Business plan for growing tomatoes in a greenhouse. Growing vegetables as a business: relevance, profit of selling tomatoes

Thanks to breeders, there are various varieties of tomatoes that can be grown outdoors, under film shelters, in greenhouses and even on balconies. Early varieties grown on their own beds in late spring - early summer are especially valued, since during this period imported tomatoes dominate the store shelves, which, as a rule, are grown in a greenhouse way, they are expensive, but the taste, as the hero of Arkady Raikin said - "specific". Therefore, at this time, local tomatoes have absolutely no competition, and the average price on the market allows you to make good money, but you can also make money on tomato seedlings. The main thing is to know the way accelerated cultivation tomatoes.

A tomato is a berry. Biologists consider tomatoes to be berries. Since it has all the characteristic features - juicy pulp, thin skin, many seeds inside the fruit.

In early spring, as soon as the last frosts pass and warming sets in, all gardeners have an acute question about how to plant tomatoes. Tomato is a heat-loving crop and requires a lot of knowledge and effort to grow. However, the success of a good harvest begins with the right choice of site, soil preparation and, most importantly, the process of planting seeds. Let's take a step-by-step look at a universal technique on how to quickly grow tomato seedlings without much effort.

Right choice plot - the key to successful seedlings

First of all, in early spring, the right area for sowing is selected. Like any heat-loving crop, the tomato loves the open sun. Therefore, the owners of even the smallest land will have to allocate the sunniest area for tomatoes if they ultimately want to get an excellent harvest. At first, ten square meters is enough to get seedlings from seeds, since at the beginning of spring it is strongly recommended to plant seeds in a greenhouse in order to avoid the death of crops from unforeseen cold snaps or frosts.

Soil preparation for sowing

The site is carefully dug up with a bayonet shovel, simultaneously mixing ashes from burned firewood into the ground. To simplify the process, it is recommended to initially sprinkle the earth with ashes and then start digging, turning the shovel with the earth upside down.

This will enrich the chernozem with a large number of missing trace elements. The dug up area is loosened with a rake, and all large pieces of soil are broken. Now it is possible to outline the boundaries of the future greenhouse and with the help of a shovel, it is necessary to finally level the landing area, while slightly compacting the surface. This is necessary for the subsequent creation of furrows in which seeds will be planted.

After the final leveling of the soil, we proceed to the creation of planting furrows. To do this, you need a metal pipe the entire length of your site with a diameter of 2.5 cm or a wooden lath of the same size. The pipe is placed on the surface of the earth along the length of the section at one of the edges and pressed into the soil to the depth of its diameter, that is, so that it is flush with the ground.

Then the pipe is removed and the necessary furrow remains in the ground. In the same way, the remaining grooves are made with an interval of 10 cm.

Tomato is a vegetable. Ushakov's dictionary calls a tomato a vegetable, as it grows in the garden and is eaten. But, this statement does not violate the classification of botanists. The fruit of a tomato is a berry. And the tomato itself is a vegetable, because this term is culinary.

When the furrows are ready, they should be strewn with a thin layer of ordinary sand, as shown in the photo. Sand in the future will provide better penetration of air and moisture to the roots, thereby increasing the flow of nutrients.

Seed planting technique

Now it is worth explaining how to grow seedlings by planting seeds in the resulting furrows. First of all, the mounting groove must be moistened with a small amount of water ( in the best way This is what a kettle is for. In a moistened furrow, they begin to spread one seed at a time with an interval of 5 cm, pressing them into the ground with little effort.

We plant the seeds in moistened furrows, the interval is 5 cm

The laid out seeds are covered not with clean earth, but with black soil, previously mixed with a small amount of humus compost and sawdust, as can be seen in the following photographs.

The compost in this mixture contributes large quantity nutrients for seed growth, and sawdust act as soil aerators, providing better oxygen penetration to the roots.

This procedure is done with the rest of the furrows, filling them up without a slide, flush with the ground.

At the final stage of sowing, the entire planted area is sprinkled with a small layer (up to 5 mm) of simple sawdust, which will create a kind of air gap over the sowing.

Such a layer will serve as additional protection from the cold, and will also create a special microclimate, keeping moisture in the soil longer. Then the sprinkled area is watered with a small amount of water from a spray bottle or watering can. The main thing is not to overdo it with water to avoid blurring the furrows and washing out the seeds.

Summer greenhouses or greenhouses are often installed on personal plots. They are suitable for protecting plants during frosts, accelerate fruiting allow the cultivation of particularly heat-loving varieties. Such greenhouses can be built on a wooden or metal frame and covered with foil. The greenhouse requires annual reconstruction, but is quite cheap. Suitable only for seasonal cultivation in the ground.

For year-round tomato cultivation capital buildings needed equipped with a heating system. Such greenhouses are erected on a durable metal frame with an anti-corrosion coating. Glass or polycarbonate is used as a coating.

The latter is suitable for arched greenhouses, sheets can be bent and cut without fear of damage. In regions with cold climates double glazing recommended. The air between the layers of glass or polycarbonate creates the effect of a thermos, which reduces heating costs.

For year-round cultivation, greenhouses with a pitched roof are more convenient. Sizes vary from 100 to 500 sq. m. Industrial greenhouses are even larger, with an average size of around 1,000 square meters. m.

Such structures involve cultivation using hanging technology, hydroponic or aeroponic. A significant drawback of tomatoes grown in a nutrient solution is a recognizable watery taste and lack of a characteristic aroma.

The ideal greenhouse for tomatoes should be high enough. The north wall can be laid out with cinder blocks or timber. A blank wall will protect the planting from the wind and help keep you warm. A pitched roof structure is preferred, on which snow does not linger.

Business pros and cons

Growing tomatoes indoors has many benefits. Among them:

  • high demand for tomatoes, increasing in the autumn-winter season;
  • heated greenhouses allow you to take several crops a year;
  • there are many varieties designed specifically for greenhouses;
  • tomatoes stored long enough, which minimizes losses;
  • the harvested crop can be sold independently, through retail outlets on the market or the Internet, and also sold through retail chains, catering and wholesale buyers.

Despite good prospects for entrepreneurs, business has some disadvantages.

Among the most significant:

  • high costs for heating the greenhouse in the cold season;
  • growing tomatoes on an industrial scale should only be done by people with experience in crop production;
  • to work with retail registration required legal entity and getting veterinary certificate for products;
  • in summer, competition from owners of farms growing tomatoes in the open field increases.

Choosing a variety for closed ground

In a greenhouse, it is preferable to grow hybrids specially created for closed ground. It is better to choose tall branched varieties. On such a bush many fruits ripen at the same time, which increases the productivity of greenhouses. Tall bushes can be combined with smaller, planted around the perimeter. This arrangement will allow optimal use of scarce space.

Both early and late varieties are suitable for closed ground. AT middle lane it is not recommended to plant especially sweet hybrids of the southern selection, they are very sensitive to temperature fluctuations and can be affected by pests.

When choosing the right variety, it is worth considering:

  1. yield. Multiple varieties will significantly increase income.
  2. fruit ripening time. The shorter the growing season, the more profitable the business.
  3. disease resistance. The best hybrids are not affected by pests and do not require constant treatment with insecticides.
  4. The taste of tomatoes. Consumers prefer more fleshy fruits with a bright sweet taste and pronounced aroma.
  5. Fruit size and color. Medium-sized tomatoes of rich red, pink or yellow color are in great demand among buyers.
  6. It is advisable to choose varieties with fruits that tolerate storage and transportation well.

Among the most popular, industrial varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses can be noted:

  1. Early and mid-ripening varieties: Gift, Aksinya, Cherry, Evpator, Kostroma. Palenque.
  2. Hybrids with a shortened growing season: Verlioka, Rhapsody, Caspar, Sprinter, Etude, Farmer.
  3. Fruits with a particularly rich taste: Honey Spas, Pink Honey, Orange King, Asteroid, Lady, Ballerina.

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Having chosen the right variety, it is worth concentrating on it. Industrial cultivation of tomatoes in a greenhouse focused not on experiments and to increase productivity. Professionals usually grow no more than 2-3 types of tomatoes at a time.

Greenhouse equipment

In small farm greenhouses, it is better to grow tomatoes in the ground. Their taste qualities are much higher, which allows them to sell products at a good margin.

greenhouse must be equipped with a ventilation system and automatic drip irrigation. Tomatoes are sensitive to moisture levels, but do not like stagnant water in the soil. On hot days, shading is required with the help of special curtains, which close the south side of the greenhouse.

The heating system may be different. Industrial greenhouses heated with built-in boilers and underground pipes. Farm structures can be heated with heaters, stoves, potbelly stoves and even bonfires. The use of biofuel from a mixture of rotted manure and straw will also help.

To maintain the desired microclimate in the winter, open tanks with mullein are installed in the greenhouse. Vapors activate the process of photosynthesis necessary for good fruiting.

Tomatoes in a greenhouse need light, nutritious soil, to which complex mineral fertilizers are regularly applied. top dressing from a mixture of superphosphate, potassium salt and ammonium nitrate deposited every two weeks. Lack of nutrients slows down the formation of ovaries and fruit ripening.

How to calculate profitability?

Before you start growing tomatoes, it is important to draw up a detailed business plan. It will help to correctly calculate the profitability of the future business and accurately take into account all upcoming costs. The consumables include:

  • lease of a piece of land or its purchase;
  • construction and equipment of the greenhouse;
  • purchase of seeds or seedlings;
  • purchase of fertilizers and agricultural equipment;
  • registration of a legal entity and registration of certificates for products;
  • transportation finished products to the point of sale.

Useful video:

Profit depends on the volume of sales and method of implementation. Most profitable optionsale of tomatoes through retail chains or businesses Catering.

Cafes and restaurants need not so much cheap as quality products. It is also possible to sell the crop to wholesale buyers, but in this case the margin is significantly reduced.

Substandard can be handed over for processing(production of sauces, pastes, juices).

Much depends on the time of sale. In winter, the mark-up increases by 1.5-2 times. This is due to a decrease in supply and an increase in the cost of production. Before starting winter cultivation, estimate heating costs.

In particularly cold regions, the high cost of electricity can significantly reduce profitability. Many farmers prefer to extend the growing period of tomatoes until November, and suspend production in winter.

Marketers estimate that the average business profitability on industrial cultivation tomatoes in the greenhouse oscillate from 50 to 70%.

In lean years, it can increase, in a period of great competition from household plots, it can decrease. The expansion of greenhouse facilities and distribution channels will help increase profitability.

Other popular crops for greenhouse business, which you can learn more about on our website: berries, flowers, herbs, cucumbers and other vegetables.

So that growing tomatoes in a greenhouse as a business does not go bankrupt, it is important to carefully calculate the costs and future income. You can start work with one small greenhouse, gradually increasing momentum. It will help to attract loans and subsidies, possible when registering a legal entity.

Growing tomatoes in a greenhouse as a business is a great solution for aspiring entrepreneurs with experience in agriculture. The greenhouse makes it possible to harvest even in winter, when the markup on fresh vegetables increases significantly. At proper organization investments will pay off in 1.5-2 years, after which the business will begin to bring stable income.

Fresh tomatoes are very useful because they contain a large number of vitamins. People who monitor their health must include tomatoes in their daily diet. Growing tomatoes in a greenhouse will be quite profitable business, especially for rural residents, throughout the year.

Video about the secrets of growing tomatoes in a greenhouse as a business idea:

Business pros and cons

Growing tomatoes indoors has a number of advantages:

  • Great demand for vegetable crops, especially in autumn winter period;
  • Heated greenhouses produce several crops per year;
  • A wide range of varieties that are designed specifically for greenhouses;
  • Tomatoes have a long shelf life;
  • Harvest can be sold independently, through retail outlets, the Internet.

This business also has disadvantages:

  • Enough heavy expenses for heating the greenhouse in the cold season;
  • Growing tomatoes on an industrial scale should be people with experience in vegetable growing;
  • For retail sales, registration of a legal entity and obtaining a veterinary certificate for products are required;
  • AT summer period there is competition with the owners of farms that grow tomatoes in the open field.

Where to start: a business plan for growing tomatoes in a greenhouse

Where to start:

  • Choose a site for the future greenhouse. The best option would be the area where vegetable-growing state farms were previously located. Since there are already prepared sites here;
  • Register a legal entity by selecting the form of IP or LLC. Ideal fit farming for which the single agricultural tax is paid. If in future plans to sell tomatoes at retail or in public catering establishments, registration of a legal entity is required;
  • Compose detailed business plan taking into account future expenses and future income.

REFERENCE: A business plan is needed in case of attracting partners-co-investors, receiving a subsidy or a preferential bank loan.

How much can you earn?

The amount of future profit depends entirely on a properly organized distribution channel:

  • At the initial stage, it is necessary to think about the subsequent sale of tomato products;
  • Fresh tomatoes are constantly in price and are in great demand among the population;
  • In winter, the cost of tomatoes increases significantly, there is practically no competition. This will make it possible to conclude profitable contracts for the supply of vegetables;
  • Wholesale is also possible - to supermarkets, restaurants, sanatoriums;
  • Sell ​​homemade tomatoes at an open point in the market.

Great business idea

Required start-up capital

Growing tomatoes in industrial sizes is not very costly business. At the very beginning, huge investments are not required. The main costs will be land rent and greenhouse equipment. Self-construction of the greenhouse will greatly reduce costs.

When calculating future income, it is necessary to take into account all costs, both one-time and monthly. The expenses include:

  • Rent of a land plot;
  • Registration of a legal entity;
  • Construction and arrangement of the greenhouse;
  • Purchase of planting material and fertilizers;
  • Expenses for electricity and water supply;
  • Paying taxes;
  • Wages of hired workers;
  • Packaging and labeling;
  • The cost of transport that delivers vegetables.

Some costs can be excluded:

  • Land owners do not have to pay rent;
  • Small greenhouses can do without maintenance personnel;
  • Branded packaging is only needed for large farms with a registered trademark.

Approximate costs for one polycarbonate greenhouse per 100,000 sq. m start from 100,000 rubles. Of these, 10,000 rubles are needed for seed, at least 15,000 rubles for heating.

Land lease

To grow a tomato crop, land must be owned or leased. First you need to choose the appropriate place. The ideal choice is the countryside or suburban area, close to nature and clean air.

ATTENTION: Near similar farms are not desirable, in order to avoid competition.

Materials and equipment for the construction of a greenhouse

To build a strong greenhouse that will work all year round and give a rich harvest, you need to act in stages:

  1. Preparation of a place for a greenhouse.
  2. The construction of the frame and fixing the base.
  3. Soil preparation.
  4. Creation of a heating, ventilation and irrigation system.
  5. Providing additional lighting.

Important questions related to registering a business

Every activity must be registered. Before you start growing tomatoes, you need to legal registration. Choice of form of activity:

  • IP - if the land is owned;
  • LLC - if in the future plans to create a large vegetable farm.

ATTENTION: In order to additionally store vegetables, it is necessary to obtain an appropriate permit from the sanitary-epidemiological and fire services.

What varieties to choose?

It is best to grow hybrid varieties in greenhouses; they are specially created for protected ground. When choosing the right variety, consider:

  • Productivity. Multi-fruit varieties significantly increase profits;
  • Maturing period. Short term vegetation will make the business more profitable;
  • Disease resistance. The best hybrid varieties do not infect pests and they do not need constant treatment with insecticides;
  • The taste of tomatoes. Buyers are in great demand for fleshy, fragrant fruits that are sweet in taste;
  • Fruit size and color. Consumers prefer medium-sized tomatoes that are deep red, pink or yellow.

Tomato business. How much did I earn on tomatoes:

Selected varieties should be able to tolerate storage and transportation. Popular industrial varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses:

  • Early and mid-season varieties: Gift, Aksinya, Cherry, Evpator, Kostroma, Palenka;
  • Hybrids with a shortened growing season: Verlioka, Rhapsody, Kaspar, Sprinter, Etude, Farmer;
  • Fruits with a particularly rich taste: Honey Spas, Pink Honey, Orange King, Asteroid, Lady, Ballerina.

REFERENCE: Professional vegetable growers most often grow no more than two or three types of tomatoes at a time.

Technology of growing tomatoes in a greenhouse for sale

How to grow tomatoes:

  • Seeds for seedlings are planted in February or early March in fertile soil, consisting of garden soil with compost and a small amount of sand. In order for them to germinate well, heat, bright light and moderate watering are necessary;
  • Fertilize seedlings with a solution of complex mineral fertilizers twice. Seedlings are planted in the greenhouse when at least 7 true leaves unfold on them;
  • In order for tomatoes to grow well, they must be moderately watered with warm water, often ventilate the greenhouse and loosen the topsoil;
  • The use of modern insecticides will help save from pests, but use them before flowering begins. Treatment with copper-containing agents will protect against late blight. To avoid infection with root rot and black leg, you need to dust the soil with wood ash.
  • For a larger number of formed ovaries, remove the lateral processes above 2 or 3 brushes. Removing all deformed flowers and lower leaves will allow the fruit to ripen quickly.

How to grow tomatoes (tomatoes) in a greenhouse:

Growing tomatoes in a greenhouse as a business is quite profitable. A properly organized greenhouse is a guarantee of an excellent harvest. Its organization and functioning is expensive, but with proper operation it will pay off in a year. A greenhouse built with quality materials does not need annual repairs. It will last for several seasons without any problems.

Growing tomatoes in a greenhouse as a business is a great solution for aspiring entrepreneurs with experience in agriculture. The greenhouse makes it possible to harvest even in winter, when the markup on fresh vegetables increases significantly. If the business is properly organized, the investment will pay off in 1.5-2 years, after which the business will begin to generate a stable income.

  • Pros and cons of growing tomatoes in a greenhouse business
  • How to start a business growing tomatoes in a greenhouse
  • How much can you earn growing tomatoes?
  • Start-up Capital Needed to Start a Greenhouse Tomato Growing Business
  • Materials and equipment for the construction of a greenhouse
  • Important questions related to registering a business
  • What varieties to choose?
  • Technology of growing tomatoes in a greenhouse for sale

Pros and cons of growing tomatoes in a greenhouse business

Before you start building greenhouses and growing tomatoes, it is important to weigh all its pros and cons, realistically assessing your own strengths.

Among the main advantages of the tomato business:

  • high demand for tomatoes;
  • in a year-round greenhouse, you can grow any, even the most capricious varieties;
  • it is possible to harvest all year round;
  • greenhouse tomatoes can be sold in winter and spring, when the demand for them is especially high;
  • in the greenhouse, tomato yields are higher, even the latest ovaries develop.
  • business is profitable.

Despite the obvious advantages, growing tomatoes in a greenhouse has some disadvantages:

  • high costs for the construction of a greenhouse, electricity and water;
  • in regions with a cold climate, the cost of fruits is too high;
  • good profitability can only be achieved in a large greenhouse economy, the creation of which requires large one-time investments;
  • agricultural skills are required to be successful;
  • high competition, especially in the autumn-summer period.

How to start a business growing tomatoes in a greenhouse

Choose a plot for greenhouses. The ideal option is the territory of the former vegetable-growing state farms, which have prepared sites. Land can be bought, but it is better to arrange a long-term lease for a start.

Register a legal entity. You can choose the form of IP or LLC. A very profitable option is farming, which allows you to pay a single agricultural tax.

Registration of a legal entity is required if you plan to sell tomatoes in Retail Stores or in catering establishments.

Write a detailed business plan that takes into account upcoming expenses and plans for future income. A business plan is necessary if you plan to attract a partner-co-investor, take a subsidy or get a preferential bank loan.

Start building a greenhouse. To begin with, one structure with an area of ​​​​80 to 100 m² is enough. Subsequently, the farm can be expanded, increasing its own profit. The best option for year-round cultivation is a greenhouse on a metal frame with anti-corrosion impregnation, covered with cellular polycarbonate. A high cinder block foundation, ventilation windows and a vestibule with double doors are required. The greenhouse can be given an arc or pitched shape. For irrigation it is worth equipping automatic system allowing to save water and own forces.

Decide how you will grow tomatoes. The most delicious tomatoes are ground tomatoes, the markup is higher, and demand always exceeds supply. However, the hydroponic technique often used by greenhouse growers is significantly less expensive. It is worth considering that tomatoes grown in a nutrient solution have a characteristic watery taste, which is not very popular with customers. An alternative option is rack growing. In this case, the seedlings are planted on racks covered with soil, which saves the scarce internal space of the greenhouse.

Buy seed material, fertilizers, tools. Tomatoes are best grown in seedlings, this will speed up the harvest. Seedlings are placed at home; in a large heated greenhouse, a separate place can be allocated for the permanent cultivation of seedlings. This approach will make the harvest uninterrupted.

According to statistics, Russians spend at least 30% of their budget on food. The conclusion is obvious: the production and sale of food products is one of the most promising businesses. Let's talk about strawberries, for example, in winter this sweet product in supermarkets costs from 600 rubles per 1 kg., while it is grown in a greenhouse and the cost of 1 kg. within 200 rubles. As you can see, the "margin" is pretty decent.

But you won’t eat strawberries every day, it’s still a dessert, and you can earn money from an abundance of sweet diathesis, today we’ll talk about growing tomatoes, they are no less profitable in terms of earnings. Let's look into the details why this business is so profitable?

Why is it profitable to grow tomatoes?
The cost of vegetables and fruits directly depends on the season. If in summer tomatoes cost from 40 rubles per 1 kg, then in winter the price of “red ones” reaches 140 rubles. Another example: in winter, watermelons cost 150-200 rubles per kilogram. Out of season, imported from Africa. At the same time, by autumn, the cost of a striped berry drops to 5 rubles / kg, that is, by 30-50 times! But today we are talking about tomatoes.

And the main nuance in taste. If in winter the price of tomatoes goes up rapidly, while the taste of a tomato drops, we think everyone noticed this. In winter, both tomatoes and cucumbers have a specific taste and smell.

Why does a tomato taste different in winter than in summer?
The problem is that manufacturers are primarily busy increasing volumes and do not care about taste. In winter, tomatoes are literally stuffed with all kinds of nitrates. These chemicals, of course, lose with real fertilizers (vermicompost), which gives the vegetables a pleasant taste. Nitrates are obtained in the process of interaction of nitric acid into salts, oxides, metals and hydroxides, such is the palette. Due to their ability to dissolve in water, these substances (nitrate) are used to fertilize vegetables in garden beds and greenhouses. For this reason, the taste of such tomatoes does not please buyers.

This is of course a minus. But there is a plus - there is a good opportunity for honest producers who can and want to grow delicious vegetables. Agree: having bought a tomato in a store in winter once and having tasted them, the buyer will buy them again in the store, provided that the taste is at its best, and the price is no longer so important.

How to open your own business growing tomatoes in greenhouses?
For starters, you need territory. Great if you live in a rural area in a private house, there will be no problems with the land. If you are a city dweller but you have a garden or a house in the village, you are also lucky. Otherwise, you will have to buy or lease land.

We do not recommend buying land from agencies or private realtors, the best option is to contact the owners of the land. In this case, it will be possible to take a garden at an affordable price. There are options for renting out land for free or for a nominal fee, as long as the tenant cultivates the land. Or as an option for repairing the house or for part of the future harvest. There are many options.

Next comes the construction of greenhouses. In the summer it is possible without greenhouses, but still it is worth making sure. Sometimes even in summer the weather surprises us with surprises. In the middle latitudes of Russia, there is also hail in the summer, it is capable of destroying the entire crop in 30 minutes. If you are a craftsman, then you can make a greenhouse yourself, or order from specialists. The cost of greenhouses made of polycarbonate sheets (we do not recommend polyethylene film) starts at 15 thousand rubles. For this amount, you can purchase a structure measuring 4x2.5x1.6 m (this is the length, width, height). A large greenhouse with parameters of 10x4x2.2 m will cost 90-100 thousand rubles. But in such a greenhouse (40 sq. M.) You can take a big harvest.

For year-round tomato cultivation, it is necessary to install electric heaters, it is desirable to conduct water, install an air conditioner. In a word, to preserve the microclimate.

Fertilizer is also needed. It is from him that the yield and taste of tomatoes are curled. The best option is biohumus. The cost, depending on the region, is 10-30 rubles per kilogram. If you are building a greenhouse in a closed area, you also need good quality soil. On this, we will not go into details on the forums of gardeners, there is a lot of information about the soil, it is different in each region and it is difficult to give general advice.

Technology of growing tomatoes in closed greenhouses.
As soon as the tomato sprouts reach 20 cm in height, they are carefully planted in pots in the greenhouse in this way: recesses are made with a peg to a depth of ten centimeters, and the recesses for the pot with seedlings expand in them. Seedlings in a peat pot are inserted into this created hole and covered with soil. So that the tomatoes are not crowded, the seedlings are planted at a distance of 50 cm from each other.

Also, a trellis up to 2 meters high is placed above the plants for tying the plants; under the weight of the fruits, the plants can break. Please note that after planting seedlings, the first two weeks do not water the tomatoes so that the plants grow.

1.5-2 months after planting the seedlings, the lowest leaves are removed gradually (3 leaves once a week) so that the plant does not have diseases. As soon as the first flowers appear, they are pollinated. No, bees are not needed, this is done easily by gently shaking the plant. After shaking, the plants are watered from above, including flowers, you do not need to pour a lot of water, otherwise you will wash off the pollen.

The first tomatoes will appear 2-2.5 months after planting seedlings. The norm is considered to be a fee from 1 square meter 10-25 kg of tomatoes (this variation depends on the variety of tomatoes and the climate).

How to sell tomatoes.
As soon as the crop is harvested, it's time to think about selling them. There are several options. Lease for sale in supermarkets and shops of the city. This is the easiest but not always the most profitable way. Most stores (especially discounters) buy goods at low wholesale prices, and even ask for payment in installments. And you will be forced to lower the price or look for other ways to sell.

Opening your store. And we are not talking about the store, but about the usual point of sale on the market. This way you can interest a larger number of potential buyers. Everyone knows that, as a rule, natural vegetables and fruits are sold at grocery markets than in hypermarkets (where everything is beautiful, but does not taste very good).

Sale of tomatoes through the Internet. This is serious! See if there are competitors in your city? This is the same store, only virtual. Delivery to the client's apartment after ordering through your website.

Another unusual way (it has long taken root in the West) is the delivery of tomatoes by subscription. You sign a certain number of applicants (for example, 80 people) who want to receive 1-2 boxes of tomatoes once a month or more often. They pay a fixed subscription price at an affordable price (for the tomato harvest period). And you deliver the paid amount of tomatoes by courier every month. This is convenient for both clients and you. You know for sure that all tomatoes will be sold. And the client will know that there will always be fresh and tasty tomatoes on his table.

In Moscow, this way (by subscription) they sell socks and household chemicals. There is also a company that sells honey by subscription. Why not try the same variation with tomatoes?

The most important thing is to strictly follow the tactics you have chosen, do not give in to emotions and stuff tomatoes with pesticides in pursuit of super-yields. Of course, you can save on fertilizer and switch to nitrates, but it’s not clear who can be cheated in this way. After all, the client, having bought rubber tomatoes for the second time, will not go to buy them at the same point. Think about your customers, and they will thank you in cash. Good luck!