Shopping words and everything related. Topic in English on the topic “Shopping


The purpose of the lesson: formation and improvement of the skill of dialogic speech on the topic "Purchases".

Lesson objectives:

  • Educational:
    • formation of the ability to conduct a dialogue on the topic;
    • development of audio-phonemic skills of students;
    • development of students' skills to operate with known concepts,
      make statements with the help of supports;
    • control of assimilation of the studied topic.
  • Developing:
    • formation of the ability and readiness to engage in foreign language communication;
    • development of various types of memory (verbal, figurative), attention, communication, imagination;
    • development of mental activity, the ability to transfer knowledge to a new situation;
    • the development of linguistic conjecture.
  • Educational:
    • show the importance of the ability to solve communicative problems through dialogue;
    • expanding the horizons, creative abilities of students;
    • education of communicative competence of students.


I. Organizing moment

- Good morning, dear friends. I am glad to see you. Let me begin our lesson with some riddles. If you guess them, you will know what we are going to speak about. Listen to me and think. .

II. Determining the topic of the lesson by students on a problematic assignment, familiarizing students with the goals and objectives of the lesson

  • Usually two or more people take part in this process.
  • We do it in a special place.
  • We do it very often.
  • Usually women like to do it, men don't like.
  • We can't do it without money.

T: What is it?
P: Shopping
T: Yes, We are going to speak about shopping. We`ll try to make up and act dialogues, to learn new words, to see a video film, to write a test .We have a lot of work. Let's start.

III. Activation of previously studied vocabulary on the topic "Purchases"(speech charging, finding correspondences)

T: Do you like to go shopping? What do you prefer to buy clothes or food? I went shopping yesterday. Can you guess what I bought? Ask me questions beginning with the words:

- Did you buy ... yesterday?
Yes, I bought...
– No, I didn’t buy……

T: You know we buy different things in different shops. Will you remind me where you can buy sweets (milk, fish, bread, meat, sugar etc.)
P: We buy … at the …

IV. Introduction of new vocabulary(listening to monologues about the types of stores in England; identifying analogies with the types of stores in our village)

T: We have different kinds of shops in Russia. But Englishmen also have different shops. Let's learn the names of the English shops.

  • The corner shop
  • Harrods
  • Mark & ​​Spencer
  • Sainsbury's
  • The body shop

Listening to informative texts:

T: Listen to short texts and be ready to answer some questions.

The Corner Shop is a small shop on or near a street corner. They usually sell food.
Harrods i s a department store. It has 230 departments. It has a library, a bank. It is a very expensive shop.
Sainsbury's is the biggest of the supermarket chains. It suggests good food, wine, do it yourself goods.
Mark & ​​Spencer is a chain store. It is a number of department stores which sell men's and women's clothing, home furniture, plants and food. The company has over 700 stores over the world.
The Body Shop sells perfumes, soap, shampoo, skin-care products for men and women.

T: What do they sell in the Corner Shop (Harrods, Sainsbury's, Mark & ​​Spencer, the Body Shop)?
– What similar shops have we got in Stepnoe?
– What is your favorite shop in Stepnoe?

V. Formation of the skill of dialogic speech

a) introduction and primary development of new vocabulary using the method of phonetic associations;
b) use of video material for the development of auditory skills with subsequent control of understanding of the text;
c) development of the skill of a detailed understanding of the dialogic text (work with the text, restoration of missing words);
d) practice in reading the dialogue;
e) reproduction of a dialogue based on video material;
f) improving the skill of drawing up a dialogue with the help of supports.

T: We have known a lot about shops. Now I invite you to go shopping. Do you want? We are going to see a short film. But first let's learn some words.

a) Pineapples
Italian food

b) T: Be ready to see the film, to listen to the dialogue and try to understand it. (Appendix 2 )

At the Corner's

– Good morning. How are you?
– Morning. Fine, fine you?
– Fine, thanks. Can I help you?
– Yes. Have you got pineapples?
– Certainly. How much would you like?
– One tin, I think
– What about fresh biscuits?
- No, thank you. I'm on a diet. I prefer fruits and vegetables.
– Anything else?
– May be some fish: sazan or humpback.
– I strongly recommend you to buy humpback.
– OK. Give me one fish. How much does it cost?
– 133 rubles. Oh, just a minute. Do you like lasagne?
Oh, it's not bad. But I don't like Italian food. Here are 150 rubles.
– Thank you. You change is 17 rubles.

T: Answer my questions:

– Where does the action take place?
– What kind of shop is it?
– What does the customer want to buy?
– Does she buy biscuits? Why?
– What does she buy?
– What kind of fish does the shop assistant recommend her to buy?
– Does the woman buy lasagne? Why?
How much does the woman pay?

in) T: You have got shits of paper on the desks. It is the same dialogue but some words are missing there. You have to insert the missing words.

At the Corner's

– Good morning. How are you?
– ………….. Fine and you?
– ........................ , thanks. Can I help you?
– ………………….. Have you got .............................. ................... ?
– ………………….. How much would you like?
One tin, I think.
– What about ............................................... ........... ?
- No thanks. I'm on................................. I prefer........... .................. and ...............................
– Anything else?
– Maybe some............................................... ...............................
– I strongly ................................... you to buy........ ...............................
– OK. Give me one ................................... How much does it cost?
– ……………. Oh, just a minute. Do you like.............................................................. ......................... ?
Oh, it's not bad. But I don't like .................................................... .......... food. Here are 150…….
– Thank you. Your………….. is 17 rubles. You are always welcome.

– Let's check up your work.

d) Now try to read the dialogue aloud.

e) Oh, we've got some problems. We have no sound. Try to sound-track the dialogue.

f) Now it's high time to make up your own dialogues. Use the words:

  • Can I help you?
  • Have you got……..?
  • How much/many……..?
  • How much must I pay?
  • How much does it cost?
  • Sweets
  • Bananas
  • oranges
  • Sausages

VI. Control of knowledge and skills acquired in the lesson(performance of a test task, mutual verification, marking)

– You have 10 minutes to do the test.

1. Lasagne is...................... food.

a) Russian
b) English
c) Italian

2. People don't eat................. when they are on a diet.

a) fruits and vegetables
b) Italian food
c) humpback and sazan
d) biscuits


a) sizes
b) kinds
c) colors
d) owners

4. You can "t buy a...................... of sugar.

a) pounds
b) kilo
c) packet
d) bottle

5. Englishmen use.................. in the shops.

a) pounds and pennies
b) rubbles and kopecks
c) dollars and cents

6. Humpback is a.............

a) fish
b) meat
c) sweet
d) cake


a) baker's
b) grocer's
c) fishmonger
d) greengrocer's


a) eggs, sugar, flour
b) ham, sugar, eggs
c) chips, sugar, flour

– Exchange your works. Check them up (the answers are on the screen). Put down the marks.

VII. Summarizing

  1. Definition and explanation of multi-level homework.
  2. Analysis and evaluation of the results of students' work.

Handout for the lesson.

– Good morning. How are you?
– ............. Fine, and you?
– ..............., thanks. Can I help you?
................. Have you got .......................... ?
– ........ How much would you like?
One tin, I think.
– What about ......................... ?
- No thanks. I"m on...........I prefer............and.............
– Anything else?
– Maybe some..............................................
– I strongly ................ you to buy .................
– O.K. Give me one ................ How much does it cost?
– .................... Oh, just a minute. Do you like..............
- Oh, it's not bad. But I don't like Here is 150
– Thank you. Your............ is 17 rubles. You are always welcome.

a) Russian c) Italian
b) English d) Chinese

b) Italian food d) biscuits

3. Usually shops are different in.............

a) sizes c) colors
b) kinds d) owners

a) pound c) packet
b) kilo d) bottle

b) rubbles and kopecks

6. Humpback is a..........

a) fish c) sweet
b) meat d) cake

7. We can buy fish at the..........

a) baker's c) fishmonger

8. If you want to make a cake you need.........

b) ham, sugar, eggs

1. Lasagne

c) Russian c) Italian
d) English d) Chinese

2. People don't eat...........when they are on a diet.

a) fruit and vegetables c) humpback and sazan
b) Italian food d) biscuits

3. Usually shops are different in.............

a) sizes c) colors
b) kinds d) owners

4. You can "t buy a ......... of sugar.

a) pound c) packet
b) kilo d) bottle

5. Englishmen the shops.

a) pounds and pennies c) dollars and cents
b) rubbles and kopecks

6. Humpback is a..........

a) fish c) sweet
b) meat d) cake

7. We can buy fish at the..........

a) baker's c) fishmonger
b) grocer's d) greengrocer's

8. If you want to make a cake you need.........

a) eggs, sugar, flour c) chips, sugar, flour
b) ham, sugar, eggs

Topic "Shopping" in English is a useful text with thematic phrases and translation, which will help everyone to replenish their vocabulary and learn to speak on the topic. More topics on the topic "Shopping and fashion" (Shopping and fashion) you can find in.

I go shopping several times a week. Nowadays there are so many types of shops - the shopping center, the hypermarket, the supermarket, the bakery, butchery and grocery.

I adore shopping centers. I usually do the shopping with my mother or with my friends. We go to the shopping centers where we can spend hours in different shops. You can buy any type of clothes there: from underwear to shoes and coats.

The supermarkets and hypermarkets are very convenient as you can buy whatever you need at once. There is no more need to go to three different shops to buy bread, meat and vegetables. It's all here.

But still there are those who prefer buying some goods at the specialized places. For example, they buy fresh bread at the bakery across the street, and then go to the butcher’s to buy some fresh meat, and then spend 20 minutes to get to the grocery to buy fresh fruits and vegetables.

Modern technologies allow doing the shopping without need not only to get out of the house, but even get out of bed. It concerns not only the clothing, but also the food. The delivery service is a part of almost all modern shops and that is extremely convenient. You can spend half an hour on choosing and ordering the products and then do some other things and then just receive all that you need. Isn't that convenient?

So there are so many types of shopping. And one can choose the most preferable to him.


I go to the store several times a week. Nowadays, there are so many types of shops - shopping mall, hypermarket, supermarket, bakery, butcher shop and grocery store.

I love shopping malls. I usually go shopping with my mom or with my friends. We go to the mall where we can spend hours in different shops. You can buy any kind of clothes there, from underwear to shoes and coats.

Supermarkets and hypermarkets are very convenient, as you can immediately buy everything you need. You no longer need to go to three different stores to buy bread, meat and vegetables. Everything is here.

But still there are those who prefer to buy some goods in specialized places. For example, they buy fresh bread from a bakery across the street, and then they go to the butcher's to buy fresh meat, and then spend 20 minutes to get to the grocery store to buy fresh fruits and vegetables.

Modern technologies allow you to shop without having to not only get out of the house, but even get out of bed. This applies not only to clothes, but also to food. Delivery services are available in almost all modern stores and it is very convenient. You can spend half an hour choosing and ordering products, and then go and do some other things, and then just get everything you need. Isn't that convenient?

Therefore, there are many types of purchases. And everyone chooses the most preferable for him.


to go shopping - go shopping

to be very convenient - to be very convenient

can buy whatever you need - you can buy whatever you need

at once - immediately

no need to do sth - no need to do (anything)

the bakery, the butchery, the grocery - bakery, butcher shop, grocery store.

to get out of the house - get out of the house

it concerns - it concerns (something)

the delivery service - delivery service

Are you preparing for the OGE or the USE?

  • OGE simulator and
  • USE simulator

will help you! Good luck!

Although a woman is an extremely unpredictable creature, if you ask her what
she needs for complete happiness, then she will surely gladly provide
you a list consisting of many items: necessary and not very, stylish and necessary, suitable for eye color or purse, warm, tight, comfortable, chic, or devoid of all these advantages, but just cool, etc. All these positions can be reduced to one denominator called
shopping. In our article today you will find words and phrases related to this tedious task for the male half of the population, which will definitely facilitate this process in an English-speaking country. The names of stores, departments and basic vocabulary and on the topic are at your service. Enjoy and absorb!

Do you think we missed one "p" in the title of the article? Nope! In fact, philologists do not see fair grounds for doubling the consonant in the word shopping and similar ones. Moreover, this practice is considered as a phenomenon “alien to Russian writing”. So, the modern spelling norm is shopping, and we made no mistake. Such spelling is "legalized", by the way, by the academic "Russian Spelling Dictionary" edited by V.V. Lopatin - Chairman of the Spelling Commission of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Just so you know ;)

We will not now talk about all the well-known statements about the process of choosing and buying goods, which is the best antidepressant for women (and for some men too) and brings an ocean of pleasure in itself. Btw, according to recent studies, the intensity of gamma rhythms in people who shop is higher than in people who have sex or become winners of any competitions. What a twist! Well, as they say, whatever floats your boat (to each his own). In addition, not all of the experimental subjects reported real pleasure experienced - moreover, some complained of fatigue. Scientists say that this is directly related to the difference in the psychotypes of the experimental subjects. In fact, only a real purchase brings pleasure, and everything else is just a waste of energy, causing nervousness and grumbling.

Whether you love shopping or need it, you can practice your English at the same time. After all, this is a great way to meet a bunch of people, and become more confident in a conversation. After getting acquainted with the phrases and vocabulary in our article, you will know what you can expect to hear from people in stores. This will make your shopping experience more enjoyable and improve your English. The more you remember, the easier it will be in the future, and the more natural you will feel in this environment.

Shopping - main terms

People in the store:

  • customer- buyer, client;
  • cashier/clerk- cashier/clerk;
  • Attendant/assistant- service person/seller;
  • manager- manager, administrator;
  • Crowd- crowd.

Objects and basic concepts:

  • wallet(male) - men's wallet;
  • Purse(female) - women's purse (ladies' handbag);
  • Scale(s) - scales;
  • Till/counterer- cash box, cash desk;
  • barcode- barcode;
  • Receipt- receipt, cashier's check;
  • gift receipt*- gift voucher;
  • Aisle- passage between rows (shelves);
  • shelf/shelves- shelf / shelves;
  • Trolley- cart;
  • Basket- basket;
  • Lift- elevator;
  • Escalator- escalator;
  • bag- package;
  • Fitting rooms / changing rooms- fitting rooms;
  • Checks- checks;
  • Cash- cash;
  • coins- coins;
  • card machine- terminal, device for payment by credit card;
  • Chip and pin machine- POS-terminal, a device for accepting payment
  • credit cards / debit cards- credit/debit cards;
  • Loyalty card- loyalty card;
  • show-case, shop-window, display window- showcase;
  • Products- products.
* the gift receipt does not show the price paid, it is given to someone
along with a gift so that if they don't like it, the frustrated recipient can return it back to the store. If the item you are buying is for someone else, ask for a gift voucher.

Store types

shopping mall / mall- shopping and entertainment complex / center;
Chemistry(UK) / pharmacy / drug store- pharmacy;
Convenience store (corner shop) - duty store, kiosk store, corner store, convenience store, open until late; a self-service grocery store with higher prices and a limited range;
toy shop / toy store- a toy shop;
bookshop- book store;
ladies clothes shop / women's apparel shop / boutique- women's clothing store;
Men's clothing shop / menswear store / tailor- shop/atelier of men's clothing;
Shoe shop / cobbler's- shoe store;
Jeweler's / jewelry store- jewelry shop;
Opticians / optometrists- optics;
electrical store- electronics store;
record shop- a music shop;
Newsstall / newsstand / news depot / newsagent's- newsstand;
Ironmonger's / ironmongery- hardware store;
Charity shop / second hand shop- stock store, "second hand", giving away
proceeds (in whole or in part) for charitable purposes;
Flea market- "flea market", clothing market, flea market, bazaar;
Haberdasher's / haberdashery- haberdashery;
market / shopping plaza- market, indoor market;
Florist /botanist- flower shop;
Butcher's- Butcher shop;
Fishmonger's / seafood store- seafood shop, fish shop;
greengrocers / grocery store / grocer's(UK) - grocery store, food (grocery) store;
Baker's / bakery- bakery, bakery;
Delicatessen- delicatessen shop (culinary), gastronomic shop;
The assortment consists of dishes that cannot be bought in a regular supermarket.
DIY store / home supply store- construction (hardware) store, store of goods for home and repair;
hardware store- household goods store, building materials store;
stationery shop- stationery;
off-licence- a liquor store, a liquor store with a license to
sale of alcoholic beverages to take away;
post office- post office, post office (institution);
supermarket- supermarket, supermarket, large self-service store;
gardening store / gardening center- shop like "All for the garden";
sporting goods store- sporting goods store;
tea shop (tea house) - tea shop;
pet shop(store) - pet store;
Petrol station(UK) / gas station(US) - gas station.

Sellers Questions

  • Can/May I help you?- I can help you?
  • Can I help you find something?- Can I help you find something?
  • What can I do for you?- What can I do for you?
  • What color would you like?- What color are you interested in?
  • What size do you need?- What size do you need?
  • Would you like to try it on?- Would you like to try it on?
  • Is that any good? / How does it fit?- Suits you? / How does it sit on you?
  • How about this one?- How about this?
  • Is there anything else I can help you with?- Can I help you with something else?
  • Anything else?- Anything else?

Customer responses

  • I don't need any help.I'm just browsing, thanks. - Help is not needed. I'm just looking, thanks.
  • No, I'm just looking, thanks. - No, I'm just looking, thanks.
  • Wow, that's cheap!- Wow! It is cheap!
  • That's good value. - Good price.
  • Oh, that's expensive. - Oh, it's too expensive.
  • That's quite reasonable. - That's quite reasonable.
  • That's a little over my budget. - It's slightly out of my budget.
  • That's not exactly what I'm looking for. - It's not exactly what I need.
  • I'll take it. / I'll take this, please. - I'll take it, thanks.
  • It's too long/too short. - Too long/short.
  • It's too tight/too loose. - Too small/large.
  • Wow, that's crap!- Wow! Well, sucks.

Who's ready for Halloween?

Recently it became known that Angelina Jolie spent thousand dollars shopping for Halloween. Damn she must love it! She visited a store called Glendale Halloween (Glendale, California), where she spent about an hour choosing Halloween costumes and attributes for her numerous children (6 pieces) and, therefore, for herself. In the store, the paparazzi caught Angelina with her two children - 12-year-old Zahara and 9-year-old Knox. Here is a partial list from the $1,000 check:

  • Bruised machete (Was it real?);
  • Ninja weapon set (Whoa! Sneak attack!);
  • Big Baby Costume (I need that one!);
  • Rainbow tattoos (Someone's gonna look happy in that ... happy and gay);
  • Pumpkin with teeth (Trick "r" Treat! Smell my feet!);
  • Straitjacket (Guess not all of her kids are mentally fine)
  • Dead bird in a cage (Damn! I bet it stinks!)

Buyer Questions

  • Excuse me, do you work here?- Excuse me, do you work here?
  • Could you help me, please?- Could you help me?
  • I'm looking for a… - I'm looking for...
  • I'm trying to find a... - I'm trying to find ...
  • Could you tell me where the …. is, please?- Tell me, please, where can I find ...?
  • How much is this?- What price is it?
  • How much are these?- How much do these cost?
  • How much does this cost?- How much is it?
  • How much is that ... in the window?- How much is that ... in the window?
  • Where can I find the ...?- Where can I find...?
  • Do you sell ...?- You are selling... ?
  • Do you have any…?- Do you have any...?
  • Would you have this in another color?- Will you have it in another color?
  • Have you got anything cheaper?- Do you have anything cheaper?
  • Do you have something less pricey (expensive)?- Do you have anything not so expensive?
  • Do you have this item in stock?- Do you have this (this thing) in stock (in stock)?
  • Do you have a smaller/bigger/larger size?- Do you have a smaller/bigger size?
  • Do you know where else I could try to find this?- Do you know where else you can try to find it?
  • Does it come with a guarantee/warranty?- Does this product have a warranty?
  • Where is the changing/fitting room?- Where is the dressing room?
  • Is there somewhere I can try it/this/them on, please?- Can I try it on somewhere?
  • Where can I weigh my groceries?- Where can I weigh my products?
  • Do/can you deliver?- Do you have delivery?
  • Do you have a refund policy?- Do you have a refund?
  • Is this in the sale?- This is for sale?

Sellers Answers

  • I'm afraid that's the only color we have.- I'm afraid that's the only color there is.
  • Sorry, we don't have any more in stock.- Sorry, we no longer have this in stock.
  • Sorry, we don't sell those / them here.- Sorry, we don't sell that stuff here.
  • I'm afraid we don't have any more left. I'm afraid we don't have any more.
  • I have exactly what you're looking for.- We have exactly what you are looking for.
  • This one is on sale right now!- It's on sale at a discounted price now!
  • It comes with a manufacturer's warranty.- This item comes with a manufacturer's warranty.
  • It comes with a 1-year guarantee.- This product has 1 year warranty.
  • The changing/fitting rooms are that way. - The fitting rooms are there.
  • The scales are by the counter over there. That's where you can weigh your groceries.- Scales are over there near the cash register. There you can weigh your products.
  • That one is ….(price).- It costs...
  • They're ….(price) each.- These (things) are worth ... each.
  • You can get a refund if you keep the receipt safe, and bring it back within 2 weeks.- Refunds are made when you save the receipt, you can return the item within 2 weeks.

Shopping with VR

VR technology will completely change our shopping experience! Soon, all people will try on clothes on their 3D copies in smartphones and do online shopping with a virtual consultant, Technology Review writes.

Walmart, the world's largest wholesale and retail chain, has a team called Store No. 8, which develops virtual reality, 3D modeling of potentially dangerous situations and content with the deepest possible immersion. According to the retail giant, this is the future of consumer activity! Buyers will be able to take full-length 3D photos themselves, and then try on all the clothes from the store on their virtual copy without looking up from their smartphone. Or go to a virtual boutique and choose goods with the help of a virtual sales assistant. It will also be possible to create a 3D model of your house and, wearing VR glasses, check what dangers a small child may face.

Useful questions and answers

Where and how? How to find the right store.

Could you recommend a good toy shop/store?
Can you recommend a good toy store?
The best toy shop is in the shopping centre.
The best toy store is in the mall.
Is there a chemist/pharmacy in this area?
Is there a pharmacy near here?
The nearest one is a few miles away.
The nearest store is a few miles from here.
Could you tell me where could I get pet food from?
Can you tell me where I can get pet food?
You can buy here in the hotel.
You can buy it here at the hotel.
Do you know where the nearest shopping mall is? Can I find some records to buy there?
Do you know where the nearest shopping center is? Can I buy music records there?
There is a really good record shop just around the corner.
There's a great music store right around the corner here.

Could you direct me to the nearest post office, please?
Can you tell me where the nearest post office is?
Sure thing, just follow me. I'm heading there now.
Of course, just follow me. I'm just heading there.
I "m sorry, I" d like to send a letter here. Could you please tell me where the nearest post office is?
I'm sorry, I'd like to send mail. Can you please tell me where is the nearest post office?
The post office isn't open on Sundays.
The post office is closed on Sundays.
I "d like to buy an envelope for my letter then. Do you know where I could get that?
I would like to buy an envelope for my letter then. Do you know where you can buy one?
The convenience store on the corner might sell that.
The shop on the corner might have one.

Making a payment

You may be asked such questions and say the following phrases:

  • Are you in the queue?- Are you standing in line?
  • Are you being served?- Do you work?
  • Who's next?- Who is next?
  • Next please!- Next one, please!
  • How would you like to pay?- How do you like to pay?
  • Will that be cash or credit?- Cash or card?
  • Do you have a loyalty card?- Do you have a loyalty card?
  • Would you like a bag?- Do you need a package?
  • Will that be all?- It's all?
  • Would you like a gift receipt for that?- Do you need a gift receipt for this?
  • Would you like me to gift wrap it for you?- Would you like to wrap this in a gift box?
  • Would you like that gift wrapped?- Would you like to wrap a present?
  • Would you like any cashback?- Are you interested in cashback? Cashback - a discount when paying in cash, or receiving cash from a debit card in a retail outlet when paying for a purchase; compensatory discount from the purchase price.
  • Put your card into the machine, please.- Insert the card into the terminal, please.
  • Enter your PIN, please.- Enter your PIN, please.
  • That comes to ….(price), please.- From you... please.
  • The total is ….(price).- The price (total) is...
  • That's ….(price), please.- It will (cost) ... please.

And you can answer this question with a question:

  • Do you take credit cards?- Do you accept credit cards?
  • Can I pay by check, please?- Can I pay by check (write a check), please?
  • Could I have a receipt, please?- Can I have a receipt for payment (cheque), please?
  • Could I have a gift receipt, please?- May I have a gift voucher, please?
  • Could you gift wrap that for me please?- Can you gift wrap this for me, please?
  • Can I put one item back, please? I've changed my mind about this one. - Can I return the product? I changed my mind about this.
  • Could I leave my bags here, and pick them up later, please?- Can I leave my packages here and pick them up later?
  • Do you offer a cash discount?- Do you have a a discount?
  • Does it have a warranty/guarantee?- Is there a guarantee for this?

But they can answer you like this:

  • We take/accept all major credit cards.- We accept all major credit cards.
  • Sorry, we don't accept checks.- Sorry, we don't accept checks.
  • I'm afraid we take cash only.- I'm afraid we only accept cash.
  • We're offering 6 months credit, with no deposit, if you're interested.- We offer a loan for 6 months, no deposit, if you are interested.

Well, you, in turn, can blurt out:

  • I'll pay in cash.- I'll pay cash.
  • I'll pay by card. - I'll pay by card.
  • Here's ….(money), keep the change!- Here ... (amount of money), change is not necessary!
  • That's it for today.- That's all for today.
  • That's all, thanks.- That's all, thank you.
  • thank you. Have a good day!- Thanks. Have a nice day!

If something does not suit you, and you want to be indignant, then choose from these phrases:

  • Who can I speak to about making a complaint?- Who can I talk to about filing a complaint?
  • Could I have a refund please?- Can I get a refund?
  • Can I speak to the manager, please?- Can I speak to the manager?
  • I'd like to return this, please. It doesn't work.- I'd like to return this, please. It doesn't work.
  • I'd like to make a complaint.- I would like to file a daloba.
  • I'd like to change this for a different size, please. It doesn't fit.- I'd like to exchange it for another size, please. It does not suit me.
  • Do you have the original receipt?- Do you have the original receipt?
  • Did you buy it from one of our other stores?-It was a gift, but I don't like it.- Did you buy it in one of our stores? - It was a gift to me, but I'm far from delighted.
  • Can I ask why you're returning it, please? - It was a gift, but the person I bought it for doesn't like it. well?- May I know the reason for the return? - It was a gift, but the person I bought it for didn't like it. Well, now what?
  • Can I ask why you've changed your mind please?-I was drunk.- May I know why you changed your mind, please? - I was drunk.

Signboards and announcements

  • open- open;
  • closed- closed;
  • Open 24HRS (hours) a day- around the clock;
  • special offer- special offer;
  • Sale- sale (sale at a reduced price), sale at a reduced price at the end of the season;
  • Clearance sale- full sale;
  • Closing down sale- sale due to the closure of the store (enterprise);
  • Everything must go! /reduced to clear- Everything must be sold out! Everything is for sale! Get rid of everything!;
  • liquidation sale- liquidation sale, sale of property of a bankrupt company; sale of property under the threat of bankruptcy of the company;
  • Great value products- high quality products;
  • good value- good value for money, good price, good option, good deal;
  • Bargains- goods at reduced prices;
  • Buy 1 get 1 free- when buying 1 item, the second - as a gift;
  • Buy one get one half price- when buying 1 item, the next - at half the price;
  • half price sale- 50% discount;
  • 70% off everything- 70% discount on all goods;
  • Out for lunch- went to lunch (saleswoman);
  • Back in 15 minutes- I'll be back in 15 minutes;
  • Back at 2 p.m.- I will be at 14:00;
  • Shoplifters will be prosecuted- Shoplifting is punishable by law;
  • CCTV in operation- video surveillance is carried out;
  • Using credit cards- use credit cards;
  • Enter your pin- enter the PIN code;
  • Please wait- Wait, please;
  • Remove your card- withdraw your card;
  • Signature- signature.

Expressions and idioms about shopping

  • To buy a pig in a poke. We have a "pig in a poke", and the Americans have a pig in it. Buy a pig in a poke.
That ride he bought yesterday is a real pig in a poke.
That car that he bought yesterday is a real pig in a poke.
  • To buy the farm. We have “play box”, they have “buy a farm”. When pilots crashed in the middle of the 20th century, their planes often fell on someone's farm - and the state had to pay compensation to the owners of the farm. This is where the phrase "bought a farm" came from - it means that he fell on it. Later, the expression began to be used in the same way as "glued flippers". To die or "give oak."
He bought the farm last week.
He glued his fins last week.
  • The drinks are on me.- I've got a drink. I pay for drinks. Usually this refers to alcohol or food.
He was celebrating his birthday, so the drinks were on him.
He was celebrating his birthday, so the booze was on him.
  • To pay one's way- live within your means, pay for yourself, contribute, pay off, be profitable.

He "s a good man, he always pays his way.
He's a good man, he always pays for himself.
  • To pay over the odds- overpay.
She definitely paid over the odds for that dress.
She definitely overpaid for that dress.
  • to pay through the nose- to pay with interest, to lay out money, to pay dearly.
He ended up paying through the nose for that car.
He paid a lot for that car.
  • closed shop- an enterprise that employs only members of the trade union; closed enterprise.
The motor industry in the UK used to be a closed shop.
Businesses in the UK automotive industry are a "closed shop".
  • To be all over the shop- to be scattered everywhere; be in disarray; anywhere; anywhere; wherever you go.
His papers were all over the shop.
His papers were scattered all over the place.
I "ve looked for it all over the shop, but I still can't find it.
Where I just did not look for it, but still could not find it.
  • To shop around- visit stores, looking closely at prices and comparing them.

I always shop around first before buying something.
I always compare prices first before I buy something.
  • To shop lift- steal goods from the store, commit shoplifting.
He was caught shoplifting.
He was caught shoplifting.
  • To shop someone- extradite someone, "surrender" someone to the police.
He shopped her to the five-os*.
He turned her in to the cops.
*five-o- such a nickname for police officers originated from the series "Hawaii 5-O", an American police drama TV show that aired on CBS in the 70s.
  • To shop till you drop- shopping until you drop. Go on a long shopping trip.
She shopped till she dropped yesterday.
Yesterday she was shopping till she dropped.
  • To talk shop- talk on a professional topic, talk about work, about business (for example, at a party).
He is so boring, all he does all day is talk shop.
He's so boring, he talks about his work all day.
  • To shut up shop- close the shop, round off, wind up the case.
We were so exhausted so we decided to shut up shop and get some booze.
We were so exhausted that we decided to just close the shop and buy alcohol.

Now you know! Now you are armed and dangerous. Time to buy tickets and go shopping in Los Angeles or London! Spend your money wisely and choose only the things you need.

Shop till you drop and do it with pleasure!

Big and friendly family EnglishDom