Who is experiencing new aircraft is a profession. Test pilot - profession and destiny

November 24, 2016 marks the 70th anniversary of the famous aviator, Hero of Russia, Honored Test Pilot, Head of the Personnel Center of the State Research Institute of Civil Aviation Ruben Tatevosovich Yesayan.

Test pilot. These words have a bewitching effect on people, because behind them lies a personality with a capital letter, possessing the highest mind, many-sided experience and strong will. Everything that should be in a person who manages and tests new modern aircraft.

The names of many test pilots are forever inscribed in the golden row of great compatriots who glorified our country and made an invaluable contribution to strengthening its might and developing domestic civil aviation. Among them are the test pilots of our institute, who over the more than 85-year history of the State Research Institute of Civil Aviation gave a ticket to the sky for many Soviet and Russian-made aircraft and helicopters.

Our esteemed colleague at the State Research Institute of Civil Aviation Ruben Tatevosovich Yesayan, Hero of Russia, Honored Test Pilot, takes his rightful and worthy place in this row. Russian Federation, Deputy CEO- Head of the Flight Test Center (LIC). You always want to talk about a person whom you have known for more than 20 years, and with whom you have been connected both professionally and humanly for many years, with a sense of pride and deep respect. It would not be an exaggeration to say that the personality of Ruben Tatevosovich Yesayan is quite comparable with the outstanding people from the series of books “The Life of Remarkable People”.

Ruben Tatevosovich Yesayan was born on November 24, 1946 in Yerevan in the family of a participant in the Great Patriotic War. He studied at the flying club, first took to the air at the age of 17.

He received a fundamental aviation education: Sasovo Civil Aviation Flight School. Hero Soviet Union G.A. Taran, Academy of Civil Aviation, School of Test Pilots of the Ministry of Aviation Industry of the USSR. MM. Gromov.

He worked as an aircraft commander in the Armenian Civil Aviation Administration. While still working as a line pilot, R.T. Yesayan showed himself to be an outstanding specialist in flight business. In 1981-1984, while on a business trip in Angola, the crew commander of the Yak-40 R.T. Yesayan repeatedly flew to the combat areas. In 1983, during takeoff at Luanda airport, his plane was hit by anti-aircraft fire, damaging the right engine, and a fire broke out on board. R.T. Yesayan managed to make a circle over the airport and safely land the damaged plane.

Since 1984 R.T. Yesayan headed the flight navigation department of the Armenian Civil Aviation Administration.

Since 1986, for 30 years, Ruben Tatevosovich has been working at the State Research Institute of Civil Aviation on flight test work, for many years he has been in charge of the Institute's Flight Test Center, and is the Deputy General Director.

Ruben Tatevosovich Yesayan tested many types and modifications of aircraft, including: An-74, An-124, Tu-334, Tu-154, Il-76MF, Il-96, Il-114. On the Be-200 amphibious aircraft in 2004, he set five world aviation records. I would especially like to note that as a deep analyst and first-class test pilot, R.T. Yesayan is engaged in modeling emergency situations in the air to identify the causes of aviation accidents and disasters in order to prevent them in real conditions.

As part of the working groups as an expert auditor of the Aviation Register of the Interstate Aviation Committee R.T. Yesayan participated in flight tests of foreign aircraft many types, including Boeing 757, 767, 747, Falkon 900, etc.

In 2001, for the first time after a 10-year break, the crew of the State Research Institute of Civil Aviation under the leadership of Ruben Tatevosovich performed a flight to Antarctica on an Il-76 transport aircraft. During the following years, he annually flew to this continent with landings on ice airfields. In 2007, he performed a unique operation of landing 28 platforms from an Il-76TD aircraft with diesel fuel to the polar station "Vostok". Total R.T. Yesayan made more than 80 flights to the South Pole and the central regions of Antarctica.

The author of these lines also had a chance to participate in one of the air expeditions to Antarctica in 2008. In these difficult, sometimes extreme conditions, Ruben Tatevosovich showed not only the highest flying skills, but also the ability to organize the work of the crew as clearly and smoothly as possible in order to ensure the effective operation of the Russian Antarctic expedition and conduct scientific research.

The fact that in 2015 Roshydromet re-issued the permission of the State Research Institute of Civil Aviation until 2020 to carry out research flights of heavy transport aircraft in Antarctica and landing cargo on the ice sheet is a great merit of Ruben Tatevosovich Yesayan.

In recent years, the flight crew of the State Research Institute of Civil Aviation under the leadership of R.T. Yesayan, a complex of certification tests of various aircraft, including modifications of the "old" aircraft equipped with new navigation and other systems, was carried out.

An important place in the activities of the PERSONS of the State Research Institute of Civil Aviation is also occupied by the performance of special flights on aircraft, the design and characteristics of which do not correspond to the standard ones. It is in these cases that the highest flying skills of R.T. Yesayan and his colleagues. So it was in a difficult situation with the take-off of the Tu-154M aircraft with damage to the structure from the landing site in Izhma, the condition of which did not ensure a safe take-off. The crew of the State Research Institute of Civil Aviation under the leadership of R.T. Yesayana brilliantly coped with the takeoff and flight of the aircraft to the manufacturing plant for the restoration of the aircraft.

An important quality of R.T. Yesayan, as a mentor of young aviators and colleagues in the flight test shop - the ability to clearly present even the most complex technical information. The breadth and depth of his horizons make an indelible impression. You can argue with him, discuss, but, in the end, he will still, as a rule, convince you that he is right by the logic of the arguments given.

Speaking about the high human, I would say, moral, qualities of Ruben Tatevosovich - this is the concept of honor and dignity, which he has absorbed since childhood. He, being a surprisingly humble person, has a great sense of humor. We, his work colleagues, are proud to work at the State Research Institute of Civil Aviation and have the opportunity to communicate with this amazing Person. It can be said without exaggeration that Ruben Tatevosovich Yesayan is the golden fund not only of the State Research Institute of Civil Aviation, but of the entire domestic aviation.

Achievements and successes in the flight test work of R.T. Yesayan was highly appreciated by the state: the Order of Friendship of Peoples in 1985, the Order of Courage in 1996. He was awarded the honorary titles of Honored Test Pilot of the Russian Federation, Honored Worker of the State Research Institute of Civil Aviation and Honorary Worker transport".

For courage and heroism shown during the testing of new aviation equipment, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 524 dated May 29, 2006 R.T. Yesayan was awarded the high title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

The contribution of Ruben Tatevosovich Yesayan to the development of domestic civil aviation is enormous. He has always been and remains dedicated to his work, his profession. Life and biography of R.T. Yesayana is a bright and wonderful example for all of us, and especially for young people.

In this regard, I am reminded of the well-known biblical parable about the three commandments: in his life a man must plant a tree, raise a son and build a house. If the meaning of the parable is applied to Ruben Tatevosovich, then the list needs to be supplemented, since there are sons, and a house, and trees. He raised and raised two worthy sons, one of whom is also in love with the sky and continues the flying dynasty. Yesayan dynasty.

Ruben Tatevosovich has already left his visible autograph in the sky. But that doesn't give any reason to stop. Life goes on, and lots of plans! It can not be in any other way. There is still gunpowder in the powder flasks - it must be used for its intended purpose. And a vivid evidence of this is the upcoming flight of Ruben Tatevosovich on board the Il-76TD to Cape Town, and then to Antarctica! Therefore, it is still too early for you, Ruben Tatevosovich, to relax. And so, so be it!

Vasily Shapkin,

General Director of GosNII GA,

Doctor of Technical Sciences,

Test pilot - a pilot who tests new aviation equipment (airplanes, helicopters).

test pilot- a pilot testing new aviation equipment: airplanes and helicopters. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in physics, physical education and life safety (see the choice of profession for interest in school subjects).

Features of the profession

The test pilot conducts tests of absolutely new (experimental) aircraft, evaluating their qualities and thereby helping the designers to refine them.
And when serial production has already begun, helicopters need a factory flight, and test pilots also do this.
A military test pilot is the main assessor of the quality of vehicles, an authorized representative of the army and navy when they are accepted from the manufacturer.
A military test pilot is also an instructor for the flight crew of a military flight vehicle.
Test pilot is a rare profession. Only an extra-class pilot can be a tester. According to experts, it is very difficult to find a future test pilot in the large mass of Air Force flight personnel. Although military pilots are the elite of the army and navy, those who have passed special training.
Already trained pilots are trained as test pilots.
Testers are the first to test the know-how of domestic aviation companies. Their preparation is carried out taking into account the new approaches introduced into the practice of aircraft construction, innovative technologies, computer science, display systems, etc.
As the teachers of the GLITs (V. Chkalov Flight Test Center), who train test pilots, say, the future test pilot "by the sweat of his brow" should improve his knowledge:
“When we leave the center, a listener writes thesis, equivalent to a Ph.D. thesis ... Yes, the bar is the highest, but without this, in such a matter as testing prototypes of combat aircraft, one cannot do without it.
The profession of a test pilot is associated with risk. The technical imperfection of the machine can lead to tragedy.


Military test pilots serve in flight test centers of the Ministry of Defense.
Civil (non-military) test pilots serve in the aviation industry: in the Flight Research Institute named after M.M. Gromov (LII), design bureaus, aircraft manufacturing plants, aircraft repair plants of Civil Aviation.

Important qualities

The test pilot needs leadership skills, self-discipline, ability to make decisions, responsibility, courage, good health.
You need a high intellect, an engineering mindset, a love of technology.
Love for novelty is important: testing an unknown aircraft should not frighten the pilot, but give him pleasure.
A rigorous selection process is carried out among candidates for study. The future tester must be under the age of 31, as a rule, have a diploma with honors from a military aviation university and the qualification of a military pilot of the 1st class.
The pilot must combine good knowledge in the field of theory and aircraft design, engineering inclinations and a high level of aircraft (helicopter) control.

Where do they teach

  • State Flight Test Center of the Air Force. V. Chkalova (GLITs)

at the State Flight Test Center.
Profile: training of military test pilots.
Branches: aircraft, helicopter and navigation.

  • School of test pilots. A.V. Fedotova (SHLI)

at the Flight Research Institute named after M.M. Gromov.
Profile: training of test pilots and experimental aviation test specialists
for research institutes, experimental design bureaus, aviation industry enterprises.

  • There are two test pilot schools in the USA, one in England, one in France.
Suitable educational specialties: flight operation of aircraft, technical operation aircraft and engines, technical operation of transport radio electronic equipment(by means of transport
Key items: Maths; Russian language; physics

Tuition fee (average in Russia): 480,000 rubles

Job description:

*tuition fees are for 4 years of undergraduate studies.

test pilot- a pilot testing new aviation equipment: airplanes and helicopters.

Features of the profession

The test pilot conducts tests of absolutely new (experimental) aircraft, evaluating their qualities and thereby helping the designers to refine them.

And when serial production has already begun, helicopters need a factory flight, and test pilots also do this.

A military test pilot is the main assessor of the quality of vehicles, an authorized representative of the army and navy when they are accepted from the manufacturer.

A military test pilot is also an instructor for the flight crew of a military flight vehicle.

Test pilot is a rare profession. Only an extra-class pilot can be a tester. According to experts, it is very difficult to find a future test pilot in the large mass of Air Force flight personnel. Although military pilots are the elite of the army and navy, who have undergone special training.
Already trained pilots are trained as test pilots.

Testers are the first to test the know-how of domestic aviation companies. Their preparation is carried out taking into account new approaches introduced into the practice of aircraft construction, innovative technologies, computer technology, display systems, etc.

As the teachers of the GLITs (V. Chkalov Flight Test Center), who train test pilots, say, the future test pilot "by the sweat of his brow" should improve his knowledge:

“We have a student who, when graduating from the center, writes a thesis that is equivalent to a Ph.

The profession of a test pilot is associated with risk. The technical imperfection of the machine can lead to tragedy.


Military test pilots serve in flight test centers of the Ministry of Defense.

Civil (non-military) test pilots serve in the aviation industry: in the Flight Research Institute named after M.M. Gromov (LII), design bureaus, aircraft manufacturing plants, aircraft repair plants of Civil Aviation.

Important qualities

A test pilot needs leadership, self-discipline, decision-making, responsibility, courage, and good health.
You need a high intellect, an engineering mindset, a love of technology.

Love for novelty is important: testing an unknown aircraft should not frighten the pilot, but give him pleasure.

A rigorous selection process is carried out among candidates for study. The future tester must be under the age of 31, as a rule, have a diploma with honors from a military aviation university and the qualification of a military pilot of the 1st class.

The pilot must combine good knowledge in the field of theory and aircraft design, engineering inclinations and a high level of aircraft (helicopter) control.

Where do they teach

State Flight Test Center of the Air Force. V. Chkalova (GLITs)
at the State Flight Test Center.

Profile: training of military test pilots.
Branches: aircraft, helicopter and navigation.

School of test pilots. A.V. Fedotova (SHLI)
at the Flight Research Institute named after M.M. Gromov.

Profile: training of test pilots and experimental aviation test specialists
for research institutes, experimental design bureaus, aviation industry enterprises.

There are two test pilot schools in the USA, one in England, one in France.

In Russia, the profession of a pilot is considered one of the most prestigious. Photos of pilots in uniform cause languid sighs in women and genuine envy in men. That is why many young people so passionately dream of conquering this profession. However, this is quite difficult to do, especially if you do not know where to start.

Pilot profession: description

A pilot is a specialist who is able to fly a certain aircraft A: by plane, helicopter, airliner and so on. It is noteworthy that earlier only civil aviation aviators were called pilots, and military pilots were called pilots. Today, this line has been washed away, but the very division into civilian and military is still in force.

In addition, there is a certain hierarchy on the plane itself. The captain of the vessel is the first pilot, his deputy is the co-pilot, and on large airliners their company is supplemented by a navigator. Thus, a young specialist does not immediately get into the commander's chair, but only after probationary period, which depends on the type of vessel and the rate of human learning.

Main question

But how is the profession of a pilot mastered? After all, flying requires skills and knowledge that will not appear on their own. Well, the answer to this question can be quite simple - the first step is to enroll in a flight school. However, it should be selected based on what kind of pilot you want to become: civilian, military or test.

civil Aviation

Civil aviation is rightfully considered one of the highest paid in the country. The monthly salary of these specialists starts at 70 thousand rubles and ends with a threshold of 350-450 thousand. Agree, a very attractive salary, especially for those who love the sky. However, before you get a job in an airline, a person will have to go through a difficult path of training.

It is worth starting with a flight school or an aviation club. In this case, the second option is only suitable for those who plan to fly a small aircraft. The rest must choose one of the following universities:

  • St. Petersburg University of Civil Aviation;
  • Higher Aviation School of Civil Aviation in Ulyanovsk.

Any of these institutions allows you to learn flying skills. For admission, you need to pass several exams (mathematics, physics, Russian), and also have excellent physical shape. After graduation educational institution the person will have access to the named profession. now he can get a commercial pilot license and get a job with an airline.

In the service of the Air Force of the Russian Federation

Military aviation is a place where only people who are strong in body and spirit go. However, in the end, only a few of them become real pilots. This is due to the great complexity of training: the pilot needs not only to master the control of the aircraft, but also to understand how to act in combat conditions.

In addition, you should be prepared that this is a rather multifaceted profession. The pilot may be the captain of a fighter jet, bomber, military transport aircraft, combat helicopter, or even a reconnaissance vessel. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a certain direction in advance in order to comprehend it perfectly.

As for the training itself, it takes place in two ways:

  • Firstly, a conscript may express a desire to serve in the Air Force during the passage of the commission of the military registration and enlistment office. If the physical and mental data of the conscript is in order, then he can be sent to the appropriate unit. True, this is not the most reliable method, since it does not guarantee 100% hitting the right troops.
  • Secondly, every citizen of Russia can enroll in a military flight school. There are several such establishments in our country. However, the most prestigious is the Air Force Academy. N. E. Zhukovsky and Yu. A. Gagarin.

And yet, it should be remembered that a military pilot is an extremely difficult profession. The pilot must be prepared for the fact that, if necessary, he will have to open fire on other aircraft in which there will be living people. Not to mention the fact that at any moment his life could be on the verge of death. And it is the realization of this fact that most often leads to the fact that people give up the career of a military pilot halfway through.

The dangerous profession of a test pilot

Test Pilot - Pretty rare profession. Only those who have proved themselves as a true specialist in their field, as an excellent ace in the sky, are included in the number of the chosen ones. Most often, test pilots are former military pilots who have served for more than five years for the good of their homeland. But there are exceptions.

The main task of these masters is to test new types of aircraft, helicopters, control systems, guidance, and so on. At the same time, the pilot must not only determine how well the new car works, but also be able to notice flaws and possible flaws in the designers.

The problem is that sometimes new planes can crash during the flight. This leads to dangerous situations. And if the pilot fails to quickly find a way out of them, then he risks paying for it with his life.

Pros and cons of working in the sky

Of the merits, it should be noted the prestige of the work, which is supported by a good salary. In addition, many pilots get indescribable pleasure from flying the aircraft. No less attractive is the fact that a person has unique opportunity see the whole world working for major airlines.

But there are also disadvantages. Pilots always risk their lives to fly. Some more, some less, but everyone has a chance to fall. In addition, do not forget about the large burdens on health that arise due to all sorts of stresses.

Encyclopedia "Aviation"

test pilot- test pilot - a pilot who is professionally trained and engaged in flight tests (see Flight tests) of new (experimental or serial), modified, repaired or modified aircraft models, as well as ... ... Encyclopedia "Aviation"

test pilot- test pilot, test pilot ... Russian spelling dictionary

Chest sign"Honored Test Pilot of the USSR" Honored Test Pilot of the USSR is an honorary title awarded to test pilots of the 1st class of the aviation industry and ... Wikipedia

Honored Test Pilot of the Russian Federation ... Wikipedia

Badge "Honored Test Pilot of the Russian Federation" "Honored Test Pilot of the Russian Federation" is the title that is awarded to test pilots of the 1st class for merits in the field of flight tests and research of the new ... ... Wikipedia

Petrov Alexander Petrovich Date of birth December 22, 1952 (1952 12 22) (59 years old) Place of birth Lipetsk city of the RSFSR, USSR Belonging to ... Wikipedia

Encyclopedia "Aviation"

"Honored Test Pilot of the USSR"- Chest sign. “Honored Test Pilot of the USSR” is an honorary title established on August 14, 1958. It was awarded by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR to test pilots of the 1st class of the aviation industry and the USSR Ministry of Defense for ... ... Encyclopedia "Aviation"


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