Methods and means of stimulating end buyers. Methods for promoting the sale of goods

For the effective involvement of new technologies in economic circulation, innovation management recommends conducting a preliminary assessment and further ongoing accounting innovative potential enterprises .

7.3.1. The concept of "innovative potential"

AT economic theory allocate scientific and technical, production, labor, export, production, natural resource potentials. In general, potential is commonly understood as the ability of an economic entity to most effectively implement one or another functional task with the maximum use of available economic resources.

Therefore, innovative potential is the economic capabilities of an enterprise to effectively involve new technologies in economic circulation, which include the following set of resources:

intellectual (technological documentation, inventions, patents, licenses, utility models, industrial designs);

Material (experimental and instrumental base; pilot installations; research, experimental and laboratory equipment);

financial (own, borrowed, investment, budgetary, grant);

Personnel (leader-innovator interested in innovation; personnel with special education and experience in research and development; specialists in the field of marketing, planning and forecasting the hidden needs of buyers);

infrastructural (own divisions of research and development, design department, chief technologist department, marketing department new products, laboratory for quality control of products, patent and license department);

additional sources of improving the results of innovation activity (partnership and personal relations of employees with research institutes and universities, including foreign ones; space resource, information department, project management experience, strategic management enterprise).

The presence and scale of development of these areas of innovation determine the choice of a strategy for innovation development. This approach to the interpretation of innovative potential can be considered a classic.

Innovative potential of the organization- this is a measure of readiness to perform tasks that ensure the achievement of the set innovative goal, that is, a measure of readiness for the implementation of a project or program of innovative strategic changes.

Consequently, the potential of the organization, the main criterion for the expediency of implementing strategic changes, has two components: its readiness for stable production activities and willingness to innovate. The choice of an innovation strategy depends on the state of the innovation potential, so its evaluation is a necessary operation of the strategy development process. The development of the organization is seen as a response to change external environment, i.e., is of a strategic nature. The development of the innovative potential of an enterprise as a whole can only be carried out through the development of its components. internal environment.

Thus, to assess the innovative potential, it is necessary to analyze both the external and internal environment of the organization.

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One of the main factors of susceptibility to innovation is the innovative potential of the enterprise. The term potential implies the presence of two properties: the ability and readiness of an enterprise to implement innovation process.

Ability is the presence and balance of the structure of innovative potential, namely the resources necessary for innovative activity, such as: the presence of highly qualified specialists-scientists; availability of material and technical base (equipment, information and communication systems, security necessary materials); provision with scientific information, scientific and technical literature, literature on patenting, new science-intensive technologies, inventions; the availability of financial resources that provide innovative activities in the long term, the cost of research and development (R&D).

Readiness is the sufficiency of the potential and existing resources for the implementation of innovative activities. The level of readiness of the innovation potential can be determined using a number of parameters that reflect the degree of development of R&D and other activities of the enterprise that creates and implements innovations. These include: the production potential of the enterprise, technical potential; duration characteristic life cycle products manufactured by the company; the degree of integration of individual units among themselves; the availability of venture capital and the possibility of creating venture small enterprises as part of the company; access to scientific information.

Thus, the innovative potential of an enterprise is the ability to provide innovations and the level of readiness of an enterprise to implement a project or program of innovative strategic changes.

It should be noted that, as a rule, enterprises with a large production and technical potential are generally more inert in relation to innovative changes than small firms. At the same time, small firms often do not have the necessary resource capabilities to implement significant innovative projects. Thus, enterprises have different susceptibility to innovation, different innovative potential.

An innovative enterprise is an enterprise that is formed on the basis of the content and structure of the innovation process itself, in particular fundamental research, applied research, innovative development, the introduction of technical and technological innovations into production, the release of new types of products and their sale. Each innovative enterprise is a certain link in the overall innovation process of the whole country. All innovative enterprises interact with each other, since the activity of the next link depends on the activity of the previous one.

The structure of the innovative potential covers those elements of the enterprise that determine its readiness for change: decentralization in decision-making, a low level of formalization and regulation of managerial work, the ability of organizational structures to flexibly rebuild in accordance with changes in tasks and operating conditions. Centralized hierarchical organizational structures negatively affect the innovative potential, which contradict the creative nature of innovative activity: stable relations and management procedures form active resistance to any innovations.

A method for assessing the innovative potential of an enterprise is a SWOT analysis, which makes it possible not only to assess the ability of an enterprise to implement innovations, but also to determine how this ability is affected by the innovative climate of the external environment. The standard SWOT analysis methodology is considered in terms of innovative opportunities that the business environment and the potential of the enterprise itself can provide. During the analysis, fix: strengths the potential of the firm, which will ensure it the use of opportunities that have appeared in the external environment (this helps to determine the appropriate strategy for their use); weak sides the potential of the firm, which deprive it of the chance to use new opportunities or create threats to its existence.

Due to the high innovative potential, the enterprise can quickly respond to changes in the external environment, conduct an innovative search and make organizational changes. Low potential does not provide such opportunities; innovations under such conditions are rarely introduced and only when the firm has difficulty marketing its products. However, developing innovative solutions in response to a problem is an inefficient solution. The innovation policy of an enterprise should be the result of a deep study of the market, constant monitoring of the actions of competitors, should be based on modern scientific and technological achievements in the relevant industry and effective use intellectual and creative potential of employees. This will enable top management to develop optimal innovative strategies that will form the strategic advantages of the enterprise in the long term.

Innovative potential of the organization- a set of enterprise characteristics that determine the company's ability to carry out activities to create and practically use innovations. To the elements of innovative potential firms include: 1) material and technical resources; 2) financial resources; 3) organizational resources; 4) human resources; 5) socio-psychological factors. To conduct innovative processes, the company must have: free in cash sufficient to finance development; an appropriate material and technical base for the creation and mass production of a new product; employees capable of generating extraordinary solutions. The intellectual resources of the company provide the ability to develop original ideas underlying any innovation process. The level of intellectual potential of the organization determines capacity of the “portfolio of innovative ideas”. The concept of "innovative potential" is interconnected with the concept of "innovative activity". Under innovation activity imply the intensity of innovative transformations in the enterprise. The innovative activity of the company depends not only on the availability of resources. In many ways, it is determined by the organizational culture, which includes the principles and obligations on the basis of which the company's development strategy is developed and implemented. Organizational culture reflects the features of the management system at the enterprise, which must be adapted for the implementation of innovative activities. The main factor reflecting the innovative activity of the company and influencing the intensity of innovative processes in the enterprise is the susceptibility of management to innovation. Innovative leadership means readiness to implement changes in the economic mechanism of the enterprise, a propensity for risk. Due to the uncertainty that always accompanies the introduction of innovations, the manager must be prepared to incur losses and be able to minimize them.

Organization's receptivity to innovation depends on the size of the company. It falls as the enterprise grows, becomes more complex organizational structure management and routine activities. To assess the innovative potential companies can use the following indicators: 1) scientific and technical potential (the number of employees with a scientific degree; the number of rational proposals per employee; the number of patents, etc.); 2) commercialization indicators (the share of new products in the total volume of manufactured products; the number of license agreements, etc.); 3) the duration of the work performed (the value of the innovation lag); 4) characteristic of innovation control system(forms of stimulating innovative activity at the enterprise; participation in the implementation of innovative projects of top management; the level of freedom provided to participants in innovative activity).

Innovation management Makhovikova Galina Afanasievna

8.1. Innovative potential of the enterprise

The readiness and ability of an innovative enterprise to implement for the first time and reproduce an innovation characterizes its innovative potential. Innovation potential(states, industries, enterprises) - a set of various kinds resources, including material and production, financial, intellectual, scientific, technical and other resources necessary for the implementation of innovative activities. Innovative potential in any state is classified as a national asset.

The higher the level of innovative potential of the enterprise, the more successfully it avoids possible crisis situations.

The analysis of innovative potential, as a rule, includes the study of such factors as the availability of resources for innovative activities, as well as their distribution in the organization; the ability to respond to the innovative actions of competitors and take into account the development trends of the industries in which the innovative enterprise operates; the ability of management to understand the technological environment of the business; structural and socio-cultural features of the company that affect the nature of entrepreneurial behavior; the ability of management to make decisions on the implementation of entrepreneurial initiatives.

Table 8.1

Ranking the opportunities that enterprises have for innovation

Innovative activity involves the use of the results of research and development work. Executive Survey industrial enterprises showed that approximately 30% of them do not conduct research and development work at all. Most often, research and development work ends with the release of an industrial design. Only about 1/5 of all scientific and technical developments can claim the opportunity to become an innovative product. Most enterprises introduce mainly modifying production innovations and a significant number of marketing innovations aimed at developing new markets. There are very few radical industrial and financial innovations.

In order to introduce this or that innovation, an enterprise must have the appropriate capabilities at each stage of the innovation cycle, from research and development to the introduction of a new product on the market. These opportunities constitute the main part of the innovative potential of the enterprise.

A detailed consideration of the components of the innovative potential is presented in Table. 8.1, 8.2 and 8.3.

Table 8.2

Ranking of external factors influencing the innovative activity of enterprises

Table 8.3

Ranging internal factors that affect the innovative activity of enterprises

In table. 8.4 shows an analysis of the components of the innovative potential, depending on the stage of development of the enterprise.

Table 8.4

Components of innovative potential depending on the stage of development of enterprises

(in % of the maximum possible level)

From this table it can be seen that with the improvement of opportunities for innovative activity, it increases and the enterprise moves to a new stage. At the same time, it is observed interesting fact when, during the transition from the stage of "survival" to the stage of "intensive development", the influence of internal factors increases (from 50.49 to 64.81% of the maximum level), and the influence of external factors, on the contrary, decreases (from 47.09 to 39. 58%.

It's clear that external factors, affecting the innovative activity of enterprises, are insufficient, there is practically no cooperation between enterprises and scientific and technical organizations. Thus, there is a need for federal target program development of innovative potential.

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Innovations are changes that increase management efficiency and determine the development of the company, strengthening the position of the company.

Innovations are not spontaneous changes, but planned and developed, implemented and implemented.

Innovations are innovations that improve activities and their results.

Modern management should be innovative type of management, i.e. have a certain innovative potential. The innovative potential of management is the ability and opportunity to see the need for innovations and changes of an innovative type, design innovations and successfully implement them in management practice.

Different firms have different innovative potential. It can be high or low. Low innovation potential characterizes the conservatism of management, the fear of change, reform, modernization.

With a high innovative potential of management in management processes, the initiative of organizational transformations is encouraged, management effectiveness is regularly assessed, or management quality is monitored, research functions are given a clear priority, an atmosphere of creativity, search, and development reigns in the team.

Building up innovative potential is one of the most important trends in the development of modern management. The growth of this potential reflects the real and objective needs of modern management.

But why is innovation potential so important in modern management? In the scientific, technical and socio-economic spheres, there are tendencies to accelerate development, compact time, increase the number and variety of changes that characterize the conditions for the functioning of the company. Management must keep up with the changes that are actually happening in reality. And the factor of such compliance of management with the changes that occur in economic life, social environment, science and technology is the innovative potential of management. It is formed in the work with personnel, the training of managers, the organization of management focused on dynamics, the priority of the research function and strategic planning, in methodology, management style, motivation of innovative behavior, structuring of management resources, accumulation of human capital, in the sense given in the topic " Human capital management".

But innovation potential is the opportunity and ability to change, which still needs to be realized. The innovative potential can be high due to various circumstances, sometimes spontaneous factors, but the realization of the innovative potential can be different. There are processes for realizing the innovative potential of management.

1. Awareness of the need and assessment of innovation opportunities, readiness for innovation, indicators of development trends - costs, productivity, staff turnover, conflict situation, competition, socio-economic environment, management efficiency - all these are factors that show the need for innovation.

2. Study of development trends and possibilities of certain innovations, i.e. the possibility of attracting special experts or consultants, creating research groups, conducting sociological studies to assess the severity of the need for innovation.

3. Development of an innovation project, its discussion, resource calculations, choice of options, assessment of probable consequences.

4. Determining the stages of implementation organizational change, stages of implementation of an innovative project.

5. Preparation for the implementation of innovative projects, clarification of the goals and conditions of innovation.

In the processes of innovative transformations, personnel resistance is possible, which is often explained by established habits of activity, fears about new working conditions, uncertainty, uncertainty about the benefits and the need for innovation.

There are the following ways to overcome resistance to innovation:

1. thoroughly informing the staff about the need for innovation, persuading the need for change, updating the operating conditions, increasing productivity and efficiency; if necessary, conducting educational seminars, courses special training for the development of new working conditions by personnel (when replacing machinery, equipment, changing technology, etc.);

2. involvement of employees in the discussion of projects, analysis and selection of project options, in the development of management decisions;

3. facilitating the process of entering new working conditions, supporting the initiative to master innovations, a differentiated approach to personnel during the transition period;

4. delegation of authority to introduce innovations to persons,

not believing in their effectiveness;

5. motivation and stimulation of innovations, without which they are unlikely to become a reality;

6. stage-by-stage innovative transformations, which makes it possible to gradually get used to new working conditions, adaptation, development of flexible innovative plans;

7. organizational exactingness and control, without which it is probably impossible to do with any innovative activities. The question is only in the measure of coercion and its combination with measures of motivation and taking into account the real conditions of innovative transformations.

Innovations can be organizational, social, economic in nature, can be in the field technical equipment activities and in the field of both production technology and information technology.

The innovative potential of management is not only the inclination of the staff and the manager to innovate, the spirit of search and creativity, it is also the availability of the resources necessary for innovation - an innovation fund that can be used to pay for consulting and expert services, purchase the necessary equipment, develop innovative projects, stimulation of personnel in the processes of innovative transformations.

Sometimes the concept of innovation is associated exclusively with scientific and technological progress or the improvement of technology. But innovation reflects economic and social processes rather than scientific and technical ones. Innovations are changes taking place in the economic and social environment, changes taking place in the behavior of people as producers and consumers. Innovation is the creation of new action potential, not new knowledge or product.

The ability of a firm to innovate depends on management. An innovative firm is one that is organized in such a way that change becomes the norm.

General characteristics for innovative firm are the following:

1. belief in the rationality of innovation and an understanding of what it is;

2. innovative behavior is not episodic, but in the form of continuity dynamics;

3. development of an innovation strategy and its implementation;

4. availability of innovative management mechanisms - indicators, evaluation criteria, motivation of creativity;

5. Methodology and organization of management differ from traditional ones.

Innovation is not a technology, it is a new value. This is a feature of innovative management, that it is focused on creating new value, on the dynamics of development. You can follow the principle of "More and better" in management. This is a good management principle and a good strategy. It does not exclude attention to quality, it involves market research, requires product improvement.

But the strategic motto and management principle may be different - "New and Different". This is the principle of innovative management, it is the principle of systematic elimination of the old, the principle of switching resources to solve new problems. If I want to have something new and different, I must systematically eliminate the old.

At the same time, it may seem that innovative management is extremist management, management built on liquidation. Of course it isn't. Innovation is not absolute denial and destruction, it is the construction of a fundamentally new one, where possible, and the new, if you manage to build it, will itself eliminate the old. Innovation is not destruction, it is behavior oriented towards the search for something new, the realization of even small opportunities to achieve it. Innovation management is the philosophy of modern management.

The innovative potential of management characterizes the ability and desire to achieve new things, perseverance and strength in finding new solutions, willingness to take risks and carefully calculate options.

Innovation is a non-linear process. It does not manifest itself in a consistent movement from one success to another. It involves long stages of search and maturation of ideas.