What documents are needed for a vending business. Vending business - owner reviews

Birth of the vending business.

Primarily vending business(vending) or in Russian - a business with vending machines implies the sale of goods without a seller. In this case, the machine itself is the seller of the goods. Communication with the machine occurs through the product selection panel and the payment mechanism. Automata originated in the distant 215 BC. Alexandrian

mathematician Heron described a device with which in temples ancient egypt holy water was poured when parishioners lowered coins into the slot. The image on the left shows how this machine worked. And in 1076 AD in China, a machine was already selling pencils. In the British Museum you can see the machines of the Chinese emperors of the XVIII century. Truly automatic trading began to develop only at the end of the 19th century, after the appearance of packaged goods that were convenient to trade without human intervention. At the same time, the first coin mechanisms were patented in America. The first product sold was chewing gum. The United States became the world leader in automatic trading, and in 1902 the first store called "Automatic" opened in Philadelphia. In the 1920s, cigarettes were sold using vending machines, and in the 1930s, soft drinks were sold. In Russia, automatic machines were remembered in 1980-1998. These are soda machines. they stood in rows on the streets and each had one faceted glass in common, and the price of a drink was 1 kopeck and 3 kopecks. The era with gas water ended at the stage of perestroika and monetary reform, even before it had even begun, automatic machines disappeared from the streets and were found only in the shops of factories.

How to start your own vending business

The vending machine makes money on its own. With the help of a vending machine, you can organize outlet anywhere, but you must follow the installation rules. It is from the correct installation location of the machine that the success depends vending business, since not every place can bring the desired income. Subject to such rules and proper installation, one device can bring up to 3,000 rubles in revenue per day. Usually these are places with high traffic, a large congestion of visitors or long time expectations. The payback period of the coffee machine should be within 1 to 2 years, only in this case it can be considered that the funds were successfully invested and you can continue to develop vending business.

Vending, or trading through vending machines, has long been widespread throughout the world. The undisputed leaders in terms of the number of machines per capita are countries such as Japan and the United States, where on average there is one machine per 30 people. In Russia, there is one automatic machine for every 5-10 thousand people.

Vending business: Paperwork

To open vending business for the installation and maintenance of vending machines, it is necessary to register an enterprise (LLC) or PBOYUL and understand the taxation system. For those who want to try, we recommend opening PBOYuL, because. less costly to start and understand that this is a business. How to do this and what steps to take, then all this is described on the forum site in the heading - vending business for beginners or find out here.

The first thing to do is to determine the types of activities that you plan to engage in in accordance with the classifier economic activity- OKVED. Simply put, OKVED is a numbered list all kinds economic activity. Below is a list of OKVEDs for coffee machines:


Depending on what to trade, machines fall under one of three taxation systems: simplified (Chapter 26.2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation), UTII (Chapter 26.3 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation) and ordinary - production with subsequent sale. The machine can be either just a “seller” (gum, toys) or a “manufacturer” (hot drinks).

“If trade through vending machines falls under the definition of retail, then there is no choice - only UTII. If not, then you can choose the Simplified Taxation System (STS) or, as it is commonly called, “simplified”, where tax is paid on income either according to the “income minus expense” system (beneficial for large expenses) or the sale of equipment. If the revenue is small, it makes sense to stay on the regular taxation system.” In any case, we recommend that you immediately get on the USN. in such a situation, a minimum of headaches with filling out declarations and accounting.

Vending Business: Vending Machines

One of the most popular types of vending machines in vending business is coffee. A modern coffee machine is a complex device with mechanical components and electronic filling, which provides the machine with many useful functions. Electronic machines are equipped not only with coin acceptors, but also with bill acceptors, as well as cashless payment systems (special electronic cards and keys) which is very convenient for the consumer.

The demand for machines looks something like this:

  1. Coffee machines with the ability to install a cooler for the preparation of hot and cold drinks;
  2. vending machines offering snacks - chips or chocolate;
  3. vending machines selling toys.
  4. mechanical vending machines (gum, candies, lollipops, shoe covers and other piece)
  5. soda water vending machines.
  6. vending massage chairs
  7. musical vending

Start off vending business, like any other, it is better with a proven supplier company. On the forum site, you can discuss and choose a trusted reliable supplier in the section "" The company - the supplier of the equipment must provide warranty service, supply the necessary ingredients, and provide advice. When installing the equipment, it is better to immediately connect the machine to the water supply using an Aquaphor reverse osmosis filter with a capacity of 10 liters. How to connect to the water supply is described in detail in the forum section "Connecting to water". So in the event of a water outage, you will have a small reserve and may not need to transfer to a canister.

Vending business: Installing a vending machine

The place of installation of the vending machine must be determined immediately. Common mistake newbies make vending business this is when they first buy machines, and then they begin to look for a place to install them, negotiate a lease, the equipment is idle and does not bring profit, and perhaps the purchased equipment will not even fit the found place. Profit is determined by the placement of devices in a good place and seasonality. The best location for equipment, as we noted above, is considered to be the territory of a large concentration of people who are in static rather than dynamic, for example, universities, traffic police, large office centers And so on. All places can be found in the section of the forum "vending machines".

It is advantageous to place gum vending machines near schools. Or in a shopping and entertainment center, and preferably on different spans or along the passage in several places. Here the rule works while I was walking, I saw, but I didn’t come up, then I went, I saw - I thought, but from the third I bought it. The least profitable are the machines selling canned drinks and piece goods: due to competition with the nearest stalls and shops, the markup on the goods cannot exceed the one that is accepted in the trade of 15-20%.

There was a time when Coca-Cola placed vending machines on the street and in the Moscow metro, but due to the mentality of our Russian people, 80% of the vending machines were vandalized because of which Coca-Cola was forced to curtail this direction, and this is about a hundred vending machines.

Vending business: Seat rental

First of all, you need to try to negotiate the free installation of a vending machine, and reasonably prove that this organization needs your services. This happens quite often, but if the conversation immediately turned to rent, then you need to clearly understand that vending business successful only when you incur a minimum of expenses, which means it is advisable to check the point if there are no competitors nearby. You have to stand for at least a month and understand how the machine works. It is better not to consider the first two weeks - the novelty of the equipment, curiosity are factors that mislead. There should be a normal period when everyone is used to it, and on the basis of the proceeds of this period, one can judge whether it is worth staying or not. at least 500 rubles is the coverage of electricity and household services with a margin. maximum 1500 rubles. Or 10-20% of the proceeds. The above is no longer cost-effective for you. Since you need to take into account everything in expenses - ingredients, equipment depreciation, spare parts, gasoline and a lot of other items. As a result, you may end up at a loss.

Vending business: Equipment specifics

You need to understand that any equipment that earns money must be very reliable and trouble-free. Success depends on it vending business, as well as increasing customer loyalty to your vending machine. Any refusal of the machine to accept banknotes or an incorrect determination of the denomination negatively affects the buyer. People are different and can spoil the machine. Therefore, saving on payment systems is highly undesirable. In view of the fact that iron and paper money is in circulation in Russia, we are forced to install two types of payment systems - coin acceptors and bill acceptors.

Installing a banknote acceptance system in addition to a coin acceptor increases profit by 30%-40%. Not everyone carries an iron coin with them. The higher the functionality of the vending machine, the higher the revenue. Therefore, in addition to the coin acceptor, the system for accepting and returning change from paper money, you can install a system for working with cashless payment cards or special keys. There is a lot of useful information on the forum under the heading "".

Vending business: Approximate alignment of the coffee machine.

The income of one coffee machine can be calculated as follows. The range of the number of portions sold per day is from 40 to 120. Even if the machine sells 40 portions, then at a portion price of 25 rubles. monthly income will be 30,000 rubles. The average cost of one portion of the ingredients is 10 rubles, that is, 12,000 rubles. per month will be spent on the purchase, it is imperative to take into account the depreciation of equipment and overhead costs of approximately 4000-4500 rubles. Total net profit will be: 30000-12000-4500= 13500 rubles.

good luck in vending business.

Hello, friends.

Usually, paperwork, legislative and tax subtleties become a stumbling block for a novice businessman in any kind of business. The vending business is no exception.

But in fact, there is nothing complicated in the legal side of starting your own business. Most owners of vending machines do not have specially trained staff (accountants, lawyers, etc.), do not seek help from legal and accounting offices, but do everything on their own.

In order to open own business for the sale of goods or services through vending machines, you need to legalize your activities.

The most popular form of activity for vending is (sometimes there is such a need, but these are special cases).

It is ideal to issue an IP without employees (more precisely, with one employee, yourself). In this case, contributions to the funds will have to be paid exclusively for themselves. In 2017, the amount of payments is 27,990 rubles: 23,400 - to the Pension Fund (Pension Fund) and 4,590 to the FFOMS (Medical insurance). The figures apply if the annual income does not exceed 300,000 rubles (and in the first year of operation, the probability that it will exceed is small).

After we have decided on the form, it follows. Three systems are suitable for vending: USN (simplified taxation system, usually 6% of total revenue), UTII (single income for imputed income), PSN (patent taxation system, consists in the annual purchase of a patent and its payment, there are no further tax payments ).

All three options have the right to exist in most areas of vending. Most often, the USN 6% or UTII is used (if the UTII regime is allowed in the region, in the Moscow Region, for example, it is not used). The patent system is not yet used often, as it is new and its expediency is still in question.

You can apply for an individual entrepreneur through the website of the State Service, or just go to the tax office and write an application. My own experience of opening an IP through the State Services website shows that if the tax office is close to home, it’s easier to go there. After submitting an application through the State Services and after 5 due days, it turned out that my information was lost somewhere, I had to write an application again and personally at the tax office.

In order to fill out the application, you will need a TIN (individual taxpayer number) and a passport. In the process of filling out an application for registration of an IP, (these are codes for the types of activities that are supposed to be carried out). It's not difficult here. The generally accepted code for vending is taken:
47.99.2 "Activities for the implementation of trading through automatic machines."
They enter as many codes as needed (if, in addition to vending, some other activity is planned).
In the future, they, in principle, can be supplemented or changed.

So, an application is filled out, a receipt for paying the state duty (800 rubles) is printed, and after the number of days specified in the notification, you can pick up your tax documents (certificate of registration, extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities). On the same day, it is advisable to write an application for the transition to the selected tax regime (this is important!).

Then you can open a current account, but at the initial stage this will create additional costs (for example, monthly maintenance of an account with Sberbank will cost 2200 per month), it is better to save this money for more useful things, and put the proceeds in a bank, not in a bank . Printing is also an extra cost.

The main document - a certificate of registration of IP - received.

What else is required:
1. Definitely required medical book the one who will serve the vending machine (owner, operator, technician, etc.).
2. The set of documents must contain certificates for machines (if available from the supplier) and certificates for goods, ingredients, filler, etc. (they must be obtained from suppliers)
3. Documented ( important document, which allows you to at least somehow secure the equipment from damage or theft, and save time and nerves in case of disagreement with the lessor).

No licenses or permits are required to install vending machines.

Now, during the year, it is enough to submit reports in accordance with the chosen taxation system (for example, with simplification - once a year, tax return), pay contributions to funds, pay taxes and, as they say, you can sleep peacefully, and even better, calmly engage in your own vending business.

Hello! Today we will talk about the vending business.

From this article you will learn:

  1. What is vending;
  2. How to start a vending business;
  3. Legal aspects of vending business;
  4. What are the types of vending machines and how to choose the right machine;
  5. Reviews and recommendations of entrepreneurs in the vending business.
Vending is a relatively young business sector for our country. The activity is based on making a profit from various kinds of devices for the sale of goods or the provision of services. The case has its own characteristics, pros and cons. With a competent approach to choosing a place, an assortment of goods, equipment and an attentive attitude towards customers, there is a high probability of success.

What is vending and vending business

Vendingis the sale of goods and the provision of services through vending machines. Vending has become very common in the world as a very convenient and not at all demanding way to conduct business. trading activity or provide services.

Surely you at least once bought coffee from vending machines or paid for any services in the form of replenishing the balance on your phone or home internet. These are the vending machines.

AT modern world The leaders in the number of vending machines are Japan and the United States. Approximately 30-60 people per 1 vending machine. In Russia, this is not such a developed business, one electronic seller accounts for 4-7 thousand people. Competition is minimal, especially in smaller towns. If you hurry, you can take a profitable niche in this type of business.

Step 1: Choosing an Idea in a Vending Business

Before choosing a business idea or direction in a vending business, you need to study the work of competitors, determine the most profitable niches for starting, and study the purchasing power of the population.

What can be sold in vending machines:

  • prepared food - snacks, chewing gum, drinks in cans, etc.;
  • products that require cooking - coffee, tea, cotton candy;
  • non-food products - books, magazines, flowers, toys, cigarettes, household chemicals, stationery, umbrellas;
  • services - topping up the balance of the phone, providing information, printing, etc.

To attract the attention of potential buyers, you need to think about unusual product. It takes imagination and out-of-the-box thinking. For example, the Chinese came up with the idea of ​​selling live crabs in containers. An equally non-standard idea is to sell dishes, so that they can be broken later and relieve stress.

In our country, the services that can be obtained through the machine are limited to payment functions. But abroad, devices for massage, manicure, photography, photocopying, charging gadgets, and shoe cleaning are widespread. There is even a vending machine-toilet. In tourist cities there are devices with information services.

It is better for beginners to start a vending business with popular vending machines, for example, coffee-producing ones, and after a while, install devices with original products or goods nearby.

Step 2: Drawing up a business plan

The business project must be developed in the most detailed way. It must contain the following information:

  1. type of activity: trade in goods, products or services;
  2. form of ownership (individual entrepreneur);
  3. form of taxation;
  4. way of doing tax accounting(independently or with the involvement of a specialist);
  5. geography ( locality and the number of people in it)
  6. the planned number of devices;
  7. range of goods or services, if any;
  8. the amount of "financial cushion" in case of unforeseen circumstances.

The purpose of any business plan is to calculate the profitability of a vending business in a specific geographical location and predict its feasibility.

A competent business project contains the following sections:

  • Description of the characteristics of services or goods with detailed information about assortment, certificate and sales rights.
  • Information about the company indicating the scope of activities and if there is experience.
  • Market research results. This section describes the assessment of trade turnover in the world and in Russia, the population of the geographical point under study, inflation, factors affecting demand, customer preferences, classification of vending machines by demand and costs.
  • Classification of machines by payment device, OKVED, product type and management.
  • Marketing plan with definition target audience consumers, sales promotion methods. It also indicates an analysis of the needs of buyers, an assessment of competitors, business risks and opportunities.
  • Production plan with information about the lease of premises and the purchase of machines. The section also contains the schedule according to which the project is being implemented.
  • A financial plan containing the money initially invested and the costs of running the business.
  • Performance analysis - section containing economic indicators net income, payback period, profitability ratio.
  • Analysis of the risks possible for the vending business (breakdown, lack of spare parts, lack of raw materials, vandalism). It also reflects the ways to solve these problems and the break-even point, when income covers losses.
  • The summary of the project contains: business goals (development of the vending network, attracting investors), description of the project (location of vending machines, area of ​​the site, markups for goods or services, operating hours), performance indicators, costs of implementing the plan, funding sources.

Step 3: Legal registration of the vending business

To legalize the vending business, you need to select the registration form. It is possible or.

  • UTII is the easiest option.
  • - choose entrepreneurs who will not create a separate legal entity.
  • and accounting provides for payments of 6% of total income or 15% of income minus expenses.

Machines not only trade finished products, but also produce goods from raw materials (for example, coffee, pizza). Depending on the type of activity, a suitable taxation system is also selected. Also important in choosing a system is the presence or absence of employees.

Businessman must find out in the local tax office information about the simplified system and UTII. Since these systems are regulated by the laws of the subjects of the Russian Federation.

Attention! UTII is paid by the owners of vending machines with toys, snacks, chewing gums, newspapers, books, cigarettes and other things. Vending machines with coffee and other drinks provide services Catering, but do not have a hall for service, therefore they do not fall under a single tax.

Step 4: Preparing documents for the vending business

To register an individual entrepreneur, you will need the following documents:

  • full photocopy of the passport;
  • IP registration application;
  • declaration of choice of taxation;
  • copy of TIN;
  • provide foreign citizens with permission for temporary registration;
  • stamp duty receipt.

When opening a vending business, an entrepreneur must have documents for purchased devices on hand:

  • certificate of conformity of the State Standard of the Russian Federation.
  • equipment passport;
  • specifications;
  • equipment;
  • warranty cards;
  • conditions to ensure long, uninterrupted operation.

For business vending, there is no specific code in OKVED. It is customary to specify the following values:

  • If the business is based on payment machines (52.61.2).
  • For copying and printing documents through the machines (74. 83).
  • For sale in vending machines of any goods and products (52. 63).
  • For business with massage chairs (71. 40. 3).

Step 5: Choosing a vending machine: where to buy, used or new

First you need to decide whether these are new devices or already used ones. Of course, the price of the latest machines is much lower. But you need to take into account the fact that the SES approves new devices faster, without any problems. For used devices, inspectors apply the most stringent requirements.

There is another argument in favor of the new equipment. Companies selling new vending machines often provide training in the basics of the vending business. Don't miss out on free education.

It is important to find a supplier who offers not only devices, but also consumables and guaranteed service. Popular machines from such manufacturers: Bianchi, Venson, Jofemar, Necta, Unicum, Azkoyen, Saeco and others. Each machine comes with a warranty card.

After the purchase of equipment, goods and consumables, the SES makes examinations and, on their basis, gives confirmation of the safety of the products and the equipment itself.

To implement a vending business for the production of coffee, tea and soft drinks, you need to take care not only of the power supply, but also of connecting to the water supply and filters.

Cash registers are not required, because inside the machine there is already everything necessary for settlements with customers. If the device does not provide cashless payment by cards, then you can install it additionally.

Each vending machine must contain information about the entrepreneur and his contact number.

Step 6: How to choose a location for the vending machine

  • First, the place must be crowded.
  • Secondly, you need to pay attention to whether people are on the move (busy) or bored and waiting for someone to happen.

There is a method in which two automata are placed at a certain distance in a place where people are streaming. The man saw the vending machine and noticed that it would be nice to buy coffee, but he did not approach, then he walks some distance and already makes a purchase at the second vending machine.

Of course, it is worth considering the age categories of people. For example, it is better to install vending machines with toys and sweets in children's centers, circles and near schools.

It is possible to agree on the installation of snack and coffee machines in clinics, educational institutions and office buildings. Usually the management goes forward, because it is interested in comfortable working conditions for its employees.

You can also install devices on the streets, but there is a high risk of vandal attacks. Most devices have their own temperature regime for uninterrupted operation: not lower than 5 degrees of frost, and not higher than 40 degrees of heat. Therefore, it is still better not to place the devices in the fresh air.

In shopping and entertainment centers, vending machines increase the loyalty of visitors to the institution. As a result, everyone remains in the black: the businessman, the visitors, and the owner of the facility himself.

Action plan for installing vending:

  1. sign an agreement with the management of the institution;
  2. find access to the electrical network and, if necessary, to the water supply;
  3. install and start the equipment.

Rent can be from 1000 to 4000 rubles per month. This is about 10-20% of the profit from sales. But if you try, you can negotiate a free lease. To do this, it is necessary to inform the owner of the premises (director) that vending machines are necessary for his employees and to attract the attention of customers.

How many vending machines to install

Opinions of experienced businessmen differ. Some started right away. a large number machines and were satisfied, because the initial costs quickly paid off.

Others advise to install one maximum two devices for a start, follow the expediency of such a business, and understand whether it is worth doing it in this region.

How best to accept payments in vending

plays big role in making a profit. Not always a person has cash, banknotes or coins. Therefore, you need to install as many payment systems as possible. This is a coin acceptor, and a bill acceptor, and payment by plastic cards. Be sure to take care of the system for issuing change.

Maintenance of vending machines

Loading devices with goods takes several hours a week, while it is necessary to monitor the level of demand and sales. If the product is not in demand, the installation site may have been chosen incorrectly.

It is important to keep the vending machines in working condition around the clock. If a consumer once or twice stumbled upon a non-working device, then he is unlikely to approach it in the future.

It is necessary to monitor the neatness of the device and the presence of instructions for use.

Determining the price of services or goods

There is no unambiguous decision on the amount of the cost of a service or product. Too high or too low price can backfire on business. It is necessary to conduct observations and analyze the prices of similar products from competitors. It is advisable to compare the size of the mark-up with the income of potential buyers and with the remoteness of the device from traditional stores.

How much does it cost to open a vending business

The cost item of a vending business project contains the following items:

  1. purchase of equipment (devices and components);
  2. installation;
  3. rent;
  4. technical inspection of devices;
  5. purchase of goods, consumables, products;
  6. advertising;
  7. permission from SES and obtaining relevant documents;
  8. permission from electricians and approval from the fire inspectorate;
  9. taxes;
  10. Unexpected expenses.

The purchase of vending machines will cost 150-300 thousand rubles, if we are talking about new equipment. The price of used devices is about 90-120 thousand and depends on the level of wear and service life. Attention should be paid technical inspection of such equipment before purchase, there is a risk of spending a large sum on repairs and remaining in the red.

At the initial stage of the business, it is better to deal with the functions of the operator on your own: collection of money, laying in raw materials, goods, products, inspection. When the business is established, you can hire staff.

Assessing the perspective of the vending business

Before you try your hand at vending, you need to assess the prospects. To do this, it is important to understand whether specific devices will be relevant in a particular place. In other words, you need:

  • evaluate the demand for the product;
  • study the infrastructure of nearby retail outlets;
  • determine the number of competitors;
  • make an analysis of the level of related business;
  • find out and analyze information about already operating vending points in a particular area: profit margin, costs.

The vending business involves the absence big expenses, minimum investment compared to the usual sale of goods through retail outlets.

According to reviews, he guarded the vending business, this business can bring from 1000 rubles a day or more. On average, income from one machine is 10,000 - 30,000 rubles per month. The costs pay off in about 1-1.5 years. All this is real with a competent approach to business, patience and the ability to achieve the goal.

Advantages of vending

  1. Low rental cost, because the vending machine occupies a small area.
  2. The working condition of several devices can be maintained by one person, and at the first stages by the businessman himself.
  3. Ease of buying a product or receiving a service, because all procedures are standard and have instructions.
  4. You can earn extra income by placing ads on the body of the device.
  5. The operation of the machine is designed for continuous sale 24 hours a day.
  6. If any of the devices has ceased to be profitable, you can transfer it to a new location without high costs.
  7. It is possible to sell the entire vending business if it is not successful.
  8. It is easy to expand the business, without complex schemes, simply by buying more devices and installing them at selected points.
  9. The ability to quickly learn the basics of the vending business.
  10. In Russia, this line of business has many free niches.
  11. You can quickly change the range depending on customer demand.

Cons of the vending business

  1. The wrong choice of location can bring losses.
  2. It is necessary to regularly monitor the occupancy and cleanliness of the apparatus.
  1. Possible damage to vending machines on the street, in the passage and the subway.
  2. Purchased ingredients for making drinks are imported and expensive, so not all customers can afford such products.
  3. Not all age categories of people are able to use machines, it is difficult for older people to understand the functionality.
  4. Lack of quick payback - it will take at least 1 year.
  5. In some metropolitan areas, there is already stiff competition.
  6. The seasonality of some vending machines, such as those selling soft drinks, will not be profitable in winter.

When you work "for your uncle", everything is familiar and understandable. And, as they say, "on the contrary" independent business seems to people something terrible and dangerous. It seems to half of the beginning businessmen: one puncture - and you are already being led under escort, and the apartment is written off on account of debts. It's not all that scary, and it's not nearly as difficult. Here are the most common questions that torment novice vendors.

Do I need a legal entity to run a vending business?

Of course. For any entrepreneurial activity a legal entity is required. As a rule, they choose an individual entrepreneur or LLC (for a beginner it is easier and more convenient). Moreover, IP is easier to open, but harder to close. And with an LLC, the opposite is true - it is more difficult to open, but easier to liquidate.

If you do not understand the intricacies of the design of a legal entity, it is easier to contact law firm. It is inexpensive (about 10,000 rubles), but they will do everything right the first time, you don’t have to redo anything, resubmit documents, etc. In general, a minimum of body movements.

What form of taxation to choose when registering a legal entity?

It all depends on the region. For Moscow - simplified (6% of revenue). For regions - UTII or a patent. Here again, it is useful to take advice from a company that will help you with registration. They know all the subtleties and will be able to suggest the most convenient system. Often, such firms also provide remote accounting services - that is, they will be able to draw up a balance for you for a very reasonable fee.

Do I need to install a cash register?

No, if you trade through machines, then by law you do not need a cash register.

Does every vending machine need to be registered with the tax office?

No, it is enough to register a legal entity and submit general reports.

What can be checks of vending machines by the state?

In our practice, there has never been an inspection of vending machines by tax authorities. Perhaps the only authority that may be interested in you is the SES, and then only on the basis of a private complaint from the client or when the machine itself is completely running.

In fact, in 100% of cases, if clients have any complaints, they will not bother contacting any authorities, but will go straight to the landlord. So it’s more worth being afraid not of tax, but of losing a profitable place if you don’t care about servicing the machine and don’t support its performance.

What documents do you need to have when checking?

It is desirable to have certificates for products that you sell through the machine. But the machines themselves do not need certificates. You can do them, but according to the law, certification is voluntary. Rather, it can be used for a PR move (you can actively tell the landlord that your vending machine is certified, tested, etc.).

What information should be on the vending machine?

According to the consumer protection law, the following information must be provided:

Details of the owner (IP or LLC)

contact number

User manual

Do I need permits or licenses to carry out entrepreneurial activities in vending?

No, no special licenses are required. But it is advisable to keep the already mentioned certificates at hand.

How often do I need to file tax returns?

USN (simplified 6%) is rented once a year. According to the UTII system or the patent system, all reporting is submitted when applying for a patent. Report to Pension Fund and the social insurance fund (PFR and FSS) is surrendered every quarter and must include information on all employees of the company - starting from you, as the owner, and ending with all employees registered within the legal entity. That is, even if you have an IP in which only you appear, you also need to submit a report on you.

What type of activity (OKVED) is suitable for vending?

There is no special code for vending activities, but you can choose a close one - 52.63. Other retail outside stores or 52.48. Other retail sale in specialized stores.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

The rapid pace of development of the vending business is one of the most noticeable trends in recent years. About how to enter this fast growing and very promising business, the site tells readers of the project CEO one of the largest vending companies in Russia Vendorus Group Svetlana Timoshenko.

- Svetlana, tell us what your company does?

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Our group of companies Vendorus Group has been on the market for 11 years. We started as an operator operating a network of snack vending machines in Moscow. Later, a service department was added, sales of vending machines and coffee machines (we sell equipment from Italy, Spain, the USA, Austria, Switzerland), and ingredients for coffee machines were supplied from Spain.

Three years ago, we started working with freshly roasted coffee beans under our own brand, we offer the Coffee Service for Offices and Catering services. We often start working where there was nothing before us. In particular, more than 2 years ago we brought the first automatic milk dispensers to Russia. Now three chains for the sale of draft milk are successfully operating, in which we were directly involved.

Was it easy for you to decide to become an entrepreneur? How did you come up with the idea to start this particular business?

The decision came very easily, because. I always wanted to have a greater degree of freedom in decision-making. But the awareness of responsibility, also greater, coming along with freedom, came a little later. In any case, the ability to manage your life and change the world around you, as I see it, is worth the increased responsibility.

I came to vending because at that time there were very few vending machines, the growth potential was obvious (it remains today, only the cost of entry has increased). And it seemed that the scheme of business processes is quite simple. Later, as it usually happens, “pitfalls” were discovered, we had to develop a lot ourselves, act according to the situation.

- What difficulties did you encounter at the initial stages of doing business? How were problems solved?

No one taught how to work with machine guns at that time, there were no specialists in technical service. I had to recruit and train. In addition, I had to independently develop the entire documentation base (contracts, job descriptions, the procedure for working with a cash desk, etc.), banks did not accept coins for collection, we always have a lot of coins in vending machines.

At the first stages, we agreed with shops that always have a need for small money and exchanged our change for paper money, later we entered into a collection agreement with the bank, and now this problem has been completely solved. The buyers did not know how to use the machines, they had to stand nearby and show them. In addition, all machines began to place detailed instructions even in pictures. Today, customers easily use the vending machines and the problem has disappeared.

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It was difficult to rent a place for installation, especially in state institutions, because. no one wanted and does not want to rent 1 sq. meter. The solution is simple - we work in commercial organizations. They also began to apply contracts not for renting a place, but vice versa - for renting a machine. In addition, auctions for the right to rent are now often held, which is convenient, but often the price rises higher than is economically justified. In these cases, we simply look for another place.

Later there was a problem with the introduction of CCP. At some point, the Federal Tax Service decided that all machines should be equipped with CCP. Technically, only a limited number of models can be equipped with these devices, due to the layout of internal parts and operating mechanisms. Not used anywhere in the world cash registers in vending machines. According to our legislation, all cash registers are registered with the tax authorities at the location of the cash register, if you install a cash register in a vending machine, you will have to register it at the location, but there is always a chance that the machine will need to be moved more than once, which means that you will have to deregister every time and register again. The procedure is not complicated, but extremely costly in time and money.

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If the network of vending machines is large, then it would be necessary to keep a staff who would be occupied exclusively with these issues. Another argument is that the CCP requires the closing and opening of the cash desk daily, if it is late, the system is blocked and it is necessary to call an inspector from the tax office. This means that each vending machine must be visited at least twice a day. What kills the very meaning of automated trading. As an argument against the CCP, it was also said that all machines were initially equipped with a sales accounting system both for accepted money, given change, and for the number of goods sold. So, it is simply impossible to hide something when trading in an automated mode. This problem was solved by joint efforts, but in the process of solving it, they created NAAT (National Association of Automated Trading) with colleagues. The new law on trade contains clarifications regarding automated trading and all issues on cash registers have been resolved.

According to your estimates, what is the minimum amount with which you can start this business today? What equipment will be required?

The minimum entry threshold is 10 machines, approximately 50,000 Euros. Less does not make sense, because maintenance costs will "eat up" all income. It's a good idea to have both a supply for the first purchases of goods (if you work with snacks or bottled drinks, or other small-packed goods) and for the payroll for the first couple of months. As equipment, it is worth considering only machines from proven, long-standing suppliers, it is better if they are foreign manufacturers from Europe or the USA.

For example:

  • for coffee machines, we can recommend Bianchi Vending Group (Italy), Necta (Italy), Azkoyen (Spain);
  • for snack machines, Sanden-Vendo (Italy-USA), Azkoyen (Spain), Necta (Italy), Bianchi (Italy), U-Select-It (USA) machines have proven themselves to be excellent;
  • for ice cream machines, vendings from Sanden-Vendo (Italy-USA) are reliable.
You can buy such machines and get competent advice from us, Vendorus Group and from our colleagues - Siba-Vending, Vendex, Lucky Choice and others. You should not buy Korean and Chinese equipment - it breaks, the same applies to Ukrainian. In Russia, there are also equipment assemblers, but the build quality is still not up to par. Next, you need a van, such as Renault Kangoo or equivalent for the delivery of goods. That's all.


    Purchase of equipment (for example, 20 LEI 400 coffee machines from Bianchi) 4200*20=84000 euros

    Bill acceptors and coin changers - 20 pieces: 800*20=16000 Euro

    Rent of places for installation of machines (approximately) - 40,000 per month

    1 operator - 30,000 rubles, outsourced accountant - 5,000 rubles. (monthly)

    Renting a small office - 10,000 rubles. per month.

    Procurement for loading ingredients - 120,000 rubles. per month

At the first stage we use the operator on the car. Compensation for the cost of fuel and lubricants - 5000 rubles. per month.

Total for the purchase: 100,000 euros

Total for the first 2 months of work: 90,000 * 2 = 180,000 rubles.

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How much we earn: 20 coffee pots can generate revenues of 400,000 rubles. per month Income before tax will be 400,000-120,000-90,000=190,000 rubles. If we pay 15% in the income minus expenses scheme, then 190,000-15% = 161,500 rubles. Payback will be a little over 2 years.

Are there any additional administrative requirements (for premises, experience of specialists, etc.)?

Requirements for equipment - availability of a quality certificate or a manufacturer's declaration (depending on the type of machines). The machines can be installed in any room, at positive temperatures, you only need a regular socket with grounding. If you work with coffee pots, then you often use bottled water (coffee tastes better), but you can also connect to the water supply through a filter. Specialists will have to be trained. We help our customers with this equipment.

- How should you approach the choice of a place to install the machine?

To achieve effective results of the machines, the installation site must meet the following parameters:

    Must be constantly present in the organization where we put the machine at least 300 people

    It is better if the organization works around the clock

    If visitors are forced to spend time waiting - great

    Purchasing power should be high enough - a person should not save on a chocolate bar or a cup of coffee

    The machine itself should be clearly visible, do not put it in the far corner

    The best places are business centers, sports facilities, universities, transport hubs.

- What is the working life of the machines? How often do they break down and need repair?

The service life of vending machines is at least 10 years (these are normal European vending machines!!!) Condition normal operation– careful maintenance and operation in accordance with the rules established by the manufacturer. Snack machines practically do not break, there are only problems with the cooler, and then only if they are transported in a prone position, which is expressly prohibited in the instructions. For coffee machines, the main thing is cleanliness, if the machine is not serviced, then it will stop making coffee, because. the coffee group will just break. You also need to be careful about the ingredients, do not choose them only by price, otherwise dry ingredients can clog the dispensing pipes, and dried coffee beans can lead to breakage of the coffee grinder.

The cost of repairs, if such a nuisance did happen, is very individual. The repair is minor and the operator himself can carry out the adjustment, because. all suppliers teach their customers how to operate the machines. Complicated repairs, which are extremely rare, are carried out by the service departments of most vending machine suppliers.

Now in the West, vending machines are very popular as a form of trade, and, through vending machines today, you can purchase almost any product, from household appliances to fresh products, such as vegetables and meat, and even buy spare shoes, an umbrella, style your hair, and even to invest in gold. Manufacturers of vending machines are constantly improving them, adapting them as much as possible to the needs of customers.

- Is it possible to order a machine for any product in Russia? How and where can this be done?

Yes, in Russia you can buy any machine that exists in the world. The question is how much the product offered by the machine is in demand. In addition, many types of automated trading in Russia are not possible due to legal prohibitions.


    Vending machines for over-the-counter medicines and hygiene products. In Europe, mini-pharmacies with small things that you may always need are successfully operating. We had conversations, we ourselves conducted several iterations with three pharmacy chains, but none of them dared to start automated trading, due to constant bans.

    It is not difficult at all to sell fresh fruits and vegetables in vending machines, and even useful, for example, in universities or schools. But you need to understand that the cost of a portion will not be cheap. It will require washing-cleaning-packing in portions and the price will include renting a place, etc.

    We tried to sell umbrellas. In my memory, two such sellers went bankrupt. The same is clearly in store for vending machine shoe dealers.

    Gold bullion machines are generally exclusive, but if a bank wants to create such a network of machines, we are ready to deliver such machines to Russia.

Seriously speaking, goods exotic for vending can be sold in vending machines, but these should not be independent chains, but some additional divisions of large companies. mobile phones, tights, lenses, books, etc. Some projects (books, caviar, umbrellas) were launched with our participation, but there is no serious growth in such sales yet. The most interesting and promising direction is now the sale of fresh milk in bottling (in bottles) through vending machines. Our company was the first in Russia to start supplying such vending machines and three large projects are already successfully operating. The service technology here is much more complicated, the equipment is much more expensive than traditional vending machines, but the interest is higher, and the product is of high quality and is in daily demand.

What can you save on and what should you not save on?

Don't skimp on equipment! Downtime and customer dissatisfaction lead to a sharp drop in revenue. To save money at the first stage, you can service the machines yourself, in an ordinary passenger car, and hire people later, when the network expands. The norm for one employee-operator is 20-30 machines.

- How long did it take you to pay back the initial investment?

Bought for about 2 years.

- What can you say about the profitability of this business? What is the average revenue from one machine?

The average revenue from coffee machines is about 20,000 rubles. per month. (30% will be the cost of the ingredients). Snack machines on average give 30,000-35,000 rubles. per month (50% - goods). Water machines - 25000-30000 (50% - goods) It should be noted that these are just average figures! There are leaders, there are outsiders among the machines. We rearrange the outsiders.

- Is there seasonality in your business?

Yes. It all depends on where the vending machines are installed, for example, there are summer holidays at the university and there is simply no one to buy sandwiches. But at the airport, on the contrary, summer is the peak. We work around the city, so we use the summer lull for holidays.

- What kind of specialists should you pay special attention to? How did you select key employees?

Particular attention should be paid to the selection of operators. They not only work with vending machines and goods, but also withdraw money from vending machines and bring it to the cashier. Therefore, we must be honest. They are also the face of your company in front of customers, so they must be accurate and polite. Operators were selected by trial and error. Internet search, probation- 1 month. If you are noticed in an addiction to alcohol, then immediately go out, if, according to the results of the inventory (monthly comparison of statistics on vending machines with the revenue brought in and the goods received), a shortage is detected, then we also immediately dismiss. So we are looking for. The scheme of work is simple - each operator is assigned a territory with automatic machines, which he serves - loads the goods, removes the proceeds, cleans and washes. Maintenance of each machine at least once every three days. If the point is good, then every day. The proceeds are handed over to the cash desk of the company, from there the collection service of the bank hands over to the account. All data on loaded goods and ingredients is also transferred to the office, to the manager who is responsible for the network operation. Documents for receipt of goods from the warehouse are also drawn up there. The operator at the warehouse receives the goods and takes them to the vending machines. The operator's salary is made up of base rate and % of the proceeds from the machines assigned to it. AT staffing operating company except for the actual operators, cashier, network management manager (in the functions of accounting and monitoring the work of operators, purchasing goods for storage, controlling balances, resolving questions on installing machines), network development manager (functions - searching for points for installing machines) , accountant, storekeeper. We have engineers service department allocated to a separate company, but often the engineer is part of the staff of the operator company.

Obviously, during the work you have tried various ways advertising. Which advertising media proved to be effective, and which ones did you eventually abandon?

If we talk about the vending network, then the machines themselves work perfectly, like advertising. If we talk about the sale of equipment, then the entire block of Internet advertising works perfectly, for the sale of coffee, both the Internet and advertising on the sides of our cars work perfectly.

- What can you say about the competition in your business?

There is competition for the installation sites of the machines, but still not strong. If you work accurately and with high-quality equipment, if the coffee is fresh and from beans, if the sandwiches do not age on the shelf, and the water is always cold, then there will be no competitors.

- Has the economic crisis affected the vending business?

Yes. It has become much more difficult to sell equipment, because. the ruble price of automatic rifles has increased and it has become more difficult for our customer to attract financing. As for the vending machine network, sales decreased somewhat when the income of our customers fell, but all the same, the vending machine network helped us a lot - real money is always at hand. In general, the revenue of the vending machine network fell by about 10%. Interestingly, the revenue from the Coffee project even increased, by about 30%.

- What other pitfalls does this business have?

- Pitfalls are mainly associated with risks administrative regulation, which is traditional for any business in the Russian Federation. Revenue from vending machines may still fall in the event of a drop in income from our customers. Attention should also be paid to the sanitary condition of the vending machines - we still sell food.

How do you see the prospects for further development of your business? Do you plan to expand or open related areas?

Yes, we plan to develop a network of vending machines for the sale of fresh milk in Moscow, we plan to expand sales of coffee beans and install roasting equipment. Several years ago we developed a franchising scheme for the development of a network of slot machines in the regions and are ready to offer it to our partners. In addition, we are looking for companies and entrepreneurs in the regions who would take on the functions of selling vending machines and their maintenance.

- Based on your experience, what would you advise to those who are just planning to start this business?

Carefully analyze the market and see where you can install machines. After the target group and the scope of work have been determined, you can proceed to the selection of the actual equipment and its suppliers. The main thing is not to rush to rent an area and not to miss what is in the warehouse of the sellers from the vending machines. You can always configure exactly the equipment that is ideal for your tasks. You should not buy machines such as those of a neighbor, the main thing is faster. Better to wait and get your option. It is also important to carefully listen to the advice of those who have been on the market for a long time, be sure to keep in touch with the supplier and his engineering service. Do not buy vending machines in Europe and carry them yourself. There will be more costs.