “Is it necessary to write anything at all?” After all, professional skills and a list of employers are, in fact, facts that can be “ripped off” from a diploma and work book. But business and personal qualities already require an objective view from the outside and an inner readiness to speak well about yourself ...

Of course, many manage to personal qualities"rip off" from someone's resume. But employers usually see such irresponsibility immediately. And then either the described advantages are ignored, or it goes to the trash (well, or where they are stored there).

Is it necessary or not?

Serious recruiters say that the item about business and personal qualities in the resume is definitely needed. Even despite the fact that only about half of the personnel officers look into it.

At the same time, there are cases when the assessment of one's own merits is put almost on a par with professional skills and experience. For example, when the position is associated with high social activity (managers, janitors, promoters, etc.).

So, obviously, HR managers are interested in the applicant self-evaluating himself and writing about it on paper. So, it is important to understand how in this regard.

Rules for describing personal qualities in a resume:

  1. Useful characteristics should not be more than five.
  2. These qualities must correspond to the desired position. Remember that a secretary or accountant does not need leadership skills and charisma. But almost everyone needs stress tolerance.
  3. Restrained tone and a minimum of humor. The exception is the situation when the employer is clearly waiting for something "sharp" and creative. You can usually find out about the employer's preferences on the company's website.
  4. Down with templates and meaningless words like "professionalism". That's how everyone writes. Instead, imagine who you would hire for this position. And offer the employer really necessary and useful qualities.

Examples of describing personal qualities in a resume

It should be noted that our examples reflect the general wishes of employers and are advisory in nature.

Mandatory qualities: responsibility, attentiveness and good learning ability.
Highly valued: sociability, stress resistance and non-conflict.

Mandatory qualities: stress resistance, competent and well-delivered speech, diligence, accuracy.
Highly Appreciated: Presentable appearance(not beauty, namely).

Sales Manager
Mandatory qualities: activity, result orientation, sociability.
Highly valued: competent speech, non-standard thinking, stress resistance.

Let us remind you once again that you should not list all the examples of personal qualities given in your resume. Choose 3-5 the most relevant and important in your opinion. Or don't write anything at all.

And if you decide to indicate something, then do not forget that the declared qualities should appear at the very first meeting (if such a need arises). That is, having indicated “punctuality” in the resume, you cannot be late even for a minute. A sociable person will not sit at an interview, looking down and not knowing what to answer. Well, and so on.

Universal qualities

If you don’t know what to include in your resume, but you really want to write at least something. You can use two magical options that employers love a lot:

  • excellent learning ability

  • readiness
These qualities “sell” the best, so theoretically they can be included in any resume. But if you decide to use them, then be so kind as to justify the expectations of your superiors later.

Top 5 Personality Traits (in addition to the ones above):

  • initiative

  • industriousness

  • honesty

  • no bad habits

  • equilibrium
If you do not want to indicate your personal qualities in your resume, this in no way reduces (but does not increase) your chances of employment. At the interview, you will be asked what you need.
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When compiling a resume, the applicant is recommended to describe the experience and education received, to highlight their own positive and negative sides, focusing on the requirements for the desired position, as well as indicate personal qualities in the resume.

  • evaluate skills as concisely and truthfully as possible;
  • indicate personal characteristics, focusing on the purpose of the resume and the importance of qualities for the position;
  • choose the most important positions from personal characteristics and describe them in detail.

Examples of personal qualities in a resume

The resume should briefly describe the personal qualities that the applicant possesses. Requirements for such qualities are individual and characterize the wishes of the employer.

You should consider examples of the personal qualities of applicants in the context of positions.

Personal characteristics: sample list

When compiling a resume, an applicant for employment is advised to select a few key personal qualities that most fully describe his candidacy. To do this, you can use the characteristics from the list below:

The above list of personal characteristics of the applicant is not complete.

Key Skills on a Resume: Examples

When writing a resume, an applicant for employment is advised to indicate not only personal characteristics, but also key skills that demonstrate his abilities.

Allocate the following types key skills:

It is required to give examples of key skills in the context of positions.

  1. Sales manager (sales experience, negotiation skills, customer acquisition, organizational skills).
  2. Accountant (knowledge of tax and labor law, experience in accounting, tax reporting and audits).
  3. Driver (driving experience, knowledge of the routes of the city and the device of the car, skills in working with travel documentation).
  4. Specialist in foreign economic activity(contracting skills, knowledge of customs and tax legislation, experience with customs authorities, knowledge of English).

A universal set of personal characteristics of the candidate that the employer will like

There is no universal set of personal qualities of an applicant that suits any employer.

Most often, employers value in applicants such qualities as: responsibility, sociability, customer focus, punctuality, diligence, dedication, etc.

However, during the interview, the candidate for vacant position it is not recommended to copy the standard set of other people's personal characteristics.

Since employers value the naturalness and sincerity of applicants, candidates should favorably present own qualities characterizing their individuality.

Strengths and weaknesses in a resume

Depending on the vacancy and corporate culture organization representing the employer, the same quality of the candidate can be considered as an advantage or a disadvantage.

The strengths include the following:

An applicant for a vacant position must indicate and weak sides. This will indicate recognition as a candidate own shortcomings, his readiness for self-development. The applicant should not list all the shortcomings, indicating 5 weaknesses can positively affect the choice of employer.

Weaknesses include the following:

  • straightness;
  • reliability;
  • self-confidence;
  • lack of work experience;
  • emotionality.

Since it is impossible to unequivocally determine whether a characteristic is an advantage or a disadvantage of an applicant for a vacant position, weaknesses should not conflict with the candidate's future responsibilities.

How to write a manager resume

The main goal of the manager is to improve the current performance of the organization. In this regard, special attention should be paid to writing a manager's resume. It is recommended to adhere to the following principles:

  1. Accounting for features professional activity applicant and confirmation of his managerial abilities in brief description candidate.
  2. Indication of the results of activities in the position of manager in quantitative and qualitative terms. These data should indicate the positive influence of the manager on subordinates.
  3. Inclusion in the summary of the description professional qualities leader. It is necessary to highlight the key skills that characterize an effective manager and confirm his individuality (experience in managing changes, developing individual development plans for subordinates, etc.).
  4. Highlighting achievements corresponding to the desired position. Indicating important milestones in an applicant's career can have a positive impact on an employer's decision.

Also in the resume of a manager, education, work experience, achievements in the position of a manager and personal characteristics of the applicant should be highlighted.

Feb 24, 2018 zakonadminnin

A good resume structure necessarily includes a list of professional skills and strengths. Every job site or template has a similar section to fill out.

Why write strengths on a resume

This is to show the employer that you are the right fit. All in all.

If you correctly show your strengths character in the resume, the chances of getting an interview will increase.

What aspects of character to indicate

First of all, proceed from the requirements of the vacancy.

Different positions value different qualities. Accounting requires patience and perseverance, management - activity and leadership skills, work as a driver - sobriety. Etc.

Secondly, be honest with yourself.

If you are calm and reasonable, do not write about leadership qualities. If you are a creative person and it is difficult for you to work under tight deadlines, do not write about discipline and punctuality.

Most common resume mistake

I write resumes for people of different job levels and before work I ask them to send their current resume. In almost everyone, I see a list of office superman.

  • Responsibility.
  • Mandatory.
  • Stress tolerance.
  • Discipline.
  • Work for results.
  • Learnability.
  • Purposefulness.
  • Sociability.
  • Etc.

I constantly read and edit this nonsensical set of phrases. A good, "selling" resume should not be superfluous. Everything must be reasonable.

Fixing the error

In order not to be like everyone else, learn to stand out from the crowd. There are two great ways to list strengths on a resume.

First option- remove all these qualities from the resume. It's very simple.

Second option. Choose one (maximum two!) of your character traits and write about each of them in a sentence. Detailed and specific.

An example of indicating strengths in a resume:

  • Sociable (worked in sales, as well as in journalism, interviewed artists).
  • I prefer to work for the result - I know how to start and finish things, I make decisions quickly, I am straightforward and active in communication.

Think about what is your strongest quality and what will be especially needed in your future work. Find this character trait and describe it deliciously and in detail. This will work much better than a banal list of meaningless words.

Each person has strengths and weaknesses of character that can play to his advantage, and to his detriment. Especially when applying for a job or at an interview, on which your future depends.

Human strengths

It is known that among us, ordinary people there are no "saints". And each person has their own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the first of them. In order to “shine” in live speech during an interview and live communication, think in advance about the qualities that you think are inherent in you.

An example of a good list of human virtues:

  • sociability;
  • Determination;
  • good faith;
  • performance;
  • friendliness;
  • Stress tolerance;
  • Responsibility;
  • Punctuality, etc.

If you list at least some of the above traits and qualities, this is half the battle. If the manager sees how seriously you approached this issue, he will appreciate your ability to correctly express thoughts and convey the essence. You should not praise yourself, and promise what you cannot deliver.

For example, if you do not specialize in a particular industry, but you are asked provocative questions on a specific issue, it would be more honest to answer that you do not yet possess such skills, but are striving and want to expand your boundaries and skills. Then the employer will be able to assess your honesty and desire to develop and move up the career ladder.

A future leader may ask you tricky questions, which will not be very convenient to answer. Endurance and the ability to get out of difficult situations are tested in this way by the candidate.

It doesn't seem right. But if you are applying for a good position, with a high salary, and you will need the ability to communicate with people competently and without emotions, then you must have endurance and discipline.

A potential employer, through live communication, will be able to identify your strengths and weaknesses, and draw conclusions about your personality.

The manager will also ask you about your strengths and weaknesses. You should not take this question seriously, and completely get all the "skeletons" out of the closet. It will be enough if you name some minor shortcomings: for example, shyness. This little vice rarely scares away. Therefore, you should not worry about this.

In order not to be embarrassed during an interview and a personal conversation with a potential employer, make a list of your strengths in advance. It will be useful for you to analyze the turn of your mind and character, thereby you will be ready for such a question and will not be at a loss.

Take a blank sheet of paper and start writing down the qualities you are proud of. For example, kindness, understanding, responsiveness, sociability, learning ability, etc. This is some kind of training. You will be able to objectively assess your pros and cons. And in advance, you can write a list of those qualities that you do not possess, but are trying to develop in yourself. This will give you a push and an incentive to change.

Weaknesses of a person, their list

Now we will try to consider the weaknesses of the human character. Most often, when trying to get a job, during the interview, the employer may notice some shortcomings of the future candidate for the position. For example, he may be alerted by inattention, absent-mindedness and slurred speech.

Consider a list of the most common shortcomings and weaknesses of a person:

  • indecision;
  • emotional stiffness;
  • Shyness;
  • Timidity;
  • Coarseness;
  • Rudeness, etc.

When talking, try to tell your boss about your hobbies, hobbies, a little about the family in which you grew up. Thus, you will position the employer, and he will appreciate your aspirations and see that you are ready for a lot for the sake of work. Honesty and unobtrusive frankness will do you good.

Weaknesses in resume

When writing a resume, be careful about the reason for leaving previous work. For example, if they were conflict situations with employees, or disagreements with the employer. It doesn't matter why you quit. Do not paint about the reasons for leaving, it is better to write about it with restraint. For example, I didn’t like the work schedule, or I had to change my position due to moving.

Also, try not to get personal and dedicate the future employer about the past work team. It is better to get around uncomfortable topics tactfully and carefully. At the same time, without losing self-control and self-esteem.

Strengths of a person in a resume example

When writing a resume, be careful to point out your strengths. For example, you should not write about character traits that you do not possess. It is better to focus on the merits of your character. For example, you can write the following traits:

  • Determination;
  • Curiosity;
  • Stress tolerance;
  • sociability;
  • Ability to get out of different situations;
  • Active life position.

By listing these qualities, you will definitely make a positive impression on the boss, and your candidacy will be considered.

Strengths and weaknesses of a leader

Additionally, you may be asked what qualities and personal merit you would like to see in your boss. It is worth considering the answer to this question in advance. For example, you can say that in the leader you want to see:

  • Purposefulness;
  • Restraint;
  • Responsiveness;
  • Demanding;
  • sociability;
  • Individual approach to employees;
  • Decisiveness, etc.

You will not just be asked such questions. After all, every employer wants to see what the employee expects from the authorities. If you answer with dignity and like a potential boss, you will get a place in the permanent staff.

Strengths and weaknesses of character

Let's sum up a little. When applying for a job, you should think about your answers in advance in order to make a good impression on future employers. If you actively communicate, prove yourself with better side, focusing on the merits of your character, you will definitely get promising work and desired position.