Wishes to agricultural workers. Congratulations on the day of agriculture in prose

As strange as it may seem, all people want to eat. And not sometimes, but every day. But people are used to the fact that store shelves are always full of various products and often do not appreciate the work of agricultural workers, those who provide the entire country with food. And these are not necessarily employees of large agro-industrial complexes, these are people who have spent their entire lives on the land, that is, they worked in personal subsidiary farms, at small private businesses, raising livestock, developing vegetable growing, plant growing and processing the grown products for consumption by society. They provide all of us with fresh milk and meat, fruits and vegetables... Assessing the role of agriculture and its processing in the life of the country, by presidential decree of May 31, 1999, every second Sunday in October is considered the Day of Agricultural and Processing Industry Workers.

I wish you a great harvest
To continuously increase income,
And so that people respect your work,
Was very fertile every year.

Love and happiness to your kind families,
Prosperity and luck in everything,
I wish you awards and many awards
For your success in such great work!

Everyone who farms
He dedicated his life and work.
Congratulations on a wonderful day
Let there be enough strength for everything.

Thank you for your work
After all, you feed the people.
I wish you good health
And do not know the fate of adversity.

Let work be a joy
The result warms the soul.
On the way to victories prominent
Let there be fewer barriers.

I congratulate people whose hearts are forever given to our native expanses: fields, forests and rivers. People whose hands work every day for the good of our people. I wish you, dear ones, that your health be as strong and powerful as our entire processing industry. I wish your every day to be prosperous and happy, and your every hour to be filled with joy, success and positive. I wish you great achievements in business, new discoveries in your field, a good harvest, a large offspring and a stable income. Happy Agriculture and Processing Industry Day!

Thanks to everyone who sows, plows,
Who takes care of our crops
Handles them well
So that the harvest gets on the table to us.

Health to you and strength in abundance,
To go to work with a smile
The weather is clear daily
And the atmosphere to you sincere!

On agriculture
The whole of Russia is worth it!
It is our wealth
And it is our strength.

We congratulate you
Good luck!
Your work for the country
It means a lot!

Let there be health
And in families prosperity,
And will be worthy
Your pay for your work!

Today we congratulate the great people.
After all, you will not find work more difficult in the world:
And keep livestock, and harvest,
And recycle so that the edge is full.

Congratulations to the workers of the industry
which has become the main
For human life. And let this work
Always respected and appreciated and honored.

You are like a fish in water in agriculture,
So let in everything you, always and everywhere
Luck accompanies, just lucky.
And may happiness find you!

Agricultural workers, bow to you
For hard work and eternal worries.
Thank you for creating all the blessings
For your important and difficult work.

For hard work, honor and praise to you.
May all early dawns be kind,
May the country respond well to you ...
And your children will be happy and healthy!

On your bright holiday, let your dreams come true.
Let the earth rejoice with its bestowal.
Let it be joyful, joyful in the soul.
And all the best to you, but how else?!

Happy Agricultural Worker's Day!
Let success be in full swing
So that in the heat and in the rain, in the cold -
In a fighting mood.

Let luck not fail
And warmth lives in the soul,
So that everything that happens
It only worked for you!

Agriculture is the head of everything,
Everything in it must be done only according to the mind,
We need to work for the harvest,
It would be the best, and the income is heaven!

We congratulate you on this bright day,
A song, like an ode, we sing for you,
We wish you joy and happiness
Harvest tons of golden fields!

More equipment, and warm rains,
Sunlight to all the way through
And there is a lot of health, so that for a whole century,
After all, a person is important in this economy!

We wish you much happiness
Harvest and milk yield,
Thank you for your work
And food supply!

Let in business, family and friendship
You have success
And always at your service
There will be peace, kindness and laughter!
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Reading 6 min. Views 7 Posted on 2019-10-12

When is it celebrated?
D The day of the worker in agriculture and processing industry is celebrated in Russia annually on the second Sunday of October.
The date is fixed by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 31, 1999 No. 679 “On the Day of the Worker in Agriculture and the Processing Industry”. The document was signed by B. Yeltsin.
An indispensable attribute of the holiday is a sheaf of wheat, which is placed indoors.

What to wish?
T texts of short official congratulations on the day of the worker of agriculture and the processing industry in prose (in their own words).

Official congratulations

P I congratulate you on the Day of the worker of agriculture and processing industry. I wish you to be a leader in your field, a winner in life and a constant favorite of great luck. I wish you not to know fatigue, I wish you to successfully fulfill your plans and keep a high standard of quality.

FROM Today I want to congratulate you on the Day of Agricultural and Processing Industry Workers. I wish you stability, success, prosperity and well-being in your activities. Let work bring pleasure. May life please you with happiness every day, may there be loved ones and faithful friendly support nearby.

P I congratulate real workers who tirelessly work for the good of their country, all workers in agriculture and the processing industry. I wish you always a productive year, good milk yields and stable growth. I wish you prosperity and great prosperity. Health and always good mood, so that your products are always charged with positive and a piece of your good soul.

D Dear our employees of agriculture and processing industry, we congratulate you on your professional holiday and wish you good health, career growth and passion, interest and love for your work, success in all your endeavors, future prospects and, of course, demand. Thank you very much for your work and the soul that you put into your hard work.

AND what would big cities turn into if agricultural and processing industry workers ceased their activities?! Of course, your work deserves respect and financial confirmation of this. On this day, accept sincere words of gratitude and wishes for a stable growth.

P I congratulate you on the Day of the worker of agriculture and processing industry. I wish that the crops are earing and there is always order in the economy, so that there are always enough resources, and I had to forget about losses. High results in activities and prosperity in life!

P I congratulate you on the Day of the worker of agriculture and processing industry. I sincerely wish to be in charge not only in the expanses of rural fields, but also in the perimeters of my life, to earn not only by processing, but also by glorious deeds. Health and prosperity, success and love!

Short Wishes

FROM I heartily congratulate you on the Day of the worker of agriculture and processing industry. I wish you resounding success and remarkable achievements in your work, prosperous and hard work, high prosperity and amazing opportunities, good health and confident strength, respect and true luck, bright happiness and kindness.

P I congratulate you on the Day of the worker of agriculture and processing industry. Let your life be fertile soil for generous harvests of well-being, joy, love. I wish you good work and successful implementation of all your goals, as well as the quick processing of any idea into success!

W farmers, livestock breeders, your goal is high, you work for the benefit of the entire population, your work provides food for all of us. Thanks for your helpful work! We wish the owners of the fields, the masters of animals today good health, happiness for many years, well-paid work, family warmth and prosperity!

P congratulations to all real hard workers, workers in the processing industry and agriculture. Your work gives the results that we see and use every day of our lives. Thank you for working tirelessly and with the sweat of your face for all of us!

P congratulations on your professional holiday! Let your business prosper, be successful, in demand and highly paid. Good health, career growth, implementation of new ideas, innovation, high productivity. I wish you deep satisfaction with your work and life!

P I congratulate you on the Day of the worker of agriculture and processing industry. I wish you great happiness for your broad soul, great success for your broad ideas, great achievements in the wide expanses of your activity. I also wish you health and vigor, inspiration and strength!

IN On the day of the worker of agriculture and the processing industry, I would like to wish great recognition and respect for work and efforts, high prosperity in life and promising ideas, faithful comrades nearby and loving loved ones, confident positions and perfectly executed plans.

FROM Agriculture is an important branch of our country! I wish every agricultural worker fruitful work, excellent harvests and easy everyday life! Let your life be full of love, kindness, happiness and prosperity!

P Please accept bright and warm congratulations on the Day of the Worker of Agriculture and Processing Industry. Low bow for your tireless daily work. Be healthy, let the work be a pleasure, and its fruits bring benefits to people, and you - a good income. We wish new creative ideas, innovations, progress and prosperity.

Congratulations in your own words

P I congratulate you on the Day of the worker of agriculture and processing industry. I wish you to skillfully manage all the resources, I wish you to achieve high results in your activities and the realization of all your dreams in life. May the hopes and expectations of every day be safely processed into success and prosperity!

IN your professional holiday, we wish that any undertaking be fruitful, and difficulties be solved easily and end in success. I wish you health, peace and good luck in your honorable and necessary work.

TO as the Greek philosopher said, "Agriculture is for a noble and highly spiritual person the best of all professions and arts by which one can seek a livelihood." Happy day to all who work the land and provide us with the food we see on our tables! May every year be fruitful, animals healthy and obedient, and innovations and technologies continue to make your life easier. Happy holiday!

P I congratulate you on the Day of the worker of agriculture and processing industry. I wish to be a wonderful bright person, like a sunflower - an inflorescence of the sun. I wish you rich harvests in the fields, and good raw materials in the bins, I wish you always skillfully manage resources and, in general, cope with the work with a bang!

FROM We heartily congratulate those who feed the country with their own hands! Thanks to whom the bread on the table is familiar to us! Thank you for your work, all the efforts you put in and may good health help you out!

P congratulations on your professional holiday! Happy Labor Day, thanks to which priceless gifts of nature come to our families and homes. Satisfied bread life to you, milk rivers of health and buttered favorable fate!

P I congratulate people whose hearts are forever given to our native expanses: fields, forests and rivers. People whose hands work every day for the good of our people. I wish you, dear ones, that your health be as strong and powerful as our entire processing industry. I wish your every day to be prosperous and happy, and your every hour to be filled with joy, success and positive. I wish you great achievements in business, new discoveries in your field, a good harvest, a large offspring and a stable income. Happy Agriculture and Processing Industry Day!

Everyone who farms
He dedicated his life and work.
Congratulations on a wonderful day
Let there be enough strength for everything.

Thank you for your work
After all, you feed the people.
I wish you good health
And do not know the fate of adversity.

Let work be a joy
The result warms the soul.
On the way to outstanding victories
Let there be less interference.


Agricultural workers, lower bow to you
For hard work and eternal worries.
Thank you for creating all the blessings
For your important and difficult work.

For hard work, honor and praise to you.
May all early dawns be good,
Let the Country respond to you with goodness ...
And your children will be happy and healthy!

On your bright holiday, let your dreams come true.
Let the earth rejoice with its bestowal.
Let it be joyful, joyful in the soul.
And all the best to you, but how else?!


I greet real workers, tirelessly working for the good of their country, all workers in agriculture and the processing industry. I wish you always a productive year, good milk yields and stable growth. I wish you prosperity and great prosperity. Health and always good mood, so that your products are always charged with positive and a piece of your good soul.


I wish you a great harvest
To continuously grow income,
And so that people respect your work,
Was very fertile every year.

Love and happiness to your kind families,
Abundance and luck in everything
I wish you awards and many awards
For your success in such great work!


Thanks to everyone who sows, plows,
Who takes care of our crops
Handles them well
So that the harvest gets on the table to us.

Health to you and strength in abundance,
To go to work with a smile
The weather is clear every day
And the atmosphere to you sincere!

Congratulations on the Day of Agricultural Workers


Agriculture is the head of everything
Everything in it must be done only according to the mind,
We need to work for the harvest,
It would be the best, and the income is heaven!

We congratulate you on this bright day,
A song, like an ode, we sing for you,
We wish you joy and happiness
Harvest tons of golden fields!

More equipment, and warm rains,
Sunlight to all the way through
And there is a lot of health, so that for a whole century,
After all, this is an important person in the economy!


Today we congratulate the great people.
After all, you won’t find a harder job in the world:
And keep livestock, and harvest,
And redo it so that the edge is full.

Congratulations to the workers of the industry
which has become the main
For human life. And let this work
Always respect, and appreciate, and respect.

You are like a fish in water in agriculture,
So let in everything you, always and everywhere
Luck accompanies, just lucky.
And may happiness find you!


Earth lovers, village workers,
Not an easy fate and life is always at work.
We wish you well and all the blessings of life,
To be good, because we have you in high esteem!

Your holiday is dear to everyone, everything rests on you,
All that we have is the result of immeasurable labors.
We wish you warmth, prosperity and love,
And faith that good will return without fail!


Congratulations to those who know for sure
About how millet ripens in the field!
For you, who knows how to work,
And he does not spare his strength at all!
It’s easier for you to work and more rain,
And since it's winter, so rest longer.
Always good luck in everything!
Let the house be great, the house will be huge.
Beautiful life, bright in it!
Work is not a wolf, they say here and there.
Let the wolves not run away into the forest with you!


On agriculture
The whole of Russia is worth it!
It is our wealth
And it is our strength.

We salute you
Good luck!
Your work for the country
It means a lot!

Let there be health
And in families prosperity,
And will be worthy
Your pay for your work!

When is the Day of Agricultural Workers 2019 - October 14


We heartily congratulate you
Happy professional day!
We wish you good luck in everything -
At work and in the family.

Let there be a friendly team
Laughter helps.
You supply the country with goods,
Feed the inhabitants of you all.

We wish you good health
And do not get sick, and do not get sick.
We wish to always be an example
And overcome all obstacles.


Agriculture is so important
That your work is truly invaluable.
Success walks beside let bravely
And let us keep the age of health.

We wish you more strength, patience,
Everything is easy to reach heights.
And do not disturb the soul, let doubts,
And let everything, of course, be lucky.


For everyone involved in agriculture
I wish you health and strength.
Try to laugh more often
To make every day joyful.

Your work is not easy
We appreciate your hard work.
I wish you a comfortable life
May you be loved and welcomed at home.


To all those who work in agriculture,
I wish you good luck and personal happiness.
Let people appreciate your work,
And in life there will be neither grief nor fear.
Live stress-free and positive
So that sad thoughts do not come.


Happy Agricultural Worker's Day!
Let success be in full swing
So that in the heat and in the rain, in the cold -
In a fighting mood.

Let luck not fail
And the warmth lives in the soul,
So that everything that happens
It only worked for you!

Day of the worker of agriculture and processing industry


Your work is the welfare of the country.
So let her not forget you.
Let him appreciate the work by which we live,
And more often you are rewarded for everything.

Let there be respect and honor
Regalia, recognition and benefits.
May you, of course, be lucky in everything,
And to have the joy of work.

May happiness and comfort be in your house,
Health to you and your household.
Let the income exceed all expectations,
And there would be no reason to be upset.


Thank you for working for us...
What do you bend your backs in the fields every time,
So that we always have both bread and milk,
After all, it is not easy to get ...

Thank you for your hard work
May good luck in life only await you,
Love of relatives and all who will be near,
To be met only with a kind look!


You plow and sow
You can't be lazy.
Not knowing sleep and rest
Your work is like a feat.

Let the plans come out
Cultures are getting better
The weather pampers with rain,
And the yield is good.

We sincerely wish
Incomes to rise.
We thank you
We say thank you.


Labor in agriculture is honorable and glorious,
You supply us with fresh products,
Today we celebrated your main holiday,
Congratulations to you, working people!

Let the field fill with ripe grain,
Let vegetables ripen, herds graze,
Let it be free, beautiful in the village,
Reliable and satisfying let it always be!


Russia's power is growing and prospering,
As long as we have such people.
Everyone congratulates you on a sincere holiday,
Wishing you good health.

Success, prosperity, prosperity,
And happiness to you for many years,
Your choice is right, everything is fine with you,
May your names be glorious.

SMS congratulations on the Day of Agriculture


We wish you passion, perseverance in work,
So that your labors are not in vain,
After all, you bring us so many useful things.
Products, working as soon as the dawn rose.

More health, success, patience,
Big harvests, offspring, wealth,
And let only luck be constant,
And you, dear, do not overwork!


There are many things to do in the countryside
Either he did it or he didn't...
But today is very important
Put them all aside a little
And with friends for the household
Wave a couple of glasses.
I only ask you to know the measure,
Because tomorrow morning
Back in the field, back in action.
Glory to rural labor!


Happy Agriculture Day
All working people!
After all, your labors
Our country is alive.

Let the productivity grow
There will be no rodents.
I wish only the best
hardy varieties.

Health and happiness to you
For many years.
And life is long
No less than 100!

You are pride and support
breadwinners throughout the country.
Your work is very dear to us,
Its fruits are visible.


Today I would like to congratulate you on the Day of Agricultural and Processing Industry Workers. I wish you stability, success, prosperity and well-being in your activities. Let work bring pleasure. May life please you with happiness every day, may there be loved ones and faithful friendly support nearby.


Do you work with the earth?
Know that today is your holiday!
Everyone who works in the field
I wish not to know grief
So that you are lucky with the weather,
To have enough strength for everything
To a rich harvest
Always collected your land!

Touching congratulations on the Day of Agriculture in verse and prose


agricultural worker,
Today your holiday has come
Let it be a difficult, sometimes, share,
Mark with dignity, good!

Your work is honorable and huge,
We bow so much
For everyone, you are a hero, albeit a modest one,
We wish you happiness with all your heart!


Farm workers, thank you for your work,
I wish you great weather
Let the harvests not let you down
Pay back generously in time and expense.

Health and prosperity, may dreams
Come true and new ones come.
May the grapes of happiness be so juicy
How fertile is black soil.


All those who are attracted by work in agriculture,
Those who are engaged in the processing of rural products,
Let's congratulate now on a professional holiday,
Let the holiday be bright, magical, unreal!

We wish you success, great achievements,
Significant income and all task solutions,
Unprecedented progress, creative approaches,
Striving for success, positive emotions!


Congratulations to agricultural workers
And we wish you prosperity.
Always stability and growth,
Healthy livestock and livestock growth.

May the year be plentiful
Prosperity in activity awaits.
Health never fails you
Let trouble always pass by.


Kudos to you guys
Who works with the earth.
Let the pay be worthy
Spirit as before, fighting!

good health,
Do everything in life with love
Always be happy
After all, we are nowhere without you!

Poems for the Day of Agricultural Workers


Happy Agricultural Worker's Day,
With great wealth,
With diligence applied to work,
Well, with honesty, that every day is held in high esteem!

Be happy, responsible, loved,
Be young, always unique,
May work always be only a joy,
Bringing «luck» you and «sweet»!


On the day of the agricultural worker
Accept congratulations,
I wish frost
They didn't kill the harvest.

To make work a joy
Income has grown steadily
And everything in life worked out
No problem and no hassle!


On the day of the worker in agriculture and the processing industry, I would like to wish great recognition and respect for work and efforts, high prosperity in life and promising ideas, faithful comrades nearby and loving loved ones, confident positions and perfectly executed plans.


On the day of agricultural workers
We wish you a convoy
Remarkable harvest,
Your work is very wonderful!

You have very rich fields,
New technology and precise,
For the economy to flourish
To inspire work.

You health and success,
And more laughter at work
Our pride, you, the country,
Happiness and kindness to you!


Your hard work has not been in vain,
The heart rejoices with a significant harvest,
Pantries are filled to the edges,
Our homeland is flourishing!

agricultural workers,
From the bottom of our hearts we greet you
Do you create countries of wealth,
Kudos to you for this from all of us!

Funny congratulations on the Day of Agriculture in verse


Farming Agriculture, processing industry,
I congratulate you sincerely and from the bottom of my heart!
Let success be in development,
And in life all dreams come true.

Of course, I wish you prosperity,
Enough to grow.
Good luck so that all efforts end,
The stock of well-being was not small.


Agricultural workers
I send my heartfelt greetings,
I wish the fields to sprout,
The land gave a generous harvest.

In the spring I wish friendly shoots
And in the autumn of rich bins,
So that the assembled on time was and redone
The entire harvest from fields, gardens, meadows.

I wish you floods of milky rivers,
And an abundance of meat and sausages,
In honor of the holiday, thanks for your work
Please accept from each of us.


Let agriculture prosper
After all, you always work hard!
Let success follow you
I wish you fruitful work!

Let your salary grow only up,
After all, you definitely deserve it!
I wish you always a lot
And happily, and peacefully only lived!


Day of agricultural workers
We celebrate with inspiration!
May golden times
They will surely come.

And comfortable cars
Let them invent for you.
For you to complete the task
Let them find an easy way!

To recycle raw materials
Profit for all of you!
You are willing to do everything
Up let things stand!


Thank you that we are all full,
Our tables are always covered with food.
The shelves in the stores that are full,
Everyone needs food all the time.

We welcome agricultural workers,
We wish you to be happy.
You have less cold weather, bad weather,
May the seedlings always be successful.

So that success accompanies everywhere,
And the harvest has always been excellent.
So that your house is full of prosperity,
And we wish you health and strength.


We wish you much happiness
Harvest and milk yield,
Thank you for your work
And food delivery!

Let on business, family and friendship
You have success
And always at your service
There will be peace, kindness and laughter!


On the Day of Agricultural Workers
I wish you smile more often.
Congratulations, I wish you happiness
Generous, big harvest.

Prosperity, blessings to all, inspiration,
Joyful very mood.
Everything that was meant to be,
May good luck be with you!

May comfort always lurk in the house,
Achievements valuable to you, huge.
Respect, good to you and hope,
May joy be inevitable!


Let the measure of sun and rain
Happen over the fields
For the harvest to grow more cheerfully,
You were satisfied.

Also, salaries are better
Good luck and luck.
For you field workers.
And on holiday - enjoyment.


All agricultural workers
The holiday is celebrated
Harvest with congratulations
Now they are collecting.

Praise the golden hands
We say thank you.
We wish you happiness, health
The most glorious masters.


Feeds and waters us
Happy holiday
You are worth it today.

We are grateful to you
For your daily work,
For bread, for milk,
For meat and canned goods.

We wish you
For the fields to give birth
fat herds
They walked through the meadows.

May they be rich
your harvests,
We are love and happiness
We wish you on your holiday.

The Day of Agricultural and Processing Industry Workers is a professional holiday for all those who work in the field of agriculture and processing industry. It is celebrated annually on the second Sunday of October. On this day, they congratulate not only workers in agriculture and the processing industry, but also all those who work on the ground from dawn to dusk, without days off and holidays.

I congratulate people whose hearts are forever given to our native expanses: fields, forests and rivers. People whose hands work every day for the good of our people. I wish you, dear ones, that your health be as strong and powerful as our entire processing industry. I wish your every day to be prosperous and happy, and your every hour to be filled with joy, success and positive. I wish you great achievements in business, new discoveries in your field, a good harvest, a large offspring and a stable income. Happy Agriculture and Processing Industry Day!

I congratulate real workers who tirelessly work for the good of their country, all workers in agriculture and the processing industry. I wish you always a productive year, good milk yields and stable growth. I wish you prosperity and great prosperity. Health and always good mood, so that your products are always charged with positive and a piece of your good soul.

Please accept bright and warm congratulations on the Day of the Worker of Agriculture and Processing Industry. Low bow for your tireless daily work. Be healthy, let the work be a pleasure, and its fruits bring benefits to people, and you - a good income. We wish new creative ideas, innovations, progress and prosperity.

On your professional holiday, we wish that any undertaking be fruitful, and difficulties be solved easily and end in success. I wish you health, peace and good luck in your honorable and necessary work.

Our dear employees of agriculture and processing industry, we congratulate you on your professional holiday and wish you good health, career growth and passion, interest and love for your work, success in all your endeavors, future prospects and, of course, demand. Thank you very much for your work and the soul that you put into your hard work.

As the Greek philosopher said, “Agriculture is for a noble and highly spiritual person the best of all professions and arts by which one can seek a livelihood.” Happy day to all who work the land and provide us with the food we see on our tables! May every year be fruitful, animals healthy and obedient, and innovations and technologies continue to make your life easier. Happy holiday!

Today I would like to congratulate you on the Day of Agricultural and Processing Industry Workers. I wish you stability, success, prosperity and well-being in your activities. Let work bring pleasure. May life please you with happiness every day, may there be loved ones and faithful friendly support nearby.

On the day of the worker in agriculture and the processing industry, I would like to wish great recognition and respect for work and efforts, high prosperity in life and promising ideas, faithful comrades nearby and loving loved ones, confident positions and perfectly executed plans.

Congratulations on your professional holiday! Let your business prosper, be successful, in demand and highly paid. Good health, career growth, implementation of new ideas, innovation, high productivity. I wish you deep satisfaction with your work and life!

Congratulations on the Day of the worker of agriculture and processing industry. I wish you to skillfully manage all the resources, I wish you to achieve high results in your activities and the realization of all your dreams in life. May the hopes and expectations of every day be safely processed into success and prosperity!

We cordially congratulate you on the main holiday of all farmers - the Day of Agricultural and Processing Industry Workers of the Agro-Industrial Complex!

On this festive day, we express our deep gratitude for the hard work to machine operators, drivers, operators of grain drying complexes, livestock breeders, specialists and heads of agricultural organizations, all workers of the agro-industrial complex.

We celebrate the professional holiday with good labor achievements.

The district took the second place according to the results of the regional competition for achieving high performance in the harvesting of grain and leguminous crops, the sixth place according to the results of the livestock sector of the republic in January-September of this year.

We sincerely wish everyone who works on earth, provides us with the necessary food, good health, family well-being, prosperity, bright earthly happiness, optimism in life.

Good harvests, big gains. Let hard agricultural work always be a joy!

District executive committee

District Council of Deputies

Dear workers of the agro-industrial complex of the Pribuzhye!

I cordially congratulate you on the main holiday of all farmers - the Day of Agricultural and Agroindustrial Processing Industry Workers!

You meet a professional holiday with good labor achievements. The results achieved were made possible thanks to the diligence, responsibility, high professionalism of both leaders and ordinary rural workers in achieving the goals.

I express my sincere gratitude and gratitude to everyone who works on the earth, who daily provides us with the necessary food, supports the social well-being and economic security of our Pribuzhye.

I wish you good health, family well-being, prosperity, bright earthly happiness, optimism in life, new labor victories for the benefit of our native Belarus!

Vladimir BAZANOV, Deputy of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus

Dear workers of the agro-industrial complex of Pribuzhye, industry veterans!

I sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday!

Growing a decent crop, preserving it, producing high-quality demanded products - all these tasks are successfully solved by the agrarians of the Pribuzhye region thanks to diligence, a masterly attitude to the land, and the use of new technologies. The successful development and well-being of our entire society largely depend on your skill and conscientious attitude to business.

Thank you for the hard, but such a noble work. I wish you high performance in your work, fulfillment of your plans, confidence in the future, as well as health, happiness and prosperity to you and your loved ones.

Vasily Zhelengovsky, deputy of the Brest Regional Council of Deputies

Congratulations to the staff and veterans of JSC Ostromechevo on their professional holiday!

The real wealth of our company is people - a strong team of professionals who are able to solve many complex and responsible tasks. Your diligence, skill, responsibility and devotion to your favorite work deserve deep respect. After all, all the successes of OJSC Ostromechevo are, first of all, the achievements of specific people. We sincerely wish you good health, stability and new achievements, the growth of professional skills, prosperity and comfort in your home. May your families not leave happiness, prosperity, mutual understanding and love!

Administration and trade union committee of JSC "Ostromechevo"

Congratulations on the professional holiday to everyone who is related to the agriculture of the Pribuzhye!

You are the creators of wealth, may luck smile at you always and in everything, and may the weather and nature help in your work.

Let health not fail, plans come true, and dreams come true! A low bow to all of you for your work and loyalty to the chosen cause.

Motykalsky Village Executive Committee

Dear workers, veterans of the Chernavchitsy SEC, colleagues!

Please accept the warmest and most cordial congratulations on your professional holiday! Each agricultural suffering is a difficult test, a test of the strength of those who have devoted their lives to working on the earth. The results of your hard work increase the bread loaf of the Pribuzhye. A deep bow and deep gratitude for devotion to the peasant cause, for fruitful work in their native land. Health and well-being to you and your loved ones.

Administration and trade union committee of SPK "Chernavchitsy"

Warmly and cordially congratulate the glorious agricultural workers on their professional holiday!

Your noble work is not easy and honorable,

It is necessary for each of us.

For excellence and dedication

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

Let the holidays become

And the family is always waiting at home.

May you always be with you in life:

Good luck, happiness, true friends!

Mukhavetsky Village Executive Committee

Congratulations on your professional holiday - the Day of workers of agriculture and processing industry of the agro-industrial complex, the staff of the enterprise, colleagues and partners!

I would like to once again express my gratitude for your professionalism, patience and perseverance in your work. With all our hearts, we wish that prices for agricultural products be fair, that work be a joy, that the sun shine in time and rain fall. And so that every house would be a full bowl, and health, prosperity and happiness would reign in it!

Administration and trade union committee of JSC "Komarovka"

We sincerely congratulate agricultural workers, villagers, workers in the processing industry of the agro-industrial complex on their professional holiday!

Please accept the words of sincere gratitude for your hard, creative and fruitful work. We sincerely wish each of you good health, kindness, and optimism. May your work bring prosperity. May there always be comfort and stability in your homes. Have a generous harvest!

Telminsky Village Executive Committee

To the right and workers of the AAT “For the World” to all the workers and veterans of the agricultural industry with the saints - Day of the workers of the rural gas station and the industrial workers of the agrarian and industrial complex!

Hai your house for love, live with them gladly and chicken. We are looking forward to healthy motsnaga, zhytstse cab was long. All your mary nyahai zdzyaysnyayutstsa, on the right ўse grabe strength, hi dabrabyt your not kanchaetstsa and budze skin day happy! Zychym to you practical haste, upeunance for tomorrow and enough!

The administration and the trade union committee of the GUSP "Plemzavod Mukhavets" congratulate all the employees of the collective and those who went on a well-deserved rest, on their professional holiday!

We wish the team financial well-being, economic stability, high performance and decent salaries. Thank you for being faithful to the village and peasant traditions for decades. A low bow for hard work, for the fact that, regardless of weekends and holidays, hurry to farms and fields. Health for many years, happiness and prosperity, dear village workers!

Dear village workers, veterans of the agricultural industry!

We heartily congratulate you on your professional holiday! The people of Belarus always hold in high esteem the people whose hands grow bread and forge the food security of the country. We are deeply grateful to you - machine operators, livestock breeders and specialists - for hard work. Let me express my sincere gratitude for everything that we have grown, carefully preserved and increased. We wish you new labor achievements, health, happiness and prosperity.

Chernavchitsky village executive committee

Dear colleagues, workers and veterans of agriculture and processing industry of the Pribuzhye!

The national wealth of our country is rightfully associated with the village, its tireless workers, because agriculture is a significant component of the national economy, which guarantees food security and the well-being of people.

High agricultural results are based on the work of farmers in our country. With their skill, talent and ability to work, the workers of the Pribuzhye region - field and livestock breeders, machine operators and specialists, agricultural production managers have earned our love and respect.

On the eve of the holiday, accept sincere words of gratitude for your loyalty to the earth, devotion to your work and creative work.

We wish you the fulfillment of all your ideas and plans, new labor achievements, health, happiness and prosperity.

Administration and trade union committee of the Center for advanced training of executives and specialists of the Brest Regional Agricultural Food

Dear workers of agriculture and processing industry of the Pribuzhye!

The difficult multifaceted activity of teams of enterprises and organizations of one of the main sectors of the Belarusian economy requires special dedication, responsibility, professionalism and deserves deep respect. Thanks to the use of new technologies, the optimal form of labor organization, the use of modern technology, industry workers are doing a lot to improve the quality of food, enter new markets and improve living conditions in the countryside. Many thanks to everyone for their hard work and perseverance in achieving their goals. I am sure that in the future you will continue to multiply what you have achieved, to work with full dedication for the benefit of your native Pribuzhye.

Valentina TIMOSHUK, chairman of the regional association of trade unions

Dear workers of enterprises of agriculture and processing industry, members of the trade union of workers of the agro-industrial complex of Pribuzhye!

I heartily congratulate you on your professional holiday. Work on earth has always been hard, but honorable. In difficult weather conditions, early in the morning and late in the evening, on weekdays and holidays, you conscientiously fulfill your duties. This is a worthy contribution to ensuring the food security of the country and the well-being of citizens.

On this festive day, I express my sincere words of gratitude to our machine operators, specialists and managers of agricultural enterprises, workers in livestock breeding and processing industry, and veterans of production. I wish you good health, happiness, festive mood and new successes for the good of your native Belarus!

Elena Prosmytskaya, chairman of the district committee of the trade union of agricultural workers

Congratulations to all the villagers, employees of the team and those who went on a well-deserved rest, on their professional holiday!

The land at all times was considered the main source of wealth, and the people working on it enjoyed universal respect. Thanks to your professionalism, diligence and responsibility, high results have been achieved. You deserve the warmest words for your masterly attitude to the land, patience and selfless work. Special words of gratitude go to industry veterans who pass on their knowledge, experience and skills to young professionals. I wish you good health, happiness, festive mood and new achievements.

Administration and trade union committee of OJSC "Agro-Sad Rassvet"

Dear workers and veterans of the economy, villagers! Please accept my warmest and most sincere congratulations on your professional holiday!

May your wisdom, careful attitude to the land-breadwinner, hard work and patience continue to help fill the bins of our country and achieve success in hard peasant labor. We sincerely wish you, your family and friends good health, happiness and prosperity. Let there be no obstacles on the way to achieving your goals! Happiness, peace, faith in yourself!

Administration and trade union committee of KUSP "Young Guard"

We cordially congratulate the workers and veterans of JSC TK "Berestie" on the Day of workers of agriculture and processing industry of the agro-industrial complex!

May your hard work always bring joy, satisfaction and prosperity. We sincerely wish you good health, warmth, comfort in every home. To always have family and friends around. We wish success, prosperity, inexhaustible energy, happiness and prosperity to all workers of the agro-industrial complex and processing industry of the Pribuzhye!

Administration and trade union committee of OAO TK Berestye

Dear rural workers! We sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday - the Day of Agricultural and Processing Industry Workers!

This is a holiday of those who work from dawn to dusk on earth, work in animal husbandry and food industry enterprises. Kudos to you for your hard work. We wish everyone new labor achievements, optimism, family well-being and happiness for many years to come.

Cherninsky Village Executive Committee

Congratulations to the workers of agriculture and processing industry of the agro-industrial complex on their professional holiday!

Choice determines the fate of man. Your calling has become a noble and difficult, akin to ascetic service, work on earth. The warmest words of gratitude deserve the workers of fields and farms, managers and specialists of agricultural enterprises and farms. We wish all the best to workers in the food and processing industry. Please accept my deep gratitude for your hard work, for your love and loyalty to your native land, which helps to overcome all difficulties.

The staff of the Brest enterprise of reclamation systems

Dear workers of the agro-industrial complex! Please accept my most sincere congratulations on your professional holiday - the Day of Agricultural and Processing Industry Workers!

This holiday was and remains one of the most significant and revered in our country. Agrarians' achievements are worthy of special respect, they prove the diligence of a person, his patience and perseverance, devotion to the chosen cause. Thank you for your selfless and honorable work, high professionalism, for the bread on our table, for everything you have grown and produced. We wish all the employees of the agro-industrial complex good health, happiness, well-being and give a 10% discount on the cost of the tour.

JSC "SKO "Brestagrozdravnitsa"

Dear workers of the agro-industrial complex and processing industry, production veterans! Congratulations on your professional holiday!

Agriculture is not only a branch of the economy - it is the way of life of the majority of the inhabitants of our region. The achievements of the agro-industrial complex are the merit of agricultural scientists, specialists of the district executive committee, heads of farms, machine operators, livestock breeders, veterinarians, farmers and other workers who know how to competently manage the land. Let me thank you for your hard work and wish you high production performance, financial well-being, and success in achieving your goals. Let the difficulties of today's life not extinguish your enthusiasm, creative search, faith in the best. I wish you good health, family happiness, peace and kindness.

Brest regional veterinary station

Dear villagers! Dear workers of fields and farms! We congratulate you on a wonderful holiday - the Day of Agriculture and Processing Industry!

Let your work argue, dreams come true, plans come true. After all, it is thanks to your efforts that stores delight us with an abundance of products, and the food security of the country is ensured. We wish you a cozy atmosphere in the house, love and warmth in relationships, respect and trust in the team, happy and joyful days in life.

Radvanichi village executive committee

Dear partners:

JSC "Ostromechevo", JSC "Za Mir", JSC "Agro-Sad Rassvet", GUSP "Plemzavod Mukhavets", CUSP "Molodaya Gvardiya", JSC "TK" Berestye "OJSC" SGC "Western", JSC "Beresteyskoe agro", farms "Agrobug", "Cheryomushka"!

Please accept my warmest and most sincere congratulations on the occasion of your professional holiday - the Day of Agricultural and Processing Industry Workers of the Agro-Industrial Complex.

You often have to work in difficult and sometimes extreme conditions. The result of our work depends on the quality of your work.

On behalf of the entire team and on my own behalf, I thank you all for your hard and conscientious work, for close and fruitful cooperation. We wish you and your loved ones good health, high professionalism, implementation of the most ambitious plans and ideas.

Mikhail Panasyuk,Director of TPUKP "Plodoovoshch"

Dear farmers! Dear agricultural workers!

We sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday! We wish you, who have dedicated your life to your native land, to work just as hard and selflessly, and enjoy the fruits of your labor. May your efforts always be crowned with impressive results, may droughts and rains bypass your lands, and may the harvest exceed the wildest ideas. Thank you for the hard work we all need! Happy Agriculture Day!

Domachevsky Village Executive Committee

Dear forefathers and veterans of agrarian and industrial complex Prybuzhzha!

Shchyra we honor you with the holy saints - the Day of the worker of the rural gaspadar and the worker of the agro-industrial complex.

Spakon in our country were able and loved to work on the land, there was a difficult worker in the agro-industrial complex of the meeting was a farmer. Dzyakuyuchy to your namagans, the grub was baked, economical and socially dabrabyt.

At the holy day, we wish you good health, now, hurry up at the father. Bring on your shovelers the grain field adgukaetstsa with your gifts, rejoice at the rich views and rich rajas!

Tamashovski selvykankam

Dear villagers, workers of the enterprise, industry veterans, colleagues! Let me sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday!

May the earth always respond to your care with its generous gifts, please with friendly shoots and rich harvests. We wish you favorable weather, high milk yields, weight gain and decent profits. Let your hands not know fatigue, and your eyes always rejoice at the eared field. May life be full of sincere joy, happiness and brilliant victories, and all changes happen only for the better.

Administration and trade union committee of PUE "Priluki side"

We congratulate all employees, veterans, pensioners of the Brestskiy CUSP on their professional holiday and express our deep gratitude for their work, for their devotion to their native land!

Agricultural workers

The country is rightfully admired.

They are her stronghold, her wealth,

So, Lord, give them full joy!

Bless their families and work,

Multiply their fruits tenfold

And surround with love and care,

So that happiness is reflected in the sparkle of the eyes!

Administration and trade union committee of KUSP "Brestsky"

Dear farm workers, production veterans, villagers!

This holiday unites everyone who works on the land, in animal husbandry, and works in processing shops. Thank you for your professionalism, love and dedication to the chosen cause, for loyalty to the glorious traditions. May your plans always come true in concrete results, and let the bins be replenished with worthy harvests every year. Let the results of your work please and bring prosperity to the house. Good health, purposefulness and good luck to you!

Administration and trade union committee of OAO SGC Zapadny

The Znamensky Rural Executive Committee and the Deputy Corps of the Rural Council of Deputies heartily congratulate all agricultural workers on their professional holiday!

We wish you success, stability, prosperity, good health, prosperity and comfort in the house. May your families not leave happiness, prosperity and love!

Dear rural workers, please accept the warmest and most sincere congratulations on your professional holiday!

Congratulations to agricultural workers today!

May your home be filled with prosperity.

We wish you great success and prosperity,

You have gained fame with well-deserved work.

Thank you for your hard work

Love for the native land, the traditions of the fathers.

Bow to you low for patience and care!

May there be joy and love in your life!

Kleynikovsky Village Executive Committee

Dear farmers!

Please accept my warmest congratulations on your professional holiday - the Day of Agricultural and Processing Industry Workers of the Agro-Industrial Complex!

We sincerely wish you new labor achievements, stable markets for products, reliable partners, rich harvests and inexhaustible energy. May good luck always accompany you on your professional and life path!

Lyshchitsky Village Executive Committee

Congratulations to our esteemed partners - the staff of TPUKP "Plodoovoshch" on the Day of workers of agriculture and processing industry of the agro-industrial complex!

Please accept the words of sincere gratitude and appreciation for your creative and fruitful work, for your patience and perseverance in your work. On the eve of the holiday, we wish you professional growth, stability, success in implementing your plans, well-being, and optimism. Let confidence in the future, attention and love from relatives and friends, good luck and health never leave you!

Farm "Agrobug"

Congratulations to the team, veterans of the enterprise, rural workers and workers in the processing industry of the agro-industrial complex of Pribuzhye on their professional holiday!

A wide range of quality food produced by your hands is deservedly in high demand. We highly appreciate the hard work, unique experience and personal contribution of everyone to the achievements of our company. Special words of gratitude go to veterans who have done a lot for their native team. We sincerely wish you good luck in implementing the most daring ideas, good health, happiness and well-being, improving professional skills and further successful work for the benefit of the Republic of Belarus.

Administration and trade union committee of KSUP "Brest bee nursery"

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