How to open a home staffing agency. The activity of a recruitment agency consists of several stages

Recruitment agency: 7 steps to organize a business. Paperwork + cost calculation + 2 stages of creating an employee base + 2 advertising methods + 4 ways to make a profit.

Capital investment in a recruitment agency: from 486,000 rubles.
Agency payback period: 1.5–2 years.

A home staffing agency is becoming an increasingly popular idea in the small business industry every year.

The organizers of this direction are people who are well aware that due to the crazy rhythm of modern life, part of the population simply does not have time and energy to do household chores.

Most families are happy to hire a highly skilled person who will take care of the child, clean the house, cook dinner, and even walk the dog. And it is at this moment that comes to the rescue recruitment agency.

For those people who intend to organize a business in this direction, we have compiled a detailed guide, highlighting the main points.

Domestic recruitment agency: how it works

A novice businessman needs to first get acquainted with the mechanism of work of such an organization.

Such agencies are based on a simple principle. People who come to a domestic staffing agency are simply looking for a qualified worker for their family.

And the entrepreneur helps to find such a person in an extensive database of employees.

Often people want to hire such household staff:

  • tutors,
  • maids,
  • nurses,
  • chefs,
  • gardeners,
  • drivers
  • nannies.

Why do families turn to a domestic staffing agency?

Let's take a look at a common situation: mom and dad work late, they don’t have the opportunity to pick up the child from kindergarten or school on time.
The family turns to a recruiting agency and asks to find a nanny for their work schedule.
Her duties will include: to monitor the child during their absence, maintain order in the apartment and periodically cook delicious homemade meals.

But it’s very scary to take any person from the street who does not have the relevant experience and invite them into your house. It is to ensure that people do not face this problem, there are agencies for the selection of domestic staff.
Such firms are some kind of conductors between those who need staff and a person who wants to find a job in a particular area.

Step 1. Paperwork

The recruitment agency belongs to the field of entrepreneurial activity and should be officially registered.

For this type of small business, it is best to use the design of individual entrepreneurship. , and not an LLC, will simplify accounting and reduce the number of documents that need to be collected for registration.

To register an individual entrepreneur, the following package of documents should be submitted to the appropriate department of the tax office:

After five working days, if you did everything correctly, you will be able to receive a certificate of registration of IP.

Step 2. Choose an office where the recruitment agency will be located

A founded company must have an office with a good repair. After all, if a client enters the agency's rented premises, which will have peeled walls and low-quality furniture, such an agency for the selection of domestic staff will not inspire confidence in him.

Office location also matters. But if the entrepreneur does not have the necessary capital, which will allow him to rent a room in the city center, you can choose an office on the periphery. Only in this case it is necessary to invest more money in an advertising campaign.

The room should be bright, clean and with all its appearance to talk about successful activities.

The office area should be at least 60 m2, on which you need to place:

  • a room for the reception, in which the workplace of the secretary is located;
  • the room in which the interviews will take place;
  • the premises in which the workplaces of the staff are located.

After the room has been selected and repairs have been made in it, you can proceed to the next stage.

Step 3. Purchasing furniture and office equipment for the agency

As described earlier, high-quality furniture and full-fledged equipment of the office with office equipment inspires confidence among customers.

Therefore, a novice businessman needs to purchase appropriate items for his employees.

office equipment costs

NameQtyPrice, rub.)
Total:170 400 rubles
4 40 000
1 5 000
Phone for each workplace
3 1 300
Modem router
1 1 000
1 500

Agency furniture costs

NameQtyPrice, rub.)
Total:68 800 rubles
Desks +1 to the reception area for visitors
5 6 000
8 4 000
1 2 000
Document rack
3 1 600

We will allocate another 5,000 rubles for the purchase of staplers, paper, files, pens and force majeure situations. additionally.

Step 4. Filling out the database for the agency

The domestic staff search agency is engaged in the selection and verification of housekeepers, cooks, nannies, drivers, carers.

At first glance, nothing complicated - you just need to find a good specialist and offer his services to a potential employer (and get a decent amount of commission for this).

But in fact, this is a rather complicated and time-consuming process that takes place in several stages.

Stage 1.

Agency employees communicate with a family that needs the firm's services and find out exactly what kind of staff they need.

To do this, a special questionnaire is filled out for the agency database, in which the following information is indicated:

  • residential address;
  • Contact details;
  • the direction in which the family worker is required;
  • main criteria for personnel;
  • scope of duties;
  • schedule;
  • price for work;
  • terms of the application.

Let's take an example of the regular work of the company.

Let's say mom and dad want to hire a nanny for a five-year-old child and made the following demands:

  • knowledge of English and French;
  • age 30–35 years;
  • cooking skill.

But older children aged 10-15 want a younger nanny aged 25-30 so that they can play with her on the console, kick the ball and watch their favorite cartoon.

Grandparents insist on choosing a nanny aged 45-50 because of experience and the ability to cook deliciously.

In this case, the domestic staff recruitment agency offers a choice of three candidates for nannies, so that after 2-3 weeks the family can choose from all the applicants a person suitable for them.

Stage 2.

As for applicants, the agency conducts an interview with him. If possible, employees of the company even visit the family where the person worked before coming to them, or at least contact them by phone.

The domestic personnel search agency registers a personalized electronic card for each new specialist in the database.

Experts ask for the following information:

  • date of birth;
  • contact number;
  • place of residence;
  • information about any higher education and all additional courses that have been completed;
  • field of activity;
  • desired salary;
  • work experience in the declared direction;
  • convenient opening hours.

These questions and knowledge will be quite enough to select a person for middle-income families. But if we are talking about wealthy houses, then you need to choose a different selection route.

Wealthy families are extremely scrupulous in choosing domestic staff, such clients may even ask to use the services of a psychologist and a polygraph examiner. This allows you to check a person for his tendency to steal or deceive.

If you plan to work with such customers, for these cases the company must have contracts with psychologists, polygraph examiners. It will not be superfluous to have connections with law enforcement agencies - this will additionally check a person for administrative offenses.

Step 5. We form the staff of the agency for the search for domestic staff

Above, we calculated the cost of opening a large agency with a full-fledged advertising campaign. But you should not assume that you can invest a certain amount, and the business will work on its own, making a profit. Every business should be worked on so that the first results and income appear.

So where do recruiting agencies make money from?

There are four options:

    Some firms that find the right person for the family receive some kind of bonus for the work done.

    These funds are paid not by the employer, but by the person who has been registered for employment.

    In some agencies, candidates immediately transfer the required amount to the firm's account after filling out the questionnaire. In return, a domestic recruitment agency is guaranteed to provide a decent job.

    Other firms take half or the whole salary from an established worker after a month of work.

    This payment is a one-time payment.

  1. Another option is to set a certain monthly rate for finding an employer or specialists in the database of a recruitment agency.
  2. There are also firms that charge a fee from the family in which the person was placed.

The main thing is to decide at the very beginning on the payments of one or another party, so that in the future there will be no confusion, and a unified system for receiving money to the account of the company will operate.

If we evaluate the average indicators, then no matter what method of making a profit you choose, arranging at least 2-3 specialists per month, you will pay back the investment in 1-2 years.

Household Recruitment Agency can only be successful if a relationship of trust is built with the client. People who seek help trust the firm with their children, grandmothers, houses and apartments.

Therefore, the more transparent the activity and the more reliable the verification of employees, the more successful the business will flourish.

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The services of a personnel or recruiting agency, as it is also called, today are very popular among various firms and organizations, and the demand for them is constantly growing. It is known that the success of a company is 80% dependent on the staff, qualifications of employees and their professional skills. That is why managers turn to a recruitment agency, as sometimes they simply do not have the time and opportunity to find competent employees on their own. Having decided to open your own employment agency, you should be prepared for a lot of competition in this area. However, if you show your best entrepreneurial qualities and follow the rules of doing this business, you will be able to reach the desired heights.

Before you open a recruitment agency, you should realize that at first your business will not be profitable, its payback can be from one to three years. Think about whether you are ready to wait so long.

Often, employment agencies cease their activities in the first year.

But if you are not looking for easy ways and quick sources of profit, have a lot of patience and are ready to work for the future, consider that half of the success is already in your pocket.

The initial stage of business organization

First of all, you should decide on the specialization of the future agency. Some of them focus on finding ordinary performers, others - line managers, and others - top managers. There are different directions in the field of activity. Some agencies are recruiting only one specific area, such as IT or industrial production. It is necessary to choose one or another direction based on the geographical location, taking into account the most and least developed areas of production, the demand for certain professions.

Based on the desire of the manager to earn money as soon as possible, employment agencies are often opened that take a fee from job seekers. This approach in itself is erroneous, since you cannot give a person any guarantees of employment. Therefore, this model of work has long received a negative reputation and is considered a real fraud. If you position yourself as a serious businessman and strive to earn a greater degree of trust in the labor market, you need to take payment from companies looking for employees after the vacancy closes and after 10-15 days from the day the job seeker enters the job.

The standard and main service provided by a recruitment agency is the selection of applicants for a vacant position. Its cost may vary depending on the position that the candidate seeks to take. If this is a qualified worker, we will talk about 7-9% of the annual salary. The issue price for a middle manager is 10-15%, for a director - 25% of annual income.

Another service provided by the employment agency is the preparation of a screening resume. Candidates are selected mechanically from a common database, according to specified criteria (gender, age, work experience, etc.). Personal qualities and additional skills in this case are not taken into account. At later stages of the existence of a recruitment agency, the organization of advanced training courses and trainings is added to the list of services.

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Organizational issues and financial investments

To open a recruitment agency, you need to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC, pay a state duty for registering a legal entity, and open your own bank account. After solving all paper issues, you can go directly to organizing a business. You will need a good office space, preferably in the city center or in a prestigious area. The area of ​​\u200b\u200bsuch should be 15-40 square meters. m. It is important that there is a convenient transport interchange nearby, and repairs are carried out in the room itself, the necessary equipment and furniture are installed. As a person is greeted by clothes, so the impression of your business will initially be formed based on the appearance of the office where you work.

For the full development of the agency, you need a staff of reliable employees. Usually these are two managers (at the initial stage), a psychologist (preferably, but agencies do not always resort to his help), a recruiter acting as a consultant, marketer, analyst, sociologist. After the agency reaches self-sufficiency and develops a client base, you can invite a system administrator and accountant to work.

Interested in how to open a recruitment agency, entrepreneurs initially want to know the calculations of the amounts that will be needed for this. We provide average data, but it should be understood that in different cities they will differ. So, the main item of expenditure is the rent of the premises. While the business is not yet profitable, it will be enough to limit yourself to 15-20 square meters. m. In this case, the rent will not exceed $1000.

Repair costs and designer services, if any, vary considerably and can be $5,000-20,000 (based on a 20 sq.m. room). Here everything is individual, depending on the prices in a particular locality, the materials used, the style of the interior. The purchase of equipment will require $2000-7000 from you. At least another $500 will be spent on advertising the agency, because you will have to loudly declare yourself. And $500 is only the lower limit mark in this case. Do not forget also about setting up a telephone number, internet connection, monthly payments for telephone calls, electricity, internet. Managers' salaries are usually not fixed and amount to 15-40% of each transaction. At first, you can set a salary.

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Attracting clients and customers to the agency

Opening an employment agency is only a small part of the business. It is much more important to organize its permanent work. And for this you need customers and clients. To attract them, you will have to use all available media, especially advertising. Do not underestimate it, correctly presented information about the activities of your agency and focus on a specific target audience will do the trick. Also, your personal acquaintances with other entrepreneurs, businessmen who manage large companies play an important role. It doesn't hurt to create your own website. Today, no successful company can do without it.

Searching for personnel is not so difficult, but it also requires a serious approach. Post a vacancy announcement on job search sites, in specialized media, inform your acquaintances and friends, perhaps, if not they themselves, then someone from their environment is just looking for a new job. Pay attention to university graduates. Many companies recruit young interns into their ranks, provide training and give them the opportunity to move up the career ladder.

Just finding applicants is not enough, you still need to select among them. Employers turn to recruitment agencies for the reason that they do not want to spend their time on endless interviews, reviewing resumes, they often want to find an experienced employee with a lot of professional skills, a good track record, and recommendations. And you have to give it to him. Of course, finding a worthy candidate for the position of an accountant or manager is easier than for the position of a department head or director. This is the complexity of the work of a recruitment agency. Often good specialists already have a permanent job, and it will take a lot of work to interest and persuade them to move from one company to another.

Personnel is a decisive factor for the operation of any enterprise, and most managers are aware of this. Therefore, recruitment agencies specializing in the search and selection of personnel are becoming increasingly popular. This business does not require large investments, but requires certain skills and knowledge. Consider how to open a recruitment agency.

Recruitment agency format

Recruitment agencies are the link between employers and their potential employees. There are two main types of recruitment agencies.

  • The recruiting agency is engaged in the search and selection of personnel for employers.
  • The Employment Agency helps job seekers find and get suitable jobs.

Some agencies combine both of these functions.

It would seem: why do you need a recruitment agency, because the employer himself can advertise in the media and select the right candidate. But not everything is so simple.

Firstly, a large number of applicants usually respond to an advertisement for a good job, a significant part of which are not suitable for this job, for one reason or another. Not every employer wants to go through a long and complicated selection process or hire a permanent employee for this purpose. It is easier and cheaper, if such a need arises, to contact a recruitment agency.

Secondly, if an employer needs a highly qualified specialist of a rare specialty, it is almost impossible to find such an ad. A recruitment agency can find him through their channels.

The same applies to applicants. Of course, they can also answer advertisements in the media themselves, send out resumes, visit the personnel departments of potential employers, and look for work through other channels. But the process is long and not always effective. A good recruitment agency with an extensive database can do this much faster and more efficiently.

State registration of an enterprise

A recruitment agency is possible, either. For a small agency with one owner, the IP form will be more convenient, for a larger one with several owners (co-founders) - LLC.

You can choose the form of taxation that you consider the most attractive. According to the recommendations of lawyers, and the option when the tax is paid on net profit.

Initial business investment

All you need to get your recruitment agency up and running is to register your business and find an office. You do not need a large room, an office consisting of one or two rooms with an area of ​​15 - 40 sq.m. is enough. It is desirable that the office is located in a place with high traffic, preferably in the city center. It's good to have parking next to it.

Let's make a rough estimate of the initial costs:

  • Registration of an enterprise in the authorities and obtaining permits - 5,000 rubles.
  • The cost of renting an office per month is 20,000.
  • Equipment for work (computer, telephone, fax, printer) - 50,000.
  • The salary of agency employees for the first month is 60,000.
  • Transportation costs - 5,000.
  • Total - 170,000 rubles.

These costs may differ from yours. For example, a small agency was taken, renting a room of 15 square meters and operating in a city with a population of 300,000 people.

Recruitment agency income

Income consists of percentages paid to the agency by clients. If the agency selects the right specialist for the enterprise, the enterprise pays the agency from 5 to 20% of the annual salary of the found specialist.

Let's take an example. The customer is a construction company. She needs a chief project engineer. Requirements: age from 35 to 45 years, higher education of the relevant profile, at least 10 years of experience in construction, and there must be at least one completed project similar to the customer's project. The customer offers the applicant a salary of 100,000 rubles per month. If your agency finds a suitable candidate, it will receive 10% of 1,200,000 - the annual income of a specialist, that is, 120,000 rubles.

When an agency is looking for a job and helps the applicant find a job, it usually receives a reward from him in the amount of a monthly salary.

It is traditionally believed that this type of business, with its successful and productive work, has a very high payback. According to some calculations - from three months to six months.

Agency staff

First of all, you will need recruitment managers. For this position, you need to take people with experience and relevant education, active, sociable, persistent and self-confident. Your income will depend on their professional abilities.

In addition, you will need an accountant to keep records. It is better to invite a freelancer for this position.

A system administrator is also a necessary employee who will ensure the flawless operation of your computer databases.

You may need an office manager to be permanently present in the office and communicate with clients over the phone and in person.

Database creation

The database is the main tool in the work of a recruitment agency, both a recruiting agency and an employment agency. Experienced HR experts estimate that it takes at least two years of work to create a large, extensive, and efficient database. Therefore, it is best to start thinking about creating a database even before opening a recruitment agency.

It makes no sense to open a recruitment agency as an empty-handed business, without experience, connections, best practices and contacts. In this case, the business will be unprofitable. If you are planning to open a recruitment agency, but do not have a clear idea of ​​​​its work, then it is vital for you to find good employees with their connections and best practices, which will become the basis of your database.

There is another option - buying a database. People who work in the employment industry and have a working database can sometimes put it up for sale. It doesn't happen often, but it does happen.

Interaction with the employer

The first step is finding a customer. It is necessary to find out which enterprises need qualified specialists and offer them cooperation. The work begins with the conclusion of the contract. Then you need to draw up a questionnaire to search for the required employees.

The application must be as detailed as possible and include:

  • Applicant qualification.
  • Education.
  • Work experience.
  • Personal qualities.
  • Age.
  • Preferred gender.
  • Additional requirements and wishes.

Usually, the application is made by the manager of the recruitment agency after a preliminary conversation with the customer. Then it is presented to the customer, if necessary, adjustments are made, the future remuneration to the agency and the terms for which the recruiting agency must find the applicant are determined. In addition, such points are stipulated as: resumes of how many candidates the customer is ready to consider personally, when, where and by whom the interview will be conducted with the selected applicants for the position.

  • Through media ads. The agency advertises, then filters applicants, first by phone, then in person.
  • Direct search. Candidates are sought in enterprises similar to the customer's enterprise. And they offer them a higher salary and better conditions. This is called headhunting or headhunting. This method is usually used when searching for rare specialists or highly qualified specialists.
  • Search among graduates of higher educational institutions and refresher courses.
  • Own database, connections and channels.
  • In specialized online communities.
  • Interaction with the applicant

In this case, customers come to the agency themselves, but in order for them to find out about the agency, it is necessary to advertise in the media and other sources.

The scheme of work with applicants is as follows:

  1. The customer comes to the agency, explains where he would like to work and what salary to receive.
  2. The agency manager helps to write a resume and asks to fill out a detailed questionnaire.
  3. Next, the manager gives a rough estimate of the possible and actual wages that he can claim.
  4. The next step is to find an employer and submit a resume and application form to him.
  5. The last step is to interview the applicant with several potential employers and apply for a job.

In almost every company, sales and account managers earn the most, since they directly bring profit to the company. However, given that now in any organization the most important asset is personnel, the HR department is a key link.

Wanting to work for themselves and have a significantly higher income, many people seek to open their own recruitment agency. This is associated with certain risks and complexities that must be taken into account in order to achieve the desired result.

The first and rather global difficulty in Russia for an entrepreneur who wants to open such an enterprise is the fact that not all employers are ready to invest extra money in paying for the services of this kind of company. Instead, they prefer to work through their own HR department.

The second problem is that those companies that do understand the benefits of working with a staffing enterprise, for the most part, are quite large and already have a partner in this area. Finally, the third problem is the high level of competition in this market.

In this case, the following advantages can be distinguished:

  • Low payback period.
  • High level of profit.
  • No need for a large amount of initial investment.
  • The market is not highly dependent on seasonality.
  • Opportunity to build partnerships with your clients through the search for highly qualified personnel.
  • The presence of interest in this form of business on the part of employers and employees, since the search is carried out confidentially.
  • Ease of organizing such a business.
  • Low operating costs.
  • The almost complete absence of market entry barriers (this is both an advantage for a new company and a disadvantage, since their absence can lead to a sharp increase in competition in a short period of time).
  • Ability to choose different formats for the implementation of activities.

Registration of the form of activity

In order to start working officially, the agency must be registered. So, it is preferable to have a limited liability company. Also acceptable if there are no expansion plans. In this case, the company can have only one founder.

Registration must be carried out both in the tax office and in extrabudgetary forms. Accordingly, the owner will have to pay a state fee. Receiving a license from a recent time is not required.

In addition, the legal entity must have a bank account. When registering, it is desirable to choose in such a way that the tax is paid on net profit. This is beneficial because such an enterprise has minimal operating costs.

Types of agencies and typical services

There are 2 broad categories of companies:

  • who are looking for personnel for a specific position;
  • who help staff find jobs (that is, they are engaged in finding a vacancy for a person, and not a person for a vacancy).

The second type earns thanks to the contributions of people who are looking for a job: it can be either a fixed amount for information about companies that are looking for a specialist of the corresponding profile, or a fee for accessing the database for a certain amount of time. Finally, the third option is to receive money from a person after his employment in the amount of the average monthly salary.

Many agencies combine these two forms above.

Among those companies that recruit staff for any position, there are the following varieties:

  • Headhunting agency. To put it literally, such companies are engaged in “bounty hunting”. A feature of this type is working with large companies. At the same time, it is not just a search for a free specialist, but actions are taken to transfer him from one company to another.
  • Specialized recruiting agencies. These are companies that focus on one specific area. This can be either hiring employees for only one organization, or recruiting personnel only for certain positions (for example, warehouse staff), or finding employees for a specific area, whether it be pharmaceuticals or the food industry.
  • General recruiting companies. In their scheme, they are similar to those enterprises that are looking for a job for a person. The level of payment for their services varies from 1-2 to 4 salaries of the found employee.

Services include:

  • Recruiting regular staff.
  • Exclusive recruiting of top management of the company.
  • Recruitment of personnel according to specific requirements.
  • Market overviews (for example, data related to salaries).
  • Assessment Center (monitoring of the competence and motivation of personnel).

You can learn how to open such an organization without investments from the following video:

Selection of premises and purchase of necessary equipment

Opening an agency is quite simple: you can choose a location based on the cost of rent. It is also important to understand that the office should be located in a place with good transport accessibility. It should have a convenient access. Also, it is desirable that it be located closer to the city center in places with high traffic.

There are no requirements for office space as such. However, zoning must be done in it: first of all, an office will be required in which individual interviews will be conducted.

The agency does not require specialized equipment. It will be enough to equip each workplace with a standard set of equipment - a computer, telephone, copier, scanner, printer (the last 3 positions may not be for each employee, but in a single quantity for the entire office). In addition, Internet access will be required.

Firm staff

To begin with, it will be enough to hire 2 employees who will search for personnel and make calls. In addition, the company will need managers with good education and experience in the field of human resource management. These two factors will guarantee their ability to identify the strengths and weaknesses of a potential employee in a short time, as well as to understand whether he is suitable for the vacancy.

If an entrepreneur wants to provide services for analyzing the market situation, it is necessary to hire 1 or 2 competent analysts.

The demand for such services will depend on the quality of reports. Only these employees will receive a fixed salary. The rest of the staff, as a rule, receive a certain percentage of the transaction finding and hiring an employee.

For a small company, it is not critical to have such specialists as an accountant, lawyer or system administrator. It will be enough to hire a lawyer and an administrator only when they are needed. An accountant can work part-time 1-2 days a week or at the end of an accounting period. This will greatly reduce costs.

Search for clients-employers, creation of a database of potential personnel

In our country, at the initial stage, it is quite difficult to find customers. This is because many Russian companies (especially small and medium ones) underestimate the level of payment for such services and do not take the work of the agency seriously. As a result, they do not get the result that they needed, and most likely stop using such services.

To overcome this situation, at the first stage, you will have to call large companies and offer them the services of a new agency at a fairly low cost. Despite the fact that most of them have permanent partners, many agree to such proposals.

In addition, you can search for clients using various recruitment and job search sites: medium-sized companies that search through such services usually do not have a permanent partner among personnel organizations.

Finally, the agency may be needed by firms that are just entering the market or are seriously expanding the scope of activities or the region of presence. In this case, employers understand that the independent search for personnel will require a lot of time and money, and therefore turn to recruiting organizations.

Costs, estimated profit and payback period

A recruiting agency is the type of business that does not require a large amount of investment. The most costly part is paying rent for the office for several months in advance. Depending on its size, the entrepreneur will have to pay 25-50 thousand per month.

Another equally significant cost item is advertising (20-30 thousand per month). It should be placed on specialized portals, as well as in large-circulation publications supplied free of charge. Only in this case it will be possible to quickly attract customers.

Other costs include:

  • Preparation of necessary documents and registration - 10-20 thousand rubles.
  • Renovation of the office - about 150 thousand rubles, depending on the chosen interior and the size of the room.
  • Purchase of the necessary equipment - about 35-40 thousand rubles based on one workplace (in the case of buying 1-2 printers, scanners and copiers for the entire office).
  • Internet connection - 2-4 thousand rubles.

The payback period is 2 to 4 months with an order value of 25-30 thousand rubles. At the same time, the monthly net profit will be about 100-250 thousand rubles depending on the number of orders and employees. The profitability of the business is about 10-15%.

The success of any enterprise depends primarily on qualified personnel. A competent leader understands how great the value of a high-profile specialist is. Therefore, an agency for the selection and search of employees as an idea for a business is not only relevant and profitable, but also does not require large investments.

Market analysis, relevance and competition

In the labor market, a recruitment agency acts as an intermediary and performs the function of recruiting and searching for personnel. Despite the large number of unemployed in the country, there is a shortage of qualified personnel, so it is not so easy for directors of enterprises to find a truly professional and responsible employee.

Company executives are ready to pay a lot of money to good specialists, but finding them is quite problematic. Managers often face the following problems:

  1. By placing an advertisement for a vacancy in the media, a huge number of people respond to it.
  2. It is very difficult to choose a worthy candidate among a large stream of applicants, and even more so an employee with a rare specialty or special skills.
  3. Not every employer is willing to spend their time recruiting or keeping HR managers on staff.

As a result of the above, it is easier for companies to resort to the services of specialized organizations. Therefore, the importance of recruitment agencies is growing every year.

The main tasks of the recruitment agency are:

  • search for a customer and conclusion of a contract;
  • recruitment and resume writing.

Opening a recruitment agency does not require significant costs, so the competition in this area is very high.

Before you decide to open a recruitment agency, you need to conduct market research. They will help to analyze the situation on the market, assess the level of competition. This question can be entrusted to consulting companies, or you can do it yourself if you have experience.

Registration and organization of business

Before you start a recruitment agency, you should register it with the state tax authorities. To do this, you need to open an individual business or a limited liability company. The most favorable form of taxation in this case is a simplified system: payment of tax on net profit.

Required Documentation

In addition to registration as a taxpayer, registration with social funds is a prerequisite. It is also necessary to open a bank account for the purpose of mutual settlements with clients.

The contract with the customer is one of the most important documents in the work of a recruitment agency. It should be drawn up by an experienced lawyer, since the entire process of doing business will depend on the terms of the contract. A well-written document will warn the agency against possible risks and force majeure situations. You need to describe in detail:

  • duties of the parties;
  • working conditions;
  • penalties for non-compliance with the rules of cooperation.

Premises and equipment

It is best to choose an office for a recruitment agency in a busy area, ideally in the central part of the city. If this is not possible, then you can rent a room in the business center. Typically, the owners of such buildings offer offices with furniture and all the necessary communications, which will reduce the initial costs when opening a recruitment agency.

The area of ​​the premises is 15-25 sq.m. will be quite enough.

Necessary equipment:

  1. Computers or laptops for staff.
  2. Printer or MFP.
  3. Furniture for employees and visitors.
  4. Racks or cabinets for documentation.
  5. Phone fax.

Range of services

Due to the high degree of competition in the personnel business, it became necessary to create highly specialized agencies. There are the following types of recruitment agencies:

  • recruiting;
  • narrow profile;
  • headhunting;
  • international.

Each of the above forms of doing business provides a certain range of services depending on the specialization. Let's take a closer look at each of them:

  1. Recruiters are looking for workers for factories, enterprises, firms, of various kinds. Agency services in this case are paid by the customer. Such an enterprise acts as an intermediary between the employer and the person who is looking for work.
  2. International recruitment agencies provide employment services for people who want to work abroad. It must be understood that in order to open such an agency, it is necessary to obtain a business license.
  3. Narrow-profile employment companies provide personnel search services for a specialized field of activity. Such recruitment agencies not only look for the right workers, but also prepare and train them. Field of activity of these agencies:
  • recruitment of staff for housekeeping;
  • employees to work in hotels and private cottages;
  • preparation of candidates for the upbringing and care of children;
  • search for workers for construction companies.
  1. Headhunters are looking for such employees for customers who have experience in a certain field and are great professionals in their field. As a rule, headhunting agencies are engaged in luring specialists from one company to another. The cost of the services of such agencies is very highly estimated by the employer.


In the first few months, the owner of a staffing company can independently perform the main work by hiring one or two assistants. But over time, in order to develop the enterprise and expand the range of services provided, one cannot do without qualified personnel. In the future, you need to hire:

  • an accountant with experience in the service sector (he can work remotely);
  • HR managers;
  • psychologist;
  • secretary;
  • analytics;
  • programmer.

Recruitment is a very important and responsible issue. After all, the entire future success of the agency will depend on the right staff.


An important basis for attracting potential customers and retaining regular ones is a properly organized marketing system. The list of effective marketing activities in the field of personnel business:

  1. Organization of the presentation on the occasion of the opening.
  2. Advertising on the Internet and in specialized magazines, newspapers on employment and personnel search.
  3. Creation of a logo and corporate identity.
  4. A sign on the facade of the agency's office.
  5. Development of the official site.
  6. Activity in social networks.

Another effective marketing tool is to expand the range of services provided. Additional activities will not only increase the amount of profit, but also increase the prestige of the recruitment agency. In addition to recruiting personnel for the customer and finding work for the unemployed or people who want to find more favorable conditions for cooperation, the agency can:

  • provide consulting services;
  • engage in staff training;
  • create a business school or refresher courses.

The financial component of the business

Opening a recruitment agency does not require large material investments. The success of this business largely depends on the established customer base, the qualifications and communication skills of managers and, of course, the authority of the agency.

Cost of opening and maintaining

It is impossible to calculate the exact amount required to start, since everything depends on the region, city where the agency is planned to be opened, the amount of capital and the level of services provided. Approximately investing in the business will require from 50,000-200,000 rubles.

The list of initial expenses and costs of maintaining the business:

Size of future income

The profit of the personnel business depends on the number of contracts concluded, as well as the specialization of the agency.

The future entrepreneur needs to be prepared for the fact that this type of activity does not bring a stable income.

In one month, you can make deals that will allow you to live comfortably for several months, but there are periods when income is barely enough to cover current expenses.

Most often, the work of a recruitment agency is paid as follows:

  • the employer for each found employee transfers to the current account of the recruitment agency from 20-50 percent per annum of the salary of the found candidate, not taking into account bonus payments;
  • in the case of an applicant, the recruitment agency receives a remuneration in the amount of one salary from the employee's salary.

We can conclude that the approximate profit of the employment agency is from 15,000-150,000 rubles. This amount also depends on the region where the business was opened.

Payback period

This area of ​​activity has a fairly high payback with proper planning and organization of the workflow. On average, the payback period is from three months to one year.

Opening a recruitment agency is not difficult and significant financial investment. However, in order for a business to remain successful, highly profitable and prestigious, a businessman needs to have tremendous organizational skills, have analytical skills, and most importantly, have a great desire to succeed in this area.