Top 10 most beautiful parrots. The most beautiful parrots in the world

Parrots are the most popular pet birds in the world. They have always been loved for their colorful plumage and for their intelligence. There are 372 known species of parrots, and most of them live in warm tropical regions. The greatest variety of parrots is found in South America and Australia.

To begin with, a beautiful parrot Sunny Aratinga, Lives in South America. Lives up to 30 years. Despite its relatively small size, it is known for its loud calls. Able to imitate a person.

Green-tailed broad-tailed loris

Another attractive and colorful bird from the Australian region is the green-tailed broad-tailed loris. Lives in Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands. Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests and subtropical or tropical moist mountains.

The amazing and fascinating variegated roselles are often kept as pets.
These are intelligent birds that can be taught to whistle a wide range of melodies and can even be taught to speak a few words or phrases. It is native to Australia and Tasmania. More details on the page:

Native to Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. Its natural habitat is subtropical or tropical forests, mangrove and subtropical and tropical mountains.

Another species with magnificent bright colors is the Golden Aratinga, also known as the Golden Parrot. Lives in dry, mountain forests in Brazil. The Golden Aratinga is naturally playful and outgoing. These parrots eat fruits, flowers, buds, seeds.

They live in the humid and dense forests of the mountainous regions of Eastern Australia, including eucalyptus woodland in and in close proximity to subtropical and temperate rainforest. The Australian King Parrot can sometimes be bred in aviaries and live at home. As you know, live up to 25 years.

The color of the Bronze-winged Parrot is unique. It is completely different from the usual coloring of parrots. Lives in Peru.

blue and yellow macaw

This parrot with a wonderful color combination is relatively easy to breed in captivity. Blue and yellow macaws live in many zoos around the world. Lives in north-central Bolivia.

The cherry red lorikeet lives on the island of Pohnpei. His cherry red plumage is completely different from the usual green, yellow, red and blue combinations.

Rare species of parrots Inca cockatoos inhabit mainly arid areas near water bodies of southern and western Australia. The average life expectancy of an individual is 50-60 years. It is quite difficult to meet this type of parrot as a pet - the Inca Cockatoo is protected in all states of the country, selling them abroad is prohibited. It is not imported to Europe, the only option is to purchase a hatched chick from amateurs. which are very few, and the price is significant.

Red and Hyacinth Macaw

The most beautiful colors and fairly easy care at home (with proper care, Macaws adapt well and breed in captivity) are the main differences between this species that lives in the wooded areas of the tropical forests of South and Central America. Macaws are flocking birds that create pairs for a long time, their diet includes fruits and vegetables, mainly grain mixtures. They live from 40 to 70 years.

multicolored lorikeet

They live in the tropical forests of New Guinea, Caledonia and Tasmania, as well as in the Solomon Islands and Goali, eastern and northern parts of Australia. Macaws are especially popular with hobbyists for their beautiful color combinations, and are much more common in captivity than other parrot species. These wonderful birds live up to 20 years.

fan parrot

Beautiful fan parrots live in impenetrable dense forests in the north of Bolivia in the Amazon basin. They are very unpretentious and have a calm character, they feel great in captivity and very quickly become attached to a person. On average, fan parrots live up to 40 years.


Corella parrots Prefer dry areas of Australia, live mainly on desert plains near the shores of lakes and rivers, open eucalyptus groves and savannas, overgrown with dense shrubs, in which they remain almost invisible due to their color. Cockatiels are very popular among hobbyists and are often found in captivity, despite the fact that their sale and export is prohibited by Australian law. This type of parrot quickly gets used to a person, breeds easily, and recognize melodies and remember individual words. See photos and prices at for Corella parrots.

Banks' mourning cockatoo

Very rare and rightfully the most beautiful of the cockatoo family, one of the most expensive birds living at home is the Banks Funeral Cockatoo, named after the naturalist - Englishman Sir Joseph Banks (naturalist). Black cockatoos live in the coastal, tropical and eucalyptus forests of northern and western Australia. The duration of parrots of this species is already more than a hundred years!

variegated rosella

An amazing and beautiful variegated rosella, which is native to Tasmania and Australia, can often be found in captivity as pets. After all, parrots of this species are very smart and fascinating, they are able to remember and pronounce a certain number of phrases, whistle melodies, their repertoire is considerable.

Parrots are bright and intelligent birds that have attracted beauty for many years. They are often planted in houses and apartments, because they bring joy and happiness, make housing bright, fill with kindness and positive energy. But beautiful parrots are successful. Birds are endowed with bright plumage, which has an attractive power. In nature, there are many breeds of beautiful parrots, of which it is worth highlighting the popular ones.

They are the brightest parrots. Nature endowed them with a bright and colorful color:

  • their head area is painted turquoise;
  • the front of the abdomen and neck has a rich blue tint. The presence of a ring on the neck dilutes the dark color, painted yellow;
  • the chest part has a scarlet color, and the side zones have a shade of ocher color;
  • wings, back surface and upper tail - painted green;
  • the beak has an ocher color, the same color of the eyes in females, but the iris in males has a scarlet color.

Outwardly, individuals are small. Adult birds have sizes:

  • body length is 27-30 cm;
  • wing length - 16 cm;
  • the weight of an adult parrot is no more than 140 grams.

The helmeted cockatoo is the most beautiful parrot that prefers to live in southeastern Australia.

The main features of the birds of this breed include:

  • The color of plumage in birds is gray. Each feather has an ash-colored border;
  • the male has an orange crest and head, while the females have these parts grey;
  • the lower body and tail of birds have an orange tint;
  • body length indicators in adults are 33-38 cm;
  • on average, a parrot weighs 240-280 grams.

It prefers to live in the territory of eucalyptus forests, which are located in the mountains at a height of 2 meters. Birds spend their whole lives on the surface of tree crowns, where they make nests and feed.

hyacinth macaw

Considering representatives among the most beautiful parrots in the world, you should pay attention to. They are large, the size of their body length can be 1 meter, and sometimes more.

Important! Hyacinth macaws are endangered. There are few left in the world. Surviving members of the population are found in southern Brazil.

The main quality of birds is plumage - painted in a bright blue hue. Their beak is large, at the bottom at the base there is a bright yellow edging. In addition, birds are endowed with dexterous and skillful fingers on their paws, with which they can easily hold and use tools.

Representatives of the solar aratinga breed are endowed with a unique appearance, this is a very beautiful parrot that cannot be compared with other birds. The bird is a South American species that lives in southern Venezuela.

The main features of the feathered one include:

  • parrots have a bright lemon-colored plumage;
  • their abdomen is bright yellow with a smooth transition to an orange hue;
  • the head of birds has plumage with an orange color;
  • the average length of the body is 28 cm;
  • the weight of an adult does not exceed 125 grams;
  • in appearance it is difficult and impossible to distinguish between gender;
  • on average, parrots live from 26 to 30 years.

This is the most beautiful parrot in the world lives in Chile, Argentina, in the southern part of Uruguay. Birds prefer to live in empty places without people.

The main characteristic qualities of parrots of this breed include:

  • the body has a beautiful plumage, which has an olive-brown color with a hint of brown;
  • wings and head also have an olive-brown color, but they have a greenish tint;
  • the main color of the abdomen is yellow, in the center there is a spot of red color;
  • the chest and throat area has a grayish-brown color;
  • males have some distinctive qualities - they have a larger head, a massive beak and a belly that has a brighter red-orange hue.

Inca cockatoo

When studying representatives among the best and most beautiful parrots, you should not bypass the birds of the breed. These are unique feathered individuals, which nature has awarded with incredible beauty. They have a delicate plumage color - white and pink, it is she who makes them fragile and unusual.

Parrots live in the southern and western parts of Australia.

The main qualities of birds include:

  • body length indicators range from 33 to 42 cm;
  • the weight of adult males can be on average 320-450 grams;
  • the mass of females is in the range of 360-450 grams;
  • crest length dimensions - about 18 cm;
  • The life expectancy of birds is from 35 to 75 years.

Under natural conditions, birds can live even in deserts, but it is important for them that there is a reservoir nearby. They like to live in the territory of light eucalyptus forests. They prefer to live in groups or in pairs. They feed on vegetation and small food of animal origin.

This is a very beautiful parrot that lives in South America. Representatives of this breed have a bright appearance, they have an unusual plumage with an emerald color. But the back of the head and neck are painted in ruby ​​color. The chest region has a dark ruby ​​color, and the border has a pale blue color.

Adult birds have the following parameters:

  • body length size is 36 cm;
  • tail in length does not exceed 17 cm;
  • the weight of the parrot is not more than 280-290 grams.

In nature, there are two types of fan parrot:

  • nominal. He has a light shade of the frontal part. Widespread among bird breeders;
  • brazilian fan. The color of the frontal part is dark. This is a very rare bird species. The parrot was introduced to Europe in the 1980s by mistake. It is very similar to its counterparts of the denomination type, therefore, when imported at customs, it was confused.

These are cute parrots that prefer to live in the upper tier of the rainforest. They build nests there, feed and breed offspring, rarely descend to the ground. Birds live in Southeast Asia.

The main features of parrots include:

  • representatives have an unusual plumage color - it has a grassy green color;
  • the crown area has a blue tint;
  • on the shoulder blades there is a spot with a brown color;
  • there is a black stripe on the frontal part;
  • males have a beautiful necklace. It is colored pink in the upper part of the neck, and has a black color on the sides and in the lower part of the beak, from the side this part looks like a tie.

These are cute parrots that appeared in the northeastern part of Brazil. At the same time, representatives of the breed have a number of features:

  • they are smart and friendly birds that always get along easily with a person;
  • body size in adults is small - on average, its length can reach up to 29-32 cm;
  • the body color of females and males is the same;
  • sometimes in males the lower part has an intense orange color.

In the wild, it prefers only plant foods. Birds love corn, wheat, millet and other plants. They live in small flocks, over time they break up into pairs and fly away to build nests.

This is a very beautiful parrot, which was named after the English naturalist - Sir Joseph Banks. The color of the plumage of birds is dominated by black.

Among the main qualities of a parrot, it is worth highlighting:

  • in males, the plumage is black and has a bright sheen. There is a red stripe on the surface of the tail;
  • in females, the plumage is also black in color, but it has a characteristic brown tint. On the abdomen, head, wings, neck, tail there are blotches with a pale yellow color;
  • on the surface of the head there is a lush movable crest;
  • birds have a massive beak. In males, it has a dark gray color, and in females, light gray.

All over the world there are many species of parrots that are endowed with a unique beauty. These birds are different from all - smart, quick-witted, smart. Nature has awarded them with a mass of virtues, which every time amaze many people and once again make it clear that the parrot is unique and not like other members of the feathered family.

For aquarium. It's time to talk about parrots, because they are also among the most common pets. We present to your attention the Top 10, which presents the most beautiful parrots in the world. Photos and brief descriptions are attached to the rating. Through this article, you will learn about the features, habitat and abilities of man's feathered friends. Surely, many will learn something new and interesting about parrots. Let's get to the review!

Top 10 most beautiful parrots in the world


The representative of the Melopsittacus family opens the rating with the most beautiful parrots on the planet. We are talking about a budgerigar, which is distinguished by talkativeness and a good memory. This unique bird easily remembers the words and expressions of its owners. You can tune in to the noise on his part. The parrot easily gets along with other pets and copies their sounds. Most often, memorized words are repeated without associated logic. However, the budgerigar attracts not so much with its ingenuity as with its beauty.

The black-headed white-bellied parrot reaches a size of 23-24 centimeters. The average tail size is 6 centimeters. It has a very beautiful coloration. Black from forehead to nape. The eyes are green, however, as is the bridle. The front of the head is orange, and the top of the neck is brown. In some cases, blue feathers come across. A very beautiful parrot with a multi-colored color and a good memory. The behavior is quite complex. Getting him used to anything is not easy!

Another representative of the parrot family, which delights with its appearance. It is worth noting that this is not only one of the most beautiful parrots on the planet, but also the only species of the genus Pseudeos fuscata. Has a unique coloration. Plumage color - brown, olive. The lower part of the bird is yellowish white. Abdomen, thighs and neck red. There are yellowish, orange stripes on the chest. It is worth noting that the parrot's beak is made in red. At the same time, females and males differ not only in color, but also in shape.

Jaco is a unique parrot whose length reaches 30-35 centimeters. Wherein:

  • swing: 65 cm;
  • wing length: 22 cm;
  • tail: 8 cm.

Gray parrots have a curved black beak. The iris is green. Legs are lead grey. A distinctive feature is the fact that the rim, wax, nostrils are covered with leather. It is worth noting that this unique species lives up to 50 years. The advantages of this variety of parrots must also include quick wits and a good memory.

The bronze-winged parrot is another unique, beautiful species that has a body length of 27 centimeters. The length of the tail reaches 8 centimeters. Plumage color is black. There is a blue tint in the sun. The upper part of the plumage and body is made in dark brown. The beak is yellow. Flight feathers are blue in color. However, as well as a rump with a tail. The undertail is red with a purple edge. Due to the merits of the breed, it is worth adding that the parrot is quite smart and calm.

A unique parrot named after an English naturalist named Joseph Banks. The length is 63 cm, tail 24 cm, weight up to 870 g. Males have the following coloration:

  1. Beak: dark blue;
  2. Feathers: black with a red stripe;
  3. There are many spots on the head.

Females are distinguished by the presence of a greater number of different colors. As a rule, the Cockatoo has a long tail and a short crest. Most often, the iris is represented by a dark brown color. Feet are either brown or grey.

The only species of parrot with such a bright color. A unique species, having a length with a tail up to 33 cm. The tail itself is 15-16 centimeters. The weight of a small bird is up to 100 g. Corella belongs to the most beautiful parrot for a good reason. This is the presence of high laughter, and a long pointed tail, and up to 10 different unique colors. There are also flight and tail feathers. It is worth noting that the cheeks and front of the Corella are distinguished by a bright orange color, and the beak looks like a cockatoo. The female differs from the male only in the absence of apples on the cheeks.

Among the most unusual and beautiful parrots, it is definitely necessary to include the species of Aratinga Yandaya. The length of the average representative of this genus is 30 centimeters. It is very difficult to distinguish a female from a male, since they have the same color. However, females have a slightly paler orange underbody than males. Aratinga Yandaya feeds on berries and seeds. They often raid corn plantations. It is worth adding that representatives of this species try to stay in groups.

There are 350 different types of parrots. Many species of parrots are kept in captivity due to the fact that they are very bright, intelligent and playful. Many species also have excellent communication skills. Here are the 10 most beautiful parrots in the world.

10. Sulphur-crested cockatoo

The Sulphur-crested Cockatoo is a large beautiful species of parrot. They are known for their distinctive sulphur-yellow crest. They live in Australia, New Guinea and Indonesia. This species has a length of 43 to 64 cm and white plumage. Also notable is the dark brown beak of the great yellow-crested cockatoo.

Males and females are almost the same. The main difference between the two is eye color, the female has red-brown eyes while the male has dark brown. Birds use a wide range of loud sounds to communicate.

The large Sulphur-crested cockatoo makes its nest in the hollows of the trees. These remarkable parrots live up to 70 years. The family group stays together for many years. They mainly feed on berries, seeds, nuts and roots.

9. Bronze-winged parrot

Bronze-winged parrots are an unusually colored species of medium-sized parrot native to South America. Their plumage is in dark purple or blue coloration and has a bronze part on the wings. Their feathers are purple on the edges of their wings and pink on their throats. These are sociable, calm and beautiful parrots.

Bronze-winged parrots are smart and playful. In the wild, they live in tree cavities. The breeding season occurs from March to June. The female lays three or four eggs and the incubation lasted 36 days.

8. White-backed loris

Very active and playful, white-backed lorises are one of the most popular parrots in the world. Intelligent birds imitate human speech very well. They also love to play with toys and interact with people. The white-backed loris is native to Papua New Guinea.

The white-backed loris is up to 30 cm long and weighs up to 300 g. Males and females look the same and have a bright orange upper chest, cream rump, gray legs and a dark orange beak. They live in the tropical and subtropical forests of Papua New Guinea. The diet of white-backed lorises consists of fruits, nectar and seeds.

7 Pink Cockatoo

Beautiful pink cockatoos are easy to identify by the pink color of the chest and the pink part of the head. They are found in almost all regions of Australia. Pink cockatoos are also very social species found in large herds.

Pink cockatoos reach a length of 35 cm and weigh from 270 to 350 grams. Their upper part and short tail are gray in color. Males and females look almost the same, although the eye color of males is dark brown, while that of females is pinkish red.

Large flocks of pink cockatoos include up to 1000 birds. They often perform acrobatic stunts while flying. Their flocks also travel long distances in search of food.

6. Blue and yellow macaw

The blue and yellow macaw is a large and beautiful parrot native to South America. It lives in wet forests and swamps. It has a blue upper part and a yellow lower part. The bright color and ability to talk also make the blue and yellow macaw a favorite among popular pet birds.

This parrot species is extremely social and intelligent. They love to interact with people and easily learn to do different tricks from their owners.

5. Jaco

Jaco is the smartest talkative parrot in the world. His close relationship with the owner allows the Jaco to excel in the ability to speak. Jacos are gray in color, so they are often called serim parrots and are endemic to the Congo, Africa. They have a wingspan between 46 cm and 52 cm. Male and female Grays are very similar.

4. Solar Aratinga

The Sunny Aratinga is an attractive and endemic native to South America. Their amazing plumage displays yellow, red, orange, blue and green. They also have a white eye rim and green wing markings. Like many other parrots, both males and females look the same. They are also known for imitating the human voice.

Unlike adults, young birds are olive in color. It changes to a mixture of different bright colors after they are 6 months old. Solar aratingas create groups that contain up to 30 birds and feed on berries, fruits, nuts, and flowers.

3. Hyacinth Macaw

The Hyacinth Macaw is the largest parrot species in the world with a length of up to 1 meter and even a little more. It is a critically endangered parrot and the surviving members are mostly found in Southern Brazil. They have bright blue plumage and a large beak. The sentient hyacinth macaws are also known for their ability to use tools with their thumbs.

2. Noble green-red parrot

The noble green and red parrot native to Papua New Guinea has a strikingly bright coloration. The male has a bright green plumage, while the female has a bright red-purple plumage. This sexual dimorphism in colors also makes this species unusual among parrots, as both male and female parrots generally have the same appearance.

Another noticeable change between both sexes is the coloration of the beak. Males have an orange top and yellow tip, while females have a black bill.

The noble green and red parrot is also among the best pet birds in the world. They are very calm social birds. They display their communication skills in a completely different way than other types of parrots. To express excitement and threat, these parrots raise their head feathers. They live up to 30 years.

1 Red Macaw

The red macaw is one of the most beautiful and largest parrots in the world. It lives in the tropical forests of Central and South America. Red macaws are known for their attractive plumage. Most of their body is bright red, they also have a blue back, yellow markings on the upper wing, and a light blue tail.

This intelligent species of parrot shows superiority in mimicking several words and voices. They are also smart enough to learn tricks from their owners through proper training. Red macaws can even recognize different shapes and colors. They have a long lifespan, between 40-50 years.

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