Oil description. heating oil

1. Scope of fuel oil

Fuel oil (possibly from the Arabic mazkhulat - waste), a dark brown liquid product, the residue after the separation of gasoline, kerosene and gas oil fractions from oil or its secondary processing products, boiling up to 350-360 ° C. Fuel oil is a mixture of hydrocarbons (with a molecular weight of 400 to 1000 g/mol), petroleum hydrocarbons (with a molecular weight of 500-3000 g/mol or more), asphaltenes, carbenes, carboids and organic compounds containing metals (V, Ni, Fe, Mg, Na, Ca).

Fuel oils are used as fuel for steam boilers, boiler plants and industrial furnaces. The output of fuel oil is about 50% by weight based on the original oil. Due to the need to deepen its further processing, fuel oil is subjected to further processing on an increasing scale, distilling distillates under vacuum, boiling in the range of 350-420, 350-460, 350-500 and 420-500 ° C. Vacuum distillates are used as raw materials for the production of motor fuels and distillate lubricating oils. The residue of vacuum distillation of fuel oil is used for processing at thermal cracking and coking units, in the production of residual lubricating oils and tar, which is then processed into bitumen.

The main consumers of fuel oil are industry and housing and communal services. In 2005, Russia exported 45.8 million tons of fuel oil worth $10.2 billion. Fuel oil ranks fourth after oil, gas and diesel fuel in Russia's export structure (in monetary terms).

Lubricating oils are obtained from fuel oil by additional distillation for lubricating various mechanisms. The distillation is carried out under reduced pressure in order to lower the boiling point of hydrocarbons and avoid their decomposition when heated. After the distillation of fuel oil, a non-volatile dark mass remains - tar, which is used for asphalting streets.

Fuel oil superlight is used as process fuel on industrial enterprises, at heat supply enterprises, as well as on ships of the sea and river fleet.

2. Physical and chemical properties of fuel oil

Fuel oil superlight contains 25-50% of stabilized gas condensate containing fraction C1-C4 in the amount of not more than 0.3-1.0% and the rest fuel oil grade M100 and/or M40.

Physical and chemical properties of fuel oil depend on chemical composition initial oil and the degree of distillation of distillate fractions and are characterized by the following data: viscosity 8-80 mm 2 / s (at 100 ° C), density 0.89-1 g / cm 3 (at 20 ° C), pour point 10-40 ° C, sulfur content 0.5-3.5%, ash content up to 0.3%, net calorific value 39.4-40.7 MJ/mol. A typical distribution of tar-asphaltene substances in fuel oil is presented in Table. 2.

Table 2.

The main characteristics of fuel oil are: density, viscosity, and pour point, which are described in more detail in Table. 3.

Table 3


Norm by brand



Viscosity: at 50 0 C, not more than conditional, 0 VU

kinematic, cSt at 80 0 C, no more than conditional, 0 VU

kinematic, cSt

Temperature, 0 С:

solidification, not higher

-7/-5 -8 10 25

Density at 20 0 С, kg/m3, not less than

910/955 930/960 965/1015 1015

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The physicochemical properties of fuel oil depend on the chemical composition of the original oil and the degree of distillation of distillate fractions and are characterized by the following data: viscosity 8-80 mm 2 / s (at 100 ° C), density 0.89-1 g / cm 3 (at 20 ° C), pour point 10-40°C, sulfur content 0.5-3.5%, ash up to 0.3%, net calorific value 39.4-40.7 MJ/mol. A typical distribution of tar-asphaltene substances in fuel oil is presented in Table. one.

Table 1.

The main characteristics of fuel oil are: density, viscosity, and pour point, which are described in more detail in Table. 2.

Table 2.

Main performance characteristics boiler and heavy fuels

Performance characteristics are determined by the behavior of the fuel during storage, transportation and operation. These indicators are determined by the following physico-chemical characteristics:

1. Viscosity - determines the methods and duration of loading and unloading operations, the conditions of transportation and pumping, hydraulic resistance during transportation through pipelines and the efficiency of nozzles. The ability to settle from water will depend on the viscosity, the higher the viscosity, the more difficult it is to separate the water. According to the chemical composition, all dark fuels are distinguished by the presence of solid paraffins, asphalt-resinous substances.

2. Sulfur content - standards for sulfur content are determined by the characteristics of the oil from which the fuel oil is obtained. Sulfur in light distillates of dark fuels is contained in the form of various compounds. In the residual fractions, sulfur is inactive: sulfides, theophenes, theophanes. The presence of SO 3 in the flue gases increases the temperature of the start of gas condensation (increases the dew point), as a result of which droplets of sulfuric acid condense on the surfaces of the boilers.

3. Calorific value - the fuel consumption measured in kJ/kg depends on the calorific value, i.e. is the heat dissipation per unit of fuel. GOST normalizes the lower calorific value - this is the calorific value that does not take into account the heat consumption for the condensation of water vapor. The gross calorific value is the calorific value that takes into account the cost of heat for the condensation of water. The heat of combustion depends on the chemical composition and on the carbon-hydrogen ratio. In addition, the lower calorific value depends on the content of sulfur compounds. For high-sulfur fuels, it is lower than for low-sulphur ones. For boiler fuels, the net calorific value Q H =39900-41580 j/kg, at c=940-970 kg/m 3 .

4. Pour point - characterizes the conditions of storage, draining and pumping. Depends on the quality of the processed oil and on the method of obtaining fuel. For fuel oil M-40 and M-100, the pour point should be up to +25 0 С.

5. The flash point for marine fuel oils is determined in a closed crucible (not lower than 75-80°C), for boiler fuels it is determined in an open crucible (not lower than 90-100°C).

Different grades of fuel oil have different energy value. However, the lowest calorific value fuel oil is 9000 kcal/kg.

fuel oil - a liquid product of dark brown color, the residue after the separation of oil or products of its secondary processing of gasoline, kerosene and gas oil fractions, boiling up to 350-3600C. - is a mixture of hydrocarbons, petroleum resins, asphaltenes, carbenes, carboids and organic compounds containing metals.

An approximate component composition of commercial fuel oil may include: atmospheric oil distillation oil, tar, vacuum gas oils, oil production extracts, kerosene-gas oil fractions (primary and secondary), heavy catalytic cracking and coking gas oils, bitumens, visbreaking residues, heavy pyrolysis tars.

Fuel oil classification

Heating oils are one of the main varieties of heavy liquid fuel, including also marine fuel oil and fuel oil - open-hearth furnace fuel (furnace oil). Boiler fuels are used in stationary steam boilers and industrial furnaces. Heavy motor and marine fuels are used in ship power plants. Furnace fuel oils, like other types of liquid petroleum fuels, are obtained at refineries either in the process of oil distillation or during high-temperature processing of its intermediate fractions (cracking process). According to the production method, straight-run fuel oils and cracked fuel oils are distinguished.

Straight-run fuel oil is a mixture of heavy oil residues of direct distillation of oil with its low-viscosity fractions. The mixing of distillates with the heavy residue is necessary to maintain the viscosity of the fuel oil within the requirements of the standard.

Cracked fuel oil is a heavy, highly viscous residue of the cracking process.

Boiler fuels include fuel oil grades 40 and 100, produced in accordance with GOST 10585 - 75 (in M-40, to reduce the pour point to 10 0C, 8 - 15% of middle distillate fractions are added, in M-100 diesel fractions are not added), to heavy motor fuels - marine fuel oils F-5 and F-12 - according to GOST 10585-75, motor fuels DT and DM - according to GOST 1667-68.

Marine fuels include distillate fuel TMS according to TU 38. 101567-87 and residual fuels SVT, SVL, SVS according to TU 38.1011314-90.

Naval fuel oil F-5 grades are obtained by mixing products of direct distillation of oil: 60-70% straight-run fuel oil and 30-40% diesel fuel with the addition of a pour point depressant. It is allowed to use in its composition up to 22% kerosene-gas oil fractions of secondary processes, including light gas oil of catalytic and thermal cracking.

In a small amount, the residues of the distillation of resins obtained during the thermal processing of coal and oil shale (coal and shale fuel oils) are used as liquid boiler fuel.

In addition to naval and furnace fuel oils, the industry produces process fuel according to TU 38.001361-87. This fuel is produced only from products of direct distillation of oil.

Several types of fuels are produced for marine power plants, including motor fuel according to GOST 1667-68, marine low-viscosity fuel according to TU 38.101567-87 and high-viscosity marine fuel according to TU 38.1011314-90.

For gas turbine plants, oil fuel is obtained from distillates of secondary processes and direct distillation of oil by compounding light coking gas oils, catalytic cracking and straight-run diesel fuel fractions (180-420 0C). The content of vanadium and sulfur is strictly limited in gas turbine fuel. The presence of vanadium leads to high-temperature vanadium corrosion of the blades gas turbine, and sulfur enhances vanadium corrosion of iron alloys.

Furnace household fuel It is intended for combustion in low power heating installations located directly in residential premises, as well as in medium power heat generators used in agriculture for the preparation of feed, drying of grain, fruits, canning and other purposes. According to the fractional composition, it can be somewhat heavier than diesel fuel. It does not standardize cetane and iodine numbers, cloud point.

The requirements for the quality of boiler, heavy motor, marine, gas turbine and furnace fuels, which establish the conditions for their use, are determined by such quality indicators as water content, mechanical impurities, ash content, sulfur content, viscosity, pour point and flash point, combustion heat.

Fuel oils are used as fuel for steam boilers, boiler plants and industrial furnaces, for the production of marine fuel oil, heavy motor fuel for crosshead diesel engines and bunker fuel. The output of fuel oil is about 50% by weight based on the original oil. In connection with the need to deepen its further processing, fuel oil is subjected to further processing on an increasing scale, distilling distillates under vacuum, boiling in the range of 350-420, 350-460, 350-500 and 420-500 ° C. Vacuum distillates are used as raw materials for the production of motor fuels, in the processes of catalytic cracking, hydrocracking, distillation lubricating oils. The residue of vacuum distillation of fuel oil is used for processing at thermal cracking and coking units, in the production of residual lubricating oils and tar, which is then processed into bitumen.

The main consumers of fuel oil are industry, fleet and housing and communal services.

Fuel oil is a special material obtained from oil refinery products or being the residue of its distillation. The composition of this type of fuel includes mainly resins having a molecular weight of 500-3000 g/mol, as well as hydrocarbons with a mass of 400 to 100 g/mol. These can be carbene, asphaltene, carboid, as well as various organic compounds.

Types of fuel oil

Currently, the following types of this material are mainly used in industry:


    straight run;



The latter variety is very popular. As the name suggests, it is mainly used for space heating.

Types of fuel oil and its scope

This species itself is further subdivided into two large groups:

    Actually heating oil.

    Diesel fuel.

Fuel oils of the first group by their nature are a heavy form of oil. Most often, all such material is used in old boiler houses of various kinds of agricultural enterprises. Sometimes it is used and commercial enterprises for heating offices or departments. usually purchased for heating private or even multi-storey buildings in different (mostly remote) regions of Russia, for example, in the Northern Urals, in the Arctic, etc. It differs from purely fuel oil (red diesel) in a greater degree of purification and ease.

It is justified to use this material as usually in those cases when in the area where the residential building or manufacturing facility, there is no gas pipeline. Fuel oil is very inexpensive, but its combustion greatly pollutes the environment. In addition, this type of fuel, due to its flammability, is rather difficult to store, and it is often expensive.

Main characteristics

When choosing a material such as heating oil for a boiler room, they usually pay attention to such indicators as:

    viscosity of the material;

    its density level;

    flash point;

    percentage of sulfur;

    freezing temperature.

Oil viscosity

According to this indicator, two main types of material are distinguished. Fuel oil 40 and 40V is considered medium viscosity, 100 and 100V heavy. Light materials for heating various kinds of premises are not used. They are mainly used only in the fleet as diesel fuel and are labeled as F5 and F12.

The viscosity of fuel oil is most often expressed in degrees (° VU). This parameter is determined by the Engler viscometer. This takes into account the time of passage of fuel oil through a calibrated hole at a certain temperature. For fuel oil 40, the last parameter is 80 degrees, for M100 brand material - 100 gr. The change in the viscosity of fuel oil at different temperatures is primarily due to the presence of a series in it.


This parameter characterizes such an important property of the material as the ability to resist water. The latter can get into heating oil when it is heated using dry steam or when it is transported on old ships.

For the selection of water from the material, special installations are used that increase its density. What should be this indicator for a particular brand of such material as fuel oil? GOST provides standard standards for each of them (at a temperature of 20 ° C). You can find out the specific indicator for each brand from the table below.

The density of fuel oil, therefore, is one of the most important parameters that you should definitely pay attention to when buying this material. Otherwise, you can buy a not very high-quality product.

Flash point

This property of fuel oil is determined in an open crucible placed in an iron cup with sand. The flash point is measured with a special thermometer during the ignition of its vapors mixed with ambient air, when an open flame is brought to them. To fluctuate this parameter different types fuel oil can be in the range of 90-170 o C. For furnace material M100, according to the standard, it should be 110 o C. For M40 - 90 o C. That is, the latter can be considered safer during storage. When performing such an operation as heating up fuel oil, according to the standards, it is necessary to adhere to a temperature that is 10 degrees below the flash t.

Ash content of fuel oil

This parameter is also an important characteristic of the fuel. An increase in the ash content of fuel oil leads to a decrease in its heat transfer during combustion. As a result:

    increased consumption of fuel required for combustion;

    the degree of pollution increases environment.

pour point

This indicator directly depends on the viscosity. The pour point of fuel oil is determined simply. The material is poured into a test tube and the latter is tilted at 45 degrees. Next, they look at what minimum temperature its level will remain stable for one minute.

What should be the solidification t of such a material as fuel oil? GOST prescribes the following:

    For material grade M40, this figure should be 10 o C.

    For fuel oil of other grades, the temperature may rise to 36 ° C.

This indicator is determined mainly by the degree of paraffin content in the material. The higher the pour point of fuel oil, the more difficult it is to transport it through pipelines.

According to this indicator, several types of fuel oils are also distinguished. The sulfur content of the material depends primarily on what kind of oil was used to make it. The range of the content of the mentioned substance in fuel oil is 0.5-3.5%. Most of all, sulfur is part of the M100 grade material. This impurity is considered harmful because it increases the metal parts of the boilers. In addition, the use of fuel oil with a high sulfur content contributes to very strong atmospheric pollution. The percentage of this substance in the fuel can be reduced by hydrogenating it or passing it through sorbents. Sometimes fuel oil is simply diluted with another, cleaner one.


Currently, fuel oil is considered one of the most economical types of fuel. In this regard, it is significantly superior to even cheap natural gas. Brand - this is what primarily determines the cost of such material as fuel oil. The price of M40 material usually does not exceed 9-13 thousand rubles per ton. The cost of the most popular fuel oil M100 is usually 6-10 thousand rubles per ton (depending on the supplier). When buying this type of fuel, among other things, you should pay attention to whether VAT is included in its price.

So, the characteristics of heating oil were considered by us in all details. Thus, when buying this inexpensive material, first of all, you should pay attention to indicators such as viscosity, density and flash point. You should also find out how much sulfur is contained in fuel oil, and what is the degree of its ash content.

Many have come across the name of fuel oil, but in life only a small percentage knows what it is. Mostly these are people working at old power plants or in agriculture. The average resident who grew up and lives in a large developing city has not encountered fuel oil and heard little about it.

How is fuel oil produced and where is it used?

Fuel oil is a heavy substance that is part of the oil and settles to the bottom during processing. Oil is lighter than fuel oil, but fuel oil partially retains its properties. It is like a sediment that degrades the quality of oil for further processing, but also retains flammability. Much cheaper than gasoline diesel fuel or kerosene. As a result, it has been in high demand in the past.

Fuel oil is used in old power plants, diesel locomotives, motor ships, boiler houses, as well as other engines and installations that were made mainly in the past and century. But fuel oil also has a number of major drawbacks, and therefore is now very rarely used. The main disadvantages of fuel oil are:

  • Large soot during combustion.
  • Little work efficiency.
  • Very caustic.
    Oil stains are extremely difficult to remove from things. In factories, to wash work clothes from fuel oil, aggressive substances were used that corroded buttons.
  • Fuel oil is difficult to find and buy.
    It was purchased mainly large enterprises, and after that, “smart” workers and foremen stole and resold or appropriated the decommissioned fuel oil, which was not listed.

Is there a prospect of widespread use of fuel oil?

There are many varieties of oil. Depending on the purpose, it is also additionally purified and distilled, separately for boiler houses, separately for power plants, separately for diesel locomotives. Just like the octane number in gasoline, certain cars need a lower octane number, some need a higher one, so there are different grades in fuel oil.

As long as there is oil, there will always be fuel oil, because there is always a demand for gasoline and other products from oil. But, due to the large soot coming from fuel oil, as well as the difficulty in cleaning stains and low efficiency, it is used only in old power plants and large outdated motors, boiler houses.

Every year there are fewer and fewer such enterprises. Power plants are replacing hydroelectric power plants and environmentally friendly wind farms. Boiler houses are switching to gas, or more productive coal, which does not have such soot, and greater efficiency.

Diesel locomotives and steamships running on fuel oil are now extremely rare. They use a lot of resources, are highly polluting, and are less efficient than diesel, gasoline, and coal engines.

If ecologists trumpet about the great harm to the environment from the exhaust gases of simple machines, then they completely look at diesel locomotives through their fingers. In a word, fuel oil was in great demand with a low oil price and a small number of first cars. Against the background of the latter, the ship was no different in terms of carbon dioxide emissions, soot and efficiency.

But modern economical cars and the high price of oil have left fuel oil in the past. Even diesel engine, famous for its emissions, in modern cars is in no way inferior to gasoline, thanks to modern filters. Power plants and engines running on fuel oil remained only in poor countries.

Where it is easier to buy fuel oil than to re-equip and buy more environmentally friendly and modern equipment. In the near future, prices for economical equipment will fall, and the cost of oil will increase, which will finally put an end to the entire fuel oil industry.