Questions for the controller of the technical condition of vehicles. Pre-trip technical inspection of vehicles

The obligation to undergo a pre-trip technical inspection of vehicles is enshrined in law. A new procedure for such inspection will come into force soon. Today we will analyze for whom PTOTS is mandatory, and what will happen if the established procedure is not followed.

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Pre-trip control of the technical condition of vehicles in 2018

The obligation to undergo a pre-trip inspection of vehicles (hereinafter referred to as PTOTS) is primarily regulated by the Federal Law of December 10, 1995 No. 196-FZ "On Road Safety", Part 6, Clause 1 and Part 5, Clause 5, Article 20. In these paragraphs, we are talking about the responsibility of companies and individual entrepreneurs in the operation of transport.

These measures are aimed at maintaining road safety, preventing the occurrence of accidents due to faulty equipment. The commercial use of cars, both trucks and passenger cars, occurs with a high intensity, incomparable with the operation of a private owner. Accordingly, all components and parts wear out much faster and require an attentive attitude.

Regular maintenance, as well as regular PTOTS, are almost completely excluded due to violations and breakdowns in the units of a car or other vehicle. Accordingly, the company does not lose funds for repairs after an accident, and does not incur losses due to vehicle downtime.

The procedure for conducting a pre-trip technical inspection of vehicles

The inspection procedure is a set of activities that are carried out before each. The inspection is carried out by a specially trained employee with the appropriate qualifications - the controller. He is also responsible for the technical condition of vehicles and equipment.

Checking should be carried out in a specially equipped box (room) with all necessary equipment:

  • apparatus for checking and adjusting the headlight beam;
  • tire pressure gauge;
  • gas analyzer (for gasoline and diesel engines);
  • apparatus that determines the steering play;
  • mobile lamp;
  • convergence tester;

Besides, There are certain requirements for the premises..

So, it must be equipped with:

  • a pit for inspection with recessed lighting lamps and sockets;
  • should be well ventilated;
  • have heating for the cold season;
  • controller's rest room.

All this will allow you to accurately assess the state of technology and prevent.

Not only the equipment of the test box is regulated, but also the time of PTOTS (Decree of the USSR State Committee for Labor dated March 13, 1987 No. 153/6). This ordinance is still in effect today. The Uniform Time Standards adopted by him in clause 1.6 establish the duration of the pre-trip inspection of the vehicle for no more than 18 minutes. Naturally, it will not be possible to carry out such work on time without an appropriately equipped box.

When checking by a mechanic-controller technical condition is assessed:

  • brake system;
  • steering;
  • engine oil level;
  • tire pressure;
  • external assessment of the units of the unit for visible defects (leakage of liquids, deformations, etc.).

A complete list of malfunctions in which the operation of vehicles is prohibited is given in the "On the Rules of the Road".


The decision to bring the car to the line is made by the mechanic who performs the inspection. He puts the appropriate stamp in, confirming that the PTOTS has been completed, no malfunctions have been identified, the vehicle is in good condition. The date of inspection and the signature of the mechanic are also affixed. If the driver agrees with the conclusion of the specialist, he also signs and can leave for the flight.

Upon detection of breakdowns and defects that do not allow further operation, the controller sends the vehicle to a repair shop.

Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated April 6, 2017 No. 141

Approved by the Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated April 6, 2017 No. 141, entered into force on December 25, 2017.

It contains a complete list of the work that the controller must perform during the inspection of the vehicle before the flight. The list of all checks is established in paragraphs. 6 and 7 of the Procedure for organizing and conducting pre-trip control of the technical condition of vehicles (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure).

Clause 10 of the Procedure prohibits release to the line without the permission of a mechanic and a corresponding mark in the waybill.

After the inspection, its data are entered into a special journal. The obligation to maintain such a journal for all legal entities and individual entrepreneurs is unconditional. However, its form is not unified and, if necessary, information required for a particular enterprise can be added to it.

In turn, the new Procedure involves entering new data into the waybill. An inspection mark is mandatory.

The new Procedure also provides a list of what is subject to inspection during PTOTS, describes the qualification requirements for the controller, and provides a list of the necessary data to be included in the registration log.

Order on pre-trip control of the technical condition of vehicles

To organize work on the implementation of pre-trip inspections of the technical condition of vehicles, an order is issued. There are no specific legal requirements for it. Therefore, it is enough to issue an order for organization.

The text of the order establishes those responsible for conducting inspections and the procedure for filling out the necessary documents. However, when preparing such an order, Order No. 141 should be taken into account. And in order not to issue a new order later, it is worth taking care of its compliance with the new standards.

In the Procedure, in particular, the necessary minimum for the qualification of the controller is established. Therefore, you should initially either train the future responsible person to the required level, or hire a ready-made specialist.

The persons appearing in the order must be familiar with its text. For this, a section “I am familiar with the order” is provided, in which the signatures of responsible persons are affixed.

Sample order on pre-trip technical control of vehicles

Find the sample document on labor protection you need in the Reference system "Labor protection". Experts have already compiled 2506 templates!

Who must pass

Article 2 of the Order determines that PTOTS should be carried out by those companies that are engaged in transportation by cars and urban ground electric transport (trolleybuses, trams). Thus, taxis, other passenger transportations and are not distinguished. All of these carriers must carry out the inspection.

The only question that remains is about organizations transporting employees or management in corporate vehicles. Do they require a pre-trip inspection? Despite the fact that the scale of transportation for such companies is scanty compared to taxi organizations, they still carry out transportation by road, albeit for their own needs. Therefore, evasion of inspections of machines may result in fines.


All companies that have a vehicle at their disposal are required to carry out PTOTS.

Who has the right to conduct


An inspection can be carried out by an inspector accepted into the staff of the company and certified in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Transport. On such an employee, by order of the head, it is necessary to assign the responsibility to conduct a pre-trip inspection. The controller performs its work on the basis of the job description developed and adopted by the employer.

Note that the maintenance of a mechanic or controller in the state is advisable for large transport companies. It is cost-effective and reasonable.

In a situation where there are 1 or 2 cars in the organization, it is expensive to maintain a special person. The way out may be to hire a part-time employee or to attract a third-party service that provides such services.

As a rule, services assign a certain master to a particular company. In addition, if the PTOTS is not carried out with high quality, and as a result of this, then the responsibility will be borne not by the owner of the car, but by the service servicing it.

Log book for passing the pre-trip technical control of the vehicle

The accounting journal does not have a form adopted at the legislative level. Article 11 of the Procedure only contains mandatory data included in such a document.

These include:

1) make and model of the vehicle;

2) number of state registration of the vehicle;

3) full name of the driver of the vehicle;

4) full name of the employee who conducted the inspection;

5) the date and time of its holding;

6) data on the total mileage of the vehicle, in km;

7) a mark on the passage of PTOTS;

8) signatures of the driver and inspector.

It is worth remembering that, if necessary, other information related to the inspection can be entered in the log.

Sample log of pre-trip technical inspection of vehicles

Vehicle pre-trip inspection stamp

Started on February 26, 2017. He introduces into the Mandatory details and the procedure for filling out waybills clause 16.1, which assumes the presence of a stamp on the passage of PTOTS. Such a mark can be affixed in the form of a stamp “Pre-trip inspection of the vehicle passed”. The date of the inspection and the signature of the mechanic who carried it out are affixed on the stamp.

The presence of stamps on waybills is mandatory not only for transport companies, but for everyone who has vehicles.

What happens if there is no mark on PTOTS

Violation of any technical inspection procedures or filling out documentation entails the imposition of an administrative fine in accordance with. The amount of fines depends on who was imposed:

  • for an individual - 3,000 rubles;
  • for an official - 5,000 rubles;
  • for a legal entity - 30,000 rubles.

Responsibility extends not only to legal entities, but also to individual entrepreneurs. Punishment in terms of the size of the company is not so significant, however, if a violation is revealed in the process of obtaining insurance compensation as a result of an accident, then it will be denied. And this is a cost of a different order.

The controller of the technical condition of vehicles is constantly in contact with drivers, representatives of the forwarding department and other employees of the company. In this regard, the employee is required to have well-coordinated speech, communication skills, and a polite attitude towards people. Among the important personal qualities of a professional, it is worth highlighting a developed memory, the presence of logical thinking, he must be attentive and prompt. Employers appreciate purposeful initiative employees with good stress resistance. This profession is one of the most demanded in modern times, because the number of vehicles is increasing every year, and, accordingly, the demand for their maintenance is growing. Having received all the necessary knowledge and skills, the employee will be able to clearly and reliably fulfill his duties, while there is always a chance for career growth and advancement, advanced training. It is worth noting that the salary of such employees is rather big, but depends primarily on the size of the organization in which he is employed.

Certification of the inspector of the technical condition of vehicles

Before mastering this profession, the applicant must receive a secondary education. If he has not graduated from any specialized institution, then you can take training courses, but it is important to consider that for this you need to get a higher education in a related field, for example, get a diploma in engineering or automotive engineering. In addition, employees who have received a specialized higher education are allowed to work, and when undergoing retraining, no preliminary experience is required. And also there is an opportunity to get a job after receiving the specialties of enlarged groups (23.00.00). But in this case, the retraining of the inspector of the technical condition of vehicles is carried out only after he has worked in the profession for at least a year.

General provisions

The employee assigned to this position is a worker. Basically, employers require an incomplete higher education in the specialty and work experience of at least a year. Or they can hire an employee with a complete higher vocational education.
In this case, experience is not required in all organizations. The director of the company can dismiss or hire an employee by issuing an appropriate order. The instruction of the inspector of the technical condition of vehicles must indicate to whom this employee reports and who is directly subordinate to him.


When entering a job, an employee must be well versed in vehicles, know their structure, design features, as well as the requirements for serviceable units. His knowledge should include the methods and activities necessary to control and check the health of the transport, as well as all types of breakdowns that he must identify in the course of his work.
He must understand the principle by which computer diagnostics of machines is carried out and use it in practice, knowing all the rules for handling equipment. In addition, he must know how the claim documentation is drawn up, fixing the level of quality of maintenance, as well as the repair of individual parts of vehicles. He must be familiar with all the rules, regulations, procedures and charter of the organization.

Responsibilities and characteristics of work

The duties of the inspector of the technical condition of motor vehicles include monitoring the technical condition of motor vehicles before and after departure. If special equipment is available, then he is obliged to conduct computer diagnostics. He must prohibit departure if he detects malfunctions or a violation of the integrity of the transport. Also, this employee is engaged in checking the quality of repair work with the car itself or its individual components by other employees of the company.


In addition, the professional standard of the inspector of the technical condition of vehicles includes such functions as the preparation of documents relating to applications for repair work, the elimination of breakdowns in vehicles and the registration of cars. In his activities, this employee is obliged to take into account all the standards, requirements, acts, provisions on labor protection, industrial safety and other rules established by the company.


The specialist who has received this position has the right to carry out actions that do not go beyond his competence, aimed at preventing and eliminating any inconsistencies or violations. He also has the right to all social guarantees that are provided for by the current legislation, as well as to demand from his superiors assistance in the performance of his duties, if necessary.
In addition, the inspector of the technical condition of vehicles has the right to demand from the company that he create good organizational and technical conditions, as well as provide the inventory and equipment necessary for the performance of work. The employee has the right to view all documents that relate to his work duties, as well as to make requests for information, materials and documentation necessary for the implementation of labor activities. He has the right to improve the level of qualification and to report to the authorities about any identified violations or inconsistencies in the work of the organization, offering his own ways to solve the problems that have arisen.


The inspector of the technical condition of motor vehicles may be held liable for untimely or poor-quality performance of the duties assigned to him by the company's management and instructions. He is responsible for violation of any rules, norms and techniques provided by the enterprise, as well as for the disclosure of trade secrets or any other confidential information regarding the activities of the company.
This employee can be held liable for violation of the administrative, criminal and labor codes in the course of his work. He can also be involved for exceeding his official powers or using them for his own personal purposes. In addition, he is responsible for causing material damage to the company. All penalties must comply with the current legislation of the country.


Quite attractive and highly paid is the position of the controller of the technical condition of vehicles. The demand for such maintenance of machines in our time is quite large, so having received this profession, a specialist is unlikely to be able to quickly find a suitable job for himself. But there are also disadvantages, this is a very hard work that requires increased responsibility, attentiveness and other nuances.
The employee must constantly communicate with customers and other employees of the company. Of course, duties and other points of instructions may vary depending on the scale and direction of the work of the organization where he is employed. But all changes cannot go beyond the current legislation. Before assuming duties, the employee is obliged to familiarize himself with all the governing documents and coordinate his powers in the company with his superiors.

Must meet a number of requirements. Persons with incomplete higher education in the relevant direction or complete vocational education are allowed to work in this specialty. In this case, the experience must be at least one year.

General rules

Vehicle technical condition controller enrolled in the staff and dismissed by order of the director. Local documents define the persons to whom the employee reports directly and whose activities he has the right to manage. Vehicle technical condition controller in case of absence, may be replaced by an employee appointed in accordance with established rules. At the same time, such a person receives the appropriate rights and is responsible for the improper performance of the tasks assigned to him.

Vehicle technical condition controller: instructions

To carry out activities, the employee must know:

  1. Design features, structure, requirement for serviceable vehicles.
  2. Means and methods for checking the condition of machines.
  3. Types of faults to be identified.
  4. Principles of operation of computer diagnostic systems, the procedure for handling them.
  5. Rules for drawing up claims documentation for the quality of maintenance, repair of parts of machines and units.
  6. OT rules.

Responsibilities of the inspector of the technical condition of vehicles

The employee checks the serviceability of the vehicle before leaving and after returning to the parking lot. In this case, the specialist uses computer diagnostic systems (if available). In the event of a malfunction, it prohibits access to the line. The tasks of the employee also include checking the quality of the work performed by the maintenance of the vehicle. The specialist exercises control in the process of receiving components and assemblies after their repair and assembly. If damage is detected, the employee draws up the appropriate documentation. It also prepares and registers troubleshooting and repair requests. Thus, realizing their tasks, the employee to a certain extent influences. In carrying out his activities, the employee must know, understand and apply relevant industry regulations, including those regulating the protection of nature and labor.


The controller can:

  1. Take action to eliminate and prevent any inconsistencies and violations.
  2. Receive guarantees provided by law.
  3. Demand assistance in the implementation of the tasks assigned to him.
  4. Get acquainted with the content of draft documents related to its activities.
  5. Require the formation of organizational and technical conditions for the proper performance of duties, the provision of the necessary inventory and equipment.
  6. Request and receive documentation, information, materials for the implementation of their activities, the implementation of the provisions of the acts adopted by the head.
  7. Raise your qualifications.
  8. Report all inconsistencies and violations found in the course of activities to management and submit proposals for their elimination.
  9. Get acquainted with the documentation that defines his duties and rights, the criteria by which the quality of his work is assessed.


The controller is responsible for:

  1. Untimely fulfillment or failure to fulfill the tasks assigned to him in accordance with industry, including local, acts.
  2. Non-compliance with the rules of the order at the enterprise, health, safety, fire protection and
  3. Disclosure of information about the organization related to trade secrets.
  4. Non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the instructions of internal acts, legal orders of the head of the enterprise.
  5. Offenses committed in the course of the implementation of the tasks. Responsibility comes within the limits provided by administrative, civil, criminal norms.
  6. Causing property damage to the enterprise within the limits established by law.
  7. Unlawful use of the powers granted to the employee in connection with his activities, including for personal purposes.

Production of cars on the line

Road safety regulated by federal law. In accordance with the provisions of Article 196-FZ 20, entrepreneurs and legal entities that transport vehicles must organize and perform a pre-trip check. The purpose of this procedure is to prevent faulty machines from entering the line. The vehicle is checked according to the established production scheme:

  1. A responsible employee is determined who will act as a controller.
  2. The area where the test will be performed is being equipped.
  3. A list of faults is determined, the presence of which is the basis for a ban on the release of the vehicle on the line.


To appoint an employee of an enterprise to the position of an inspection vehicle, a professional retraining. Vehicle technical condition controller receives knowledge in the framework of special programs. They are developed by specialized educational institutions. By order of the Ministry of Education and Science, the minimum volume of the course has been established, which must be attended by the inspector of the technical condition of vehicles. Training takes at least 250 hours.

Check point

The site of technical control should be equipped in a heated, closed ventilated room, equipped with a canopy. It provides for an inspection pit with lighting and sockets for connecting portable lamps with a voltage of 12 V. The checkpoint is equipped with a room for an employee who checks the vehicle. must comply with the parameters provided for by the norms ONTP 01-91. Control points are equipped with:

  1. Devices for checking and adjusting headlights.
  2. Tire gauge.
  3. A device for checking the play of the steering system.
  4. Gas analyzer (for diesel and gasoline engines).
  5. Ruler for control of a convergence of wheels.
  6. Locksmith tools.
  7. Portable lamp.


The release of the vehicle on the line is carried out after assessing the condition of individual systems, units, components of the vehicle itself and the trailer. The indicators must comply with the requirements of regulatory enactments. For the braking system at the entrance to the inspection point, the driver abruptly stops the vehicle. The condition of the parking unit is assessed at the exit. In the inspection hole, the hydraulic brake is inspected and checked for leaks and the pneumatic system is listened to (with the pedal depressed). The total steering play is measured on a stationary vehicle with a special device that fixes the angle and the beginning of the turn. Release of the car is allowed if it is recognized as serviceable. The admission must be confirmed by the signature of the employee who performed the verification. The autograph is affixed to the Serviceable vehicle and is accepted by the driver, confirming the proper condition of the vehicle with a signature.

Vehicle technical condition controller- This is a specialist who is engaged in the daily check of those. condition of cars before and after their work, sends the vehicle for repairs, monitors the consumption of technical fluids, fuel.

Short description

The duties of this specialist include a daily check of the technical condition of the vehicle, as well as entering data into the waybill. It monitors fuel consumption and those. liquids, preventing their inappropriate use. In the event of a breakdown, the controller sends the car for repair, and then takes it back, checking the quality of the work performed.

The specialist must understand the design features of cars of different brands. Therefore, to work in this area, you need a secondary technical or higher transport education.

Features of the profession

The controller works in transport companies that have more than 100 units of commercial vehicles on their balance sheets. This specialist must have good qualifications, work experience and impeccable professional knowledge, because an untimely detected breakdown can lead to an emergency on the road and to material losses for the company.

The specialist must perform the following list of works daily:

  • checking those. the condition of vehicles before each trip to work and after returning to the garage;
  • filling out travel / repair sheets;
  • check if necessary. conditions during the operation of vehicles;
  • verification of driver's documents (insurance, rights, etc.);
  • maintaining documentation (registration of applications for repairs, etc.);
  • checking the condition of the car before and after repair work;
  • consumption control. liquids, fuel;
  • monitoring compliance with traffic rules;
  • instruction for drivers;
  • checking the speedometer readings and measuring fuel, entering data into a special journal;
  • the specialist is obliged to deliver the car to the base in case of an accident or breakdown of the vehicle.

There are many responsibilities, the work is difficult and nervous, but the salary of this specialist is low!

Pros and cons of the profession


  1. Official registration, a full social package (sick leave, vacation, insurance, work experience).
  2. Some of the companies that employ these professionals provide accommodation, meals, and travel expenses.
  3. Regular working day.
  4. The specialist himself distributes his working time.
  5. If a representative of the profession complies with all the rules, then the likelihood of force majeure and serious emergencies is minimized.
  6. Work as a controller can be combined with another profession.
  7. You can undergo retraining in any city in Russia, and the cost of training does not exceed 10-14 thousand rubles.


  1. The average salary, the amount of which depends on the region of residence.
  2. It is necessary to constantly learn, learning about new laws, changes in those. standards, regulations, etc.
  3. It's hard to get a job without experience.
  4. The work is nervous.
  5. High degree of responsibility.

Important Personal Qualities

A representative of the profession communicates daily with drivers, freight forwarders and other employees of the company, so he must be distinguished by correct speech, communication skills and such important personal qualities:

  • politeness;
  • good memory;
  • purposefulness;
  • logical thinking;
  • responsibility;
  • accuracy;
  • initiative;
  • attentiveness;
  • efficiency;
  • punctuality;
  • good self-control;
  • literacy;
  • accuracy;
  • obligation;
  • honesty.

Training for the Inspector of the technical condition of vehicles

You can master this profession in any city in Russia, having previously received a secondary or higher education in the following specialties:

  • specialties of the enlarged group 23.00.00 (for retraining, work experience of at least 1 year is required);
  • profile specialty (specialty code 23.02.03, work experience is not needed for retraining);
  • non-core secondary or higher education.

People who do not have a specialized education undergo a training course, after which they can immediately start working as a controller. It is worth noting that in order to take such courses, you need higher education in related fields (engineer, expert auto technician, car repairman, etc.).

The Interregional Academy of the Construction and Industrial Complex (MASPK), acting on the basis of an appropriate license, conducts training under the program within the framework of additional education programs. Specialists with higher or secondary specialized education can undergo professional retraining or advanced training. Upon completion of the course, a diploma or certificate of the established form is issued.


This center has part-time and full-time education, so you can combine work with retraining. The average cost of education is 8-14 thousand rubles. But the final price directly depends on the number of people in the group, the form of training. Here you can learn the profession of a controller in 254 hours.


Salary as of 04/22/2019

Russia 15000—50000 ₽

Moscow 30000—56500 ₽

Professional knowledge

  1. Rules for the repair and maintenance of automobiles.
  2. Traffic rules.
  3. Rules for maintaining accompanying documentation.
  4. Basic knowledge of traffic safety.
  5. Technical characteristics of different cars and rules for their operation.
  6. The ability to diagnose this or that breakdown of the vehicle on non-specific grounds.
  7. Norms of labor protection and fire safety.
  8. Rules for the acceptance of vehicles that returned to the base after repair or work.
  9. Methods that allow you to quickly evaluate those. car condition.
  10. Knowledge of the labor code and transport legislation of the Russian Federation.
  11. Ability to work with a computer.
  12. The ability to drive a car, the presence of a driver's license.

Course Description:

Recent changes in legislation have determined that certain positions in motor transport enterprises and firms can only be occupied by employees who have received a specialized education. These amendments to the law apply to specialty of the controller of the technical condition of transport.

To qualify for this position, you must undergo retraining in the specialty and receive a diploma of the established sample. ANO DPO invites students to visit refresher courses and professional retraining majoring in "Technical Controller" condition of vehicles.

Why is it necessary to train vehicle technical condition inspectors?

For companies engaged in trucking, the condition and performance of the fleet is the key to successful and efficient operation. To ensure such an atmosphere, well-coordinated work of the team is required, as well as the presence of specialists of appropriate qualifications in the staff. The amendments introduced by the law prohibit the work of such specialists without the appropriate permit. At the same time, the qualifications of an employee must be confirmed by a document, and not simply by the presence of skills in their field.

Training from scratch to controller profession takes a lot of time and effort. The best solution might be to retraining at the training center. Persons attending these courses receive up-to-date information on their specialty, as well as practical knowledge and skills.

Features of training in the specialty "Controller of the technical condition of vehicles"

The main goal pursued controller training technical condition of vehicles, - providing basic theoretical knowledge and important practical skills that allow service specialists who perform diagnostics and control of the working condition of the fleet to successfully cope with their duties.

Professional retraining courses enable students to gain the necessary knowledge in the field of the legislative framework, up-to-date information on the indicators taken as the norm when determining the technical condition of vehicles, as well as knowledge of how technical inspection of any type of vehicle is organized and carried out.
Obtaining the specialty of a controller involves studying on the educational portal of the SNTA through the use of distance technologies. That is, citizens from any remote region of Russia can undergo training.

The educational program is designed for 316 hours of study. To enroll in courses, it is enough to submit an online application using the appropriate form on the website. Experienced specialists of the Modern Science and Technology Academy take part in the development of the curriculum of the course, the training takes place in accordance with current legislation.

Taking advantage distance learning, students can obtain the required qualifications without interrupting their main activities. In this case, the beginning of classes, as well as their duration, are determined by the students themselves. To resolve current issues of education, as well as to receive timely advice on academic disciplines, a form of online communication with the teaching staff and curators has been established.

The final stage of education is the preparation and defense of the final attestation work and the final attestation for the course. Successful passing guarantees students to receive a certificate of education - diploma of the inspector of the state of transport of the established sample. This document is a work permit and a permit for a specialist to perform professional duties.


Received documents:

Important! The diploma does not specify the form of study (full-time / part-time).

Entry conditions:

Training in the direction "Controller of the technical condition of vehicles" makes it possible to obtain a certificate of advanced training. Also, for certain areas and specialties, additional documents are provided if they are required by departmental regulatory legal acts: certificates, books, etc.

In order to become a student of the academy, you must meet several requirements and perform some actions:

  • Have a diploma of secondary vocational or higher education in the specialty
  • Apply for training under the program of professional retraining or advanced training in the direction of "Controller of the technical condition of vehicles" in electronic format:
    - by email,
    - via the feedback form on the site,
    - or call the free 24-hour phone;
  • Provide documents confirming the identity and the existing level of education;
  • After signing the contract, complete a distance learning course;
  • Pass the final test and receive a diploma of retraining or a certificate of advanced training in the program "Controller of the technical condition of vehicles."